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Design of The Two-Line Railway Bridge with the

Longest Span in Slovakia

JosefVican l , Jaroslav Odrobinak!, JozefGocal' & Richard minkd'

Keywords: railway bridge, bow-string girder, buckling, stability of arches, bearings, defor-
mations, FEM analysis

Abstracts: The bow-string bridge across river Yah has been designed on the main Slovak
railway line. Total length of the bridge is almost 380 m, while the lengths of two main
spans are 124,8 m. To analyze behaviour of the bridge, spatial transformation model were
developed using FEM software. The Eurocodes were applied for all verification procedures.
Bridge global analysis and verification of arches allowing for buckling are given in more
detail. Design of atypical bearings and issues with fulfilment of deformation requirements
are discussed as well.

1. Introduction
The main traffic lines in Slovakia are now under reconstruction, since they have been includ-
ed into European railway corridors. As the maximum speed of 160 km/h is required by the
Slovak Railways (ZSR), main design parameters of the lines should be completely changed.
Natorally, this procedure affects all bridges along modernized lines, as well, [Vican et al.
2010]. Given the nature of the line, majority of touched bridges are of amall and medium
spans, [Vican et al. 2009]. But, there are also several bridges, which are dominant due to their
spans or used technology, [Vican et al. 2007]. Considering great number of relatively large
bridges around Nosicka Darn, the concept of maximum utilisation of arched bridges in this
area has been agreed during preliminary design work in order to achieve consistent bridge
structures in this attractive location. One of such bridges, located in the line section between
towns Puchov and Povazska Bystrica, will be bridging the Nosicky Canal at the Yah river.

1 Prof. Ing., University of Zilina, FeE, Univerzitna 1, 01026 Zilina, Slovakia.
2 PhD Ing., University of Zilina, FeE, Univerzitna I, 01026 Zilina, Slovakia,
3 PhD iDg., University of Zi1ina, FCE, Univ.mtna I, 01026 Zilina, Slovakia, joze£
4 PhD iDg., University of Zi1ina, FCE, Univ.mtna I, 01026 Zilina, Slovakia,

E. Petzek, R. Băncilă (Eds.), The Eight International Conference “Bridges in Danube Basin“,
DOI 10.1007/978-3-658-03714-7_20, © Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden 2014
268 r08OfViean, rarollliav Odrobinak, rozef Goca1 &: Ridlard Hlinb.

2. Conception of the bridge strnctnre

2.1 Prelbrtlluuy da/gll

The bridge will cross the Nosicky Water Canal just directly behind the railway station Puchov
under very acute crossing angle 19S. A demand of State NavigationAdministtation (SNA)
to ensure navigability ofVah Waterway of class Va, at least, had to be necessarily satisfied.
In addition, because of the navigable waterway in the future, excavating the river bottom. of
the value of 1.93 m had to be taken into account, as well. The small distance :from the end
switches of the railway station together with request for minimizing the piers in the canal
induced the need of two-line bridge. Based on the adopted concept of arch bridges, two
alternatives for bridging the water canal were presented in the first design stage.
The first proposal was based on conventional solution, where 11 set of bow-string arch
bridges (Langer's beams) was considered. Four simply supported steel beams reinforced by
arches have spans 62.40 + 124.80 + 124.80 + 62.40 m long, see ''Fig. 1". The totallcngth
of the bridge is 450.65 m. Bottom steel orthotropic deck was designed to redistribute loads
from ballast bed to the main girders. Unfortunately, this solution required an establishment
of three piers in the canal-basin. Accordingly, to find a compromise with SNA, a splitting
shipping space from the original width of 50 m perpendicular to the river was negotiated into
the two parts with the width of2 x 30 m. Such solution would allow shipping on both sides
of the middle pier.

TOTAL LENGTH OF BRIDGE OBJECT ; ~SO.6Sm lin bridge .. . isl

f , I ZlliNA


Figure 1: Longitudinal view and FEM model visualisation of the bridge - the first

The second alterative of the proposed draft led into the fixed trussed through arch bridge
with., sec "Fig. 2". This solution had the ambition to bridge the entire main obstacle - the
river, with the superstructure of a single bridge span.


