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Another use of AI in the travel sector is having smart hotels/rooms.

They utilize AI
such as Alexa (Amazon) and Siri (Apple), where hotel rooms and room appliances can
be activated via voice commands, and they also serve as virtual assistants that can
answer basic questions. A foreign hotel that utilizes this is the Wynn Hotel in Las Vegas
(Lasse Rouhiainen, 2023). A local hotel that utilizes a similar system is the Yello Hotel in
Cebu. A robot named Yello Bell roams around the lobby to assist their guest with basic
questions and quarries. The Hotel also has a mobile app that allows the guests to view
their bill, look for nearby points of interest, contact hotel staff, arrange room makeup,
serve as a room key during the guest stay, and serve as a pre-arrival check-in for the
guest (Yambao, 2019).


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