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Typical Atrioventricular Bypass Tracts

Types of Bypass Tracts, 599 Electrophysiological Testing, 623
Atrioventricular Bypass Tracts, 599 Baseline Observations During Sinus Rhythm, 623
Atrionodal Bypass Tracts, 599 Induction of Tachycardia, 633
Atrio-Hisian Bypass Tracts, 599 Tachycardia Features, 637
Atypical Bypass Tracts, 600 Diagnostic Maneuvers During Tachycardia, 641
Types of Preexcitation Syndromes, 600 Diagnostic Maneuvers During Sinus Rhythm After Tachycardia
Wolff-Parkinson-White Syndrome, 600 Termination, 648
Concealed Bypass Tracts, 600 Exclusion of Other Arrhythmia Mechanisms, 649
Lown-Ganong-Levine Syndrome, 600 Localization of the Bypass Tract, 649
Mahaim Variant of Preexcitation, 600 Pacing From Multiple Atrial Sites, 649
Pathophysiology, 600 Preexcitation Index, 649
Wolff-Parkinson-White Syndrome, 600 Effects of Bundle Branch Block During Orthodromic
Atrioventricular Bypass Tracts, 601 Atrioventricular Reentrant Tachycardia, 652
Atrioventricular Reentry, 602 Ventricular Entrainment During Orthodromic Atrioventricular
Other Arrhythmias Associated With Wolff-Parkinson-White Reentrant Tachycardia, 652
Syndrome, 603 Earliest Ventricular Activation Site During Anterograde Bypass
Epidemiology and Natural History, 606 Tract Conduction, 655
Wolff-Parkinson-White Pattern, 606 Earliest Atrial Activation Site During Retrograde Bypass Tract
Wolff-Parkinson-White Syndrome, 606 Conduction, 655
Sudden Death, 606 Atrial Electrogram Polarity Reversal During Retrograde Bypass
Associated Cardiac Abnormalities, 606 Tract Conduction, 656
Familial Wolff-Parkinson-White Syndrome, 606 Direct Recording of Bypass Tract Potential, 657
Concealed Bypass Tracts, 607 Local Atrioventricular (or Ventriculoatrial) Interval, 658
Clinical Presentation, 607 Ablation, 660
Initial Evaluation, 607 Target of Ablation, 660
Methods for Evaluation of Bypass Tract Refractory Ablation Technique: General Considerations, 661
Period, 607 Endpoints of Ablation, 662
Principles of Management, 608 Ablation of Left Free-Wall Bypass Tracts, 663
Acute Management, 608 Ablation of Right Free-Wall Bypass Tracts, 666
Chronic Management, 609 Ablation of Anteroseptal (Superoparaseptal) and Midseptal
Electrocardiographic Features, 612 Bypass Tracts, 667
Electrocardiography of Preexcitation, 612 Ablation of Posteroseptal (Inferoparaseptal) Bypass Tracts, 670
Supraventricular Tachyarrhythmias Associated With Ablation of Epicardial Bypass Tracts, 672
Wolff-Parkinson-White Syndrome, 614 Causes of Failed Bypass Tract Ablation, 673
Electrocardiographic Localization of the Bypass Tract, 614 Outcome, 674

TYPES OF BYPASS TRACTS system (HPS). In the older literature, these BTs were called Kent bundles,
although incorrectly (Kent described AVN-like tissue in the right atrial
Bypass tracts (BTs) are remnants of the atrioventricular (AV) connec- [RA] free wall that did not connect to the ventricle). Thus the use of
tions caused by incomplete embryological development of the AV annuli the term bundle of Kent should be discouraged.
and failure of the fibrous separation between the atria and ventricles.
There are several types of BTs, according to the structures they connect, Atrionodal Bypass Tracts
including AV, atrionodal, atrio-Hisian, atriofascicular, fasciculoventricular, Atrionodal BTs connect the atrium to the distal or compact AVN.
and nodofascicular BTs.1 They have been called James fibers and are of uncertain physiological
Atrioventricular Bypass Tracts
AV BTs are strands of working myocardial cells connecting atrial and ven- Atrio-Hisian Bypass Tracts
tricular myocardium across the electrically insulating fibrofatty tissues of Atrio-Hisian BTs connect the atrium to the His bundle (HB); these BTs
the AV junction bypassing the atrioventricular node (AVN)-His-Purkinje are rare.

600 CHAPTER 18  Typical Atrioventricular Bypass Tracts

conducting system or in the ventricular myocardium close to the con-

Atypical Bypass Tracts ducting system, conduct slowly, and the AVN-HPS has adequate time
The term “atypical BTs” is used here to describe variants of BTs that to activate most of the ventricular muscle mass.
connect the atrium (atriofascicular BTs), AVN (nodofascicular and nodo- It is worth noting that some of the older literature refers to epony-
ventricular BTs), or HB (fasciculoventricular BTs) to distal Purkinje mous pathways that were originally anatomically described with sub-
fibers or ventricular myocardium. In addition, this term encompasses sequent attempts made to correlate these structures with physiologic
slowly conducting short AV BTs and long AV BTs. Although many of findings. With more recent data from intracardiac recordings, many of
those variants of BTs are sometimes referred to as “Mahaim fibers,” it is these correlations have been shown to be incorrect and thus the use of
more appropriate to describe them based on their anatomic connections. the eponyms adds confusion to discussions about them. For instance,
the pathways described by Kent (AV nodal–like tissue at the free-wall
AV valve annulus) more resemble atriofascicular fibers than they do
TYPES OF PREEXCITATION SYNDROMES typical AV fibers, and atriofascicular fibers in turn possess the physiol-
Several patterns of preexcitation can occur, depending on the anatomy ogy initially (incorrectly) attributed to Mahaim fibers. Table 18.1 displays
of the BT and the direction in which impulses are conducted. Conduc- some of the terminology; it is evident why use of eponymous terms is
tion from the atria to the ventricles normally occurs via the AVN-HPS. discouraged.
Patients with preexcitation have an additional or alternative pathway,
the BT, which directly connects the atria and ventricles and bypasses PATHOPHYSIOLOGY
the AVN. The term syndrome is used when the anatomical variant is
responsible for tachycardia. Wolff-Parkinson-White Syndrome
WPW pattern refers to the constellation of ECG abnormalities related
Wolff-Parkinson-White Syndrome to the presence of a manifest AV BT (i.e., ventricular preexcitation:
In the Wolff-Parkinson-White (WPW) syndrome, AV conduction occurs, short PR interval, delta wave, wide QRS complex) in asymptomatic
partially or entirely, through an AV BT, which results in earlier activa- patients (Fig. 18.1). WPW syndrome refers to the combination of ven-
tion (preexcitation) of the ventricles than if the impulse had traveled tricular preexcitation and either a documented tachyarrhythmia or
through the AVN. symptoms of a tachyarrhythmia.1
Because the AV BT typically conducts faster than the AVN, the onset
Concealed Bypass Tracts of ventricular activation is earlier than if depolarization occurred only
Concealed AV BTs refer to AV BTs that do not manifest anterograde via the AVN, resulting in a shortened PR (P-delta) interval. Furthermore,
conduction and therefore do not result in ventricular preexcitation. because the BT exhibits practically nondecremental conduction, the
Because they do not result in alteration of the QRS complex in the early ventricular activation (i.e., P-delta interval) remains almost con-
electrocardiogram (ECG), they cannot be detected by inspection of the stant at all atrial rates (Fig. 18.2).
surface ECG; they are called concealed. However, the concealed BT can Preexcited intraventricular conduction in WPW propagates from
conduct in a retrograde fashion, thereby creating a reentrant circuit the insertion point of the AV BT in the ventricular myocardium via
with impulses traveling from the atrium to the AVN, HPS, ventricle, direct muscle-to-muscle conduction. This process is inherently slower
and then back to the atrium via the BT. than ventricular depolarization resulting from rapid HPS conduction.
Thus, although the initial excitation of the ventricles (via the BT) occurs
Lown-Ganong-Levine Syndrome earlier, it is followed by slower activation of the ventricular myocardium
In the setting of Lown-Ganong-Levine (LGL) syndrome, preexcitation than occurs normally. The net effect is that the QRS complex consists
purportedly occurs via atrio-Hisian BTs or, alternatively, no BT is present of fusion between the early ventricular activation caused by preexcita-
and enhanced AVN conduction accounts for the ECG findings. The net tion with the later ventricular activation resulting from impulse propa-
effect is a short PR interval without delta wave or QRS prolongation. gation through the AVN-HPS to the ventricles. The initial part of
It is important to stress, however, that LGL is not a recognized syndrome ventricular activation resulting in the upstroke of the QRS complex is
with an anatomical basis, but only an ECG description, and the use of slurred because of slow muscle-to-muscle conduction; this is termed
the term should be discouraged. a delta wave.
Depending on the relative contribution from ventricular activation
Mahaim Variant of Preexcitation by the normal AVN-HPS versus the manifest BT, a variable degree of
The so-called Mahaim variant of preexcitation does not typically result preexcitation occurs. The more rapid the conduction along the BT in
in a delta wave because these pathways, which usually terminate in the relation to the AVN, the greater the amount of myocardium depolarized

TABLE 18.1  Historical Description of Different Bypass Tracts

Eponymous Proposed Physiological
Pathway Anatomical Description Role/Syndrome Actual Physiologic Role
Kent bundle Clusters of nodal cells at nonseptal AV junction Anomalous AV connection/WPW syndrome None (possibly atriofascicular pathways)
James fiber Atriocompact nodal connection LGL syndrome Enhanced AVN conduction
Brechenmacher fiber Atrio-Hisian connection LGL syndrome Enhanced AVN conduction
Mahaim fiber Connection from compact AVN to ventricle Septal WPW pathways with decremental Probably none
Paladino fiber Connection from proximal AVN to ventricle Septal WPW pathways with decremental Probably none

AV, Atrioventricular; AVN, atrioventricular nodal; LGL, Lown-Ganong-Levine; WPW, Wolff-Parkinson-White.

CHAPTER 18  Typical Atrioventricular Bypass Tracts 601

Normal QRS Preexcited QRS AV BTs are aberrant muscle bundles that connect the atria to the
ventricles outside of the normal AV conduction system. AV BTs are
found most often in the parietal AV junctional areas, including the
paraseptal areas. They breach the insulation provided by the fibrofatty
tissues of the AV groove (sulcus tissue) and the hinge lines (fibrous
annulus) of the valves. They are rarely found in the area of fibrous
delta continuity between the aortic and mitral valves because in this area there
is usually a wide gap between the atrial myocardium and ventricular
myocardium to accommodate the aortic outflow tract. The remainder
of the AV groove may be divided into quadrants consisting of the left
free wall, right free wall, and posteroseptal and anteroseptal spaces. The
distribution of BTs within these regions is not homogeneous—46% to
60% of BTs are found within the left free-wall space; 25% are within the
posteroseptal space; 13% to 21% of BTs are within the right free-wall
space; up to 7% are within the right superoparaseptal (formerly called
anteroseptal) space; and less than 5% are located in the midseptum
(Fig. 18.3).
AV BTs are usually short and very thin muscular strands (typically
5 to 10 mm in length, with a maximal diameter of 0.1 to 7 mm) but
QRS can occasionally exist as broad bands of tissue. They can course through
the AV groove at variable depths ranging from subepicardial to suben-
docardial locations. The AV BT can run in an oblique course rather
Fig. 18.1  Ventricular Preexcitation. Three surface electrocardiogram
than perpendicular to the transverse plane of the AV groove. As a result,
leads during normal sinus rhythm. The first sinus P wave is conducted
the fibers can have an atrial insertion point that is transversely from
over the normal atrioventricular node-His Purkinje system (AVN-HPS),
resulting in a normal PR interval (PRI) and a normal QRS complex. The less than one to several centimeters removed from the point of ven-
second P wave is conducted over the AVN and a bypass tract (BT). AV tricular attachment. Some posteroseptal pathways insert into coronary
conduction over the BT is faster than over the AVN, resulting in preex- sinus (CS) musculature rather than atrial myocardium and can be
citation of the ventricle and shortening of the PRI. Then, preexcited associated with the coronary venous system or diverticula from a CS
intraventricular conduction propagates from the insertion point of the branch vein.
BT in the ventricular myocardium via direct muscle-to-muscle (slow) Multiple AV BTs occur in 5% to 10% of patients. BTs are defined
conduction, producing an initial slurred “delta” wave (shaded area of as multiple when they are separated by more than 1 to 3 cm at the AV
the QRS complex). The rest of the QRS complex is produced by the junction. The most common combination of widely spaced multiple
rapidly conducting HPS. Therefore the preexcited QRS results from
BTs is posteroseptal and right free-wall BTs. The incidence of multiple
fusion between activation over the BT (which accounts for the initial
BTs is particularly high in patients with antidromic atrioventricular
delta wave) and activation over the AVN-HPS (which accounts for the
rest of the QRS complex). reentrant tachycardia (AVRT) (50% to 75%), patients in whom atrial
fibrillation (AF) resulted in ventricular fibrillation (VF), and patients
with Ebstein anomaly.
via the BT, resulting in a more prominent or wider delta wave and Although the majority (approximately 60%) of AV BTs conduct
increasing prolongation of the QRS complex duration.1 both anterogradely and retrogradely (i.e., bidirectionally), some AV BTs
are capable of propagating impulses in only one direction. BTs that
Atrioventricular Bypass Tracts conduct only in the anterograde direction are uncommon (less than
The cardiac skeleton consists of four rings of dense connective tissue 5%), often cross the right AV groove, and frequently possess decremental
that surround the AV canals (mitral and tricuspid) and extend to the conduction properties. On the other hand, BTs that conduct only in
origins of the aorta and the pulmonary trunk, providing structure and the retrograde direction occur more frequently, accounting for 17% to
support for the heart as well as electrical isolation between the atria 37% of all BTs. When the BT is capable of anterograde conduction,
and the ventricles. The aortic valve occupies the central position with ventricular preexcitation is usually evident during normal sinus rhythm
the other valve rings attached to it. The right fibrous trigone includes (NSR), and the BT is referred to as manifest. BTs capable of retrograde-
the triangular formation between the aortic valve and the medial parts only conduction are referred to as concealed.
of the tricuspid and mitral valves, and it represents the largest thicken- Because working myocardial cells make up the vast majority of AV
ing and strongest portion of the cardiac skeleton. Together with the BTs, conduction over those BTs is mediated by the rapid inward sodium
membranous septum, the right fibrous trigone constitutes the central current, similar to normal His-Purkinje tissue and atrial and ventricular
fibrous body (see Fig. 9.1). myocardium. Therefore AV BTs have rather constant anterograde and
The AV junctions are the areas of the heart where the atrial mus- retrograde conduction at all rates until the refractory period is reached,
culature connects to the annuli of the mitral and tricuspid valves. The at which time conduction is completely blocked. Thus conduction over
AVN-HPS, which lies in the septal component of the AV junction, is AV BTs usually behaves in an all-or-none fashion (i.e., nondecremental
the only normal electrical connection between the atria and the ven- conduction), although with careful measurement, there is often a small
tricles. The fibrous skeleton and AV valvular annuli (annulus fibrosus) amount of prolongation of conduction intervals (10 to 15 milliseconds)
act as insulators to prevent electrical impulses from conducting to the over the BT when the pacing rate is just below that at which block
ventricles by any other route. The main function of the AVN is modula- occurs. In contrast, the AVN, which depends on the slow inward calcium
tion of atrial impulse transmission to the ventricles, thereby coordinating current for generation and propagation of its action potential, exhibits
atrial and ventricular contractions; it receives, delays, and conveys atrial what has been called decremental conduction, whereby conduction time
impulses to the ventricles. of the impulse propagating through the AVN prolongs as the atrial
602 CHAPTER 18  Typical Atrioventricular Bypass Tracts

Ventricular preexcitation Normal QRS







V1 V1

V2 V2

V3 V3

V4 V4

V5 V5

V6 V6

Fig. 18.2  Wolf-Parkinson-White Electrocardiogram (ECG) Pattern. Surface ECG of normal sinus rhythm
with ventricular preexcitation (left) and without preexcitation (right) in the same patient.

Supero- Anterior cycle length (CL) shortens. Thus AV conduction is more rapid through
Anterior paraseptal
Anterolateral the AV BT than through the AVN, a difference that is exaggerated at
His faster heart rates. This difference has potentially great clinical impor-
tance. A primary function of the AVN is to limit the number of impulses
conducted from the atria to the ventricles, which is particularly important
AV node Mitral Orifice
Lateral Lateral during fast atrial rates (e.g., AF or atrial flutter [AFL]) when only a
Tricuspid Orifice fraction of impulses are conducted to the ventricles, whereas the remain-
der are blocked in the AVN. However, in the presence of nondecrementally
conducting AV BTs with short refractory periods, these arrhythmias
Coronary sinus Posterolateral
can lead to very fast ventricular rates that can degenerate into VF.
Posterolateral Posteroseptal Posterior
Atrioventricular Reentry
Fig. 18.3  Locations of Atrioventricular (AV) Bypass Tracts by Ana-
tomical Region. Tricuspid and mitral valve annuli are depicted in a left AVRT is a macroreentrant tachycardia with an anatomically defined
anterior oblique view. Locations of the coronary sinus, AV node, and circuit that consists of two distinct pathways, the normal AV conduction
His bundle are shown. AV bypass tractts may connect atrial to ventricular system and an AV BT, linked by common proximal (atrial) and distal
myocardium in any of the regions shown. (From Miller JM, Zipes DP. (ventricular) tissues. If sufficient differences in conduction time and
Therapy for cardiac arrhythmias. In: Libby P, Bonow R, Mann DL, et al., refractoriness exist between the normal conduction system and the BT,
eds. Braunwald’s Heart Disease: A Textbook of Cardiovascular Medicine. a properly timed premature impulse of atrial or ventricular origin can
8th ed. Philadelphia: WB Saunders; 2007:779–830.) initiate reentry. AVRTs are the most common (80%) tachycardias associ-
ated with the WPW syndrome. AVRT is divided into orthodromic and
antidromic according to the direction of conduction in the AVN-HPS
(Fig. 18.4). Orthodromic indicates normal direction (anterograde) of
conduction over AVN-HPS during AVRT.
CHAPTER 18  Typical Atrioventricular Bypass Tracts 603

Orthodromic AVRT Antidromic AVRT conduction is required to sustain tachycardia. Clinical presentation,
sex, age, and orthodromic AVRT induction appear similar in patients
with and without inducible antidromic AVRT. Patients with antidromic
AVRT induction more frequently have BTs with more rapid conduction
AVN AVN properties than other WPW patients.2
HB BT HB BT Susceptibility to antidromic AVRT appears to be facilitated by a
distance of at least 4 cm between the BT and the normal AV conduction
RB LB RB LB system. Consequently, most antidromic AVRTs use a lateral (right or
left) BT as the anterograde route for conduction. Because posteroseptal
BTs are in close proximity to the AVN, those BTs are rarely part of
antidromic AVRT if the other limb is the AVN and not a second free-
Preexcited AT Preexcited AVNRT wall BT. Up to 50% to 75% of patients with spontaneous antidromic
AVRT have multiple BTs (manifest or concealed), which may or may
not be utilized as the retrograde limb during the tachycardia.2

AVN AVN Permanent Junctional Reciprocating Tachycardia

BT BT Permanent junctional reciprocating tachycardia (PJRT) is a rare form
of nearly incessant orthodromic AVRT mediated by a concealed, ret-
RB LB RB LB rogradely conducting AV BT that has slow and decremental conduction
properties. Conduction properties of this retrograde BT are slower than
the anterograde conduction properties of the AVN and those of typical
Fig. 18.4  Bypass Tract–Related Tachycardias. Schematic representa-
fast BTs found in patients with AVRT. The BT in PJRT is most often
tion of the reentrant circuit during orthodromic atrioventricular reentrant
tachycardia (AVRT), antidromic AVRT, preexcited atrial tachycardia (AT), located in the posteroseptal region, although other portions of the AV
and preexcited atrioventricular nodal reentrant tachycardia (AVNRT) using groove can also harbor this unusual pathway. Because these BTs are
a left-sided bypass tract (BT). HB, His bundle; LB, left bundle branch; almost always concealed and have slow conduction, all elements neces-
RB, right bundle branch. sary for reentry are present at all times, and thus PJRT can be present
much of the time (i.e., incessant), with only short interludes of sinus
rhythm. The incessant nature of PJRT can result in tachycardia-induced
Orthodromic Atrioventricular Reentrant Tachycardia
In orthodromic AVRT, the AVN-HPS serves as the anterograde limb of Other Arrhythmias Associated With
the reentrant circuit (i.e., the pathway that conducts the impulse from Wolff-Parkinson-White Syndrome
the atria to the ventricles), whereas an AV BT serves as the retrograde Atrial tachycardia (AT), AFL, AF, and atrioventricular nodal reentrant
limb (see Figs. 18.4 and 18.5). Approximately 50% of BTs participating tachycardia (AVNRT) can all coexist with a BT. In these preexcited
in orthodromic AVRT are manifest (able to conduct bidirectionally) tachycardias, the BT serves as a bystander route for ventricular or atrial
and 50% are concealed (able to conduct retrogradely only). Therefore activation, and is not required for the initiation or maintenance of the
a WPW pattern may or may not be present on the surface ECG during arrhythmia.
NSR. When preexcitation is present, the delta wave seen during NSR
is lost during orthodromic AVRT because anterograde conduction during Atrioventricular Nodal Reentrant Tachycardia
the tachycardia occurs over the normal AV conduction system, and not and Atrial Tachycardia
via the BT (i.e., the ventricle is not preexcited). Orthodromic AVRT Both AVNRT and AT can use the bystander BT to transmit impulses
accounts for approximately 90% to 95% of AVRT episodes in patients to the ventricle (see Fig. 18.4). When AVNRT occurs in the WPW syn-
with a manifest BT and 35% of all paroxysmal supraventricular tachy- drome, the arrhythmia can be difficult to distinguish from AVRT without
cardias (SVTs).1 EP testing.

Antidromic Atrioventricular Reentrant Tachycardia Atrial Fibrillation

Antidromic AVRT is a preexcited AVRT whereby an AV BT serves as The overall incidence of AF in patients with WPW syndrome varies
the anterograde limb and the AVN-HPS serves as the retrograde limb from 12% to 39%. AF is typically paroxysmal. Persistent AF is rare in
of the reentrant circuit (see Figs. 18.4 and 18.5). Consequently, the QRS these patients. AF is most common in patients with anterogradely con-
complex during antidromic AVRT is fully preexcited (i.e., the ventricles ducting BTs. Patients with antidromic AVRT, multiple BTs, and BTs
are activated totally by the BT with no contribution from the normal that have a short anterograde effective refractory period (ERP) are more
conduction system). The BT involved in the antidromic AVRT circuit prone to develop AF. In individuals with WPW, AF is often preceded
must be capable of anterograde conduction and, therefore, preexcitation by AVRT that degenerates into AF (Fig. 18.6).
is typically observed during NSR. Other, less frequent, forms of preex- The frequency with which intermittent AF occurs in patients with
cited AVRT utilize one AV BT as the anterograde conduction and a the WPW syndrome is striking because of the low prevalence of coex-
second BT for retrograde conduction or a combination of one BT plus isting structural heart disease or other predisposing factors for AF.
the AVN-HPS in either direction (eFig. 18.1).1 This observation suggests that the AV BT itself can be related to the
Clinically, antidromic AVRT is much less frequent than orthodromic genesis of AF, supported by the fact that when the BT is ablated, AF may
AVRT, occurring in less than 5% of patients with WPW syndrome, and not recur.
can be induced in the electrophysiology (EP) laboratory in less than The mechanisms by which AVRT precipitates AF are not well under-
10%. The low prevalence of antidromic AVRT is related to the EP prop- stood. The rapid atrial rate can cause disruption in atrial activation and
erties of the AVN, because good retrograde ventriculoatrial (VA) reactivation, creating an EP substrate conducive to AF. The observation
CHAPTER 18  Typical Atrioventricular Bypass Tracts 603.e1







l–– 300 msec ––l

eFig. 18.1  Preexcited Atrioventricular Reentrant Tachycardia. The anterograde limb of the reentry circuit
in mediated by a right lateral bypass tract (BT), as indicated by the preexcited QRS morphology. The retro-
grade limb of the circuit is mediated by a left lateral BT, as indicated by the eccentric atrial activation sequence.
A, Atrial electrogram; CSdist, distal coronary sinus; CSprox, proximal coronary sinus; H, His bundle potential;
HRA, high right atrium; RVA, right ventricular apex.
604 CHAPTER 18  Typical Atrioventricular Bypass Tracts


I aVR V1 V4

aVL V2 V5


Antidromic AVRT Orthodromic AVRT







V1 V1

V2 V2

V3 V3

V4 V4

V5 V5

V6 V6
Fig. 18.5  Orthodromic and Antidromic Atrioventricular Reentrant Tachycardias (AVRTs) in a Patient
With a Bidirectional Left Posteroseptal Bypass Tract (BT). Ventricular preexcitation is evident during normal
sinus rhythm (NSR). The narrow complex tachycardia represents orthodromic AVRT using the BT as the
retrograde limb of the reentrant circuit. Antidromic AVRT utilizes the BT for anterograde atrioventricular
conduction, resulting in wide complex tachycardia.

that most patients with BT and AF who undergo BT ablation are cured patients; however, vulnerability to AF persists in up to 56%, and the
of both AVRT and AF is compatible with this hypothesis. Another pos- response to atrial extrastimulation (AES) is also unaltered by ablation.
sibility is that the complex geometry of networks of BTs predisposes to AF in younger WPW patients is usually associated with the BT and
AF by fractionation of the activation wavefronts. Localized reentry has is unlikely to occur after ablation; in contrast, older patients may have
been recorded in some patients, using direct recordings of the activa- recurrence of AF from causes unrelated to the BT. Nonetheless, recent
tion of the BTs. Hemodynamic changes, atrial stretch caused by atrial studies have challenged the role of BT ablation in modulating the risk
contraction against closed AV valves during ventricular systole, can of AF particularly in adult patients, and show persistently higher rates
also play a role. Ablation of the BT can cure AF in more than 90% of of AF in WPW patients (hazard ratio, 4.77) compared with the general
CHAPTER 18  Typical Atrioventricular Bypass Tracts 605












Antidromic AVRT Preexcited AF NSR

Fig. 18.6  Antidromic Atrioventricular Reentrant Tachycardia (AVRT) Converting Into Nonsustained
Preexcited Atrial Fibrillation (AF). Normal sinus rhythm (NSR) follows. Preexcitation is mediated via a left
anterior bypass tract.

population despite catheter ablation of the BT.4 Trends of increased Ventricular Fibrillation and Sudden Cardiac Death
risk of AF in ablated WPW patients suggest that mechanisms other The mechanism of sudden cardiac death (SCD) in patients with WPW
than those directly related to the presence of a BT, such as underlying is likely the occurrence of AF or AFL with a very rapid ventricular rate,
atrial myopathy, may play a role in AF genesis. which provokes VF. Although the frequency with which AF with rapid
AV conduction via a BT degenerates into VF is unknown, the incidence
Atrial Flutter of SCD in patients with WPW syndrome is rather low, ranging from
About 4% of WPW patients present with AFL. AFL is the most common 0% to 0.39% annually in several large case series. The trigger for AF in
(60%) regular preexcited tachycardia in patients with WPW syndrome. this population of patients is generally an episode of AVRT. In fact,
AFL is caused by a macroreentrant circuit within the RA and therefore most patients who have been resuscitated from VF secondary to pre-
exists independently of the BT, and AFL does not have the same causal excitation have a previous history of AVRT, AF, or both. Nonetheless,
association to AV BTs as AF. In some patients with WPW syndrome SCD can be the first manifestation of WPW syndrome.5
who develop AFL, AVRT is often the initiating event. This relationship Several factors can help identify the patient with WPW who is at
can be mediated by contraction-excitation feedback into the atria during increased risk for VF, including symptomatic AVRT, septal location of
the AVRT. the BT, presence of multiple BTs, and male gender. In addition, the risk
AFL, like AF, can conduct anterogradely via a BT causing a preexcited of SCD associated with WPW appears highest in the first two decades
tachycardia. Depending on the various refractory periods of the normal of life.1 Nonetheless, it is clear that the most important factor for the
and pathological AV conduction pathways, AFL can potentially conduct occurrence of VF in these patients is the ability of the BT to conduct
1:1 to the ventricles during a preexcited tachycardia, making the arrhyth- rapidly to the ventricles. This is best measured by determining the
mia difficult to distinguish from VT (see Fig. 12.10). shortest and average preexcited R-R intervals during AF or, alternatively,
606 CHAPTER 18  Typical Atrioventricular Bypass Tracts

by measuring the anterograde ERP of the BT. If the BT has a very short men usually present with AVRT at an older age than women. In contrast,
anterograde ERP (less than 250 milliseconds), a rapid ventricular response women were found to have a higher prevalence of multiple BTs, ortho-
can occur with degeneration of the rhythm to VF. A short preexcited dromic AVRT, and right-sided BTs. In addition, Asians appear to have
R-R interval during AF (≤220 milliseconds) appears to be a sensitive right free-wall BTs substantially more frequently than other races.8,9
clinical marker for identifying children at risk for SCD, although its
positive predictive value in adults is only 19% to 38%.5 Sudden Death
Drug therapy can be an additional determinant of the risk of VF in The incidence of SCD among patients with asymptomatic preexcitation
patients with preexcitation. Several pharmacological agents can poten- is difficult to ascertain. A large meta-analysis (including 1869 patients
tially enhance BT conduction and increase the ventricular rate during with asymptomatic ventricular preexcitation from 20 studies with 11,722
AF and, hence, increase the risk of VF (see later). patient-years of follow-up) found a total of 10 cases of SCD, with SCD
rates between 0 and 4.5 events per 1000 person-years of follow-up, and
Ventricular Tachycardia an overall risk of SCD in adults and children of 2.5 per 1000 person-
Coexisting VT is uncommon in patients with WPW syndrome because years (or 3% to 4% over a lifetime). Italian studies reported all but one
structural heart disease is very infrequent in this young patient popula- SCD event.6,7
tion. Naturally, older patients are subject to coronary artery and other In general, children seem to have a numerically higher event rate
diseases that can cause VT. than adults. The majority of victims were between the ages of 10 and
40 years. Patients with WPW who are most susceptible to SCD are
EPIDEMIOLOGY AND NATURAL HISTORY symptomatic; however, SCD can be the first event in patients with
asymptomatic preexcitation.7 Several characteristics have been reported
Wolff-Parkinson-White Pattern among patients who experienced potentially life-threatening events,
The prevalence of WPW pattern on the surface ECG is 0.1% to 0.3% including younger age (less than 30 years), male gender, history of AF,
in the general population.1 The prevalence is increased to 0.55% among prior syncope, associated congenital or other heart disease, and familial
first-degree relatives of affected patients, suggesting a familial compo- WPW. Low-risk WPW patients also showed a characteristic EP profile
nent. The annual incidence of newly diagnosed cases of preexcitation (older age, lower tachyarrhythmia inducibility, longer anterograde refrac-
in the general population was substantially lower (0.004%) in a diverse tory ERP of BTs, and low likelihood of baseline retrograde BT conduc-
population of residents from Olmsted County, Minnesota, 50% of whom tion or multiple BTs).7
were asymptomatic. The incidence in men is twice that in women,
and is highest in the first year of life, with a secondary peak in young Associated Cardiac Abnormalities
adulthood.5 Most patients with AV BTs do not have coexisting structural cardiac
The WPW pattern on the surface ECG can be intermittent and can abnormalities, except for those that are age related. The association of
even permanently disappear with loss of anterograde but preserved ventricular preexcitation with structural congenital heart defects is well
retrograde conduction. Loss of preexcitation has been observed in up recognized. Up to 20% of children with WPW also have congenital
to 31% of adults and in 0% to 33% of children and adolescents over heart disease. Associated congenital abnormalities, when present, are
a 5-year time period. Intermittent and persistent loss of preexcitation more likely to be right sided than left sided. Ebstein anomaly is the
may indicate that the BT has a relatively longer baseline ERP, which congenital lesion most strongly associated with the WPW syndrome.
makes it more susceptible to age-related degenerative changes and varia- As many as 10% of such patients have one or more BTs; most of these
tions in autonomic tone.6 are located in the right free-wall or the right posteroseptal space. Ven-
tricular preexcitation has also been described in patients with transposi-
Wolff-Parkinson-White Syndrome tion of great arteries, pulmonary atresia, patent ductus arteriosus,
The prevalence of the WPW syndrome is substantially lower than that tetralogy of Fallot, total anomalous pulmonary venous return, and
of the WPW ECG pattern. At present, it is estimated that approximately ventricular septal defects.5,6
65% of adolescents and 40% of adults over 30 years of age with a WPW
pattern on a resting ECG are asymptomatic.5 Familial Wolff-Parkinson-White Syndrome
The occurrence of arrhythmias is related to the age at the time Typically, WPW syndrome occurs sporadically; however, in a minor-
preexcitation is discovered and can vary with location and EP properties ity of cases it is inherited. A familial form of WPW has infrequently
of the BT. AVRT manifests early in life, with an average of more than been reported and is usually inherited as an autosomal dominant trait.
10 years separating the time of clinical presentation of AVRT versus Among patients with the WPW syndrome, 3.4% have first-degree rela-
that of AVNRT.1 Up to 70% of children (8 to 12 years of age) who are tives with a preexcitation syndrome. The genetic cause of a rare form
asymptomatic at the time of diagnosis of WPW ECG pattern remain of familial WPW syndrome has been described. The clinical phenotype
asymptomatic over median follow-up of 57 months. About 30% even- is characterized by the presence of preexcitation on the ECG, frequent
tually develop an arrhythmic event, which can be potentially life- SVTs (including AF), progressive conduction system disease, and left
threatening in approximately 10% of patients. In contrast, only a minority ventricular (LV) hypertrophy (distinct from sarcomeric hypertrophic
(10%) of adults who are asymptomatic at the time of diagnosis of cardiomyopathy). Patients typically present in late adolescence or the
ventricular preexcitation develop cardiac arrhythmias over median third decade with syncope or palpitations. Premature SCD occurred
follow-up of 67 months, which can be potentially life-threatening in in 10% of patients. Paradoxically, by the fourth decade of life, progres-
approximately 5% of patients. The vast majority of patients in whom sion to advanced SND or AV block (with the loss of preexcitation)
preexcitation is first uncovered after the age of 40 remain asymptomatic.5 requiring pacemaker implantation was common. Approximately 80%
In a large meta-analysis, the annual risk of developing SVT was 0.25% of the patients older than 50 years had chronic AF. Causative mutations
of WPW patients.7 in the PRKAG2 gene were identified in these families. The PRKAG2
A male predominance among WPW patients has been observed. gene encodes the gamma-2 regulatory subunit of the adenosine mono-
Furthermore, men tend to have a higher incidence of antidromic AVRT, phosphate (AMP)–activated protein kinase, which is a key regulator
more prevalent left-sided BTs, and shorter anterograde BT ERP. Also, of metabolic pathways, including glucose metabolism. The penetrance
CHAPTER 18  Typical Atrioventricular Bypass Tracts 607

of the disease for WPW syndrome was complete, but the expression contraction. Improvement of left ventricular ejection fraction has been
was variable. The described phenotype of this syndrome is similar to described after ablation of septal BTs in pediatric patients.5
the autosomal recessive glycogen storage disease, Pompe disease. Given
the function of the AMP-activated protein kinase and this similarity, the
PRKAG2 syndrome is likely a cardiac-specific glycogenosis syndrome.
This syndrome thus belongs to the group of genetic metabolic cardiomy- History, physical examination, and 12-lead ECG constitute an appropri-
opathies, rather than to the congenital primary arrhythmia syndromes. ate initial evaluation. In patients with brief, self-terminating episodes
The annulus fibrosus, which normally insulates the ventricles from the of palpitations, an event recorder is the most effective way to obtain
atria, is thinned and disrupted by glycogen-filled myocytes, and these ECG documentation. Also, echocardiographic examination is recom-
anomalous microscopic AV connections, rather than morphologically mended to exclude structural heart disease.
distinct BTs, appear to provide the anatomic substrate for ventricular Several other noninvasive tests have been proposed as useful for
preexcitation. Of note, certain mutations in PRKAG2 have been associ- evaluating symptomatic patients and risk-stratifying patients for SCD
ated with nodoventricular BTs.10 risk. However, the sensitivity and specificity of noninvasive testing have
Another genetic form of WPW syndrome is associated with muta- been shown to be limited. Invasive EP testing may be considered in
tions in the bone morphogenetic protein-2 (BMP2) gene, which belongs patients with arrhythmias and those with a WPW ECG pattern when
to the class of transforming growth factor, The TGF-β-superfamily of noninvasive testing does not lead to the conclusion that the anterograde
proteins, and is involved in the development of the annulus fibrosus. ERP of the BT is relatively long. However, a strategy to perform an EP
This syndrome is characterized by variable cognitive deficits and dys- study for all asymptomatic patients with the WPW ECG pattern for
morphic features in addition to ventricular preexcitation.11 the purpose of risk stratification is still controversial and not widely
Concealed Bypass Tracts
The true prevalence of concealed BTs is unknown because, unlike the Methods for Evaluation of Bypass Tract
situation with the WPW ECG pattern, these BTs are concealed on the Refractory Period
surface ECG and are only expressed during AVRT; only symptomatic Demonstration of Intermittent Preexcitation
patients undergo EP testing. As noted, orthodromic AVRT accounts for Intermittent preexcitation has historically been thought to confer a
approximately 95% of AVRTs and 35% of all paroxysmal SVTs, and lower risk of SCD than persistent preexcitation. Observation of inter-
50% of the BTs that participate in orthodromic AVRT are concealed. mittent loss of the preexcitation pattern on ambulatory monitoring or
SVTs using a concealed BT have no gender predilection and tend to serial ECGs is generally correlated with a long BT anterograde ERP.
occur more frequently in younger patients than in those with AVNRT; The longer refractory period of the BT decreases the frequency of mani-
however, significant overlap exists. PJRT most often occurs in early fest preexcitation during NSR and is expected to lower the risk of
childhood, although clinically asymptomatic patients presenting later mediating rapid preexcited ventricular activation during AF. Neverthe-
in life are not uncommon. less, EP studies in symptomatic patients with intermittent preexcitation
found that 10% to 24% can have BTs capable of conducting at rapid
rates during AF (with anterograde ERP or shortest preexcited R-R interval
CLINICAL PRESENTATION less than 250 milliseconds), perhaps related to autonomic influences.
The majority of patients with preexcitation are asymptomatic and are However, similar findings have not yet been demonstrated in asymp-
discovered incidentally on an ECG obtained for unrelated reasons. When tomatic patients with intermittent preexcitation.13,14
symptomatic arrhythmias occur in the WPW patient, the disorder is Intermittent preexcitation can be observed on ambulatory monitor-
called the WPW syndrome. The two most common types of arrhythmias ing in up to 67% of patients. It is important, however, to distinguish
in the WPW syndrome are AVRT and AF. Patients with AVRT experi- intermittent preexcitation from inapparent preexcitation (see later) and
ence symptoms characteristic of paroxysmal SVT with abrupt onset from a bigeminal ventricular rhythm with a long coupling interval.1,5
and termination, including rapid and regular palpitations, chest pain, Although intermittent preexcitation is a predictor of poor anterograde
dyspnea, presyncope, and rarely, syncope. Episodes can last from seconds conduction through the BT, it has rarely been observed in some patients
to several hours. Symptoms are usually mild and short-lived and ter- with cardiac arrest. Furthermore, the presence of intermittent preexcita-
minate spontaneously or with vagal maneuvers. However, occasionally tion does not predict retrograde conduction properties of the BT nor
patients present with disabling symptoms, especially in the presence of preclude the development of AVRT.5
structural heart disease.1,12
AVRT, which in general is well tolerated by the patient when addi- Loss of Preexcitation During Exercise
tional heart disease is absent, can deteriorate into AF; the latter can be Demonstration of a sudden loss of preexcitation (indicated by abrupt
a life-threatening arrhythmia if the BT has a short anterograde refractory loss of the delta wave associated with prolongation of the PR interval
period, resulting in very fast ventricular rates, with possible degenera- and normalization of the QRS) during exercise is consistent with block
tion into VF and SCD. The incidence of SCD in patients with the WPW in the BT and is consistent with a long BT ERP (greater than 300 mil-
syndrome has been estimated to range from 0.15% to 0.39% over a liseconds). Importantly, rapid AVN conduction during exercise can
3- to 10-year follow-up. It is unusual for cardiac arrest to be the first potentially mask persistent preexcitation. Therefore only abrupt and
symptomatic manifestation of WPW syndrome. Conversely, in about complete loss of preexcitation during exercise should be sought as a
50% of cardiac arrest cases in WPW patients, it is the first manifestation surrogate of a long anterograde ERP of the BT.5
of WPW syndrome. Loss of preexcitation during exercise is a good predictor that the
PJRT commonly presents as a frequently recurring or incessant patient is not at risk for VF even during sympathetic stimulation.
tachycardia that is refractory to drug therapy and can lead to tachycardia- However, the frequency of block in the BT during exercise is low (approxi-
induced cardiomyopathy and heart failure symptoms. mately 10% to 20%), and thus sensitivity of this test is poor. On the
Rarely, significant ventricular preexcitation during NSR can result other hand, persistence of preexcitation during exercise stress has a
in ventricular dysfunction secondary to dyssynchronous ventricular sensitivity of 96% but a specificity of only 17% in predicting either a
608 CHAPTER 18  Typical Atrioventricular Bypass Tracts

