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Seorang murid menjalankan kajian tentang kepelbagaian organisma. Dia mengumpulkan dan
mengelaskan pelbagai organisma dengan merujuk kepada ciri-ciri umum organisma itu. Antara
yang berikut, apakah yang menggambarkan bidang kajian tersebut?
A student conducted a study on the diverisity of organisms. He collected and classified the organisms
by referring to common characteristics of the organisms. Which of the following is this field of study?

A Fisiologi
B Anatomi
C Ecologi
D Taksonomi

Rajah 1 menunjukkan struktur retikulum endoplasma kasar.
Diagram 2 shows the structure of rough endoplasmic reticulum.

Rajah 1
Diagram 1
Proses yang dijalankan oleh X ialah
The process that carried out by X is

A sintesis protein
the synthesis of proteins
B pengangkutan lipid
the transportation of lipids
C pencernaan fosfolipid
the digestion of phospholipids
D penghasilan ATP
the production of ATP

3 Tisu yang manakah bukan tisu tumbuhan?

Which of the following is not a plant tissue?
A Tisu meristem
Meristematics tissue
B Tisu penghubung
Connective tissue
C Tisu asas
Ground tissue
D Tisu vascular
Vascular tissue

4 Organel yang terlibat dalam pembentukan gentian gelendong ialah
The organelle that is involved in the formation of spindle fibres is

A lisosom
B alat Golgi
golgi apparatus
C sentriol
D vakuol

5 Berikut menunjukkan ciri-ciri suatu struktur sel.

The following shows the characteristics of a cell structure.

• Telap sepenuh
• Terdiri daripada selulosa
Composed of cellulose
Struktur sel yang mempunyai ciri-ciri tersebut ialah
The cell structure that has these characteristics is
A Alat Golgi
Golgi apparatus
B Membran sel
Cell membrane
C Sitoplasma
D Dinding sel
Cell wall
6 Apakah komponen utama membran sel tumbuhan?
What are the main components of a animal cell membrane?

A Protein, karbohidrat dan lipid

Protein, carbohydrate and lipid
B Karbohidrat dan protein
Carbohydrate and protein
C Lipid dan karbohidrat
Lipid and carbohydrate
D Lipid dan protein
Lipid and protein

7 Rajah 2 menunjukkan suatu sel tumbuhan.

Diagram 2 shows a plant cell.

Rajah 2
Diagram 2
Organel X ialah
Organelle X is

A sentriol
B nukleus
C alat Golgi
golgi apparatus
D kloroplas

8 Rajah 3 menunjukkan sejenis sejenis tisu haiwan.

Diagram 3 shows a type of animal tissue.

Rajah 3
Diagram 3
Apakah tisu tersebut?
What is the tissue?

A Tisu saraf
Nerve tissue
B Tisu otot
Muscle tissue
C Tisu penghubung
Connective tissue
D Tisu epitelium
Epithelial tissue

9 Rajah 4 menunjukkan Amoeba sp.

Diagram 4 shows an Amoeba sp.

Rajah 4
Diagram 4
Apakah struktur Y?
What is structure Y?

A Pseudopodium /Pseudopodium
B Silia / Cilia
C Nukleus / Nucleus
D Sitoplasma / Cytoplasm

10 Ketiadaan retikulum endoplasma kasar dalam sel interstis akan menghalang sintesis
Absence of rough endoplasmic reticulum in the intersitial cells prevent the synthesis of

A kolesterol / cholesterol
B enzim / enzymes
C hormon steroid / steroid hormones
D protein / proteins

11 Sebatian kimia X mengawal kesemua aktiviti di dalam sel. Sel akan mati jika X tidak hadir.
Chemical compound X controls all activities in the cell. The cell will die if X is absent.
Sebatian kimia X ialah
Chemical compound X is

A asid amino B enzim

amino acid enzyme
C asid nukleik D lipid
nucleic acid lipid

12 Organ yang terdapat dengan banyak dalam tisu otot ialah

The organelle that found abundantly in muscle tissue is

A mitokondrion
B ribosom
C lisosom
D kloroplas

13 Organ manakah yang mengandungi sel-sel yang mempunyai kepadatan jalinan endoplasma
kasar paling tinggi?
Which organ consists of cells which have the highest density of rough endoplasmic reticulum?

