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Article Summary for ER


Nayla Rizqiyah - 11200140000103

Department of English Education-State Islamic

University of Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta
Ten Article talk
1 The Implementation of Activity Based Learning (ABL)

2 Social withdrawal and academic archievement

3 Improving Student Learning with Effective Learning Techiniques

4 A systematic review of research on the lipped learning method

5 Student Approaches to learning

6 The power of teaching-Learning environments to influence student Learning

2 Developing assesment instrument on writing on descriptive paragraph

3 The Apperception of the sopken sentence

4 Guided writing to Improve the Student

5 Researh Methods and Methodology

The Implementation of Activity
Based Learning (ABL)

ABL method has created a visible improvement in children’s

learning and psychology (Akhalq et al., 2016)
The discussion article in general, is
an analysis of childhood a golden
period in which the
learning process can take place
effectively. The researcher and
observers identified that some
students did not participate well in
doing the activities because the
lessons were all delivered in
The analysis data research results, The chart provides
information that the average of students’ oral
performance on the first cycle is 59, 71, and it increases
up to 20 points after the ABL implementation. The 80

research results show that almost all students experience

has an improvement in oral performance. The highest 60

achievement in the first cycle was 90, and the lowest

was 20. Meanwhile, in the second cycle, the lowest was 40

45, and the highest was 100. Only 5% of the students

remains steady. In terms of minimum criteria of

achievement (70) set by the school, almost 60% of the

students did not meet the minimum criteria of
Item 1 Cycle 1 Cycle 2 Item 4 Item 5
achievement in the first cycle. However, it decreased
dramatically to 18% after the second cycle due to the use
of Bahasa for some parts such as difficult words they are
not familiar wit
Social withdrawal and academic archievement

This research. However the authors suggest developing interventions

that successfully promote academic performance among socially
withdrawn children in particular, and developing tools aimed at
improving academic self-esteem may be a promising pathway.
The analysis data table explains A RI-CLPM fitted the
data well (χ2 (21) = 35.759, p = .02, RMSEA = .029,
SRMR = .034, CFI = .992,TLI = .982). At the
between-person level, children with higher AA
manifested less SW (r = −.34, 95% CI: −.49 to −.19).
At the within-person level, no significant prospective
cross-lagged associations were detected between AA
and SW.
Improving Student Learning with
Effective Learning Techiniques

The research aim of this article is to

improve student learning, not only by
showing which technique is likely to have
the most generalizable effect but also by
encouraging researchers to continue
investigating the most promising
one might expect final-test performance to vary as a function of
the quality of the explanations generated during study. However,
the evidence is mixed. Whereas some studies have found that test 125

performance is better following adequate elaborative-

interrogation responses (i.e., those that include a precise, 100
plausible, or accurate explanation for a fact) than for inadequate
responses, the differences have often been small, and other
studies have failed to find differences (although the numerical 75

trends are usually in the anticipated direction). A somewhat more

consistent finding is that performance is better following an
adequate response than no response, although in this case, too,
the results are somewhat mixed. More generally, the available
evidence should be interpreted with caution, given that outcomes 25

are based on conditional post hoc analyses that likely reflect item-
selection effects. Thus, the extent to which elaborative-
interrogation effects depend on the quality of the elaborations 0
High knowledge Item 3 Low Knowledge

generated is still an open question.

A systematic review of research on
the lipped learning method

The research objectives of this article are to describe the current state
of knowledge and practice in the flipped learning approach in engineering
education and to provide guidance for practitioners by critically
appraising and summarizing existing research, and The results indicated
that flipped learning gained popularity amongst engineering educators
after 2012.
Researchers adopted a range of data collection methods to
evaluate flipped learning. Quantitative methods involved comparison
of exam scores, surveys, course evaluations, institutional data (eg,
retention rates) and system log data (eg, time spent on certain
activities on a course management system). Use of qualitative
data, such as interviews, classroom recordings and observations,
was rather limited. A detailed discussion of the evaluation methods
adopted in the studies can be found as Supporting Information
(Supporting Material 2).
Student Approaches to learning
The present study focuses on analysing combinations of
approaches to learning among undergraduate students in
different disciplines, more precisely in 10 different
faculties of a multidisciplinary university. The first aim is
to cluster the students on the basis of their scores on
different items measuring approaches to learning, and to
explore the relationship between the resulting clusters
and the faculties represented.
The power of teaching-Learning environments to
influence student Learning

evidence of disciplinary variation in students’ approaches to

learning. Furthermore, previous research has shown that
students’ approaches are related to their perceptions of the
learning environment.
Cluster 1 turned out to be the most typical for students in the
Faculties of Veterinar Medicine and Law. Earlier results concerning
studying in these faculties suggest the same. The curriculum in the 50

