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European Journal of Neuroscience, Vol. 23, pp. 3346–3358, 2006 doi:10.1111/j.1460-9568.2006.04865.

Environmental manipulations early in development alter

seizure activity, Ih and HCN1 protein expression later in life

Ulrich Schridde,1,2 Ulf Strauss,3 Anja U. Bräuer4 and Gilles van Luijtelaar2
Department of Neurology, Yale University School of Medicine, 333 Cedar Street, New Haven, CT 06520–8018, USA
NICI, Department of Biological Psychology, Radboud University Nijmegen, Nijmegen, The Netherlands
Neurobiological Laboratory, Clinic for Neurology, University of Rostock, Rostock, Germany
Department of Cellbiology and Neurobiology, Centrum of Anatomy, Humboldt University Hospital (Charité), Berlin, Germany

Keywords: absence epilepsy, hyperpolarization-activated cyclic nucleotide gated current, maternal deprivation, neonatal handling,
WAG ⁄ Rij rat

Although absence epilepsy has a genetic origin, evidence from an animal model (Wistar Albino Glaxo ⁄ Rijswijk; WAG ⁄ Rij) suggests
that seizures are sensitive to environmental manipulations. Here, we show that manipulations of the early rearing environment
(neonatal handling, maternal deprivation) of WAG ⁄ Rij rats leads to a pronounced decrease in seizure activity later in life. Recent
observations link seizure activity in WAG ⁄ Rij rats to the hyperpolarization-activated cation current (Ih) in the somatosensory cortex,
the site of seizure generation. Therefore, we investigated whether the alterations in seizure activity between rats reared differently
might be correlated with changes in Ih and its channel subunits hyperpolarization-activated cation channel HCN1, 2 and 4. Whole-cell
recordings from layer 5 pyramidal neurons, in situ hybridization and Western blot of the somatosensory cortex revealed an increase
in Ih and HCN1 in neonatal handled and maternal deprived, compared to control rats. The increase was specific to HCN1 protein
expression and did not involve HCN2 ⁄ 4 protein expression, or mRNA expression of any of the subunits (HCN1, 2, 4). Our findings
provide the first evidence that relatively mild changes in the neonatal environment have a long-term impact of absence seizures, Ih
and HCN1, and suggest that an increase of Ih and HCN1 is associated with absence seizure reduction. Our findings shed new light on
the role of Ih and HCN in brain functioning and development and demonstrate that genetically determined absence seizures are quite
sensitive for early interventions.

The Wistar Albino Glaxo ⁄ Rijswijk (WAG ⁄ Rij) rat is a valid genetic 2005). Ih is a mixed Na+ ⁄ K+ depolarizing current that is active at
model of absence epilepsy (Crunelli & Leresche, 2002; Coenen & van membrane potentials important for integration of neuronal activity and
Luijtelaar, 2003) in which seizures are characterized by spontaneous therefore contributes to various functions on the single-cell and on a
generalized 7–9 Hz spike-wave discharges (SWD) in the EEG, network level (Santoro & Tibbs, 1999; Chen et al., 2002). The
accompanied by decreased consciousness and the interruption of different properties of Ih are mediated by the particular assembly of
ongoing activity. four channel constituting subunits (HCN1–4) and their specific
Research in WAG ⁄ Rij rats has shown that absence seizures, sensitivity to bind cyclic nucleotides like cAMP (Santoro et al.,
although of genetic origin, are sensitive to environmental manipula- 1997; Ludwig et al., 1998; Chen et al., 2002). Because HCN1–4
tions postweaning (Schridde & van Luijtelaar, 2004a). The nervous undergo changes during development (Santoro & Tibbs, 1999; Bender
system is especially susceptible to environmental influences early in et al., 2001; Vasilyev & Barish, 2002), and show plasticity after insults
life (Andersen, 2003). It has been repeatedly shown that manipulations (Chen et al., 2001; Shah et al., 2004) and lesions (Bräuer et al.,
such as neonatal handling (NH) or maternal deprivation (MD) lead to 2001a), we suggest that HCN channels and Ih might also be
permanently altered brain function and behaviour in adulthood (Hsu susceptible to environmental influences. Indeed, it was recently shown
et al., 2003; Pryce & Feldon, 2003). Therefore, we set out to that neuronal Ih is sensitive for changes in housing conditions (Roberts
investigate environmental influences on absence seizures early in & Greene, 2005).
development by manipulation of the neonatal rearing environment. Especially in absence epilepsy, Ih seems to play a crucial role (Lüthi
Various recent observations stress the role of the hyperpolarization- & McCormick, 1998; Ludwig et al., 2003; Poolos, 2004, 2005; Budde
activated cation current (Ih) in mediating seizure activity (Chen et al., et al., 2005). In stargazer mice, absence seizures were associated with
2001; Brewster et al., 2002; Poolos et al., 2002; Bender et al., 2003; alterations in Ih (Di Pasquale et al., 1997), and HCN2 knock-out mice
Surges et al., 2003; Strauss et al., 2004; Budde et al., 2005; Poolos, develop spontaneous absence seizures (Ludwig et al., 2003). In line
with this, we recently found an impaired Ih at the somatosensory
cortex of WAG ⁄ Rij rats (Strauss et al., 2004). In WAG ⁄ Rij rats the
Correspondence: Dr Ulrich Schridde, 1Department of Neurology, as above.
E-mail: somatosensory cortex is the site of seizure generation and spread
(Meeren et al., 2002), and pharmacological research suggests that this
U. Schridde, U. Strauss and A. U. Bräuer contributed equally to this work.
might also hold for other absence seizure models such as Genetic
Received 29 June 2005, revised 10 March 2006, accepted 10 April 2006 absence epileptic rats of Strasbourg (GAERS; Manning et al., 2004).

ª The Authors (2006). Journal Compilation ª Federation of European Neuroscience Societies and Blackwell Publishing Ltd
Environment alters absence seizures, Ih, and HCN1 3347

