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Plastic from Milk equipment list

Equipment per person/pair/group

- 150ml milk
- 15ml vinegar
- 2 x 250ml Beakers
- Source of heat e.g. hotplate, stove or Bunsen burner and tripod and
- Elastic bands
- Piece of linen that can filter off the solid. It needs to be larger than the
opening of the beaker so it can be secured with an elastic band but not
stretched too tight. Alternatively, a filter paper and funnel might work,
but filtering may take longer.
- Tissue
- Oven
- Stirrer/glass rod/spatula
- Measuring cylinder

- Measure out 150ml of milk into a beaker and heat on a hotplate or
- When simmering, take off/turn off heat and add 15ml of vinegar to the
- Stir for a few minutes. The mixture will separate out into a liquid and a
solid known as “curds and whey”. Leave to cool for a few minutes
- Use elastic bands to secure the linen over the top of the other beaker
allowing for a dip in the middle rather than stretched tight.
- Pour mixture through the linen to filter off the solid from the liquid. This
can be quite slow.
- Gather up the solid in the linen and squeeze off as much liquid as
- Pat the solid as dry as possible with some tissue.
- Squash it together and mould it.
- Leave in an oven for a few days to dry out.
- You are left with a brittle plastic.

- Everything can be thrown in the bin. The linen can be rinsed and used

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