shortest preexcited R-R less than 250 milliseconds during AF or a BT administered. Thus, although isoproterenol raises the sensitivity of
ERP of less than 250 milliseconds (positive predictive value of 40% invasive EP testing, it markedly reduces the specificity.5
and negative predictive value of 88%).5 On the other hand, BT ERP less than 240 milliseconds appears to
significantly correlate with only AVRT inducibility, but as an isolated
Bypass Tract Conduction Block in Response to variable, it is less predictive of life-threatening events and exhibits sig-
Antiarrhythmic Agents nificant overlap between WPW patients with VF and those without VF.
When the administration of ajmaline (1 mg/kg IV over 3 minutes) or The presence of multiple BTs and the ability to induce sustained AVRT,
procainamide (10 mg/kg IV over 5 minutes) results in complete block especially when AVRT spontaneously degenerates into AF, have been
of the BT during NSR, a long anterograde ERP (greater than 270 mil- proposed to predict risk of malignant ventricular arrhythmias. The lack
liseconds) of the BT is likely. The shorter the BT ERP, the less likely it of retrograde conduction over the BT appears to be at lower risk for
would be blocked by these drugs. Also, the amount of ajmaline required SCD. However, the predictive value of these criteria remains limited
to block conduction over the BT correlates with the duration of the and significant overlap exists.1,5
anterograde ERP of the BT. However, the incidence of BT block in
response to these drugs is low and, although the occurrence of block PRINCIPLES OF MANAGEMENT
predicts a long ERP of the BT, failure to produce block does not neces-
sarily suggest a short ERP. Moreover, pharmacological testing is carried Acute Management
out at rest and therefore does not indicate what effect the drug will Symptomatic Patients With Concealed Bypass Tracts
have on the BT ERP during sympathetic stimulation, such as exercise, Patients with orthodromic AVRT utilizing a concealed BT are treated
emotion, anxiety, and recreational drug use. Importantly, the specificity in a similar fashion as those with paroxysmal SVT. Vagal maneuvers
of loss of preexcitation after administration of sodium blockers is poor (including Valsalva and carotid sinus massage) are the first-line inter-
compared to the shortest preexcited R-R intervals during inducible AF. vention for acute conversion of the tachycardia; though the overall
Given these limitations, pharmacologic challenge is no longer routinely success rate is limited (approximately 28%). If SVT persists, adenosine
utilized.5 is recommended, and it offers a success rate of 90% to 95%. For refrac-
tory tachycardia, IV diltiazem, verapamil, or beta-blockers can terminate
Evaluation of Ventricular Response During Atrial Fibrillation orthodromic AVRT in the majority of patients. Synchronized cardiover-
During spontaneous or induced AF, the propensity for rapid AV con- sion is recommended for hemodynamically unstable patients and for
duction can be judged by the interval between consecutively preexcited those refractory or intolerant to drug therapy (Fig. 18.7).1
QRS complexes. A mean preexcited R-R interval greater than 250 mil-
liseconds and a shortest preexcited R-R greater than 220 milliseconds Symptomatic Patients With Manifest Bypass Tracts
predict low risk for SCD, with a negative predictive value of more than In patients with manifest preexcitation during NSR presenting with
95%; however, the positive predictive value is low (20%).5 AVRT (orthodromic or antidromic), vagal maneuvers are the first-line
intervention for tachycardia termination (see Fig. 18.7). For persistent
Response of Preexcitation to Transesophageal SVT, adenosine is recommended. Importantly, adenosine should be
Atrial Stimulation used with caution because it can induce AF with a rapid ventricular
There is good correlation between the value of the anterograde ERP of rate in the presence of an anterogradely conducting BT. This is unusual
the BT obtained during single-test programmed atrial stimulation and and should not be viewed as a contraindication to adenosine use, but
atrial pacing at increasing rates and the ventricular rate during AF. one should be prepared for emergency cardioversion before administer-
Programmed electrical stimulation of the atrium can be performed by ing adenosine to SVT patients.1
the transesophageal route and the value of the anterograde ERP of the For refractory AVRT, IV diltiazem, verapamil, or beta-blockers can
BT can be determined. be considered to block conduction in the AVN, which represents either
the retrograde or anterograde limb in the AVRT circuit. AVN blocking
Electrophysiological Testing drugs, however, are ineffective in patients with preexcited AVRT that
Programmed atrial stimulation is used to evaluate the anterograde ERP utilizes two separate BTs for anterograde and retrograde conduction.
of the BT. Because BT refractoriness shortens with decreasing pacing Drug treatment directed at the BT (ibutilide, procainamide, flecainide)
cycle length (PCL), the ERP should be determined at multiple PCLs may also be considered. When drug therapy fails or hemodynamic
(preferably ≤400 milliseconds). In addition, atrial stimulation should instability is present, electrical cardioversion should be considered.
be performed close to the BT atrial insertion site to obviate the effect It is important to note that IV diltiazem and verapamil can result
of intraatrial conduction delay. Incremental-rate atrial pacing is per- in hemodynamic collapse if the AVRT does not terminate or AF is
formed to determine the maximal rate at which 1:1 conduction over induced with rapid conduction over the BT degenerating to VF, and one
the BT occurs. Induction of AF should be performed to determine the must be prepared for immediate electrical cardioversion if that occurs
average and the shortest R-R interval during preexcited AF. Atrial and (see later).
ventricular stimulation is also performed to evaluate inducibility of
AVRT as well as the number and location of BTs.5 Preexcited Atrial Fibrillation
A shortest preexcited R-R interval less than 220 to 250 milliseconds In patients with AF or AFL, ventricular preexcitation, and rapid ven-
during AF has been shown to be the best discriminator of those at risk tricular response, prompt direct-current cardioversion is recommended,
of VF, with a high sensitivity (88% to 100%) and a high negative pre- especially when hemodynamic compromise is present. IV procainamide
dictive value for identifying children and young adults with WPW or ibutilide to restore NSR or slow the ventricular rate may be considered
syndrome at risk for VF. However, the positive predictive value is low in hemodynamically stable patients. Both drugs slow BT conduction.
(19% to 38%), largely due to the very low incidence of SCD in these Importantly, drugs that preferentially slow AVN conduction without
patients. Also, a shortest preexcited R-R interval less than 250 millisec- prolonging BT refractoriness (such as verapamil, diltiazem, beta-blockers,
onds during AF has been noted in 20% to 26% of asymptomatic adenosine, oral or IV digoxin, and IV amiodarone) can accelerate the
adults with a WPW pattern, and in up to 67% when isoproterenol is ventricular rate and potentially precipitate hemodynamic collapse and
CHAPTER 18  Typical Atrioventricular Bypass Tracts 609

Orthodromic AVRT Chronic Management

Symptomatic Patients With Concealed Bypass Tracts
Catheter ablation is considered first-line therapy (class I) for patients
Vagal maneuvers with paroxysmal SVT involving a concealed BT (i.e., orthodromic AVRT).
and/or IV adenosine However, because concealed BTs are not associated with an increased
(class I)
risk of SCD in these patients, catheter ablation can be presented as one
of a number of potential therapeutic approaches, including pharma-
If ineffective
or not feasible
cological therapy and clinical follow-up alone. When pharmacological
therapy is selected for patients with concealed BTs, it is reasonable to
consider a trial of beta-blocker therapy, diltiazem, or verapamil (Fig.
18.8). These agents are effective for preventing recurrent tachycardia
Hemodynamically in approximately 50% of patients. Antiarrhythmic agents may be con-
sidered for patients with refractory tachycardia; however, the risk and
benefits of these drugs should be carefully considered.1
Yes No
Symptomatic Patients With Manifest Bypass Tracts
Catheter ablation is considered the treatment of choice for patients
Preexcitation cardioversion with WPW syndrome—that is, patients with manifest preexcitation
on resting (class I) along with documented arrhythmias (antidromic or orthodromic AVRT
ECG or preexcited AF) or symptoms consistent with cardiac arrhythmias.
Catheter ablation is curative in more than 95% of patients with a rela-
Yes No tively low complication rate (about 3%), and it also obviates the unwanted
side effects of pharmacological therapy.1
For patients with WPW syndrome who are not candidates for, or
IV beta-blockers, IV beta-blockers,
IV diltiazem, or IV diltiazem, or
prefer not to undergo catheter ablation, antiarrhythmic drugs to block
IV verapamil IV verapamil BT conduction are considered (see Fig. 18.8). Class IC agents such as
(class IIb) (class IIa) flecainide and propafenone (in patients without structural heart disease
or ischemic heart disease), and class III drugs, such as sotalol and dofeti-
lide, may be considered. Oral amiodarone is a last resort therapy, given
If ineffective or not feasible the associated risks of long-term therapy. In general, antiarrhythmic
drug therapy can offer symptomatic improvement in up to 90% of
patients, although complete disappearance of symptoms is observed in
Synchronized only 30%.1
cardioversiona Chronic oral beta-blocker, verapamil, and diltiazem may be used
(class I)
for the treatment of patients with WPW syndrome, particularly if their
BT has been demonstrated to be incapable of rapid anterograde con-
Fig. 18.7  Acute Treatment of Orthodromic Atrioventricular Reentrant
duction. However, these agents must be used with caution and after a
Tachycardia (AVRT). aFor rhythms that break or recur spontaneously,
synchronized cardioversion is not appropriate. IV, Intravenous. (From discussion with the patient concerning the potential risk of rapid con-
Page RL, Joglar JA, Caldwell MA, et al. 2015 ACC/AHA/HRS guideline duction over the BT if AF develops. Digoxin, on the other hand, should
for the management of adult patients with supraventricular tachycardia: be avoided because it can shorten the refractory period of the BT and,
a report of the American College of Cardiology/American Heart Associa- hence, is potentially harmful in patients with manifest BTs.1
tion Task Force on Clinical Practice Guidelines and the Heart Rhythm
Society. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2016;67:e27–e115.) Asymptomatic Patients With Manifest Bypass Tracts
Asymptomatic young WPW patients have about 30% risk of becoming
symptomatic, and a very small, but definite risk of life-threatening
arrhythmias and SCD. Therefore, in the recent Pediatric and Congenital
VF in high-risk patients. Several mechanisms are probably involved; Electrophysiology Society (PACES) and the Heart Rhythm Society (HRS)
hypotension produced by some of those medications is followed by expert consensus document on treatment of asymptomatic young WPW
a sympathetic discharge that enhances BT conduction. Furthermore, subjects, risk stratification is recommended to identify a potential sub-
slowing or blocking conduction through the AVN prevents competitive group of patients with BTs with “high-risk” properties that may confer
concealed retrograde conduction into the BT by normally conducted an increased risk for lethal cardiac arrhythmias and in whom the risk-
beats and, as a result, can potentially enhance conduction over the BT. to-benefit ratio favors prophylactic ablation (Fig. 18.9).5
In addition, the rapid and irregular ventricular rate, hypotension, and Initial risk stratification utilizes noninvasive testing (e.g., Holter
sympathetic discharge probably result in fractionation of the ventricu- monitoring, exercise stress testing) to ascertain true loss of preexcitation
lar wavefront and VF. Also, digoxin increases the ventricular rate by at physiological heart rates. Complete and abrupt loss of preexcitation
shortening BT refractoriness. Lidocaine, for reasons that are unclear, during exercise testing or intermittent loss of preexcitation during ECG
has also been associated with degeneration of AF into VF. It is occa- or ambulatory monitoring, indicate long anterograde ERP of the BT
sionally used in patients with WPW who have a wide QRS complex and help identify patients at low risk of rapid conduction over the BT
tachycardia that might be misinterpreted as VT. Unlike the IV route and SCD (Box 18.1).5,15
of administration, chronic oral amiodarone therapy can slow or block Inability to clearly demonstrate absolute loss of ventricular preex-
BT conduction.1 citation on noninvasive testing warrants consideration for transesophageal
610 CHAPTER 18  Typical Atrioventricular Bypass Tracts

Orthodromic AVRT

on resting
Yes No

Ablation Ablation
candidate, willing to candidate, pt prefers
undergo ablation ablation

No Yes Yes No

Flecainide or Amiodarone, Flecainide or Amiodarone,

beta-blockers Catheter Beta-blockers,
propafenone propafenone digoxin,
diltiazem, ablation diltiazem, or
(in the absence (in the absence dofetilide,
dofetilide, sotalol, (class I) verapamil
of SHD) of SHD) or sotalol
or verapamil (class I) (class IIb)
(class IIa) (class IIa)
(class IIb)

If ineffective, If ineffective,
consider ablation consider ablation
Fig. 18.8  Ongoing Management of Orthodromic Atrioventricular Reentrant Tachycardia (AVRT). Drugs
listed alphabetically. pt, Patient; SHD, structural heart disease (including ischemic heart disease). (From Page
RL, Joglar JA, Caldwell MA, et al. 2015 ACC/AHA/HRS guideline for the management of adult patients with
supraventricular tachycardia: a report of the American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association Task
Force on Clinical Practice Guidelines and the Heart Rhythm Society. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2016;67:e27–e115.)

Baseline electrocardiogram

Persistent manifest Intermittent

preexcitation preexcitation
Fig. 18.9  Management Algorithm for Young
Asymptomatic Patients With Wolf-Parkinson-
White Electrocardiogram Pattern. aPatients unable
to perform an exercise stress test should undergo Exercise stress testa Follow in cardiology
risk stratification with an electrophysiological study. with counseling
Prior to invasive testing, patients and their parents/ regarding symptom
guardians should be counseled on the risks and
benefits of proceeding with invasive studies, risks
of observation only, and risks of medication strat- Persistent or uncertain loss Abrupt and clear loss of
egy. cPatients participating at moderate- to high-level of manifest preexcitation manifest preexcitation
competitive sports should be counseled concerning
the risk-benefit of ablation. dIn the absence of induc-
ible atrial fibrillation, the shortest preexcited R-R
interval determined by rapid atrial pacing is a rea- Diagnostic transesophageal or
sonable surrogate. SPERRI, Shortest pre-excited intracardiac electrophysiology studyb,c
R-R interval SVT, supraventricular tachycardia. (From
Cohen MI, Triedman JK, Cannon BC, et al. PACES/
HRS expert consensus statement on the manage-
ment of the asymptomatic young patient with a
Wolff-Parkinson-White [WPW, ventricular preexcita- SPERRI in atrial fibrillation >250 msec SPERRI in atrial
tion] electrocardiographic pattern. Heart Rhythm. Inducible SVT
and absence of inducible SVTc,d fibrillation ≤250d

Follow in cardiology May consider ablation

with counseling based on pathway Discuss Discuss
regarding symptom location and/or patient risk/benefits of risk/benefits of
awareness characteristics ablation ablation
(class IIA) (class IIB) (class IIA) (class IIB)
CHAPTER 18  Typical Atrioventricular Bypass Tracts 611

sports; (2) patients with structural heart disease; (3) patients with ven-
BOX 18.1  Findings Suggestive of Lower
tricular dysfunction secondary to dyssynchronous contractions; and
Risk of Life-Threatening Events in Wolff- (4) patients with BT locations associated with lower risk of procedural
Parkinson-White Patients complications (such as AV block or coronary artery injury), which can
• Intermittent loss of the preexcitation pattern on ambulatory monitoring or counterbalance the potential benefit of ablation. However, because
serial electrocardiograms knowledge about the success and complication rates plays a major role
• Abrupt and complete loss of preexcitation during exercise in decision-making, the physician must consider his or her own success
• Loss of preexcitation after administration of sodium blockers and complication rates for ablation of the specific location of the BT
• Mean preexcited R-R interval >250 msec and shortest preexcited R-R identified, and that information should be made available to the patient.5
>220 msec during atrial fibrillation It is important to recognize that the majority of adult patients with
• Anterograde effective refractory period of the bypass tract <240 msec asymptomatic preexcitation have a benign course with few clinically
significant arrhythmic events occurring over time; the risk of SCD is
low, is seen mainly in children, and is rarely the initial clinical mani-
festation. Hence, observation without further evaluation or treatment
or intracardiac EP testing. However, the benefits and risk of invasive remains a reasonable option in these patients, even when noninvasive
risk stratification should be based on individual considerations such low-risk markers are not evident. The key is a clear understanding by
as age, gender, occupation, and athletic involvement, and should be the patient of the relative merits of each strategy. The well-informed
thoroughly discussed with the patient or, in the case of a child, with patient needs to choose between a very small risk of potentially life-
the parents. Given the low risk associated with invasive EP testing (0.1% threatening arrhythmia over a long period of time and a one-time small
to 1%), it is reasonable to consider this approach for risk stratification procedural risk associated with EP testing and catheter ablation. Certain
in asymptomatic WPW patients. Several EP findings help identify high- patients such as athletes and those in higher risk occupations will gen-
risk patients who may benefit from catheter ablation, including: (1) erally choose ablation. Others, especially patients older than 30 years,
shortest preexcited R-R interval less than 250 milliseconds during induced may prefer the small risk of a conservative strategy.5,18
AF; (2) the presence of multiple BTs; (3) spontaneous degeneration of It is important to note that both invasive and noninvasive EP markers,
induced AVRT into preexcited AF; and (4) BT anterograde ERP less despite their high sensitivity and negative predictive value, lack specific-
than 240 milliseconds.1 The critical obligatory condition for VF is the ity for identifying patients at risk of life-threatening ventricular arrhyth-
presence of a short anterograde functional refractory period of the BT, mias, largely due to the very low incidence of SCD.7 The great majority
which is best reflected in the shortest R-R interval between preexcited of individuals with WPW, even with a shortest preexcited R-R interval
beats in AF.5,16 Although the ability to induce sustained AVRT has been less than 250 milliseconds during AF, will not experience SCD; thus
considered by some as a potential risk factor, this has not been sup- the positive value of predicting SCD remains very low. Therefore the
ported by recent studies.2 management of asymptomatic patients with a WPW pattern remains
The role of isoproterenol challenge during EP testing has not yet controversial.7
been clearly defined. Isoproterenol administration can significantly The ability of noninvasive risk stratification to identify low-risk
shorten the shortest preexcited R-R interval and, as a result, increase patients is low (less than 20%). Hence, according to the 2012 PACES/
the proportion of asymptomatic patients in the “high-risk” category. HRS Guidelines, invasive EP evaluation would be recommended for
Thus some investigators suggested the use of a more stringent threshold the majority of young asymptomatic WPW patients, and the majority
for the shortest preexcited R-R interval (≤220 milliseconds) instead of of those would undergo catheter ablation. A recent report retrospectively
the threshold adopted by the 2012 PACES/HRS Guidelines (≤250 mil- examined the consequences of following the published guidelines in
liseconds) for definition of “high-risk” BTs when EP testing is performed 85 asymptomatic patients (less than 18 years old) with ventricular pre-
under the influence of isoproterenol.17 excitation ECG pattern persisting at peak exercise, to assess the outcomes
In low-risk patients, as determined by noninvasive or invasive testing, of invasive risk stratification applying current guidelines. Approximately
it is appropriate to pursue a strategy of follow-up with ECGs and reevalu- 38% of the patients exhibited adverse BT properties at EP study, fulfill-
ation at selected intervals with a high degree of suspicion for new ing either the class IIA indication (shortest preexcited R-R interval less
arrhythmia symptoms. This strategy should incorporate patient educa- than 250 milliseconds during AF) or class IIB indication (AVRT induc-
tion about the potential risks associated with preexcitation and the ibility) for catheter ablation. The use of isoproterenol infusion during
symptoms of arrhythmias that should prompt them to seek medical EP testing shifted an additional 36% of those tested into one of these
attention. It is also advisable to give the patient a copy of his or her two indication classes. About 69% of young patients subjected to risk
ECG and a short note about the fact that the WPW pattern is present stratification underwent BT ablation as a result of the evaluated BT
to help prevent the misdiagnosis of MI and to explain the basis of properties or patient/parental decision.17,19
cardiac arrhythmias in case they develop later. Importantly, WPW patients Although complications of a diagnostic EP study are generally minor
most susceptible to SCD are symptomatic. Thus the evolution of the and not life-threatening, the risks associated with an ablation procedure
clinical status from an asymptomatic state to symptoms (e.g., syncope are likely at least similar to the risk of SCD in asymptomatic WPW
or palpitations) likely portends a higher risk for SCD. Once WPW patients. In three large series, procedure-related complications occurred
patients become symptomatic, catheter ablation may be considered, in 1.8% to 8.2% of cases, and death as a consequence of ablation occurred
regardless of the prior risk assessment.5 in 0.07% to 0.19%.7 If routine EP testing were to be performed in the
In patients with high-risk BT characteristics, prophylactic catheter majority of asymptomatic WPW patients, many patients would proceed
ablation is reasonable. A combination of inducible AVRT and short immediately to catheter ablation and, in others, there would be a strong
R-R interval during preexcited AF provides the best indication for abla- temptation to ablate when catheters are in place (regardless of predicted
tion. Catheter ablation of the BT, regardless of BT characteristics, is SCD risk), especially given the fact that the criteria for ablation usually
also reasonable in asymptomatic patients with high-risk occupations will not be black or white. This greatly increases the risk to the patient,
(e.g., school bus drivers, police, and pilots), and is probably reasonable which can potentially nullify the benefit of elimination of SCD risk
in: (1) patients involved in moderate- to high-intensity competitive achieved by BT ablation. A recent study using decision analysis software
612 CHAPTER 18  Typical Atrioventricular Bypass Tracts

to construct a risk-benefit decision tree for a target population of 20- to ELECTROCARDIOGRAPHIC FEATURES
40-year-old asymptomatic patients with WPW, found the decision to
ablate resulted in a reduction of 10-year mortality risk of 8.8 patients Electrocardiography of Preexcitation
for 1000 patients. The study suggested that it is necessary to treat 112 Anterogradely conducting AV BTs produce the classic WPW ECG pattern
asymptomatic patients with WPW to save one life over 10 years.18 characterized by a fusion between conduction via the BT and the normal
Finally, the physician and the patient must have a shared under- AVN-HPS: (1) short PR (P-delta) interval (less than 120 milliseconds);
standing of the value of invasive EP study for risk stratification, rather (2) slurred upstroke of the QRS (delta wave); and (3) wide QRS (>120
than as a therapeutic tool. These issues have to be resolved before pro- milliseconds) (see Figs. 18.1 and 18.2).13,14
ceeding with invasive measures, and the risks and benefits of proceed- The degree of preexcitation depends on several factors, including
ing with ablation of BT found not to have high-risk characteristics conduction time over the AVN-HPS, conduction time from the sinus
should be discussed thoroughly with patients in advance of the EP node to the atrial insertion site of the BT (which depends on the dis-
procedure.5 tance, conduction, and refractoriness of the intervening atrial tissue),
and conduction time through the BT (which depends on the length,
Wolff-Parkinson-White Patients and Sports Participation thickness, and conduction properties of the BT).
WPW syndrome accounts for approximately 1% of deaths in athletes. Pharmacological and/or physiological maneuvers that alter AVN
Although many of the cases of SCD with WPW are associated with conduction (e.g., carotid sinus massage, Valsalva maneuvers, adenosine,
exercise, training does not alter the EP properties in WPW. beta-blockers) can be used to alter the degree of preexcitation, thereby
Catheter ablation is the treatment of choice for symptomatic WPW confirming the diagnosis of the presence of an anterogradely conduct-
patients (whether or not engaged in athletics). For asymptomatic WPW ing AV BT.
patients engaged in moderate- to high-level competitive sports, non- The ECG pattern displayed by some patients with WPW syndrome
invasive and, if needed, invasive risk stratification is advisable. For those can simulate the pattern found in other cardiac conditions and can
with high-risk BT characteristics, ablation of the BT is recommended alter the pattern seen in the presence of other cardiac disease. A negative
before clearance for competitive sports because of risk for life-threatening delta wave (presenting as a Q wave) can mimic a myocardial infarction
arrhythmias.5,20 In low-risk patients, as determined by noninvasive or (MI) pattern. Conversely, a positive delta wave can mask the presence
invasive testing, BT ablation may still be appropriate, but competitive of a previous MI. Intermittent WPW can also be mistaken for frequent
sports may be allowed without ablation, especially when BT ablation premature ventricular complexes (PVCs) (Fig. 18.10). If the WPW
confers an unacceptable potential risk (e.g., AV block in the setting of pattern persists for several beats, the rhythm can be misdiagnosed as
midseptal or superoparaseptal BTs).5,20 an accelerated idioventricular rhythm or, if sufficiently rapid, VT. The

I aVR V1 V4

II aVL V2 V5



Fig. 18.10  Preexcitation Alternans. Surface electrocardiogram during sinus tachycardia demonstrating inter-
mittent preexcitation in which a QRS complex manifesting a delta wave (red arrow) alternates with a normal
QRS complex (blue arrow) (i.e., preexcitation alternans). Note the intermittent abrupt loss of delta wave
associated with prolongation of the PR interval and the presence of a stable sinus rate, indicating that loss
of preexcitation is secondary to anterograde block in the bypass tract (i.e., intermittent preexcitation) rather
than enhanced atrioventricular nodal conduction.
CHAPTER 18  Typical Atrioventricular Bypass Tracts 613

WPW pattern is occasionally seen on alternate beats and may suggest subsequent conduction over the slower AVN), and normalization of
ventricular bigeminy. An alternating WPW and normal pattern can the QRS in the absence of any significant change in heart rate.13,14
occasionally suggest electrical alternans. On the other hand, late-coupled The mechanism of intermittent preexcitation is poorly understood,
PVCs (eFig. 18.2) and ventricular pacing (eFig. 18.3) with inapparent but is likely related to the BT refractory period and cellular connectivity
pacing artifacts can occasionally mimic ventricular preexcitation. within the BT. Potential mechanisms include (1) phase 3 (i.e., tachycardia-
dependent) or phase 4 (i.e., bradycardia-dependent) block in the BT
Inapparent Versus Intermittent Preexcitation (see Chapter 10); (2) anterograde or retrograde concealed conduction
Inapparent preexcitation.  With inapparent preexcitation, preex- produced by PVCs, premature atrial complexes (PACs), or atrial arrhyth-
citation is absent on the surface ECG despite the presence of an antero- mias; (3) BTs with a long ERP and the gap phenomenon in response
gradely conducting AV BT because conduction over the AVN-HPS to PACs; and (4) BTs with a long ERP and supernormal conduction.
reaches the ventricle faster than that over the BT. In this setting, the Preexcitation alternans is a form of intermittent preexcitation in
PR interval is shorter than the P-delta interval would be if preexcitation which a QRS complex manifesting a delta wave alternates with a normal
were present. Therefore the transition from manifest to inapparent QRS complex (see Fig. 18.10). Concertina preexcitation is another form
preexcitation is characterized by normalization of the QRS in conjunc- of intermittent preexcitation in which the PR intervals and QRS complex
tion with shortening of the PR interval, reflecting the now better AVN-HPS durations show a cyclic pattern; that is, preexcitation becomes progres-
conduction. sively more prominent over a number of QRS complex cycles followed
Inapparent preexcitation is usually caused by: (1) enhanced AVN by a gradual diminution in the degree of preexcitation over several
conduction, so that it is faster than conduction over the BT; (2) pro- QRS cycles, despite a fairly constant heart rate.
longed intraatrial conduction from the site of atrial stimulation to the Differentiation between intermittent preexcitation and inapparent
atrial insertion site of the BT (most often left lateral), favoring antero- preexcitation on an ECG showing QRS complexes with and without
grade conduction and depolarization of the ventricle over the AVN-HPS; preexcitation can be achieved by comparing the P-delta interval
or (3) prolonged conduction over the BT, so that it is slower than during preexcitation and the PR interval when preexcitation is absent.
AVN-HPS conduction. Loss of preexcitation associated with a PR interval longer than the
Intermittent preexcitation.  Intermittent preexcitation is defined P-delta interval is consistent with intermittent preexcitation (see Fig.
as the presence and absence of preexcitation on serial ECGs or ambula- 18.11), whereas loss of preexcitation associated with a PR interval shorter
tory cardiac monitoring (Fig. 18.11). True intermittent preexcitation than the P-delta interval is consistent with inapparent preexcitation.
is characterized by an abrupt loss of the delta wave (regardless of how Furthermore, maneuvers that slow AVN conduction (e.g., carotid sinus
fast or slow AVN conduction is), with prolongation (normalization) of massage, AVN blockers) would unmask inapparent preexcitation but
the PR interval (reflecting the loss of the faster BT conduction, and the would not affect intermittent preexcitation.



P-delta interval PR interval

91 msec 167 msec

His A A




Fig. 18.11  Intermittent Preexcitation. Surface electrocardiogram leads II and V1 and intracardiac recordings
in a patient with Wolf-Parkinson-White syndrome and a right anterior bypass tract (BT). Note the intermittent
abrupt loss of delta wave (stars) associated with prolongation of the PR interval and normalization of the His
bundle–ventricular interval, despite the presence of a constant atrial–His bundle (AH) interval (atrioventricular
node [AVN] conduction) and a stable sinus rate, indicating that loss of preexcitation is secondary to antero-
grade block in the BT (i.e., intermittent preexcitation) rather than enhanced AVN conduction. A, Atrial elec-
trogram; CSdist, distal coronary sinus; CSprox, proximal coronary sinus; H, His bundle potential; HRA, high right
atrium; RVA, right ventricular apex.
CHAPTER 18  Typical Atrioventricular Bypass Tracts 613.e1

1000 msec












eFig. 18.2  Late-Coupled Premature Ventricular Complexes (PVCs) Mimicking Intermittent Ventricular
Preexcitation. Surface electrocardiogram of normal sinus rhythm with late-coupled PVCs, which are inscribed
shortly after the sinus P waves, resulting in a short PR interval and wide QRS complexes mimicking intermit-
tent ventricular preexcitation. Note that the degree of widening of the QRS and the variability of the QRS
morphology and the varying relationship to the preceding P waves all argue against ventricular preexcitation.

I aVR V1 V4

II aVL V2 V5



eFig. 18.3  Ventricular Pacing Mimicking Ventricular Preexcitation. Surface electrocardiogram (ECG) of
normal sinus rhythm with atrial-tracking ventricular pacing. The QRS complexes are the result of fusion from
ventricular pacing and conduction over the normal atrioventricular conduction axis, resulting in a pseudo-delta
wave, mimicking a Wolf-Parkinson-White ECG pattern. The pacing artifacts are very small, but careful inspec-
tion reveals those artifacts most clearly in lead III.
614 CHAPTER 18  Typical Atrioventricular Bypass Tracts

between 120 and 200 beats/min and the QRS duration is generally
Supraventricular Tachyarrhythmias Associated With normal. Slow retrograde conduction over the BT causes the RP interval
Wolff-Parkinson-White Syndrome during PJRT to be long, usually more than half of the tachycardia R-R
Orthodromic Atrioventricular Reentrant Tachycardia interval (Fig. 18.14). The P waves resulting from retrograde conduction
The ECG during orthodromic AVRT shows retrograde P waves inscribed are easily seen on the ECG and are inverted in leads II, III, aVF, and
within the ST-T wave segment with an RP interval that is usually less V3 to V6.
than half of the tachycardia R-R interval (i.e., RP interval <PR interval)
(Fig. 18.12). The RP interval remains constant, regardless of the tachy- Atrioventricular Nodal Reentrant Tachycardia and
cardia cycle length (TCL), because it reflects nondecremental retrograde Atrial Tachycardia
conduction over the BT. QRS morphology during orthodromic AVRT Both AVNRT and AT can be associated with partially or fully preexcited
is generally normal and not preexcited, even when preexcitation is present QRS complex secondary to anterograde conduction to the ventricles
during NSR (see Fig. 18.5). Functional bundle branch block (BBB) can over the bystander BT. When AVNRT occurs in the WPW syndrome,
be observed frequently during orthodromic AVRT at fast rates (see Fig. the arrhythmia can be difficult to distinguish from orthodromic AVRT
18.12). The presence of BBB during SVT in a young person (less than without EP testing.
40 years) should raise the suspicion of orthodromic AVRT incorporat-
ing a BT ipsilateral to the blocked bundle, because the longer conduction Atrial Fibrillation
time through the involved ventricle engendered by the BBB facilitates There are several characteristic findings on the ECG in patients with
orthodromic reentry by enabling all portions of the circuit enough AF conducting over a BT, so-called preexcited AF. The rhythm is irregu-
time to recover excitability from the prior cycle. This is particularly larly irregular, and can be associated with very rapid ventricular response
true with left bundle branch block (LBBB), which is very uncommon caused by the nondecremental anterograde AV conduction over the BT
in younger patients. (Fig. 18.15). However, a sustained rapid ventricular rate of more than
Orthodromic AVRT tends to be a rapid tachycardia, with rates ranging 180 to 200 beats/min will often create R-R intervals that appear to be
from 150 to more than 250 beats/min, generally faster in younger people. regular when the ECG is recorded at 25 mm/s. Although the QRS com-
A beat-to-beat oscillation in QRS amplitude (QRS alternans) is present plexes are conducted aberrantly, resembling those during preexcited
in up to 38% of cases and is most commonly seen when the rate is very NSR, their duration can be variable and they can become normalized.
rapid (Fig. 18.13). The mechanism for QRS alternans is not clear but This is not related to the R-R interval (i.e., it is not a rate-related phe-
may partly result from oscillations in the relative refractory period of nomenon), but rather is related to the variable relationship between
the distal portions of the HPS. conduction over the BT and AVN-HPS. Preexcited and normal QRS
Ischemic-appearing ST segment depression also can occur during complexes often appear “clumped.” This can result from concealed ret-
orthodromic AVRT, even in young individuals who are unlikely to have rograde conduction into the BT or the AVN (Fig. 18.16).
coronary artery disease. An association has been observed between repo- The QRS complex during preexcitation is a fusion between the
larization changes (ST segment depression or T wave inversion) and the impulse that preexcites the ventricles caused by rapid conduction through
underlying mechanism of the tachycardia because such changes are more a BT and the impulse that takes the usual route through the AVN. The
common in orthodromic AVRT than AVNRT (57% vs. 25%). Several number of impulses that can be transmitted through the BT and the
factors can contribute to ST segment depression in these arrhythmias, amount of preexcitation depend on the refractoriness of the BT and
including changes in autonomic tone, intraventricular conduction distur- AVN. The shorter the anterograde ERP of the BT, the more rapid is the
bances, a longer VA interval, and a retrograde P wave of longer duration anterograde impulse conduction over the BT and, because of more
that overlaps into the ST segment.21 The location of the ST segment preexcitation, the wider the QRS complexes. Patients who have a BT
changes can vary with the location of the BT; ST segment depression in with a very short ERP and rapid ventricular rates represent the group
leads V3 to V6 is almost invariably seen with a left lateral BT, whereas at greatest risk for development of VF.
ST segment depression and a negative T wave in the inferior leads is Anterograde block in the BT during AF abolishes retrograde con-
associated with a posteroseptal or posterior BT. A negative or notched cealment into the AVN, which in turn allows the AVN to recover
T wave in leads V2 or V3 with a positive retrograde P wave in at least its excitability and conduct anterogradely. In turn, these conducted
two inferior leads suggests an anteroseptal BT. However, ST segment impulses through the AVN can result in retrograde concealment into
depression occurring during orthodromic AVRT in an older patient the BT, causing anterograde block of the BT and, thereby, slowing the
mandates consideration of possible coexisting ischemic heart disease. ventricular rate.

Antidromic Atrioventricular Reentrant Tachycardia Atrial Flutter

Antidromic AVRT is characterized by a wide (fully preexcited) QRS AFL, like AF, can conduct anterogradely via a BT resulting in a preexcited
complex, usually regular R-R intervals, and ventricular rates of up to tachycardia. Depending on the various refractory periods of the normal
250 beats/min (see Fig. 18.5). The width of the preexcited QRS complex and pathological AV conduction pathways, AFL can potentially conduct
and the amplitude of the ST-T wave segment usually obscure the ret- 1:1 to the ventricles during a preexcited tachycardia, making the arrhyth-
rograde P wave on the surface ECG. When the P waves can be identified, mia difficult to distinguish from VT (see Fig. 12.10).
they are inscribed within the ST-T wave segment with an RP interval
that may be more than half of the tachycardia R-R interval because Electrocardiographic Localization of the Bypass Tract
retrograde conduction occurs slowly via the AVN-HPS. The PR (P-delta) Careful analysis of the preexcitation pattern during NSR can potentially
interval remains constant, regardless of the TCL, because it represents allow an accurate approximation of the location of the BT. This provides
nondecremental anterograde conduction over the BT. the electrophysiologist with important information that can guide patient
counseling regarding the risks and benefits of ablation. In particular,
Permanent Junctional Reciprocating Tachycardia it provides some guidance about the proximity of the BT to the normal
PJRT tends to be incessant, stopping and starting spontaneously every conduction system and the subsequent risk of AV block associated with
few beats without initiating PACs or PVCs. The heart rate is usually an ablation attempt, as well as the need for left heart catheterization
Orthodromic AVRT












Fig. 18.12  Orthodromic Atrioventricular Reentrant Tachycardia (AVRT) Using a Concealed Superopara-
septal Bypass Tract (BT). Note the P waves (arrows) inscribed within the ST-T wave segment (short RP
interval). Ischemic-appearing ST segment depression is also observed. Functional right bundle branch block
occurs in the right side of the tracing, with prolongation of the RP (ventriculoatrial [VA]) interval, suggesting
that retrograde VA conduction during the supraventricular tachycardia is mediated by a right-sided BT. The
dashed lines denote the QRS onset and P wave onset.
616 CHAPTER 18  Typical Atrioventricular Bypass Tracts

1 aVR V1 V4

2 aVL V2 V5

3 aVF V3 V6

Fig. 18.13  Electrocardiogram (ECG) of Orthodromic Atrioventricular Reentrant Tachycardia Showing

QRS Alternans in Multiple ECG Leads.

I aVR V1 V4

II aVL V2 V5



Fig. 18.14  Surface Electrocardiogram (ECG) of Permanent Junctional Reciprocating Tachycardia (PJRT).
Note the incessant nature of the arrhythmia, stopping and starting spontaneously every few beats without
initiating atrial or ventricular ectopic beats. Slow retrograde conduction over the bypass tract causes the RP
interval during PJRT to be long (long RP tachycardia). The P waves resulting from retrograde conduction are
easily seen on the ECG and are inverted in the inferior leads.

and atrial septal puncture and their potential complications. In addi- maximal preexcitation is present. However, during NSR, only partial
tion, it can help in planning the ablation procedure, such as the use of ventricular preexcitation is usually observed, which limits the accuracy
cryoablation for septal BTs or the need for special equipment for atrial of BT localization based on the surface ECG. In addition, the degree
septal puncture for left-sided BTs. of preexcitation can vary in an individual, depending on heart rate,
autonomic tone, and AVN function, as well as the location and EP
Localization Using the Delta Wave characteristics of the BT. Therefore it is important first to assess the
Delta wave morphology reflects the ventricular insertion site of the BT degree of preexcitation visible throughout the entire ECG and then use
and, hence, is helpful in approximating the BT location, especially when only delta wave polarity for localization (the first 20 to 60 milliseconds
CHAPTER 18  Typical Atrioventricular Bypass Tracts 617

Sinus rhythm with ventricular preexcitation












Preexcitation atrial fibrillation












Fig. 18.15  Electrocardiogram of Sinus Rhythm Atrial Fibrillation With Ventricular Preexcitation. Ven-
tricular preexcitation by the same right superoparaseptal bypass tract. Note the fast ventricular rate during
preexcited atrial fibrillation (exceeding 100 beats/min).
618 CHAPTER 18  Typical Atrioventricular Bypass Tracts












Fig. 18.16  Preexcited Atrial Fibrillation. Note the “clumping” of preexcited and normal QRS complexes,
likely due to concealed retrograde conduction into the bypass tract or the atrioventricular node.

of the QRS in most cases, unless fully preexcited) rather than the overall Of note, the mere presence and the degree of preexcitation can
QRS polarity, which may vary from each other. sometimes help in predicting the location of the BT. Posteroseptal and
Several algorithms have been developed to predict the anatomic right-sided BTs tend to be associated with a prominent degree of pre-
location of manifest BTs based on delta wave polarity on the surface excitation because of the proximity to the sinus node, whereas left
ECG (Box 18.2; Figs. 18.17–18.20). Although these algorithms facilitate lateral BTs are often associated with subtle preexcitation. Nevertheless,
prediction of the location of a BT, they are inherently limited by bio- when preexcitation is prominent, the accuracy of surface ECG localiza-
logical variability in anatomy (e.g., rotation of the heart within the tion of manifest BTs tends to be higher for the diagnosis of left free-wall
thorax), variable degree of preexcitation and QRS fusion, the presence BTs than for BTs in other locations.
of more than one manifest BT, intrinsic ECG abnormalities (such as On the surface ECG, analysis of delta wave polarity and amplitude
prior MI and ventricular hypertrophy), patient body habitus, and tech- progression in precordial leads, and frontal plane horizontal and verti-
nical variability in ECG acquisition and electrode positioning. The cal axes, are valuable for predicting the site of origin of manifest BTs
accuracy of these algorithms in more recent studies has not reached (Fig. 18.21).
the accuracy previously reported by their designers.22 Therefore these Precordial transition.  Lead V1 is a unipolar lead positioned at the
algorithms should be regarded as an orientation rather than a precise right anterior chest wall. Therefore, as the BT location shifts progres-
localization tool. No single published algorithm offers extremely high sively more to the left or posteriorly, the precordial transition (i.e., the
sensitivity and specificity for all BT locations. The algorithms appear first precordial lead where the R wave amplitude exceeds the S wave
most accurate in predicting left free-wall BT locations and least accurate amplitude) becomes sequentially earlier, thereby transforming the pre-
in predicting midseptal or right anteroseptal BT locations. Hence, it cordial preexcited QRS morphology from a late transition LBBB pattern
may be more realistic to initially identify a general area in which the of the preexcited QRS to a positively concordant right bundle branch
BT is located, and then to apply more subtle criteria from one or more block (RBBB) pattern. Hence, left-sided BTs exhibit positive delta waves
of the algorithms to attempt a more precise localization. This can be in lead V1, while right-sided BTs exhibit negative delta waves. The farther
achieved by applying some basic rules while maintaining a mental 3-D the BT is to the left or posteriorly on the mitral annulus, the larger the
representation of the mitral and tricuspid annuli and their anatomical positive delta wave, and the farther the BT is to the right along the
relationships to adjacent structures as they lie within the chest (i.e., tricuspid annulus, the deeper the negative delta wave is in lead V1.
“attitudinally correct orientation”) while analyzing the ECG and pre- Frontal plane horizontal axis.  Lead I primarily reflects the hori-
dicting morphology of the preexcited QRS. zontal axis. BTs closer to the left axilla will produce a deeply negative
CHAPTER 18  Typical Atrioventricular Bypass Tracts 619

BOX 18.2  Delta Wave Characteristics During Preexcitation According to Bypass Tract Locationa
Left Lateral/Left Anterolateral BTs Right Posteroseptal BTs
A. R/S ≥1 in V2 and positive delta in III, or R/S <1 in V2 and positive delta in A. R/S ≥1 in V2 and no positive delta in III and V1
III and V1 B. The sum of delta polarities in inferior leads is less than or equal to −2 mV
B. RS transition ≤V1 and >2 positive delta in the inferior leads or S > R in aVL C. Negative QRS in leads III, V1, and aVF and tallest precordial R in V5 or V6
C. QS or QR morphology in aVL and no negative QRS in III and V1
Right Posterior/Right Posterolateral BTs
Left Posterior/Left Posterolateral BTs A. R/S <1 in V2, no positive delta in III and no negative delta in V1, and negative
A. R/S ≥1 in V1 and V2, no positive delta in III and positive delta in V1 delta polarity in aVF
B. R/S transition ≤V1, no ≥2 positive delta in the inferior leads, no S > R in B. R/S transition between V3 and V4 with delta amplitude in lead II <1.0 mV
aVL, in lead I R <(S 0.8 mV), and the sum of the inferior delta is not or ≥V4 and the delta axis is <0 degrees and the R in lead III is ≤0 mV
negative C. Positive QRS in III, negative in V1, and RS morphology in aVL
C. Positive QRS in aVL and an equiphasic QRS or positive in V1 and no negative
QRS in III Right Lateral/Right Anterolateral BTs
A. R/S <1 in V2, no positive delta in III and no negative delta in V1 and negative
Left Posteroseptal BTs or biphasic delta in aVF
A. R/S ≥1 in V2, no positive delta in III, and positive delta and R/S <1 in V1 B. R/S transition between leads V3 and V4 with delta amplitude in lead II
B. R/S transition ≤V1, no ≥2 positive delta in the inferior leads, no S > R in <1.0 mV or >V4 and the delta axis is <0 degrees and the R amplitude in lead
aVL, in lead I R <(S 0.8 mV), and the sum of the inferior delta is negative III is <0 mV
C. Negative QRS in III, V1, and aVF, tallest precordial R wave in V2–V4 and R C. Positive QRS in leads aVL and III and negative in V1
wave width in V1 >0.06 msec
Right Anterior/Right Superoparaseptal BTs
Midseptal BTs A. R/S <1 in V2, positive delta in III and no positive delta in V1
A. R/S <1 in V2, no positive delta in III, and negative delta in V1 B. The sum of delta polarities in inferior leads is ≥2
B. R/S transition between V2 and V3 or between V3 and V4 but the delta C. Positive QRS in aVF and negative in leads III and V1
amplitude in lead II ≥1.0 mV (septal location), and the sum of delta polarities
in inferior leads is −1, 0, or +1 mV
C. Negative QRS in leads III, V1, and aVF, tallest precordial R in leads V2–V4
and R wave width in V1 <0.06 msec
A, algorithm of Chiang and colleagues; B, algorithm of Fitzpatrick and colleagues; C, algorithm of Xie and colleagues.
BT, Bypass tract; R/S, R-S wave ratio.
From Katsouras CS, Greakas GF, Goudevenos JA, et al. Localization of accessory pathways by the electrogram. Pacing Clin Electrophysiol.

Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4

Lead I  or  Lead II  V1  or  Remaining
V1 R/S1

Left free wall CS/MCV Septal Right free wall

Sens. 95% 100% 97%
Spec. 99% 95% 88%
PPV 99% 62% 94%
aVF   or  aVF    aVF  

QRS 0° 0° QRS   

axis axis
Sens. 93% 68% 100% 80% 80% 70% 87% 91% 100%
Spec. 68% 93% 96% 90% 84% 100% 95% 97% 96%
PPV 90% 76% 87% 40% 47% 100% 93% 91% 89%

Fig. 18.17  Algorithm for Localization of Bypass Tract Using Delta Wave Morphology on the Surface
Electrocardiogram. +, Positive delta wave; ±, isoelectric delta wave; −, negative delta wave; AS, right
anteroseptal; CS/MCV, coronary sinus/middle cardiac vein; LAL, left anterolateral; LL, left lateral; LP, left
posterior; LPL, left posterolateral; LPS, left posteroseptal; MS, midseptal; PPV, positive predictive value;
RA, right anterior; RAL, right anterolateral; RAP, right anterior paraseptal; RL, right lateral; RP, right posterior;
RPL, right posterolateral; RPS, right posteroseptal; R/S, R-S wave ratio; Sens., sensitivity; Spec., specificity.
(From Arruda M, Wang X, McClelland J. ECG algorithm for predicting sites of successful radiofrequency
ablation of accessory pathways [abstract]. Pacing Clin Electrophysiol. 1993;16:865.)
620 CHAPTER 18  Typical Atrioventricular Bypass Tracts

R/S  1

No Yes

Delta () Delta ()


No Yes No Yes

Delta () Delta () Delta () LL/LAL


No Yes No Yes No Yes


83.3% 100% 80%


Delta V1
in aVF R/S  1

() () () No Yes


94.1% 90% 86.7% 96.4%


Fig. 18.18  Stepwise Algorithm for Localization of the Bypass Tract (BT) by Delta Wave Polarity. Numbers
indicate the accuracy of the algorithm for each BT location. LAL, Left anterolateral; LL, left lateral; LP, left
posterior; LPL, left posterolateral; LPS, left posteroseptal; MS, midseptal; RA, right anterior; RAL, right
anterolateral; RAS, right anteroseptal; RL, right lateral; RP, right posterior; RPL, right posterolateral;
RPS, right posteroseptal; R/S, R-S wave ratio. (From Chiang CE, Chen SA, Teo WS, et al. An accurate step-
wise electrocardiographic algorithm for localization of accessory pathways in patients with Wolf-Parkinson-
White syndrome from a comprehensive analysis of delta waves and R/S ratio during sinus rhythm. Am J
Cardiol. 1995;6:40.)

complex in lead I (i.e., rightward axis). Conversely, BTs closer to the leads (i.e., vertical axis). The magnitude of the inferiorly directed vector
right axilla are strongly positive in lead I (i.e., leftward axis). Leads II/ diminishes as the site of origin shifts from superior to inferior regions
aVL and III/aVR also have net leftward and rightward vectors, respec- of either annulus.
tively. Hence, as the BT location moves progressively to the left (e.g., Left vs. right free-wall BTs.  Delta wave polarity in right precordial
from anterior to lateral mitral annulus), the delta wave assumes pro- leads is most helpful in distinguishing between right- and left-sided
gressively less positive/more negative deflection in lead I, a taller R wave free-wall BTs. Ventricular activation originating from the right ventricle
in lead III than in lead II, and a larger S wave in lead aVL compared (RV) (as mediated by right-sided BTs) is expected to produce a pre-
to lead aVR. Opposite changes are expected as the BT location moves dominantly negative deflection in right precordial leads, whereas more
progressively to the right (from anteromedial to lateral tricuspid annulus). posterior or left-sided sites of origin produce more positive deflections.
Frontal plane vertical axis.  The inferior leads (II, III, and aVF) Hence, an R/S ratio greater than 1 or a dominant R wave in lead V1 is
reflect the vertical axis. Therefore BTs located at the superior aspect of consistent with left-sided BTs, whereas R/S transition after lead V2
the tricuspid or mitral annulus exhibit positive deflections in the inferior suggests right-sided BTs. When the R/S transition is at lead V2 or between
CHAPTER 18  Typical Atrioventricular Bypass Tracts 621

Q or isoelectic delta
in I, aVL, or V6

Yes No

LBBB Q or isoelectic delta

in two of the inferior leads
(II, III, aVF)
Yes No Yes No

in V1, V2, or V3
Yes No

Yes No


QRS axis Rs or RS
> +30° in V1 or V2

Yes No Yes No

RAS RL LL Undetermined
Fig. 18.19  Algorithm of Bypass Tract Localization Based on Delta Wave Morphology on the Surface
Electrocardiogram. LBBB, Left bundle branch block-type pattern (QRS ≥90 milliseconds in lead I with an
rS pattern in leads V1 or V2); LL, left lateral; PS, posteroseptal; RL, right lateral; RAS, right anteroseptal; QRS
> 30°, QRS axis >+30°. (From Fox DJ, Klein GJ, Skanes AC, Gula LJ, Yee R, Krahn AD. How to identify the
location of an accessory pathway by the 12-lead ECG. Heart Rhythm. 2008;5:1763–1766.)

Step 1 R/S ratio in V1 ≥ 0.5 LV, BTs originating from the anterior mitral annulus exhibit larger R
wave amplitudes in the inferior leads. As the BT location shifts pro-
No Yes
gressively more laterally, R wave amplitude becomes progressively larger
in lead III and smaller in lead II. The delta wave amplitude ratio in
Step 3 R/S ratio in V2 ≥ 0.5 Step 2 R/S ratio in aVF ≥ 1 leads III/II is greater than 1 for posterolateral BTs and less than 1 for
anterolateral BTs. BTs located at the inferior aspects of the mitral annulus
No Yes No Yes
exhibit negative delta waves in the inferior leads. Furthermore, BT
locations at the lateral aspect of the mitral annulus produce a more
Step 4 R/S ratio in aVF ≥ 1 Left or right negative delta wave in the left lateral limb leads (aVL and I) than
MS/PS anterior or posterior annular locations. In fact, a negative delta wave
Yes No
in the left lateral leads (aVL, I, and V6) is pathognomonic of a left
lateral BT.
RAS/RA/RL RPL/RP Right-sided BTs.  BTs arising from the tricuspid annulus demon-
Fig. 18.20  Stepwise Electrocardiogram Algorithm for the Determina- strate negative delta wave polarity in the right precordial leads and
tion of Bypass Tract Location. LA, Left anterior; LL, left lateral; LP, positive polarity in leads V5 and V6. As the BT location moves from
left posterior; LPL, left posterolateral; MS, midseptal; PS, posteroseptal; medial/septal to lateral locations along the tricuspid annulus, the pre-
RA, right anterior; RAS, right anteroseptal; RL, right lateral; RP, right cordial transition becomes later (at lead V3 in septal locations, and
posterior; RPL, right posterolateral. (From Taguchi N, Yoshida N, Inden after lead V3 in free-wall locations) and the negative delta wave becomes
Y, et al. A simple algorithm for localizing accessory pathways in patients deeper in anterior precordial leads (V1 to V3). Right-sided BTs typically
with Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome using only the R/S ratio. J Arrhyth- display a large positive delta wave in the left lateral limb leads (aVL
mia. 2014;30:439–443.)
and I), but a predominantly negative delta wave in lead aVR. Delta
wave polarity in the inferior leads is positive in anterior annular BTs.
leads V1 and V2, the R/S wave in the left lateral limb leads (I and aVL) As the BT location moves laterally and inferiorly, the delta wave becomes
favors right-sided BTs, otherwise left-sided BTs are likely. more negative in the inferior leads. Positive delta waves in leads II and
Left-sided BTs.  All left free-wall BTs exhibit positive delta wave aVF are consistent with anteroseptal locations, whereas negative delta
polarity in the right precordial leads, an R/S ratio greater than 1, or a waves in the inferior leads suggest posteroseptal locations. Flat or biphasic
dominant R wave in lead V1. Because of its superior location in the delta waves suggest midseptal locations.
622 CHAPTER 18  Typical Atrioventricular Bypass Tracts







V1 V1 V1 V1 V1 V1 V1 V1 V1

V2 V2 V2 V2 V2 V2 V2 V2 V2

V3 V3 V3 V3 V3 V3 V3 V3 V3

V4 V4 V4 V4 V4 V4 V4 V4 V4

V5 V5 V5 V5 V5 V5 V5 V5 V5

V6 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6 V6

(LAL) (LL) (LPL) (LP) (LPS) (RPS) (MS) (RAS) (RL)


Fig. 18.21  Delta Wave Morphology on the Surface Electrocardiogram (ECG) During Ventricular Preex-
citation. Representative surface 12-lead ECG of delta wave morphology (top panels) with the corresponding
location of the successful ablation site around the valvular annulus on an anatomic illustration (bottom). (A)
left anterolateral (LAL); (B) left lateral (LL); (C) left posterolateral (LPL); (D) left posterior (LP); (E) left postero-
septal (LPS); (F) right posteroseptal (RPS); (G) midseptal (MS); (H) right anteroseptal (superoparaseptal, RAS);
(I) right lateral (RL). MV, Mitral valve; TV, tricuspid valve. (Anatomic illustration of mitral and tricuspid annuli
is shown at the bottom [from Netter Images {} with permission].)
CHAPTER 18  Typical Atrioventricular Bypass Tracts 623

Anteroseptal BTs.  Right superoparaseptal (anteroseptal) BTs connect Posteroseptal BTs display positive P waves in leads V1, aVR, and
the RA and RV free walls at the anteromedial aspect of the tricuspid aVL, and isoelectric or biphasic P waves in lead I. P waves are negative
annulus. Because of its relatively superior and anterior ventricular inser- in all inferior leads (II, III, aVF). Left posterior BTs also have negative
tion compared to the rest of the ventricular mass, these BTs exhibit P waves in the inferior leads, but the P waves are more negative in lead
positive delta waves in the inferior leads (II, III, and aVF). In addition, II than in lead III and are more positive in lead aVR than in lead aVL.
delta waves are often negative in leads V1 and V2, but slightly positive Discrimination between left and right posteroseptal BTs based on P
(R/S < 1) delta waves also are observed. Similar to right free-wall BTs, wave morphology is limited. In contrast, anteroseptal BTs display posi-
delta waves are typically positive in leads I and aVL and negative in tive P waves in inferior leads and biphasic P waves in lead V1.24
lead aVR.
Midseptal BTs.  The delta wave is positive in lead II, predominantly
negative in lead III, and negative or isoelectric in lead aVF. The delta
wave in lead V1 is usually negative and R/S transition occurs after lead EP testing is used to study the features, location, and number of BTs
V2 (usually between leads V2 and V3). However, variations are not and the tachycardias, if any, associated with them (Box 18.3). Typically,
infrequent, especially in the inferior leads and in V2. Midseptal BTs can three quadripolar catheters are positioned in the high RA, RV apex or
be differentiated from superoparaseptal and para-Hisian BTs by a nega- septum, and HB region, and a decapolar catheter is positioned in the
tive delta wave in lead III, a biphasic delta wave in lead aVF, and a larger CS (see Fig. 4.4). If a right-sided BT is suspected, a duo-decapolar
R/S ratio in lead V2, likely due to the posterior location of the AV (Halo) catheter along the tricuspid annulus can be helpful.
septum compared to the anterior tricuspid annulus.23 Some investigators have advocated a simplified approach to abla-
Posteroseptal BTs.  Posteroseptal BTs are characterized by a deeply tion using only one or two catheters. Although often successful, 10%
negative delta wave in lead III. The delta wave is often negative in lead of patients with preexcitation have multiple arrhythmias, and 10% to
aVF, especially for right posteroseptal BT locations. A negative delta 20% of such patients have multiple BTs that can result in a very complex
wave in lead II predicts an epicardial location of the posteroseptal BT. procedure. Because it is difficult to know beforehand in any given patient
The delta wave in lead V1 can be negative, isoelectric, or positive. Lead whether the procedure will be straightforward or complex, the single-
V2 typically displays a positive delta wave, with the R wave larger than catheter approach to ablation of arrhythmias should be discouraged.26
the S wave. A negative delta wave polarity in lead V1 with abrupt transi-
tion to positive polarity (with R/S ratio greater than 1) in lead V2 favors Baseline Observations During Sinus Rhythm
a right-sided location of the posteroseptal BT, whereas left posteroseptal Ventricular preexcitation is associated with a short His bundle–ventricular
BTs are often associated with biphasic or positive delta wave polarity (HV) or H-delta interval during NSR. The HV interval can even be
in leads V1 and V2. An R/S ratio greater than 1 in lead V1 is a more negative or the His potential can be buried in the local ventricular
accurate marker of left posteroseptal BTs. The tallest precordial R wave electrogram. The QRS is a fusion between conduction over the BT and
is typically recorded in the midprecordial leads (V2 to V4) in left pos- that over the AVN-HPS. The site of earliest ventricular activation is
teroseptal BTs, and in the lateral precordial leads (V5 or V6) in right near the ventricular insertion site of the BT (i.e., near the tricuspid
posteroseptal BTs. annulus or mitral annulus at the base of the heart). Slowing of conduc-
tion in the AVN by carotid sinus massage, AVN blockers, or rapid atrial
Localization Using Polarity of the Retrograde pacing unmasks and increases the degree of preexcitation, because these
P Wave Morphology maneuvers do not affect the conduction over the BT. Dual AVN pathways
The polarity of the retrograde P waves during orthodromic AVRT is are present in 8% to 40% of patients.
dependent on the location of the atrial insertion of the BT, and is helpful
in localizing the BT. However, the P wave is usually inscribed within Programmed Atrial Stimulation During Sinus Rhythm
the ST segment and its morphology may not be easily determined.24,25 In the presence of a manifest AV BT, atrial stimulation from any atrial
In general, P wave morphology in leads I and V1 and in the inferior site can help unmask preexcitation if it is not manifest during NSR
leads is most helpful (Fig. 18.22). A negative P wave vector in lead I is because of fast AVN conduction. Incremental rate atrial pacing and
highly suggestive of left free-wall BTs, whereas a positive vector is sug- progressively premature AES produce decremental conduction over the
gestive of right free-wall BTs. On the other hand, a negative P wave in AVN (but not over the BT), increasing the degree of preexcitation and
lead V1 predicts right-sided BTs. P wave polarity in the inferior leads, shortening the HV interval, until the His potential is inscribed within
positive or negative, suggests superior or inferior location of the BT,
Left free-wall BTs have positive P waves in lead V1 and negative P
waves in leads I and aVL. If the retrograde P wave is negative in all BOX 18.3  Goals of Electrophysiological
three inferior leads, the BT is located at the inferoposterior mitral annulus. Evaluation in Patients With Wolff-Parkinson-
As the BT location moves to the lateral mitral annulus, the P wave White Syndrome
becomes isoelectric or biphasic in one of the three inferior leads. The
• Confirming the presence of an atrioventricular BT
P wave becomes positive in all inferior leads for left anterior/anterolateral
• Evaluation for the presence of multiple BTs
BTs. Thus, as the BT moves from posterior to anterior locations along
• Localization of the BT(s)
the mitral annulus, the positive P wave is seen initially in lead III, fol-
• Evaluation of the refractoriness of the BT and its implications for life-
lowed by lead aVF and lead II.24,25
threatening arrhythmias
For right free-wall BTs, the P wave is negative in lead V1 and positive
• Induction and evaluation of tachycardias
or isoelectric in lead I. If the P wave is positive in all inferior leads, the
• Demonstration of the BT role in the tachycardia
BT is located in the anterior wall. If the P wave is negative in all inferior
• Evaluation of other tachycardias not dependent on the presence of the BT
leads, the BT is located in the posterior wall. However, moving from
• Termination of the tachycardias
the posterior to the anterior location, the positive P wave is seen initially
in lead II, followed by lead aVF and lead III.24 BT, Bypass tract.
624 CHAPTER 18  Typical Atrioventricular Bypass Tracts

V1 pseudo r’ or
II, III, AVF pseudo S

Yes NO

+ ± –


– ± + 2+ 2– 2+ 2–


± – ± +


>20 ≤20
msec msec


post. LPS

3/4 21/24 15/16 25/28 10/12 4/5 3/4 12/14 14/15

(75%) (87.5%) (93.8%) (89.3%) (83.3%) (80%) (75%) (85.7%) (93.3%)
Fig. 18.22  Stepwise Algorithm for Predicting Bypass Tract Location Based on Retrograde P Wave
Morphology During Orthodromic Atrioventricular Reentrant Tachycardia. The accuracy of the algorithm
is indicated based on results of a prospective study in 164 patients. The denominator is the total number of
patients in that group; the numerator is the number of patients with correct predictions. AVNRT, Atrioven-
tricular nodal reentrant tachycardia; INF, inferior leads (II, III, aVF); LA, left anterior; LL, left lateral; LP, left
posterior; LPS, left posteroseptal; RA, right anterior; RAS, right anteroseptal; RMS, right midseptal; RP, right
posterior; RPS, right posteroseptal. (From Tai CT, Chen SA, Chiang CE, et al. A new electrocardiographic
algorithm using retrograde P waves for differentiating atrioventricular node reentrant tachycardia from atrio-
ventricular reciprocating tachycardia mediated by concealed accessory pathway. J Am Coll Cardiol. 1997;29:

the QRS. The His potential remains activated anterogradely over the The failure of atrial stimulation to increase the amount of preex-
AVN until anterograde block in the AVN occurs; the QRS then becomes citation can be caused by: (1) markedly enhanced AVN conduction;
fully preexcited, and the His potential becomes retrogradely activated (2) the presence of another AV BT; (3) pacing-induced block in the
(Fig. 18.23). AV BT because of a long ERP of the BT (longer than that of the AVN);
Atrial stimulation close to or at the AV BT insertion site results in (4) total preexcitation already present at the basal state caused by pro-
maximal preexcitation and the shortest P-delta interval because of the longed or absent AVN-HPS conduction; (5) decremental conduction
lack of intervening atrial tissue whose refractoriness may otherwise in the BT; or (6) the presence of a fasciculoventricular BT rather than
limit the ability of atrial stimulation to activate the AV BT as early (Fig. an AV BT.
18.24). Atrial pacing can reveal the presence of multiple BTs (eFig.
18.4). Rare cases of catecholamine-dependent BTs have been reported Programmed Ventricular Stimulation During Sinus Rhythm
that require isoproterenol infusion to manifest preexcitation that is Retrograde ventriculoatrial conduction.  The normal AVN response
absent at baseline. to rate-incremental ventricular pacing or progressively premature single
CHAPTER 18  Typical Atrioventricular Bypass Tracts 624.e1









200 msec
eFig. 18.4  Atrial Pacing in the Presence of Two Bypass Tracts (BTs). Surface electrocardiogram and
intracardiac recordings during coronary sinus pacing (S) in a patient with both right and left lateral BTs. The
first two complexes show a left lateral preexcitation pattern (red arrows), whereas this pathway fails to
conduct on the last two complexes, which show a right lateral preexcitation pattern (blue arrows). CSdist,
Distal coronary sinus; CSprox, proximal coronary sinus; Hisdist, distal His bundle; Hismid, middle His bundle;
Hisprox, proximal His bundle; HRA, high right atrium; RVA, right ventricular apex.
CHAPTER 18  Typical Atrioventricular Bypass Tracts 625

Effect of AES on preexcitation


440 msec S2
HRA S1 600 msec S1





350 msec
HRA S1 600 msec S1 S2






190 msec
HRA S1 600 msec S1 S2
H’ A
His H



Fig. 18.23  Effect of Atrial Extrastimulation (AES) on Preexcitation. (A) Preexcitation is manifest during
normal sinus rhythm and atrial pacing associated with a short His bundle–ventricular (HV) interval (−11 mil-
liseconds). AES produces decremental conduction over the atrioventricular node (AVN) (with prolonged
atrial–His bundle interval) but not over the bypass tract (constant P-delta interval), increasing the degree of
preexcitation with the His potential inscribed within the QRS (HV interval of −64 milliseconds). (B) An earlier
coupled AES produces more pronounced preexcitation and an HV interval of −93 milliseconds. (C) A more
premature AES produces full preexcitation with the His bundle activated retrogradely (H′), followed by ven-
triculoatrial conduction over the AVN and an echo beat (atrioventricular reentry). A, Atrial electrogram; CSdist,
distal coronary sinus; CSprox, proximal coronary sinus; H, His bundle potential; HRA, high right atrium; RVA,
right ventricular apex.
Effect of site of pacing on preexcitation



S1 S1 S1 S2
600 msec 600 msec 200 msec









S1 S1 S1 S2
600 msec 600 msec 200 msec

Fig. 18.24  Effect of Site of Pacing on Preexcitation. (A) In the presence of a manifest left lateral bypass
tract (BT), pacing from the high right atrium at a cycle length (CL) of 600 milliseconds produces minimal
preexcitation. The degree of preexcitation increases with premature stimulation because of delay in atrio-
ventricular nodal conduction. (B) In the same patient, pacing at the same CLs from the distal coronary sinus,
close to or at the BT insertion site, results in a larger degree of preexcitation and shorter P-delta interval
because of the lack of intervening atrial tissue whose refractoriness might otherwise limit the ability of atrial
stimulation to activate the BT as early. CSdist, Distal coronary sinus; CSprox, proximal coronary sinus; HRA,
high right atrium; RVA, right ventricular apex.
CHAPTER 18  Typical Atrioventricular Bypass Tracts 627

ventricular extrastimulation (VES) is a gradual delay of VA conduction Ventricular stimulation resulting in eccentric retrograde atrial acti-
(manifest as gradual prolongation of the VA and His bundle–atrial vation sequence not consistent with normal conduction over the AVN
[HA] intervals) as the PCL or VES coupling interval decreases. Con- is consistent with VA conduction over an AV BT (see Fig. 18.25). Ven-
versely, nondecremental VA conduction characterizes BT conduction. tricular pacing can also reveal the presence of multiple BTs (Fig. 18.26).
Nonetheless, some BTs with retrograde decremental conduction proper- However, a concentric retrograde atrial activation sequence does not
ties can also exhibit prolongation of conduction time and VA interval exclude the presence of a septal or paraseptal BT or a free-wall BT when
with ventricular pacing or VES. In addition, at short ventricular PCLs VA conduction is mediated by the AVN. In addition, AVN slow pathway
or VES coupling intervals, intramyocardial conduction delay can occur, conduction can be associated with an eccentric atrial activation sequence
resulting in prolongation in the VA interval; however, the local VA interval in the CS. Accurate analysis of an atrial activation sequence frequently
at the BT location remains unchanged. Furthermore, short ventricular
PCLs or VES coupling intervals can encroach on the BT refractoriness,
causing some decremental conduction, with a consequent increase in
the surface VA interval and the local VA interval.
The absence of VA conduction (at long ventricular PCLs) or the pres-
ence of decremental VA conduction makes the presence of a retrogradely II
conducting BT unlikely, except for the rare catecholamine-dependent V1
BTs that require isoproterenol infusion for demonstration.
Retrograde atrial activation sequence.  In the presence of a ret- HRA
rogradely conducting AV BT (whether manifest or concealed), VES His
during NSR can result in VA conduction over the BT, AVN, both, or CSprox
neither (Fig. 18.25). Conduction over the BT alone is the most common
pattern at short PCLs or short VES coupling intervals. In this setting, CSdist
the VA conduction time is fairly constant over a wide range of PCLs RVA 600 msec 350 msec
S1 S1 S2
and VES coupling intervals (given the absence of intraventricular con- A
duction abnormalities or additional BTs). On the other hand, retrograde
conduction over both the BT and HPS-AVN is especially common
when RV pacing is performed at long PCLs or long VES coupling inter-
vals and in the presence of a left-sided BT. This occurs because it is V1
easier to engage the RB and conduct retrogradely through the AVN
than it is to reach a distant left-sided BT. In this setting, the atrial HRA
activation pattern depends on the refractoriness and conduction times His
over both pathways and usually exhibits a variable degree of fusion. In CSprox
addition, VA conduction can proceed over the HPS-AVN alone, result-
ing in a normal pattern of VA conduction, or can be absent because of CSdist
block in both the HPS-AVN and BT, which is especially common with RVA 600 msec 330 msec
S1 S1 S2
short PCLs and very early VES. B



Fig. 18.25  Retrograde Conduction During Ventricular Extrastimula-

tion (VES) in a Patient With a Bidirectional Left Lateral Bypass Tract
(BT). (A) The ventricular pacing drive is conducted retrogradely over the His
atrioventricular node (AVN) with a concentric atrial activation sequence. CSprox
The VES is conducted over both the AVN and BT (atrial fusion). (B) An
earlier VES encounters delay in the His-Purkinje system (HPS)–AVN and CSdist
conducts solely over the BT with an eccentric atrial activation sequence. RVA S1 600 msec 300 msec
S1 S2
(C) An early-coupled VES blocks retrogradely in the BT and conducts
solely over the AVN. (D) The VES conducts only over the HPS-AVN with
more pronounced ventriculoatrial (VA) delay, which allows recovery of
the BT and anterograde conduction, initiating antidromic atrioventricular
reentrant tachycardia (AVRT). The VA delay is provided by conduction
delay, not only within the AVN but also within the HPS. Note that the V1
VES encounters retrograde block in the right bundle branch, and His
bundle activation is mediated by retrograde conduction over the left
bundle branch. Consequently, the His potential is visible after the ven- H1 H1
H2 H H
tricular electrogram. Note that despite the fact that the H1-H2 interval His
318 msec 315 msec
following VES approximates the H-H interval during supraventricular CSprox
tachycardia (SVT), the His bundle–atrial interval following the initiating
VES is shorter than that during the SVT, which favors antidromic AVRT CSdist
over preexcited atrioventricular nodal reentrant tachycardia as the mecha- RVA 600 msec 290 msec
S1 S1 S2
nism of the SVT. CSdist, Distal coronary sinus; CSprox, proximal coronary
sinus; HRA, high right atrium; RVA, right ventricular apex. D
628 CHAPTER 18  Typical Atrioventricular Bypass Tracts











400 msec
Fig. 18.26  Ventricular Pacing Revealing the Presence of Multiple Bypass Tracts (BTs). The first complex
shows sinus rhythm with preexcitation, showing a left free-wall pattern. Four complexes of right ventricular
apical (RVA) pacing follow, the first two paced complexes (S) show fusion of retrograde activation over both
a left lateral BT (red arrows), which is present in each complex, and a right lateral BT (blue arrows). The last
two paced complexes conduct over the left lateral BT. Dashed lines aid in comparing activation sequences.
CSdist, Distal coronary sinus; CSprox, proximal coronary sinus; Hisdist, distal His bundle; Hismid, middle His bundle;
Hisprox, proximal His bundle; HRA, high right atrium.

requires the use of multielectrode catheters around the tricuspid annulus Importantly, if a VES delivered when the HB is refractory does not
and deep in the CS.27 result in atrial activation, this does not necessarily exclude the presence
VES during HB refractoriness.  A VES delivered when the HB is of a retrogradely conducting AV BT, because such a VES can be associ-
refractory (i.e., when the His potential is already manifest or within 35 ated with retrograde block in the BT itself (see Fig. 18.25). In addition,
to 55 milliseconds before the time of the expected His potential) that the lack of such a response does not exclude the presence of unidirec-
results in atrial activation is diagnostic of the presence of a retrogradely tional (anterograde-only) AV BTs.
conducting BT. Because the HPS-AVN is already refractory and cannot Retrograde RBBB during VES.  During the delivery of progressively
mediate VA conduction, retrograde atrial activation from ventricular premature single VESs, an abrupt increase in the VA conduction interval
stimulation has to be mediated by a BT. is often observed. This can be due to a variety of reasons including: (1)
Furthermore, an early coupled VES that results in an atrial activation retrograde block in the AVN fast pathway and subsequent VA conduc-
that either precedes HB activation (Fig. 18.27) or is associated with an tion over the slow pathway; (2) retrograde block in the RB and subsequent
apparent HA interval shorter than that during drive complexes indicates retrograde conduction over the left bundle branch (LB); or (3) retrograde
“atrial preexcitation” via an AV BT. block in the BT and subsequent VA conduction only over the AVN.
CHAPTER 18  Typical Atrioventricular Bypass Tracts 629




S1 200 msec S1 S2
Fig. 18.27  Ventricular Extrastimulation Revealing the Presence of a Bypass Tract (BT). A retrograde His
potential is present on both drive complexes (S1) and following the extrastimulus (arrows). Although atrial
activation also follows each stimulus, it occurs (dashed line) before the inscription of the His potential on
the ventricular extrastimulus (S2). Thus a BT is present because atrial activation is not dependent on His
bundle–atrioventricular activation. CSdist, Distal coronary sinus; CSmid, middle coronary sinus; CSprox, proximal
coronary sinus; Hisdist, distal His bundle; Hismid, middle His bundle; Hisprox, proximal His bundle; HRA, high
right atrium; RVA, right ventricular apex.

Retrograde RBBB occurs frequently during VES testing, and can be help demonstrate or exclude the presence of a retrogradely conducting
diagnosed by observing the retrograde His potential during the drive septal AV BT (Fig. 18.28).
train and its abrupt delay following the VES. Often, however, it is dif- The RV apex, although anatomically more distant from the atrium
ficult to visualize the retrograde His potential during the pacing train; than the RV base, is nonetheless electrically closer because of the prox-
nevertheless, the sudden appearance of an easily distinguished retrograde imity of the distal RB to the pacing site. Consequently, in the absence
His potential, separate from the ventricular electrogram following the of a retrogradely conducting septal AV BT, pacing at the RV apex allows
VES, can be sufficient to recognize retrograde RBBB. entry into the rapidly conducting HPS and results in a shorter VA
Prolongation of the ventriculo-His (VH) interval is observed on interval during pacing from the apex than from the base. Pacing from
development of retrograde RBBB because conduction must traverse the RV base requires the paced wavefront to travel a longer distance by
the interventricular septum (which requires approximately 60 to 70 muscle-to-muscle conduction to reach the RV apex and then propagate
milliseconds in normal hearts), enter retrograde via the LB, and ascend retrogradely through the RB and HB. In other words, the VH interval
to reach the HB. Although an increase in the VH interval necessarily is shorter with pacing at the RV apex versus the RV base. In the pres-
occurs with retrograde RBBB, whether a similar increase occurs in the ence of a retrogradely conducting septal BT, pacing at the RV base
VA interval depends on the nature of VA conduction (over the AVN allows the wavefront to access the BT rapidly and activate the atrium
vs. BT). with a shorter VA interval than during RV apical pacing, which is distant
Measurement of the effect of the development of retrograde RBBB from the ventricular insertion site of the BT (i.e., because the V-BT
during VES on the retrograde VH and VA intervals can help distinguish interval is shorter with pacing at the RV base versus the RV apex).
between retrograde AVN and BT conduction. In the absence of a BT, In the absence of a retrogradely conducting BT, the atrial activation
the AVN can be activated in a retrograde fashion only after retrograde sequence will be similar during pacing at the RV apex and at the RV
activation of the HB; as a consequence, VA activation will necessarily base because the atrium is activated exclusively over the AVN in both
be delayed with retrograde RBBB, and the increase in the VA interval settings. On the other hand, if a septal AV BT is present, atrial activation
will be similar to the increase in the VH interval. On the other hand, results from VA conduction over the septal BT during pacing at the RV
when retrograde conduction is via a BT, there will be no expected base, and over the AVN, the BT, or a fusion of both during pacing at
increase in the VA interval when retrograde RBBB is induced. Thus the the RV apex. Therefore a change in the retrograde atrial activation
increase in the VA interval is minimal and always less than the increase sequence in response to RV base versus RV apex pacing indicates the
in the VH interval.28 presence of an AV BT, but a constant atrial activation sequence is not
Differential-site RV pacing.  The response of the VA interval (i.e., helpful in excluding the presence of a BT.
the stimulus-to-atrial [SA] interval) and atrial activation sequence to Of note, the exact entrance to the HPS (i.e., the terminus of the
differential-site RV pacing (i.e., RV basal versus RV apical pacing) can RB) is difficult to identify; the entrance site can be located in the
630 CHAPTER 18  Typical Atrioventricular Bypass Tracts


Pacing from RV base Pacing from RV apex




SA  44 msec SA  106 msec

SH  60 msec SH  43 msec




Pacing from RV base Pacing from RV apex




SA  188 msec SA  189 msec

SH  60 msec SH  43 msec



Fig. 18.28  Differential-Site Right Ventricular (RV) Pacing in a Patient With Concealed Superoparaseptal
Bypass Tract (BT). In each panel, the first two complexes show RV basal-septal pacing, and the last two
complexes show RV apical pacing. (A) RV pacing is performed before ablation of the BT. The stimulus-to-
atrial (SA) (ventriculoatrial [VA]) interval is shorter during pacing at the RV base than during pacing at the RV
apex, suggesting VA conduction occurring over a BT. Note that atrial activation occurs even before His bundle
(HB) activation during pacing from the RV base, suggesting that VA conduction is independent of the atrio-
ventricular node (AVN). (B) RV pacing is performed after successful ablation of the BT. During pacing from
the RV apex, the SA interval is longer than before ablation, and it prolongs further by pacing at the RV base,
consistent with the occurrence of VA conduction exclusively over the AVN. Note that in both panels the
stimulus–His bundle (SH) (ventriculo-His) interval during RV apical pacing is shorter than that during RV basilar
pacing because of the faster access of the paced wavefront to the right bundle branch–His bundle (RB-HB)
during pacing at the RV apex. However, when VA conduction occurs over a BT (A), the SA interval remains
constant; in contrast, in the absence of a BT (B), the SA interval shortens, coinciding with shortening of the
S-H interval during pacing at the RV apex compared with pacing at the RV base. CSdist, Distal coronary sinus;
CSprox, proximal coronary sinus; HRA, high right atrium; RVA, right ventricular apex.
CHAPTER 18  Typical Atrioventricular Bypass Tracts 631

midseptum and not at the RV apex. In such situations, both the RV propagates over the HPS-AVN. In the presence of retrograde RBBB, VA
base and apex can be equidistant from the entrance to the HPS so that conduction occurs over the LB-HB; therefore the VA interval depends
pacing at either location will produce a constant VA interval during on the distance between the pacing site and the LB rather than the
retrograde conduction over the AVN. Therefore patient-to-patient vari- RB, and access of the paced wavefront to the LB can be faster for
ability with regard to the distance of the pacing catheter to the RB RV basilar or septal pacing compared with pacing from the RV apex
terminus can potentially introduce conflicting results. This problem is (see Fig. 20.6).
largely resolved by first pacing from the HB region (while avoiding HB
capture) and then moving the pacing catheter in a stepwise fashion Para-Hisian Pacing During Sinus Rhythm
along the septum toward the RV apex. Pacing from sequential sites in Para-Hisian pacing helps demonstrate or exclude the presence of a
this path brings the catheter closer to the RB terminus (entrance of the septal AV BT, which can mediate an orthodromic AVRT with a retro-
HPS), as reflected by shortening of the VA interval for AVN conduction, grade atrial activation sequence similar to that during AVNRT. The
but not for BT conduction. As the pacing catheter is moved farther response to para-Hisian pacing can be determined by comparing the
apically, the pacing sites become less useful diagnostically because the following four variables between HB-RB capture and noncapture while
relative distance from the RB terminus to the insertion of the BT becomes maintaining local ventricular capture and no atrial capture: (1) atrial
less clear.29 activation sequence, (2) SA interval, (3) local VA interval, and (4) HA
This maneuver, however, does not exclude the presence of a distant interval (Figs. 18.29 and 18.30). Seven patterns of response to para-
right or left free-wall BT because the site of pacing is far from the BT; Hisian pacing can be observed (see Box 20.1). Please refer to Chapter
as a consequence, pacing from the RV apex or RV base may result in 20 for a more detailed discussion of para-Hisian pacing.30
preferential VA conduction exclusively over the AVN and a constant Atrial activation sequence.  An identical retrograde atrial activa-
atrial activation sequence. This can be avoided by moving the basal tion sequence, with and without HB capture, indicates that retrograde
pacing site closer to the putative BT location along the tricuspid or conduction is occurring over the same system during HB-RB capture
mitral annulus.29 and noncapture (either the BT or the AVN) and does not help prove
In addition, this maneuver does not exclude the presence of a slowly or exclude the presence of a BT. On the other hand, a retrograde atrial
conducting BT. The VA interval criterion identifies the actual route of activation sequence that is different, depending on whether the HB is
VA conduction and therefore the fastest path of this conduction; hence, captured, indicates the presence of a BT.31
a slowly conducting BT would be missed in the presence of fast VA HA and ventriculoatrial intervals.  The HA and VA (SA) intervals
conduction over the HPS-AVN. are recorded at multiple sites, including close to the site of earliest atrial
The occurrence of RBBB (but not LBBB) can also alter the sig- activation during SVT. A VA (SA) interval that is constant regardless
nificance of the VA interval criterion, especially when VA conduction of whether the HB-RB is being captured indicates the presence of a BT,

Para-Hisian pacing

NSR RA  RV  HB RV only RV only RV  HB RV  HB

RBBB capture capture capture capture capture



A SA  67 msec H SA  67 msec H SA  67 msec SA  67 msec
Hisprox H

S1 A S1 A S1 A S1 A S1 A



Fig. 18.29  Para-Hisian Pacing in a Patient With Concealed Midseptal Bypass Tract and Right Bundle
Branch Block (RBBB). The first complex is a sinus beat with RBBB. The second complex shows capture of
the atrium, ventricle, and His bundle–right bundle branch (HB-RB). Atrial capture is indicated by immediate
inscription of atrial electrogram following the pacing artifact. It is important to identify this occurrence to
avoid erroneous interpretation of the results of para-Hisian pacing. The third and fourth complexes show
right ventricle (RV)–only capture, and the last two complexes show RV and HB-RB capture but without atrial
capture. Note that the atrial activation sequence and stimulus-atrial (SA) intervals remain unchanged, regard-
less of whether HB-RB capture occurs, because retrograde ventriculoatrial (VA) conduction occurs over the
bypass tract in either case. During RV-only capture, the HB activation occurs after atrial activation, indicating
that VA conduction is independent of the atrioventricular node. Note that para-Hisian pacing could be per-
formed successfully even in the presence of RBBB if capture of the HB-RB is achieved proximal to the site
of block. CSdist, Distal coronary sinus; CSprox, proximal coronary sinus; Hisdist, distal His bundle; Hisprox, proximal
His bundle; HRA, high right atrium; RA, right atrium; NSR, normal sinus rhythm; RVA, right ventricular apex.
632 CHAPTER 18  Typical Atrioventricular Bypass Tracts