In pyramidal neurons from WAG ⁄ Rij rats the fast component of Ih i.m.) was applied as a parasympatholytic agent to prevent excessive
activation was strongly reduced resulting in a slower and smaller Ih, salivation and 2% lidocaine for local analgesia. Maintenance anaes-
compared to neurons from nonepileptic Wistar and August Copenha- thesia was provided via permanent isoflurane inhalation applied
gen Irish (ACI) rats. This reduction in Ih was accompanied by a 21% through a nose mask and periodically assessed by limb withdrawal
reduction of the HCN1 protein, while HCN1 mRNA was not altered reflex. Body temperature was monitored via a sensing probe and
(Strauss et al., 2004). maintained at 37 C using a heating pad. Rats were equipped with
The aim of the current study was to investigate the influence of the unilateral epidural electrodes (Plastic One MS-333 ⁄ 2-A, Roanoke,
neonatal rearing environment on absence seizures and Ih in WAG ⁄ Rij VA, USA) over the frontal (A-P 2.0; M-L 3.5) and parietal (A-P )6.0;
rats later in life, using NH and MD. We first performed EEG M-L 4.0) cortex. An electrode placed over the cerebellum served as
recordings in freely moving animals to establish putative influences of ground. All coordinates were determined according to Paxinos &
environmental manipulations on SWD. Due to the close relationship Watson (1998) (Bregma zero-zero, skull surface flat). The electrode
between SWD and behavioural states (Coenen et al., 1991; Drinken- socket was fixed to the skull using two stainless steel jeweler screws
burg et al., 1991) and because NH or MD can influence behaviour and dental acrylic. The tissue was sutured and rats were allowed to
(Caldji et al., 2000), we also scored behaviour along with the EEG. recover for approximately 14 days.
Next, we performed whole-cell recordings from layer 5 pyramidal
neurons of the somatosensory cortex, which represent the primarily Ih
and HCN1 expressing components of the neocortex (Lorincz et al., Electroencephalographic and behavioural recordings
2002). This was combined with in situ hybridization and Western blot For EEG recordings 16 rats of each group (control, MD, NH) were used.
to investigate whether differences in seizure activity might be First, rats were transferred to Plexiglas recording cages
correlated with changes in Ih and HCN. (25 · 30 · 35 cm), equipped with food and tap water ad libitum, and
connected to EEG leads via a swivel that allowed free movement. The
signals were amplified and filtered (1–100 Hz), digitized at a sampling
Materials and methods rate of 512 Hz and saved on disk for off-line analysis using a
Subjects and environmental manipulation microcomputer and a Windaq system (DATAQ Instruments, Akron,
All experimental manipulations were in accordance with local OH, USA). The rats were given one day to habituate to the recording
guidelines, approved by the ethical committee of Radboud University situation to prevent any putative confounding novelty effects on the
Nijmegen and in agreement with the European Communities Council EEG recordings. The EEG was recorded for four hours during the dark
Directive of 24 November 1986 (86 ⁄ 609 ⁄ EEC). phase between 10:00 h and 14:00 h, when the number of paroxysms is
Prior to birth, pregnant WAG ⁄ Rij rats of our own colony were quite high (van Luijtelaar & Coenen, 1988). Simultaneously with the
randomly allocated to one of three neonatal rearing environments; no EEG, the animals’ behaviour was recorded on video for off-line analysis.
treatment control, MD, or NH. All litters were born within a 9-day During recordings rats were exposed to background white noise
period. No culling of the litters was applied to prevent handling effects (53.2 dB).
that result from the culling procedure itself (Weizman et al., 1999).
Day of birth was designated postnatal day (PN) 0. NH and MD were
carried out daily between the fourth and seventh hour of the light EEG and behavioural analyses
phase, starting on PN1 and continued till PN21 (day 22). Rats of the SWD were detected automatically using SWC-finder (written by PLC
control group were left undisturbed during this time, except one day van den Broek) and subsequently visually confirmed by one of the
for cage maintenance. For NH and MD the mother was first removed authors. This was carried out to prevent the occurrence of false positives
from its litter and temporary separated in a clean cage (always the (e.g. sleep spindles, artifacts) or false negatives (SWD that were not
same cage for each mother). In case of NH each pup was transferred to identified by SWC-finder, but could clearly be identified as SWD upon
a small plastic box filled with sawdust and lined with paper towels, visual inspection by a qualified scorer). Although WAG ⁄ Rij rats show
where it remained for 15 min before being transferred back to the two types of SWD (van Luijtelaar & Coenen, 1986; Schridde & van
home cage, followed by the mother. In case of MD, the pups remained Luijtelaar, 2004b) in the current study only the absence seizure related
in their home cage for 180 min before reunion with their mother. Type 1 SWD (here simply referred to as SWD) were scored and
Around 30 days of age the rats were weaned and separated by sex. analysed. The following criteria were used for SWD identification (see
Only male rats were randomly selected. From then on rats were also Fig. 1B); a clear asymmetric 7–9 Hz spike and wave pattern with a
housed in pairs (same treatment, different litter) in standard macrolon spike amplitude of at least twice the background activity and a duration
Type III cages on a reversed 12-h light : 12-h dark cycle (light on at of 1 s or longer (van Luijtelaar & Coenen, 1986). The total number and
21:00 h) with food and water ad libitum in a temperature controlled mean duration of SWD were determined for the four hour recording
room. Rats were left undisturbed except for routine cage maintaining period. According to criteria defined elsewhere (van Luijtelaar et al.,
purposes. All measurements were performed in adult rats of 4½ 1996), exploratory (sniffing, rearing, walking, digging, and manipula-
months and older, when SWD are fully developed and frequently ting objects with the forepaws), automatic (grooming, eating, drinking,
present in the EEG of all WAG ⁄ Rij rats (Coenen & van Luijtelaar, licking, and defecation) and passive (sitting, standing or lying still, and
2003). The mean age and SEM of the rats in days per group were sleeping) behaviours were scored from video during the first 15 min of
190.55 ± 19.65 for control, 201.73 ± 20.78 for MD, and each consecutive hour, using a Tandy 102 and The Observer (Noldus,
191.70 ± 18.71 for NH, respectively (P ¼ 0.91). Wageningen, The Netherlands) for post processing (Noldus, 1991). The
total duration (in seconds) of each behaviour was determined per 15-min
interval. All scorings (EEG and behaviour) were conducted blind with
Surgery respect to treatment condition.
Rats were anaesthetized with isoflurane and mounted in a stereotaxic All statistical analyses were run in SPSS (v. 11.5, SPSS Inc.,
frame (Kopf Instruments, Tujunga, CA, USA). Atropine (0.1 mL, Chicago, Il, USA) using one-way anova or manova for repeated

ª The Authors (2006). Journal Compilation ª Federation of European Neuroscience Societies and Blackwell Publishing Ltd
European Journal of Neuroscience, 23, 3346–3358
3348 U. Schridde et al.

Fig. 1. Early environmental manipulations influence the number of spike-wave discharges in adult rats. (A) Examples of EEG recordings from adult rats of the
three different neonatal rearing environments, illustrating that rats that underwent maternal deprivation (WAG ⁄ Rij MD) or neonatal handling (WAG ⁄ Rij NH) show
less spike-wave discharges (SWD) in their EEG compared to normal reared controls (WAG ⁄ Rij control). The bar in WAG ⁄ Rij control indicates section of expanded
SWD shown in B. (B) A typical SWD as recorded in WAG ⁄ Rij rats. A SWD is characterized by a pattern of asymmetric sharp spikes with an amplitude of at least
twice the background EEG activity, followed by a slow wave. SWD have a frequency around 7–9 Hz. In A and B positivity is upward. (C) Shows difference
between neonatal rearing environment groups for number of SWD. Rats that underwent maternal deprivation (WAG ⁄ Rij MD) or neonatal handling (WAG ⁄ Rij NH)
during the first three weeks of life showed as adults less SWD during the four-hour recording period, compared to normal reared control rats (WAG ⁄ Rij control).
*P < 0.011, indicates level of significance for difference between neonatal rearing environment groups, as revealed by one-way anova. (D) The mean duration (in
seconds) of SWD was not different between groups. In C and D bars represent mean ± SEM.

measures followed by Duncan posthoc test if appropriate. The the somatosensory cortex were visualized using infrared differential
between factor for all analyses was neonatal rearing environment interference contrast (IR-DIC) video microscopy with a ·40 magni-
(control, MD, and NH). A P < 0.05 was regarded as significant. fication water immersion objective (Axioskop 2 FS Zeiss, Göttingen,
Germany). Somatic whole-cell current and voltage recordings were
performed as described for layer 2 ⁄ 3 neurons (Strauss et al., 2004).
Slice preparation Patch pipettes were pulled from corning #0010 glass capillaries (WPI,
Berlin, Germany) to a final pipette resistance between 3 and 5 MW.
Acute coronal brain slices were prepared from adult WAG ⁄ Rij rats During voltage clamp, maximum tolerated series resistance was
(ncontrol ¼ 6, nMD ¼ 7, nNH ¼ 7) as described (Strauss et al., 2004). 15 MW, with changes < 20% during recordings. There was no
Rats were deeply anaesthetized with ether and decapitated. The brain significant difference in series resistance between recordings of
was removed and immediately transferred to cold (2–5 C), carbo- control, MD or NH neurons. The pipette solution contained (in
genated (95% O2, 5% CO2), artificial cerebrospinal fluid (ACSF) mm): 120 K-methylsulphate, 20 KCl, 14 Na-phospocreatine,
containing (in mm): 124 NaCl, 3.5 KCl, 1.25 NaH2PO4, 2 MgSO4, 0.5 EGTA, 10 HEPES, 4 Mg2+-ATP, and 0.3 Tris2GTP (Sigma-Ald-
26 NaHCO3, 10 D (+)-glucose and 2 CaCl2 (all chemicals were of rich, Steinheim, Germany) (pH 7.25, 288 mOsm). An empirically
analytical grade, Merck, Darmstadt, Germany). Using a vibrating calculated liquid junction potential of )10 mV has not been corrected
microtome (TPI 1000, Vibratome, St. Louis, MO, USA), brain slices for.
of 400-lm nominal thickness were cut and allowed to recover for at Voltage-clamp recording of pharmacologically isolated Ih was
least 1 h at 33 ± 1 C before they were stored at room temperature. performed after blocking the fast inward-rectifying potassium chan-
nels (KIR) with 400 lm Ba2+ (Merck) added to a modified ACSF
(referred to as divalent cation solution – DCS) with MgSO4 replaced
Patch-clamp recordings by MgCl2, and with NaH2PO4 omitted. Na+-currents were blocked
Individual slices were transferred to a submerged recording chamber with 0.5 lm tetrodotoxin (TTX, Tocris, Bristol, UK) and Ca2+-
(1–2 mL ⁄ min ACSF at 34 C) and pyramid-shaped layer 5 neurons of currents with 1 mm Ni2+. In some experiments 20 lm 6-cyano-7-

