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In~J Fatigu~lO No 3 (1988) pp 193-198

Analytical fatigue evaluation of

externally welded box girders
M A b o - H a r n d , M. E1 H a d d a d and H.. A b d e l R a u o f

An analytical method is presented for evaluating the fatigue strength and life of externally
welded box girders used in crane and bridge structures. In this method, fracture
mechanics techniques are used to study the effect of lack of weld penetration by
treating this defect as a real crack. Crack initiation and propagation models are employed
to study the effect of internal weld defects. The proposed method is illustrated by
evaluating the fatigue strength and life of an externally welded box girder of a gantry
Key words: fatigue; analytical evaluation; externally welded box girders; fracture

Notation K' elastic stress intensity concentration

Kt theoretical stress concentration
initial crack size factor
final crack size L crack size measured from edge of
C weld cavity radius notch
G ctifical weld cavity radius L0 material constant
da/dN fatigue crack growth rate R cyclic stress ratio
E modulus of elasticity S nominal normal stress
stress intensity back surface and S. nominal stress amplitude
geometry correction factors 6 local normal stress
F ! stress intensity correction factor ~ local shear stress
F~(L/I,~,F~r,(L/IY/) back boundary correction factors g local strain
K stress intensity factor q nominal shear stress

Introduction be achieved betwen flange and web plates, and (2) weld
preparation at the web edge must be undertaken such that
Box girders used in crane and bridge structures are usually the root face is adequate for the achievement of regular
fabricated such that the flange-to-web corner connection is penetration (in the case of a manual weld) and provides
either welded from both the interior and exterior sides, Fig. resistance to breaking out at the back of the root.
l(b), or is welded from the external side only using a complete In this paper, the fatigue characteristics of the alternative
penetration weld, Fig. 1(c). These two kinds of joint present joint are investigated using fracture mechanics techniques.
some fabrication difficulties, such as welding and painting Crack propagation that results from a lack of penetration
inside the closed box girder and the necessary edge prepara- and/or internal defects is investigated. The results are then
tion. Furthermore, the stress conditions at the corner connec- used to estimate the fatigue strength and fatigue life of the
tion usually require a minimum size of weld, the box girder alternative joint design.
design being governed by more severe stress requirements
at other stress concentration locations, such as stiffener and
Failure m o d e s
diaphragm positions. Consequently, an alternative joint with
only an external fillet welding, Fig. l(d), is sometimes Most fatigue cracks in welded joints initiate at areas of local
employed. stress concentration, such as weld toes or weld defects. 3-s
The main problem with this joint is its fatigue assess- Weld defects in the form of porosity, gas cavity, or lack
ment. No international design code gives clear design recom- of penetration may be introduced during the welding process
mendations for this kind of assembly. For example, British or as a result of design limitations. The external fillet weld
Standard BS 54001 suggests that specialist advice is sought at the box girder corner introduces an internal lack of pene-
if this joint method is to be rated higher than the most tration at the flange-to-web joint, see Fig. 2(a). This lack
severe classification available. The European Convention for of penetration acts as a real crack which may grow under
Construction of Steel Work ECCS 2 permits the use of this fatigue loads. The rate of propagation of this crack deter-
kind of ioint under two conditions: (1) very good fit must mines the fatigue life of the ioint. In this section, fracture

