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Funciones psicológicas elementales y

Saltos cualitativos
Fuerzas de desarrollo
Making tools
for thinking
Daniel Dennett
Bases Socioculturales del Comportamiento.
Jesús Guevara.
Daniel Dennett

- Filósofo Estadounidense.
- Ampliamente influenciado por las
teorías evolucionistas. (Dawkins, el
"meme" y la evolución cultural)
- Las predisposiciones genéticas
como, al menos en primera
instancia, productoras de la
¿Qué es representar?
¿Qué es meta-representar?
¿Quiénes pueden meta-
representar? ¿Por qué?
Representación florida y representación pastel
"What makes it florid, one sees dimly, is that it is deliberate representing,
knowing representing, even self-conscious representing (...) what is pastel
representing? Is just seeing one's prey pastel representing? Is it representing at
all? One has a mental or perceptual state that is surely about the prey (qua
prey, one might add), and if that perceptual state plays an apposite role in
guiding one to the prey, this state should count as a representation in use, or a
representation that exists/or the predator in question.". (Dennett, 2000, pp. 18-
¿Qué nos lleva a esta capacidad de
pensar/representar floridamente?

“What strikes me as clear enough is that there is one pathway to such

florid thinking about thinking that moves from the outside in. It begins
with the overt, public use of symbols and tokens of one sort or
another (spoken words will do, perhaps, but only if they are used
self-consciously), and creates practices that later can be internalized
and rendered private (…) minds are composed of tools for thinking
that we not only obtain from the wider (social) world, but largely
leave in the world, instead of cluttering up our brains with them”.
(Dennett, 2000, pp.21)
Entonces, ¿es posible actuar
"inteligentemente" sin tener pensamiento?

“What they were attending to, manipulating and turning over

and rearranging, were boxes and sticks, not thoughts (…)
They were familiarizing themselves with objects in their
environments. What does that mean? It means that they were
building up some sort of perceptuo-locomotor structures
tuned to the specific objects, discovering the affordances of
those objects, getting used to them, making them salient, and
so forth" (Dennett, 2000, pp. 23).
¿Cómo construimos nuestras mentes?

“It is because the lions cannot

talk to each other that they also
cannot come to use tokens of Ruta indirecta: el uso de símbolos y signos.
other sorts to represent, non-
linguistically. And it is by that
indirect route, I think, that we El lenguaje como prótesis del cerebro.
come to construct our minds”
(Dennett, 2000, pp.24).
Somos "transformers":
“we human beings can transform ourselves on a moment's notice into a
somewhat different "machine," taking on new projects, following new
rules, adopting new policies (…) We are transformers - that is what a
mind is, as contrasted with a mere brain. A chameleonic transformer. A
virtual machine for making more virtual machines. And where are they,
these virtual machines? Centered on a brain, to be sure, but not
explicable without looking outside the brain into the world”. (Dennett,
2000, pp.27)

Referencia: Dennett, D. (2000). Chapter 2: Making tools

for thinking. En Metarepresentations: a Multidisciplinary
Perspective. Oxford University Press

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