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The Effect of E-learning and the Use of Quizizz Applications on Learning

Outcomes in Class X Otkp Students of Smk Negeri 2 Cikarang Barat

Lecturer :
1. Roni Faslah, S.Pd., MM.
2. Sholikhah, M.M

Name : Nurullita Tri Handayani

NIM : 1709618019

Office Administration Education

Faculty Of Economics
State University Of Jakarta
1.1 Background of the problem

Average Results of Evaluation of Correspondence Subjects

Changes in learning activities carried out from Offline for Class X Students OTKP SMKN 2 Cikarang Barat
learning to Online. Make teachers and students must be
able to adapt to new learning activities.

As a result of the changes that occur, it causes the

learning outcomes obtained by students.
As in the picture shown beside, it can be seen that in the
Office Administration Automation Department, the
Correspondence Subject at SMKN 2 Cikarang Barat.
The three classes have an average score of <75 (below
the KKM).
1.1 Background of the problem

According to Aisyah (2021), there are 2 factors that cause the decline in
student learning outcomes, namely:
1. Internal factors, factors that originate within students, for example:
fatigue, impaired health, difficulty focusing in learning.

2. External factors, factors that come from outside the students For
example: Unsupportive learning environment, boring learning media, lack
of innovation in monotonous learning activities.
1.1 Background of the problem

Teachers can choose interesting and not

monotonous learning media

In overcoming the problem of

decreasing learning outcomes
experienced by students, it is
necessary to innovate in the
applied learning activities. Teachers need to increase student
experience in applying technological
devices by using media and learning
models that involve technological advances

01 What are the results of descriptive research on the Effect of E-Learning and Quizizz
Applications on the Learning Outcomes of Class X OTKP SMKN 2 Cikarang Barat?

02 Is there an effect of E-Learning and Moodle Applications on the learning outcomes of class X
OTKP students of SMKN 2 Cikarang Barat?

03 Is there an effect of Moodle-Based E-Learning as a learning medium in improving student

learning outcomes for class X OTKP SMKN 2 Cikarang Barat?

04 Is there any effect of the Quizizz Application on the learning outcomes of class X OTKP SMKN
2 Cikarang Barat?
1.3 Research Purpose

01 To find out descriptively whether there is an effect of E-Learning and Quizizz Applications on the
Learning Outcomes of Class X OTKP students of SMKN 2 Cikarang Barat

02 To find out and analyze the effect of E-Learning and Quizizz Applications on the learning outcomes of
class X OTKP students at SMKN 2 Cikarang Barat

03 To find out and analyze the effect of E-Learning and Quizizz Applications on the learning outcomes of
class X OTKP SMKN 2 Cikarang Barat

04 To find out and analyze the effect of E-Learning and Quizizz Applications on the learning outcomes of
class X OTKP SMKN 2 Cikarang Barat


For Researchers
This research is expected to broaden the horizons of researchers related to education.
a. The results of this study are expected to
be used as reference material in For Teachers
subsequent research activities that have The research is expected to be a solution for teachers to be able to increase students'
relevance to this research problem enthusiasm for learning which results in increasing student learning outcomes.
b. Researchers can apply the theories that For School
have been learned during lecture The research is expected to be input and additional insight for schools, to be able to
activities to actual conditions. provide guidance to teachers to be able to take advantage of existing technology by
using learning media that are much more interesting that can increase student interest
c. As well as information material for those in learning.
in need, especially regarding the effect of
Moodle-based E-Learning and Moodle For University
Applications as learning media in This research is expected to provide benefits as a source of information and knowledge
improving student learning outcomes. for those in need, especially those who conduct research on this issue, and can be used
as reference material for the Jakarta State University library.
E-Learning (X1)

Dimensi E-Learning

E-LEARNING Based on research conducted by Miftahul Muthoharoh, that in his research on E-Learning
there are three dimensions that guide his research, namely (Muthoharoh 2020):

E-Learning is a renewal in the a.Supplement

learning process that makes a major Dimension of E-Learning, which means that the use of E-Learning can be an addition to
contribution to learning activities learning activities, especially on offline learning.
carried out in the classroom. The use
of E-Learning in learning activities b. Complement
provides opportunities for students to dimension is used to complete learning activities carried out, both online and offline, this
be more active in the learning process E-Learning dimension can help teachers program complete learning materials, where the
such as observing, doing, and use of E-Learning can be accessed anytime and anywhere it will certainly make it easier
demonstrating where the learning for students to be able to study anywhere and anytime even outside of learning hours.
process is no longer centered on the
teacher (Teacher Center) but on c. Replacement
students (Student Center). dimension is used as a substitute in face-to-face learning activities. The goal is to help
(D Jati, 2020). facilitate the process of learning activities where the use of E-Learning is not limited by
distance and time so that it can adjust the conditions of each student who is in a different
Quizizz (X2)

