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Level 2 – Operate Database application


This practical test will enable you to create a simple library database system.

1. Create the following tables:
a. BooksTransactionTable
Fieldname Data Type
BookID Autonumber
AuthorID Number(integer) – combo box(AuthorTable)
CategoryID Number(integer) – combo box(CategoryTable)
BorrowedBy Number(integer) – combo box(BorrowerTable)
DateBorrowed Date(Short Date)
DateReturned Date(Short Date)
 No primary key

b. BooksTable
Fieldname Data Type
BookID Autonumber
BookName Text(30 Characters)
 Make the BookID as the primary key

c. BorrowerTable
Fieldname Data Type
BorrowerID Autonumber
BorrowerName Text(30 Characters)
 Make the BorrowerID as the primary key

d. AuthorTable
Fieldname Data Type
AuthorID Autonumber
AuthorName Text(30 Characters)
* Make the AuthorID as the primary key

e. CategoryTable
Fieldname Data Type
CategoryID Autonumber
CategoryName Text(30 Characters)
* Make the CategoryID as the primary key
f. UserTable
Fieldname Data Type
UserID Autonumber
UserName Text(30 Characters)
Password Text(14)
* Make the UserId as the primary key

2. Create forms for all the tables above. Include navigation buttons in every forms including search
and close buttons. After creating all the buttons, enter sample data for each table.
Save your forms as:
1. BooksTransactionForm
2. BookForm
3. BorrowerForm
4. AuthorForm
5. CategoryForm
3. Create a query that will display all the books in the BookTable displaying the following fields:
BookID BookTitle AuthorName CategoryName BorrowedName DateBorrowed DateReturned
1 Algebra Will Smith Mathematics Noel Cuevas 04-15-2005 04-17-2005
1 Algebra Will Smith Mathematics Ketfu Metfu 04-16-2005 04-18-2005
3 Intro. to IT Bill Gates Computer Kassahun 04-15-2005 04-17-2005
Save your query as BooksQuery
The data are example only. You can type you own data in the tables.
4. Create a report for BooksQuery and save it as BooksReport.
5. Create a main menu like this and save the form as MainMenu

6. Create a Macro to open the following forms:

1. BooksTransactionForm
2. BookForm
3. BorrowerForm
4. AuthorForm
5. CategoryForm
7. Create Macros to open:
Books Report
Category Form
Authors Form
Borrowers Form
Books Form
Books Transaction Form and to close the Main Menu
8. Create a module that accept user name and password with Login and Exit buttons

Note: You must be able to make all the instructions work for you to pass.

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