0142-1123/88/030193-06 $3.00 © 1988 Butterworth & Co (Publishers) ktd

Int J Fatigue July 1988 193

Fig. 3 Straining actions on corner weld: (a) longitudinal weld shear,

(b) longitudinal weld bending

subjected to longitudinal bending about the weld axis. The

.- normal stresses due to this bending make the two crack
a b surfaces move normal to each other in opposite directions.
Hence, these stresses cause the crack to propagate in opening
mode I through the weld metal, see Figs 2 and 3(b).
Normal stresses due to the axial load and bending mo-
ment may cause fatigue cracks to grow radially from internal
or external defects in planes normal to the box girder axis.
The surfaces of such cracks are displaced normal to each
other in opposite directions and will therefore propagate
in mode I, as shown in Fig. 4. In the next section, fracture
mechanics techniques are employed to predict the fatigue
crack propagation rates of the corner weld in various
directions. To simplify the analysis, the effect of each
c d
deformation mode is treated separately, although in practice
Fig. 1. Box girder and corner details: (a) box girder, (b) exterior these modes act in combination. The effect of interaction
and interior welds, (c) complete penetration (exterior), (d) exterior
fillet weld between different modes will be evaluated using mixed mode
criteria, 13 as illustrated in the design example presented at
mechanics techniques are applied to estimate the crack the end of this paper.
growth rates and hence predict the fatigue life of the pro-
posed joint. To establish such an analysis, it is necessary
to define the stress state at the box girder comer connection, Fatigue analysis
and then identify the different displacement modes associated Crack propagation from lack of penetration
with possible crack propagation directions. The comer joint
is subjected to the following stresses: The lack of penetration defect acts as a real crack and it
may grow in deformation mode I or III. To determine if
• shear stresses due to the shear force and twisting such crack will grow or not, solutions for the stress intensity
moment, Fig. 3; factors corresponding to both deformation modes should
• normal stresses due to the axial force and bending be obtained.
Mode I
Shear stresses due to the shear force and twisting
moment produce longitudinal shear stresses parallel to the The stress intensity factor is given in Reference 6 as
axis of the box girder. These stresses make the two crack AKI = AS~FI(L/W) (1)
surfaces slide over each other in a direction parallel to the
longitudinal axis of the weld. Hence, these stresses cause where F,(L/W) = 1.122 - 1.4(L/W) + 7.33(L/W) 2 -
the crack to propagate in tearing mode III through the 13.1(L/W)3 + 14(L/IIY)4; /~S is the nominal stress range
weld metal, see Figs 2 and 3(b) at w d d root, L is the length of lack of penetration and
Furthermore, the box girder section rotates due to is taken conservatively as the web thickness, W is the total
torsion and suffers local bending due to wheel load distribu- width of the crack p a t h , and. FI(L/W) represents the
tion (Fig. 3), both of which cause the comer weld to be geometry correction factor which accounts for the effect
~"~ ~ ~ ~ ~.~

] " I -- :,~-- -- --

j j / ~ . ~ / / ~ . j

Fig. 2 Deformation modes ofcomer weld: (a) corner detail, (b) tearing mode III, (c) opening mode I

194 Int J Fatigue July 1988

..- ~ , %0~-
~ C
s S*'

Fig. 4 (a) Spherical void with circumferential crack at its equator. (b) Hemispherical surface pit with circumferential crack at its semi-equator

of boundaries on the local stress distribution at crack tip section inside the weld which is subjected to axial nominal
(weld root). The value of F~(L/W) is estimated to be 1.5, stresses as shown in Fig. 4. Fatigue resistance is determined
which corresponds to a value of L/W equals to one-half. 6 by the behaviour of the metal in this highly stressed region
Substituting these values into Equation (1), the value of where fatigue cracks initiate and then propagate until final
the stress intensity factor AKI can be readily computed. fracture occurs. An analysis similar to the one employed
The threshold stress intensity factor for the material for notched components will be carried out here to predict
of the box girder can be found, v If the applied stress intensity the threshold stresses required for crack initiation. The analy-
factor is less than the threshold value of the material, it sis takes into consideration the shape and size of the cavity,
can be concluded that the lack of penetration defect will the effect of mean stress and the cyclic properties of the
not propagate under the effect of longitudinal bending of material. First, fatigue analysis is applied to predict whether
the weld due to the torsion of the box girder. the applied normal stress will initiate fatigue cracks at the
edge of the internal cavity. The local stress-strain response
Mode III at the crack initiation region adjacent to the cavity may
The stress intensity factor due to mode III is given by be expressed in terms of the applied nominal stresses as
A K I I [ ---- Aqx/~-~Fm( L/ W) (~)
/c,s = ~ 6 - ~ (3)
where F u l ( L / W ) = 1 + 2 (L/W); fiq is the nominal shear
stress range at crack location, and L, W and Fm(L/W) are where Kt is the theoretical stress concentration factor of
defined as before. The value of Fm(L/W ) is estimated as the internal cavity, S is the applied nominal stress, ~ is
2 for this case. n Substituting these values into Equation the local stress, and 8 is the local strain. The local response
(2) gives the value of the stress intensity factor AKm. The can be obtained from the simultaneous solution of Equation
threshold stress intensity factor for the material correspond- (3), a cyclic stress-strain and cyclic loop curves. The cyclic
ing to mode III can also be found. 7 If this value is larger deformation curves employed here are those for A36 steel. 3
than the computed value above, it can be concluded that The K t value used was taken to be equal to 3 as suggested
the lack of penetration defect will not propagate when it in References 5 and 8 for internal weld cavities. Fig. 5 shows
is subjected to cyclic shear. the local stress-strain calculation based on Equation (3).
From this curve, the maximum and minimum stresses,
Crack propagation from internal defects the associated stress range, and the stress ratio can be found.
Incomplete weld penetration causes expansion of trapped The stress range should be compared with the fatigue limit
air during the welding process, which results in the formation of the material to check if cracks will initiate at a specific
of gas cavities. 5 Fatigue cracks may initiate and propagate flaw. The fatigue limit of the material can be estimated from
from these cavities when axial bending stresses are applied.
Non-destructive techniques can be used to determine [A~01. = [ a ~ 0 ] R = - i 1 - eu
the geometries of these cavities. However, reliable flaw detec-
tion can only be achieved for relatively large flaws. For where [A~e] R is the fatigue limit stress range at stress ratio
example, when a 90% crack detection probability is required, R, (y= is the mean stress, c~u is the ultimate stress of the
only flaws larger than 6.3 m m for ultrasonic inspection and material and [A~e]R=_ ~ is the fatigue limit stress range at
7.8 mm for radiographi c inspection would be found. 4 Gas a stress ratio equal to --1, and can be estimated as being
cavities of some initial:size should therefore be assumed two-thirds of the ultimate stress. From this equation, the
when estimating the fatigue life of the proposed joint. The fatigue limit corresponding to the stress ratio R can be found.
assumed size of a gas cavity should not exceed 0.25 times If this value is smaller than the applied stress range, crack
the weld throat size3 I f a weld size o f 6 mm is used, a initiation will occur.
gas cavity of 1.5 m m may be assumed.
Threshold crack propagation stresses
CracR initiation strossos
Cracks thus formed at the edge o f the internal cavity will
Consider an internal cavity of elliptical or circular cross advance first through the highly Stressed region close to