FIgure 2: FEMmodcl visualisatiDn oftlu: s _ 1 I I l d 100gitudinal viow-tlu: second


To choose the most favourable solution from the economic, aesthetic and structural
point of view, rather timc:-consuming negotiations with representatives of the Railway
administration took place. Finally, the first proposed alternative introducing four single-
span bridges consisting of stiff beams reinforced by arches and combined with the bottom
orthotropic plate decks was found as the better one. Despite of any other arguments, the main
reason was clear. The second alternative was more expensive than the first version proposed.
Thus, the subsequent stages of design documentation were elaborated for the fint concept
ofthc bridge with tied-arch main girden. Nevertheless, the two middle spans of this chosen
two-line railway bow-string arch bridge still belongs to the unique structures in the design

2.2 Buic tecllniaJl]Hll'tUlJeterS

2.2.1 Superstructure

The tracks on the bridge with design speed of 160 kmIh are situated in transition curves
adjacent to the reversing curves with radiuses of 1500 and 1219 m (values for the track
No.2). The maximum supereJ.evation of the rail on the bridge is 100 mm.. The up-gradient
of railway line is +8.26 %a in the course of stationing. The track axes distance on the bridge
varies withln the range 4200 - 4262 mm.. The bridge arrangement refl.ects 3.00 metres wide
free clearance from. each line axe plus recODllllCllded reserve of ± 125 mm for bridges with
continuous ballast bod. A clear distance between £langes of the main side girders is 11.25 m
along the whole bridge. So that, the thoorctical widths of superstructures are 12.30 m in the
lst and 4th span and 12.60 m in the 2nd and 3rd span, respectively. All superstructures are
placed on bearings in polygonal way to reduce the width of structure and the consumption of
material for ballast bed. as well.
The steel superstructures of two internal fields 2 and 3 with theoretical spans of 124.8
m consist of two bow-string girders with the lower orthotropic bridge deck and the upper
longitudinal bracing. The plate beams are designed from passable box-section with extemal.
dimensions of 1350 x 3100 mm. Beam webs are made of 15 DDD thick steel plates, except
from the arch connection areas, where the webs have a thickness of 30 DDD. Thickness of the
270 JoscfVican, Jaroslav Odrobinak, JozcfGocal & Richard Hl:inka

beams' flanges varies from 40 to 60 mm. The arches are designed as the circular curved ones
with theoretical rise of22.00 meters, which are centrically coonected to the beams above the
supports. They are also made of passable box-sections with internal dimensions of 1220 x
1710 mm, which consist of flanges with thickness 40 mm and webs with thickness 34 mm.
The cross-sections of arches are braced by rigid diaphragms with rectangular through holes
800 x 1200 mm. The vertical hangers are designed from steel tubes R 273/20 mm, filled with
concrete C 20/25 in order to increase dynamic resistance to the transverse vibrations. The
cross section shown in the "Fig. 3" is closed by upper longitudioal frame bracing, consisting
of steel tubes R 914/25 mm, situated at the every second hanger joint, and i.e. at the distances
a20.8 m. The ports! cross-brace is reinforced with a pair of diagonals from tubes R 610/20.
The steel superstructures of two edge fields 1 and 4 with theoretical spans of 62.4 m are
similar to the previous one. The plate beams are also designed as the passable box-section
with external dimensions 1000 x 2410 mm. The beam height increases above the piers to
the value 3070 mm due to an aesthetic transition to the main beams in internal fields 2 and
3. Beam webs are made of 12 mm thick steel plates, except from the arch connection areas,
where the webs are 24 mm thick. The beam's flanges are of the constant thickness 30 mm,
but the lower flange is over the supports widened due to anchoring the pot bearings, and it
has there a thickness of 40 mm. The arches are also designed as the circular curved ones with
theoretical rise of 11.00 meters, which are above the supports connected to the beams with
the eccentricity of 460 mm. The cross-sections of arches, composed from 30 mm thick steel
plates, has internal dimensions of 900 x 1020 mm and are braced by rigid diaphragms with
circular holes 0 600 mm providing its pass ability. The vertical hangers are designed from
steel tubes R 219/17.5 mm, filled with concrete C 20/25. The bridge cross-section is closed
by upper longitudinal frame bracing, consisting of three steel tubes R 508120 mm, situated at
the every second hanger joint.