ª The Authors (2006). Journal Compilation ª Federation of European Neuroscience Societies and Blackwell Publishing Ltd
European Journal of Neuroscience, 23, 3346–3358
Environment alters absence seizures, Ih, and HCN1 3349

nitroquinoxaline-2,3-dione (CNQX), 20 lm d(–)-2-amino-5-phospho- bases 1923–70 of HCN1 cDNA (GenBank acc. # AJ225123) was
nopentatonic acid (D-APV) and 10 lm bicuculline were added to used. The specificity of the oligonucleotide was confirmed by a
block spontaneous synaptic events. To block Ih, the specific antagonist BLAST GenBank search and showed no significant cross matches
4-ethylphenylamino-1,2-dimethyl-6-methylaminopyrimidinium chlor- with any known sequences and ESTs. The in situ hybridization was
ide (ZD7288, Tocris) was prepared as a 100 mm solution, divided in performed as described in Bräuer et al. (2001b). The oligonucleotides
aliquots and kept at )20 C until use, when it was dissolved to its final were end labelled using terminal deoxynucleotide transferase (Boeh-
concentration (25–50 lm) in the modified ACSF. ringer Mannheim, Mannheim, Germany) and [a-35S]dATP (DuPont
Data from patch-clamp recordings were collected with an EPC-10 NEN, Boston, MA, USA); 400 000 cpm labelled oligonucleotide in
(HEKA, Lambrecht, Germany), digitized (50 kHz, after Bessel 50 lL hybridization buffer was used per section. Hybridization was
filtering at 5.0 kHz) and stored using PULSE software (HEKA). In performed for 16 h at 42 C in a humidified chamber, then the slides
current-clamp whole-cell mode the following characteristics were were washed for 2 · 30 min in 0.1 · SSC at 56 C and 1 · 10 min in
gathered. The membrane resistance (RN) was estimated by linear 0.05 · SSC at room temperature (RT). Finally, the sections were
regression of the steady state I–V curve in the close proximity rinsed in H2O at RT and dehydrated. For autoradiography, slides were
(± 5 mV) of the resting potential (VM). The membrane time constant exposed to Kodak X-OMAT AR X-ray films for 14 days. No signals
(sM) was determined as the slowest component of a multiexponential were detected on sections hybridized with a specific antisense
least square fit of the initial 200 ms of the voltage response to current oligonucleotide when unlabelled oligonucleotide was added in 100-
steps near (± 5 mV) VM. The relationship between injected current fold surplus. A detailed description of the antisense oligonucleotides
intensity and the total number of spikes per pulse (normalized by the and the protocol used can be found elsewhere (Bräuer et al., 2001a, b).
pulse duration) was calculated, and neurons without a significant
correlation between these variables were excluded from analysis. The
current–frequency relationship of a given neuron is characterized by Western blot
the slope (Hz ⁄ nA) of the linear regression. For Western blot analysis total protein extracts of the neocortex from
After cancelling the fast (pipette) capacitance in the voltage-clamp brains of adult WAG ⁄ Rij rats (ncontrol ¼ 3, nMD ¼ 3, nNH ¼ 3) were
cell-attached mode, the cell capacitance (CM) was obtained in the used. The brain of each WAG ⁄ Rij rat was rapidly dissected isolating
whole-cell mode from the integral of the slow capacitive transient the neocortex. Brain regions were disrupted using a glass-Teflon
from 10 mV voltage steps with alternating de- and hyperpolarizing homogenizer in five-fold (volume ⁄ weight) lysis buffer (20 mm Tris,
polarity from a holding potential of )50 mV to minimize the influence pH 7.5 0.25 m sucrose, 1 mm EGTA, 5 mm EDTA, 1 mm PMSF,
of Ih on the measurement. The tail current amplitudes (a1) and 50 mm b-mercaptoethanol, 25 lg ⁄ mL leupeptin, 10 U DNase I,
maximal tail current (a2) from a )130 mV step were plotted against 10 U Rnase A, 250 lg ⁄ mL lysozyme]. Homogenates were spun for
the preceding step voltage (V) and well fitted separately for each 20 min at 1000 · g, the supernatants were saved. The protein
neuron with the Boltzmann equation of the form: concentrations of the supernatants were determined using the
bicinchoninic acid (BCA) technique (Pierce, Rockford, Il, USA),
IðV Þ ¼ ða1  a2 Þ=½1 þ a2 þ eðV V 1=2 Þ=k  ð1Þ and 40 lg was loaded per lane from each neocortex in duplex and
were separated using sodium dodecyl sulphate–polyacrylamide gel
V1 ⁄ 2, the midpoint of voltage activation, and k, the slope-factor of the electrophoresis (SDS–PAGE) and transferred to nitrocellulose (Sch-
curve, were obtained to identify the voltage sensitivity of the leicher & Schuell, Dassel, Germany). Immunoanalysis was performed
h-channel. Double-exponential fits (excluding an initial delay of 10– with anti-HCN-1 (diluted 1 : 200), anti-HCN-2 (diluted 1 : 200), and
30 ms) of the trajectory of the Ih traces yielded first-order (sfast) and anti-HCN-4 (diluted 1 : 200) polyclonal antibodies all from Alomone
second-order (sslow) time components. The amplitude of Ih was Laboratories (Jerusalem, Israel). After blocking, each blot was probed
obtained with a ZD7288 subtraction method and ⁄ or leak subtraction with appropriate primary antibodies in blocking buffer, followed by
protocols and ⁄ or back-extrapolating double-exponential fits to the sheep anti-rabbit IgG conjugated to horseradish peroxidase (1 : 5000)
start of the current with highly similar results (Sciancalepore & (Amersham, Buckinghamshire, UK). The final protein IgG complexes
Constanti, 1998; Bräuer et al., 2001a; Strauss et al., 2004). The were visualized following the reaction to 3,3¢-diaminobenzidine
reversal potential was determined by stepping to different test tetrahydrochloride (Amersham). As an internal control for standard-
potentials after fully activating the Ih (step potential )140 mV for ization of protein amount b-actin (Sigma) expression was used
2 s). Linear regression of the tail currents (measured as described for throughout. The prestained protein Marker (New England Biolabs,
voltage sensitivity) yielded the reversal potential. Ipswitch, MA, USA) was used as protein molecular size reference.
Analysis and exponential fits of the current and voltage traces were
performed with PULSE-FIT 8.63 (HEKA). Paired and unpaired
Student’s t-tests or one-way-anova were performed with the SPSS Quantification of Western blot analysis
software package (v. 10.0, SPSS Inc., Chicago, Il, USA). All data are
presented as mean ± SEM. Quantifications of Western blots were performed using a computerized
videodensitometry system (Metamorph, Universal Imaging, Downing-
town, PA, USA). All measurements were focused at the neocortex. The
autoradiographs were digitalized using a scanner (Micotek ScanMak-
In situ hybridization er 636). For analysis of the intensity of each band, the computerized
Six brains per group from adult WAG ⁄ Rij (ncontrol ¼ 6, nMD ¼ 6, video densitometry system was used to quantify the signal intensity on a
nNH ¼ 6) were dissected and frozen on dry ice. Horizontal slices pixel level. A visually established pixel intensity threshold was set to
(19 lm) were cut on a cryotome and fixed in 4% paraformaldehyde remove the unlabelled portion of the image. A standard rectangle
(w ⁄ v), washed in 0.1 m PB (pH 7.4), and dehydrated afterwards. An (1.5 mm2) was defined and placed at three different positions over the
antisense oligonucleotide (59-CCGATCGAGTCGGTCAATAGC- band. For each position, the percentage of pixels within the rectangle
AACTGTCTCAAAGGCTCTTCTCATCAT-39) complementary to representing signal intensities higher than the threshold was determined

ª The Authors (2006). Journal Compilation ª Federation of European Neuroscience Societies and Blackwell Publishing Ltd
European Journal of Neuroscience, 23, 3346–3358
3350 U. Schridde et al.

without further discriminating between signal intensities above this

value. For normalization the HCN band was normalized to the
correlative b-actin band in each lane. Statistical analyses were run in
SPSS (v. 11.5, SPSS Inc., Chicago, Il, USA) using one-way anova,
followed by Scheffe posthoc test if appropriate. The between factor for
all analyses was neonatal rearing environment (control, MD, and NH). A
P < 0.05 was regarded as significant.

