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September 2022

The Influence of the Use of Google Classroom Applications on the

Quality of Learning and Student Learning Outcomes in Economics
Class X at Nurul Karamah Islamic High School
Endang Supriatna, M.Pd
STKIP PGRI Sukabumi, West Java, Indonesia

Abstract: Google Classroom is designed to make it easier for teachers and students to interact in cyberspace.
This application provides an opportunity for teachers to explore ideas that are of interest to students. The
innovation provided by Google For Education aims to help create active, effective, efficient and fun learning.
Based on observations that have been made by showing that SMA Islam Nurul Karomah is a school that has
facilities and infrastructure that is able to support and support learning using technology-based media, namely
the Google Classroom application. The availability of projectors as learning media and Wi-fi facilities that can
be accessed by educators and students while in the school building. However, the facilities provided by the
school have not been used optimally for teaching and learning activities. Thus, the use of the Google Classroom
application to assist learning activities is still rarely applied by teachers in schools, even though the operation
of Google Classroom is relatively easy. Therefore, the researcher chose SMA Islam Nurul Karomah as the object
of research to see the effect of using the Google Classroom application on the quality of learning and student
learning outcomes. However, based on the results of observations made by researchers, at SMA Islam Nurul
Karomah the process of learning activities is still not optimal. This happens because of the lack of teacher
expertise in using technology-based learning media and utilizing available facilities. The lack of use of learning
media makes students unenthusiastic in the learning process. Thus this makes it difficult for students to
understand economic subjects which then has an impact on student learning outcomes.

Key Words: Google Classroom, Quality of Learning and Student Learning Outcomes

To synergize the modernization process and the quality of learning, it is necessary
to change the paradigm carried out by teachers in carrying out the learning process in
schools. Now teachers must be able to master and operate information technology and
apply it in classroom learning. It aims to improve the quality of learning and the quality of
graduates (output) who are able to compete in this modern era. Current learning is more
directed at modernization activities with the help of advanced technology in the hope that
students can digest subject matter interactively, productively, effectively, inspiringly,
constructively, and funly. In addition, students are also expected to have life skills from the
application of these technologies.
Learning by using existing technological developments Currently, it provides
opportunities and opportunities for teachers to be able to improve and develop their

competencies. The use of technology in learning is expected to be a solution in overcoming
learning problems in the classroom caused by the less than optimal role of teachers in using
technology in education.
The application of information and communication technology that has the
potential to be used as a learning medium is the internet, there are quite a number of
schools that have computers connected to the internet. The development of learning
technology using internet media is currently growing rapidly so as to provide convenience,
freedom, and flexibility in exploring knowledge online.

Google For Education is the most interesting innovation from Google because it is

a product created to assist teachers and students in carrying out teaching and learning

activities. As written on the official website, Google For Education has several services that

are very helpful in the teaching and learning process at schools, such as Google Classroom,

Google Mail, Google Calendar, Google Drive, and Google Docs. Google Classroom is a service

that deserves to be implemented in Indonesia, because Google Classroom has the same

structure as existing learning.

Google Classroom is actually designed to make it easier for teachers and students

to interact in cyberspace. This application provides an opportunity for teachers to explore

their scientific ideas to students. The innovation provided by Google For Education aims to

help create active, effective, efficient and fun learning.

Based on observations made by researchers, it shows that SMA Islam Nurul

Karomah is a school that has facilities and infrastructure that is able to support and support

learning using technology-based media, namely the Google Classroom application.

Availability of projectors as learning media and Wi-fi facilities that can be accessed by

educators and students while in the school building. However, the facilities provided by the

school are still not optimally utilized for teaching and learning activities. Thus, the use of the

Google Classroom application to assist learning activities is still rarely applied by teachers in

schools, even though the operation of Google Classroom is relatively easy. Therefore, the

researcher chose SMA Islam Nurul Karomah as the object of research to see the effect of

using the Google Classroom application on the quality of learning and student learning


However, based on observations made by researchers, that in SMA Islam Nurul

Karomah the process of learning activities is still less than optimal. This happens because of

the lack of teacher expertise in using technology-based learning media and utilizing available

facilities. The lack of use of learning media makes students unenthusiastic in the learning

process. Thus this makes it difficult for students to understand Economics subjects which

then have an impact on student learning outcomes.

Based on the descriptions above, the researchers are interested in conducting

research with the title "The Influence of the Use of Google Classroom Applications on the

Quality of Learning and Student Learning Outcomes in Economics Subject Class X at Islamic

Senior High School Nurul Karomah"


The research method used is quantitative research. Quantitative research can be

defined as a research method based on the philosophy of positivism, used to examine a

particular population or sample, the use of data using research instruments, quantitative or

statistical data analysis, with the aim of testing the established hypothesis. (Sugiyono: 2018).