Figure 3: Cross-section of the superstructure in the middle of the 2nd span

All the four superstructures have a bottom steel plate orthotropic bridge deck: with
continuous ballast bed The deck plate having thickness of 16 mm is shaped into the profile of
ballast bed channel with vertical webs. Flat longitudinal stiffeners located at distances of 420
mm are designed from plates 25 x 250 mm. Transverse stiffeners are arranged at distances
of2 600 mm and they have a variable cross-section ofan inverted T shape, consisting ofthc
web P 14 x 1237 mm at the lowest point of the bridge deck and the bottom. flange from P 30
x 300 mm.. The end transverse sti:ffc.ners are strengthened because of the potcn.tial embedding
presses for rising up the superstructures.
The main beams as well as the bridge deck. of each superstructure are laterally divided
to five assembly parts, which are connected to each other by welded joints. In a longitudinal
direction, they are divided into the seven erecting parts :in the edge fields 1 and 4, and to
thirteen erecting parts :in the internal fields 2 and 3, respectively. The arches are divided to
seven assembly parts in the fields 1 and 4, and to fifteen assembly parts in the fields 2 and 3,
respectively. All the site CODIlCctions were designed as welded.
The superstructures will be laid on the non-standard pot bearings according to EN 1337.
The bearings are connoctc:d to the superstructure and supports, respectively, by means of
anchor plates. The upper aD£bor plates of bearings are conncctod by means of bolts to the
bottom :ftanges of beams. The bottom. anchor plates of bearings arc welded to the support
plates embedded in the bearing blocks of supports.
Waterproofing of bridge superstructures was designed in accordance with the relevant
model regulations of the Slovak. Railways (ZSR). On the blast cl.eaned surface: to the grade
Sa 2~ of the bridge deckp1atc: as well as of the webs of the ballast channel, there: is applied
a sprayed polyurethane-based insulation of variable thickness 10-35 mm. which. provides
corrosion protoction of the bridge deck. plate as well as the protection against abrasion by
272 JoscfVican, Jaroslav Odrobinak, JozcfGocal & Richard Hl:inka

ballast gravel. Basic insulation thickness is 10 rom, the remaining part of variable thickness
creates a gradient layer, which ensure the desired slope of the bridge deck in the longitudinal
direction, especially at the ends of each structure.
All exposed steel parts of the superstructure will be protected against corrosion by
metallisation Zinacor 850 (alloy of 85% Zn + 15% AI) with thickness of 120 1IDl, on which a
three-layer epoxy-polyurethane coating system of total thickness of240 IIDl will be applied.

2.2.2 Substructure of the bridge

Substructure of the bridge consists of two abutments with parallel wings and three piers.
The abutments are proposed as reinforced concrete gravity supports, whose shanks are 4.0
m thick and 14.20 m long. They are based on strip foundations. The transition area behind
the both abutments is stiffened by transitional reinforced concrete slabs of variable thickness
0.4 - 0.6 m, supported on the reverse side of the closing walls of abutments.
The piers are also proposed from reinforced concrete. Due to water flow in the canal,
the shanks of piers are of circular shape with an outer diameter of 6.00 m. Statically they are
proposed as circular ring with an inner diameter of central part of 2.00 m made of watertight
concrete C 30/37 with seepage max 50 mm according to EN 12390-8. The middle part of
the pier shaft, however, is also filled with concrete C 12115 in order to increase resistance to
ship impact and also to avoid any accumulation of water in the cavity. On the top of shanks
there are concreted bed bearers of horizontal dimensions 6.0 x 16.0 m. The height of bearers
is variable from 4.43 m (at the shanks) to 1.93 m (at the cantilever end). They are designed
of concrete C 45155 and due to considerable stress they are very strongly reinforced. The
shanks of piers are fixed into the base-plates of dimensions 15.0 x 15.0 x 3.5 m, made of
reinforced concrete C 25/30. Each of the piers is founded on large-diameter piles (2) 1200 rom
with length 8.00 m.