Early environmental manipulations influence SWD in adult rats
Independent of neonatal rearing environment, all WAG ⁄ Rij rats
showed SWD (Fig. 1A and B). A SWD was characterized by a pattern
of sharp positive spikes followed by a slow wave. The amplitude of
the spikes was at least twice the normal background EEG activity and
SWD had a frequency around 7–9 Hz. Although all rats developed
seizures, we observed a marked difference in the number of seizures
between groups during the four-hour recording period (F2,38 ¼ 5.06,
P ¼ 0.011). The Duncan posthoc test revealed that WAG ⁄ Rij rats that
underwent NH or MD had significantly less SWD (21 ± 3.48 SEM,
NH; 25.08 ± 2.91 SEM, MD) compared to rats of the control group
(35.71 ± 3.71 SEM). Compared to rats from the control group, NH
and MD rats had on average 35% less discharges, while the latter two
did not differ (Fig. 1C). In contrast to the number of SWD, we found
no effect of early environmental manipulations on the mean duration
of SWD (F2,38 ¼ 1.14, P ¼ 0.33); WAG ⁄ Rij control (2.78 s ± 0.11
SEM), WAG ⁄ Rij MD (2.63 s ± 0.11 SEM), and WAG ⁄ Rij NH
(2.54 s ± 0.13 SEM) (Fig. 1D).
To control for the possibility that the observed decrease in seizure Fig. 2. Early environmental manipulations have no effect on behaviour.
activity in NH and MD rats was confounded by a putative increase in (A) Time spend by control (WAG ⁄ Rij control), maternal deprivation
activity, we also scored behaviour during EEG recordings. The (WAG ⁄ Rij MD), or neonatal handling (WAG ⁄ Rij NH) rats in explorative,
automatic or passive behaviour during EEG recordings, respectively. Although
repeated-measurements manova revealed effects for behaviour
the time spent by the rats in the various behavioural categories differs, there
(F2,37 ¼ 393.06, P < 0.001), indicating that the various behavioural were no differences between treatment groups (WAG ⁄ Rij control, WAG ⁄ Rij
categories were differently present during the recording period, and an MD, WAG ⁄ Rij NH). This demonstrates that early environmental manipulations
interval by behaviour interaction effect (F6,33 ¼ 6.88, P < 0.001) did not affect behaviour. (B) Behaviour scores over the four 15-min intervals
(Fig. 2A and B). However, we did not find any differences in of each consecutive hour to illustrate the interval by behaviour interaction
effect. Because no effects were found for early environmental manipulations,
behaviour between control, NH or MD WAG ⁄ Rij rats, showing that behavioural data were pooled. *Indicates difference compared to automatic
early environmental manipulations did not affect behaviour in the behaviour; **indicates difference compared to passive behaviour;  indicates
recording cage during EEG recordings (Fig. 2A). Further analysis of difference compared to automatic and passive behaviour, as revealed by
the interval by behaviour interaction effect showed that passivity, repeated measurements manova. In all cases P < 0.001. All data represent
total duration in seconds (mean ± SEM) either over the whole recording period
although generally the dominating behaviour, declined over time,
(A) or per interval (B).
while automatic and explorative behaviours increased. Significant
differences between behavioural categories were found across inter-
vals, with passive > automatic > explorative behaviour during the first WAG ⁄ Rij rats under the same conditions (Table 1). Consequently the
(F2,39 ¼ 952.84, P < 0.001) and second (F2,39 ¼ 61.38, P < 0.001) neurons of WAG ⁄ Rij control rats possessed an increased excitability
interval and passive, automatic > explorative behaviour during the in response to current injections due to an increase in neuronal gain
third (F2,39 ¼ 238.93, P < 0.001) and fourth (F2,39 ¼ 40.96, and due to an offset in the input output relationship (Fig. 3, Table 1).
P < 0.001) interval (Fig. 2B). Differences in neuronal resting potentials (VM) in the three groups
only became apparent after blocking fast inward rectifying and Ca2+-
activated K+, as well as TTX sensitive Na+-currents (Table 1). The
Increased Ih in layer 5 neocortical pyramidal neurons in adult differential influence of Ih on these VM group differences could be
NH and MD rats confirmed by a more pronounced effect of ZD7288 in the maternal
A comparison of voltage behaviours of pyramidal neurons in layer 5 deprived and the neonatal handled group (Table 1). The differences in
from the somatosensory cortex of WAG ⁄ Rij rats reared in the three the voltage responses to hyperpolarizing current steps in whole cell
neonatal environments is shown in Fig. 3 and Table 1. Neurons from current clamp recordings pertain to the classical hallmarks of Ih,
nontreated control WAG ⁄ Rij rats had a higher input resistance (RN) namely the voltage sag during hyperpolarizing current injections and
compared to those from rats which were neonatally handled or the subsequent transient rebound depolarization (Table 1). In neurons
maternal deprived, when superfused with ACSF and DCS, but not from MD and NH rats the voltage sag was pronounced and faster in
when superfused with ZD7288, a selective Ih blocker (Harris & onset than in neurons from control animals, which also had a less
Constanti, 1995) (Table 1). This was accompanied by a prolonged prominent rebound depolarization. In line with this, application of
membrane time constant (sM) of neurons from nontreated control 50 lm ZD7288 increased the input resistance to an equal level in all

ª The Authors (2006). Journal Compilation ª Federation of European Neuroscience Societies and Blackwell Publishing Ltd
European Journal of Neuroscience, 23, 3346–3358
Environment alters absence seizures, Ih, and HCN1 3351

