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INL Glacis

21 boulevard de la Foire
L-1528 Luxembourg

Mrs. Kalinka Andreeva

rue Jean-Pierre Biermann 5, app.192, Cents
1268 Luxembourg

Mrs. Kalinka Andreeva
Internal INL reference: 43847
Term: Autumn 2022
Registration reference: 058815
Course: English B2.3 Standard
Course reference: EN0007-2155
Location: INL Glacis - 21 boulevard de la Foire - L-1528 Luxembourg
Start date: 26/09/2022
End date: 01/02/2023

The course is organized as follows:

10:10-11:50 Mo-We * Teacher: Fabian KRÄMER Room: 010

* (Mo: Monday; Tu: Tuesday; We: Wednesday; Th: Thursday; Fr: Friday; Sa: Saturday)

The schedule is available on MyINL. Please note that the course organization remains subject to modifications.

Please present this confirmation on the first day of the course.

Edited on: 09/09/2022

INL Glacis - 21 boulevard de la Foire - L-1528 Luxembourg - +352 26 44 30 1
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