RV-only capture RV and HB-RB capture



SH  60 msec

Hisdist S1 S1 S1 S1

SA  44 msec SA  44 msec




RV-only capture RV and HB-RB capture



SH  60 msec

Hisdist S1 S1 S1 S1

SA  194 msec SA  134 msec



Fig. 18.30  Para-Hisian Pacing in a Patient With a Concealed Superoparaseptal Bypass Tract (BT). In
each panel, the first two complexes show right ventricle (RV)-only capture, and the last two complexes
show RV and His bundle–right bundle branch (HB-RB) capture. The loss of HB-RB capture is identified by
delay in the HB activation (stimulus–His bundle [SH] interval = 60 milliseconds) and widening of the QRS.
The His potential is not visible during HB-RB capture. (A) Para-Hisian pacing is performed before ablation of
the BT; the stimulus-atrial (SA) interval remains unchanged regardless of whether HB-RB capture occurs,
because retrograde ventriculoatrial (VA) conduction occurs over the BT in either setting. In fact, during RV-only
capture, the SA interval is shorter than the SH interval, indicating that VA conduction is independent of the
atrioventricular node (AVN). (B) Para-Hisian pacing is performed after successful ablation of the BT; the SA
interval is longer than before ablation, and it prolongs further on loss of HB-RB capture, concomitant with
delay in HB activation (i.e., prolongation in the SH interval) and a constant HA interval, indicating that VA
conduction is mediated only by the AVN. Note that the activation sequence before ablation (VA conduc-
tion occurring over the BT) is slightly different from after ablation (VA conduction occurring over the AVN).
However, in each case (preablation and postablation), the atrial activation sequence occurs over the same
pathway and remains constant, regardless of whether HB-RB occurs. CSdist, Distal coronary sinus; CSprox,
proximal coronary sinus; Hisdist, distal His bundle; Hisprox, proximal His bundle; HRA, high right atrium; RVA, right
ventricular apex.
CHAPTER 18  Typical Atrioventricular Bypass Tracts 633

whereas prolongation of the VA (SA) interval on loss of HB capture, present, V2 conducts back to the atrium while the AVN remains refrac-
compared with that during HB capture, excludes the presence of a tory, resulting in a retrograde atrial activation pattern consistent with
retrogradely conducting septal BT, except for slowly conducting and exclusive BT conduction. Although there can also be some degree of
far free-wall BTs.31 concealed anterograde conduction into the BT during A2 stimulation,
the more pronounced decremental properties of AVN tissue should
Dual-Chamber Sequential Extrastimulation prolong AVN refractoriness to a greater degree than that of the BT,
During Sinus Rhythm allowing exclusive retrograde conduction over the BT to remain intact
Although the various ventricular pacing maneuvers described previously during V2 stimulation.32
can expose an eccentric or nondecremental atrial activation pattern This maneuver has several potential limitations. First, atrial ERP
that suggests retrograde conduction over a BT rather than the AVN, in may exceed anterograde AVN ERP. In addition, local atrial ERP at the
certain circumstances, these maneuvers may not be adequate to confirm site of BT insertion can render the atrium refractory to the wavefront
the presence or absence of BT conduction, especially when the BT has traveling retrogradely over the BT. Therefore atrial pacing during this
an ERP, retrograde atrial activation pattern, and conduction time similar maneuver should ideally be performed at a site in close proximity to
to the AVN. In particular, identification, mapping, and verification of the atrial insertion of the BT if possible. Furthermore, the AES may
success of ablation of BT function can be challenging in the setting of cause anterograde concealed conduction in the BT, potentially resulting
septal BTs with a retrograde activation pattern similar to retrograde in BT conduction block during delivery of V2. The success of this pacing
AVN conduction, slowly conducting BTs, as well as BTs with decremental maneuver relies on the differential effects of concealed conduction into
properties.32 the AVN and BT, with greater extension of refractoriness in the former
Dual-chamber sequential extrastimulation is a useful maneuver for than the latter.32
identifying concealed slowly conducting BTs not revealed with standard
pacing maneuvers. This maneuver relies on concealed AVN conduction Induction of Tachycardia
during a critically timed AES to cause transient retrograde AVN blockade Initiation by Programmed Atrial Stimulation
at the time a VES is delivered, thereby allowing the BT to become Orthodromic AVRT: bidirectional AVT BT.  In the presence of a
manifest with the VES (analogous to delivering a VES during SVT while manifest AV BT, initiation of orthodromic AVRT with an AES requires
the HB is refractory).32 the following: (1) anterograde block in the AV BT; (2) anterograde
The dual-chamber sequential extrastimulation maneuver consists conduction over the AVN-HPS; and (3) slow conduction over the
of an eight-beat drive train of simultaneous atrial and RV pacing at AVN-HPS, with adequate delay to allow for the recovery of the atrium
600 milliseconds, followed by an AES (A2) delivered at a coupling interval and AV BT and subsequent retrograde conduction over the BT (Fig.
equal to the AVN ERP, followed by a VES (V2) delivered at a coupling 18.31; see Fig. 3.9). The first two requirements are facilitated by the
interval equal to the drive train CL (600 milliseconds). Repeat drives fact that, while the BT conducts more rapidly than the AVN, it has a
are then performed with decrements of 10 milliseconds for V2 until longer ERP, so the early atrial impulse blocks anterogradely in the BT
VA block is observed.32 but conducts over the AVN. For the third condition, the site of AV delay
The critically timed A2 prolongs the AVN refractory period via is not important; it is most commonly in the AVN, but it can also occur
concealed anterograde conduction, causing V2 to block in the AVN in the HB, bundle branches, or ventricular myocardium. Because the
when it would have conducted had A2 not been delivered. If a BT is coupling intervals of the AES required to achieve anterograde block in



Atrial pacing with preexcitation Anterograde BT block Orthodromic AVRT





Fig. 18.31  Induction of an Orthodromic Atrioventricular Reentrant Tachycardia (AVRT) Using a Bidi-
rectional Bypass Tract (BT) With Atrial Pacing. Rapid atrial pacing is initially associated with ventricular
preexcitation via a left lateral BT. With pacing at a progressively shorter cycle length, anterograde block in
the BT develops, as evident with loss ventricular preexcitation concurrent with prolongation of the PR interval.
Cessation of pacing is followed by initiation of orthodromic AVRT utilizing the same BT as the retrograde
limb of the reentry circuit. CSdist, Distal coronary sinus; CSprox, proximal coronary sinus; HRA, high right atrium;
RVA, right ventricular apex.
634 CHAPTER 18  Typical Atrioventricular Bypass Tracts

the BT are usually short, sufficient AVN delay is usually present so that Orthodromic AVRT: concealed AV BT.  Orthodromic AVRT in
orthodromic AVRT is initiated once anterograde BT block occurs. The patients with concealed BTs is identical to that in patients with mani-
presence of dual AVN physiology can facilitate the initiation of ortho- fest BTs (Figs. 18.32 and 18.33). The only difference is that in patients
dromic AVRT by providing adequate AV delay by mediating anterograde with concealed BTs, anterograde block in the BT is already present.
conduction over the slow AVN pathway. BBB ipsilateral to the AV BT Consequently, the only condition needed to induce orthodromic
provides an additional AV delay that can facilitate tachycardia AVRT is adequate AV delay (in the AVN or HPS) to allow for recovery
initiation. of the atrium and atrial insertion site of the AV BT. Therefore ortho-
Induction of orthodromic AVRT is easier with atrial stimulation at dromic AVRT initiation requires less premature coupling intervals
a site in close proximity to the AV BT insertion site; the closer the of the AESs in patients with concealed BTs than in patients with
stimulation site is to the BT, the easier it is to encroach on the refrac- WPW.
tory period of the BT and achieve block, because it is not limited by Permanent junctional reciprocating tachycardia.  PJRT is usually
the refractoriness or conduction time of intervening atrial tissue. Fur- incessant and is initiated by spontaneous shortening of the sinus CL,
thermore, the earlier the atrial insertion of the BT is activated, the more without a triggering PAC or PVC. The tachycardia can be transiently
likely it will recover before arrival of the retrograde wavefront to the terminated by PACs or PVCs but usually resumes after a few sinus beats
BT atrial insertion site, thereby facilitating reentry. Thus one may actu- (eFig. 18.5). This phenomenon has three potential mechanisms: a rate-
ally require less anterograde AV delay if recovery of excitability is shifted related decrease in the retrograde ERP of the BT, a rate-related decrease
earlier in time. In addition, different sites of atrial stimulation can in atrial refractoriness that allows the impulse to reactivate the atrium
produce different AVN conduction velocities and refractoriness (even retrogradely over the BT, or a concealed Wenckebach block with block
at the same AES coupling intervals). at the atrial-BT junction terminating the Wenckebach cycle, relieving
If SVT induction fails, the use of multiple AESs, rapid atrial pacing, any anterograde concealed conduction that may have prevented retro-
and pacing closer to the BT would achieve block in the BT and produce grade conduction up the BT. The latter is the most likely mechanism,
adequate AV delay. because such slow BTs actually demonstrate decremental conduction at
AES can also result in a 1:2 response caused by conduction over rapid rates and, in most cases, the atrial ERP at the atrial-BT junction
both the BT and the AVN-HPS (i.e., a single AES resulting in two is shorter than the RP (VA) interval. Thus some sort of anterograde
ventricular complexes; the first is fully preexcited and the second is concealment during NSR in the BT must be operative, preventing
normal). For this response to occur, significant delay in AVN-HPS con- tachycardia from always occurring. Late-coupled AESs can also readily
duction should be present (usually anterograde conduction is mediated initiate PJRT.
by the slow AVN pathway) to allow for recovery of the ventricle after Antidromic AVRT.  The initiation of antidromic AVRT by an AES
its activation via the BT. AES can also produce sinus nodal or AVN requires the following: (1) intact anterograde conduction over the BT;
echo beats that in turn may block in the BT and achieve adequate AV (2) anterograde block in the AVN or HPS; and (3) intact retrograde
delay to initiate orthodromic AVRT. conduction over the HPS-AVN once the AVN resumes excitability


S1 S1 S2
400 msec 230 msec





Fig. 18.32  Induction of an Orthodromic Atrioventricular Reentrant Tachycardia Using a Concealed

Bypass Tract (BT) With Atrial Extrastimulation (AES). Note that the AES (S2) conducts with atrioventricular
(AV) delay, which allows for recovery of the atrium and atrial insertion site of the AV BT. The atrial activa-
tion sequence during the tachycardia is eccentric in the coronary sinus recording, consistent with left free
lateral BT. CSdist, Distal coronary sinus; CSprox, proximal coronary sinus; HRA, high right atrium; RVA, right
ventricular apex.
CHAPTER 18  Typical Atrioventricular Bypass Tracts 634.e1

Carotid sinus pressure



eFig. 18.5  Permanent Junctional Reciprocating Tachycardia (PJRT). Two surface electrocardiogram leads
are shown during PJRT. Carotid sinus pressure is applied (at left), resulting in termination of the tachycardia
caused by block in the bypass tract (the tachycardia terminates with a QRS). Several escape and sinus
complexes follow, and then the SVT resumes. This phenomenon gives rise to the use of the term permanent
or incessant.
CHAPTER 18  Typical Atrioventricular Bypass Tracts 635




S1 S1 S1
230 msec 230 msec



Fig. 18.33  Induction of an Orthodromic Atrioventricular Reentrant Tachycardia (AVRT) Using a Con-
cealed Bypass Tract (BT) With Atrial Pacing. The last atrial paced complex conducts anterogradely over
the slow atrioventricular nodal (AVN) pathway and results in an AVN echo beat (blue arrow and shade) and
simultaneous atrial and ventricular activation. The echo beat induces orthodromic AVRT with an eccentric
atrial activation sequence (red arrow and shade), consistent with left free lateral BT. Note that the VA interval
during the AVN echo beat is significantly shorter than that during orthodromic atrioventricular nodal reentrant
tachycardia. CSdist, Distal coronary sinus; CSprox, proximal coronary sinus; HRA, high right atrium; RVA, right
ventricular apex.

following partial anterograde penetration (see Fig. 18.23). The latter is duction up the fast AVN pathway because of the premature ventricular
usually the limiting factor for the initiation of antidromic AVRT. A activation over the BT. In this scenario, the location of the His potential
delay of more than 150 milliseconds between atrial insertion of the BT will depend on whether it was anterograde or retrograde.
and HB is probably required for the initiation of antidromic AVRT. In general, if atrial stimulation induces antidromic AVRT, multiple
Several mechanisms of antidromic AVRT initiation can be operative. BTs are often operative. Whether they are operative throughout the
The AES can block in the AVN with anterograde conduction down the SVT depends on the relative retrograde activation times over the addi-
BT and subsequent retrograde conduction over the HPS-AVN. In this tional BTs and HPS-AVN and the varying degree of anterograde and
setting, VH interval prolongation is required to allow recovery of the retrograde concealment into the additional BTs and HPS-AVN during
AVN. Because antidromic AVRTs have relatively short VA intervals, this the SVT.
mechanism of initiation is probably uncommon, except with left-sided The site of atrial stimulation plays an important role in inducibility
BTs, which would potentially provide sufficient VH delay to allow ret- of AVRT, and can also determine the type of AVRT initiated in patients
rograde conduction. Tachycardia initiation can be facilitated by a short with bidirectional BTs. The closer the stimulation site to the BT, the
retrograde AVN ERP, a common finding in patients with these SVTs. more likely anterograde block in the BT will occur and orthodromic
Alternatively, the AES may block in the AVN, with anterograde conduc- AVRT will result. Conversely, antidromic AVRT is more likely to occur
tion down the BT and subsequent retrograde conduction over a different with atrial stimulation close to the AVN.
BT. Subsequent complexes can conduct retrogradely over the AVN-HPS
or the second BT. Changing TCL (and VA interval) may relate to whether Initiation by Programmed Ventricular Stimulation
retrograde conduction proceeds over the AVN-HPS or the second BT. Orthodromic AVRT.  Ventricular stimulation can induce orthodromic
A third potential mechanism for the initiation of antidromic AVRT AVRT in the majority of patients (inducibility rate of 60% with VES
involves AES conduction over the BT and simultaneously over the slow and 80% with ventricular pacing), regardless of whether the BT is
pathway of a dual AVN pathway situation, with anterograde block in manifest or concealed (Fig. 18.34). Initiation of orthodromic AVRT by
the fast AVN pathway. Conduction beyond the HB to the ventricle is ventricular stimulation requires the following: (1) retrograde block of
not possible because of ventricular refractoriness, yet an AVN echo to the ventricular impulse in the HPS-AVN; (2) retrograde conduction
the atrium may occur, which in turn may conduct anterogradely over only over the BT; and (3) adequate VA conduction delay to allow for
the BT, when the ventricle would have recovered excitability, and sub- recovery of the AVN-HPS from any concealment produced by ventricular
sequently back up the now-recovered AVN, initiating antidromic AVRT. stimulation, so it can support anterograde conduction of the reentrant
AVN reentry may not persist or may be preempted by retrograde con- impulse. Because the BT retrograde ERP is usually very short, the prime
636 CHAPTER 18  Typical Atrioventricular Bypass Tracts



HRA 138 msec 120 msec
176 msec 164 msec 162 msec



RVA 300 msec 312 msec

S1 S1 S1
Fig. 18.34  Induction of an Orthodromic Atrioventricular Reentrant Tachycardia (AVRT) Using a Con-
cealed Posteroseptal Bypass Tract With Ventricular Pacing. Note that although the ventricular pacing
cycle length (CL) approximates the tachycardia CL, the ventriculoatrial (VA) interval (dashed lines) during
ventricular pacing is only slightly longer than that during supraventricular tachycardia (SVT), which favors
orthodromic AVRT over atrioventricular nodal reentrant tachycardia as the mechanism of the SVT. In addition,
the atrial–His bundle interval of the first SVT complex is longer than that of subsequent beats, indicating
retrograde concealment in the AVN produced by the last ventricular stimulus. CSdist, Distal coronary sinus;
CSprox, proximal coronary sinus; HRA, high right atrium; RVA, right ventricular apex.

determinant of orthodromic AVRT initiation is the extent of retrograde at a coupling interval (i.e., H1-H2 interval) similar to the H-H interval
conduction and/or concealment in the HPS-AVN. during the SVT (i.e., similar to the TCL), the HA interval following the
Multiple modes of initiation of orthodromic AVRT can be present, initiating ventricular stimulus is then compared with that during the
depending on the PCL or VES coupling interval, conduction velocities, SVT. During AVNRT, the HA interval of the ventricular stimulus ini-
and refractoriness of the HPS-AVN and BT, as well as the site of ven- tiating the SVT is longer than the HA interval during the SVT because
tricular stimulation. Ventricular pacing at a CL or a VES with a coupling both the HB and atrium are activated in sequence during ventricular
interval that is shorter than the ERP of the AVN but longer than that stimulation but in parallel during AVNRT (see Fig. 17.14). This is even
of the HPS and BT would block retrogradely in the AVN and conduct exaggerated by the fact that the AVN usually exhibits greater decremental
over the BT to initiate orthodromic AVRT. Block in the AVN, which is conduction with repetitive engagement of impulses than to a single
more likely to occur with rapid ventricular pacing or VES delivered impulse at a similar coupling interval. Therefore the more prolonged
after a short pacing drive CL, can cause concealment and subsequent the HA interval with the initiating ventricular stimulus, the more likely
delay in anterograde conduction of the first SVT impulse over the AVN, the SVT is AVNRT. On the other hand, if the SVT uses an AV BT for
resulting in longer AH and PR intervals of the first SVT beat compared retrograde conduction, the HA interval during the initiating ventricular
with subsequent beats (see Fig. 18.34). On the other hand, ventricular stimulus (at a coupling interval comparable to the TCL) is shorter than
pacing at a CL or a VES with a coupling interval shorter than the ERP that during orthodromic AVRT because the HB and atrium are activated
of the HPS, but longer than that of the BT, would block retrogradely in parallel during ventricular pacing (when atrial activation is mediated
in the HPS and conduct over the AV BT to initiate orthodromic AVRT. by retrograde BT conduction), but in sequence during SVT.
When block occurs in the HPS, which is more likely to occur with a The intervals immediately following tachycardia initiation with a
VES delivered during NSR or after a long pacing drive CL, the first VES (delivered from the RV apex) provide data that are essentially
SVT beat will approach a fully recovered AVN and conduct with short equivalent to those observed with ventricular entrainment (see later).
AH and PR intervals equal to subsequent SVT beats. In this setting, The interval from the VES to atrial activation (surface VA or “SA” inter-
adequate prolongation of the HV interval may be required to allow for val) is compared to the surface VA interval during SVT, and the post-
the recovery of ventricular refractoriness for the ventricle to be activated VES return cycle (i.e., the interval from the VES to the subsequent RV
and support reentry, because AVN delay may have not been sufficient. apical depolarization) is compared to the TCL. An SA interval that
When HV interval prolongation is required to initiate orthodromic exceeds the surface VA interval during SVT by less than 85 milliseconds
AVRT, it is almost invariably associated with LBBB. A short-coupled is consistent with orthodromic AVRT. Similarly, when the post-VES
VES, especially following a pacing drive with a long CL, that blocks return cycle exceeds the TCL by less than 115 milliseconds, orthodromic
retrogradely in both the BT and RB and conducts transseptally and AVRT is suggested. The small differences between those intervals are
then retrogradely over the LB, can result in a bundle branch reentrant related to the proximity of the RV apical pacing site to the SVT reentry
(BBR) beat that conducts to the ventricle down the RB, and then ret- circuit. Larger differences in these intervals are observed in the setting
rogradely to the atrium over the AV BT, mediating the initiation of of AVNRT or orthodromic AVRT utilizing a left lateral BT or a septal
orthodromic AVRT. The long HV interval often associated with BBR BT with decremental conduction. The unique advantage of this tech-
beats, plus the LBBB pattern, facilitate the induction of orthodromic nique is that it does not require a sustained tachycardia that can be
AVRT using a left-sided BT (Fig. 18.35). successfully entrained.33
When induction of the SVT is achieved by ventricular pacing at a Permanent junctional reciprocating tachycardia. Ventricular
PCL similar to the subsequent TCL or by a VES that activates the HB stimulation is less effective in initiating PJRT because of the already
CHAPTER 18  Typical Atrioventricular Bypass Tracts 637

BBR 92 msec 92 msec



RVA 600 msec 280 msec
S1 S1 S2
Fig. 18.35  Induction of an Orthodromic Atrioventricular Reentrant Tachycardia (AVRT) Using a Con-
cealed Left Posteroseptal Bypass Tract (BT) With Ventricular Extrastimulation (VES). The VES conducts
retrogradely over the BT, but also results in a bundle branch reentrant (BBR) beat, which in turn conducts
to the atrium over the BT and initiates orthodromic AVRT. Note that right bundle branch block (RBBB)
develops shortly after initiation of the tachycardia; however, the ventriculoatrial (VA) interval (dashed lines)
remains constant, regardless of the presence or absence of RBBB, because the BT is in the contralateral
ventricle. CSdist, Distal coronary sinus; CSprox, proximal coronary sinus; HRA, high right atrium; RVA, right
ventricular apex.

impaired conduction in the BT, such that an early VES produces block Atrial-ventricular relationship.  The conduction time over the
in the BT. A late-coupled VES (when the HB is refractory) can initiate typical (fast) AV BT is approximately 30 to 120 milliseconds. Therefore
SVT in some cases. the RP interval during orthodromic AVRT is short, but longer than
Antidromic AVRT.  Initiation of classic antidromic AVRT by ven- that during typical AVNRT, because in the setting of orthodromic AVRT
tricular pacing and VES requires the following: (1) retrograde block in the wavefront has to activate the ventricle before it reaches the ventricular
the BT; (2) retrograde conduction over the AVN or HPS; and (3) adequate insertion site of the BT at the AV groove and subsequently conduct to
VA delay to allow for recovery of the atrium and BT so it can support the atrium. Consequently, a very short VA interval (less than 70 mil-
subsequent anterograde conduction (see Fig. 18.25). liseconds) or short V–high RA interval (less than 95 milliseconds) largely
When induction of the SVT is achieved by ventricular pacing at a excludes orthodromic AVRT, and favors typical AVNRT (see Fig. 18.33).34
CL similar to the TCL or by a VES that activates the HB at a coupling However, VA intervals shorter than 70 milliseconds have occasionally
interval (i.e., H1-H2 interval) similar to the H-H interval during the been observed in patients with orthodromic AVRT utilizing left lateral
SVT, the HA interval following the initiating ventricular stimulus is or left posteroseptal BTs.35 Importantly, the RP and VA intervals during
always equal to or shorter than that during the antidromic AVRT. This orthodromic AVRT remain constant regardless of oscillations in the
is because the HB and atrium are activated in sequence during anti- TCL from whatever cause and regardless of changes in the PR interval
dromic AVRT and in parallel during ventricular stimulation (in the (AH interval); as a consequence, the TCL is most closely associated
presence of a retrogradely conducting BT). Therefore an HA interval with the PR interval (i.e., anterograde AVN conduction) and the RP/
of the initiating ventricular stimulus longer than the HA interval during PR ratio may vary (Fig. 18.36).
SVT favors preexcited AVNRT and excludes antidromic AVRT (see Fig. A 1:1 A-V relationship is a prerequisite for maintenance of AVRT
18.25). Moreover, because the AVN usually exhibits greater decremental because parts of both the atrium and the ventricle are essential com-
conduction with repetitive engagement of impulses than to a single ponents of the reentrant circuit. If an SVT persists despite the presence
impulse at a similar coupling interval, the more prolonged the HA of AV or VA block, orthodromic AVRT is excluded.
interval with the initiating ventricular stimulus, the more likely that When dual AVN pathways are present, the slow AVN pathway func-
the SVT is preexcited AVNRT. tions in most cases as the anterograde limb during orthodromic AVRT.
An AH interval of more than 180 milliseconds during orthodromic
Tachycardia Features AVRT suggests a slow AVN pathway mediating the anterograde limb
Orthodromic Atrioventricular Reentrant Tachycardia of the reentrant circuit, whereas an AH interval of less than 160 mil-
Atrial activation sequence.  The initial site of atrial activation liseconds suggests anterograde conduction over the fast AVN pathway.
during orthodromic AVRT depends on the atrial insertion site of the Obviously, orthodromic AVRT using the slow pathway will have a
BT, but is always near the AV groove and without multiple break- longer TCL.
through points. The atrial activation sequence during orthodromic Slow-slow AVNRT is associated with an RP interval and P wave
AVRT should be identical to that during ventricular pacing at com- morphology similar to that during orthodromic AVRT using a pos-
parable CLs when VA conduction occurs exclusively over the BT. teroseptal AV BT. However, although both SVTs have the earliest atrial
However, retrograde conduction during ventricular pacing can proceed activation in the posteroseptal region, conduction time from that site
over the AVN or over both the BT and AVN, resulting in fusion of to the HB region is significantly longer in AVNRT than in orthodromic
atrial activation, depending on the site of ventricular stimulation rela- AVRT, resulting in a significantly longer RP interval in lead V1 and a
tive to the BT and HPS, and on retrograde conduction and refractori- larger difference in the RP interval between lead V1 and the inferior
ness of the HPS-AVN. leads. Therefore a ΔRP interval (V1 to III) longer than 20 milliseconds
638 CHAPTER 18  Typical Atrioventricular Bypass Tracts

Spontaneous termination of orthodromic AVRT



332 msec 374 msec 344 msec 390 msec 370 msec
340 msec 368 msec 348 msec 386 msec 374 msec


RVA 334 msec 372 msec 348 msec 388 msec 372 msec

Fig. 18.36  Spontaneous Termination of Orthodromic Atrioventricular Reentrant Tachycardia (AVRT)

Using a Concealed Superoparaseptal Bypass Tract. Note that the tachycardia terminates with an atrial
complex not followed by a QRS, consistent with anterograde block in the atrioventricular node (AVN). Also,
note the oscillation in the tachycardia cycle length (CL) preceding termination. Changes in H-H and V-V
intervals precede the subsequent changes in A-A intervals, and the ventriculoatrial (VA) interval remains
constant despite oscillation of the CL. This indicates that the variability in the tachycardia CL is secondary
to changes in the anterograde conduction over the AVN, whereas VA conduction over the retrograde limb
of the reentrant circuit (the bypass tract) remains constant. CSdist, Distal coronary sinus; CSprox, proximal coro-
nary sinus; HRA, high right atrium; RVA, right ventricular apex.

suggests slow-slow AVNRT with a sensitivity of 71%, specificity of 87%, (Fig. 18.37). However, the “local VA interval” (measured at the site of
and positive predictive value of 75%. BT insertion) remains constant. On the other hand, the TCL usually
Effects of BBB.  The presence of BBB during SVT is much more increases in concordance with the increase in the surface VA interval
common in orthodromic AVRT than AVNRT or AT; in fact, the majority as a result of ipsilateral BBB because of the now larger tachycardia
of SVTs with sustained LBBB are orthodromic AVRTs. Two reasons circuit. However, because the time the wavefront spends outside the
have been proposed to explain why prolonged aberration occurs less AVN is now longer because of the larger circuit, AVN conduction may
commonly during AVNRT than orthodromic AVRT. First, the induction improve to a small degree, resulting in shortening of the AH interval
of AVNRT requires significant AVN delay, which makes the H1-H2 (PR interval), which can potentially counterbalance, at least in part,
interval longer and makes aberration unlikely. Conversely, in ortho- the effects of prolongation of the VA interval on the total TCL. Thus
dromic AVRT, AVN conduction need not be slow, resulting in a shorter the surface VA interval and not the TCL should be used to assess the
AH interval and an impulse encroaching on HPS refractoriness, in turn effects of BBB on the SVT (see Figs. 18.37 and 18.38).
resulting in BBB. Second, LBBB facilitates the induction of orthodromic Prolongation of the surface VA interval during SVT in response to
AVRT when a left-sided AV BT is present by providing the necessary BBB by more than 35 milliseconds compared to that with normal QRS
AV delay required to maintain the reentry circuit.36 or contralateral BBB indicates that an ipsilateral free-wall BT is present
BBB is more common when AVRT is initiated by an AES that is and is participating in the SVT (i.e., diagnostic of orthodromic AVRT)
delivered during NSR or after long pacing drive CLs, during which HPS (see Fig. 18.38). On the other hand, prolongation of the surface VA by
refractoriness is longest and AVN conduction and refractoriness are 25 to 35 milliseconds suggests a septal or paraseptal BT (posteroseptal
shortest. When AVRT is induced by atrial stimulation, RBBB is twice AV BT in association with LBBB, and superoparaseptal AV BT in asso-
as common as LBBB. In contrast, when AVRT is induced by ventricular ciation with RBBB). In contrast, BBB contralateral to the BT does not
stimulation, LBBB is much more common than RBBB (because of influence the VA interval or TCL because the contralateral ventricle is
retrograde concealment of the paced wavefront in the LB). In addition, not part of the reentrant circuit (see Figs. 18.35 and 18.37). Of note,
the incidence of BBB is more common in AVRTs induced by ventricular prolongation of the VA interval by more than 45 milliseconds in response
stimulation than those induced by atrial stimulation (75% vs. 50%). to RV pacing entraining the orthodromic AVRT is also diagnostic of a
BBB ipsilateral to the BT results in prolongation of the “surface VA left-sided BT, whereby RV pacing results in effects analogous to those
interval.” Block in the ipsilateral bundle branch forces the reentrant created by LBBB and, as a consequence, VA interval prolongation.
circuit to follow a longer path. Hence, more time is needed for the Oscillations in the tachycardia cycle length.  Oscillation of the
tachycardia wavefront to travel from the AVN down the HB and contra- TCL during orthodromic AVRT can occur and generally is caused by
lateral bundle branch, and then transseptally to the ventricle ipsilat- changes in the anterograde conduction over the AVN (see Fig. 18.36).
eral to the BBB in order to reach the BT and then activate the atrium Because retrograde conduction through the BT is much less variable,
CHAPTER 18  Typical Atrioventricular Bypass Tracts 639

Orthodromic AVRT Orthodromic AVRT with RBBB Orthodromic AVRT with LBBB



Fig. 18.37  Schematic Illustration of the Effect of Bundle Branch Block on the Reentrant Circuit During
Orthodromic Atrioventricular Reentrant Tachycardia (AVRT) Using a Left-Sided Bypass Tract (BT).
Block in the left bundle branch (LB) (ipsilateral to the BT) results in prolongation of the reentrant pathway
and, therefore, prolongation of the ventriculoatrial interval. In contrast, block in the right bundle branch (RB)
(contralateral to the BT) has no effect on the reentrant circuit. AVN, Atrioventricular node; HB, His bundle;
LBBB, left bundle branch block; RBBB, right bundle branch block.

Orthodromic AVRT RBBB LBBB

VA 110 ms VA 110 ms VA 148 ms

RVA 290 ms 290 ms 290 ms 290 ms 290 ms 290 ms 315 ms 315 ms 315 ms
Fig. 18.38  Effect of Bundle Branch Block on Orthodromic Atrioventricular Reentrant Tachycardia (AVRT).
Orthodromic AVRT is recorded in the same patient. (A) Orthodromic AVRT with normal intraventricular con-
duction. (B) Orthodromic AVRT with right bundle branch block (RBBB). (C) Orthodromic AVRT with left bundle
branch block (LBBB). Note that the tachycardia cycle length (TCL) and ventriculoatrial (VA) interval are not
affected by the development of RBBB. In contrast, the development of LBBB during tachycardia is associ-
ated with prolongation of the VA interval (by 38 milliseconds) and a lesser degree of prolongation of the TCL
(by 25 milliseconds), indicating the presence and participation of a left lateral bypass tract in the reentrant
circuit. CSdist, Distal coronary sinus; CSprox, proximal coronary sinus; Hisdist, distal His bundle; Hismid, middle
His bundle; Hisprox, proximal His bundle; HRA, high right atrium; RVA, right ventricular apex.

the changes in ventricular CL that result from variability in the antero- plexes demonstrating a Wenckebach periodicity before block. However,
grade AVN conduction precede the subsequent changes in atrial CL, termination with block in the BT without any perturbations of the
and changes in atrial CL do not predict changes in subsequent ventricular TCL can occur during very rapid AVRT or following a sudden shorten-
CL (similar to observations during typical AVNRT). In contrast, changes ing of the TCL (e.g., after resolution of ipsilateral BBB or shift of antero-
in atrial CL predict the changes in subsequent ventricular CL during grade conduction from the slow to the fast AVN pathway).
atypical AVNRT and AT.37 Carotid sinus massage can terminate orthodromic AVRT by gradual
In addition, orthodromic AVRT in the presence of dual AVN physi- slowing and then block in the AVN. Adenosine, digoxin, verapamil,
ology can be associated with anterograde conduction alternating over diltiazem, and beta-blockers terminate orthodromic AVRT by block in
the slow and fast AVN pathways, resulting in a regular irregularity of the AVN; therefore the SVT terminates with a P wave that is not fol-
the TCL (alternating long and short cycles). Alternatively, the presence lowed by a QRS. Verapamil rarely produces block in the BT and, when
of dual AVN pathways can lead to two separate stable TCLs. In either it does, block is usually preceded by oscillation in the TCL produced
setting, the RP interval during the SVT remains constant. by changes in AVN conduction, leading to long-short sequences. Class
QRS alternans.  Alternans of the QRS complex amplitude during IA and IC antiarrhythmic agents can produce block in the BT with
a relatively slow SVT is almost always indicative of orthodromic AVRT variable effect on the AVN-HPS. Amiodarone can terminate AVRT by
(see Fig. 18.13). On the other hand, although QRS alternans during block in the AVN, HPS, or AV BT. Sotalol affects the AVN with little
fast SVTs is most commonly seen in orthodromic AVRT, it can also be or no effect on the AV BT.
seen with other types of SVT. Permanent junctional reciprocating tachycardia
Termination and response to physiological and pharmacological Atrial activation sequence.  The initial site of atrial activation
maneuvers.  Spontaneous termination of orthodromic AVRT is usually is most often in the posteroseptal part of the triangle of Koch near
caused by gradual slowing and then block in the AVN (see Fig. 18.36), the coronary sinus ostium (CS os), similar to that in atypical AVNRT
sometimes causing initial oscillation in the TCL, with alternate com- (Fig. 18.39).3
640 CHAPTER 18  Typical Atrioventricular Bypass Tracts



522 ms 522 ms 538 ms 525 ms



Fig. 18.39  Ventricular Extrastimulation (VES) During Permanent Junctional Reciprocating Tachycardia.
The supraventricular tachycardia has a stable baseline cycle length (522 milliseconds). A single VES (S2)
introduced during His bundle refractoriness retards the timing of the next atrial complex (538 milliseconds).
The anticipated timing of the high right atrium electrogram is indicated by the dashed line. CSdist, Distal coro-
nary sinus; CSprox, proximal coronary sinus; HRA, high right atrium; RVA, right ventricular apex.