We further explicitly and directly determined the functional

expression of Ih by somatic whole-cell voltage-clamp recordings
under conditions to minimize the contribution of other voltage gated
currents (see Materials and methods). Representative recordings of Ih
in layer 5 somatosensory pyramidal neurons are presented in Fig. 4A.
As the voltage sag the remaining inward current could be largely,
slowly and irreversibly inhibited by extracellularly applied ZD7288
(50 lm), confirming its identity as Ih (Fig. 4A). Ih increased in
amplitude after both types of early postnatal manipulation, but more
pronounced in NH (I ¼ )517.72 ± 81.57pA, n ¼ 10) than in MD
(I ¼ )396.68 ± 45.47 pA, n ¼ 12), compared to I ¼ )302.21 ±
68.95 pA (n ¼ 9, P < 0.05, respectively) in normal reared control
WAG ⁄ Rij rats (measured as steady state current close to the end of a
2-s voltage step to )130 mV). Whole cell current–voltage relation-
ships are depicted for the population in Fig. 4B. The increase in
amplitude appeared more pronounced over a broad voltage range
when taking approximations of the individual cell sizes into account,
i.e. when comparing the current densities, computed as Ih ⁄ Cm (current
amplitude normalized to cell capacitance, Fig. 4C; P < 0.05 between
)80 and )130 mV for MD and NH compared to control,
Fig. 3. Comparison of voltage responses of representative layer 5 pyramidal respectively). For voltage steps to )130 mV the current densities are
neurons at the somatosensory cortex of rats from different neonatal rearing approximately doubled in MD (Ih ⁄ Cm ¼ )4.19 ± 0.43 pA ⁄ pF,
environments. The whole-cell current-clamp traces show voltage responses to n ¼ 12) and NH (Ih ⁄ Cm ¼ )4.72 ± 0.59 pA ⁄ pF, n ¼ 10) compared
500-ms long current steps (depicted below the respective voltage traces, second to normally reared control WAG ⁄ Rij rats (Ih ⁄ Cm ¼ )2.31 ±
and fourth row, frequency 0.1 Hz). Top, voltage responses to a 0.2 nA
suprathreshold current injection. Middle, traces recorded in the presence of 0.25 pA ⁄ pF, n ¼ 9). A closer look at the physiological range in
400 lm Ba2+ to block fast inward rectification, 1 mm Ni2+ to block calcium which Ih will shape the excitability of neurons, i.e. at a membrane
currents and 1 lm TTX to block sodium currents provide an insight into potential of )80 mV, revealed that current density also doubled
differences in voltage sag during hyperpolarization and posthyperpolarization following either MD or NH. The current density data suggest larger
rebound depolarization. Bottom, traces recorded in the presence of the specific
Ih blocker ZD7288 (50 lm, 15 min). Note that in NH this amount of ZD was
h-channel availability or a higher single h-channel conductance in the
not sufficient to fully block the voltage sag. The scale bars apply to all three neurons of the rats which underwent MD or NH.
groups. The dotted line represents a membrane potential of )65 mV. Note the Additionally, Ih activation was sensitive to the rearing conditions;
pronounced hyperpolarization following ZD7288 application in MD and NH i.e. became more rapid following MD or NH as is evident in Fig. 5A
neurons. and B. To characterize Ih activation in more detail, the Ih waveform
was fit with the sum of two exponential functions, which were
three groups (Table 1), diminished the voltage sag, prevented the necessary and sufficient to adequately describe the activation kinetics
rebound depolarization, and hyperpolarized the resting potential in as shown superimposed in Fig. 5A. The fast (sfast) and slow (sslow)
neurons of rats from all three rearing environments (control, MD, time constant differed by approximately one order of magnitude and
NH), but the effect was pronounced in neurons of MD or NH rats. All were voltage dependent for all rearing environments (data not shown).
these observations suggest a greater contribution of Ih to membrane The sfast displayed acceleration with the change in rearing environ-
voltage responses in rats that underwent MD and NH. ments. At )130 mV sfast was consistently slower in normally reared

Table 1. General current-clamp properties of layer 5 pyramidal neurons from somatosensory cortex of WAG ⁄ Rij rats raised under different rearing conditions

Control (n) MD (n) NH (n)

RMP (mV)
ACSF )68.1 ± 0.78 23 )68.4 ± 0.78 23 )69.5 ± 0.88 21
DCS )64.2 ± 0.92 12 )60.4 ± 1.15* 15 )60.6 ± 1.1* 12
ZD7288-DCS 0.8 ± 0.81 6 )4.2 ± 1.5* 9 )5.1 ± 1.17* 6
ACSF 201.7 ± 14.3 23 150.0 ± 8.8* 23 119.0 ± 15.2** 21
DCS 264.4 ± 15.9 12 212.1 ± 15.6* 15 177.0 ± 17.3** 12
ZD7288 311.9 ± 39.0 6 331.6 ± 48.0 9 307.6 ± 82.1 6
sM (ms)
ACSF 29.2 ± 1.69 23 22.4 ± 1.27** 23 21.6 ± 1.22** 21
DCS 47.2 ± 1.7 12 38.9 ± 2.71* 15 36.9 ± 1.5* 12
ZD7288 55.6 ± 5.1 6 60.2 ± 4.54 9 58.3 ± 4.91 6
‘Sag’ at )100 ± 3 mV (mV) )4.1 ± 0.88 12 )6.9 ± 0.7* 15 )7.8 ± 0.77** 12
Afterpotential post )100 ± 3 mV (mV) 3.6 ± 0.44 12 5.6 ± 0.48** 15 7.2 ± 0.34** 12
I–ƒ slope (Hz ⁄ nA) 90.9 ± 7.76 23 68.1 ± 4.81* 23 71.1 ± 4.01* 21
Rheobase – action potential current threshold (pA) 38.2 ± 5.24 23 76.4 ± 9.49* 23 86.7 ± 15.83* 21

Data presented as the mean ± SEM (n, number of cells), *P < 0.05 and **P < 0.01 when compared to neurons from nontreated WAG ⁄ Rij rats (control). Note that
I–ƒ slopes and rheobases were gathered in ACSF, whereas ‘sags’ and afterpotentials are taken from measurements in DCS. ZD7288-DCS indicates the difference
between the respective membrane potentials.

ª The Authors (2006). Journal Compilation ª Federation of European Neuroscience Societies and Blackwell Publishing Ltd
European Journal of Neuroscience, 23, 3346–3358
3352 U. Schridde et al.

WAG ⁄ Rij rats (131.6 ± 17.7 ms, n ¼ 9) than following NH dependence of Ih towards positive potentials. Therefore we analysed
(84.2 ± 11.6 ms, n ¼ 10) or MD (80.5 ± 10.6 ms, n ¼ 12) steady state voltage activation of Ih in layer 5 neurons of rats from
(Fig. 5C). No changes were detected for sslow (900 ms for the all three rearing environments separately for each neuron (see
control WAG ⁄ Rij, 1020 ms for the NH, 860 ms for the MD, one Materials and methods). Returning to a VM of )50 mV after voltage
way anova, P > 0.2, respectively). One should be aware that in steps of 2 s ()130 to )40 mV) revealed a gradual decline in the
somatic recordings currents properly reflect channel activity only in tail current. The deactivation time constant (Fig. 5D and F) revealed
somatic and proximal dendritic membrane and therefore kinetic values by monoexponential fits was slower in neurons from normally
are solely used for comparative reasons and can not be taken as reared control WAG ⁄ Rij rats (sdeactivation ¼ 246 ± 53.9 ms, n ¼ 9)
absolute values. than following NH (sdeactivation ¼ 141.6 ± 42.9 ms, n ¼ 10,
Both changes, the increase in Ih amplitude and the acceleration of P < 0.05) or MD (sdeactivation ¼ 145.4 ± 38.1 ms, n ¼ 12,
its activation could in principle be caused by a shift in the voltage P < 0.05). As deactivation of Ih appeared relatively slow in all
three groups, the relative conductance was determined from tail
current amplitudes measured 25 ms after repolarization (vertical
dotted lines in Fig. 5D, for details see Materials and methods).
Normalized tail currents could be well fitted with a Boltzmann
equation which yielded similar V1 ⁄ 2 and k between groups (Fig. 5E,
Table 2).
Putative changes in basal modulation of Ih by different resting levels
of cyclic nucleotides in the three groups were explored using the
intracellular presence of a saturating concentration of cAMP (100 lm)
in an additional set of experiments. The application of cAMP slightly
shifted the V1 ⁄ 2 by only 1–3 mV, but markedly increased the slope-
factor of the voltage sensitivity in all three groups (Fig. 5E, Table 2).
However, intracellular cAMP did not lead to apparent group
differences in the slope-factor of the voltage sensitivity. There was
no change in the rate of activation or deactivation of Ih (Fig. 5C and
F). This is consistent with the predominant expression of HCN1 in
neocortical pyramidal neurons described by many investigators
(reviewed in Robinson & Siegelbaum, 2003). However, the group
differences in Ih amplitude and density between normally reared
WAG ⁄ Rij rats (control) on one hand and MD and NH on the other
hand were maintained (Fig. 4B and C). For voltage steps to )130 mV
the current densities are again approximately doubled in MD
(Ih ⁄ Cm ¼ )3.8 ± 0.33 pA ⁄ pF, n ¼ 10) and NH (Ih ⁄ Cm ¼ )4.3 ±
0.45 pA ⁄ pF, n ¼ 9) compared to normally reared control WAG ⁄ Rij
rats (Ih ⁄ Cm ¼ )2.46 ± 0.24 pA ⁄ pF, n ¼ 8). Therefore, it is unlikely
that any of these group differences are due to kinase independent
actions of cAMP on HCN channels (Wainger et al., 2001). The

Fig. 4. Increase of Ih in adult rats after early environmental manipulations.

