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ee ee esa G Directed writing 10 Read the information in the fact box below. Great apes survival project Population: over past 20 years, surveys indicate substantial and continual decline from 100.000 individuals reported in 1980 Habitat: Cameroon and Congo basin and other central African equatorial regions; once virgin rainforest Characteristics: share 99% of human DNAs live for 6 years; apable of intelligent communication with the comprehension level ofa six year-old child; can lear sign language; have IQ of 80, similar to many humans Threats: hunters earn $35 for a dead male silverback gorilla; orphaned babies cannot survive; could be extinctin 5-10 years because of destruction of habitat and slaughter for cheap bush meat with snares and guns; commercial mining for coltan, used in mobile phones, games consoles and military aircraft, has already made some gorilla. populations extinct Aims: appoint rangers (‘ecoguards’) and provide vehicles: and communication equipment to monitor and protect animals; construct wildlife corridors to link fragmented habitats; educate locals on value of apes for eco-tourism; gain legal rights to protect apes and chimpanzees and their right to life and liberty, and freedom from torture and medical experimentation, because of their similarity to humans. 11 Write an informative article for your school magazine to explain the project.

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