Atrial-ventricular relationship.  Because the retrograde limb a VH interval not more than 10 milliseconds, especially when the HA
of the reentry circuit is the slow BT (which conducts more slowly than interval is not more than 50 milliseconds, favors preexcited AVNRT
the AVN), the RP interval is longer than the PR interval, similar to over antidromic AVRT.
fast-slow AVNRT (see Figs. 18.14 and 18.39). In contrast to the typical Atrial-ventricular relationship.  The conduction time over classic
(fast) AV BTs, the RP interval during PJRT is not fixed because the BT (fast) AV BTs is approximately 30 to 120 milliseconds. Therefore the
serving as the retrograde limb of the reentrant circuit has decremental PR is short and fixed, regardless of oscillations in the TCL from whatever
properties. Similar to all types of AVRTs, a 1:1 A-V relationship is a cause. Similar to all types of AVRT, the A/V ratio is always equal to 1.
prerequisite to sustenance of the tachycardia. If the SVT persists in the presence of AV or VA block, antidromic AVRT
Oscillations in the TCL.  The tachycardia rate typically fluctuates is excluded.
(100 to 220 beats/min) in response to autonomic tone and physical Oscillations in the TCL.  Antidromic AVRT can be irregular.
activity, and the rate changes result from modulation of the PR and Tachycardia CL changes are usually caused by changes in retrograde
RP intervals. Typically, the TCL is often just longer than the shortest conduction over different fascicles of the HPS with different VA intervals
CL at which the BT can conduct retrogradely. (regardless of the type and degree of changes in the VH or HA intervals),
Effects of BBB.  BBB affects PJRT in a manner analogous to that retrograde conduction over dual AVN pathways (with different HA
described for orthodromic AVRT. intervals), different routes of anterograde conduction (with different
Termination and response to physiological and pharmaco- AV intervals), and/or retrograde conduction over different BTs (with
logical maneuvers.  Carotid sinus massage and AVN blockers (adenos- different VA intervals). When the change in the TCL can be ascribed
ine, digoxin, calcium channel blockers, and beta-blockers) usually to a change in the VH interval or the subsequent HA interval, it sug-
terminate PJRT by block in the AVN (two-thirds) or in the BT (one- gests that retrograde conduction occurs over the HPS and AVN and
third) (see eFig. 18.5). Although the mode of tachycardia termination not over a second BT.
by adenosine has been suggested to distinguish between PJRT and The TCL tends to be shorter during classic antidromic AVRT than
atypical AVNRT, one report has shown that termination of atypical orthodromic AVRT when these arrhythmias occur in the same patient.
AVNRT with adenosine can also result from block in the fast AVN This may be explained by the fact that antidromic AVRT uses the fast
pathway and, therefore, its value in distinguishing between atypical AVN pathway (of a dual AVN physiology) retrogradely, whereas ortho-
AVNRT and PJRT is questionable. dromic AVRT uses the slow pathway anterogradely or, in the absence
Antidromic AVRT of dual AVN physiology, this may be merely supportive evidence that
Atrial activation sequence.  The initial site of atrial activation retrograde conduction during antidromic AVRT uses another fast BT
in classic antidromic AVRT is consistent with retrograde conduction instead of the slower AVN. On the other hand, antidromic AVRTs using
over the AVN. If the preexcited AVRT is using a second BT for retro- two or more BTs may have longer TCLs than orthodromic AVRT or
grade conduction, then the atrial activation sequence will depend on classic antidromic AVRT because the two BTs are typically in opposite
the location of that BT (see eFig. 18.1). In addition, ventricular activa- chambers and are incorporated in a larger reentrant circuit than one
tion precedes HB activation by more than 10 milliseconds during involving a midline AVN.
classic antidromic AVRT because the ventricle and HB are activated Effects of BBB.  Retrograde BBB affects antidromic AVRT in a
sequentially by the same reentrant wavefront. On the other hand, manner analogous to that described for orthodromic AVRT. Abrupt
during preexcited AVNRT, the ventricle and HB can be activated in prolongation of the VH and VA intervals and TCL when retrograde
parallel (the ventricle is activated via the bystander BT and the HB BBB occurs is consistent with retrograde HB activation via the ipsilateral
activated via the AVN). Therefore, during a preexcited SVT, a positive bundle branch, which is typical for antidromic AVRT using an ipsilateral
HV interval (i.e., HB activation preceding ventricular activation) or AV BT, but can also occur in preexcited AVNRT. However, if VH
CHAPTER 18  Typical Atrioventricular Bypass Tracts 641

prolongation is accompanied by prolongation of the VA interval (without AESs delivered at sites in close proximity to the BT or the AVN have
a change in the activation sequence) and the TCL, true antidromic the highest success at resetting the reentrant circuit.
tachycardia (using the AV conduction system as the retrograde limb) AES over a wide range of coupling intervals can reset orthodromic
can be diagnosed and preexcited AVNRT is excluded. Lack of effects AVRT via conduction down the AVN-HPS. In this setting, atrial activa-
on the VH interval can occur in: (1) preexcited AVRT (utilizing a second tion is a fusion of the AES and the SVT impulse traveling retrogradely
BT as the retrograde limb); (2) antidromic AVRT utilizing a left-sided up the BT. The next QRS can be early or late, depending on the degree
BT; (3) antidromic AVNRT utilizing an atriofascicular BT inserting of slowing of conduction of the AES anterogradely down the AVN (i.e.,
into the RB proximal to the site of RBBB; and (4) preexcited AVNRT. the degree of prolongation of the A2-H2 interval).
Termination and response to physiological and pharmaco- Termination.  An early-coupled AES can terminate the SVT, usually
logical maneuvers. Various physiological and pharmacological by block in the AVN-HPS. In this setting, the SVT terminates with an
maneuvers affect the BT and AVN during antidromic AVRT in a fashion AES not followed by a QRS (i.e., AV block). Alternatively, the AES can
similar to that described for orthodromic AVRT. Carotid sinus massage render the atrium refractory to the SVT impulse traveling retrogradely
and adenosine terminate classic antidromic AVRT after ventricular up the BT, in which case the SVT terminates with an AES followed by
activation, secondary to retrograde block up the AVN. In contrast, pre- a QRS (i.e., VA block). The AES can also anterogradely penetrate the
excited typical AVNRT terminates after atrial activation, secondary to BT and collide with the retrogradely traveling SVT wavefront (VA block).
anterograde block down the slow AVN pathway. Lastly, the AES can conduct down the AVN-HPS and advance the next
Tachycardia termination or prolongation of the VA (and VH) interval QRS, which then blocks in the still-refractory BT or atrium (VA block).
and TCL with transient RBBB, caused by mechanical trauma or intro- Atrial entrainment.  Atrial pacing at a CL approximately 10 to
duction of VES, is diagnostic of antidromic AVRT using a right-sided 30 milliseconds shorter than the TCL can generally entrain orthodromic
or septal BT and excludes preexcited AVNRT. Continuation of an SVT AVRT (Fig. 18.40).
at the same TCL, despite anterograde block in the BT (by drugs, mechani- Resetting and entrainment with manifest atrial fusion.  Reset-
cal trauma caused by catheter manipulation, or ablation), excludes ting and entrainment with manifest atrial fusion can be demonstrated
antidromic AVRT. in AVRT. The morphology of the fusion P wave is hybrid between the
tachycardia P wave morphology and the fully paced P wave morphol-
Diagnostic Maneuvers During Tachycardia ogy. This can be difficult to demonstrate if the P waves cannot be
Programmed Atrial Stimulation During Tachycardia visualized on the surface ECG (due to overlapping ST-T wave), which
Orthodromic AVRT is usually the case; however, manifest fusion can be demonstrable on
Resetting.  AES can easily reset orthodromic AVRT. In fact, it is intracardiac recordings (see Fig. 18.40). Atrial fusion results from
usual for AES not to affect the SVT because of the large size and large intraatrial collision of the impulse propagating from the paced site with
excitable gap of the reentrant circuit. However, this can be influenced the tachycardia impulse emerging from the BT. In contrast, manifest
by the distance between the site of atrial stimulation and the atrial fusion cannot be demonstrated during resetting or entrainment of
region incorporated in the AVRT circuit (i.e., atrial myocardium between AVNRT. For atrial fusion (i.e., fusion of atrial activation from both the
the BT and the AVN). Because only parts of the atrium ipsilateral to tachycardia wavefront and the AES) to occur, the AES should be able
the BT are requisite components of the orthodromic AVRT circuit, AES to enter the reentrant circuit, while at the same time the tachycardia
delivered in the contralateral atrium may not affect the circuit, whereas wavefront should be able to exit the circuit. This requires spatial


290 msec 300 msec
S1 S1 S1 S1


Fig. 18.40  Atrial Entrainment of Orthodromic Atrioventricular Reentrant Tachycardia (AVRT). Overdrive
atrial pacing is from the high right atrium (HRA) during an AVRT using a left lateral bypass tract (BT). Note
that the atrial activation sequence during entrainment (blue shade) is different from the tachycardia atrial
activation sequence (yellow shade), and is also different from the expected purely paced atrial activation
sequence as evidenced by a distal-to-proximal activation sequence in the coronary sinus. This indicates the
presence of atrial fusion (between the paced and tachycardia wavefronts) during entrainment, which is
consistent with AVRT and excludes both focal atrial tachycardia and atrioventricular nodal reentrant tachy-
cardia. Note that the ventriculoatrial (VA) interval (dashed lines) of the return cycle after cessation of atrial
pacing is similar to that of the supraventricular tachycardia (VA linking), because retrograde VA conduction
of the last entrained QRS is mediated by the BT. CSdist, Distal coronary sinus; CSprox, proximal coronary sinus;
RVA, right ventricular apex.
642 CHAPTER 18  Typical Atrioventricular Bypass Tracts

separation between the entry and exit sites to the reentrant circuit, a Programmed Ventricular Stimulation During Tachycardia
condition that seems to be lacking in the setting of AVNRT.38,39 Orthodromic AVRT
Ventriculoatrial linking.  The initial atrial complex following Resetting.  VES can easily reset orthodromic AVRT, and is fre-
cessation of atrial pacing entraining orthodromic AVRT is linked to, quently capable of terminating the tachycardia (Fig. 18.42).34 However,
and cannot be dissociated from, the last captured ventricular complex. the ability of the VES to affect the SVT depends on the distance between
As a consequence, the VA intervals of the return cycle after cessation the site of ventricular stimulation to the ventricular insertion site of
of atrial pacing are fixed and similar to those during tachycardia the BT and on the VES coupling interval. Because only parts of the
(with less than 10 milliseconds of variation) after different attempts ventricle ipsilateral to the BT are requisite components of the ortho-
at SVT entrainment (see Fig. 18.40). The postpacing VA intervals dromic AVRT circuit, a VES delivered in the contralateral ventricle
typically remain constant regardless of the site, duration, or CL of the may not affect the circuit. However, failure to reset (advance or delay)
entraining atrial pacing drive because the timing of atrial activation atrial activation with an early-coupled VES and at different VES cou-
is dependent on retrograde VA conduction of the last entrained QRS pling intervals, despite advancement of the local ventricular activation
mediated by the BT, which is fixed and constant. VA linking is also at all sites (including the site of the suspected BT) by more than 30
observed after introduction of an AES with a wide range of coupling milliseconds, excludes orthodromic AVRT and the presence of a ret-
intervals during tachycardia. VA linking can also be observed in typical rogradely conducting BT.41
AVNRT but not AT.34,40 Preexcitation index.  The preexcitation index analyzes the degree
Antidromic AVRT.  AES is of value in distinguishing antidromic of prematurity (coupling interval) of the latest coupled VES (delivered
AVRT from preexcited AVNRT. A late-coupled AES, delivered close to from the RV apex) that is capable of resetting the tachycardia. Later
the BT atrial insertion site during SVT when the AV junctional atrium coupled VESs with a relative preexcitation index (the ratio of the VES
is refractory (i.e., when the atrial electrogram is already manifest in the coupling interval to the TCL) of more than 90% suggests that the BT
HB recording at the time of AES delivery) that advances (accelerates) is close to the site of ventricular stimulation (i.e., right-sided or septal
the timing of both the next ventricular activation and the subsequent BT). An absolute preexcitation index (TCL minus VES coupling interval)
atrial activation, proves that the SVT is an antidromic AVRT using an of at least 75 milliseconds suggests a left free-wall BT; an index of less
AV BT anterogradely, and excludes preexcited AVNRT (Fig. 18.41A). than 45 milliseconds suggests a septal BT; and an index of 45 to 75
Because the AV junctional atrium is refractory at the time of the AES, milliseconds is indeterminate. AVNRT would require even earlier coupled
the AES cannot penetrate the AVN; hence, resetting of the SVT by such VESs and could be distinguished from AVRT if the absolute preexcita-
an AES is therefore incompatible with AVNRT. tion index was greater than 100 milliseconds.42
Also, an AES delivered during the SVT that advances ventricular VES during HB refractoriness.  A VES delivered when the HB
activation and does not influence the VA interval excludes preexcited is refractory (i.e., when the His potential is already manifest or within
AVNRT and is diagnostic of antidromic AVRT (see Fig. 18.41A). The 35 to 55 milliseconds before the time of the expected His potential)
VA interval should change in the setting of preexcited AVNRT because that advances (accelerates, i.e., makes it activate earlier than expected)
the AES penetrates the AVN, producing slower conduction down the the next atrial activation is diagnostic of the presence of a retrogradely
AVN slow pathway before the reentrant wavefront conducts retrogradely conducting BT. Such a VES has to conduct and advance atrial activation
over the fast pathway and activates the atrium. As a consequence, the via a BT because the HPS-AVN is already refractory and cannot mediate
delay in atrial activation is expected to produce a longer VA interval, retrograde conduction of the VES to the atrium (see Fig. 18.42). Although
given the presence of a fixed AV interval in response to the AES (medi- such an observation excludes AVNRT, it does not exclude AT or prove
ated by anterograde conduction down the bystander BT in the setting orthodromic AVRT, and the preexcited atrial activation can reset or
of preexcited AVNRT). In addition, the advanced ventricular activation even terminate an AT, whereby the BT is an innocent bystander. However,
(resulting from anterograde conduction of the AES over the bystander if this VES advances atrial activation with an activation sequence identi-
BT) can potentially invade and capture the HB retrogradely and conduct cal to that during the SVT, this suggests that the SVT is orthodromic
up the fast AVN pathway and reset the AVNRT circuit. Then the VH AVRT and the BT is participating in the SVT, although it does not
interval of the advanced QRS plus the HA interval in response to this exclude the rare case of an AT originating at a site close to the atrial
QRS should add up to the same VA interval on an undisturbed AVNRT, insertion site of a bystander AV BT. Furthermore, a VES delivered when
which is clearly unlikely. the HB is refractory may not affect the next atrial activation if the
Exact atrial and ventricular capture by an AES delivered when the ventricular stimulation site is far from the BT. Conduction from the
AV junction is depolarized excludes AVNRT (see Fig. 18.41A). An AES ventricular stimulation site to the BT, local ventricular refractoriness,
that captures the ventricle at the same coupling interval as that of the and the TCL all determine the ability of a VES to reach the reentrant
AES indicates that the atrial stimulation site is inside the reentrant circuit before ventricular activation over the normal AVN-HPS.
circuit, because if there were intervening atrial tissue between the stimu- Although such a VES can advance atrial activation during AT through
lation site and the tachycardia circuit (as is the case during AVNRT), fast retrograde conduction over a bystander BT, it should not be able
the AV interval would prolong, and consequently, the V-V interval would to delay an AT beat by conduction over the AV BT. Thus a VES delivered
exceed the AES coupling interval. when the HB is refractory that delays the next atrial activation indicates
The presence of a fixed and short VH interval during entrainment that the VES was conducted with some delay over the BT and that the
of the SVT with atrial pacing suggests antidromic AVRT, and makes next atrial activation was dependent on this slower conduction; hence,
AVNRT unlikely (but does not exclude AVNRT). Moreover, failure of the BT is participating in the SVT, proving orthodromic AVRT as the
entrainment by atrial pacing to influence the VA interval during SVT mechanism of the SVT. Similarly, a VES delivered when the HB is refrac-
excludes preexcited AVNRT. tory that terminates the SVT without atrial activation is diagnostic
An early-coupled AES can terminate antidromic AVRT by retrograde of AVRT.
block in the AVN-HPS (the SVT terminates with an AES followed by Exact and paradoxical capture.  Exact and paradoxical capture
a QRS; i.e., VA block; see Fig. 18.41B) or by anterograde block in the phenomena are diagnostic of AVRT. A VES that captures the atrium
BT (the SVT terminates with an AES not followed by a QRS; i.e., AV at the same coupling interval as that of the VES (exact capture phe-
block; see Fig. 18.41C). nomenon) indicates that the ventricular stimulation site is inside the
CHAPTER 18  Typical Atrioventricular Bypass Tracts 643

AES during antidromic AVRT


340 340 330
His msec msec msec

Fig. 18.41  Atrial Extrastimulation (AES)
During Antidromic Atrioventricular Reen-
trant Tachycardia (AVRT) Using a Left
CSdist 326
msec S2 Lateral Bypass Tract (BT). (A) A late-
coupled AES delivered when the atrioven-
RVA tricular (AV) junction is refractory (as
indicated by lack of advancement of the
A timing of the local atrial electrogram record-
ing by the His bundle catheter) resets both
the next ventricular activation and the
subsequent atrial activation. This proves
that the supraventricular tachycardia (SVT)
II is an antidromic AVRT using an AV BT
anterogradely, and excludes preexcited
atrioventricular nodal reentrant tachycardia
HRA (AVNRT). In addition, the reset ventricular
340 340 activation occurs at a coupling interval
His msec msec identical to the AES coupling interval (i.e.,
exact coupling phenomenon), and the
ventriculoatrial (VA) interval following the
AES remains similar to that during SVT,
which is consistent with antidromic
CSdist AVNRT. (B) Late-coupled AES delivered
S2 when the AV junction is refractory advances
RVA the subsequent QRS and terminates the
SVT by retrograde block in the His-Purkinje
B system–atrioventricular node. (C) An earlier
AES terminates the SVT without conduc-
tion to the ventricle (i.e., anterograde block
I in the BT). The AES advances the timing
of AV junctional atrial activation. CSdist,
II Distal coronary sinus; CSprox, proximal coro-
nary sinus; HRA, high right atrium; RVA,
right ventricular apex.
340 322
His msec msec




reentrant circuit, because if there were intervening tissue involved, the over the AVN-HPS during the SVT, so that the VA interval following
VA interval would increase and, subsequently, the A-A interval would the VES is shorter than that during the SVT. This is easier to demon-
exceed the VES coupling interval. Similarly, a VES that captures the strate with RV apical pacing during orthodromic AVRT mediated by
atrium at a shorter coupling interval than that of the VES (paradoxical a right-sided BT.
capture phenomenon) indicates that the ventricular stimulation site is Termination.  Termination of orthodromic AVRT by VES can occur
not only inside the reentrant circuit but also closer to the ventricular secondary to block of the VES retrogradely in the BT, conduction of
insertion site of the BT than the initial site of ventricular activation the VES retrogradely over the AVN-HPS with or without conduction
644 CHAPTER 18  Typical Atrioventricular Bypass Tracts

VES during orthodromic AVRT



HRA 432 msec 432 msec 432 msec 432 msec

432 432
CSprox msec msec


Fig. 18.42  Ventricular Extrastimulation (VES)
During Orthodromic Atrioventricular Reentrant V1
Tachycardia (AVRT) Using a Left Lateral Bypass
Tract (BT). (A) A late-coupled VES delivered when
the His bundle (HB) is refractory (as indicated by 434 msec 432 msec 370 msec 518 msec 414 msec
lack of advancement of the timing of the His poten- H H H
tial) fails to reset the supraventricular tachycardia His
(SVT). (B) An earlier VES fails to advance the timing 434 434
CSprox msec msec
of the HB but advances the subsequent atrial acti-
vation, indicating the presence of a retrogradely
conducting BT, and suggests orthodromic AVRT. CSdist
Note that the reset atrial impulse is followed by S2
a prolonged atrial–His bundle (AH) interval caused
by decremental anterograde conduction in the B
atrioventricular node (AVN). However, the local
ventriculoatrial (VA) interval (retrograde BT conduc- II
tion) remains constant. (C) An earlier VES delivered
before the HB is refractory resets the subsequent
atrial activation and terminates the SVT by antero-
grade atrioventricular block in the AVN. (D) A more
430 msec 430 msec 350 msec
premature VES terminates the SVT by retrograde HRA
VA block in the BT, excluding atrial tachycardia, but H H H
can still occur in atrioventricular nodal reentrant His
tachycardia because the VES is delivered before CSprox
anterograde activation of the HB and could poten-
tially penetrate the AVN. CSdist, Distal coronary
sinus; CSprox, proximal coronary sinus; HRA, high CSdist
right atrium; RVA, right ventricular apex. S2



430 msec 430 msec



CHAPTER 18  Typical Atrioventricular Bypass Tracts 645

up the BT, or retrograde conduction of the VES up the BT and preex- of the reentry circuit, is a critical determinant for the occurrence of
citation of the atrium and subsequent anterograde block in the AVN-HPS fusion during resetting and entrainment. Pacing at a site closer to the
(the most common mechanism) (see Fig. 18.42). Termination of SVT BT ventricular insertion site (e.g., LV pacing in the setting of left free-
with a single VES strongly suggests orthodromic AVRT as the mechanism wall BTs, and RV basal pacing in the setting of right-sided or septal
of SVT in three settings: (1) when the VES is late-coupled (greater than BTs) than the entrance of the reentrant circuit to ventricular tissue (i.e.,
80% of TCL); (2) when the TCL is less than 300 milliseconds; and (3) the HPS) would result in a larger degree of fusion of QRS morphology
when the VES is delivered during HB refractoriness and is associated between baseline morphology during orthodromic AVRT and that of
with no atrial activation. fully paced QRS (Fig. 18.43).44
Ventricular entrainment.  Ventricular pacing at a CL approxi- Manifest ventricular fusion during SVT entrainment is proof that
mately 10 to 30 milliseconds shorter than the TCL can easily entrain the ventricle is part of the SVT circuit (i.e., diagnostic of AVRT). On
AVRT. Although the mere demonstration of the tachycardia does not the other hand, such phenomena cannot occur during AVNRT and AT
help discrimination between the different SVT mechanisms, several because of the lack of spatial separation of the entrance and exit of the
parameters during ventricular entrainment can help establish the lower AVNRT or AT circuit to the ventricles and because the ventricles are
portion of the tachycardia circuit as macroreentrant involving the HPS/ not an obligatory part of that circuit.
ventricle (AVRT) or not (AVNRT), including the presence of manifest ΔVA interval.  Entrainment of the SVT by RV pacing can help
fusion, VA interval during ventricular pacing as compared with that differentiate orthodromic AVRT from AVNRT by evaluating the VA
during SVT, the postpacing interval (PPI), and differential-site ventricular interval during SVT (measured from the onset of surface QRS to high
entrainment.43 RA electrogram) versus the VA interval during pacing (i.e., the SA
Manifest ventricular fusion.  A requirement for the presence of interval, measured from the ventricular pacing stimulus to the high RA
fusion is spatial separation between the sites of entrance to and exit electrogram). The ventricle and atrium are activated in sequence during
from the reentrant circuit. In orthodromic AVRT, the entrance and exit orthodromic AVRT and during ventricular pacing, but in parallel during
of the reentrant circuit (to and from ventricular tissue) are separated AVNRT. Therefore the VA interval during orthodromic AVRT approxi-
from each other, the entrance being from the HPS and the exit being mates that during ventricular pacing (see Fig. 18.43). In contrast, the
at the BT ventricular insertion site. In this setting, the paced wavefront VA interval during AVNRT would be much shorter than that during
can activate a portion of the ventricles and enter the AVRT circuit and ventricular pacing (see Fig. 17.19). In general, a difference in the VA
at the same time the tachycardia wavefront emerge from the reentry interval (ΔVA [VApacing − VASVT]) greater than 85 milliseconds is con-
circuit at a distant exit site and activate another part of the ventricles. sistent with AVNRT, whereas a ΔVA of less than 85 milliseconds is
Also, the relative proximity of the pacing site to the entry and exit sites consistent with orthodromic AVRT (see Fig. 20.14).45,46

Ventricular entrainment of orthodromic AVRT Ventricular



138 msec 90 msec 137 msec
H H A A A A A 94 msec A
His H H H H H H


300 msec PPI = 340 msec 308 msec 310 msec

Fig. 18.43  Ventricular Entrainment of Orthodromic Atrioventricular Reentrant Tachycardia (AVRT) Using
a Concealed Superoparaseptal Bypass Tract. Note that the ΔVA interval (VApacing − VASVT) is less than 85
milliseconds and the (PPI − TCL) is less than 115 milliseconds, both of which favor orthodromic AVRT over
atrioventricular nodal reentrant tachycardia (AVNRT). In addition, ventricular fusion (between the paced and
tachycardia wavefronts) is observed during entrainment (right, pure paced QRS morphology), which is con-
sistent with AVRT and excludes AVNRT. Comparing the HA interval during the tachycardia (left) with that
during ventricular pacing during normal sinus rhythm at the TCL (right) demonstrates that the ΔHA interval
(HApacing − HASVT) is −43 milliseconds, which favors orthodromic AVRT over AVNRT; the HA interval is mea-
sured from the end of the His potential to the atrial electrogram in the high right atrium (HRA). CSdist, Distal
coronary sinus; CSprox, proximal coronary sinus; HA, His bundle–atrial; PPI, postpacing interval; RVA, right
ventricular apex; SVT, supraventricular tachycardia; TCL, tachycardia cycle length; VA, ventriculoatrial.
646 CHAPTER 18  Typical Atrioventricular Bypass Tracts

Postpacing interval.  The PPI reflects conduction time from the can occur spontaneously during the SVT. The discriminant points chosen
ventricular pacing site to the SVT circuit, once around the reentry may not apply when the spontaneous variability is greater than 30
circuit, and then back to the pacing site. The difference between the milliseconds. Also, it is possible to mistake isorhythmic VA dissociation
PPI and TCL (PPI − TCL) represents the conduction time from the for entrainment if the pacing train is not long enough or the PCL is
pacing site to the reentry circuit and back. Thus the (PPI − TCL) dif- too close to the TCL. Furthermore, this test is less reliable and should
ference can qualitatively estimate how far the reentrant circuit is from be used with caution in patients with left lateral BTs.
the pacing site; the greater the (PPI − TCL) difference, the longer the In addition, these criteria may not apply to BTs with significant
conduction time between the pacing site and reentry circuit, and the decremental properties, although small decremental intervals are unlikely
greater the “electrical” distance is between the pacing site and the circuit. to provide a false result. A higher cutoff value of 125 milliseconds was
The reentry circuit in AVRT involves the BT, ipsilateral atrium, found to increase the sensitivity for orthodromic AVNRT while main-
AVN-HB, and ipsilateral bundle branch and ventricle. On the other taining high specificity. Slow, decremental BT conduction can also affect
hand, the circuit of AVNRT (typical or atypical) is confined above the the sensitivity of the ΔVA criteria for orthodromic AVRT, but the speci-
HB. Because the RV is closer to the AVRT circuit as compared to the ficity remains high. Therefore, if any standard criteria positive for
AVNRT circuit, the (PPI − TCL) difference following entrainment from orthodromic AVRT (PPI − TCL <115 milliseconds, corrected [PPI −
the RV apex is smaller in the setting of AVRT than during AVNRT (see TCL] <110 milliseconds, and ΔVA < 85 milliseconds) is diagnostic of
Fig. 18.43). In fact, a (PPI − TCL) difference of more than 115 milli- orthodromic AVRT, despite discordance among each other (which can
seconds was found to identify AVNRT, whereas a (PPI − TCL) difference occur about 50% of the time).43
of less than 115 milliseconds was consistent with orthodromic AVRT. Differential-site RV entrainment.  Differential-site RV entrain-
For borderline values, ventricular pacing at the RV base can help exag- ment (from RV apex vs. RV base) can help distinguish AVNRT from
gerate the (PPI − TCL) difference in the setting of AVNRT, but without orthodromic AVRT. Because the reentrant circuit in AVNRT is confined
significant changes in the setting of orthodromic AVRT (see differential- above the HB and does not involve the ventricle, the base of the RV is
site RV entrainment later).47,48 electrically more distant (although anatomically closer) to the tachycardia
A relatively common phenomenon encountered during entrainment circuit than the RV apex, given that the His-Purkinje network directly
of orthodromic AVRT by ventricular pacing is the prolongation of the inserts near the RV apex. Consequently, the PPI after entrainment of
AH interval because of either decremental conduction properties of AVNRT from the RV base is longer than that following entrainment
the AVN or (in the presence of dual AVN physiology) a jump of antero- from the RV apex. The difference in PPI from the RV base versus the
grade conduction from the fast pathway to the slow pathway. The pro- RV apex is largely composed of the extra time required to reach the
longed AH interval on the last entrained beat will contribute to circuit from the base versus the apex (approximately 30 milliseconds).
prolongation of the PPI that is not reflective of the distance of the Conversely, in orthodromic AVRT, in which the ventricles are an obliga-
pacing site from the circuit. Thus the (PPI − TCL) differences obtained tory part of the circuit, the basal pacing site relative to the RV apex is
after entrainment of orthodromic AVRT employing a septal BT can variably related to the circuit, closer than the RV apex with septal BTs
actually overlap with those observed after entrainment of AVNRT. “Cor- and equidistant with free-wall BTs, but the paced wavefront from either
rection” of the PPI by subtracting the increment in AVN conduction the RV apex or RV base tends to have, on average, approximately equal
time in the first PPI (postpacing AH interval minus prepacing AH access and proximity to the reentrant circuit involved in orthodromic
interval) from the (PPI − TCL) difference (“corrected” [PPI − TCL]) AVRT. Therefore the time taken to reach the circuit (and hence the PPI)
has been found to improve the accuracy of this criterion. The difference tends to be similar, irrespective of the location of the BT.
between AV intervals (postpacing AV interval minus prepacing AV Correction of the PPI (to avoid potential error introduced by dec-
interval) can be taken for the latter adjustment when a His deflection remental conduction within the AVN during ventricular pacing) increases
is not clearly visible (assuming the HV interval remains constant). A the accuracy of this method, although the degree of decrement is not
corrected (PPI − TCL) difference of less than 110 milliseconds was expected to be materially different from basal rather than apical pacing
found to be more accurate in distinguishing orthodromic AVRT from as long as the pacing rates are the same or similar. The “corrected PPI”
AVNRT than the uncorrected (PPI − TCL) difference.49,50 is obtained by subtracting any increase in the AV interval of the return
Furthermore, during orthodromic AVRT, the corrected (PPI − TCL) cycle beat (as compared with the AV interval during SVT). A differential
difference can help localize the BT used for retrograde conduction. The corrected (PPI − TCL) difference of more than 30 milliseconds after
RV apical pacing site is closer to the reentrant circuit of orthodromic transient entrainment was found to be consistent with AVNRT (i.e.,
AVRT utilizing a right-sided BT than orthodromic AVRT utilizing a corrected [PPI − TCL] difference following pacing from the RV base
left-sided BT. Hence, as expected, the corrected (PPI − TCL) difference was consistently at least 30 milliseconds longer than that following
is shorter (less than 55 milliseconds) in patients with orthodromic pacing from the RV apex). In contrast, a corrected (PPI − TCL) differ-
AVRT with a right-sided BT when pacing the RV apex. Patients with ence of less than 30 milliseconds was observed in all cases of orthodromic
left-sided BTs typically have a corrected (PPI − TCL) difference of more AVRT. In addition, a differential VA interval (VA interval during entrain-
than 55 milliseconds.51 ment from RV base versus RV septum) of more than 20 milliseconds
Of note, determinations of the corrected (PPI − TCL) and ΔVA was consistent with AVNRT, whereas a differential VA interval of less
(VApacing − VASVT) after resetting with single or double VESs from the than 20 milliseconds was consistent with orthodromic AVRT.53,54
RV apex, is of similar value for discrimination between AVNRT and The main advantage of this technique is that the differential VA
orthodromic AVRT, even when the SVT is interrupted by ventricular interval can be calculated from the last paced beat if the tachycardia is
pacing. Corrected (PPI − TCL) of more than 110 milliseconds and ΔVA terminated after transient entrainment.
of more than 110 milliseconds after resetting identify AVNRT.52 Length of pacing drive required for entrainment.  Assessing
Importantly, there are several potential pitfalls of the ΔVA interval timing and type of response of SVT to RV pacing can also help dif-
and the PPI criteria discussed previously. The TCL and VA interval are ferentiate orthodromic AVRT from AVNRT. In the setting of orthodromic
often perturbed for a few cycles after entrainment. For this reason, care AVRT, ventricular tissue is the only intervening tissue between the pacing
should be taken not to measure unstable intervals immediately after wavefront and the ventricular insertion site of the BT. Therefore once
ventricular pacing. In addition, oscillations in the TCL and VA intervals ventricular capture is achieved during RV pacing, the paced wavefront
CHAPTER 18  Typical Atrioventricular Bypass Tracts 647

propagates to the ventricular insertion site of the BT quickly and resets Atrial resetting during the transition zone.  On initiation of
the tachycardia. Consequently, RV pacing results in a faster response RV pacing trains during SVT at a rate slightly faster than the TCL, there
of resetting the tachycardia. In the setting of AVNRT, the pacing site is is a transition zone during which the pacing train fuses with anterograde
distant from the SVT circuit, and the paced wavefront has to propagate ventricular activation (i.e., the zone in which the paced QRS complexes
though ventricular tissue, then through the HPS followed by AVN tissue show progressive fusion with the SVT complexes) until stable QRS
prior to resetting the tachycardia. As a consequence, resetting of AVNRT morphology is observed (either completely paced or constantly fused).
is delayed for several captured paced beats as compared with ortho- The transitional zone begins with progressive fusion beats between the
dromic AVRT. paced and tachycardia wavefronts and ends with the first beat of stable
After initiation of synchronized RV pacing during SVT at a CL that QRS morphology, the latter representing constant fusion in the case of
is 10 to 40 milliseconds shorter than the TCL, once constant-appearing orthodromic AVRT and a fully paced QRS morphology in patients with
QRS complexes (as evidenced by fixed pacing morphology of the surface AVNRT. In patients with AVNRT or AT, acceleration of the timing of
ECG, either pure paced morphology or fixed QRS fusion) are observed, atrial activation cannot occur through the AVN during the transition
the number of RV paced beats required to accelerate the SVT to the zone. The reason is that the HB is expected to be refractory, as indicated
PCL is determined. The first atrial capture beat accelerated to the PCL by at least some ventricular activation still occurring by anterograde
is identified by demonstrating a fixed ventricular SA capture interval. conduction over the HPS. If perturbation of atrial timing occurs during
One report demonstrated that using a cutoff of one beat to accelerate the transition zone, it indicates the presence of a retrogradely conduct-
the SVT to the PCL could identify all orthodromic AVRT cases and ing BT, which can be an integral part of the SVT circuit (i.e., orthodromic
essentially exclude all cases of AVNRT with high accuracy. On the con- AVRT) or a bystander (Fig. 18.44). In one report, these criteria showed
trary, if two or more beats are required to accelerate SVT to the PCL, excellent diagnostic accuracy and could be applied regardless of whether
this can distinguish AVNRT from orthodromic AVRT with very high entrainment was achieved or whether the SVT terminated during pacing.
confidence as well (see Fig. 20.13). Perturbation of atrial timing of at least 15 milliseconds or a fixed SA
The major advantage of this method is its independence of tachy- interval measured from the last beat of the transition zone was seen in
cardia continuation after cessation of pacing. However, it is likely that all the patients with orthodromic AVRT and in none of the patients
these criteria may not be applicable at PCLs more than 40 milliseconds with AVNRT or AT (unless a bystander retrogradely conducting BT is
shorter than the TCL or prematurity of more than 80% of the TCL present).54,56
because resetting of the tachycardia can occur earlier in AVNRT in Of note, the number of reset beats (defined as fixed SA interval)
response to a greater degree of penetration into the tachycardia circuit. in the transitional zone (during ventricular overdrive pacing from
In addition, these findings may not apply in cases in which AVNRT the RV apex during orthodromic AVRT) depends on the proximity
occurs in the setting of a bystander BT because SVT may be reset using of the BT to the pacing site; hence, it can predict BT location. Right-
the bystander BT. In addition, although this technique is effective for sided BTs produce reset earlier than left-sided BTs, and a cut-off of
differentiating septal pathways from atypical AVNRT, it may be less more than two beats with a fixed SA interval within the transitional
useful in patients with BTs remote from the pacing stimulus (e.g., left zone was found to successfully discriminate between left-sided and
free-wall BTs) (see Fig. 20.15).55 right-sided BTs.57

Transition zone



442 msec 442 msec 442 msec 442 msec 428 msec 420 msec 420 msec 420 msec 420 msec 420 msec 420 msec




442 msec 442 msec 420 msec 420 msec 420 msec 420 msec 420 msec 420 msec 420 msec
S1 S1 S1 S1 S1 S1 S1 S1
Fig. 18.44  Resetting of Supraventricular Tachycardia (SVT) During the Transition Zone. Overdrive ven-
tricular pacing is started from the RVA at a cycle length (CL) of 420 milliseconds, slightly shorter than the
SVT CL (442 milliseconds). On initiation of right ventricular pacing, there is a transition zone during which
the paced wavefronts fuse with anterograde ventricular activation, before stable QRS morphology ensues.
Note that advancement of atrial activation (resetting) initially occurred during the transition zone, indicating
orthodromic atrioventricular reentrant tachycardia as the mechanism of the SVT. CSdist, Distal coronary sinus;
CSprox, proximal coronary sinus; HRA, high right atrium; RVA, right ventricular apex.
648 CHAPTER 18  Typical Atrioventricular Bypass Tracts

Permanent junctional reciprocating tachycardia.  A VES delivered entrainment, the retrograde atrial activation sequence and timing are
during PJRT can produce decremental conduction in the BT and pro- compared during para-Hisian resetting to characterize the response.
longation of the VA interval, resulting in possible delay of the next In AVNRT (typical or atypical), the AVN-AVN pattern is observed
atrial activation (i.e., post excitation or delay of excitation; see Fig. in response to para-Hisian entrainment or resetting; that is, both the
18.39). Such a response excludes AT, and when this occurs in response SA and the local VA intervals increase during HB-RB noncapture com-
to a VES delivered when the HB is refractory, it is diagnostic of ortho- pared with HB-RB capture.
dromic AVRT, and excludes both AT and AVNRT. In addition, a late- In orthodromic AVRT, the BT-BT pattern or BT-BTL pattern is
coupled VES introduced when the HB is refractory frequently blocks observed. In the setting of a BT-BT pattern, the SA and local VA intervals
retrogradely in the BT and reproducibly terminates the tachycardia are usually not significantly different between HB-RB capture and non-
without reaching the atrium, again excluding both AT and AVNRT.43 capture. Conversely, in the case of a BT-BTL pattern, the SA interval
The ability to preexcite the atrium with a VES introduced when the increases on HB-RB noncapture, but without significant change in the
HB is refractory is difficult to demonstrate in PJRT because of the long local VA interval.
conduction time over the BT, the decremental conduction properties A ΔSA interval of less than 40 milliseconds was found to be a rea-
of the BT, and the fact that the TCL is just longer than the shortest sonable guide to separating the AVN-AVN from the BT-BT response.
length at which the BT is capable of retrograde conduction. This can Patients with AVNRT uniformly have a ΔSA interval of greater than 40
be facilitated by introduction of the PVC at a site closer to the BT milliseconds, whereas those with AVRT have a ΔSA interval of less than
ventricular insertion. 40 milliseconds (except for rare patients with a left lateral BT). Using
Antidromic AVRT.  Similar to orthodromic AVRT, ven- the Δ local VA interval (instead of the ΔSA interval) provide a more
tricular pacing and VES can easily entrain or reset anti- accurate parameter for discrimination between AVNRT and AVRT.
dromic AVRT because the ventricle is part of the reentrant An AVN-AVN or fusion pattern during para-Hisian entrainment
circuit. Because both orthodromic and antidromic AVRTs use or resetting has not been observed in patients with AVNRT. This is a
similar reentry circuits, the concepts of resetting and entrainment potential advantage over para-Hisian pacing during NSR in identifying
discussed for orthodromic AVRT also apply, to a large degree, to anti- the presence of a BT. Because retrograde VA conduction can only proceed
dromic AVRT. over a single route during entrainment of the SVT (assuming that
Of note, the development of retrograde RBBB following a VES a complex scenario such as multiple BTs is not present), the various
introduced during the SVT can help distinguish antidromic AVRT from forms of retrograde fusion that might be seen during para-Hisian
AVNRT. When the VES results in retrograde RBBB (i.e., blocks retro- pacing during NSR cannot occur during para-Hisian entrainment or
gradely in the RB), such RBBB will not change the timing of the next resetting.
atrial activation in the setting of AVNRT. In contrast, in antidromic
AVRT using a right-sided BT, such RBBB will increase the size of the Diagnostic Maneuvers During Sinus Rhythm After
reentrant circuit, because the impulse cannot reach the HB through Tachycardia Termination
the RB and has to travel transseptally and then retrogradely over the Atrial Pacing at the Tachycardia Cycle Length
LB. This results in prolongation in the VA interval and delay in the Under comparable autonomic tone, the PR and AH intervals during
timing of the next atrial activation. The increment in the VA interval atrial pacing at a CL similar to the TCL should be comparable to those
is caused by prolongation of the VH interval and, if RBBB persists, the during orthodromic AVRT. These findings are also observed in the
SVT will have a long VH interval. setting of AT. In contrast, the AH and PR intervals during atrial pacing
Antidromic AVRT can usually be terminated by ventricular pacing. would be longer than those during tachycardia in the setting of AVNRT,
Termination occurs by retrograde invasion and concealment in the BT, assuming the slow pathway has been engaged. A ΔAH (AHpacing − AHSVT)
resulting in anterograde block over the BT following conduction to the of more than 40 milliseconds has been reported to favor AVNRT.48
atrium through the AVN. A major limitation of ΔAH criteria, however, is the sensitivity of
the AVN to rapid fluctuations in autonomic tone so that comparison
Para-Hisian Pacing During Tachycardia of AH intervals between tachycardia and pacing should be done close
Para-Hisian pacing during tachycardia can help discriminate between in time, allowing for minimal change in the autonomic state of the
AVRT and AVNRT. This pacing maneuver is discussed in detail in Chapter patient.43
20. Briefly, entrainment of the SVT is performed by pacing at the para-
Hisian region using the HB catheter at a PCL that is 10 to 30 milliseconds Ventricular Pacing at the Tachycardia Cycle Length
shorter than the TCL. Entrainment is confirmed when the atrial CL Under comparable autonomic tone status, 1:1 VA conduction over the
accelerates to the PCL, without a change in the atrial activation sequence, AVN should be maintained during ventricular pacing at a CL similar
and the tachycardia continues after pacing is discontinued.58 to the TCL. If VA block develops during ventricular pacing, orthodromic
Para-Hisian entrainment is performed by alternately pacing at high- AVRT is unlikely, and AT and AVNRT are favored.
energy output for HB-RB capture or lower energy output for HB-RB In addition, ventricular pacing during NSR at a PCL similar to the
noncapture. Entrainment with HB-RB capture is recorded separately TCL results in HA and VA intervals that are shorter than those during
from that without HB-RB capture. The SA and local VA intervals during orthodromic AVRT because the HB and atrium are activated sequentially
HB-RB capture and noncapture are then examined. during orthodromic AVRT but in parallel during ventricular pacing
If para-Hisian entrainment cannot be performed because of repetitive whereby the atrium is activated via the BT (see Fig. 18.43). To help
termination of the tachycardia during entrainment attempts, isopro- distinguish between orthodromic AVRT and AVNRT, the HA interval
terenol infusion may be used to help sustain the rhythm. Alternatively, is measured from the end of the His potential (where the impulse leaves
single or double VESs can be given to reset the tachycardia (para-Hisian the HB to enter the AVN) to the atrial electrogram in the high RA
resetting). These VESs are delivered at progressively shorter coupling recording and the ΔHA interval (HApacing − HASVT) is calculated. In the
intervals until the first VES that reliably advances or resets the tachycar- setting of orthodromic AVRT the ΔHA interval is typically less than
dia. This is performed alternately with high- or low-energy outputs to −10 milliseconds. In contrast, in the setting of AVNRT the ΔHA interval
achieve HB-RB capture and noncapture, respectively. As with para-Hisian is typically more than −10 milliseconds because the HA interval during
CHAPTER 18  Typical Atrioventricular Bypass Tracts 649

AVNRT is shortened by parallel activation of both the HB and the and EP findings are indicative of the presence of multiple BTs (Box
atrium during the tachycardia (i.e., the HA interval is a “pseudo-interval” 18.9; Figs. 18.45 and 18.46; see eFig. 18.1). However, despite these various
that represents activation times of the HB and atrium), whereas the methods, many BTs are not identified until after catheter ablation of
HB and atrium are activated sequentially during ventricular pacing in the first BT. Failure to detect the presence of multiple BTs during EP
the absence of a BT (i.e., the HA interval represents a true conduction testing has been reported in as many as 5% to 15% of patients. This
time interval from the HB to the atrium). The ΔHA interval is even may be explained by the fact that changes in the preexcitation pattern
more pronounced in atypical AVNRT, which has a lower common can be subtle in shifting from one BT to another. Furthermore, one BT
pathway that is longer than that in typical AVNRT. In focal junctional can preferentially conduct during atrial pacing or participate in preex-
tachycardia, the ΔHA interval is typically close to 0.30 cited tachycardias while another BT can be responsible for the retrograde
The ΔHA interval criterion has high specificity, sensitivity, and posi- limb during orthodromic AVRT or ventricular pacing. In addition,
tive predictive accuracy for differentiation between AVNRT and ortho- there may be fusion of BT conduction, anterograde or retrograde. Repeti-
dromic AVRT, but it has certain limitations. The main limitation of the tive concealed conduction into the BT during AVRT may also preclude
ΔHA interval criterion is the ability to record the retrograde His potential identification of that BT before ablation of the first BT.
during ventricular pacing. The retrograde His potential generally appears
before the local ventricular electrogram in the HB tracing, and can be
verified by the introduction of a VES that causes the His potential to
occur after the local ventricular electrogram. Moreover, pacing from Several EP techniques can help map the location of the AV BT and
different sites (e.g., midseptum) may allow earlier penetration into the guide catheter ablation (Box 18.10). Those techniques are best used in
HPS and facilitate observation of a retrograde His potential. When the combination to improve mapping accuracy and ablation outcome.
retrograde His potential is not visualized, using the ΔVA interval instead
of the ΔHA interval is not as accurate in discriminating orthodromic Pacing From Multiple Atrial Sites
AVRT from AVNRT. Another limitation is that VA conduction during The closer the pacing site to the BT atrial insertion, the more rapidly
ventricular pacing may not occur over the BT but propagates prefer- the impulse reaches the BT relative to the AVN and, thus, the greater
entially over the HPS-AVN, leading to earlier atrial activation over the degree of preexcitation and the shorter the P-delta interval. This
this pathway than over the BT. If this were the case, the HA interval method is especially helpful when the BT cannot conduct retrogradely,
during ventricular pacing would be shorter than that observed if the prohibiting localization with atrial mapping during SVT or ventricular
atrium were activated via the BT. This would yield a more negative pacing.
ΔHA interval.
It is important to recognize that the atrial activation sequence during Preexcitation Index
ventricular pacing can be mediated by retrograde conduction over the The preexcitation index analyzes the coupling interval of the VES
BT, over the AVN, or a fusion of both, and consequently it can be similar (delivered from the RV) that resets orthodromic AVRT as a percent-
to or different from that during orthodromic AVRT. age of the TCL. A relative preexcitation index (the ratio of the coupling
interval to the TCL) of more than 90% of a VES that advances atrial
Exclusion of Other Arrhythmia Mechanisms activation during orthodromic AVRT suggests that the BT is close to
AVNRT and AT arising near the AV groove can mimic orthodromic the site of ventricular stimulation (i.e., RV or septal BT). An absolute
AVRT and, in the presence of a manifest BT, those tachycardias can be preexcitation index (TCL minus VES coupling interval) of at least 75
associated with ventricular preexcitation mimicking antidromic AVRT, milliseconds suggests a left free-wall BT, an index of less than 45 mil-
whereby the BT is functioning as an innocent bystander. Therefore EP liseconds suggests a septal BT, and an index of 45 to 75 milliseconds is
testing is required, not just to identify the presence of a BT, but also to indeterminate.
define its role in any clinical or inducible arrhythmia. Boxes 18.4 and
18.5 summarize the EP findings indicative of the presence of a BT and
its potential participation in an inducible SVT. Exclusion of other SVT
mechanisms is necessary because the mere presence of a BT is not BOX 18.5  Electrophysiological Findings
adequate to make a diagnosis and a treatment strategy (Boxes 18.6–18.8). Indicating Presence and Participation
Furthermore, the presence of multiple BTs is not infrequent, and of Atrioventricular Bypass Tract in
careful EP testing is required to evaluate this possibility. Several clinical Supraventricular Tachycardia
• VES delivered during SVT when the HB is refractory terminates the SVT
BOX 18.4  Electrophysiological Findings without atrial activation.
Indicating Presence of Retrograde • VES delivered during SVT when the HB is refractory delays the next atrial
Atrioventricular Bypass Tract Function
• VES during SVT captures the atrium at the same coupling interval as that
• Eccentric atrial activation sequence during ventricular pacing of the VES (exact capture phenomenon).
• RV apical pacing producing longer VA interval and/or different atrial activa- • VES delivered during SVT captures the atrium at a shorter coupling interval
tion sequence compared with that during RV basilar pacing than that of the VES (paradoxical capture phenomenon).
• Para-Hisian pacing producing similar VA interval with and without HB capture • VA interval (with or without concomitant prolongation in TCL) prolonged
or producing different atrial activation sequence depending on whether the during the SVT secondary to the development of BBB.
HB is captured • Entrainment of the SVT by ventricular pacing results in prolongation of the
• VES delivered when the HB is refractory advances the next atrial activation VA interval (VApacing > VASVT).
during SVT
BBB, Bundle branch block; HB, His bundle; SVT, supraventricular
HB, His bundle; RV, right ventricular; SVT, supraventricular tachycardia; TCL, tachycardia cycle length; VA, ventriculoatrial;
tachycardia; VA, ventriculoatrial; VES, ventricular extrastimulus. VES, ventricular extrastimulus.
650 CHAPTER 18  Typical Atrioventricular Bypass Tracts

BOX 18.6  Exclusion of Atrial Tachycardia

Effects of BBB • Presence of A-V electrogram sequence at cessation of ventricular pacing
• Prolongation of surface VA interval during SVT (with or without TCL prolonga- generally excludes AT.
tion) on development of BBB excludes AT. • Manifest ventricular fusion during entrainment indicates AVRT and
excludes AT.
Oscillations in TCL
• Spontaneous changes in TCL accompanied by constant VA interval (VA linking) Overdrive Atrial Pacing During SVT
exclude AT. • If the VA interval following the last entrained QRS is reproducibly constant
• Changes in atrial CL that are predicted by the change in the preceding ven- (with <10 msec variation), despite pacing at different CLs or for different
tricular CL argue against AT. durations (VA linking) and similar to that during TCL, AT is unlikely.
• If the VA interval following the last entrained QRS is reproducibly constant
VES During SVT (with <14-msec variation), despite pacing at different atrial sites (VA linking),
• VES that terminates the SVT without atrial activation excludes AT. AT is unlikely.
• VES that delays the next atrial activation excludes AT. • Demonstration of entrainment with manifest atrial fusion excludes focal AT.
• VES during SVT that captures the atrium at the same coupling interval as that
of the VES (exact capture phenomenon) excludes AT. Atrial Pacing During NSR at Tachycardia CL
• VES delivered during SVT that captures the atrium at a shorter coupling interval • If the VA interval following the last entrained QRS is reproducibly constant
than that of the VES (paradoxical capture phenomenon) excludes AT. (with <10-msec variation), despite pacing at different CLs or for different
• When a VES delivered during HB refractoriness advances the next atrial durations (VA linking) and similar to that during TCL, AT is unlikely.
activation with an atrial activation sequence similar to that during SVT, AT • If the VA interval following the last entrained QRS is reproducibly constant
is unlikely. (with <14-msec variation), despite pacing at different atrial sites (VA linking),
• Manifest ventricular fusion during resetting excludes AT. AT is unlikely.