3. Analysis of the bridge

3.1 Global analysis models

For the global analysis, the spatial transformation model of the bridge structure given in
the "Fig. I" was developed using Scia Engineer 2012 - software based on Finite Element
Considering the size of the structure, the member finite elements were used for
modelling main girders, arches, hangers and upper bracings. A steel plate of the deck was
meshed by 2D shell finite elements. The plate was stiffened by the ribs in the longitudinal
and transversal way, approximating the longitodinal and transversal stiffeners of the deck.
Variation of thickness of all plates or flanges through the length, the changes of stiffuess and
all relevant eccentricities were considered in the numerical model. Considering the actoal
structural detail, the arch-to-beam joint were considered as a rigid one, while the connections
of hangers were approximated by the binge joints, "Fig. 4".
Creation of FEM model of piers and its foundation was another challenge. According
to the "Fig. 5", except ground-plan geometry, the haunches of bed bearers (pier's head) were
approximated in the numerical model. The shank of the pier was modelled by a ring shell.
The base-plate was created using 2D elements supported by a ground half-space. Parameters
Design of1'hcl Two-Line Railway Bridp with the Longe.t Span in Slovakia 273

of ground were obtained from geological prospecting. Moreover, each pile was substituted in
the model by a discrete support with nonlinear behaviour. The force-deformation diagrams
of the piles were analysed by means of the specialised software Goo 5, and then implemented
into the global transformation model.
All required actions and their relevant combinations were considered in design
procedure. In addition to usual permanent load, traffic load and wind load, the accidental
actions were also applied. The derailment actions from rail traffic were taken into account
on the bridge superstructures. Forces on piers produced by eventual collision with shipping
under the bridge were considered, as well.

Figure 4: Detailed look on FEM model visualisation of longer supentructure

FIgure 5: Transformation model of a pier and detail of the piers' bed bearer

3.2 SUIbility ofarch..

Firstly, it was necessary to optimize the main dimensions, especially to find the optimal ratio
of arc rise to its length. Then, the configuration of upper longitudinal bracings was varied
27' JoeofViem, JaroIIIlav Odrobinak, rozef Goca1 &: Ridlard Hlinb.

from several truss systems to finally adopted frame bracing. More feasible architectonica1
appearance of the bridge was then obtained in the case ofhridge location not far from the city
centre. After the preliminary design and optimisation process, more complex static analysis,
analysis of stability and dynamic analysis could be performed.
Covering both imperfections and second order effects into global analysis was found
very time-consuming because of full geometry model. Therefore, it was decided to take into
account the imperfections of arch in the global analysis and the second order effects during
a verification process. Buckling effects can be then included by introduction of equivalent
buckling lengths, corresponding to a global eigenmode loss of stability of the structure, the
arches specifically. In that case, the first order analysis may be used to find the factor a~ by
which the design load would have to be increased to cause the elastic instability in a global

.J bJ
sho rt er span
a" = 5_25

FIgure 6: Shapes of stability lost - bifurcation eigenmodcs oftbc structuR:s: a) for longer
spans with aor = 3.22; b) for sb.ortc.r spans with «... = 5.25.

The frame bracing system together with fixation of box cross-section of arches into
box main beams seems to be sufficient to provide arches an adequate stabile behaviour. In
the case oflanger spans with length of 124.8 m. a pair of diagonals was designed in the first
portal cross-brace to enhance the arch stability. Without them, a minimmn load amplifier to
reach the elastic instability aor came from FEM analysis below the value of 3.0. Based on
the factors a ... critical buckling lengths of the arches perpendicular to arches' plane were
deduced. The value ofbuclding lengthLcr,z - 20.1 m was thought in stability check of the arch
of shorter superstructure in the 1st and 4th bridge openings. Likewise, the buckling length
about L...., - 31.2 m were used for bottom part of the arch of the longer superstructure and the
value of33.0 m were adopted for verification the upper parts of the bigger arch.
Similarly, the influence of deformed geometry, so called ''the second order effect"
was taken into account by means of multiplying horizontal bending moments M~ in arches
determined using first order theory according to equation ''Eq. 1".

