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global with sharing class CpqAppHandlerHookImplementation implements

global Boolean invokeMethod(String methodName, Map<String, Object> input,
Map<String, Object> output, Map<String, Object> options)
System.debug('____ CpqAppHandlerHookImplementation ' + methodName);

if (methodName == 'postCartsItems.PreInvoke' || methodName ==

'putCartsItems.PreInvoke' ||
methodName == 'deleteCartsItems.PreInvoke' || methodName ==
String customFields = 'Billing_Zip_Code__c'; // comma separated
list of custom fields
// if fields is passed in, append the custom fields to the
parameter value
if (String.isNotBlank((String)input.get('fields')))
input.put('fields', input.get('fields') + ',' + customFields);
// if the fields is not passed in, initialize to default price
detail fields and include the custom fields
_cmt__RecurringTotal__c,' +

curringManualDiscount__c,' +

eTimeCharge__c,ListPrice,' +

rviceAccountId__r.Name,' +

ectiveQuantity__c' + ',' + customFields);
// if priceDetailsFields is passed in, append the custom fields to
the parameter value
if (String.isNotBlank((String)input.get('priceDetailsFields')))
input.put('priceDetailsFields', input.get('priceDetailsFields')
+ ',' + customFields);
// if the priceDetailFields is not passed in, initialize to
default price detail fields and include the custom fields
eCharge__c,' +
'vlocity_cmt__OneTimeTotal__c' + ',' + customFields);
return true;
catch (Exception ex)
System.debug('--- Exception: ' + ex.getMessage());
System.debug('--- Stack Trace: ' + ex.getStackTraceString());
throw ex;






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