Overdrive Ventricular Pacing During SVT Ventricular Pacing During NSR at Tachycardia CL
• If atrial activation sequence during ventricular entrainment is similar to that • If retrograde atrial activation sequence during ventricular pacing is similar to
during the SVT, AT is less likely. that during SVT, AT is less likely.

AT, Atrial tachycardia; AVRT, atrioventricular reentrant tachycardia; BBB, bundle branch block; CL, cycle length; HB, His bundle; NSR, normal
sinus rhythm; SVT, supraventricular tachycardia; TCL, tachycardia cycle length; VA, ventriculoatrial; VES, ventricular extrastimulus.

BOX 18.7  Exclusion of Atrioventricular Nodal Reentrant Tachycardia

SVT Induction by VES • Manifest ventricular fusion during resetting excludes AVNRT.
• ΔVA (VAVES − VASVT) <85 msec favors orthodromic AVRT over AVNRT. • Preexcitation index (the difference between the TCL and the longest VES
• (PPIVES − TCL) <115 msec favors orthodromic AVRT over AVNRT. coupling interval at which atrial capture occurs during tachycardia) ≥100 msec
characterizes AVNRT, whereas an index <45 msec is consistent with AVRT
Atrial Activation Sequence with a septal BT.
• Eccentric atrial activation sequence during the SVT excludes AVNRT (with • Corrected (PPI − TCL) <110 msec (after resetting with single or double VESs
the exception of left variant AVNRT). from the RV apex) argues against AVNRT.

Effects of BBB Overdrive Ventricular Pacing During SVT

• Prolongation of VA interval or TCL on development of BBB excludes AVNRT. • ΔVA interval (VApacing − VASVT) <85 msec argues against AVNRT.
• PPI − TCL <115 msec argues against AVNRT.
Oscillations in TCL • Corrected PPI − TCL <110 msec argues against AVNRT.
• Spontaneous changes in TCL accompanied by constant VA interval (VA linking) • Manifest ventricular fusion during entrainment indicates AVRT and excludes
make AVNRT unlikely. AVNRT.
• Acceleration of the SVT to the PCL occurring after a single captured paced
Differential RV Pacing RV complex is consistent with orthodromic AVRT and essentially excludes
• If the atrial activation sequence changes during pacing at the RV apex versus AVNRT.
pacing at the RV base, AVNRT is less likely. • Differential corrected PPI − TCL of <30 msec after transient entrainment from
• If the SA interval is shorter with pacing from the base than from the apex at the RV apex versus the RV base is consistent with orthodromic AVRT and
the same PCL, AVNRT is less likely. excludes AVNRT.
• Differential VA interval (ventricular stimulus-to-atrial interval during entrain-
VES During SVT ment from RV base vs. RV septum) of <20 msec is consistent with orthodromic
• VES delivered during SVT when the HB is refractory that resets (advances or AVRT and excludes AVNRT.
delays) or terminates the SVT excludes AVNRT. • Atrial resetting (perturbation of atrial timing by >15 msec) during the transition
• VES during SVT that conducts to the atrium at the same coupling interval as zone is consistent with orthodromic AVRT and excludes AVNRT or AT (unless
that of the VES (exact capture phenomenon) excludes AVNRT. a bystander retrogradely conducting BT is present).
• VES delivered during SVT that conducts to the atrium at a shorter coupling • Acceleration of the SVT to the PCL occurring by the first beat with stable
interval than that of the VES (paradoxical capture phenomenon) excludes paced QRS morphology is consistent with orthodromic AVRT and essentially
AVNRT. excludes AVNRT.
CHAPTER 18  Typical Atrioventricular Bypass Tracts 651

BOX 18.7  Exclusion of Atrioventricular Nodal Reentrant Tachycardia—cont’d

AES During SVT • Entry into the tachycardia circuit within 1 beat indicates AVRT, whereas
• Demonstration of resetting with manifest atrial fusion excludes AVNRT. entry into the circuit occurring only after 3 or more beats is consistent with
Overdrive Atrial Pacing During SVT
• ΔAH interval (AHpacing − AHSVT) <20 msec excludes AVNRT. Atrial Pacing During NSR at Tachycardia CL
• Demonstration of entrainment with manifest atrial fusion excludes AVNRT. • ΔAH interval (AHpacing − AHSVT) <20 msec excludes AVNRT.

Para-Hisian Pacing During SVT Ventricular Pacing During NSR at Tachycardia CL

• SA and the local VA intervals that remain constant regardless of whether the • ΔHA interval of less than −10 msec makes AVNRT unlikely.
HB-RB is being captured indicate orthodromic AVRT and exclude AVNRT.
• SA interval prolongation on HB-RB noncapture, but without significant change Para-Hisian Pacing During NSR
in the local VA interval, indicates orthodromic AVRT and excludes AVNRT. • Para-Hisian pacing producing similar VA interval, regardless of whether HB
• ΔSA interval <40 msec indicates AVRT (except for rare patients with a left capture occurs, and/or different atrial activation sequence, depending on
lateral BT) and argue against AVNRT. whether HB capture occurs, makes AVNRT unlikely.

AES, Atrial extrastimulation; AH, atrial–His bundle; AVNRT, atrioventricular nodal reentrant tachycardia; AVRT, atrioventricular reentrant
tachycardia; BBB, bundle branch block; BT, bypass tract; CL, cycle length; HA, His bundle–atrial interval; HB, His bundle; NSR, normal sinus
rhythm; PCL, pacing cycle length; PPI, postpacing interval; RB, right bundle branch; RV, right ventricle; SA, stimulus-to-atrial; SVT,
supraventricular tachycardia; TCL, tachycardia cycle length; VA, ventriculoatrial; VES, ventricular extrastimulus.

BOX 18.8  Differentiation Between Antidromic Atrioventricular Reentrant Tachycardia and

Preexcited Atrioventricular Nodal Reentrant Tachycardia
SVT Features AES Delivered During SVT
• HASVT <70 msec excludes antidromic AVRT. • Late-coupled AES is delivered close to the BT atrial insertion site during SVT
• Positive HV or VH interval ≤10 msec (especially when HA interval is ≤50 msec) when the AV junctional atrium is refractory. If it advances the timing of both
suggests AVNRT. the next ventricular activation and the subsequent atrial activation, it proves
that the SVT is antidromic AVRT using an AV BT anterogradely, and excludes
Termination of SVT preexcited AVNRT.
• Continuation of the SVT at the same TCL, despite anterograde block in the • AES during the SVT that advances ventricular activation and does not affect
BT (by drugs, mechanical trauma, or ablation), is diagnostic of AVNRT and VA interval excludes AVNRT and is diagnostic of antidromic AVRT.
excludes antidromic AVRT. • Exact atrial and ventricular capture by AES delivered when the AV junction
• Block of the BT by drugs and subsequent induction of narrow-complex SVT is depolarized excludes AVNRT.
with the same TCL, HA interval, and retrograde atrial activation sequence as
that of the preexcited SVT induced before the BT block is diagnostic of pre- Entrainment of SVT by Atrial Pacing
excited AVNRT and excludes antidromic AVRT. • Failure of entrainment by atrial pacing to influence the VA interval during SVT
• Termination of SVT in response to carotid sinus massage or adenosine: excludes AVNRT.
• AVNRT terminates after atrial activation (secondary to anterograde block • The presence of a fixed short VH interval during entrainment of the SVT with
down the slow pathway). atrial pacing suggests antidromic AVRT, and makes AVNRT unlikely (but does
• Classic antidromic AVRT terminates after ventricular activation (secondary not exclude AVNRT).
to retrograde block up the AVN).
Entrainment of SVT by Ventricular Pacing
Effects of BBB • Failure of entrainment by ventricular pacing to influence the VA interval during
• Prolongation of surface ECG VA interval (often with prolonged TCL) on develop- SVT excludes AVNRT.
ment of BBB excludes AVNRT.
Ventricular Pacing During NSR at the Tachycardia CL
SVT Induction With Ventricular Stimulation • Pacing at the RV apex at TCL is performed, and the HA interval during RV
• Induction of the SVT by ventricular pacing at a PCL similar to the TCL or by pacing is compared with the HA interval during SVT. (It is important to verify
a VES that advances the timing of the His potential by a coupling interval that VA conduction occurred only over the same pathway as during SVT for
(i.e., H1-H2 interval) similar to the H-H during the SVT, the HA interval fol- this analysis to be valid.)
lowing such a VES is compared with that during the SVT: • HApacing > HASVT is diagnostic of AVNRT and excludes AVRT.
• HAVES or HApacing > HASVT is diagnostic of AVNRT and excludes antidromic • HApacing ≤ HASVT is diagnostic of AVRT and excludes AVNRT.
AVRT. • VA block during RV apical pacing excludes AVRT.
• HAVES or HApacing ≤ HASVT is diagnostic of antidromic AVRT and excludes

AES, Atrial extrastimulus; AV, atrioventricular; AVNRT, atrioventricular nodal reentrant tachycardia; AVRT, atrioventricular reentrant tachycardia;
BBB, bundle branch block; BT, bypass tract; CL, cycle length; HA, His bundle–atrial; ECG, electrocardiogram; HV, His bundle–ventricular;
NSR, normal sinus rhythm; PCL, pacing cycle length; RV, right ventricle; SVT, supraventricular tachycardia; TCL, tachycardia cycle length;
VA, ventriculoatrial; VES, ventricular extrastimulus; VH, ventricular–His bundle.
652 CHAPTER 18  Typical Atrioventricular Bypass Tracts

BOX 18.9  Electrophysiological Findings I

Indicating Presence of Multiple
Atrioventricular Bypass Tracts II

During Preexcited Rhythms (NSR, PACs, Spontaneous or III

Induced AF, RA, and LA Pacing)
• Changing anterograde delta wave (i.e., variations in preexcited QRS mor-
phology). Atrial pacing from different sites (high RA and CS) may accentuate aVL
preexcitation over one BT and not the other, and help unmask the changes
in the delta wave. aVF
• Atypical pattern of preexcitation (i.e., does not conform to an expected QRS
morphology for a given location)
• Changing anterograde delta wave following antiarrhythmic agents (e.g., V2
amiodarone or class I agents) that may block one BT and not the other or
following ablation of one BT V3

During Ventricular Pacing at Different CLs and From V4

Multiple Pacing Sites V5
• Evidence of multiple routes of retrograde atrial activation:
• Changing P wave morphology or atrial activation sequence V6
• Multiple atrial breakthrough sites
• Changing VA interval HRA
• Evidence of mismatch of site of anterograde preexcitation and site of ret-
rograde atrial activation observed during ventricular pacing
During Orthodromic AVRT
• Evidence of multiple routes of retrograde atrial activation:
• Changing P wave morphology or atrial activation sequence CSdist
• Multiple atrial breakthrough sites RVA S1 S1 S1 S1
• Changing VA interval
500 msec
• Failure to delay atrial activation at all sites with the development of BBB
Fig. 18.45  Identifying Multiple Bypass Tracts (BTs) in the Same
ipsilateral to the BT
Patient. The presence of multiple BTs is indicated by the mismatch of
• Evidence of multiple routes of anterograde ventricular activation:
sites of anterograde preexcitation during normal sinus rhythm (the delta
• Intermittent anterograde fusion (preexcited) complexes wave morphology is consistent with anterograde conduction over a right
• Evidence of mismatch of site of anterograde preexcitation and site of ret- anterior BT) and site of retrograde atrial activation observed during ven-
rograde atrial activation observed during orthodromic AVRT tricular pacing (the atrial activation sequence is consistent with ventricu-
loatrial conduction over a left lateral BT). CSdist, Distal coronary sinus;
During Antidromic AVRT CSprox, proximal coronary sinus; HRA, high right atrium; RVA, right ven-
• Eccentric atrial activation sequence tricular apex.
• Varying degrees of anterograde fusion
• Changing VH interval without any change in the TCL or atrial activation
sequence (suggesting that the HPS is not part of the reentrant circuit)
• Tachycardia CL during antidromic AVRT slower than orthodromic AVRT in
development of BBB (RBBB with superoparaseptal BT, and LBBB with
the same patient (in absence of dual AVN pathways)
posteroseptal BT). In an analogous fashion, entrainment of the SVT
• Anterograde ventricular activation over posteroseptal BT
by ventricular pacing that results in prolongation of the VA interval
• The mere presence of antidromic AVRT
(VApacing > VASVT) suggests that the SVT is orthodromic AVRT mediated
AF, Atrial fibrillation; AVN, atrioventricular node; AVRT, atrioventricular by an AV BT in the ventricle contralateral to the site of ventricular
reentrant tachycardia; BBB, bundle branch block; BT, bypass tract; pacing.
CL, cycle length; CS, coronary sinus; HPS, His-Purkinje system;
LA, left atrium; NSR, normal sinus rhythm; PAC, premature atrial Ventricular Entrainment During Orthodromic
complex; RA, right atrium; TCL, tachycardia cycle length; Atrioventricular Reentrant Tachycardia
VA, ventriculoatrial; VH, ventriculo-His. During orthodromic AVRT, the corrected (PPI − TCL) difference fol-
lowing entrainment from the RV apex can help localize the BT used
for retrograde conduction. The RV apical pacing site is closer to the
reentrant circuit of orthodromic AVRT utilizing a right-sided BT than
Effects of Bundle Branch Block During Orthodromic orthodromic AVRT utilizing a left-sided BT. Hence, as expected, the
Atrioventricular Reentrant Tachycardia corrected (PPI − TCL) difference is shorter (less than 55 milliseconds)
Prolongation of the TCL and, more importantly, the surface VA interval in patients with orthodromic AVRT with a right-sided BT when pacing
by more than 35 milliseconds following the development of BBB is the RV apex. Patients with left-sided BTs typically have a corrected (PPI
diagnostic of AVRT using a free-wall BT ipsilateral to the BBB (LBBB − TCL) difference of more than 55 milliseconds.51
with left-sided BT, and RBBB with right-sided BT). Superoparaseptal Furthermore, upon initiation of ventricular overdrive pacing from
and posteroseptal BTs are associated with a lesser degree of prolonga- the RV apex during orthodromic AVRT, there is a “transitional zone”
tion of the VA interval (approximately 5 to 25 milliseconds) on the during which the paced QRS complexes show progressive fusion with
CHAPTER 18  Typical Atrioventricular Bypass Tracts 653







Fig. 18.46  Orthodromic Atrioventricular Reentrant Tachycardia With Multiple Routes of Retrograde
Atrial Activation. The presence of multiple bypass tracts is indicated by the shift in retrograde atrial activa-
tion sequence (indicated by the red and blue arrows) during tachycardia. CSdist, Distal coronary sinus; CSprox,
proximal coronary sinus; HRA, high right atrium; RVA, right ventricular apex.

BOX 18.10  Electrophysiological Maneuvers for Localization of the Bypass Tract

Pacing From Multiple Atrial Sites Mapping Ventricular Activation During Preexcited Rhythm
• Proximity to the BT atrial insertion is indicating by shortening of the P-delta • The site of earliest local ventricular activation (preceding the onset of the
interval during atrial pacing. delta wave) along the tricuspid and mitral annuli identifies the BT ventricular
insertion site.
Preexcitation Index of VES From the RV
• A relative preexcitation index >90% suggests right-sided or septal BT. Mapping Atrial Activation During Retrograde Bypass Tract
• An absolute preexcitation index ≥75 msec suggests a left free-wall BT. Conduction
• An absolute preexcitation index <45 msec suggests a septal BT. • The site of earliest local atrial activation along the tricuspid and mitral annuli
• An absolute preexcitation index of 45–75 msec is indeterminate. during orthodromic AVRT or during ventricular pacing with retrograde conduc-
tion over the BT, identifies the BT atrial insertion site.
Effects of BBB During Orthodromic AVRT • The site of polarity reversal of the atrial unfiltered bipolar electrogram (with
• Prolongation of the TCL and, more importantly, the surface VA interval by the electrodes oriented parallel to the axis of the annulus) during orthodromic
>35 msec following the development of BBB is diagnostic of AVRT using a AVRT or during ventricular pacing with retrograde conduction over the BT,
free-wall BT ipsilateral to the BBB (LBBB with left-sided BT, and RBBB with identifies the BT atrial insertion site.
right-sided BT)
• Superoparaseptal and posteroseptal BTs are associated with a lesser degree Mapping Bypass Tract Potential
of prolongation of the VA interval (approximately 5–25 ms) on the development • Recording a BT potential 10–30 ms before the onset of the delta wave (during
of BBB (RBBB with superoparaseptal BT, and LBBB with posteroseptal BT) anterograde preexcitation) or between the ventricular and atrial electrograms
at the earliest site of retrograde atrial activation (during orthodromic AVRT
Ventricular Entrainment During Orthodromic AVRT From or ventricular pacing) identifies the BT location.
the RV Apex
• Corrected (PPI − TCL) difference <55 msec is consistent with a right- Local AV or VA Interval
sided BT. • When the BT crosses the AV groove perpendicularly, the site of the shortest
• Corrected (PPI − TCL) difference >55 msec is consistent with a left-sided BT. local VA interval (during retrograde BT conduction) and the site of the shortest
• Resetting of ≥3 atrial beats (with fixed SA intervals) within the transitional local AV interval (during anterograde BT conduction) can indicate the BT loca-
zone suggests a right-sided BT. tion and is often considered the optimal target for BT ablation.
• Resetting of only 1 or 2 atrial beats during the transitional zone suggests a
left-sided BT.

AV, Atrioventricular; AVRT, atrioventricular reentrant tachycardia; BBB, bundle branch block; BT, bypass tract; LBBB, left bundle branch block;
PPI, postpacing interval; RBBB, right bundle branch block; RV, right ventricle; SA, stimulus-to-atrial; TCL, tachycardia cycle length;
VA, ventriculoatrial; VES, ventricular extrastimulus.

the SVT complexes, until stable QRS morphology is observed (either activation to the ventricular pacing rate with fixed SA intervals) during
completely paced or constantly fused). The closer the BT location is to the transitional zone (Fig. 18.47). Right-sided BTs produce reset earlier
the RV apical pacing site, the earlier atrial resetting will occur during than left-sided BTs, and resetting of at least three atrial beats (with fixed
the transition zone, and the greater the number of complexes that show SA intervals) within the transitional zone was found to successfully
advancement of atrial activation (as defined by acceleration of atrial identify right-sided BTs. Left-sided BTs allow atrial resetting later after
Fixed SA

200 msec




SA = 114 SA = 142 SA = 144 SA = 144 SA = 142 SA = 144 SA = 144

l-------l l-------l l-------l l-------l l-------l l-------l l-------l


His p

His d
TCL = 339
320 320 320 320 320 320

Fixed SA

200 msec
II *




SA = 168 SA = 186 SA = 208 SA = 226 SA = 254 SA = 252 SA = 254

l---------l l----------l l-----------l l-------------l l--------------l l--------------l l--------------l

His p

His d

300 300 300 300 300 300 300


TCL = 316
Fig. 18.47  Ventricular Entrainment During Orthodromic Atrioventricular Reentrant Tachycardia (AVRT) for Bypass Tract (BT) Localization.
(A) Orthodromic AVRT over a right lateral BT with a tachycardia cycle length (TCL) of 339 milliseconds. Right ventricular apical (RVA) overdrive
pacing is delivered at 320 milliseconds and the number of beats with a fixed stimulus-atrial (SA) interval within the transition zone (TZ) is 4 (the 4
last beats of the TZ). (B) Orthodromic AVRT using a right posteroseptal BT with a TCL of 316 milliseconds. RVA overdrive pacing is delivered at
300 milliseconds and the number of beats with a fixed SA interval within the TZ is two (the last two beats of the TZ). The star indicates the first
paced beat with a fixed QRS-morphology, representing the last beat of the TZ. His d, Distal His bundle; His p, proximal His bundle; HRA, high right
atrium. (From Akerström F, Pachón M, García-Fernández FJ, et al. Number of beats in the transition zone with fixed SA interval during right ven-
tricular overdrive pacing determines accessory pathway location in orthodromic reentrant tachycardia. Pacing Clin Electrophysiol. 2015;39:21–27.)
CHAPTER 18  Typical Atrioventricular Bypass Tracts 655

starting ventricular overdrive pacing (due to the larger distance between insertion site). Concordance of the timing of the onset of the bipolar
the BT and the pacing site) and, hence, only one or two reset beats electrogram with that of the unipolar electrogram (with the rapid
during the transitional zone would reveal atrial resetting. Septal BTs downslope of the S wave of the unipolar QS complex coinciding with
had numbers of reset complexes that overlapped with right- and left- the initial peak of the bipolar signal) helps ensure that the tip electrode,
sided BTs.57 which is the ablation electrode, is responsible for the early component
of the bipolar electrogram. If only bipolar recordings are used, one
Earliest Ventricular Activation Site During Anterograde does not know which of the two poles is responsible for the earliest
Bypass Tract Conduction component of the bipolar electrogram.
During ventricular preexcitation (preexcited sinus or atrial paced rhythm,
or antidromic AVRT), the surface ECG lead with the earliest onset of Earliest Atrial Activation Site During Retrograde
the delta wave, preferably with a relatively sharp delineation of its onset, Bypass Tract Conduction
should be selected and used as the timing reference during mapping During orthodromic AVRT or during ventricular pacing with retrograde
(eFig. 18.6). The site of earliest local ventricular activation (preceding conduction over the BT, the site of earliest atrial activation along the
the onset of the delta wave) along the tricuspid and mitral annuli identi- tricuspid and mitral annuli identifies the BT atrial insertion site. When
fies the BT ventricular insertion site. mapping is performed during ventricular pacing, fusion of atrial activa-
Both bipolar and unipolar recordings on the ablation catheter should tion, caused by simultaneous retrograde conduction over both the AVN
be used for mapping (Fig. 18.48). Bipolar electrograms display electro- and the BT, has to be considered because it can affect the accuracy of
gram components and timing and may demonstrate a BT potential. mapping. This can be an issue in the setting of septal BTs whereby the
The unfiltered (0.05 to 300 Hz) unipolar signal morphology should retrograde atrial activation sequence over the BT may not be very dif-
show a monophasic QS complex with a rapid negative deflection if the ferent from that over the AVN. Dissociation of retrograde conduction
site was at the origin of impulse formation in the ventricle (i.e., BT over the BT from that over the AVN is required in these situations, and

Ablation of BT ventricular insertion










Fig. 18.48  Catheter Ablation (ABL) of a Left Anterolateral Bypass Tract (BT) During Anterograde Con-
duction. ABL is performed during preexcited atrial pacing. Preexcitation is observed during the first three
complexes. The dashed line indicates the onset of the delta wave. Note the sharp negative deflection (QS
morphology) in the unipolar recording. Also, note the concordance of the timing of the unipolar and bipolar
electrograms (blue arrows), which precedes the onset of the delta wave by 10 to 15 milliseconds. A sharp
potential (possible BT potential, red arrow) is recorded between the atrial and ventricular electrograms. RF
application at this site successfully eliminated preexcitation (last two complexes). CSdist, Distal coronary sinus;
CSprox, proximal coronary sinus; HRA, high right atrium; RVA, right ventricular apex.
CHAPTER 18  Typical Atrioventricular Bypass Tracts 655.e1

Standard ECG High ECG gain + V3



V1 V3












200 msec
eFig. 18.6  Surface Electrocardiogram (ECG) and Intracardiac Recordings of Possible Ablation Site. On
the left, with standard ECG recordings, the features of the ablation site electrograms suggest this would be
a good ablation site (green arrow) because they occur well before the onset of the delta wave (dashed line).
However, on the right, the very same complex is shown, but with increased gain on surface ECG leads as
well as an addition of lead of V3 (showing sharp delineation of delta wave onset, blue arrow). Now, the
dashed line that denotes the true onset of surface preexcitation reveals that the putative ablation site is not
attractive (red arrow). Abldist, Ablation distal bipolar electrodes; Ablprox, ablation proximal bipolar electrodes;
Abluni, ablation distal unipolar electrode; CSdist, distal coronary sinus; CSmid, middle coronary sinus; CSprox,
proximal coronary sinus; Hisdist, distal His bundle; Hismid, middle His bundle; Hisprox, proximal His bundle; HRA,
high right atrium; RVA, right ventricular apex.
656 CHAPTER 18  Typical Atrioventricular Bypass Tracts

can usually be achieved with ventricular stimulation from sites closer and the unfiltered bipolar electrogram with the electrodes oriented
to the BT and with the use of AVN blockers (e.g., adenosine) to ensure parallel to the axis of the annulus can be used to localize the atrial
preferential retrograde conduction over the BT. insertion site of the BT.
As with ventricular mapping, both bipolar and unipolar recordings During retrograde BT conduction (orthodromic AVRT or ventricular
on the distal ablation electrode should be used for atrial mapping (Fig. pacing), BT atrial insertion is identified as the site where the polarity
18.49). Determining what components of a complex ablation electrode of the atrial potential reverses. Because the site of BT atrial insertion
recording is atrial versus ventricular can be facilitated by rapid burst is usually discrete, atrial activation propagates in two opposite directions
ventricular pacing that does not conduct 1:1 retrogradely (Fig. 18.50) along the annulus from the insertion site. As a result, an RS configura-
or by introduction of a VES that does not conduct retrogradely during tion electrogram will be present on one side of the BT, where the wave-
fixed-rate ventricular pacing (Fig. 18.51). In either case, the principle front is propagating from the distal electrode toward the proximal
is to compare the electrogram that is known to have no atrial component electrode, and a QR morphology electrogram on the other side, where
with the electrogram in question (with some atrial component), any the wavefront is propagating from the proximal electrode toward the
difference being due to the contribution of the atrial electrogram. distal electrode.
This technique is typically used for localization of left free-wall
Atrial Electrogram Polarity Reversal During Retrograde BTs via the transseptal approach, which allows an electrode orienta-
Bypass Tract Conduction tion parallel with atrial activation along the mitral annulus. As the
The morphology and amplitude of the bipolar electrograms are influ- ablation catheter is moved along the mitral annulus during retrograde
enced by the orientation of the bipolar recording axis to the direction BT conduction, the amplitude and polarity of the atrial electrogram
of propagation of the activation wavefront. Although the direction of are examined. With the tip electrode negative, and the catheter lying
wavefront propagation cannot be reliably inferred from the morphology on the mitral annulus from anterior to posterior, an upright atrial
of the bipolar signal, a change in morphology can be a useful finding, electrogram indicates a catheter position anterior to the insertion site,

Ablation of BT atrial insertion










Fig. 18.49  Catheter Ablation (ABL) of a Left Lateral Bypass Tract (BT) During Retrograde Conduction.
ABL is performed during ventricular pacing with atrial fusion (ventriculoatrial conduction occurring over both
the BT and atrioventricular node [AVN]). The dashed line indicates the onset of the earliest atrial activation.
Note the sharp negative deflection (QS morphology) in the unipolar recording. The timing of the unipolar
electrogram coincides with the bipolar electrogram (blue arrows) and precedes the delta wave by 5 to 10
milliseconds. The atrial and ventricular electrograms merge, and the true morphology of the ventricular
electrogram is unmasked after successful ablation (last two complexes). A sharp potential (possible BT
potential, red arrow) is recorded between the two electrograms. After successful elimination of the BT func-
tion, atrial activation occurs exclusively over the AVN (last two complexes, green arrows). CSdist, Distal coronary
sinus; CSprox, proximal coronary sinus; HRA, high right atrium; RVA, right ventricular apex.
CHAPTER 18  Typical Atrioventricular Bypass Tracts 657









S S S 200 msec

Fig. 18.50  Using Ventricular Pacing to Evaluate Ablation Site Electrogram Components. Burst ventricular
pacing is shown at a rate that produces 2:1 retrograde conduction over the bypass tract (BT). This facilitates
determination of what portion of the ablation site recording is atrial versus ventricular, because whatever is
present in recordings on cycles during which retrograde conduction is present, but absent when retrograde
conduction fails, is the atrial (or BT plus atrial) recording (red arrows). Abldist, Ablation distal bipolar electrodes;
Ablprox, ablation proximal bipolar electrodes; Abluni, ablation distal unipolar electrode; CSdist, distal coronary
sinus; CSprox, proximal coronary sinus; Hisdist, distal His bundle; Hismid, middle His bundle; Hisprox, proximal His
bundle; HRA, high right atrium; RVA, right ventricular apex.

whereas a negative electrogram indicates positions posterior to the During anterograde BT conduction (NSR or atrial pacing), dissocia-
insertion site. When the bipole approaches and then passes directly tion of the anterograde BT potential from the ventricular potentials
over the atrial insertion site, the atrial electrogram becomes diminished can be achieved by introduction of VES with progressively shorter
in amplitude, isoelectric, and fractionated. As the catheter moves from coupling intervals. Dissociation of the BT potential from the local ven-
one side of the insertion site to the other side, reversal of the atrial tricular potential is confirmed when a late-coupled VES (occurring at
electrogram polarity is observed. This maneuver has a sensitivity of the time of the anterograde BT potential) advances the ventricular
97%, specificity of 46%, and positive predictive value of 75%. For BTs electrogram without affecting the timing or morphology of the BT
at other locations, mapping can be facilitated by using a multipolar potential. Furthermore, dissociation of the BT potential from the local
catheter positioned in the CS or around the tricuspid annulus (e.g., atrial potential is confirmed when an earlier VES advances the BT
Halo catheter); the site of the BT atrial insertion is enclosed between potential without affecting the timing or morphology of the atrial elec-
the two adjacent bipoles, demonstrating atrial electrogram polarity trogram (Fig. 18.52).
reversal. A retrograde BT potential (during ventricular pacing or orthodromic
AVRT) can be validated by introduction of progressively premature
Direct Recording of Bypass Tract Potential AES. A late-coupled AES can advance the timing of the local atrial
The BT potential manifests as a sharp narrow spike on both unipolar potential without affecting the retrograde BT potential, providing evi-
and bipolar recordings 10 to 30 milliseconds before the onset of the dence that the BT potential is not related to atrial activation. In addition,
delta wave during anterograde preexcitation or between the ventricular dissociation of the BT potential from the local ventricular potential is
and atrial electrograms at the earliest site of retrograde atrial activation confirmed when an earlier AES advances the BT potential (i.e., antero-
during orthodromic AVRT or ventricular pacing. The BT potential gradely activate the BT) without affecting the timing or morphology
amplitude averages 0.5 to 1 mV at successful ablation sites (see Figs. of the local ventricular electrogram (Fig. 18.53).
18.48 and 18.49). Similar electrical signals, however, can be a component However, these criteria for validation of BT potentials are often
of the atrial or ventricular electrogram, and proof that an electrical difficult to achieve. Therefore validation of BT potentials by programmed
signal is actually a BT potential can be difficult, because it needs to be electrical stimulation is often not practical in clinical settings; instead,
dissociated from the local atrial and ventricular electrograms. such a potential is called possible or probable BT potential.
658 CHAPTER 18  Typical Atrioventricular Bypass Tracts





S1 S1 S2 S1 S1

200 msec

Fig. 18.51  Using Ventricular Extrastimuli to Evaluate Ablation Site Electrogram Components. Determin-
ing what part of a complex ablation site recording is atrial or bypass tract (BT) is aided by introducing an
extrastimulus (S2) during a fixed-rate drive, which fails to conduct retrogradely while drive complexes do
conduct. The portion of the electrogram that is absent on this complex (green arrow), but present on others
(red arrows), is the atrial (±BT) component. Abldist, Ablation distal bipolar electrodes; Ablprox, ablation proximal
bipolar electrodes; Abluni, ablation distal unipolar electrode; CSdist, distal coronary sinus; CSprox, proximal coro-
nary sinus; Hisdist, distal His bundle; Hismid, middle His bundle; Hisprox, proximal His bundle; HRA, high right
atrium; RVA, right ventricular apex.

Targeting an isolated BT potential has been associated with the highest Similarly, the site of the shortest local AV interval can be shifted away
rate of ablation success. The usefulness of this criterion, however, has from the BT in the direction of the atrial wavefront if the atrial wave-
been limited by difficulty in locating or validating a BT potential in front is slower than the ventricular wavefront.
clinical practice. The difficulty in identifying the BT potential is often With an oblique course, the local VA and AV intervals vary by revers-
related to the oblique course of the BT. A ventricular or atrial wavefront ing the direction of the paced ventricular and atrial wavefronts, respec-
propagating concurrently with the BT can overlap and mask the BT tively. During ventricular pacing, a ventricular wavefront propagating
potential. Pacing from the site producing the shorter local VA or local from the direction of the ventricular end (concurrently with BT activa-
AV intervals helps identify the BT potential in most of these cases. tion) produces an artificially short local VA interval (measured at the
site of earliest retrograde atrial activation), because activation along
Local Atrioventricular (or Ventriculoatrial) Interval the BT proceeds to the earliest atrial activation site simultaneously and
When the BT crosses the AV groove perpendicularly, the site of the in the same direction as the ventricular wavefront at the ventricular
shortest local VA interval (during retrograde BT conduction) and the aspect of the AV groove. Contrariwise, a ventricular wavefront propa-
site of the shortest local AV interval (during anterograde BT conduc- gating in the opposite (countercurrent) direction produces a longer
tion) can indicate the BT location and is often considered the optimal local VA interval because the ventricular wavefront must pass the site
target for BT ablation. However, the reliability of this criterion has been of earliest atrial activation before reaching the ventricular end of the
debated and can be misleading in the setting of oblique BTs. Short local BT (Fig. 18.55). This has important implications for localizing oblique
VA intervals can occur at sites along the valve annulus distant from the AV BTs. With a concurrent wavefront, the ventricular potential can
BT because atrial and ventricular activation wavefronts can propagate overlap the BT potential and atrial electrogram, masking the site of
circumferentially along the annulus, and the timing of local atrial and earliest atrial activation and BT potential. If the velocity of the ventricular
ventricular activation can be close to one another at multiple sites along wavefront along the annulus were slower than the BT and atrial wave-
the annulus (Fig. 18.54). Furthermore, with oblique BTs, the shortest fronts, the shortest local VA interval would be shifted away from the
local VA interval can be shifted away from the BT in the direction of BT. A countercurrent wavefront should expose the atrial activation
the ventricular wavefront if the velocity of the ventricular wavefront sequence and BT potential, but would result in a longer VA interval
along the annulus is less than the velocity of the atrial wavefront. measured at the site of earliest retrograde atrial activation.
CHAPTER 18  Typical Atrioventricular Bypass Tracts 659




200 msec


Fig. 18.52  Dissociation of Bypass Tract (BT) Potential From Local Atrial Potential. Surface electrocar-
diogram and intracardiac recordings evaluate possible BT potential. Fixed-rate atrial pacing is present on all
three complexes shown. On the first complex, a blue arrow points to a possible BT potential following the
sharp atrial potential (A). This same sharp atrial potential is seen at the same rate as atrial pacing on all three
complexes. On the middle complex, a single ventricular extrastimulus is delivered almost simultaneously
with the atrial drive stimulus (S). Here, the blue arrow shows that the putative BT potential does not follow
the sharp atrial recording (red arrow indicates its absence), and thus is not part of the atrial electrogram.
Abldist, Ablation distal bipolar electrodes; Ablprox, ablation proximal bipolar electrodes; Abluni, ablation distal
unipolar electrode; CSdist, distal coronary sinus; CSprox, proximal coronary sinus; Hisdist, distal His bundle; Hismid,
middle His bundle; Hisprox, proximal His bundle; HRA, high right atrium; RVA, right ventricular apex.

Similarly, during atrial pacing, a concurrent atrial wavefront would because fusion of the atrial, BT, and ventricular potentials may be
shorten the local AV interval (measured at the site of earliest ventricular expected with nonoblique BTs.
activation) and could mask the BT potential and site of earliest ven- During retrograde BT conduction, the earliest atrial activation can
tricular activation. A countercurrent atrial wavefront should lengthen be recorded 3 to 5 mm (or possibly more) from the actual BT inser-
the local AV and expose the BT potential and ventricular activation tion. Ablation is likely to be successful if the electrode is located 3
sequence (see Fig. 18.55). to 5 mm from the atrial insertion in the direction of the ventricular
Reversing the paced ventricular or atrial wavefronts can increase insertion and unsuccessful if located in the opposite direction. During
the local VA or local AV interval, respectively, by at least 15 milliseconds anterograde BT conduction, ablation at a site recording earliest ven-
in more than 85% of patients, which suggests that most BTs have an tricular activation is likely to be successful, even if the electrode is
oblique course. The increase in the local VA or local AV intervals can located 3 to 5 mm from the ventricular end but in the direction of the
facilitate identification of the BT potential. An anterograde or retrograde atrial insertion and unsuccessful if located in the opposite direction.
BT potential can be recorded in more than 85% of patients with oblique This explains the 40% ablation success for the criterion of local ven-
BTs, which is much more frequent than that with nonoblique BTs, tricular activation preceding the onset of the delta wave by less than
660 CHAPTER 18  Typical Atrioventricular Bypass Tracts








200 msec


Fig. 18.53  Dissociation of Bypass Tract (BT) Potential From Local Ventricular Potential. Surface elec-
trocardiogram and intracardiac recordings evaluate possible BT potential in the same patient as in Fig. 18.35.
Fixed-rate ventricular pacing is shown in all three complexes, with a single atrial extrastimulus (AES) introduced
during the middle complex. The blue arrow in the first complex points to a putative BT potential between
ventricular (V) and atrial (A) electrograms. In the middle complex, the AES is timed such that the BT potential
follows the atrial electrogram (blue arrow), and not the ventricular recording (red arrow). Thus it is not part
of the ventricular electrogram. Abldist, Ablation distal bipolar electrodes; Ablprox, ablation proximal bipolar
electrodes; Abluni, ablation distal unipolar electrode; CSdist, distal coronary sinus; CSprox, proximal coronary
sinus; Hisdist, distal His bundle; Hismid, middle His bundle; Hisprox, proximal His bundle; HRA, high right atrium;
RVA, right ventricular apex.

