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by Akruti Sandeep Maharaj
A - 30

Veena college of commerce

Main points:

 Team Building
 Leader’s Skills
 Leadership Styles
 Leadership Theories
 Change Leadership
 Team Performance
 Characteristics of Library Leadership
 Quotes
 Greek National Library – Re-inventing leader model

 T----Together
 E----Everyone
 A----Achieves
 M----More
Leader is one among all
Team Process

Development Formation

Verbal Behaviors
 What behaviors encourage effective
Set context
 Ask questions of members
 Use supportive statements
 Seek out different perspectives
 Share feelings
Guidelines for Professional Ethics

1 • Is it fair? 2 • Am I confident in 3 • Does it make

my decision? anyone
• Does it uphold the uncomfortable?
values of the • Will it be valid for
organization? years? • Does it convey
respect for
• Can I tell my • Is it legal? others?
decisions to my
employer, my • Will it hurt • Have I involved
family and others? anyone? others by
asking their
• How would others • Does it positively viewpoint?
regard the details if represent the
made public? company?
 Cohesion

 Reinforcement
 Team learns new skills
 Build relationships to accomplish task
 Commitment and mutual accountability
 Now, team may be confrontational over issues
 Results are produced from team activities
 Innovative
 To sustain energy, must stress and press the team
 Needs new challenges, new members, new tasks, new
relationships or…...
Team Culture
Team Values

Team Rituals

Team Learning
Team Values
 Commitment to task and team
 Accountability

Lead to trust between

team members and
take into account all the
crucial factors
Leadership - what is it?

“influencing people so that they will strive willingly towards the

achievement of group goals” 1

As a leader you can never say thank you enough, but even more important is
the idea of serving the people you are leading.
“Being a leader can be a very humbling experience.”

1 Koontz, H. and C. O’Donnell . “Management: A System of Contingency

Analysis of Managerial Functions”. McGraw-Hill, New York, 1976.
Conceptions of Leadership:

 Exercising power.
 Gaining and exercising the privileges of high status.
 Being the boss.
 Task orientation.
 Taking care of people.
 Empowerment.
 Providing moral leadership.
 Providing and working toward a vision.
What is leadership style?

Leaders’ styles encompass how they relate to others within and outside
the organization, how they view themselves and their position, and—to
a large extent—whether or not they are successful as leaders.
How do you determine what is
an appropriate style?
 Good leaders usually have a style that they consciously use
most of the time, but they're not rigid. They change as
necessary to deal with whatever comes up.
 Be consistent with what people in the organization expect.
 Your style needs to be consistent with the goals, mission, and
philosophy of your organization.
How do you determine what is
an appropriate style?
 Good leaders usually have a style that they consciously use
most of the time, but they're not rigid. They change as
necessary to deal with whatever comes up.
 Be consistent with what people in the organization expect.
 Your style needs to be consistent with the goals, mission, and
philosophy of your organization.
Analysis of leadership
1. Define and measure some criteria of organizational
2. Assess leadership style of organization’s leaders
3. Attempt to correlate organizational performance
with leadership styles
How important is a leader?

 In most cases, people will perform at about 60% of

their potential with no leadership at all
 Thus, an additional 40% can be realized if effective
leadership is available

Contribution due to leadership

ability of manager 40%

Default contribution due to

need for a job, peer pressure, etc. 60%
The 2 dimensions of
1. Economic or productivity-based
▪ “concern for production”
2. Employee condition and morale
▪ “concern for people”
The 2 dimensions of
These can also be thought of as:
1. Initiating structure (get it done)
2. Consideration (human condition)
Styles of leadership


Consideration X


Initiating structure
Styles of leadership

Benevolent Team
Leader Leader
(Y) (Z)

concern for

Laissez-faire Autocratic
Leader Leader
(L) (X)

concern for production → 9
Which style of leadership
works best?
 Team Leader (Z) has proven to be the most effective
in general (9,9)
 Requires a “balancing act” of getting things done and
having a genuine concern for people
Theory “L”: Laissez-faire

 Uninvolved - “leave them alone”

 Sees main role as passer of information
 Lets others make decisions
 Basically abdicates responsibility for team or unit
Theory “X”: Autocratic

 Lacks flexibility
 Controlling and demanding
 “carrot and stick” approach
 Focused solely on productivity
Theory “Y”: Benevolent

 Very people oriented; encouraging

 Organizes around people
 Can be paternalistic
 “country club” atmosphere: non-competitive
Theory “Z”: Team leader

 Balances production and people issues

 Builds a working team of employees
 Team approach: involves subordinates
 Organization is a vehicle for carrying out plans
Results of leadership styles

1. Theory L: “missing management”

▪ Very low productivity
2. Theory X: “my way or the highway”
▪ Job stress; low satisfaction; unions form
3. Theory Y: “country club”
▪ Low achievement; good people leave
4. Theory Z: “good manager”
▪ High productivity, cooperation, low turnover, employee commitment
Origins of leadership

Are leaders born or made?

 BOTH. Evidence that both inherent personality and environment are


◼What kind of leader would you be?

How do you choose and
develop a leadership style?
 Start with yourself.
 Think about the needs of the organization or initiative.
 Observe and learn from other leaders.
 Use the research on leadership.
 Believe in what you're doing.
 Be prepared to change.
How we build Library Value?
 Library relational capital
 within and beyond the Organization
 Library tangible & intangible capital
 including Human Capital development
 Library virtue
 contribution to transcendent outcomes
 Library momentum
 quality maturity and pace of change (effective change management)

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