1. Population

According to Sugiyono, population is a generalization area that consists of objects

or subjects that have certain qualities and characteristics determined by the researcher to

be studied and then draw conclusions. Meanwhile, according to I'anatut Thoifah, the

population is all the characteristics that are the object of research, where these

characteristics are related to all groups of people, events or objects that are the center of

attention for researchers, in other words, the population is the entire set of objects under


So based on the above understanding the population object used by the

researcher is all students of class X SMA Islam Nurul Karamah with the following data:

Table 3.1
Class X Population of Nurul Karamah Islamic High School in 2022/2023
No Class Total

1 X IPA 15

2 X IPS 1 20

3 X IPS 2 20


2. Sample

According to Sugiyono, the sample is part of the number and characteristics

possessed by the population. The sampling technique (sampling technique) in this study

uses non-probability sampling, which is a sampling technique that does not provide equal

opportunities or opportunities for the population selected to be the sample. In the non-

probability sample, the researcher uses a purposive sampling technique, which is based on

certain considerations and the goals to be achieved. In this study, class X IPS 1 was used as a

sample because class X IPS 1 had an average KKM score with the smallest number among

other classes.

The researcher selects a group or class sample from the population that is the

object of this research, namely:

Table 3.2
Sample Class X Islamic SMA Nurul Karamah Year 2022/2023
No Population Total Class Sample Total Students

1 Class X 3 Class X IPS 1 20

C. Data Collection Techniques
In this study, several techniques were used to collect data. The data collection
techniques are carried out by:
1. Test Method
The test used in this study is a test on a daily test. The form of the test used in this
study is an objective test, in the form of a direct test with the multiple choice method,
its implementation is directly delivered by the researcher as a teacher. The questions
that are worked on are in the form of Economics lessons for class X semester I which
have been taught by the teacher.
2. Questionnaire (Questionnaire)
The questionnaire used in this study is a closed questionnaire. In this study, the
questionnaire was administered after the learning and research activities were carried
out, namely by distributing questionnaires to the students of class X IPS 1 to see how
much the quality of learning in the class was.
3. Documentation
This documentation data collection technique is used by the authors to obtain
written data such as teacher data, student data, facilities and infrastructure data,
inventory lists and others.
D. Variable Operations
This study uses three variables, namely the independent variable, the dependent
variable 1 and the dependent variable 2.
1. Independent variable (X1) Use of Google Classroom Application.
a) Conceptual Definition
Google Classroom is an Internet-based service provided by Google as an e-learning
system. This service is designed
to help teachers create and distribute paperless assignments to students. Users of this
service must have an account with Google.
b) Operational Definition
This Google Classroom is a student's opinion about the application of the
application which includes knowledge, benefits, advantages and disadvantages in

learning activities. The implementation of Google Classroom was measured using a
questionnaire instrument of 20 questions.
2. One dependent variable (Y1) is the quality of learning.
3. The two dependent variables (Y2) are learning outcomes.

E. Data Analysis and Processing Techniques

1. Instrumental Trial
a. Validity test

Test the validity of this test instrument and questionnaire using Pearson's product

moment correlation using the following formula:

𝑟𝑥= 𝑛(∑ X𝑌) − (∑ X) (∑ 𝑌)

√(𝑛(∑ X2) − (∑ X)2)(𝑛(∑ 𝑌2) − (∑ 𝑌)2)

r : Correlation coefficient
n : Many students
X : Score for each item
Y : The total score obtained by students
∑Y: Total score for each item
∑X: Total score count
Table 3.4
Instrument Validity Category
Categori Description
0,00 – 0,20 Very Low
0,20 – 0,40 Low
0,40 – 0,60 Enough
0,60 – 0,80 Tall
0,80 – 1,00 Very High

b. Reliability Test
The measurement method is that all valid question items are entered and the
Crounbach Alpha coefficient is measured. If the value obtained is greater than 0.6 then
the test instrument and questionnaire are reliable.
The reliability test for the instrument uses Cronbach's Alpha with the formula:

r11 : Instrument reliability
k: The number of questions or the number of questions
∑σ²: : Number of item variants
V² : Total score variance

The amount of reliability is categorized as the following table:

Table 3.5 Category of Instrument Reliability

Value 𝑟11 Description
0,00 sampai 0,20 Very Low
0,20 sampai 0,40 Low
0,40 sampai 0,60 Enough
0,60 sampai 0,80 Tall
0,80 sampai 0,10 Very High

3. Data Analysis Prerequisite Test

a. Normality test
The statistical test used is the Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test with a significance (α) =
0.05, the hypothesis of data normality can be formulated as follows:
H0 : Data with normal distribution of KS is not significant, sig. > = 0.05
Ha : Data is not normally distributed KS significant sig < = 0.05
b. Linearity Test
To perform a linearity test (linearity test) with the criteria is if the value of Sig F is
less than 0.05 then the relationship is not linear, whereas if the value of Sig F is more
than or equal to then the relationship is linear.