0 milliseconds during anterograde BT conduction, even though ven- (site of earliest ventricular activation during anterograde BT conduc-
tricular activation can usually be recorded as much as 30 milliseconds tion) occasionally fail, likely because of the broader dimension of BT
before the delta wave in right-sided BTs and 15 to 20 milliseconds in at the insertion site compared to the annular aspect.
left-sided BTs. The best site of ablation of an AV BT is where it crosses the mitral
or tricuspid annulus. Localization of the BT can be achieved with dif-
ABLATION ferent mapping methods, as described earlier. Ablation should be per-
formed at the same side of the annulus to the one being mapped (i.e.,
Target of Ablation ablation on the atrial side during mapping of the atrial insertion site
The BT is the target of ablation. Although BT conduction can be elimi- during retrograde BT conduction, and ablation on the ventricular side
nated by ablation anywhere between the atrial and ventricular ends, during mapping of the earliest ventricular activation during anterograde
radiofrequency (RF) applications targeted to the atrial end (site of earliest BT conduction). This is especially important for oblique BTs, whereby
atrial activation during retrograde BT conduction) or ventricular end the earliest ventricular activation site during anterograde BT conduction
CHAPTER 18  Typical Atrioventricular Bypass Tracts 661










Fig. 18.54  Local Ventriculoatrial Interval for Bypass Tract Localization. Two ventricular paced complexes
with retrograde conduction are shown. Ventricular (V) and atrial (A) recordings are as designated by lines.
Of the recordings indicated, the earliest atrial electrogram is at the proximal coronary sinus (CSprox), whereas
the shortest local ventriculoatrial (VA) interval is far more distal in the coronary sinus recordings; in fact, in
the distal coronary sinus (CSdist), the VA interval is negative. Abldist, Ablation distal bipolar electrodes; Ablprox,
ablation proximal bipolar electrodes; Abluni, ablation distal unipolar electrode; Hisdist, distal His bundle; Hismid,
middle His bundle; Hisprox, proximal His bundle; HRA, high right atrium; RVA, right ventricular apex.

from the atrial aspect of the annulus can be distant from the atrial thus abrupt tachycardia termination). This event can be associated with
insertion site of the BT; hence, ablation at the atrial aspect would not transient loss of conduction over the BT for a variable period of time
be successful. without resulting in permanent damage to the BT due to premature
Criteria of successful ablation sites during anterograde or retrograde interruption of the RF application. Occasionally, BT conduction can
activation mapping of BTs are presented in Box 18.11 (see Figs. 18.48 resume hours to days after the procedure; therefore one may not find
and 18.49). The predictive accuracy of any single criterion is limited. a suitable target to complete the RF lesion if not addressed adequately
Therefore selection of the optimal ablation target site should be guided during the initial attempt. Ablation during continuous pacing prevents
by multiple criteria. this problem. For incessant orthodromic AVRT (e.g., PJRT), or when
retrograde mapping during orthodromic AVRT is used to determine
Ablation Technique: General Considerations the optimal atrial ablation site, it is preferable to entrain the AVRT with
When preexcitation is present, ablation can be performed during NSR ventricular pacing at a slightly shorter PCL so that block in the BT and
or, preferably, atrial pacing. For concealed BTs, RF energy is delivered termination of the SVT during RF energy delivery will be followed by
during ventricular pacing, which usually allows for detection of an ventricular pacing at a rate similar to that of the SVT, minimizing
altered retrograde atrial activation sequence. RF energy delivery during catheter movement. Also, the use of an electroanatomic mapping system
AVRT is avoided if possible because of potential catheter dislodgment can obviate this problem by tagging the initial site of ablation, allowing
from its critical position upon interruption of BT conduction (and precise return to that site.
662 CHAPTER 18  Typical Atrioventricular Bypass Tracts

when ablating in small branches of the CS because power delivery with

LA a standard 4-mm electrode is limited because of less passive cooling in
small vessels.
P 4 3 2 d P 4 3 2 d An electrode temperature of 55°C to 60°C should be sought. Tran-
LV sient loss of BT function is seen at roughly 50°C, and permanent loss
of function occurs at 60°C. Therefore sites with favorable electrogram
A1 A2 B1 B2
characteristics should not be abandoned until a temperature higher
V1 than 50°C to 55°C is reached. Conversely, repeated energy applications
at the same location after achieving a temperature of 55°C or higher
are unlikely to succeed.
Loss of BT conduction is expected within 1 to 6 seconds of RF
CS4 application (once the target temperature and power delivery have been
AP AP reached) for most successful lesions. If no effect is seen after 15 seconds
CS3 of RF delivery, energy delivery should be discontinued because it is
unlikely to be beneficial, and mapping criteria and catheter contact
should be reexamined. If BT conduction is eliminated during the appli-
CSd cation, RF delivery should be continued for up to 60 seconds. Occasion-
ally, BT conduction can be eliminated in one direction only (most
typically loss of anterograde conduction with persistence of retrograde
conduction). Thus testing for conduction in each direction is manda-
tory after what appears to be a successful RF application.
Transient interruption of BT conduction during RF delivery, with
LA subsequent reappearance of conduction within seconds or minutes after
energy delivery is completed, may be observed, and is more common
CS with right than left free-wall BTs. In this setting, the use of multisite
P 4 3 2 d P 4 3 2 d

“insurance lesions” is discouraged, and the use of one or two ablation
sites should be the goal, which requires careful mapping to achieve.
C1 C2 D1 D2 If BT function is not eliminated at a site with apparent favorable
V1 electrographic features, catheter contact with the tissue may be inad-
equate. Adequacy of catheter contact can be verified by evaluating the
electrode temperature, catheter stability on fluoroscopy, electrogram
CSp stability, and ST elevation on the unipolar electrogram (Fig. 18.56). If
the electrode temperature is consistently higher than 50°C with more
CS4 than 25 W of energy delivered to the tissue during the RF application,
good catheter contact is likely; however, if electrode temperature reaches
more than 50°C but with very low power (less than 10 W), coagulum
CS2 may have formed at the catheter tip. Also, catheter “shimmering” on
AP AP fluoroscopy suggests poor contact. Similarly, changing electrographic
amplitudes before or during ablation suggest inadequate catheter contact.
A A A A Furthermore, ablation-related injury usually yields ST elevation on the
unipolar electrogram; if absent, inadequate tissue heating is likely.
Fig. 18.55  Schematic Representation of Anterograde and Retrograde Endpoints of Ablation
Activation of a Left Free-Wall Bypass Tract. The oblique course illus- Bypass Tract Bidirection Conduction Block
trates a change in electrogram timing with the reversal of the paced Confirmation of complete loss of BT function, and not just noninduc-
ventricular wavefront (A and B) and reversal of the paced atrial wavefront ibility of tachycardias, is essential. Confirmation of loss of anterograde
(C and D). AP, Accessory pathway potential; CS, coronary sinus; BT function using AES and atrial pacing is achieved by demonstrating
d, distal; LA, left atrium; LV, left ventricular; p, proximal. (From Otomo
lack of preexcitation and marked prolongation of the local AV interval
K, Gonzalez MD, Beckman KJ, et al. Reversing the direction of paced
ventricular and atrial wavefronts reveals an oblique course in accessory
at the ablation site. Atrial stimulation should be performed at sites and
AV pathways and improves localization for catheter ablation. Circulation. rates that were associated with preexcitation before ablation. As noted,
2001;104:550.) it is possible to have loss of anterograde conduction with persistence
of retrograde conduction (less commonly the opposite). Therefore care
must be taken to ensure bidirectional conduction block.
For most free-wall BTs, complete bidirectional block can be achieved Confirmation of complete loss of retrograde BT function using VES
with a conventional 4-mm-tip ablation catheter, using a power setting and ventricular pacing is achieved by demonstrating concentric and
of 50 W and targeting a temperature of 60°C. If BT conduction block decremental retrograde atrial activation, consistent with VA conduc-
is transient, permanent BT block can usually be obtained with better tion over the AVN, VA dissociation, and/or marked prolongation of the
and more consistent contact at the same site. It is rare that an 8-mm local VA interval at the ablation site. Ventricular stimulation should be
or irrigated-tip ablation catheter is necessary; failure of BT ablation is performed at sites and rates that were associated with retrograde VA
almost always a result of inadequate mapping or poor tissue contact conduction over the BT before ablation. Para-Hisian pacing and RV
and not inadequacy of the lesion size created by a 4-mm-tip standard apical versus RV basilar pacing can also help confirm the absence of
ablation catheter. Nevertheless, irrigated-tip catheters can be helpful septal and paraseptal BTs (Figs. 18.28 and 18.30). Occasionally, AVN
CHAPTER 18  Typical Atrioventricular Bypass Tracts 663

BOX 18.11  Electrophysiological Criteria of Successful Bypass Tract Ablation Sites

Criteria of Successful Ablation Sites During Anterograde Criteria of Successful Ablation Sites During Retrograde
Activation Mapping Activation Mapping
• Stable catheter position, as confirmed fluoroscopically and by observing a • Stable catheter position, as confirmed fluoroscopically and by observing a
stable electrogram (<10% change in amplitude in atrial and ventricular elec- stable electrogram (<10% change in amplitude in atrial and ventricular elec-
trograms over 5–10 beats). trograms over 5–10 beats).
• Atrial electrogram amplitude >0.4 mV, or A/V ratio >0. Both atrial and ven- • Earliest local atrial activation timing.
tricular electrogram components should be recorded from the ablation (tip) • Local VA interval during retrograde activation of the BT is short (25–50 msec,
electrode. When ablating from the atrial aspect of the annulus, the atrial except for previously damaged, slowly conducting, oblique, or epicardial BTs),
electrogram is usually equal to or larger than the ventricular electrogram. usually resulting in inscription of the atrial electrogram on the ascending
Sometimes, the two can merge and it may be difficult to determine whether portion of the terminal ventricular electrogram. The “pseudo-disappearance”
both components are present. Rapid atrial or ventricular pacing resulting in of the atrial electrogram within the terminal portion of the ventricular elec-
block in the BT can help eliminate ventricular or atrial electrogram (respectively) trogram (forming a W sign) during orthodromic AVRT is a manifestation of an
so that the exact morphology of the other component can be visualized. extremely short local VA interval, which correlates with successful ablation
• Local AV interval on the ablation catheter is usually short (25–50 msec, except sites.
for previously damaged, slowly conducting, oblique, or epicardial BTs). • Surface QRS to local atrial electrogram interval ≤70 msec (during orthodromic
• The local ventricular electrogram on the ablation catheter should precede the AVRT).
onset of the delta wave on the ECG by a mean of 0–10 msec for left-sided • The local VA interval remains constant regardless of the direction in which
BTs and 10–30 msec for right-sided BTs (the local ventricular electrogram is the ventricular wavefront engaging the BT is traveling (i.e., despite pacing
measured from the peak of the bipolar electrogram or the maximal dV/dt in from different ventricular sites). If one uses the ventricular approach to ablate
the unipolar electrogram). a concealed BT, the ventricular insertion site can be identified as one that
• QS (or, less preferably, rS) morphology of the unipolar electrogram. Right-sided maintains a constant local VA interval, despite differences in direction of
BTs usually have unipolar recordings that show more pronounced (rapid and activation to the ventricular site.
deeper) QS configuration than left-sided BTs. • Continuous electrical activity (defined as isoelectric interval <5 msec between
• Continuous electrical activity (defined as isoelectric interval of <5 msec between ventricular and atrial electrograms).
ventricular and atrial electrograms). • Presence of BT potential.
• Presence of BT potential.

A/V, Atrium to ventricle; AVRT, atrioventricular reentrant tachycardia; BT, bypass tract; ECG, electrocardiogram; VA, ventriculoatrial.

conduction is so brisk that it is difficult to determine if a left-sided BT face, the mitral annulus resembles a kidney bean. When viewed in a
has been eliminated; in this case, pacing from the LV (either passing the 3-D perspective, the annulus has a nonplanar saddle shape, with elevated
ablation catheter through the mitral orifice and pacing LV endocardium, septal and lateral segments. The anterior flatter portion of the mitral
or advancing the CS catheter into a ventricular branch to pace) gives annulus is continuous with the noncoronary and left coronary aortic
an advantage to conduction over a left-sided BT compared to the AVN. cusps (the aortomitral continuity). Both annuli are anchored at two
junctions: the left fibrous trigone (anchoring the anteromedial aspect
Adenosine Testing of the mitral annulus to the base of the left coronary cusp) and the
Administration of adenosine (starting dose 12 mg, 15 to 30 minutes right fibrous trigone (formed by the triangular formation between the
after successful BT ablation) has been proposed to help unmask dormant aortic valve and the medial parts of the tricuspid and mitral valves).
BT conduction. Doses of adenosine are increased (in 6- to 12-mg incre- Between the two trigones, a rigid and broad fibrous curtain (often
ments) as needed to ensure adequate response in the form of AV block referred to as the aortic curtain) extends across the anterior leaflet of
or sinus slowing. Then, atrial and ventricular programmed stimulation the mitral valve and supports the aortic valve leaflets. The posterior
is performed to evaluate the presence of BT conduction. In a recent part of the mitral annulus runs distal to the left and right fibrous trigones
study, adenosine could induce transient anterograde and retrograde and includes the low points of the saddle close to the lateral and medial
BT conduction (dormant conduction) after apparently successful BT commissures and the posterior saddle horn. Compared to the anterior
ablation in 12% of patients. The mechanism of this phenomenon is portion, the posterior mitral annulus is more loosely anchored to the
thought to be secondary to membrane hyperpolarization of partially surrounding tissue, allowing it to move freely with myocardial contrac-
depolarized cardiac tissue after ablation. Dormant conduction was tion and relaxation. The commissural diameter being larger than the
manifest during the bradycardia phase of adenosine effect. The presence anteroposterior diameter.60
of dormant BT conduction was associated with higher rates of repeat The aortic and mitral valvular orifices are fitted alongside each other
BT ablation, particularly in patients in whom dormant BT conduction (at the aortomitral continuity) within the elliptical ostium of the LV,
was not successfully abolished during the initial procedure.59 with no ventricular muscle between. As a result, BTs are rarely found
in the region of the aortomitral continuity. Left-sided BTs predominantly
Ablation of Left Free-Wall Bypass Tracts cross the free-wall portion of the mitral annulus.
Anatomical Considerations Although the atrial insertion of the BT is typically discrete in size
The mitral annulus is an anatomically ill-defined structure that demar- (1 to 3 mm) and close to the mitral annulus, the ventricular insertion
cates the hinge line of the mitral leaflets at the junctional zone that site tends to ramify over the region of tissue and can be displaced a
separates the LA and LV. The mitral annulus is not a rigid fibrous ring small distance away from the mitral annulus, toward the ventricular
but pliable and dynamic, changing shape during the cardiac cycle. En apex. The BT crosses the annulus on its epicardial aspect and may cross
664 CHAPTER 18  Typical Atrioventricular Bypass Tracts

Failed site Successful site

















200 msec

Fig. 18.56  Effect of Ablation on Unipolar ST Segment. On the left (“Failed Site”), recordings during
orthodromic atrioventricular reentrant tachycardia are shown following an unsuccessful ablation attempt. The
distal ablation unipolar (Ablunid) recording shows minimal, if any, ST segment shift in the ventricular recording
(red arrow). On the right (“Successful Site”), a single complex of sinus rhythm is shown with significant ST
elevation (blue arrow), indicating injury has occurred at that site. Abldist, Ablation distal bipolar electrodes;
Ablprox, ablation proximal bipolar electrodes; Ablunip, ablation proximal unipolar electrode; CSdist, distal coronary
sinus; CSprox, proximal coronary sinus; Hisdist, distal His bundle; Hismid, middle His bundle; Hisprox, proximal His
bundle; HRA, high right atrium; RVA, right ventricular apex.

at variable depths within the epicardial fat pad. Most left free-wall BTs fibers as they insert into the mitral annulus. In addition, the atrial fibers
cross the mitral annulus obliquely, with the atrial insertion typically 4 run parallel to the annulus, giving rise to rapid conduction away from
to 30 mm proximal (posterior) to the more distal (anterior) ventricular the insertion site, parallel to the annulus, and slow conduction to the
insertion site (as mapped from within the CS). free-wall of the atrium, perpendicular to the annulus.
Conduction at the insertion sites of the BT is markedly anisotropic Importantly, while the CS is useful as a guide for mapping the mitral
because of almost horizontal orientation of the atrial and ventricular annulus in the left anterior oblique (LAO) fluoroscopy view, it has a
CHAPTER 18  Typical Atrioventricular Bypass Tracts 665

variable relationship to the mitral annulus (eFig. 18.7). The CS lies Transseptal approach.  Transseptal and transaortic approaches are
2 cm superior to the mitral annulus as it empties into the RA. Antero- equally effective for ablation of left free-wall BTs. The transseptal approach
laterally, the CS frequently overrides the LV. Thus, depending on the is primarily used for mapping of the BT atrial insertion site during
distance from the ostium, the CS can lie above the mitral annulus and retrograde BT conduction (orthodromic AVRT or ventricular pacing),
be associated with the LA, or can cross over the LV side of the mitral while ventricular mapping of manifest BTs (during preexcitation) using
annulus. Furthermore, the CS is located more inferior to the mitral the transseptal approach is limited.
annulus on fluoroscopy in most patents. Therefore electrograms recorded The transseptal approach has several advantages over the transaortic
from the CS can only provide gross estimates of the true atrial and approach. The transseptal approach provides better access to far lateral
ventricular insertion sites of the BT and can only be used to guide the and anterolateral BT locations, easier catheter maneuverability in the
ablation catheter to areas in which more detailed mapping needs to be LA, and less risk of coronary injury. In addition, no arterial access is
performed.61 required with the transseptal approach, and vascular recovery is therefore
shorter. However, the transseptal approach provides less catheter stability
Technical Considerations and is associated with a higher risk of cardiac perforation and air embo-
Transaortic (retrograde) approach.  The right femoral artery is lism. Furthermore, the transseptal approach entails higher cost if intra-
the most commonly used access for the transaortic approach. A long cardiac echocardiography is used.
vascular sheath can provide added catheter stability, although with a While mapping using the standard transseptal sheath, the ablation
possibly increased risk of thromboembolism. Anticoagulation is started catheter’s curvature can be modified according to BT location. For
before the LV is accessed to maintain the activated clotting time (ACT) left posterior BTs, the catheter typically reaches the annulus without
between 250 and 300 seconds. The ablation catheter is advanced to the modifying the sheath position. The sheath is progressively withdrawn
descending aorta and, in this position, a tight J curve is formed with toward the RA for optimal catheter apposition at lateral BT locations,
the catheter tip before passage to the aortic root to minimize catheter and it is almost entirely withdrawn toward the RA for anterior BTs.
manipulation in the arch. In the right anterior oblique (RAO) fluoros- Alternatively, preformed or deflectable sheaths may be used. Ablation
copy view, the curved catheter is advanced through the aortic valve catheters with bidirectional asymmetric deflections can also be of value in
with the J curve opening to the right, so the catheter passes into the some cases.
LV, oriented anterolaterally. The straight catheter tip must never be Once the ablation catheter is positioned on the mitral annulus in a
used to cross the aortic valve because of the risk of leaflet perforation. 30-degree RAO view, mapping is performed in the LAO view. In the
Once in the LV, and while maintaining a tight curve, the catheter is absence of preformed septal sheaths, gentle clockwise torque is needed
rotated counterclockwise and withdrawn in the LA as the tip turns to maintain the catheter on the posterior mitral annulus. No torque is
posteriorly. By opening the J curve slightly, the tip can easily map the needed for lateral positions. As the catheter is moved anteriorly, coun-
mitral annulus; clockwise torque moves the tip anteriorly (distally along terclockwise torque is necessary to keep the catheter tip on the annulus.
the CS), and counterclockwise torque returns the tip posteriorly (proxi- In the anterior positions, the catheter tip can dislodge into the LA
mally along the CS). Alternatively, after crossing the aortic valve, the appendage or LV, and attention to intracardiac electrograms is necessary
catheter can be straightened and steered directly under the mitral annulus when mapping anterior regions, because the CS catheter rarely provides
to the BT location or withdrawn in the LV outflow tract, rotated pos- an accurate fluoroscopic reference in this setting. The goal is to maintain
teriorly with a slight curve, and then advanced under the posterior the catheter tip on the atrial aspect of the mitral annulus, so that the
mitral annulus for left paraseptal or posterior BTs. When the ablation mitral annulus can be easily mapped by advancing and withdrawing
catheter is approximated along the mitral annulus, the catheter tip is the catheter, causing it to slide along the mitral annulus freely in parallel
simultaneously withdrawn and straightened slightly to slip under the to the CS catheter. Advancing the catheter moves the tip posteriorly;
annulus for fine manipulation. For left lateral and anterior BTs, extended- withdrawing it moves the tip anteriorly. The ventricular aspect of the
reach catheters may be required. mitral annulus can be mapped by passing the catheter tip across the
Catheter positions beneath the annulus between the ventricular mitral valve and deflecting the tip toward the annulus.
myocardium and mitral leaflet are most stable for ablation of the BT The transseptal approach facilitates mapping of the atrial aspect of
ventricular insertion, but manipulation can be constrained by the chordae. the mitral annulus. Catheter position on the atrial aspect of the annulus
Catheter positions above or along the annulus provide more freedom can be verified by recording a bipolar A/V electrogram amplitude ratio
to map along the mitral annulus but are sometimes too unstable for greater than 1, and a unipolar electrogram PR segment displacement
successful energy delivery. Initial mapping is performed with the abla- from baseline without ST segment displacement. The stability of the
tion electrode on the annulus. From this general area, the catheter is catheter can be assessed by PR segment elevation (confirming good
then positioned beneath the mitral annulus for more precise mapping. atrial tissue contact), consistent local electrographic amplitudes, and
Catheter tip positions beneath the mitral annulus are suggested by concordant motion of the CS and ablation catheters.
proximity to the CS catheter, motion concomitant with the CS catheter, Because of the mobility of the ablation catheter and the electrode
and an A/V electrogram ratio of less than 1. orientation parallel with atrial activation along the mitral annulus, a
Because the transaortic approach targets the ventricular insertion unique vectorial mapping technique is possible with the transseptal
site of the BT, it is best suited for mapping anterograde BT activation approach. As noted, using the unfiltered bipolar electrogram with the
(i.e., preexcitation). Mapping retrograde activation from the subannular electrodes oriented parallel to the axis of the mitral annulus, the BT
position is more difficult than for anterograde mapping because of atrial insertion can be identified as the site at which the polarity of the
obscuration of the low-amplitude atrial electrogram following the large atrial potential reverses.
ventricular electrogram. Occasionally, ablation of far-left lateral BTs can result in apparent
Although BT locations are commonly defined by mapping along the successful elimination of BT conduction, but shift to another, more
CS catheter, this only approximates localization of the subannular abla- septal pathway. Although the latter can happen, this finding is com-
tion site because of the oblique course of left free-wall BTs, displacement monly due to ablation of tissue proximal to the BT insertion, such that
of the CS above the mitral annulus, variable basilar-apical ventricular CS activation must proceed from the (unablated) BT more distally and
insertion of the BT, and BT location beyond the distal CS electrode. then activate the rest of the CS in a proximal-distal direction. Clues
CHAPTER 18  Typical Atrioventricular Bypass Tracts 665.e1

7.07 mm
5.63 mm

12.57 mm CS
3.2 mm
11.23 mm

eFig. 18.7  Anatomical Relationship Between the Coronary Sinus (CS) and Mitral Annulus. The distances
between the CS and mitral annulus (MA) in the right anterior oblique projection (A) are 12.57 and 5.63 mm
during systole at the proximal and distal CS, respectively. The distances between the CS and MA in the left
anterior oblique projection (B) are 11.23 and 7.07 mm during systole at the proximal, middle, and distal CS,
respectively. (From Kim J, Hwang G, Seo K, et al. Anatomical discrepancy between the coronary sinus and
the mitral annulus by fluoroscopy. Int J Arrhythm. 2016;17:14–19.)
666 CHAPTER 18  Typical Atrioventricular Bypass Tracts

that this is the case include: (1) no change in the SVT CL (if ablation grade BT conduction in up to 10% of patients—the incidence is highest
has been attempted in SVT; (2) no change in the ablation electrogram (18.6%) with right free-wall BTs. The explanation for this phenomenon
(because the BT has not been ablated); and (3) the earliest atrial activa- is not clear but probably relates to the complexity of fiber orientation,
tion was at the distal CS recordings, where ablation was attempted possibly branching over 1 to 2 cm along the annulus. This factor empha-
(eFig. 18.8). This can be prevented by mapping more distally than the sizes the importance of identifying and targeting both the atrial and
site of earliest activation in CS recordings, and making certain the the ventricular BT insertion sites.
“earliest” site is surrounded by later ones. Right-sided AV BTs are associated with higher incidences of anatomic
variations and congenital abnormalities along the tricuspid annulus.
Ablation of Right Free-Wall Bypass Tracts Ebstein anomaly is an abnormality of the tricuspid valve in which the
Anatomical Considerations septal and often the posterior leaflets are displaced a variable distance
Unique features of the tricuspid annulus and important anatomic dif- into the RV and the anterior leaflet is usually malformed, excessively
ferences as compared with the mitral annulus have often rendered abla- large, and abnormally attached or adherent to the RV free wall. The true
tion of right-sided BTs more challenging than that of left free-wall BTs. tricuspid annulus, on the other hand, is not anatomically displaced, but
In addition, transient interruption of BT conduction during RF delivery, can be poorly developed, with extensive discontinuities of the fibrous
with subsequent resumption of conduction within seconds or minutes, architecture. Thus a portion of the RV is “atrialized” in that it is located
and recurrence rates over the first few weeks after initially successful on the atrial side of the tricuspid valve, and the remaining functional
BT ablation, are more common with right-sided BTs compared with RV is small. The atrialized portion of the RV is morphologically and
left-sided BTs. electrically ventricular but functionally atrial. Ebstein anomaly can be
A significantly larger endocardial area is present along the tricuspid associated with other cardiac anomalies, including a patent foramen ovale,
ring because of the larger circumference compared with the mitral atrial and ventricular septal defects, and RV outflow tract obstruction.
ring (approximately 12 vs. 10 cm). In addition, BTs can exist anywhere Right-sided BTs have been reported in 10% to 30% of patients with
around the tricuspid annulus, whereas the mitral ring has an area of Ebstein anomaly, and they are multiple in up to 50% of patients. The
fibrous continuity with the noncoronary and left coronary aortic cusps BTs bridge the true anatomical tricuspid annulus, regardless of where
(the aortomitral continuity) where BTs are rarely found. Despite these the valve is located. Ablation of these BTs can be challenging because
facts, right-sided BTs are much less common than left-sided BTs (12% the electrical signals recorded from the atrialized portion of the RV
vs. 59%). can be complex and fractionated. Furthermore, identification of the
In contrast to the mitral annulus, the tricuspid valve annulus is less true AV groove, along which BTs are targeted, can be difficult. Coronary
well developed and frequently discontinuous. The tricuspid fibrous angiography or insertion of a thin multielectrode catheter in the right
ring is often incomplete and has several gaps at which atrial and ven- coronary artery can be necessary to help identify the true AV groove
tricular muscle fibers nearly abut. Right free-wall BTs can consist of and guide ablation catheter positioning. In addition, electroanatomic
thin strands crossing the epicardial aspect of the annulus (similar to activation mapping during NSR can help define the electrical AV junc-
left free-wall BTs) or pass subendocardially as relatively broad bands tion (true tricuspid annulus), where annular atrial and ventricular
of tissue through the fibrous discontinuities. Furthermore, right free- electrograms are recorded. Ablation is usually accomplished at the true
wall BTs can insert into the myocardium (typically on the atrial side) tricuspid annulus, above the displaced valve leaflet, although some
several millimeters away from the fibrous annulus and have been associ- patients may undergo successful ablation from the ventricular side of
ated with a higher prevalence of branching pathways.62 the tricuspid annulus (but still above the valve leaflet).
Unlike the mitral valve, which attaches to its fibrous annulus at a
right angle, the tricuspid valve attaches to its annulus at an acute angle Technical Considerations
oriented toward the RV, making it more difficult to wedge an ablation Characteristically, successful ablation sites for right-sided BTs display
catheter underneath the tricuspid valve. In addition, unlike left free-wall local AV intervals that are shorter than those for BTs elsewhere, local
AV BTs, which tend to pass close to the hinge line of the mitral valve, ventricular electrograms preceding the onset of the delta wave by an
the AV groove between the RA and RV is much deeper than on the left interval longer than that for BTs elsewhere (18 ± 10 milliseconds for
side. The deep groove can allow the RA wall to fold over onto the RV right-sided BTs versus 0 ± 5 milliseconds for left-sided BTs), and the
wall, and the BT muscle bundles can cross at any depth. Hence, the unipolar recording showing more pronounced (rapid and deeper) QS
right-sided BTs can be somewhat removed from the tricuspid annulus. configurations (Fig. 18.57).
In fact, atrial insertion of the BT can be as far as 1 cm away from the Most commonly, ablation of right-sided BTs is approached from
annulus in the folded-over atrial sac. The folded-over atrium and the the atrial aspect. The optimal site of ablation is the earliest atrial activa-
bizarre angle required for mapping of the inferior and posterolateral tion site during retrograde BT conduction (during orthodromic AVRT
aspect of the RA by a catheter passed through the RA from the inferior or ventricular pacing), preferably with a BT potential present. The earliest
vena cava (IVC) can make it difficult to achieve a stable catheter posi- site of atrial activation is identified using a roving catheter or a multi-
tion at the tricuspid annulus because of a tendency of the catheter to polar (Halo) catheter along the tricuspid annulus. If mapping is per-
fall into the folded-over sac. Thus sometimes the superior vena cava formed during ventricular pacing, conduction over both the BT and
(SVC) approach is required to allow full exploration of the folded-over AVN can occur, resulting in atrial fusion, which can interfere with
atrial sac and the inferior-inferolateral positions around the tricuspid localization of the BT. Ventricular pacing performed close to the BT
annulus. The standard IVC approach, however, is usually adequate to ventricular insertion site can accentuate atrial activation over the BT.
map the superior aspects of the tricuspid annulus. If the IVC approach Occasionally, the BT can be better approached from the ventricular
is used, a guiding sheath can be especially helpful for better catheter side. Ventricular activation mapping is performed during preexcited
stability and tissue contact. The use of a multipolar (Halo) catheter NSR, atrial pacing, preexcited SVT, or antidromic AVRT. The site of
positioned around the tricuspid annulus can provide good regional the earliest ventricular activation during preexcitation, preferably with
localization to guide the ablation catheter.63 a BT potential present, would be the optimal site. The earliest onset of
Furthermore, closely adjacent but anatomically discrete sites of ventricular activation recorded on the ablation catheter (using unipolar
catheter ablation can be necessary to eliminate anterograde and retro- or bipolar electrograms) should precede the onset of the delta wave by
CHAPTER 18  Typical Atrioventricular Bypass Tracts 666.e1



l–– 200 msec––l

eFig. 18.8  Apparent Shift of Atrial Activation During Ablation for Orthodromic Atrioventricular Reentrant
Tachycardia (AVRT) Using a Left Lateral Bypass Tract (BT). On the first three cycles, the atrial activation
sequence is distal-to-proximal in the coronary sinus (CS). In the middle, atrial activation sequence suddenly
shifts to proximal-to-distal in the CS due to ablation near the distal CS recording, but proximal to the actual
BT insertion site. Left atrial/CS conduction is interrupted along the CS. AVRT does not terminate and is in
fact the same arrhythmia (tachycardia cycle length remains unchanged, and the interval from QRS onset
[dashed line] to ablation recording [arrow] also remains unchanged). CS propagation continues distally from
the ablation site to the septum (not illustrated), activating the CS between the ostium and BT location in the
proximal-distal direction. Abldist, Ablation distal bipolar electrodes; CSdist, distal coronary sinus; CSmid, middle
coronary sinus; CSprox, proximal coronary sinus; Hisdist, distal His bundle; Hismid, middle His bundle; Hisprox,
proximal His bundle; HRA, high right atrium; RVA, right ventricular apex.
CHAPTER 18  Typical Atrioventricular Bypass Tracts 667

Right lateral pathway Left lateral pathway not always in the same plane, the CS catheter is only a rough guide to
the location of the tricuspid annulus in the RAO view. Attempts at
I I providing an endocardial reference catheter along the tricuspid annulus
II II have been made using a 20-pole Halo catheter. This approach has had
III III limited success because the catheter often does not position directly on
V1 V1
the AV groove. Introducing the Halo catheter through a preformed
V6 V6 sheath can provide better catheter stability along the tricuspid annulus.
HRAp HRAp Occasionally, a fine angioplasty wire can be passed into the right coro-
nary artery to delineate the location of the tricuspid annulus. The latter
HIS M HIS M approach, however, has not been widely adopted, possibly in part because
HIS D HIS D of concerns of prolonged instrumentation of the right coronary artery
CS 9-10 CS 9-10
CS 8-9 CS 8-9
during the procedure. Another approach is to create a three-dimensional
CS 7-8 CS 7-8 electroanatomic map (EnSite-NavX; St. Jude Medical, St. Paul, MN,
CS 6-7 CS 6-7 United States) of the right coronary artery. After right coronary artery
CS 5-6 CS 5-6 angiography, a 2.3-Fr octapolar microcatheter (Cardima Inc., Fresno,
CS 4-5 CS 4-5
CS 3-4 CS 3-4 CA, United States) is inserted in the right coronary artery. Mapping
CS 2-3 CS 2-3 and acquisition of the bipolar electrograms recorded by the microcath-
CS 1-2 CS 1-2 eter are performed during anterograde or retrograde BT conduction.
A A This map allows for early removal of the catheter from the coronary
Abl D Abl D
V artery while continuously displaying electroanatomic information to
Abl uni-d Abl uni-d V assist with mapping of the BT.64
Abl P Abl P To target the ventricular aspect of the tricuspid annulus, the catheter
Abl uni-p Abl uni-p is introduced across the tricuspid valve and looped back on itself in
l–200 msec–l the RV underneath the valve until a small atrial electrogram and a
larger ventricular electrogram are recorded, confirming adequate prox-
Fig. 18.57  Differences in Mapping Site Electrogram Characteristics imity to the tricuspid annulus. A long sheath may be used to stabilize
With Right Versus Left Lateral Anterogradely Conducting Bypass the body of the catheter and direct the catheter to several different
Tracts (BTs). Dotted lines denote delta wave onset in each panel; A locations along the tricuspid annulus.
and V are atrial and ventricular components of the ablation recording. Three-dimensional electroanatomic mapping can help ablation of
At left is a right lateral BT; note the ventricular electrogram precedes
right-sided BTs, and is especially useful in the presence of multiple BTs
the delta wave onset and the unipolar recording has a deep negative
or complicated anatomy. An electroanatomic color-coded activation
deflection, also before the delta wave. In contrast, with a left lateral BT
(right panel), the ventricular recording in the distal bipole begins coinci- map along the tricuspid annulus can be constructed, either along the
dent with the delta wave onset and the unipolar recording is not as atrial side, during orthodromic AVRT or ventricular pacing, or along
sharp and occurs after the delta wave onset. Abl D, Ablation distal the ventricular side, during anterograde preexcitation. Sites of interest
bipolar electrodes; Abl P, ablation proximal bipolar electrodes; Abl uni-d, can be tagged for further reference, so that the ablation catheter can
ablation distal unipolar electrode; Abl uni-p, ablation proximal unipolar be returned to any of them with precision. Information with regard to
electrode; CS, coronary sinus; His D, distal His bundle; His M, middle catheter stability and movement can also be provided.62
His bundle; His P, proximal His bundle; HRA, high right atrium; RVA,
right ventricular apex. Ablation of Anteroseptal (Superoparaseptal) and
Midseptal Bypass Tracts
Anatomical Considerations
at least 10 to 25 milliseconds. For concealed BTs, the ventricular inser- The midseptum is the only true muscular septal area between the offset
tion site cannot be determined by ventricular activation mapping because attachments of the mitral and tricuspid valves, and it corresponds roughly
of the lack of preexcitation. In this setting, recording of a BT potential to the location of the triangle of Koch. The triangle of Koch constitutes
can be especially useful in guiding ablation. the endocardial surface of the region of the lower RA septum. It is
The tricuspid annulus is usually mapped in the LAO fluoroscopy bordered anteriorly by the insertion of the septal leaflet of the tricuspid
view. The right posterior, posterolateral, and lateral regions are usually valve and posteriorly by the fibrous tendon of Todaro. The apex of the
best mapped from the IVC approach. The right anterior and anterolateral triangle is formed by the junction of these two boundaries. The base
regions can also often be ablated using the IVC approach, but the SVC of the triangle is formed by the anteromedial edge of the CS os and is
approach can offer more stable and better catheter-tissue contact in continuous with the sub-eustachian pouch (see Figs. 17.1 and 9.2).65,66
these areas. The catheter can be prolapsed across the tricuspid valve to Of note, the interatrial sulcus is displaced to the far left of the inter-
help stabilize the tip on the tricuspid annulus. In the LAO view, the ventricular sulcus, and because the AV valves are not isoplanar (the
HB is located at about 1 o’clock and the CS at 5 o’clock; right free-wall attachment of the septal leaflet of the tricuspid valve into the most
BTs span from approximately 6 to 12 o’clock. Right anterior BTs are at anterior part of the central fibrous body is displaced a few millimeters
the most superior aspect of the tricuspid annulus, right superoparaseptal apically relative to the attachment of the septal leaflet of the mitral
BTs are located near the HB catheter, and right posterior free-wall BTs valve), the true septal part of the AV junction (the RA-LV sulcus) actu-
are located at the most posterior aspect of the tricuspid annulus, whereas ally separates the inferomedial RA from the posterior superior process
right posteroseptal BTs are located near the CS. of the LV (the right side above the tricuspid valve while the left side is
Although the location of the mitral annulus is reasonably indicated below the mitral valve). Hence, the triangle of Koch can be considered
by the CS catheter, the location of the tricuspid annulus is not as easily the RA side of the AV muscular septum.
discerned because there is no analogous venous structure to mark with The compact AVN is located beneath the RA endocardium at the
a catheter. Furthermore, because the mitral and tricuspid annuli are apex of the triangle of Koch, anterior to the CS os and directly above
668 CHAPTER 18  Typical Atrioventricular Bypass Tracts

the insertion of the septal leaflet of the tricuspid valve, where the tendon with concomitant loss of the His potential. On the other hand, atrial
of Todaro merges with the central fibrous body. Slightly more anteriorly impulses that block in the BT result in loss of preexcitation and BT
and superiorly is where the HB penetrates the AV junction through the potential recording but preserve His potential recording.
central fibrous body and the posterior aspect of the membranous AV The precise location of the BT is verified by mapping this space in
septum.65,66 a 30-degree LAO fluoroscopy view using the ablation catheter advanced
BTs with an atrial insertion in the floor of the triangle of Koch, via the IVC. The use of a long vascular sheath can help stabilize the
posteroinferior to the compact AVN and HB and above the anterior catheter tip during mapping and ablation in the superoparaseptal region.
portion of the CS os, have been labeled as midseptal; these BTs are the Also, mapping via the SVC approach is sometimes necessary to optimize
only truly septal BTs; hence, they can be referred to simply as septal BTs. catheter position and contact. Not infrequently, catheter-induced
The previously named anteroseptal and posteroseptal areas are not mechanical trauma can cause conduction block in the BT, which can
truly “septal” but are parts of the parietal AV junction that are anterior hinder BT mapping and ablation. Therefore careful catheter manipula-
and posterior to the true septum, respectively. Anterosuperior to the tion is warranted during mapping in the region of the BT.
AV septum and compact AVN and HB, the tricuspid annulus diverges The optimal site of ablation is one from which the atrial and ven-
laterally away from the membranous part of the septum to course along tricular electrograms are recorded in conjunction with a BT potential,
the supraventricular crest of the RV (crista supraventricularis). This but with no or only a tiny His potential (less than 0.1 mV). Preferably,
muscular structure interposes between the attachments of the leaflets the ventricular insertion site (with V/A electrogram amplitude ratio
of the tricuspid and pulmonic valves in the roof of the RV. BTs in this greater than 2) of the BT is targeted with ablation to minimize the risk
area (at the apex of the triangle of Koch) are labeled anteroseptal, but of damage to the AVN (the HB is more resistant to ablation on the
they must be considered “superoparaseptal” right free-wall BTs because ventricular aspect, generally within a fibrous sheath at that location).
anatomically they do not belong to the septum. There is no atrial septum Occasionally, ablation is required in the presence of a marked (greater
in the region anterior to the HB recording site; the aortic root separates than 0.1 mV) His potential recorded through the ablation catheter (i.e.,
the right and left atrial walls here. true “para-Hisian” BTs). Ablation of these BTs from the aortic root has
BTs are classified as “superoparaseptal” if the BT potential and His been described and can be an important option to consider in these
potential are simultaneously recorded from the mapping catheter placed challenging cases.68,69
at the HB region. A “para-Hisian” BT (which accounts for only 1% to For midseptal BTs, successful ablation is achieved in an area bounded
2% of all BTs) is a superoparaseptal BT with intimate proximity to the superiorly by the electrode recording the His potential, and posteroin-
HB and is defined when the location of its successful catheter ablation feriorly by the CS os, as marked by the apex of curvature in the CS
coincided with either the largest recordable His potential or a His poten- catheter. The optimal site of ablation for a right midseptal BT is one
tial greater than 0.1 mV.67 from which atrial and ventricular electrograms are recorded simultane-
ously with a BT potential in between. Ablation is first attempted from
Electrocardiographic Considerations the right side. If it is ineffective or early recurrence occurs after termi-
The surface ECG can be valuable in anticipating septal or paraseptal nation of RF application, then the left-sided approach is attempted.
locations of the BT and planning the catheter ablation procedure. Right For manifest BTs, RF application is performed during NSR or atrial
superoparaseptal (anteroseptal) and midseptal BTs typically exhibit pacing, which helps monitor both BT and AVN-HB conduction during
positive delta waves in leads I, aVL, and V3 through V6. Delta wave RF energy delivery. In the setting of concealed para-Hisian BTs, it is
polarity in leads V1 and V2 can vary. Because of their superior location, challenging to assess the success of RF application and monitor AV
right superoparaseptal BTs are associated with positive delta waves in conduction simultaneously. When RF delivery is performed during
all inferior leads (II, III, and aVF). In contrast, the delta wave in mid- ventricular pacing, monitoring the success of RF application is not
septal BTs is positive in lead II, predominantly negative in lead III, and possible because the retrograde atrial activation sequence during ven-
negative or isoelectric in lead aVF. The combination of a negative delta tricular pacing can be similar with either BT or AVN conduction. Atrial
wave in lead V1 and R/S transition in leads V3 to V4 suggests right- pacing during RF delivery is preferable because it helps monitor AV
sided midseptal BT, whereas a biphasic delta wave in lead V1 and earlier conduction and override junctional rhythms that may occur during
QRS transition (in leads V1 to V2) suggest a left-sided location of the RF delivery; however, it is not helpful for assessing the efficacy of RF
midseptal BT. application because the BT conducts retrogradely only. RF delivery
The surface ECG can also help distinguish para-Hisian locations of during orthodromic AVRT is another option; however, this will certainly
the BT (which is associated with the highest risk of AV block during have the potential for catheter dislodgment on SVT termination, and
ablation) from other superoparaseptal or septal locations. The presence such dislodgment can endanger the AVN-HB. Moreover, application
of a negative delta wave in leads V1 and V2 was found to carry high of RF energy during orthodromic AVRT will not allow monitoring of
specificity (92%) but poor sensitivity (25%) to detect the ventricular AV conduction. In this setting, monitoring of the mode of termination
insertion of BTs with a strict invasive definition of para-Hisian loca- of orthodromic AVRT during RF delivery is essential. Termination of
tion. In addition, the sum of initial r-wave amplitudes in those pre- orthodromic AVRT with an atrial electrogram signifies potential damage
cordial ECG leads of less than 0.5 mV could be a useful, adjunctive to the anterograde limb of the SVT circuit (i.e., the AVN), and therefore
marker in the noninvasive identification of these BTs (sensitivity 85%; RF delivery should be immediately stopped. On the other hand, ter-
specificity 75.5%).67 mination of orthodromic AVRT with a ventricular electrogram suggests
successful block in the retrograde limb of the SVT circuit (i.e., the BT),
Technical Considerations and therefore RF delivery should be continued, with careful monitoring
A superoparaseptal location of the BT is initially suggested when the of AV conduction during NSR following termination of the SVT. Another
BT potential and His potential are simultaneously recorded from the valuable option is RF delivery during atrial-entrained orthodromic
diagnostic EP catheter placed at the HB region.67 AES or short bursts AVRT with manifest atrial fusion. This technique enables continuous
of atrial pacing can help distinguish BT potential from the His potential. monitoring of effects of RF application on BT function and also obvi-
Atrial impulses that block in the AVN but conduct over the BT results ates a sudden change in ventricular rate on termination of the SVT. In
in fully preexcited QRS morphology preceded by the BT potential but addition, this technique allows monitoring of AV conduction during
CHAPTER 18  Typical Atrioventricular Bypass Tracts 669