Int J Fatigue July 1988 195

B 4.0

~ 4.01-i ~ ~ ~ 5.0

in curve Kt = 3 K : KLoc'-ffZ-
-g -~ 2.0
~ "~... :~ $~--~
. _ ~ ~ .....
I 2
o # L/C
// R=fmni /Gmxa Fig. 6 Stress intensity factor solution
X [ ~ ~
= c)/L (8)
0 I ~ I ~ ~
~ 0 . 0 ~ 0 . 0 ~ ~006 0.008 A lower bound of the exact solution for threshold stress
~ Strain, ~ given by Equation (5) may be derived by substituting the
upper bound estimates of K' given by Equation (8) into
Equation (5) as follows:

a S , h = AKt~ ~ /x//'~(L + Lo) (9)

Fig. 5 Local stress-strain simulation
This equation has a maximum value of ASp at a crack length
the cavity, and then continue through the weld metal until equal to Cx/~0. The maximum value of ASth corresponding
final fracture occurs when the initial diameter of the cavity to complete failure is
is larger than a certain value. However, below this value, ASp = a,0/(1 + , / - ~ 0 ) (10)
cracks may only initiate and propagate to a certain size and
then become nonpropagadng. 9 To estimate the minimum It should be noted that Equation (10) is only valid for
threshold stress required for crack propagation until failure, cavity sizes below a critical size C= which can be obtained
consider a circumferential crack of length L at the equator by equating the stress required for initiation to that required
of the internal cavity as shown in Fig. 4(a). The threshold for complete crack propagation. This gives
stress range ASt~ is C0r = (K, - 1)~L0 (11)
AS, h = AKta/IC ~/n(L + Lo) (5) Fatifuo lifo prodiction
where AK,~ is the threshold stress intensity factor of the In the previous section it was shown that cracks initiated
material, and L 0 is the material constant which accounts from internal cavities of a size greater than C= will propagate
for the crack growth of very small cracks. This constant until final fracture under a nominal normal stress range of
can be expressed as a function of AK, h and A~, as follows: 9 ASp. The number of cycles spent in fatigue crack propagation
can be estimated from the following fatigue crack growth
L° = ~ ~, A ~ ] (6) rate law: 3
da/dN = A ( A K - AKth) 2 (12)
The effect of mean stress is taken into accotmt when estimat-
ing AK~ as follows: 7 where da/dN is the crack growth rate per cycle, ~t is the
material constant 3 x 10-9, AK is the applied stress intensity
AKt~ = [AK~R=o (1 - 0.85R) (7) range, and AK~h is the threshold st~ss intensity factor, in
where [AK~] 0 is the threshold stress intensity factor ksix/~ units. The following expression for the stress intensity
corresponding to a stress ratio of zero which varies with factor can be used: •

the material used. AK = ASo = rASo,.,/ 03)