(A, left) Families of Ih traces recorded in somatic whole-cell voltage-clamp
from the layer 5 pyramidal neurons of the somatosensory cortex shown current
clamped in Fig. 3. Neonatal rats underwent maternal deprivation (WAG ⁄ Rij
MD), neonatal handling (WAG ⁄ Rij NH) or were reared normally (WAG ⁄ Rij
control). Currents were elicited by 2-s-long voltage steps from )40 mV to
30 mV from a holding potential of )50 mV as depicted at the bottom. All
recordings were made in the presence of 400 lm Ba2+ (to block IKir), 1 mm
Ni2+ (to block ICa) 1 lm TTX, CNQX, D-AP5, and bicuculline. When
comparing data achieved in current-clamp (Fig. 3) and in voltage-clamp it is
important to note that the amount of Ih critically determines the input resistance
of, and electrotonic distance in, a given neuron and therefore the size of the sag
alone is not representative for the amount of Ih. Right, inhibition of Ih by
ZD7288. Displayed are current traces elicited by hyperpolarizing pulses of
)140 mV, as depicted at the bottom, before and 15 min after superfusion with
the above mentioned bath solution containing 50 lm ZD7288. Both, steady
state and tail currents were largely inhibited in all three groups. (B) Popula-
tion data illustrating an increase in Ih amplitude in NH and MD rats. The steady
state amplitudes (at times indicated by the dotted lines in A) were used for
construction of average I–V relationships. (C) Steady state amplitudes of every
single neuron were normalized to the individual cell capacitance, subsequently
averaged and given as current densities. Note that Ih densities do not differ in
neurons of rats from the same rearing group, whereas the differences between
control and MD or NH became more pronounced for this parameter. For B and
C control (n ¼ 9), control cAMP (n ¼ 8), MD (n ¼ 12), MD cAMP (n ¼ 10),
NH (n ¼ 10), NH cAMP (n ¼ 9). Data are displayed as means ± SEM.

ª The Authors (2006). Journal Compilation ª Federation of European Neuroscience Societies and Blackwell Publishing Ltd
European Journal of Neuroscience, 23, 3346–3358
Environment alters absence seizures, Ih, and HCN1 3353

Neonatal rearing conditions did not appear to affect the

membrane area, as estimated by whole cell capacitance (CM)
measurements (Table 2). There were no significant differences in
CM between normally reared WAG ⁄ Rij rats and MD or NH
(P > 0.1, respectively). Furthermore, rearing conditions did not
influence the relative contribution of different ionic permeabilities,
as assessed by reversal potential estimations (see Materials and
methods, Table 2).

HCN1 protein, but not mRNA expression is increased in

neocortex of NH and MD rats
To investigate whether the observed increase in Ih after NH and MD
might be accompanied by putative changes in the molecular correlates
of Ih, we performed in situ hybridization and Western blot to analyse
the distribution and amount of the channel subunits HCN1, 2 and 4.
Our Western blot analysis of HCN1 expression showed a marked
difference between the three groups (F2,6 ¼ 34.15, P ¼ 0.001). The
Scheffe posthoc test revealed an increased level of the HCN1 protein
in the neocortex of MD (833.33 ± 44.09 SEM, P < 0.05) and NH
(1233.33 ± 71.26 SEM, P ¼ 0.001) WAG ⁄ Rij rats, compared to
normal reared control WAG ⁄ Rij rats (556.67 ± 56.08 SEM). Further-
more, animals that underwent NH also had a higher HCN1 protein
expression compared to MD treated rats (P ¼ 0.008) (Fig. 6A).
Because the increase in HCN1 protein from control in MD and NH
rats paralleled the increase in Ih, or decrease in seizure activity,
respectively, we performed Pearson correlation analyses to investigate
further possible relationships between the three variables. The
analyses revealed that increases in HCN1 protein were highly
correlated with increases in Ih (r ¼ 0.91, P ¼ 0.13), suggesting that
current changes are mainly mediated by changes in this subunit.
Fig. 5. Acceleration of Ih activation after maternal deprivation and neonatal Interestingly, we also found strong negative correlations between
handling, but no change in voltage dependence of Ih. (A) Traces (grey) represent HCN1 protein and seizure activity (r ¼ –0.94, P ¼ 0.11), and Ih and
the current response from neurons of nontreated WAG ⁄ Rij rats (control), and rats
that underwent maternal deprivation (MD) or neonatal handling (NH) to a seizure activity (r ¼ –0.99, P ¼ 0.02). These correlations provide
hyperpolarizing voltage pulse of )120 mV (bottom). The traces are capacity and support that decreased seizure activity after MD or NH is associated
linear current subtracted as described in Material and methods. Ih waveforms are with increased neocortical Ih and HCN1.
well fitted by the sum of two exponential functions as shown superimposed In contrast to HCN1, Western blot analyses of the HCN2
(black) on the traces. (B) The first part of the traces depicted in A (dotted lines
(855 ± 64.07 SEM, control; 674.00 ± 94.02 SEM, MD;
demonstrate the section in the voltage protocol at the bottom) was normalized to
steady state amplitude to illustrate the acceleration of the current activation. 889.67 ± 63.71 SEM, NH; F2,6 ¼ 2.37, P ¼ 0.18) and HCN4
(C) Quantitative comparison of the fast activation time constants (sfast activation) (382.67 ± 6.77 SEM, control; 436.33 ± 51.17 SEM, MD;
in response to a )130 mV voltage step without (solid diamonds) and with (open 341.67 ± 20.25 SEM, NH; F2,6 ¼ 2.2, P ¼ 0.19) subunits showed a
diamonds) 100 lm cAMP in the pipette solution. Note the slowing of the initial similar protein expression across all three neonatal rearing environ-
fast component of Ih in the control when posthoc compared to MD or NH.
(D) Representative families of tail currents recorded with cAMP free pipette ment groups as depicted in Fig. 6C. We found no correlations between
solution upon return to )50 mV from 2-s voltage steps from )130 to )40 mV (for HCN2 or 4 subunits and Ih or seizure activity, respectively.
the voltage protocol see bottom left, section indicated by dotted lines). Note the Furthermore, although the mRNA signal of all three HCN subunits
reduced tail amplitudes and the slower deactivation of Ih in neurons of control rats in the neocortex of WAG ⁄ Rij rats showed the same distribution as
(left). Tail current amplitude measurements were taken at the time indicated by the
described previously (Strauss et al., 2004), we did not find any
vertical dotted lines marked with circles. (E) Population data of voltage
dependence depicted as mean relative tail currents, plotted against the preceding differences in the amount of mRNA in any of the HCN subunits
test potential without (left panel, circles) and with (right panel, triangles) 100 lm between our three neonatal rearing environment groups (Fig. 6B). This
cAMP in the pipette solution. Curves were fitted with a Boltzmann function (lines indicates that our observed increase in HCN1 in MD and NH
and dotted lines, see Materials and methods). For the fitting parameter, WAG ⁄ Rij rats compared to control animals is selective for the protein
particularly V1 ⁄ 2 and k, see Table 2. (F) Population data for deactivation time
constants (sdeactivation) estimated at a step back to )50 mV from a 2-s )130 mV level only.
step without (solid triangles) and with (open triangles) 100 lm cAMP in the
pipette solution. For C, E and F control (n ¼ 9), control cAMP (n ¼ 8), MD
(n ¼ 12), MD cAMP (n ¼ 10), NH (n ¼ 10), NH cAMP (n ¼ 9). Data represent
means ± SEM. Throughout the figure: *P < 0.05 when compared to control Discussion
without cAMP; #P < 0.05 when compared to control with 100 lm cAMP in the Our results show for the first time that environmental manipulations
pipette solution.
early in development can influence absence seizures, Ih and HCN1
expression in WAG ⁄ Rij rats later in life. In particular, we found that
permanent presence of 4 mm ATP in the pipette solution also excludes either neonatal handling or maternal deprivation during the first three
any contribution of adenylate cyclase independent ATP effect to the weeks of life led in adulthood to: (i) a pronounced seizure reduction,
differences in Ih (Komagiri & Kitamura, 2004). accompanied by (ii) an increased Ih, (iii) faster activation ⁄ deactivation

ª The Authors (2006). Journal Compilation ª Federation of European Neuroscience Societies and Blackwell Publishing Ltd
European Journal of Neuroscience, 23, 3346–3358
3354 U. Schridde et al.