= M. ~
z.l a _ ]
In-plane buckling ofthe arches is controlled by tension hangers. This was also confirmed
by stability analysis. Moreover, second order effects in vertical direction could be regarded
as inessential, as the amplifier to reach the elastic in-plane instability a .. was above the value
of 10.0 in both cases.

3.3 Dynll1llic HIuZl'iD.,,.

For the dynamic analysis, natural frequencies and eigcnmodes of the bridge structure were
obtained. In the case oflongcr superstructures, the first natural frequency of vertical bending
oscillation is IVI = 1.02 Hz. The first horizontal vibration of the bridge deck associated
with the torsional vibration occurs at the second natural frequency with the value of
hl1 = 1.51 Hz. The calculation also confirmed the low fn:quency of self-oscillation. The first
four natural frequencies are less than 2.00 Hz, which is expected in the case of such span of
the railway steel bridge.
To add, the shorter superstructures oscillate in the vertical bending at the fn:quency equal
to 2.27 Hz. Horizontal vibration of the bridge deck occurred at the third natural fn:quency
with the value of 3.49 Hz. According to Annex A2 to STN EN 1990/A2, the horizontal
oscillation should be greater than 1.20 Hz. This restriction is satisfied in both cases of span•

' HI= 1.51 Hz

FIgure 7: Natural modes (eigenmodes) ofoscillation oflonger superstructure: a) first one

in a vertical direction; b) first horizontal vibration mode

For substructun:s in longer spans (2nd and 300. bridge openings), the dynamic analysis
have been also executed considering the load model HSLM-A. A series of train speed from
40.0 mls up to the maximum value given as VDS = 1.20 x 44.4 = 53.3 mls were considered
during analysis. The procedure is defined in STN EN 1991-2. The results confirmed that
more severe effects to the structure are producing by the static load models LM71 and SW12,
multiplied by the relevant dynamic factors, of course.

3.4 Servlcubllity limits sttJIn crlterlG

In principle, deformations and displacements of the structure should be verified in terms of

the criteria for traffic safety and the criteria for passenger comfort. Criteria are given in 8TN
EN 1991-2 and in AnnexA2 to 8TN EN 1990. To ensme the passenger comfort, the limits
are depending on the maximum speed. Only de:ftections due to the non classified load model
276 J08OfViean, JaroIIIlav Odrobinak, rozef Goca1 &: Ridlard Hlinb.

LM71 multiplied by corresponding dynamic factor can be verified. Alternatively, the fulfil-
ment of convenience of passengers can be based on the results of the dynamic analysis.
In terms of the traffic safety, two dynamic characteristics are limited: the maximum
acceleration of the structure and the value of the first natural frequency of oscillation in
horizontal way. Naturally, limiting values of the quasi-static deformation should be satisfied
as well. Particularly, the maximum vertical deflection measured along the track caused by
classified load model LM71, SW/O or SWI2, respectively. should not exceed Ll600. Some
milway administrations in more developed European countries demand to check also the end
rotation of the superstructures above the abutments and pillars. Despite the fact that in the
preliminary European standards similar criteria were introduced ("Fig. 8''), they disappeared
ftom the final version of the Emocodes unreasonably. Nevertheless, they were supplemented
or replaced by other criteria based on absolute displacements of the bridge-ends, ''Fig. 9".
Even though, defining limits of the end rotation in terms of angular or relative units seems
to be an important criterion for evaluating dynamics of both wagons and the bridge super-

e, f
@, e,
Figure 8: Definition of angular rotations at the end of decks

As rail expansion devices at both ends of longer superstructures were designed and
continuous ballast bed is provided on the discussed bridge, the relative longitudinal displace-
ment 68 due to accelerating or braking between the ends of two consecutive decks should not
exceed 30 mm.. Furthermore, the longitudinal displacement of the upper surface of the deck at
the end of a superstructure 6n should be less than 10 mm.. But especially, the vertical displace-
ment 6v of this deck surface relative to the adjacent construction or abubnent was slightly
under the limiting value of 3.0 mm. for maximum line speed of 160 kmIh.