A Jantung B Mata
Heart Eye
C Paru-paru D Perut
Lung Stomach

14 Organel yang mensintesis protein ialah

The organelle that synthesises proteins is

A Nukleus
B Kloroplas
C Sentriol
D Ribosom

15 Sel yang membentuk tisu asas dalam tumbuhan ialah

The cell that forms the basic tissues in plants is

A sel epidermis B sel parenkima

the epidermal the parenchyma
cell cell
C sel pengawal D sel xilem
the guard cell the xylem cell

16 Rajah 5 menunjukkan struktur suatu sel tumbuhan.

Diagram 5 shows the structure of a plant cell.

Rajah 5
Diagram 5
Antara yang berikut, yang manakah betul mengenai Y?
Which of the following is correct about Y?

A Telap sepenuhnya B Separa telap

Fully permeable Semi permeable
C Tegar D Kenyal
Rigid Elastic

17 Rajah 6 menunjukkan satu sel haiwan.

Diagram 6 shows an animal cell.

Rajah 6
Diagram 6
Antara yang berikut, yang manakah betul?
Which of the following is correct?

A Alat Golgi Jalinan endoplasma licin Nukleus
Golgi apparatus Smooth endoplasmic reticulum Nucleus
B Nukleus Mitokondrion Sentriol
Nucleus Mitochondrion Centrioles
C Ribosom Mitokondrion Kloroplas
Ribosome Mitochondrion Chloroplast
D Nukleus Ribosom Mitokondrion
Nucleus Ribosome Mitochondrion

18 Seorang lelaki ingin mengambil bahagian dalam satu pertandingan angkat berat. Dia
memulakan latihan pada hari T.
Antara graf yang berikut, yang manakah menunjukkan perubahan bilangan mitokondrion dalam
sel otot tangannya?
A man intends to take part in a weightlifting competition. He begins his training on day T.
Which of the following graphs shows the changes in the number of mitochondria in the muscle cells of
his hands?


19 Rajah 7 menunjukkan suatu proses yang dijalankan oleh organisma unisel.

Diagram 7 shows a process carried out by an unicellular organism.

Rajah 7
Diagram 7
Proses tersebut ialah
The process is

A konjugasi B resapan
conjugation diffusion
C fagositosis D pembiakan
phagocytosis reproduction

20 Antara yang berikut, yang manakah tisu otot?

Which of the following is a muscle tissue?



21 Rajah 8 menunjukkan satu eksperimen untuk mengkaji pergerakan bahan merentasi tiub
Diagram 8 shows an experiment to investigate the movement of substances across a visking tube.

Rajah 8
Diagram 8

Apakah proses yang berlaku dalam eksperimen tersebut?

What is the process that takes place in this experiment?

A Resapan B Pengangkutan aktif

Diffusion Active transport
C Pengangkutan berbantu D Osmosis
Facilitated transportation Osmosis
22 Sejenis pergerakan molekul-molekul merentasi membran plasma diterangkan dalam maklumat
yang berikut:
A type of movement of molecules across the plasma membrane is described in the following
Molekul-molekul dan ion-ion bergerak melawan kecerunan kepekatan dan memerlukan
Molecules and ions move against the concentration gradient and require energy
Pergerakan tersebut dikenali sebagai
The movement known as

A osmosis
B pengangkutan aktif
active transport
C resapan berbantu
facilitated diffusion
D resapan

23 Rajah 9 menunjukkan pergerakan molekul-molekul Y merentasi membran plasma.

Diagram 9 shows the movement of molecules Y across the plasma membrane.

Rajah 9
Diagram 9
Apakah kesimpulannya?
What is the conclusion?

A Molekul-molekul Y bergerak secara resapan berbantu

Molecules Y move by facilitated difussion
B Molekul-molekul Y bergerak secara osmosis
Molecules Y move by osmosis
C Molekul-molekul Y larut dalam lipid
Molecules Y move is soluble in lipid
D Molekul-molekul Y bergerak secara pengangkutan berbantu
Molecules Y move by facilitated transportation
24 Rajah 10 menunjukkan satu eksperimen untuk mengkaji osmosis.
Diagram 10 shows an experiment to investigate osmosis.