Table 2. Common voltage-clamp and Ih properties of layer 5 pyramidal neurons from somatosensory cortex of WAG ⁄ Rij rats raised under different rearing

Control (n) MD (n) NH (n)

C (pF) 109.0 ± 13.5 17 101.3 ± 5.4 22 122.0 ± 10.0 19

Vh-reversal (mV) )45.0 ± 1.5 5 )41.2 ± 1.3 8 )41.3 ± 1.9 6
V1 ⁄ 2 (mV) )85.3 ± 2.3 9 )86.4 ± 2.0 12 )86.1 ± 1.1 10
Slope-factor (k) 11.1 ± 0.8 9 10.7 ± 0.6 12 12.4 ± 0.4 10
V1 ⁄ 2 – 100 lm cAMP (mV) )82.6 ± 1.1 8 )85.6 ± 1.3 10 )84.8 ± 0.9 9
Slope-factor (k) – 100 lm cAMP 8.9 ± 0.8* 8 9.4 ± 0.2* 10 9.6 ± 0.4* 9

Data presented as the mean ± SEM (n, number of cells), *P < 0.05 when compared to slope-factors in the same group without cAMP.

kinetics of Ih, and (iv) an increased HCN1 expression, compared to Third, our observation that V½ and the slope-factor of the voltage
normally reared WAG ⁄ Rij rats. sensitivity (k) did not differ between control, NH and MD rats, even
after the application of cAMP, makes it very unlikely that the group
differences in Ih were caused by changes in basal levels of underlying
Neonatal environmental manipulations reduce absence cyclic nucleotides. The finding that the application of cAMP neither
seizures in adult WAG ⁄ Rij rats affected the group differences in Ih amplitude and density, nor the rate
We found that NH or MD resulted in less SWD than observed in of activation ⁄ deactivation, and only slightly shifted the V½, supports
normal reared control WAG ⁄ Rij rats, while the mean duration of SWD again a selective involvement of the less cAMP sensitive HCN1
did not differ between groups. Our observation that environmental (Robinson & Siegelbaum, 2003). Finally, in line with the aforemen-
manipulations influence number and mean duration of SWD differ- tioned findings, our Western blot analyses revealed a selective
ently is in line with previous research (Schridde & van Luijtelaar, up-regulation of the HCN1 subunit at the somatosensory cortex of
2004a). Different sensitivities of the various characteristics of SWD NH and MD WAG ⁄ Rij rats compared to control, while HCN2 and 4
were also reported for drugs (van Luijtelaar & Coenen, 1995; Schridde were not different between groups.
& van Luijtelaar, 2004b); and evidence suggests that various SWDs or
their characteristics are influenced by different genes (Peeters et al.,
1990, 1992; Gauguier et al., 2004; Rudolf et al., 2004). Putative mechanisms of Ih and HCN1 modification
Neonatal handling and MD can influence an animals’ behaviour and Our data revealed that HCN1 changed only at the protein level, but not
emotionality (Caldji et al., 2000). SWD are closely related to at the level of mRNA. Interestingly, differences in HCN1 between
behaviour and vigilance levels, being prominent during states of low epileptic WAG ⁄ Rij and nonepileptic control strains reported earlier
activity and drowsiness, but nearly absent during activity and arousal were also selective for the protein only (Strauss et al., 2004). This
(Coenen et al., 1991; Drinkenburg et al., 1991). However, the suggests that the increase in HCN1 in NH and MD rats might be due
similarity in behaviour between groups suggests that the decrease of to group differences in post-transcriptional or post-translational factors
absence seizures in NH or MD reared rats is not related to changes in that affect the amount or location of HCN1 proteins. Although
behavioural states and hence might be ascribed to neuronal mecha- relatively little is known about such factors, current research points to
nisms directly related to SWD. No differences between NH, MD and protein–protein interactions as a putative explanation as such a
normal reared control WAG ⁄ Rij rats in mainly stress-related behav- mechanism would influence Ih in a way similar to our results and it
iours were observed in our laboratory earlier (unpublished observa- involves HCN channel expression, implementation, or localizing, in
tion). some studies (Gravante et al., 2004; Vasilyev & Barish, 2004) with a
preference for the HCN1 subunit. In particular, the extracellular matrix
protein vitronectin increased the amplitude and accelerated the
The reduction in absence seizures is correlated to increased activation of Ih in hippocampal pyramidal cells (especially the fast
neocortical Ih and HCN1 component of Ih being sensitive for vitronectin), while not affecting its
Along with the seizure reduction in NH or MD WAG ⁄ Rij rats, whole- voltage sensitivity. Immunofluorescence measures revealed that
cell recordings from layer 5 pyramidal neurons in the somatosensory vitronectin elevated HCN1 while leaving HCN2 unaffected (Vasilyev
cortex of NH and MD rats revealed an increased (nearly doubled) Ih & Barish, 2004). A second protein involved in channel localization
density and faster activation ⁄ deactivation kinetics, compared to and functioning is the cytoplasmatic scaffold protein filamin A. In
normal reared control rats. Several lines of evidence suggest that filamin A deficient cells the normalized conductance mediated by
these changes represent larger channel availability due to a selective HCN1 was approximately two times larger and channel activa-
increase in the HCN1 subunit (Franz et al., 2000), known to be widely tion ⁄ deactivation were markedly accelerated. No interactions were
expressed in neocortical layer 5 pyramidal cells (Santoro et al., 2000), found between filamin A and the subunits HCN2 and HCN4
in NH and MD WAG ⁄ Rij rats. First, the absence of differences in cell (Gravante et al., 2004). Thirdly, changes in Ih and HCN1 might arise
capacitance between our three rearing environment groups under- from an increase in the transmembrane-spanning protein MiRP1 that
scores that the increase in current is not due to changes in cell size, this acts as a b-subunit for the HCN channels. MiRP1 increased Ih and
is also reflected by the differences in the Ih densities. Second, Ih of NH speeded up its activation, as well as influenced the expression of the
and MD rats differed from control in the rate of channel activation, HCN1 channel in Xenopus oocytes (Yu et al., 2001). Although not
with Ih of NH and MD rats showing faster activation ⁄ deactivation restricted to HCN1 the TPR-containing Rab8b interacting protein
kinetics. It is generally agreed upon that the HCN1 subunit mediates (TRIP8b) caused a specific decrease in the surface expression of HCN
rapid activation of Ih, whereas HCN2, also prominent in the cortex, protein and Ih density in expression systems, as well as in cultured
shows slower kinetics (Santoro & Tibbs, 1999; Santoro et al., 2000). pyramidal neurons, again the voltage dependence being unaffected

ª The Authors (2006). Journal Compilation ª Federation of European Neuroscience Societies and Blackwell Publishing Ltd
European Journal of Neuroscience, 23, 3346–3358
Environment alters absence seizures, Ih, and HCN1 3355

Fig. 6. Analysis of HCN1, 2 and 4 protein expression in the neocortex of rats from the three neonatal rearing environments. (A, left) Western blots of HCN1 from
total protein extracts of adult rats from the three neonatal rearing environments; WAG ⁄ Rij control, WAG ⁄ Rij maternal deprivation, and WAG ⁄ Rij neonatal handling.
Right, quantification of respective Western blot analyses per group (each n ¼ 3), indicating that rats that underwent maternal deprivation (WAG ⁄ Rij MD) or
neonatal handling (WAG ⁄ Rij NH) had an increased HCN1 protein expression when compared to control rats (WAG ⁄ Rij control); and WAG ⁄ Rij NH also had a
higher HCN1 protein expression as WAG ⁄ Rij MD rats. *Indicates significant difference between WAG ⁄ Rij control compared to WAG ⁄ Rij MD (P < 0.05) or
WAG ⁄ Rij NH (P ¼ 0.001), respectively; and also between WAG ⁄ Rij MD and WAG ⁄ Rij NH (P ¼ 0.008) as revealed by anova and Scheffe posthoc test.
(B) In situ hybridization analysis of HCN1 mRNA expression in the neocortex of rats from the three neonatal rearing environments. No alterations are detectable
between the three groups. (C) Western blots and quantitative analyses between the three neonatal rearing environments (each n ¼ 3) for HCN2 (left) and HCN4
(right) subunits, respectively. In contrast to HCN1, the HCN2 and HCN4 subunits showed a similar protein expression across all three neonatal rearing environment
groups. All data in histograms are displayed as mean ± SEM. Calibration bar, 1.125 mm.
ª The Authors (2006). Journal Compilation ª Federation of European Neuroscience Societies and Blackwell Publishing Ltd
European Journal of Neuroscience, 23, 3346–3358
3356 U. Schridde et al.