, ,/
- - - - ,J.,"-
' _ -->\'

>1gure 9: Definition of the end defonnations of deck ~•• ~H'~? and the deck twist t
Design of1'hcl Two-Line Railway Bridp with the Longe.t Span in Slovakia 277

The maximum twist t ofa track gauge s of 1435 mm measured over a line segment 3.0
metres long was also boarded by the value on.o mm in the case of this bridge, see "Fig. 9".
This limit was found as the most severe one, especially in the case oflonger span. IT two-line
bridge is loaded by traffic load only on one track, different deflection of main girders may
cause difficulties with fulfilment of such limitation.
Additional conditions given in the ''Fig. 9" are quite strict. In addition, they have to be
verified in the track level. Without taking into account the relatively thick layers of continu-
ous ballast bed, the checked values are often only estimates on the safe side, generally. Like-
wise, the values of end displacement and track twist are influenced by overhangs of the beam
at the ends of the bridge superstructure. Usually, when the longer span is designed, the larger
overhangs of the main girder and deck are needed due to either erection oflarger bearings or
maintenance and control activities.
The horizontal deflection of the deck is also limited by its maximum angular variation
and minimum radius of horizontal curvature. In the case of the presented structure, there was
DO problem to fulfil these criteria.

3.5 SpeciJictItiollSfor betuings

Based on the results of global analysis, the requirements for bearings capabilities could be
specified. Because of the bridge width, big horizontal forces were obtained from the analysis.
The wind actions and unsymmetrical traffic load patterns together with horizontal effects of
the traffic cause DOnna! forces in the superstructure. Moreover, horizontal bending and tor-
sion of the deck are produced. All these effects should be captured by bearings. To reduce
stresses of the bearings, even tolerances and actual stiffness of the bearing structure were
implemented into the FEM global model of the structure. The given specifications for bear-
ings arc summarized in the ''Tab. 1". The reactions are put in their ultimate values, while the
allowances in deformations are for combinations for serviceability limit states.

Table 1: Specifications for bearings

Max im u m rea ction in hea ring in Ik NI

Lo ngi· Trans·
longi- lrans- Venita l
tudinal versa1
ludinally versally

124.8 m

62.4 m ,,

Considering requirements in the "Tab. 1", atypical pot bearings were proposed for this
bridge. In cooperation with a manufacturing factory of applied type of bearings, all detailing
was done for trouble-free erection and fixation of bearings to the substructure and to the main
278 JoscfVican, Jaroslav Odrobinak, JozcfGocal & Richard Hl:inka

4. Conclusions
A dominant bridge, which is being prepared for construction within the scope of modernisa-
tion of corridor lines on the Slovak Railways, is presented in the paper. From the description
of the concept of bridging the Nosicky Canal, the analysis of the structure and its technical
parameters, it is clear that the bridge represents a very ambitious and challenging structure.
After the successful erection, the bridge will surely go down in history of Slovak bridge
Bridge structures on lines with higher speeds require more complex analyses and uncon-
ventional design methods. More detailed dynamic analysis is often demanded and very strict
serviceability criteria are dictated by the actual codes.

5. Acknowledgement
This paper presents results of works supported by the Slovak Research and Development
Agency under the contract No. APVV-0106-11 and by the Scientific Grant Agency of the
Slovak Republic under the project No. 110364112.

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Slovak Railways. In: Eurostav. Vol. 15/2009. No.9. Eurostav. Bratislava. 2009. S. 8-12.
[Vican et aI. 2007] Vtcan, J.; Odrobinak, J.; Gocal, J.; 1Dinka, R.: Design of New Bridge across the River Yah in
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niea, Slovakia. University of Zilina, 2007, S. 171-176.

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