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Vhea O.

Literary Criticism

What is Literary Criticism? As an education student what is the importance of studying it

and learning the skill?
A written literary work of an author will never be meant for a single person. Anyone can
have all their time to read and explore what the piece is all about, and anyone can have
their own perspective and it all varies with the difference on how people perceive such
literary piece. Thus literary criticism can take place to learn if such work is worth reading
by giving judgement or comment about a certain literature. To be precise, the study,
discussion, evaluation, and interpretation of literature is known as literary criticism.
As an education student, we should not only focus on a certain area regarding to what we
need to improve within ourselves, it is not only by knowing how to speak so proud in front of
many people, or writing lots and lots of works alone, but rather we should hone ourselves in
many areas, and one of that is to be an excellent critic. I believe that when you know what
are the things that are unfavorable, wrong or needs something to be improved with, that's
the start of knowing where to begin, what to solve and what to do, when a person knows
how to identify a mistake, it can be the start to making solutions.
By the moment we enhance ourselves with literary criticism the higher we train ourselves
to become sharp with details and information not only that because it can also help us in
improving our critical thinking skills, knowing the use of the language and many more, it
can be a very good asset especially as an education student whose major is English. The
more you read, the more you write, and the more you learn. The more you engage yourself
in learning and learning more, will help you realize that there are so much of things that
are beyond our knowledge, researching informations about things that are still unknown to
us, such as exploring the literature of other places is a great way to travel in the comfort
of our own imaginations.
Time will come that it will be our time to become educators that will help our students to
become the better versions of themselves, we won’t be able to become an effective
teachers if even in criticizing works we won’t be able to do it reasonably. It will happen that
we will check their works and as their teacher knowing what they lack, or knowing what
their mistakes are as important as knowing what they are very good at.
No one is born excellent in doing things, no one became a very good author or an excellent
writer by just starting on writing immediately, they took their time reading and reading so
they became a good reader, and eventually became good writers. So as the same with us
educators the more we learn by knowing what’s good or not in a piece the more that we
learn about the two sides, the more we enhance our perspective and act on the things both

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