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KD. 3.


I. The purpose of Explanation text is To explain processes involved in the formation or workings of
natural phenomenon.( to explain the processes something exists ,ada and is formed or something

The Generic structure of the Expanation text :

 A general statement to position the reader.

Stating the phenomenon issues which are to be expanined.
 A sequanced Expanation of why or how or how something occurs.
Stating a series of steps which explain the phonemina.

The language Feature of the Explanation text is .....

1. Focus generic ,non-human Participants

2. Use mainly Material and Rational Processes.
3. Using chronoligal conjunctions ; begin ,with ,next, etc;
4. Using passive voice.
5. Using simple present.
6. Using simple present tense.
7. Using action verb.
8. Using conjunction cause-effect. And time.
I. Choose the correct answer by crossing a ,b ,c, d or e !

Some people can bread everyday, but how is it made?

First of all, grains such as wheat or rye( gadum) are grown on farms. The grains are harvested and
stored in silos ( tempat penyimpanan). Later, they are taken to a flour mill where the grains are
taken to a flour mill where the grains are ground into flour.

The flour is then sent to a large bakery, There it is mixed with water, salt, and yeast( ragi) to make

Next, the dough is placed in metal pans. The pans are put into an oven. The temperature is about
350F (1800C) After it is baked for 45 minutes, the bread is taken out of the oven to cool.

Some loaves( buah ) of bread are sliced in a machine. And then wrapped in plastic bags A; use by ;
date is usually attached ( dilampirkan) to the package.

Finally, the bread is sent to supermarkets or corner shops.

1. What does the dialogue mainly tell us about ?

a. How bread is eaten everyday.
b. How the grains are harvested.
c. How bread is made.
d. How bread is sent to supermarkets.
e. How bread is wrapped in plastic bags.
2. What does the bakery do with the flour to make dough?
a. Mixes it with water, salt and yeast.
b. Puts it into on oven until 350F .
c. Bakes it for 45 minutes.
d. Takes bit out of the oven to cool.
e. Harvests and stores in silos.
3. The senteces in the text above are mostly written in ....
a. Simple past tenses.
b. Reported speechs.
c. Passive voices.
d. Active voices
e. Present participles.
4. What does the bakery do with the bread before wrapping in plastic bag?
a. Slices some loaves of bread in a machine.
b. Sends the bread to the supermarket or corner shops.
c. Delivers it to the supermarket or corner shops.
d. Writers a “ use by date” to the package.
e. Takes out of the oven to cool.
5. A “ used by “ date is usually attached to the package.
The underlined word means ....
a. Sortered.
b. Appended.
c. Wrapeped.
d. Mixed.
e. Made.
II. This text for questions no 6 to 10.
Have you ever wondered how people get chocolate from? In this article w’ll enter the
amazing world of chocolate so you can understand exactly what you ‘re eating.
Chocolate starts with a tree called the cacao tree. This tree grows in equatorial regions,
Especially in places such as South America, Africa, and Indonesia. The cacao tree produces a
fruit about the size of a small pine apple. Inside the fruit are the the tree ‘s seeds, also know
as cocoa beans.
The beans are fermented for about a week, dried in the sun and then shipped to the
chocolate maker starts by roasting, the beans to bring out the flavor. Different beans from
different places have different qualities and flavor so they are often sorted an blended to
produce a distinctive mix.
Next, the roasted beans are winnowed .Winnowing removes the meat the cacao bean
from its shell. Then, nibs are blended. The blended nibs are ground to make a liquid. The
liquid is called chololate liquor. It tastes bitter. All seeds contain some amount of fat, and
cacao beans are not different. However, cacao beans are half fat, whic is why the ground
nibs from liquid,.It’ pure bitter chocolate.
6. The text is about ....
a. The cacao tree.
b. The cacao beans.
c. The raw chocolate.
d. The making of chocolate.
e. The flavor of chocolate.
7. The third paragraph focuses on ....
a. The process of producing chocolate.
b. How to produce the cocoa flavour.
c. Where chocolate comes from.
d. The chocolate liquor.
e. The chocolate fruit.
8. So they are often sorted and blended to produce a distinctive mix.

The underlined word is close in the meaning to ....

a. Arranged.
b. Combined
c. Separated.
d. Distributed.
e. Organized.
9. How does the chocolate maker start to make chocolate ?
a. By fermenting the beans.
b. By roasting the beans.
c. By blending the beans.
d. By sorting the beans.
e. By drying the beans.
10. So they are often sorted and blended to produce a distinctive mix.
They refer to .....
A different places.
b. different beans.
c. different qualities
d flavors.


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