Solutions for the elastic stress concentration factor K'
given in Equation (5) which account for the effect of cavity where Ug and F are the geometry correction factors which
geometry are obtained on the basis of solutions given in account for the effect of cavity geometry and back surface,
References 6 and 10. The results are shown in Fig. 6. It respectively, l°'a~ and a i~s the effective crack size, which is
should be emphasized that as the crack size L reaches zero, equal to an edge crack of length L plus the cavity radius
values of K' reach the theoretical stress concentration factor C. Solutions for Fg, F and F ' are shown in Fig. 7. The
K~ of the uncracked cavity, which is approximately equal value of F ' remains constant at 0.7 over a wide range of
to 3. On the other hand, as the crack size increases and crack width ratios.
progresses beyond the zone of influence of the cavity, K t The following expression for the effective stress range
may be approximated by equating the concentration of a AS~ will be used to account for the effect of mean stress: lz
crack of length L emanating from a cavity of radius C
to that of a crack of length (L + C), k ASerf = 2(SmaxSa) ½ = ~ AS (14)

196 Int J Fatigue July 1988

where S ~ and S~ are the maximum stress and stress ampli-
tude, respectivdy. Integrating Equation (12) gives
N~, = ~ I da/(F'ASaf ~ - AKtO~ (15) , .2
~a i

Noting that F', AS~ and AKIn arc const~ts, the ~tegral
gives ~ I.C
1 )
= x + l .e
~ 0.8

+ z
16, _[
"~ 0 . 6
K=FgF ~
where k = - ~K~h and ~ = 2 ( S m ~ ~ ~ P ' . ~

N 0.4
Example of an application
In this section, the above analysis will be employed to evalu-
ate the fatigue strength and life of an externally welded
box girder of a gantry crane beam. Typical values of the
normal and shear stresses at critical sections are:
• Normal stress: Sm~ = 83.7 MPa, S,a~ --- 11.6 MPa 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
• Shear stress: q=~ = 17.8 MPa, q ~ = 6.4 MPa
• Maximum longitudinal normal stress due to section Fig. 7 Intensity factor solutions
rotation at weld root = 10 MPa. Crack initiation
• The box girder is fabricated from mild steel (grade
37) with an ultimate strength of 370 MPa and a web Based on the above analysis, the local hysteresis loop at
thickness of 8 ram. The procedure for evaluating the the cavity location can be obtained as shown in Fig. 5.
fatigue strength and life for this example is as follows. For a nominal stress range of 72.1 MPa, the associated local
stress range is 189 MPa, g m = 122.5 MPa with a stress
Crack propagation from lack of penetration ratio of 0.13. Substituting ~u = 370 MPa and A% = 2 %/3
into Equation (4), the fatigue limit for steel 37 is estimated
Mode I
to be 174 MPa. Crack initiation will therefore occur because
Substituting values of L = 8 mm, AS = 10 MPa and the applied local stress range is higher than the fatigue limit
F(L/W) = 1.5 into Equation (1), the value of the stress of the material.
intensity factor AK~ is computed to be 2.37 MPa x ~ " For
steel 37, this value is much less than its threshold value Crack propagation
AKin, which is equal to 5.17 MPax/-~. Thus, the lack of The critical size Ccr is estimated from Equation (11) to be
penetration defect will not propagate under the separate effect 1.0 ram. Since this value is higher than the assumed cavity
of longitudinal bending of the weld due to torsion of the radius of 0.75 ram, it follows that a higher threshold stress
box girder. than that required for crack initiation is required to cause
complete failure. To check if an applied nominal normal
Mode III stress of 72.1 MPa is enough to cause complete failure, Equa-
Substituting values of L = 8 mm, Aq = 11.4 MPa and tion (10) is plotted in Fig. 8. As Fig. 8 shows, crack initiation
F(L/If/) = 2 into Equation (2), AKI~ is computed to be from a cavity of diameter equal to 1.5 mm will propagate
3.3 MPa ff-~. This value is less than the threshold value until final fracture. This figure also shows that as the cavity
of the box girder material which is 3.62 MPa ~ size decreases below 1.2 mm, the crack will not propagate
Consequently, the lack of penetration defect will not to failure under the same stress range of 72.1 MPa.
propagate under the separate effect of applied shear stresses. The fatigue crack propagation life of the comer joint
may be estimated using Equation (16). The solution to Equa-
Mixed mode tion (16) is given in Fig. 9, which shows that the number
of cycles required to propagate a crack from an initial size
Using the above results, the mixed mode criteria given in of 0.75 mm to a final size of 6 m m is 13.7 million. Fig.
Reference 13 may be used to find the effect of combining 9 can be used to plan maintenance programmes for the box
both modes as follows: girder by estimating the residual life of the corner weld
corresponding to a specific internal defect. It may be noted
Ratio for mode I: AKI/AK~t h --- 2.37/5.17 = 0.46 that this figure can also be applied to surface cavities in
Ratio for mode III: AKm/AK~th = 3.3/5.17 = 0.64 the form of corrosion pits, as shown in Fig. 4.
As is shown in Fig. 10,13 the point corresponding to the
above values lies below the failure envelope for mixed mode
Summary and conclusions
I and III loading. It can therefore be concluded that the
lack of penetration defect will also not propagate under mixed An analytical method for evaluating the fatigue strength and
mode action. life of externally welded box girders is presented. In this