Rajah 10
Diagram 10

Antara yang berikut, yang manakah dapat diperhatikan selepas 1 jam?

Which of the following can be observed after 1 hour?



25 Rajah 11 menunjukkan suatu sel tumbuhan dalam larutan tertentu.
Diagram 11 shows a plant cell in a particular solution.

Rajah 11
Diagram 11

Sel tumbuhan tersebut mengalami

The plant cell experiences

A plasmolisis B deplasmolisis
plasmolysis deplasmolysis
C hemolisis D krenasi
haemolysis crenation

26 Hirisan ubi kentang direndam di dalam larutan sukrosa 0.1%. Selepas satu jam, hirisan tersebut
didapati segah dan keras.
Antara yang berikut, yang manakah menjelaskan fenomena tersebut?
Potato slices are immersed in 0.1% sucrose solution. After an hour, the slices are found to be turgid
and hard.
Which of the following explains the phenomenom?

A Sap sel adalah hipotonik terhadap larutan sukrosa

The cell sap is hypotonic towards the sucrose solution
B Hirisan ubi kentang direndam di dalam larutan isotonik
The potato slices are immersed in an isotonic solution
C Kepekatan sap sel yang tinggi dalam vakuol menyebabkan air meresap masuk
The high concentration of cell sap in the vacuole causes water to diffuse in
D Dinding sel ubi kentang mencegahnya daripada mengecut
The potato cell wall prevent it from shrinking

27 Satu eksperimen dijalankan untuk menentukan kepekatan sap sel ubi kentang.
Keputusan eksperimen tersebut ditunjukkan oleh graf dalam Rajah 12.
An experiment is carried out to determine the concentration of the cell sap of potato.
The result of this experiment is shown in the graph in Diagram 12.

Rajah 12
Diagram 12

Antara titik A, B, C dan D, yang manakah kepekatan sap sel ubi kentang?
At which point A, B, C or D, is the concentration of the cell sap of potato?

28 Antara sel-sel tumbuhan berikut, yang manakah telah direndam dalam larutan hipotonik?
Which of the following plant cells were immersed in a hypotonic solution?


29 Satu sel bawang diletakkan di dalam air suling.

Antara yang berikut, yang manakah betul mengenai pergerakan molekul-molekul air di
peringkat awal?
An onion cell is placed in distilled water.
Which of the following statements is true about the movement of water molecules in early stage?

A Kadar molekul air masuk ke dalam sel adalah lebih rendah daripada keluar dari sel
The rate of water molecules entering the cell is lower than exiting the cell
B Kadar molekul air masuk ke dalam sel adalah lebih tinggi daripada keluar dari sel
The rate of water molecules entering the cell is higher than exiting the cell
C Tiada molekul air masuk ke dalam sel atau keluar dari sel
No water molecules entering or exiting the cell
D Kadar molekul air masuk ke dalam sel dan keluar dari sel adalah sama
The rate of water molecules entering and exiting the cell is the same

30 Rajah 13 menunjukkan keadaan-keadaan suatu sel tumbuhan.

Diagram 13 shows the conditions of a plant cell.

Rajah 13
Diagram 13

Apakah urutan yang betul bagi perubahan sel tersebut jika ia mula-mula direndam di dalam
larutan sukrosa 30% selama 20 minit dan kemudian di dalam air suling selama 20 minit?
What is the correct sequence of the changes in the cell if it was first immersed in 30% sucrose solution
for 20 minutes and then in distilled water for 20 minutes?

A Y → X → Z B X → Z → Y
C Z → Y → X D Y → Z → X

Rajah 14 menunjukkan satu eksperimen untuk mengkaji perubahan kepekatan larutan sukrosa
31 dalam tiub visking.
Diagram 14 shows an experiment to investigate the changes of the concentration of sucrose solution in
a visking tube.

Rajah 14
Diagram 14
Antara graf yang berikut, yang manakah mewakili perubahan tersebut?
Which of the following graphs represents the changes?