RF application once the orthodromic AVRT is terminated, and therefore transaortic approaches have failed. The experience with cryoablation
reduces the risk of damage to the AVN-HB. During successful RF appli- in unselected BTs, however, is more limited and less satisfactory; this
cation, termination of orthodromic AVRT will be indicated by trans- is likely related to multiple factors, including the learning curve and
formation from the tachycardia P wave morphology and atrial activation the smaller size of the lesion produced by cryoablation. In addition,
sequence into a fully paced atrial activation sequence at the same rate. many of the features of cryothermal energy that distinguish it from RF
Ablation in the region of the triangle of Koch is associated with 2% energy, and which are optimal for septal ablation, are less important
to 10% incidence of AV block and, to reduce this risk, such BTs should or even useless for ablation of BTs located elsewhere.70
be ablated with the catheter placed on the tricuspid annulus or on the A 6-mm-tip or 8-mm-tip cryocatheter is usually used. Not infre-
ventricular side of the tricuspid annulus, preferably with the use of lower quently, because of the limited maneuverability and the wide distal
RF power. Titrated RF energy output can be used for true para-Hisian electrode spacing of the cryocatheter (which can displace the geometric
BTs, starting with 5 W, and increasing by 5 W every 10 seconds of energy center point of the measuring bipole and greatly decreases precision),
application, up to a maximum of 40 W. For other superoparaseptal BTs, mapping of the target BT ablation site may need to be performed using
ablation can be started at 30 W, targeting a temperature of 50°C to 60°C. a steerable quadripolar EP catheter with 2–5–2-mm distal electrode
During RF ablation within the triangle of Koch, the occurrence of spacing prior to cryoablation.71
junctional tachycardia is not uncommon and is associated with loss Cryomapping.  Cryomapping, or ice mapping, is designed to verify
of preexcitation; this should not be misinterpreted as successful abla- that ablation at the chosen site will have the desired effect (i.e., block
tion leading to continuing RF energy delivery. Instead, overdrive atrial in the BT) and to ensure the absence of complications (i.e., AV block).
pacing should be performed to monitor AV conduction or RF applica- Cryomapping is performed at −30°C in the selected site. At this tem-
tion should be stopped and other sites sought (Fig. 18.58). RF applica- perature, the lesion is reversible (for up to 60 seconds) and the catheter
tion should be stopped after 10 to 15 seconds if no block in the BT is is “stuck” to the endocardium in an ice ball that includes the tip of the
achieved to minimize potential damage to the AVN-HB. catheter (cryoadherence). This permits programmed electrical stimula-
To reduce the risk of AV block, RF delivery should be immediately tion to test the disappearance of BT conduction during ongoing ablation
discontinued when the following occur: (1) the impedance rises sud- and also allows ablation to be performed during AVRT without the
denly (greater than 10 Ω); (2) the PR interval (during NSR or atrial risk of catheter dislodgment on tachycardia termination. In the cry-
pacing) prolongs; (3) AV block develops; (4) retrograde conduction omapping mode, the temperature is not allowed to drop below −30°C,
block is observed during junctional ectopy; or (5) fast junctional tachy- and the time of application is limited to 60 seconds. Formation of an
cardia (TCL less than 350 milliseconds) occurs, which may herald ice ball at the catheter tip and adherence to the underlying myocardium
imminent heart block. are signaled by the appearance of electrical noise recorded from the
ablation catheter’s distal bipole.
Cryoablation of Superoparaseptal and In patients with manifest preexcitation, cryomapping may be per-
Midseptal Bypass Tracts formed during NSR or atrial pacing (to monitor for loss of delta waves),
Cryothermal ablation of BTs in the superoparaseptal and midseptal during ventricular pacing (to monitor retrograde BT block), or during
areas, both at high risk of permanent AV block with RF ablation, is AVRT (to monitor tachycardia termination). For concealed BTs, cry-
successful and extremely safe. Cryoablation may also be used to ablate omapping is preferably performed either during orthodromic AVRT
selected cases of epicardial left-sided BTs within the CS, well beyond or during ventricular pacing. Once an ice ball is formed, programmed
the middle cardiac vein, once attempts using the transseptal and electrical stimulation is repeated to verify that the BT has been blocked.






600 msec

Start RF application Junctional tachycardia Stop RF application

Fig. 18.58  Junctional Tachycardia During Radiofrequency (RF) Ablation of a Superoparaseptal Bypass
Tract. The first few complexes demonstrate normal sinus rhythm with preexcitation. A few seconds after
starting RF energy delivery, junctional tachycardia develops, with loss of preexcitation. This prompted
immediate termination of RF application, after which preexcitation resumed. ABLdist, Ablation distal bipolar
electrodes; CSdist, distal coronary sinus; CSprox, proximal coronary sinus; HRA, high right atrium; RVA, right
ventricular apex.
670 CHAPTER 18  Typical Atrioventricular Bypass Tracts

If cryomapping does not produce BT conduction block after 10 to 30 Although transient modifications of the normal AV conduction can be
seconds of freezing or results in detrimental effects on AV conduction, observed during cooling, no permanent modifications have been
cryomapping is interrupted and, after a few seconds, allowing the cath- observed. RBBB has occurred on occasion, but inadvertent permanent
eter to thaw and become dislodged from the tissue, the catheter can be AV block has yet to be reported. In fact, immediate discontinuation of
moved to a different site and cryomapping repeated. Alternatively, if cryothermal energy application at any temperature on observation of
the test application is unsuccessful but mapping findings are very favor- modification of AVN conduction results in return to baseline conditions
able, after rewarming, further 30-second applications are tested, decreas- shortly afterward.71–73
ing the temperature by 10°C for every step of the application, up to
the last application at −70°C. This is because the amount of cryothermal Ablation of Posteroseptal (Inferoparaseptal)
energy required for permanent ablation is individualized, ranging from Bypass Tracts
an application of −40°C for 40 seconds to one of −75°C for 480 seconds; Anatomical Considerations
limiting test applications to only −30°C can limit the applicability of The posteroseptal region corresponds to a complex anatomic region
cryoablation for these patients. In addition, the use of cryothermal where the four cardiac chambers reach their maximal proximity pos-
energy at temperatures lower than −30°C should be considered safer teriorly (i.e., the crux), and incorporates the converging segments of
than RF energy at these critical sites. the AV rings as well as the CS with its proximal branches. The postero-
Cryoablation.  When sites of successful cryomapping are identified septal region spans the area between the central fibrous body (superiorly),
by demonstrating BT conduction block with no modification of the the interventricular septum (anteriorly), the right posterior paraseptal
normal AVN-HB conduction, the cryoablation mode is activated, in region (right lateral border), and the left posterior paraseptal region
which a target temperature below about −75°C is sought (a temperature (left lateral border). Posteroseptal BTs can be located in a relatively
of −75°C to −80°C is generally achieved). The application is then con- wide area either at an epicardial site around the proximal CS or the
tinued for up to 480 seconds, creating an irreversible lesion. If the middle cardiac vein or at an endocardial site along the tricuspid annulus
catheter tip is in close contact with the endocardium, a prompt drop in the immediate vicinity of the CS os, or along the posteromedial
in catheter tip temperature should be seen as soon as the cryoablation ventricular aspect of the mitral annulus. Because the posteroseptal region
mode is activated. A slow decline in temperature or very high flow rates is actually posterior to the septum and not a septal structure, postero-
of refrigerant during ablation suggests poor catheter tip–tissue contact septal BTs are more appropriately referred to as right- or left-sided
and, in such a case, cryoablation is interrupted and the catheter is “inferoparaseptal” or “posterior paraseptal” BTs.
repositioned. Additional cryoablation “bonus” applications (usually two Because the interatrial sulcus is displaced to the far left of the inter-
to three freeze–thaw–freeze cycles) may be applied to consolidate the ventricular sulcus, and because the AV valves are not isoplanar (the
lesion formation and improve long-term success rates. tricuspid annulus is displaced apically 5 to 10 mm in relation to the
Advantages of cryoablation.  Cryoablation has several distinct mitral annulus), the true septal part of the AV junction (the RA to LV
advantages. First, “cryomapping” allows creation of “test lesions,” in sulcus) actually separates the inferomedial RA from the posterior supe-
which ablation target sites are cooled to a temperature that reversibly rior process of the LV. The undersurface of the CS is about 1 cm above
and temporarily halts local electrical activity. This enables valuation of the mitral annulus. The CS os abuts the superior margin of the RA-to-
the success and safety of the cryotherapy, and untoward effects caused LV sulcus and the paraseptal mitral annulus in the pyramidal space,
by cryotherapy can be detected and reversed by interruption of cryo- providing an access for BT ablation. The right margin of the posteroseptal
therapy before inducing permanent tissue damage. This is of particular space includes the area surrounding the CS os and the inferior portion
value when ablation is performed in the close vicinity of the compact of the triangle of Koch. The left margin (the junction of the posterior
AVN or HB. Second, cryoadherence enhances catheter stability during septum and left free wall) lies as far as 2 to 3 cm from the CS os. The
ablation. This facilitates creating small, discrete cryolesions, which helps epicardial dimension of the posteroseptal space at the level of the valve
avoid damage to adjacent structures. Also, cryoablation may be per- annuli extends a mean of 3.4 ± 0.5 cm. BTs can be located anywhere
formed during SVT without the concern of catheter dislodgement upon within this relatively large space or in the adjacent right or left free
tachycardia termination. walls. BTs located close to the edges of the septum can be ablated from
On the other hand, the cryocatheter is not yet as steerable as the the adjacent atrial or ventricular cavity, but BTs located deep within
conventional RF catheter. Catheter stiffness and limited maneuverability the posteroseptal space or near the epicardial aspect require ablation
can limit proper positioning of the catheter tip and potentially result from within the CS or cardiac veins. BTs located in the proximal 1.5 cm
in tissue trauma and transient mechanical AV or BT block. Furthermore, of the CS are almost always in the posterior septal region. Those located
the large electrode spacing decreases the specificity of mapping of the between 1.5 and 3 cm from the CS os can be in the left free-wall or
BT. These limitations can potentially be overcome by the use of an posterior septal region, and those located more than 3 cm from the CS
electroanatomic mapping system and a conventional EP catheter with os are almost invariably in the left free wall.
2-mm spacing for mapping of the precise BT location before targeting Most posteroseptal BTs are believed to be RA-to-LV BTs, with the
that site with cryoablation.71 ventricular insertion attaching onto the posterior superior process of
Outcome of cryoablation.  In recent series, the acute success rate the LV, but some posteroseptal BTs are considered to be left paraseptal
of cryoablation of BTs in the superoparaseptal and midseptal regions (connecting the LA to the LV) or right paraseptal (connecting the RA
exceeded 90% (range, 60% to 100%). However, recurrence rates after to the RV). Up to 20% of posteroseptal BTs connect the myocardial
initially successful cryoablation remain high (occurring in up to 20% coat of the CS (which is connected anatomically and electrically to both
of patients), and overall success rates have been lower than those with the RA and LA) to the LV.74–76
RF ablation of BTs. Nevertheless, whereas RF ablation of some supero-
paraseptal and midseptal BTs may otherwise be abandoned (in up to Electrocardiographic Considerations
17% of patients) because of a prohibitive risk of AV block, cryoablation Prediction of the site of successful ablation of posteroseptal BTs into
is a viable, and often successful, option to eliminate those BTs. Many either the right or the left heart has been attempted by analysis of the
patients often prefer a strategy to minimize the risk of procedural AV preexcitation pattern on the surface ECG. In addition to the obvious
block even when associated with a lower rate of procedural success. limitation of the surface ECG in the case of concealed BTs (47.5% in
CHAPTER 18  Typical Atrioventricular Bypass Tracts 671

a recent report), reports on the accuracy of surface ECG features to requiring ablation on the mitral annulus can potentially have great
differentiate BTs associated with the three compartments of the inferior impact on procedure outcome and safety by reducing procedural and
paraseptal space have been conflicting. Furthermore, although ECG fluoroscopy times, reducing the number of unsuccessful RF applications,
characteristics of ventricular preexcitation can potentially predict the and avoiding unnecessary LA access and its potential complications.74,75
ventricular insertion site of the BT, the ability to predict the successful In addition to the ECG criteria discussed above, invasive EP findings
approach to BT ablation remains limited. have been used to predict the successful ablation site of manifest or
Previous reports found that, in patients with preexcitation, a nega- concealed posteroseptal BTs (Table 18.2; Fig. 18.59). The response of
tive delta wave polarity in lead V1 and positive polarity in lead V2 the VA interval during orthodromic AVRT to the development of BBB
favors right-sided localization of a posteroseptal BT, whereas left pos- has been suggested to help distinguish between right and left postero-
teroseptal BTs were associated with biphasic or positive delta wave septal BTs. Prolongation of the surface VA interval in response to BBB
polarity in leads V1 and V2. Recent reports, however, have questioned by 10 to 30 milliseconds compared to that with normal QRS predicts
the predictive value of such a criterion. The vast majority of postero- the ventricular insertion of the posteroseptal BT in the ventricle ipsi-
septal BTs can be successfully ablated at the tricuspid annulus or within lateral to the side of BBB. However, the utility of this observation in
the proximal CS, although the delta wave polarity on the ECG suggests predicting the successful approach to ablation is limited.74
a left ventricular origin. This phenomenon can be explained by the fact Measurement of the ΔVA interval during orthodromic AVRT (the
that many posteroseptal BTs are “RA-to-LV” fibers and an RA approach difference in VA intervals measured at the HB catheter and at the site
for ablation would suffice even though the delta wave polarity in lead of earliest atrial activation in the CS) was found to be useful for pre-
V1 is suggestive of left posteroseptal BTs.74–76 dicting the successful approach. A ΔVA interval of 25 milliseconds or
On the other hand, the R/S ratio in lead V1 was found to be an more suggests a left endocardial BT, whereas a ΔVA interval less than
accurate ECG parameter to predict the site of successful ablation of 25 milliseconds favors a right endocardial BT. This suggests that atrial
posteroseptal BTs. This finding might be related to the observation that activation is relatively early in the HB region during retrograde conduc-
the ventricular insertion of “RA-to-LV” posteroseptal BTs attaches onto tion through both right endocardial and CS-associated BTs, compared
the posterosuperior process of the LV, resulting in earlier activation with left endocardial BTs.74
of the posterobasal LV with positive delta wave and predominantly Furthermore, a previous report found that a VA interval less than
negative QRS morphology (R/S ratio less than 1) in lead V1. In contrast, 50 milliseconds recorded at the left posteroseptal region during RV
the ventricular insertion of “LA-to-LV” BTs attaches to the posteromedial pacing identified 71% of patients with left posteroseptal BTs, with 100%
aspect of the mitral annulus, resulting in a positive delta wave and a specificity. In patients with a VA interval greater than 50 milliseconds,
predominantly positive QRS morphology (R/S ratio greater than 1) in a difference in the VA intervals of less than 20 milliseconds recorded
lead V1.75 at the HB region and at the left posteroseptal region during RV pacing
Posteroseptal BTs typically display deeply negative delta waves in predicted right posteroseptal BT with a sensitivity of 97%, a specificity
lead III. Lead aVF is also negative in right posteroseptal BTs, but less of 85%, and a positive predictive value of 91%.
commonly negative in left posteroseptal BTs. A steeply negative delta PJRT is usually caused by a slowly conducting BT, commonly located
wave in lead II is a specific indicator for epicardial posteroseptal BTs in the posteroseptal region. Although the mere presence of a long-RP
(typically requiring ablation from within the coronary venous system). orthodromic AVRT has been suggested to favor a right endocardial BT,
in 50% of cases, such BTs can be located in the left posterior or free
Technical Considerations wall (greater than 4 cm inside the CS). In the remaining 50%, the BT
Ablation of posteroseptal BTs is usually more difficult than other BT is located between the base of the pyramidal space formed by the points
locations because of the complexity of the anatomical structures involved. of pericardial deflection that contact the posterior RA and LA. None
Mapping and ablation can be required at either the mitral or the tri- have been reported in the anteroseptal region.74
cuspid annulus, or inside the CS or its proximal branches. Therefore An earliest atrial activation during orthodromic AVRT in the middle
the ability to discriminate BTs amenable to ablation from the right side CS favors a left endocardial ablation site. However, recent studies found
(on the tricuspid ring or inside the coronary venous system) from those that a large proportion (more than one-third) of patients with an

TABLE 18.2  Electrocardiographic and Electrophysiological Criteria for Discrimination

Between Right and Left Posteroseptal Bypass Tracts
Favors Right Posteroseptal Favors Left Posteroseptal
Bypass Tract Bypass Tract
Electrocardiogram • Delta wave negative in lead V1 • Biphasic or positive delta wave
and positive in lead V2 polarity in leads V1 and V2
• R/S ratio in lead V1 <1 • R/S ratio in lead V1 >1
Response of orthodromic AVRT to left bundle branch block • Prolongation of VA interval • No change in VA interval
ΔVA interval during orthodromic AVRT (the difference in VA intervals measured • <25 ms • ≥25 ms
at the HB catheter and the site of earliest atrial activation in the CS)
ΔVA interval during RV pacing (the difference in VA intervals measured at the • VA >50 ms and ΔVA <20 ms • <50 ms
HB catheter and the left posteroseptal region)
Site of earliest retrograde atrial activation • CS ostium • Mid CS
CS electrogram characteristics at earliest retrograde site • Sharp/blunt CS atrial • Blunt/sharp CS atrial
electrogram sequence electrogram sequence

AVRT, Atrioventricular reentrant tachycardia; CS, coronary sinus; HB, His bundle; RV, right ventricular; VA, ventricular-to-atrial.
672 CHAPTER 18  Typical Atrioventricular Bypass Tracts

Concealed signal recorded by the electrodes inside the CS. Discrete connections
PS BT of the CS musculature with the LA will activate the LA myocardium,
producing a lower-amplitude, blunt, “far-field” signal on the CS elec-
trodes. Thus two-component “fragmented” or double potentials will
be recorded in the proximal CS, with the sharp component preceding
Earliest atrial
the blunt signal (sharp/blunt sequence). The same sequence (sharp/
activation at
blunt) of potentials is expected to happen when a retrogradely conduct-
middle electrode ing right-sided “endocardial” BT first activates RA myocardium and
when a BT inserts directly into the CS musculature (as is the case with
epicardial CS-associated BTs). In contrast, when pacing is performed
from the lateral LA, the sequence is the opposite (blunt/sharp), with
YES NO CS musculature activation following activation of LA myocardium.
This sequence should be produced if a BT connects to LA myocardium
(i.e., left-sided “endocardial” AV BTs), the first signal recorded in the
LPS CS being a “far-field” potential followed by later activation of the CS
Long RP' musculature resulting in a blunt/sharp sequence of potentials. Different
tachycardia conduction velocities of LA myocardium and CS musculature can cause
the sequence of potentials to change farther away from the insertion
site of the BT, explaining the importance of analyzing the electrograms
recorded at the earliest site. The recording of double potentials inside
YES NO the CS has been found to be especially common during retrograde
conduction through posteroseptal BTs.74
Generally, a right-sided endocardial approach is initially adopted
RPS for mapping and ablation of BTs in the posteroseptal region. The pos-
∆VA ≥ 25 msec teroseptal tricuspid annulus, including the CS os and its most proximal
part, and inferomedial RA are carefully mapped. If the ablation site
fails or no appropriate ablation site can be obtained, the left postero-
septal area is mapped (with a transaortic or transseptal approach, as
YES NO described for left-sided BTs). A primary left-sided approach may also
be considered if multiple ECG and EP features suggest a left-sided
location of the BT. If endocardial mapping fails, an epicardial approach
LPS RPS via the CS is then considered (see later discussion).
Fig. 18.59  Algorithm for Identifying the Need for Left Endocardial
Ablation of Concealed Posteroseptal (PS) Bypass Tracts (BTs). ΔVA, Ablation of Epicardial Bypass Tracts
difference in ventricular-to-atrial conduction time between the His bundle Anatomical Considerations
recording and the earliest site in the coronary sinus. LPS, Left postero- Epicardial BTs can be found at any location, but are most common in
septal; RPS, right posteroseptal; VA, ventriculoatrial. (From Chiang CE, the posteroseptal and left posterior regions. Epicardial BTs account for
Chen S, Tai C, et al. Prediction of successful ablation on concealed 4% of left-sided BT ablation cases and 10% of those in patients referred
posteroseptal accessory pathways by a novel algorithm using baseline
after a failed ablation attempt.77
electrophysiological parameters. Circulation. 1996;93:982–991.)
Embryologically, the CS develops from the sinus venosus, together
with the smooth part of the RA. As a remnant of sinus venosus mus-
culature, a cuff of striated muscle covers the proximal CS, continuous
earliest activation site at or distal to the mid-CS required ablation inside with RA myocardium at the CS os. The CS muscle coat extends for 25
the CS after a failed left endocardial approach, and 35% of all BTs to 51 mm from the CS os and may extend for several millimeters over
ablated from the right side produced such an eccentric retrograde atrial the necks of the middle cardiac vein and posterior coronary vein.
activation. Therefore the ability of the site of earliest atrial activation Although this muscle coat is usually separated from the LA by adipose
during AVRT to predict the successful ablation approach seems very tissue, broad and extensive muscular strands frequently bridge this
limited, mainly because CS-associated BTs can produce a very much separation, producing electrical continuity between the CS musculature
eccentric retrograde atrial activation sequence.74 and the LA. These myocardial sleeves or cords, however, do not usually
Careful analysis of CS electrograms recorded by a catheter placed extend into the ventricular myocardium. In variations, an AV BT (referred
inside the CS can help distinguish between left and right posteroseptal to as an “epicardial” BT) is formed by a connection between a sleeve-
BTs. “Atrial” electrograms recorded from inside the proximal CS originate like extension of the CS myocardial coat (along the middle cardiac vein,
not only from LA myocardium, but also from activation of the CS posterior cardiac vein, or another coronary vein) and the epicardial
myocardial coat. This results in “fragmented” or double potentials, with surface of the LV myocardium (CS-ventricular BT).78 In some cases,
a low-amplitude, blunt “far-field” LA component and a larger, sharp the muscle creating this connection is found in the neck of a CS diver-
“near-field” signal from the CS musculature. The sequence of LA and ticulum, usually arising within the proximal 1.5 cm of the CS and before
CS myocardial coat activation at the earliest “atrial” electrograms in the middle cardiac vein. The prevalence of CS-associated epicardial BTs
the CS recorded during retrograde BT conduction can guide mapping is approximately 22% to 36% among patients with posteroseptal or left
of these BTs into right- or left-sided compartments of the posteroseptal posterior BTs, and is up to 47% among patients with a previous failed
space. An activation wavefront traveling from the posteroseptal RA ablation attempt. This highlights the difficulty of localizing these BTs.74
toward the left (e.g., by pacing posterior to the CS os) will first activate Other types of unusual BTs that cannot be ablated with a standard
the muscle coat covering the proximal CS, producing a large, sharp endocardial approach at the annulus have been described. These include
CHAPTER 18  Typical Atrioventricular Bypass Tracts 673

BTs that connect an atrial appendage to its respective ventricle, which and enters the CS close to the RA orifice or, rarely, enters directly into
can be successfully ablated using a transcutaneous pericardial approach the RA. At its junction with the CS, the venous entrance is occasion-
or endocardial ablation over a large area; ablation at the valve annulus ally much dilated, forming a venous diverticulum. CS venography is
is uniformly unsuccessful in these cases. Another example is BTs closely typically required to help delineate its anatomy and guide ablation.77,78
associated with the ligament of Marshall, which can be ablated by tar- The ideal ablation site is located within the branch of the CS con-
geting this ligament.79 taining the CS myocardial extension (coronary vein or neck of a CS
diverticulum), at the site recording the largest, sharpest CS myocardial
Electrocardiographic Considerations extension potential (similar to a BT activation potential) on the unipolar
ECG predictors of epicardial posteroseptal BTs include the following: electrogram recorded from the ablation electrode. Typically, an irrigated-
(1) steep negative delta wave in lead II; (2) steep positive delta wave in tip ablation catheter is used to allow more consistent delivery of RF
lead aVR; and (3) deep S wave in lead V6. A negative delta wave in lead energy, with less heating at the electrode-tissue interface. Standard RF
II has the highest sensitivity and a positive delta in lead aVR has the energy delivery is often limited because of impedance or temperature
highest specificity for prediction of the presence of epicardial (i.e., rise (due to limited cooling from surrounding blood flow). Irrigated
requiring ablation within the CS and its branches) versus endocardial RF energy output of 10 to 20 W is initially delivered at sites within the
posteroseptal BTs.75 CS, with the ablation catheter tip directed toward the ventricle within
the CS (by maintaining a gentle counterclockwise torque on the abla-
Technical Considerations tion catheter).
An epicardial location of the BT is suggested when the earliest site of Importantly, in some patients, branches of the distal right coronary
endocardial ventricular activation does not precede the onset of the artery (posterolateral branch) or left circumflex artery (posterior descend-
delta wave, and when a very large BT potential can be easily recorded ing artery) course between the vein and the ventricle, just below the
on the CS electrodes. During anterograde conduction over a CS- CS, adjacent to the ideal ablation site. RF ablation in close proximity
ventricular BT, endocardial mapping of the RV and LV identifies far-field to a coronary artery is associated with a high risk of arterial injury and
activation (unipolar potential has a wide initial R wave), with the earliest should be avoided. Therefore once the ablation catheter is positioned
far-field ventricular potential recorded 1 to 3 cm apical to the tricuspid at the target site, and before RF energy delivery, coronary arteriography
and mitral annuli. At those sites, the local endocardial ventricular acti- is performed to outline the spatial relationship between the target vein
vation (as indicated by a rapid downstroke on the unfiltered unipolar and the adjacent coronary artery. Although the minimal safe distance
electrogram) is recorded late (greater than 15 milliseconds after the between ablation sites and coronary arteries is not clear, the risk is
onset of the far-field ventricular potential), reflecting ventricular activa- highest for distances less than 2 mm and is negligible for distances
tion from epicardium to endocardium. more than 5 mm. Coronary arteriography is also performed after abla-
On the other hand, mapping within the CS during anterograde tion to rule out damage to coronary arteries.80
conduction over a CS-ventricular BT reveals the earliest ventricular When close proximity of a coronary artery (within 2 to 4 mm)
activation, usually recorded from the branch of the CS containing the prohibits RF ablation, cryoablation offers a safe and reasonably effective
myocardial extension. At this location, the local ventricular activation alternative (albeit less effective than RF ablation).81 Freezing seems less
is preceded by a high-frequency potential (similar to an anterograde likely to damage adjacent coronary arteries. Cryoablation may also be
BT potential) generated by activation of the CS myocardium extending considered because it is not limited by high impedance and is likely
along the venous branch (CS myocardial extension potential). facilitated by low blood flow. However, the cryocatheter can be difficult
During retrograde conduction over a CS-ventricular BT, the CS to maneuver in the coronary venous system.80
muscular coat is activated prior to the LA myocardium, and the high- The coronary venous approach can also be useful for mapping and
frequency component generated by the CS myocardial extension (similar ablation of left-sided AV BTs around the mitral valve and those travers-
to a retrograde BT potential) precedes the low-frequency component gen- ing the inferior pyramidal space, the inferior BTs. Nevertheless, BTs
erated by activation of the LA. In contrast, with left-sided “endocardial” located very close to the hinge of the mitral valve can be difficult to
BTs, the impulse activates the LA before the CS and the low-frequency, ablate because the CS is some distance away. Rarely, a transcutaneous
far-field signal from the LA will precede the sharp CS component.74 pericardial approach is required to ablate epicardial BTs that are pos-
Elimination of CS-ventricular BT requires ablation within the coro- teroseptal or right-sided. The success of this approach, however, remains
nary venous system. Ablation of these BTs from the endocardial aspect limited, likely due to the anatomy of the AV groove, the thick epicardial
at the mitral annulus often fails because of the extensive connections fat layer covering the region where BTs are located, as well as the close
between the CS myocardial coat and the LA and the absence of a clear proximity to the epicardial coronary arteries.77,78
endocardial location for the ventricular insertion of the CS-ventricular
BT. Generally, ablation is ineffective when attempted endocardially Causes of Failed Bypass Tract Ablation
targeting the site of earliest anterograde ventricular activation or target- Technical difficulties are the most common cause of failed BT ablation.
ing the site of earliest retrograde atrial activation. Of note, endocardial These difficulties are typically related to catheter manipulation and
ablation at the site of earliest retrograde atrial activation often produces stability (eFig. 18.9) or inability to access the target site. Catheter insta-
only a shift in the site of earliest atrial activation (mimicking multiple bility can lead to poor tissue contact and insufficient tissue heating at
BTs) because ablation usually results in interruption of one of the mul- the optimal target site. These challenges are more common with right-
tiple connections of the CS myocardial coat to the atria.74 sided BTs because of the smooth atrial aspect of the tricuspid annulus.
The CS provides a useful route for mapping and ablation of epicardial Such difficulties can be overcome by using preformed guiding sheaths
BTs. CS-ventricular BTs are generally ablatable on the floor of the CS at to help stabilize the catheter, using different catheter curvatures and
the orifice of a venous branch or within a CS diverticulum. The middle shaft stiffness, changing the approach for ablation (e.g., from transseptal
(or “posterior interventricular”) cardiac vein is a well-established site for to transaortic, or from IVC to SVC), or changing the ablation modality.
posterior epicardial BTs, and is useful for approaching AV BTs located Also, cryoablation can help achieve better catheter stability and target
in the inferior pyramidal space. This vein courses with the posterior sites that might otherwise be avoided because of the risk of damage to
descending coronary artery in the posterior interventricular groove neighboring structures. Large (8-mm) ablation electrodes and cooled
CHAPTER 18  Typical Atrioventricular Bypass Tracts 673.e1



200 msec

eFig. 18.9  Poor Choice of Ablation Sites Because of Unstable Recordings. In the distal ablation bipolar
(Abldist) recording, the atrial and ventricular electrograms have constantly changing amplitudes, signifying
unstable electrode contact with tissue. Ablation should not be performed until the recordings are stable.
Ablprox, Ablation proximal bipolar electrodes; Abluni, ablation distal unipolar electrode; CSdist, distal coronary
sinus; CSprox, proximal coronary sinus; Hisdist, distal His bundle; Hismid, middle His bundle; Hisprox, proximal His
bundle; HRA, high right atrium; RVA, right ventricular apex.
674 CHAPTER 18  Typical Atrioventricular Bypass Tracts

RF ablation can also help generate large RF lesions; however, other

causes of ablation failure should be considered first before shifting to Outcome
those approaches, which are only rarely required for BT ablation because RF ablation is a highly effective and curative treatment for AVRT, with
the target tissue (BT) is generally a thin strand, ablation of which should acute success rates greater than 95%. Acutely successful RF ablation is
not require a large amount of tissue damage. usually persistent and late recurrence of BT conduction after ablation
Mapping errors are the second most common cause of ablation is rare (4%). Short runs of palpitations after ablation are frequent, are
failure. Mapping pitfalls are largely related to inaccurate localization usually caused by isolated or short runs of PACs or PVCs and not by
of a BT that has an oblique course. This is more likely to occur when recurrence of BT conduction, and can be easily managed with symp-
retrograde atrial activation mapping is performed with the ablation tomatic treatment. When BT-mediated tachycardia does recur, symptoms
catheter positioned at the ventricular side of the annulus; because of are usually observed during the first month after ablation; on the other
the oblique course of the BT, the site of earliest atrial activation recorded hand, later onset of symptoms (more than 3 months after the ablation)
from the ventricular aspect of the annulus does not correspond to the are highly suggestive of SVTs not related to the ablated BT and justify
ventricular insertion site. Similar situations can occur when the ablation a thorough evaluation (e.g., event monitoring, long-term ECG moni-
catheter is positioned on the atrial aspect of the annulus and RF appli- toring, new EP study).
cations are delivered where the earliest ventricular activation is recorded. In a survey of 6065 patients, the long-term success rate was 98%
In these situations, mapping for the earliest atrial activation site with and a repeat procedure was necessary in 2.2% of cases. Serious com-
the catheter on the atrial side of the annulus, or mapping for the earliest plications (e.g., cardiac tamponade, AV block, coronary artery injury,
ventricular activation site with the catheter on the ventricular side of retroperitoneal hemorrhage, stroke) occurred in 0.6% of patients,
the annulus, should be undertaken. with one fatality (0.02%). Thus the one-time risk of catheter abla-
Failure to recognize that a posteroseptal BT is left-sided rather than tion appears to be considerably lower than the cumulative annual risk
right-sided, and epicardial location of a left-sided or a posteroseptal associated with the WPW syndrome. Hence, catheter ablation remains
BT, are other potential causes of failed ablation of those BTs. Detailed the treatment of choice for patients with the WPW syndrome who
mapping in the CS should be considered in such situations. Furthermore, may be at risk for life-threatening arrhythmias. In addition, the highly
some BTs insert in the ventricle at a distance from the annulus, in which favorable risk-benefit ratio justifies the use of catheter ablation as first-
case a search for a presumed BT potential within the ventricle adjacent line therapy for any patient with BT-dependent tachycardia requiring
to the region of the earliest ventricular activation recorded at the annulus treatment.
can be helpful. Unusual BTs (e.g., atriofascicular BTs) and anatomical Success rates and risk of complications vary with different BT loca-
abnormality (e.g., congenital heart disease) also account for some failures tions. Acute and long-term success rates are highest for left free-wall
in BT ablation. BTs. The immediate success rate of transaortic ablation of left free-wall
Failure to recognize the existence of multiple pathways can result BTs is 86% to 100% (highest with anterograde BT activation), and the
in apparent failure of ablation of the target BT or recurrent tachycar- recurrence rate is 2% to 5%, less frequent than for BTs at other loca-
dia. Subtle changes in delta wave morphology during ablation of the tions. Complications of this approach include vascular complications
target BT can help recognize the presence of more than one manifest (50% of all complications: groin hematoma, aortic dissection, and
BT. Furthermore, the use of a multielectrode EP catheter around the thrombosis), cardiac tamponade, stroke, coronary dissection (from
mitral annulus (via the CS) or tricuspid annulus (Halo catheter) can direct catheter trauma), injury to the left circumflex coronary artery
help recognize changes in retrograde atrial activation sequence or local (from subannular RF application), valvular damage, and systemic embo-
VA timing during ablation of the target BT, which can be indicative lism (from aortic atherosclerosis, catheter tip coagulum, or ablation
of the presence of a second BT. In addition, concealed septal or para- site thrombosis). The transseptal approach, on the other hand, is associ-
septal BTs can be missed after ablation of a free-wall BT. Programmed ated with a success rate of 85% to 100%, a recurrence rate of 3% to
ventricular and HB stimulation is important to avoid tachycardia 6.6%, and a complication rate of 0% to 6%. Such complications include
recurrence. coronary spasm, cardiac tamponade, systemic embolization (0.08%),
Catheter-induced trauma to the BT also can lead to ablation failure and death (0.08%).
(eFig. 18.10). Mechanical injury to the BT often persists for some time, As compared with other BT locations, ablation of right free-wall
leading to discontinuation of the mapping and ablation procedure in BT is associated with the lowest acute success rate (88%), and highest
many cases, and the long-term risk for recovery of BT function is high. recurrence rate (21%), but a low complication rate. On the other hand,
Superoparaseptal and atriofascicular BTs exhibit the highest susceptibil- ablation of posteroseptal BTs is associated with higher success rates (up
ity to mechanical trauma, followed by left free-wall BTs. The outcome to 98%) and a recurrence rate of 12%. For superoparaseptal BT abla-
can still be improved in these situations by close observation of the tion, the reported success rate is up to 97%, with a risk of RBBB in 5%
ECG recordings to recognize catheter-induced trauma of a BT promptly to 10% of cases. Similarly, ablation of midseptal BTs is associated with
and, whenever conduction block in the BT does not resolve within 1 a success rate of 98%, with an incidence of first-degree AV block in 2%
minute, by immediate application of RF energy, provided that the cath- and second-degree AV block in 2%. Although with superoparaseptal
eter has not moved from the site of presumed trauma. The location of BT ablation RF energy is frequently applied at locations with visible
the catheter tip when mechanical trauma occurred can be logged on His potential, the risk of high-grade AV block is higher for ablation of
electroanatomic mapping systems; some of these allow the user to “play midseptal BTs because the compact AVN is located in the midseptum.
back” where the catheter was seconds before the trauma occurred (if In contrast to the well-insulated HB, the compact AVN is fragile and
there is a question as to whether it has moved from that location). In more vulnerable to damage during ablation.62,76
addition, adenosine (likely due to its hyperpolarizing effects on atrial The ablation of epicardial BTs (within the CS) is associated with a
and BT tissues) can potentially transiently revive conduction through success rate of 62% to 100% and a complication rate of 0% to 6%.
the injured BT secondary to mechanical trauma or partially successful Complications associated with this approach include CS spasm, cardiac
ablation. This can help facilitate intermittent mapping during the tran- tamponade, pericarditis, and right coronary artery spasm or occlusion.
sient adenosine effect.82 Finally, pace mapping the annulus to replicate The overall incidence of coronary artery injury is low (0.1%) and it
the delta wave morphology can help guide ablation. can present immediately or several weeks after ablation.83
CHAPTER 18  Typical Atrioventricular Bypass Tracts 674.e1

eFig. 18.10  Catheter Trauma Leading to Loss of Preexcitation. Red arrow shows sudden absence of
preexcitation with no change in cycle length or premature complexes. The black arrows in the distal ablation
(Abl D) bipolar recording point to a possible bypass tract potential, with conduction interrupted distal to the
bypass tract potential. CS, Coronary sinus; HRA, high right atrium; RVA, right ventricular apex
CHAPTER 18  Typical Atrioventricular Bypass Tracts 675

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