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1. Which deduction is right?

a. Chocolate must have been made in China.

b. Chocolate must have been made in Africa.
c. Chocolate must have been made in the USA.
d. Chocolate must have been made in Argentina.

2. The areas marked

in yellow show most of the places where cocoa is grown.
Note that all of these places are on or near the Equator.
The weather here is generally tropical, hot and humid.
Read and mark the correct statement.
a. Cocoa can’t have been grown in Brazil because of the
b. Cocoa can't have been grown in Alaska because it's not a
tropical country.(correct)
c. Cocoa must have been grown in Russia because of the
appropriate weather conditions.
d. Cocoa can't have been grown in Mexico because of the
3. Here is a cocoa pod on a cocoa tree at the start of its
journey. How long do you think it could have taken a
cocoa tree to grow pods?
a. It must have taken three years.
b. It must have taken a year.
c. It must have taken ten years.
d. It must have taken three months.

4- How do you think the chocolate could have been

carried to the supermarket so you can buy it?
a. It must have been carried by train.
b. It must have been carried by ship.
c. It must have been carried by plane.
d. It must have been carried by lorries.
5. How do you think “Fair Trade” could have helped to
improve the working conditions of the farmers?
a. They must have fought against the big companies by
going on strikes.
b. They must have re-invested some of the profit to help the
c. They must have sold the chocolate at higher prices.
d. They must have used high technology in order to employ
less people and pay them higher salaries.

“They must have re-invested some of the profit to help

the community”

“Cocoa can't have been grown in Mexico because of the


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