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Smartcuts To Provide Massive Value And Get Paid

For It

By: Jose Rosado

Value is an abstract concept, as everyone has their way to provide it and define it.

So let's simplify it.

You provide value by:

Describing people’s pains and offering a solution to it.

You also provide value by:

- Describing people’s needs and offering a patch to reach them.

What’s a pain?

A pain is what prevents the people in your market from achieving their goals, AKA, a

PROBLEM. By describing their problems, you get inside their heads. Once you’re

there, you’ll be able to promise them a solution to their struggles.

What are needs?

They are your audience's dreams, goals, and… wait for it… needs. Once you have

them, AMPLIFY them. Your content should make your reader think, "That's exactly

what I want/need."

Quick tip to come up with a list of pains and


Start by writing down the Mental Barriers you have experienced during your life.

Mental Barriers are the psychological excuses that prevent you from taking action.

The human experience is similar throughout the globe. So I can assure you, many

other people have had struggles similar to your own.

To start, write down between 15 and 30 mental barriers you've experienced.


● "I don't have time."

● "I don't know where to start."

● "I suck at XYX."

Once you have them on paper, write down how you've solved each of them. And, if

you're still struggling to solve them, write what YOU'RE currently doing that you

know works..

You can also transform these pains into need :

● "I don't have time" could become "I want to save time."

● "I suck at XYX" could become "I want to learn XYZ."

If you’re struggling to come up with people’s needs, just think of them as the

inverse of the problem (“I don’t have time” becomes “I want to save time.”)

Can you see how this works?

Here are some example of pains and needs:

Pain 1: “I don't know where to start”

Need 1: “I wish I knew where to start”

Pain 2: “I suck at writing”

Need 2: “I want to learn the process of becoming a good writer”

Pain 3: "I don't know what to write about"

Need 3: “I need a system to never run out of ideas”

Pain 4: “I’m no expert.”

Need 4: “I want to become good at what I do.”

Pain 5: “I’m afraid of being judged.”

Need 5: “I want to have confidence in myself”

Now What?

Once you have a list of these Pains and Needs, you provide people with a solution

to remove the pain or a path to attain the need.

In other words, you start solving people’s problems through content.

This content will help you establish your expertise online.

And once you do, it’ll be 10X simpler to persuade people to swipe their credit cards

when you ask them to buy your products or services.

Four Smartcuts To Establish Your Expertise Online

You provide value by solving problems. It’s about offering solutions to people’s

pains and showing your audience how to reach their dreams.

The more problems you solve for people, the more value you provide to the world.

So without further ado, here are the 4 smartcuts of providing value online.

Smartcut #1: Entertain Your Audience

People love being entertained.

Think about the billions of dollars the entertainment business makes every year.
Netflix, Hollywood, Music & Arts, Dance & Performance, Theater, Video Games…


People use entertainment as a way to reduce stress and anxiety. Some even use it

as a way to escape reality.

To entertain your tribe, you don’t need to invest millions of dollars in building a

massive studio, buying fancy cameras, and lighting the perfect scenery.

Entertain your audience with your writing and with videos you recorded with your


Storytelling is a great and simple way to entertain your audience. So start by telling

your story to your reader. People love a good story.

Smartcut #2: Educate Your Audience

You diagnose the problem. You create an offer, you pitch your offer, and you get

paid for providing an exact solution.

Or you can give away the information for free, which helps you build credibility and


See, solving problems helps you get paid. That’s the service industry in a nutshell.

Think about the following questions for a couple of minutes:

● Which skills do you have?

● Can these skills help you make money?

● Are there people trying to find solutions for the problems you can solve?

● How can you solve people’s problems with your current skills?

● How much time will it take you to fix these problems?

All that said, you don’t have to “get paid” to teach the solutions. You can post your

solutions online for free to gather attention and prove your expertise online.

But, to be honest, it feels good to be paid. And you can get paid by selling ebooks,

courses, mentorships, and consultations.

Teaching is a multi-billion industry. And, the good thing is, that there will always be

teaching opportunities as long as there are humans on planet earth.

Now, how do you teach?

Let’s say that you used to be weak, and you had no muscle mass.

How did you get lean and strong?

Write down exactly what you did to accomplish your fitness goal.

And post it.

Extrapolate this idea and apply it to your content.

You'll never run out of things to say.

People will pay attention to what you have to say. Some might even take action

because they got inspired by your story and systems.

If you’re struggling to come up with things to say, answer the following questions:

Who or what was involved in your road to success?

- Who did you follow on social media?

- Which systems, programs, software, courses, ebooks did you purchase?

- Did you have a mentor? If so, who?

What did you do to fix your situation?

- How did you do it?

- Which steps did you take?

- How many hurdles did you have to jump over to get shit done?

When did you get started?

- How long did it take you to succeed?

- Did you give up at any time?

- What did you do to put yourself back together when you failed?

Why did you get started?

- What lit the fire inside of you to take action?

- What did you do to stay motivated?

By answering these questions you’ll be able to create massive amounts of content

for your Tribe.

Smartcut #3: Elevate Your Audience

Make your audience feel better about themselves.

As humans, we vehemently run away from pain and actively run towards pleasure.

That’s how we have survived for so long.

People are in constant look-out mode for pleasure. This is a biological fact, so let’s

use it for our benefit.

So, how do you make your audience feel better?

Every audience is different, however the following ideas can be implemented across

all industries.

1. Call people by their name – or write it if you’re replying to their comments.

2. Launch some giveaways from time to time – people love free stuff!

3. Shoutout to your tribe members – everyone loves being praised.

4. Like and share people’s replies on social media – people crave attention.
5. Teach your audience how to do what you do – no one likes to feel dumb.

6. Entertain your audience with good writing and videos – we are

pleasure-seeking creatures.

7. Share interesting articles with your tribe – people love being informed.

8. Post an “Ask Me Anything” from time to time on your social media accounts –

some people admire you and would like to learn more about you.

9. Avoid unnecessary arguments – while conflict is entertaining for most

people, there’s no need to take shots at others... there’s enough negativity

out there.

Smartcut #4: Share Your Story

Everyone can relate to burning the sandwich in the toaster, or feeling dumb while

learning something new. Those are stories that help you create a bond with your

followers and audience.

"That happened to me," they'll say when they're reading.

"Lol... I'm going through that same situation right now," they think to themselves.

"That's exactly the message that I needed to hear," they'll exclaim.

Or maybe think, "Wow! I want to be able to do that!"

Your stories can help you build a bond of trust that could last a lifetime.

Lasting relationships are built on trust.

And trust is built on top of stories.


These are the 4 Smartcuts To Provide Massive Value And Get Paid For It

Put them into practice and you’ll soon have a massive, engaged tribe.

Good luck!

– Jose Rosado

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