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For our class CE161P-2, I expect to learn the basics of the behavior of soils.

From what I
understand, soil can deform due to structures built above the ground and
underground. During my work immersion in the twelfth grade, I went to a company
specializing in excavation protection. I learned that when building a structure, the
engineer needs to consider both the land where the structure will be placed and the
land surrounding the structure. Since any form of disturbance will affect the integrity of
the structure present. I hope that with this class, I’ll be able to understand a part of the
excavation protection design that they had since it was explained to me, but I could
not fully understand it.

I expect my instructor to have a good mastery of the subject and be able to teach us
all the needed information and topics. I want a professor that will be able to feed my
curiosity and interest in Geotechnical Engineering since, of all the specializations of Civil
Engineering, this is one that I like the most. Regarding my grade, I hope that I can at
least have a grade of 2.

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