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Day 11

Exaltation and Debilitation of planets

Planets is exalted and debilitated when posited in a particular sign in the particular

degree (Point of deep exaltation and debilitation).

Deep Degree of Deep Degree of

Sl. No. Planet
Exaltation Exaltation Debilitation Debilitation
1 Sun Aries 100 Libra 100
2 Moon Taurus 30 Scorpio 30
3 Mars Capricorn 280 Cancer 280
4 Mercury Virgo 150 Pisces 150
5 Jupiter Cancer 50 Capricorn 50
6 Venus Pisces 270 Virgo 270
7 Saturn Libra 200 Aries 200
8 Rahu Taurus 200 Scorpio 200
9 Ketu Scorpio 200 Taurus 200

 The deepest degrees of exaltation and debilitation are given in the above table.

ln between a planet moving towards the exaltation top is called

Uchchabhilashi and the planet moving from the top of exaltation to deep
point of debilitation is called Neechabhilashi.

 The points of deep exaltation and deep debilitation are 180" apart from each

other or in the 7th sign from the point of exaltation is the point of debilitation

or vice versa.

 Each planet assumes significance in a certain sign, as it becomes highly

favourable when in exaltation and highly detrimental when in debilitation.


 Mooltrikona sign is where planets are most comfortable and feels really at

home thus producing the better results even than exalted sign.

 Most of the planets own two signs, out of these two, one is their mooltrikona

sign based on the fact that they share almost similar feature.

 Planet wise mooltrikona of each planets are given hereunder;

Planet Mooltrikona Own House
Sun Leo 00 to 200 Leo (200 to 300)
Moon Taurus 30 to 300 Cancer (00 to 300)
Mars Aries 00 to 120 Aried (120 to 300)
Mercury Virgo 150 to 200 Virgo (200 to 300)
Jupiter Sagittarius 00 to 100 Sagittarius (100 to 300)
Venus Libra 00 to 150 Libra (150 to 300)
Saturn Aquarius 00 to 200 Aquarius (200 to 300)
Avasthas of Planets (Baladhi Avastha)

 There are five states or avastha based on the degree attained by a planets in a


I. Bal Avastha (Infant)

II. Kumar Avastha (Youthful)

III. Yuva Avastha (adolescent)

IV. Vriddha Avastha (Old)

V. Mrit Avastha (Dead)

 In odd signs these states are placed in ascending order at the rate of 6 degree.

 In even signs these states are placed in descending order at the rate of 6


Odd Sign Avasthas Even Signs Grade of results

00 to 60 Infant 240 to 300 25%

60 to 120 Youthful 180 to 240 50%

120 to 180 adolescent 120 to 180 100%

180 to 240 Old 60 to 120 Negligible

240 to 300 Dead 00 to 60 Nil

Avastha as per mood or nature acquired by the planets:

 As per the mood or nature of the planets the following avasthas has been given

by the Rishi Parashara, Mantreshwara and other learned scholars;

 Deepta, Swastha, Mudita, Shanta, Sakta, Prapeedit, Deena, Vikala,

Khala etc.

 The strength of the planet decreases from Deepta to Sukhita,

Swastha, Mudita, Shanta, Sakta and so the power of giving good

effects also reduces and becomes nil when the planets is Prapeedita

(Combust) where it becomes hundred percent malefic.

PAC of planets

 The result of the planets modified according to the PAC (Position, Aspect and

Conjunction) connections if they are associated with other planet(s).

 The association or connection or relation between the planets can be:

(A) Due to their Positions (P and C) -

(1) in the same house or conjunction

(2) in each other's nakshatras,

(3) having exchanged house

(B) Due to their aspect (Drishti) on each other-

(1) A planet aspecting other planet

(2) A planet aspecting other planet and in turn aspected by other planet

(Mutual Aspects)

 Aspect of the planets have also a major effect in fructification of the results of

any planet.

 According to Maharishi Prashara, every planet has full aspect on the seventh

house from its position.

o Example: Mars posited in Capricon gives full aspect on Cancer Rashi, the

seventh house from Capricon, where Mars is posited.

Special Aspect:

 Three planets in addition to aspect on the seventh house have full aspect on

some other houses too. These aspects are:

o Mars has fourth and eighth aspect in addition to the seventh.

o Jupiter has fifth and ninth aspect in addition to seventh .

o Saturn has third and tenth aspect in addition to seventh.

o Rahu & Keu has aspects as per the aspect of Jupiter i.e, 5th & 9th aspects.

The question of the 7th aspect is not consider in case of Rahu-Ketu, because
one of them is in the seventh from the other. So, the one and seven axis
always be there with Rahu-Ketu.

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