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Implication to

Meaning Values highlighted Commands

one’s life
Only speak for I believe that we
truth in all things should always
Do not slander or seek for truth.
Honesty tell lies against Believing just
anyone about everything
that you see and
hear from other
people isn’t
always what it
seems to be.
Sometimes, the
truth is hidden
and must be
sought to grasp
the real truth. In
reality, other
things that we
This means we
8th hear from the
should not lie,
Commandment original source
betray or slander
“Thou shall not passed to other
other people, on
bear false witness people are
the other hand,
against your Keep secrets that tampered,
speak for truth
neighbor” Kindness we are bound to reconstructed,
and truth only.
keep modified, and are
These talks and
false rumors of
people when
spread to others
is against the 8th
because it
slanders other
people and is not
the truth. It could
destroy the lives
of other people
that is why I will
only speak for the
I commit to keeping the 8 commandment by only speaking the truth. I will not slander other people
by false words, on the other hand, I would speak well of them with regards to their truth. I will not
spread false rumors heard from other people because that slanders other people. I will live by the

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