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In Scrum, the product is built in a series of iterations – sprint  which will break big/complex
project into bite sized pieces.
To start sprint, you plan for Sprint Planning. Team will answer 2 basic qns:
1. What work for this sprint
2. How will they get done
During Planning, the PO will discuss the objective of the sprint goal. All these workitems will get
into sprint board.

During Sprint DSUs, the team checks in on the progress. The goal of DSU is to surface any
blockers and challenges that would hinder the team’s ability to deliver the goal.

Sprint review is when the team demonstrates the completed work. (In sf, we have the task for
review in the workitem itself, which would be PO/PA task to complete).

Sprint Retro is when the team identifies the wins and areas of improvements for the next

1. Make sure team understands the goal.
2. Keep the backlog well-groomed (with priorities and dependencies in order)
3. good understanding of velocity
4. use the sprint planning/tasking meeting to flesh out intimate details of the work that
needs to get done. Encourage team members to sketch out tasks for all stories, bugs,
and tasks that come into the sprint.
5. Make sure to budget time for QA and non-feature work, like bugs and engineering
6. Address the issue, and recalibrate when necessary.

Velocity is how the team is able to measure the amount of work they have completed in a
typical time frame, or over the last 7 closed sprints.

The Velocity chart will give you insights into how much you should be planning for in the
upcoming sprint. Velocity is a tool for estimation, not a KPI. The point of velocity tracking is to
improve the team’s ability to estimate how much work they can get done consistently and
Prep for sprint planning meeting

Running a great sprint planning event requires a bit of discipline. The product owner must be
prepared, combining the lessons from the previous sprint review, stakeholder feedback, and
vision for the product, so they set the scene for the sprint. For transparency, the product backlog
should be up-to-date and refined to provide clarity. Backlog refinement is an optional event in
scrum, because some backlogs don’t need it. However, for most teams, it’s better to get the team
together to review and refine the backlog prior to sprint planning.


Team huddle call.

 What did I work on yesterday?

 What am I working on today?
 What issues are blocking me?

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