Int J Fatigue J u l y 1988 197

1.4 1.4

A 1.2 X Experirr~ntalresults

O ~ Prediction
~ Cosestudy
#_ i.c

=~ 1.0


~0.4 0.8

0 ~ ~ L ~Ho.
<3 6
0.1 1.0 t0
Cavity diamefer,2C(mm)
Fig. 8 Threshold stresses

6.0 0.4
I i ]
~ 4.0

I Smo,
/ 0.2

~ 3.0
~a 0 ~ ~ I ~
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
~ 2.o Fig. 10 Failure envelopes for mixed mode I and III loading (Reference
with known initial cracks,' ASTM STP 833 (American Society
1.0 for Testing and Materials, 1984) pp 193-217
5. Van der Zerden, A. M., Robins, D. B. and Topper, T.
I-I. 'Fatigue life prediction for weldments with internal cavities"
0 I II t I I I
0 2 4
6 8 10 12 14 ASTM STP 515 (American Society for Testing and Materials,
Numberof cycles,N (millions) 1972) pp 268-284
Fig. 9 Predicted fatigue crack growth 6. Tada, H. et al The Stress Analysis of Crack Handbook (Del
Research Corporation, Hellertown, PA, USA, 1973)
method, fracture mechanics techniques are used to study
the effect of lack of weld penetration. Furthermore, crack 7. Rolfe, S. T. and Barsom, J. M. Fracture and Fatigue
Control in Structures - Application of Fracture Mechanics
initiation and propagation models are employed to study (Prentice-Hall, NJ, USA, 1977)
the effect of internal weld defects. The proposed method
8. Peterson, R. E, Stress Concentration Factors (John Wiley
can also be used to plan maintenance programmes for exter- & Sons, New York, 1974)
nally welded box girders used in crane and bridge structures.
9. El Haddad, M. H., Topper, T. H. and Smith, K. N.
In order for the method presented to be general, further "Prediction of non-propagating cracks' Engng Fracture Mech
work is needed in the following areas: 11 No 3 (1979) pp 573-584
i) The accuracy of the method should be checked experi- 10. Topper, T. H. and El Haddad, i . H. 'Fatigue strength
mentally by conducting fatigue tests on reduced scale prediction of notches based on fracture mechanics' Proceed-
models of the comer detail. ings of the International Conference on Fatigue Threshold,
2) A three-dimensional analysis of the stress state around Stockholm (1981 ) pp 777-798
the corner joint would give more accurate results. 11. Rooke, D. P. and Cartwright, D, J. Compendium of Stress
3) Inelastic analysis should-be used w~hen local yielding, Intensity Factors (Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London,
due to stress concentrations and/or higher service loads,
may occur. 12. Smith, K. N., El I-laddad, i . H. and Martin, 3. F. "Fatigue
life and crack propagation analyses of welded components
containing residual stresses" J Test and Evaluation 5 No 4
References (1977) pp 327-332
1. Anon 'Code of Practice of Fatigue" BS5400: Part 10 (British
Standards Institution, 1979) 13. Pook, L. P. "Mixed mode threshold behaviour of mild steel"
Proceedings of the International Conference on Fatigue
2. Anon "Recommendations for the fatigue design of structures" Threshold, Stockholm (1981) pp 1007-1032
Committee TC6 Fatigue (European Convention for Construc-
tional Steelwork, 1983)
3. El I-laddad, M. H., Topper, T. H. and Smith, I. F. C.
"Fatigue life prediction of welded components based on Mr Abo-Hamd and Mr E1 Haddad are with the Structural
fracture mechanics" J Test and Evaluation 8 No 6 (1980) Engineering Department, Cairo University, Egypt, and Mr
pp 301-307
Abdel Rauof is with the Materials Testing Department,
4. Sahli, A. and Albrecht, P. "Fatigue life of welded stiffeners Zagazig University, Egypt.

198 Int J Fatigue July i988

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