32 Sejenis pergerakan molekul-molekul merentasi membran plasma diterangkan dalam maklumat

yang berikut:
A type of movement of molecules across the plasma membrane is described in the following

Molekul-molekul dan ion-ion bergerak

melawan kecerunan kepekatan dan
memerlukan tenaga
Molecules and ions move against the
concentration gradient and require

Pergerakan tersebut dikenali sebagai

The movement known as

A resapan
B pengangkutan aktif
active transport
C osmosis
D resapan berbantu
facilitated diffusion

33 Satu tumbuhan di dalam pasu dengan tanah didapati layu selepas beberapa hari.
A plant in a pot with soil is found wilted after few days.
Antara tindakan yang berikut, yang manakah perlu dilakukan untuk mengelakkan tumbuhan
tersebut daripada menjadi layu?
Which of the following actions should be done to prevent the plant from wilting?

A Menambah air ke dalam tanah

Add water to the soil
B Mengurangkan jumlah tanah di dalam
Decrease the amount of soil in the pot
C Menambah baja ke dalam tanah
Add fertiliser to the soil
D Menambah lebih banyak tanah
Add more soil

34 Antara sel-sel tumbuhan berikut, yang manakah telah direndam dalam larutan hipotonik?
Which of the following plant cells were immersed in a hypotonic solution?



35 Satu eksperimen dijalankan untuk menentukan kepekatan sap sel ubi kentang. Keputusan
eksperimen tersebut ditunjukkan oleh graf dalam Rajah 15
An experiment is carried out to determine the concentration of the cell sap of potato
The result of this experiment is shown in the graph in Diagram 15.

Rajah 15
Diagram 15
Antara titik A, B, C dan D, yang manakah kepekatan sap sel ubi kentang?
At which point A, B, C or D, is the concentration of the cell sap of potato?

36 Rajah 16 menunjukkan pergerakan suatu bahan merentasi membran plasma.

Diagram 16 shows the movement of a substance across the plasma membrane.

Rajah 16
Diagram 16
Apakah bahan tersebut?
What is the substance?

A Ion natrium B Glukosa

Sodium ion Glucose
C Karbon dioksida D Asid amino
Carbon dioxide Amino acid

37 Mengapa pengawetan cili hijau menggunakan cuka?

Why preservation of green chili using vinegar?

A Cuka mempunyai pH tinggi
Vinegar has high pH
B Air meresap masuk ke dalam tisu cili
Water diffuses into green chili tissue
C Cuka menghalang pertumbuhan
bakteria dalam tisu cili
Vinegar prevents bacterial growth in the
chili tissue
D Menjadikan cili hijau masam.
Make the green chili become sour

38 Rajah 17 menunjukkan satu eksperimen untuk mengkaji proses Y.

Diagram 17 shows an experiment to investigate process Y.

Rajah 17
Diagram 17
Apakah proses Y?
What is process Y?
A Hemolisis B Krenasi
Haemolysis Crenation

C Deplasmolisis D Osmosis
Deplasmolysis Osmosis

39 Seorang nelayan terhanyut di laut kerana botnya rosak. Oleh kerana terlalu haus, nelayan

tersebut telah minum air laut.
Apakah yang akan berlaku kepada sel-sel badannya?
A fisherman drifted in the sea after his boat as damaged. Due to being too thirsty, the fisherman drank
the sea water. What will happen to his body cells?

Keadaan sel darah merah Pergerakan air

Red blood cell condition Water movement
A Mengalami hemolisis Air meresap masuk ke dalam sel darah merah
Haemolysed Water diffuses into the red blood cell
B Mengalami krenasi Air meresap masuk ke dalam sel darah merah
Crenated Water diffuses into the red blood cell
C Mengalami hemolisis Air meresap keluar ke dalam sel darah merah
Haemolysed Water diffuses out the red blood cell
D Mengalami krenasi Air meresap keluar ke dalam sel darah merah
Crenated Water diffuses out the red blood cell

40 Rajah 18 menunjukkan suatu sel tumbuhan dalam larutan tertentu.

Diagram 18 shows a plant cell in a particular solution.

Rajah 18
Diagram 18
Sel tumbuhan tersebut mengalami
The plant cell experiences

A krenasi B hemolisis
crenation haemolysis

C deplasmolisis D plasmolisis
deplasmolysis plasmolysis




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