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Write in English

































Describe the picture. Write sentences

Complete the sentences with some, a or any and the correct verb
1. . there . sugar?
2. There . flour.
3. There . not eggs in the fridge.
4. .. there . bottle of water?
5. There . packet of rice on the table.
6. There . not juice in the glass.
7. .. there . bananas in the bag?
8. There . bowls of sugar here.
9. There . not beans in that cupboard.
Read the text and say if the sentences are true or false.
Slow-Fried French Fries
There are certain foods that are better when not made at home, like french
fries. To achieve golden-brown perfection, you have to fry them twice: first
at a low temperature, to poach them; then at a high heat, to crisp them up.
Very tasty, very much a pain in the neck. A few years back, I read about how
French chef Joel Robuchon supposedly does it at his house: He puts sliced
potatoes in a pot of cold oil, turns on the heat, and lets them go. It sounds
too simple to work. But as the temperature rises, the potatoes cook from the
outer layer in until the fries are wonderfully crunchy outside and creamy in
the center. You'll never make fries any other way-even if you've never made
them before.
1. The best french fries are made at home.
2. For a good french fries you should fry two times.
3. The first chef to discover how to fry the chips was british.
4. First of all, you must put the chips into hot oil.
5. Finally the fries are crunchy inside and outside.
Read the text and answer the questions.
The history of chocolate
One of the most popular foods of all time is chocolate. People nowadays eat
chocolate in many different forms. We eat chocolate candy, and we drink hot
and cold chocolate drinks. The chocolate we eat today is made from a lot of
different ingredients, but the most important ingredient is cacao bean. The

story of cacao bean and its long journey to stores and supermarkets all over the
world started hundreds of years ago in Mexico. Cacao trees need hot and humid
weather, and they originally grew in the Yucatan Pinunsula. The Maya were the
first people to eat cacao beans. They picked cacao beans from wild trees and
cleared land to cultivate their own trees. They made a drink from cacao beans
and exchanged the beans for other goods. They also used cacao beans for
religious ceremonies. Mayan merchants traveled north and introduced cacao
beans to the Aztec people. Soon the cacao bean was part of the Aztecs lives.
They used it as a drink, as part of religious ceremonies and even as money.
With 10 beans, you could buy a rabbit. With 100 beans, you could buy a slave.
One of the Aztec God. The Aztecs could not grow cacao trees because of the
dry climate. When the Aztecs conquered the Maya, they asked for cacao beans
as a tribute.
1. Where does chocolate come from?
2. What is the most important ingredient in chocolate?
3. Where did cacao beans originally grow?
4. Who were the first people to eat cacao beans?
5. Who introduced the cacao beans to the Aztecs?
Listen to the conversation and choose the answer.
1. What time of day does this conversation take place?
A. in the morning
B. in the afternoon
C. in the evening
2. Why doesn't the father give his son something to eat?
A. There isn't any food to eat.
B. The boy just ate something.
C. They are going to eat soon.
3. What snack does the boy want at the beginning of the conversation?
A. potato chips
B. candy
C. donuts
4. Which one food does the father NOT offer to his son for a snack?
A. tomatoes

B. broccoli
C. carrots
5. What does the father ask the boy to do while he is preparing the snack?
A. watch TV
B. play with toys
C. look at books
Listen to the conversation and choose the answer.
1. For his main course, Andi chooses
A. a normal cheese burger
B. a double cheese burger
C. a burger with chips
2. For dessert, Andi chooses
A. ice cream
B. chocolate cake
C. banana cake
3. To drink, Andi chooses
A. apple juice
B. fizzy water
C. still wter
4. Andis table is number
A. thirteen
B. three
C. ten
5. How much is Andis meal?
A. eight pounds twenty
B. eight pounds thirteen
C. eight pounds thirty-seven

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