Faculty of Veterinary Medicine has traditionally been school-like,

with a pre-set timetabled study plan and course overload 40

(Ruohoniemi & Lindblom-Yla¨nne, 2009). Thus, the students need

to be organized and strategic in their studying in order to get 30

through all the obligatory courses. Organized studying is also

required in the Faculty of Law, in which the whole degree 20

programme is based on independent study. Law students therefore

need good self-regulation and study skills (Lindblom-Yla¨nne, 10

2004). Interestingly, these two faculties differed the most in

terms of experience of the teaching–learning environment. These 0
Item 1 Item 2 Item 3 Item 4 Item 5

differences may be due to the students’ different roles as

learners: those in the Faculty of Law are clearly responsible for
their own learning and studying, whereas those in the Faculty of
Veterinary medicine lean heavily on teachers and the curriculum.
Developing assesment instrument on
writing on descriptive paragraph
This study uses an instrument development method that follows the
design by Djemari Mardapi (2016: 132). Ten steps must be followed in
developing the instrument. The development steps are taken areas
following: (1) the determine of instrument specifications, (2) write
instruments, (3) determine instrument scales, (4) determine
assessment systems, (5) review instruments, (6) Conduct product
trials, (7) analyze trial results, (8) revision, (9) instrument assembly
and refinement, 10) evaluation of all instrument.
Based on the results of research and discussion that have been carried
out, the following conclusions are obtained, the instrument sheet in the
form of content validity and construct validity indicators developed
through experts (Expert Judgment) states that the writing
assessment instrument in descriptive paragraphs based on picture of
Eight Grade VIII Junior High School students is valid . Writing
assessment instruments prove content validity with a value of more
than (> 0.3). Based on results that can be relied upon for use in
students in the moderate to high category (1-4). Therefore, writing an
assessment instrument in descriptive paragraph material for VII
graders is appropriate because it meets the requirements in the
aspects of content validity, construct validity, reliability, and field
testing. Suggestions for researchers who want to do similar research.
The Apperception of the
sopken sentence

herbal medicine language is limited to

the part whose verbal symbols play
as short representative of
Herbartian ' ideas; ' and English's
treatment of the language belongs to
rather than logic and epistemology
than psychology
The method employed in the first two determinations was based upon the psychophysical principles we
hare already laid down. A word is normally a definite complex of various sounds which we call consonants
and vowels. As we have seen, the consonantal variations are modal changes conditioned by the different
forms of adjustment and release of the vocal organs. The vowel variations are qualitative modifications of
the laryngeal clangs. A consonant always involves a vowel ; hence, if me vary the consonants, we also vary
the vowels. Our method involved the elision of consonants, and a determination of the accompanying effect
of the word upon the observer. In order to determine the relation of the psychophysical factors to tne
central factors(the first and primary problem), (a) mutilated words were given without context, (b)
mutilated words were given with a minimum of context, i. e., with one or two related words, (c) mutilated
words were placed at the beginning of complete sentences, (d) mutilated words were placed in the middle
of complete sentences, and (e) mutilated words were placed at the end of complete sentences. In order to
determine the value of the symbolic elements as compared with one another, i. e., the relation of the
objective factors to one another (the second problem), the effects of the various forms of mutilation upon
the perception of the word by the observer were compared. In this case the words were used with and
without context, the temporal conditions being varied by eliding consonants (a) at the beginning of the
word, (b) in the middle of the word, (c) at the end of the word.
Guided writing to Improve the Student

Writing is considered the most difficult and complicated language skill to be

learned compared to other language skills (Irawati, 2015). Nunan (1999) claimed
that learning to write fluently and expressively is the most difficult of four
language skills for all students whether it is for first, second or foreign language
students. Nunan highlighted that the most difficult thing to do in learning a
foreign language is probably in producing a coherent, fluent, and extended piece of
Guided writing can overcome the problems in the teaching of writing found at
MTs Almuna Samarinda. It was found that in preliminary study, there were 14
students (50%) who achieved minimum passing grade and there were 14
students (50%) of the students who did not pass the minimum passing
grade, the highest score was 80 and the lowest score was 50. In Cycle 1,
there were 18 students (64%) who achieved minimum passing grade and
there were 10 students (36%) of the students who did not pass the
minimum passing grade, the highest score was 80 and the lowest score was
55. This cycle was not successful because it did not reach the criteria of
success, 70. In Cycle 2, there were 22 students (79%) who achieved
minimum passing grade and there were 6 students (21%) of the students
who did not pass the minimum passing grade, the highest score was 90 and
the lowest score was 60. This cycle was successful because it reached the
criteria of success.
Researh Methods and Methodology

According to Bhattacherjee (2012, p.1) ordinary research is carried out

continuously on a daily basis by everybody in the form of making decisions
concerning dailyliving as consumers research the best sites online to shop, the
best tourist destinations to go to, among other things to ponder and make
decisions on through research.
Research is a process of investigation or a journey of discovery, moving from
the known to the realm ofthe unknown in order to establish the truth or to
prove a phenomenon valid or invalid, or to enable serious scrutinyof
something which has been conjectured or surmised as anunproven idea in the
form of a proposition, assumption hypothesis, or an adumbration or
intimation of something which is vague in outline. In academics, research can
take many forms such as pure theoretical research, applied research,
exploratory or grounded research, explanatory research, quantitative
research, qualitative research,empirical research, desk research, field
research, and mixed research or triangulation, among many other methods of
research (Bhattacherjee, 2012, pp. 5-8) Thompson and Walker (2010, p.47)
aver that research involves eclectic and multidisciplinary approaches because
of convergence of knowledge, practicality of research, overarching of
knowledge, and theneed tobe reflective.


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