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Russia and China are the remaining superpowers and opponents of

western agenda. After the Second World War, Europeans aligned
themselves with the United States, in order to have a solid security
against the expanding communism from East. The military club (NATO)
has in history proven to be a successful alliance encountering Russia.
In the 21st century, the competition over natural resources, control of
world markets, world dominance, imposition of ideologies, the scramble
over territories have made the United States, Russia and China to
become traditional adversaries. The U.S and her Europeans allies are
pinned against the Russia Federation and China.
China is expanding her economical might throughout the world. In
Africa, Chinese goods have flocked African markets. The same situation
is happening in South Asia. In South American and the Middle East,
Chinese goods are outcompeting American products due to negative
attitude by Arabs toward Americans. Chinese goods are more affordable
in the developing world, hence the expansion.
The Russian Federation is the world monopoly of natural gas. According
to Gazprom's latest financial reports the company's current revenue
(TTM) is $138.28B. In 2020 the company made a revenue of $83.30B a
decrease in 2019 revenue that were of $120.02 (Gazprom, 2020).

Being the sole supplier of gas to Western Europe. Americans and
Europeans are worried about the economic boom in Russia. The income
generated from gas has in the recent years supported the Russia defense
agenda against the West.
In Russia, Ukraine is seen as a part of the former socialist republics, and
any attempt to join NATO is unacceptable in Moscow. In Kremlin,
Ukraine is a buffer zone together with Belarus. The joining of NATO by
Ukraine will put Moscow at target distance from the West. This is the
most feared scenario by Putin.
Ukraine on the other hand made a mistake. Zelensky had placed his
country into pit of fire. Instead of maintaining his nation as a neutral
state, he insisted on joining the western alliance.
In February this year, Putin unleashed his missile on Ukraine in an
attempt to control Ukraine ambition. This was a big mistake from
Moscow. The Europeans are using this opportunity to fight Russia in the
background. Ukraine is seen as the belligerent but it is NATO that is
fight the war (It is supplying weapons). It is not a surprise that some
volunteers from NATO might be in the Ukrainian uniforms and because
of the same color, Russia cannot verified any claim.
Putin has now found himself in a very difficult situation. He cannot win
the war and also he cannot withdraw. If he do so, Ukraine will
immediately join NATO and this will be disaster to Putin. On the other
hand, if Russia continue to fight, their defense instruments will be
exhausted, because NATO will keep supplying the war machines to

Ukraine. Even if Russia produce new weapons, her economy will at one
time collapse and that will be a big problem to Russia ambition for
world power.
It is clear that Russia cannot withdraw and it cannot win the war as well.
So what will happen? There is a possible that Putin will get frustrated
and commit suicide by attack a NATO member state using nuclear or
chemical weapons (most likely Poland), to drag the Americans to war.
When this happened, Russia will immediately collapse, because it would
have exhausted her defense systems. From there, American will rule the
world at their wish.
In Asia, The Americans are inciting Taiwan to seek independence from
China. Their ambition is encouraged by the American supply of F-16
fighters and missile systems to island state.
In the event of Taiwan independence, China will invade the island. From
there, the Americans will find a good opportunity fight China. Biden this
month said, “We would defend Taiwan from Chinese invasion”. At the
point, the rest of world will align themselves to war parties according
interests and ideologies. That will be the War World Three!
In the long run, the Americans group will win the war and that will be
the new era for American world colonization.
For us in Africa, America will install governments that would sing their
songs. The continent resources will eventually fall in the hands of the
Europeans again.

Countries that will resist this ideology will face civil strife as it happens
in Ethiopia and the DRC.
So, what is the way forward? It is very difficult to predict the solution.
However, to me, there is a need for Africans to improve their institutions
and get united before this happen.
Lecturer at the University of Juba
Tel 0923738849

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