Results and Discussion

B. Trial of Research Instruments
1. Validity Test

The results of the validity test of the questionnaire instrument submitted to
students of class X IPS 1 SMA Islam Nurul Karomah, with a total of 20 students and 25
questionnaires, obtained a correlation value between item scores and total scores. We then
compare this value with the value of r table, r table is sought at a significance of 0.05 with a
2-sided test and the amount of data n = 20, then we get an r table of 0.468. The following
can be seen the results of the calculation of the validity of all statement items. To calculate
the Pearson Product moment Correlation coefficient, the data is obtained as shown in table
Table 4.7
The Result of the Calculation of the Validity of the Questionnaire Instrument
Variabel r count r table Information
Google Classroom Use 1 0,856 0,468 Valid
(X1) 2 0,470 0,468 Valid
3 0,846 0,468 Valid
4 0,572 0,468 Valid
5 0,845 0,468 Valid
6 0,555 0,468 Valid
7 0,918 0,468 Valid
8 0,663 0,468 Valid
9 0,651 0,468 Valid
10 0,869 0,468 Valid
11 0,055 0,468 No Valid
12 0,109 0,468 No Valid
13 0,586 0,468 Valid
Quality of learning 14 0,818 0,468 Valid
(Y1) 15 0,772 0,468 Valid
16 0,480 0,468 Valid
17 0,875 0,468 Valid
18 0,862 0,468 Valid
19 0,808 0,468 Valid
20 0,255 0,468 No Valid
21 0,511 0,468 Valid
22 0,704 0,468 Valid
23 0,856 0,468 Valid

24 0,771 0,468 Valid

25 0,821 0,468 Valid

Based on the results of the analysis obtained from table 4.7, the correlation value
is 0.468, it can be concluded that the questionnaire instrument item with item number
11.12 and item number 20 is less than r table. So it can be concluded that the item number
is not significantly correlated with the total score (invalid) so it must be removed or

repaired. While the other numbered items are more than 0.468 and it can be concluded
that the item number of the questionnaire instrument is valid.
Based on the results of the analysis obtained, the correlation value of 0.468 can be
concluded that the test instrument item with item number 24 is less than r table. So it can
be concluded that the item number is not significantly correlated with the total score
(invalid) so it must be removed or repaired. While the other numbered items are more than
0.468 and it can be concluded that the item number of the test instrument is valid.
The questions that were declared valid were 24 items, and the questions that were
declared invalid were 1 item. So in this study, invalid questions will be excluded or will not
be used in further research. The full validity test results can be seen in the appendix.

The questions that were declared valid were 22 items, and the questions that were declared
invalid were 3 items. So in this research, invalid questions will be excluded or will not be
used in further research.
This study aims to examine the effect of the use of the Google Classroom
application on the quality of learning and learning outcomes in economics subjects
conducted in class X SMA Islam Nurul Karomah. The main target of this research is the
students of class X IPS 1 SMA Islam Nurul Karomah. Further discussion of the results of this
study will be described as follows:
a. The Effect of Using Google Classroom on Learning Quality
Based on the results of data analysis using a simple regression test, the results of
hypothesis testing state that there is an effect of the use of google classroom on the quality
of learning in class X Economics at SMA Islam Nurul Karomah. Based on the significance
value from the Coefficient table, a significance value of 0.000 <0.05 is obtained, so it can be
concluded that the Google Classroom Usage variable (X) has an effect on the Learning
Quality variable (Y). Based on the t value, it is known that the calculated t value is 11.533 >
2.101 so it can be concluded that the Google Classroom Usage variable (X) affects the
learning quality variable (Y).

The results of hypothesis testing with Product Moment Correlation (Pearson) show
a very strong relationship. It is known that the result of a significance value of 0.000 <0.05
means that there is a correlation. The calculated r value is 0.939 > 0.468, so there is a
correlation. It is concluded that there is a positive and significant relationship between the
use of Google Classroom and the Quality of Learning, thus H1 is accepted.
b. The Effect of Using Google Classroom on Learning Outcomes
The results of testing the simple regression hypothesis, the results state that there
is an effect of using Google Classroom on the learning outcomes of class X Economics at
SMA Islam Nurul Karomah. This is in accordance with the data from the simple regression
test results.
Based on the significance value of the Coefficient table, a significance value of
0.001 < 0.05 was obtained, so it can be concluded that the Google Classroom Use variable
(X) has an effect on the Learning Outcome variable (Y). Based on the t value, it is known that
the calculated t value is 12.257 > 2.101, so it can be concluded that the Google Classroom
Usage variable (X) has an effect on the learning outcome variable (Y).
The results of hypothesis testing with Product Moment Correlation (Pearson) show a strong
relationship. It is known that the result of a significance value of 0.001 <0.05 means that
there is a correlation. The calculated r value is 0.778 > 0.468, so there is a correlation. It is
concluded that there is a positive and significant relationship between the use of Google
Classroom and Learning Outcomes, thus H1 is accepted.

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