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Write a program in C# Sharp to copy the elements one array into another
Test Data :
Input the number of elements to be stored in the array :3
Input 3 elements in the array :
element - 0 : 15
element - 1 : 10
element - 2 : 12
Expected Output:
The elements stored in the first array are :
15 10 12
The elements copied into the second array are :
15 10 12
Write a program in C# Sharp to copy the elements one array into another array.

Sensitivity: LNT Construction Internal Use

Sample Solution:-

C# Sharp Code:
using System;

public class Exercise4

public static void Main()

int[] arr1 = new int[100];

int[] arr2 = new int[100];

Sensitivity: LNT Construction Internal Use

int i, n;

Console.Write("\n\nCopy the elements one array into another

array :\n");


Console.Write("Input the number of elements to be stored in the

array :");

n = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());

Console.Write("Input {0} elements in the array :\n",n);


Console.Write("element - {0} : ",i);

arr1[i] = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());

/* Copy elements of first array into second array.*/

for(i=0; i<n; i++)

arr2[i] = arr1[i];

/* Prints the elements of first array */

Console.Write("\nThe elements stored in the first array are :\n");

Sensitivity: LNT Construction Internal Use

for(i=0; i<n; i++)

Console.Write("{0} ", arr1[i]);

/* Prints the elements copied into the second array. */

Console.Write("\n\nThe elements copied into the second array

are :\n");

for(i=0; i<n; i++)

Console.Write("{0} ", arr2[i]);


Sample Output:
Copy the elements one array into another array :
Input the number of elements to be stored in the array :2
Input 2 elements in the array :
element - 0 : 2
element - 1 : 4
The elements stored in the first array are :
2 4
The elements copied into the second array are :
2 4

Sensitivity: LNT Construction Internal Use

2. Write a program in C# Sharp to merge two arrays of same size sorted in
ascending order.
Test Data :
Input the number of elements to be stored in the first array :3
Input 3 elements in the array :
element - 0 : 1
element - 1 : 2
element - 2 : 3
Input the number of elements to be stored in the second array :3
Input 3 elements in the array:
element - 0 : 1

Sensitivity: LNT Construction Internal Use

element - 1 : 2
element - 2 : 3
Expected Output:
The merged array in ascending order is :
Write a program in C# Sharp to merge two arrays of same size sorted in
ascending order.

Sample Solution:-

C# Sharp Code:
using System;

public class Exercise7

public static void Main()

Sensitivity: LNT Construction Internal Use


int[] arr1 = new int[100];

int[] arr2 = new int[100];

int[] arr3 = new int[200];

int s1, s2, s3;

int i, j, k;

Console.Write("\n\nMerge two arrays of same size sorted in

ascending order.\n");


Console.Write("Input the number of elements to be stored in the

first array :");

s1 = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());

Console.Write("Input {0} elements in the array :\n",s1);


Console.Write("element - {0} : ",i);

arr1[i] = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());

Sensitivity: LNT Construction Internal Use

Console.Write("Input the number of elements to be stored in the
second array :");

s2 = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());

Console.Write("Input {0} elements in the array :\n",s2);


Console.Write("element - {0} : ",i);

arr2[i] = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());

/* size of merged array is size of first array and size of second

array */

s3 = s1 + s2;

/*----------------- insert in the third


for(i=0;i<s1; i++)

arr3[i] = arr1[i];

for(j=0;j<s2; j++)

arr3[i] = arr2[j];


Sensitivity: LNT Construction Internal Use

/*----------------- sort the array in ascending order

for(i=0;i<s3; i++)






/*--------------- Prints the merged array


Console.Write("\nThe merged array in ascending order is :\n");

for(i=0; i<s3; i++)

Console.Write("{0} ", arr3[i]);


Sensitivity: LNT Construction Internal Use

Sample Output:
Merge two arrays of same size sorted in ascending order.
Input the number of elements to be stored in the first array :2
Input 2 elements in the array :
element - 0 : 1
element - 1 : 2
Inpu2 the number of elements to be stored in the second array :2
Input 2 elements in the array :
element - 0 : 3
element - 1 : 4
The merged array in ascending order is :
1 2 3 4

Sensitivity: LNT Construction Internal Use

3. Write a program in C# Sharp to find maximum and minimum element in an
Test Data :
Input the number of elements to be stored in the array :3
Input 3 elements in the array :

Sensitivity: LNT Construction Internal Use

element - 0 : 45
element - 1 : 25
element - 2 : 21
Expected Output :
Maximum element is : 45
Minimum element is : 21

Write a program in C# Sharp to find maximum and minimum element in an array.

Sample Solution:-

C# Sharp Code:
using System;

public class Exercise9

public static void Main()

int[] arr1= new int[100];

int i, mx, mn, n;

Sensitivity: LNT Construction Internal Use

Console.Write("\n\nFind maximum and minimum element in an array


Console.Write("Input the number of elements to be stored in the

array :");

n= Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());

Console.Write("Input {0} elements in the array :\n",n);


Console.Write("element - {0} : ",i);

arr1[i] = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());

mx = arr1[0];

mn = arr1[0];

for(i=1; i<n; i++)


Sensitivity: LNT Construction Internal Use

mx = arr1[i];


mn = arr1[i];

Console.Write("Maximum element is : {0}\n", mx);

Console.Write("Minimum element is : {0}\n\n", mn);

Sample Output:
Find maximum and minimum element in an array :
Input the number of elements to be stored in the array :2
Input 2 elements in the array :
element - 0 : 20
element - 1 : 25
Maximum element is : 25
Minimum element is : 20

Sensitivity: LNT Construction Internal Use

Sensitivity: LNT Construction Internal Use

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