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Review worksheet

A) Circle the correct options.

1. The thief jumped/ threw out of the window.

2. The burglars hid / climbed over a wall.
3. A neighbour ran / chased the thief into the garden.
4. The thief fell over / threw and broke her arm.
5. He caught / hid the money in a tree.
6. He threw / chased the newspaper in the bin.

B) Match the sentence halves.

1. The thief climbed ... a. behind a tree.

2. He jumped ... b. a tree.
3. The police officer chased ... c. his bag into the river.
4. The police officer didn't... d. into the garden.
5. The thief hid ... e. the thief for 2 km.
6. The thief threw ... f. catch the thief.

C) Complete the sentences with the past simple form of the verbs:

throw – hide – chase – climb – catch – jump – fall over – run away

1. He _________________ the empty bottle in the bin.

2. I didn't see the bag on the floor so I ___________________it.
3. They___________________ their friend across the park.
4. The police_______________ the thieves at the airport with all the money.
5. My sister___________________________ Mont Blanc last summer. It's
4,810m high!
6. When I saw the big dog, I __________________. It was enormous!
7. The thief___________ out of the window.
8. My little brother my mobile phone ________________under the sofa for a joke.
It wasn't funny.

D) Write the adverbs for the adjectives below.

1. careful ___________ 5. quick___________

2. easy ___________ 6. quiet___________
3. good___________ 7. bad___________
4. happy___________ 8. slow___________
E) Complete the sentences with the adverbs from Exercise D).

1. The weather is bad so drive______________.

2. We played very___________, so the other team won.
3. He saw a big elephant, so he ran away______________.
4. The mountain was very high so we walked up it________________.
5. I did ____________ in my exam because I studied a lot.
6. We spoke___________ so nobody could hear us.
7. I was listening to music quite_____________ until I remembered my homework!
8. It wasn't a high wall so we climbed over it__________________.

F) Complete the sentences with one of the words. Change the adjective to an
adverb if necessary.

good – easy – quiet – careful – quick – bad – loud

1. There was a woman speaking ____________________ on her mobile phone.

2. They speak English very_____________ because their mother is English.
3. Be _________________! I'm trying to study.
4. He plays the piano very _____________________. It sounds awful!
5. Did you listen_____________________ to what the teacher said?
6. I did my homework___________________because I wanted to go to the
7. He climbed the wall____________________ because he's very tall.

G) Complete the sentences with the adverbial form of the words.

happy – careful – easy – quick – quiet – slow

1. It's getting late. Please finish your work____________________.

2. Please talk___________________ in the library.
3. The exam wasn't difficult. I passed it______________________.
4. We're really late! You're walking very_____________________.
5. Your little brother isn't sad. He's_________________eating an ice cream over
6. Those books are very old! Please look at them_____________________.

H) Match the sentences halves.

1. Tom was looking after his little brother a. when we saw something really funny.
2. I was looking in the kitchen window b. when I saw my mum drop the cake.
3. Lydia was looking for her mobile phone c. because his parents were at work.
4. We were looking at some photos d. but other people say I look like my dad.
5. Some people say I look like my mum e. when she found some money.

I) Choose the correct answers.

1. I want to look up/in a word in the dictionary.

2. My sister couldn't find her keys so I helped her look for/at them.
3. I was looking in/like my bag when you saw me.
4. Your brother looks for/like a rock star with his long hair.
5. Could you look after/up my dog while I buy some milk?

J) Complete the questions with the following prepositions.

up – through – after – like – out – for
1. Do you ever have to look_________ younger brothers, sisters or cousins?
2. How often do you look_______ your homework carefully before you give it to
your teacher?
3. If you can't find your mobile phone, where do you look _________it?
4. Who do you look________ in your family?
5. When was the last time you shouted 'Look________!'at someone? What
6. If you don't know the meaning of a word, do you look it______ in a dictionary?

G) Complete with the past simple of the verb to be.

1. Yesterday, they __________ (not) at the park. They _________at home.
2. Sue ____________ in the park. She ____________ (not) at the beach.
3. Where ________ you last month? We ____________ in London.
4. _______Tom at school yesterday? No, he________. He ____________ ill in
5. My boyfriend and I __________ at the cinema last night.

H) Write a question for each answer. Use the past simple.

1. What ………you……………. for breakfast? I had toast and hot chocolate.
2.…..... your shoes? I bought them in the department store.
3. What time.....……your mother….…... home? She came home at 8 o'clock.
4.…………..…….... to school with? I walked with my friends.
5. Where……... your parents............................ before? They lived in Paris.
6. What…..... your teacher.......................... at university?She studied Maths.
7. Where……………you last night? I was at my grandparent’s house.
8. What_________________________________? I drank some lemonade.
9. Where_____________________________ ? He went to a concert.
10. When_____________________________? They started school at 9 am.
11. Who_________________________________? She met her sister.
12.What_______________________________ ? We ate some sandwiches.
13.Where________________________? I was born in Madrid.
14.Why_________________________________ ? We stayed at home because it
was raining.

I) Complete with the verbs in the past continuous.

1. Susan __________________________(listen) to music in her bedroom.

2. Alex ________________________________ (repair) his bike.
3. The Smiths _________________________(not have) a picnic in the park.
4. _______Julie___________________(send) text messages to her friends? Yes,
5. Tom and Alice __________________________(run) in the city park.
6. Sally _______________________ (not / hurry) to school because it was
7. What _____they ____________(do)? They_________________(watch) the
football match.
8. _________Lucy ___________________(exercise) in the gym yesterday
afternoon? No, she________. She_________________________(swim) in the

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