(Santoro et al., 2004). Although it is not yet clear whether NH or MD to nonepileptic ACI rats, thereby facilitating seizure generation.
might influence any of the above-mentioned proteins specifically or in Another hint for the protecting role of Ih in epilepsy is the observation
combination, it is challenging to answer this question in future that drugs that reduce seizures increase Ih (Munsch & Pape, 1999;
research. Poolos et al., 2002; Surges et al., 2003).
The seemingly conflicting functions of Ih in epilepsy, i.e. pro- or anti-
excitatory effects of Ih, have been the topic of intense speculation. The
net impact of changes in Ih is likely to be determined by other ionic
Functional consequences of an increased Ih conductances present in the respective neuron – in particular the
Ih plays a crucial role in the regulation of the resting membrane interplay between Ih and IT, by the nature and spatial distribution of
potential and cellular excitability (Robinson & Siegelbaum, 2003) and synaptic input and by biophysical properties, or by subunit composition
is closely linked to hyperexcitability during pathological conditions and subcellular localization of the h-channels, especially as the
such as epilepsy (Di Pasquale et al., 1997; Chen et al., 2001; Poolos molecular subunit composition itself might alter the localization
et al., 2002; Shah et al., 2004). Especially for WAG ⁄ Rij rats – a model (reviewed in Santoro & Baram, 2003). In addition all these determinants
for absence epilepsies – a decrease in Ih in pyramidal cells of the might vary in the specific epilepsy models. Nevertheless, evidence is
somatosensory cortex was recently associated with an increased accumulating for a putative ‘h-channelopathy’ (Poolos, 2005) in
cellular excitability, thought to promote the generation of absence epilepsy. By showing that Ih and HCN1 can be changed by environ-
seizures in WAG ⁄ Rij rats (Strauss et al., 2004). It is noteworthy that mental manipulations early in life, accompanied by a reduction of
NH or MD increased HCN1 protein in the somatosensory cortex of absence seizures, our results make an important contribution to this field.
WAG ⁄ Rij rats up to a level similar to that of Wistar rats reported by In conclusion, our observations provide the first electrophysiolog-
Strauss et al. (2004). Interestingly, Wistar rats are not completely ical (in vivo and in vitro) and molecular biological evidence that an
devoid of SWD, but their seizures are much less prominent than in increase of Ih and HCN1 is associated with absence seizure reduction.
WAG ⁄ Rij rats (Coenen & van Luijtelaar, 2003). Also in our EEG While in the literature environmental factors that influence seizures
recordings NH or MD WAG ⁄ Rij rats were not free of, but showed usually refer to major insults, we could show that in WAG ⁄ Rij rats
considerably less seizures, compared to normally reared control absence seizures, Ih and HCN1 can also be permanently influenced by
animals. Next, the order of the magnitude of our observed group relatively mild changes in the neonatal environment. Our observations
differences in seizure activity (NH ⁄ MD < Control) was the same, may lead to an increase in the knowledge of environmental influences
although reversed, as in our group differences in Ih and HCN1 on Ih and HCN, and their role in the normal and deviant development
(NH ⁄ MD > Control). These observations suggest a negative relation- and functioning of the nervous system. In particular environmental
ship between seizure activity and Ih ⁄ HCN1 (confirmed by negative influences on Ih and HCN in the normal brain, and its consequences
correlations), and support the role of Ih and HCN1 as one putative for cortical functioning, would be an interesting topic for future
mediator of decreased absence seizures in NH or MD reared WAG ⁄ Rij studies. In the case of epilepsy our findings demonstrate that
rats. genetically determined absence seizures are quite sensitive for early
Yet in how far the relationship between Ih ⁄ HCN1 and seizure interventions.
activity also reflects causality needs to be further investigated. In
particular a contribution of hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis hor-
mones (e.g. corticosteroids) and ⁄ or GABAergic systems, both sensi- Acknowledgements
tive for early environmental manipulations like NH and MD (Caldji
The valuable help of the following people is kindly acknowledged: Hans
et al., 2000; Hsu et al., 2003; Pryce & Feldon, 2003) and influencing Krijnen and Saskia Hermeling for animal caretaking, Gerard van Oijen for
SWD (Manning et al., 2003; Schridde & van Luijtelaar, 2004b), general assistance and Carla Biedermann for technical assistance in electro-
cannot be ruled out. However, earlier we found no significant physiological experiments, Bettina Brokowski for technical assistance in
differences in plasma levels of corticosterone between adult NH, MD Western blot analysis, and Dr Hal Blumenfeld for critical reading of the
manuscript and valuable comments. Ulrich Schridde and Gilles van Luijtelaar
or normal reared control WAG ⁄ Rij rats (unpublished observation).
had been supported by a NWO grant (425-20-401), Ulf Strauss had been
So far, available data on the association between epilepsy and partially supported by a GSK grant for epilepsy research.
changes in Ih and HCN are controversial, however, showing either a
positive or a negative relationship between Ih ⁄ HCN and seizure
activity. Some reports argue for an increased Ih associated with
epilepsy, as for absence epilepsy in stargazer mice (Di Pasquale et al.,
1997), for temporal lope epilepsy patients (Bender et al., 2003) and for ACSF, artificial cerebrospinal fluid; HCN, hyperpolarization-activated cation
channel; ICa, Ca2+ current; Ih, hyperpolarization-activated cation current; IR-DIC,
febrile seizure models (Chen et al., 2001; Brewster et al., 2002), infrared differential interference contrast; IT, low-threshold Ca2+ current; MD,
corroborated by antiepileptic effects by a block of Ih (Kitayama et al., maternal deprivation; NH, neonatal handling; SWD, spike-wave discharges;
2003). TTX, tetrodotoxin; WAG ⁄ Rij, Wistar Albino Glaxo ⁄ Rijswijk rat; ZD7288,
However, our data support the hypothesis of a decreased Ih in 4-ethylphenylamino-1,2-dimethyl-6-methylaminopyrimidinium chloride.
epilepsy as shown for a genetic model of absence epilepsy (Strauss
et al., 2004), in the kainic acid temporal lobe epilepsy model (Shah
et al., 2004), and for HCN2 knock-out mice which develop absence References
seizures (Ludwig et al., 2003). In the thalamocortical loop, a structure Andersen, S.L. (2003) Trajectories of brain development: point of
involved in the pathogenesis of absence epilepsy, synchronized vulnerability or window of opportunity? Neurosci. Biobehav. Rev., 27,
rhythms are controlled by Ih and it has been suggested, that the 3–18.
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Baram, T.Z. (2001) Differential and age-dependent expression of hyperpo-
events (Lüthi & McCormick, 1998). In line with the latter it is larization-activated, cyclic nucleotide-gated cation channel isoforms 1–4
interesting that a recent study by Budde et al. (2005) showed an suggests evolving roles in the developing rat hippocampus. Neuroscience,
impaired regulation of Ih in the thalamus of WAG ⁄ Rij rats compared 106, 689–698.

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