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Critiqued By: Zaira Pingcas

The call began with the agent performing the "supposed to be" opening spiel, which I expected given that each contact
center account has its own standard greeting or opening spiel. But on the video, the employee just stated a plain, "How
may I help you?" sentence. Anyway, the caller replied and expressed his worry, which the agent initially misinterpreted. I
don't blame the agent, though, because the caller has a strange accent. Agents in a BPO business, on the other hand,
should be ready for a variety of accents, especially if they are managing foreign accounts, as seen in the video.

There are certain accents that are difficult to understand, but it is also part of an agent's duty to be patient with their
customers. That is, after all, what customer service is about. If the issue is merely about the words or letter from your
client or customer that you don't understand, the call shouldn't be sent to the supervisor in the first place. Because, as a
contact centre employee myself, I must tell you that we have a scorecard that we must pass and keep every day, and one
of the factors on that scorecard is to avoid transferring a call to a supervisor as much as possible. That's a negative or
minus point. We should deescalate the call as soon as possible.

I'm not familiar with the setting of their firm depicted in the video, but it's evident that the call was moved so quickly simply
to the supervisor because the agent couldn't comprehend the caller. When it was handed to the supervisor, the supervisor
couldn't understand the caller either, so the caller just gave up and hung up without resolving or addressing what he had
actually requested.

We have this so called ‘phonetics’ in BPO firm. Well, this may not apply to all BPO firms, but everyone should be aware
that if we don't understand what our customers are saying, we should ask them to repeat it, and if they still don't, agents
should have the key phrase of the customer's problem. On the call, for example, the agent did not comprehend the entire
sentence that the caller said, but there was a word that was obvious or clear. And it was a 'friend's phone number.'. Then,
as agents, we should say something like, "I'm sorry, but I don't believe I clearly understand what you're saying, Sir." But, if
I'm not mistaken, you're looking for a friend's phone number, right? ”. That is exactly it should be. And when the caller tried
to spell out his friend's name and the agents couldn't comprehend it still, that's when phonetics comes into play.Like, "Is it
the letter A as in Alpha?" Or the letter B, like Bravo? Or C as Charlie?”. And so forth. If you don't know phonetics, at the
very least make up a term that begins with the letters you want to clarify. Overall, I would rate the call as a terrible
customer service experience.


Critiqued By: Jared James

Although the agent was able to assist his customer, I noticed several inconsistencies and redundancies in the manner he
spoke. Asking for confirmation is OK, but I got the impression he wasn't paying attention, which is why he continued
asking. This conversation was also lengthier than usual. However, his patience was admirable in the face of his
customer's inability to deliver the first crucial facts he required. What I can suggest is that he should be more engaged
when listening to his customer so that he doesn't ask the same question repeatedly.


Critiqued By: Mary Laizalyn

Towards the start of the video, the agent looks like he had no idea what she’s doing. That, I believe, was due to the fact
that she was a new employee at the company. But, I should tell, that the greeting was pretty great. That was the standard
opening spiel, after all. And as the call progresses, the employee on the video should not reveal or tell the client about
how nervous she was that time. Though it's understandable to be apprehensive when making your first call, but still
doesn’t mean that we can be open about everything, especially about being nervous. The agent should never tell the
consumer about it. However, that moment gave the client the impression that the agent was not confident in her abilities.
A customer doesn't want a contact centre person who can't reassure them that their issue will be resolved. And she wasn't
paying attention to the situation, prompting her to inquire about the customer's worry once more. Could it be another
client, she is likely to be enraged or irate by the agent's handling of the call. But the de-escalation process - It was quite
enjoyable and cool. She did not pass the call to the supervisor and did everything she could to keep the call and own it.
Though, until the last call, she still didn’t understand the whole situation or the reason why the customer called.

All in all, the agent was adamant about finding a solution to her client's problem. This video tells us that everything begins
off difficult, but it gets easier as we grow, learn, and practice. All of our sacrifices will be worthwhile.


Critiqued By: Marielle Cantara

In the case where the caller and the client are conversing, the client simply wants to know what's going on with their
internet, and it's as easy as that. The employee is to blame. She must maintain a professional demeanor, as this is her
work. Her role is to calm the customer's rage or dissatisfaction, especially while the corporation is the one generating the
problems. The caller is unquestionably laid-back and can be dealt with appropriately. This is a basic fix that includes credit
adjustments and a notification of reconnection beginning the day the technicians resolve the outage in that region; the
representative should notify the client for 24-28 hours of reconnection from their location.

Probably the agent forgot to press the mute button and just felt upset also, making her to cussed back at the customer,
which was a very inappropriate thing to do, if she wasn't on mute. That sparked a feud between the two, which culminated
in a dramatic incident that caused the agent to cry. We must have a strong stomach to deal with hazardous customers as
customer service representatives. That's part of our work, and we should get accustomed to it since we can't always tell or
beg our clients to be nice, especially if they're dealing with major problems

The caller is quite easy to deal with and only needs confirmation; his displeasure is understandable. It's a pity they were
seen to be so inept at dealing with agitated individuals.


Critiqued By: Jeremy Cayas

The agent has a very sweet voice which is a plus for being a call center agent. Having a sweet voice will help to build a
good rapport with clients. And building a good rapport is very important as it will make our clients believe us and will also
show that we are not just here to help them, but to empathize and sympathize with whatever they are dealing for.

The agent expresses confidence in her ability to assist the customer after hearing the client's problem. She also
performed a wonderful job aiding the client with his card in a nice and timely manner. And so her aid was highly
appreciated by the client. The call went off without a hitch, and everything was handled efficiently.

Critiqued By: Mellen Joy Gamilla

Everything was fine at the beginning of the call, though, not so fine since the agent did not get the issue right away. The
issue was simple, as we can all agreed on, but I think the agent has a short patience or maybe just having the worst day
of her life making her badmouthing the client which the client heard. Perhaps the agent forgot to mute the button or was
just too upset, which is why she stated some bad words. And as a customer, that's a terrible thing to go through. Though,
as agents, we have the ability to slander our clients, particularly if they are becoming toxic, but we must also ensure that
we are on mute.

The call went chaotic and disorderly, resulting in a low service rating. I'm not sure if the conversation was intentionally
terminated or just got disconnected, but it was an awful call, all in all.

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