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 Decide what type of Academic text is the most common in your profession,
support your idea.

After analyzing the video published on the YouTube channel "Teachinglearning

English" in the year 2020, the importance of knowing academic writing in the
different branches of knowledge of society and the topics that can be addressed to
be treated with better technicality was evidenced, this with the intention that the
appropriate terminology is used in each discipline and not lose the essence of what
you want to make known (be it a finding, a thesis, an experiment, among others).

Although the disciplines may be interconnected, their language leads to different

definitions and this is explained by our "Teachinglearning English" teacher by
mentioning a clear example where science and technology share concepts but with
divergent meanings that can even alter the result of an investigation if they are
confused. Hence the importance of using technical and formal language according
to the discipline; The importance of keeping order in writing such as IMRAD is also
emphasized to be coherent and consistent in the texts.

Being a marketing student, the academic discipline on which the texts or reports
should focus will be "business", this is because in this classification topics such as
accounting, economics, finance, and administration, among others, are mentioned.
In the business world, it is of crucial importance to master concepts such as market
segmentation, customer loyalty, benchmarking, competitive advantage, positioning,
added value, and other terms that help the business to close successfully while the
product triumphs in a market niche. market to later expand and go viral within a
larger group of customers. Although marketing is one of the professional careers
where more analysis is carried out, this must be done objectively and critically, so
using "colloquial" words or words that show little knowledge in the area can cause
customers not to want access the product and fail in the market.
Create a 200 words text and a presentation for your own discipline.

Marketing... one of the oldest branches of administration because it was exercised

since the Middle Ages in the massive market places, where merchants offered their
products and managed to convince the kings that they were buying quality at fair
prices. This practice has been practiced for centuries but until recently it was
known as "the science of exploring, creating and delivering value to meet the
needs of a target market".

In a changing world that is facing crises in various fields, marketing has become
important since it is responsible for investigating the needs of society and then
creating products or services that help satisfy them. It may sound like an easy task,
but different strategies are derived from it that must be applied depending on the
target market and its wishes.

Of course, marketing manages to satisfy needs and create desires in potential

customers, but it can also contribute to medical discoveries to cure terminal
illnesses, or even help detect viruses with the creation of new machinery.
Marketing goes beyond creating a toy or an electronic device and can be used to
promote the growth of countries with low development rates, at the same time that
their inhabitants have resources to improve their quality of life and thus
increasingly reinforce this development. globalized world.

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