Based on research conducted by Novike Bela Sumanik, Jhon Yoro Parlindungan, Gardis
Andari, Lamtiar Ferawati Siregar has three dimensions that become benchmarks in
conducting research to determine whether the Quizizz Application has an influence on the
learning outcomes studied. obtained by students, among others (Swarniti, 2021):
The Quizizz application is an
education-based web tool game a. Ease
application that in its use brings The Dimension of Convenience relates to the use of the Quizizz application which can make
multi-player activities in the it easier for students to carry out learning activities, as well as the ease of access to use the
classroom and is carried out Application accompanied by the flexible nature of the Quizizz application which is very easy
simultaneously, it can even be used by to use. understood by students in each of the features provided.
more than 100 people simultaneously
which can have an impact on making b. Satisfaction
learning activities more fun. and This dimension of satisfaction relates to student satisfaction when using the Quizizz
interactive application in learning activities, the feeling of satisfaction felt by students is obtained
(Citra and Rosy, 2020) because when learning activities are carried out using the Quizizz application

c. Motivation
This motivation dimension relates to students' efforts to be able to produce the best possible
points. This feeling of motivation arises because students feel challenged to be able to race
with other friends, to get the highest score,
Learning Outcomes (Y)

Dimension Learning
Learning Outcomes

Based on research conducted by Turrohmah, the dimensions of learning outcomes are

divided into 3 domains, namely (Turrohmah, 2017):
Learning outcomes mean that there is
a. Dimensions of the Realm Cognitive
a change in student behavior in the
Cognitive realm is a realm within students that is related to mental (brain). Everything
learning process which includes the
related to brain activity is included in the cognitive realm.
cognitive, affective, and psychomotor
fields. Which form of change is meant
b. Dimensions of the Affective Realm
is changes that occur positively, fields
The affective domain is a domain related to student attitudes which changes can be
and aspects of education in students
identified if the student has a high level of mastery of the cognitive domain.
must be developed in the learning
c. Dimensions of the Psychomotor Realm
(Sudjana, 2017).
The psychomotor domain is a process of changing behavior that can be seen from the form
of skills shown by students,
Theoretical Framework

a. The effect of Moodle-based E-Learning on Learning

b. The Effect of Quizizz Applications on Learning Outcomes
The widespread use of mobile phones among students can be an
innovation for teachers to be able to apply the use of E-Learning
Based on research conducted by Putra (2021) that one of the
in the learning process, with the use of E-Learning in the learning
efforts that can be made in improving the learning outcomes
process can provide positive changes in learning outcomes that
obtained by students is to innovate in learning activities carried
obtained by students (Syaifulloh, 2016).
out by utilizing existing learning media, one of which is the
In line with the research above, the use of Moodle-based E-
application Quizizz which has a positive influence on the learning
Learning in the learning process has positive changes to the
outcomes obtained by students because of the availability of
learning outcomes obtained. Based on research conducted by
interesting features in it.
Musa (2019), the learning process using Moodle-based E-
Learning improves the learning outcomes obtained by class X
students of SMA Almuslim Tambun Bekasi.
2.6 Hypothesis

Berbasis Moodle
Based on the problem formulation, theoretical
Hasil Belajar Siswa study and previous research that has been
(Y) described above, the researcher formulates
several hypotheses that will be tested for truth,
Aplikasi Quizizz
Keterangan : H2
(X2) 1. H1 = There is a significant influence between
Moodle-based E-Learning on Student
Learning Outcomes
2. H2 = Application on Student Learning
Outcomes Quizizz
3. H3 = There is a significant influence between
Keterangan : Moodle-based E-Learning and the Quizizz
Application on Student Learning Outcomes
X1 = Variable Free
X2 = Variable Free
Y = Variable Bound
 = Direct Effect

SMKN 2 Cikarang Barat

Jl. Fatahillah No. 1A RW 04 Kalijaya Cikarang Barat

Bekasi West Java, Kalijaya, Kec. Cikarang Bar.,
Bekasi Regency, West Java 17530.

The research method

used in this study is the
Survey Method using a
March 2022 to April 2022.
questionnaire with a
Likert scale and
descriptive analysis
method derived from the
learning outcomes
Students of class X Office Governance Automation
obtained by students
(OTKP) at SMK Negeri 2 Cikarang Barat consisting of
3 classes, namely X OTKP 1 , X OTKP 2, X OTKP 3
with 105 students.
Chapter III – Research Methods

Population Data

The population in this study is all class X OTKP

SMKN 2 Cikarang Barat Force 2020.
In this study, researchers
combined primary data and
secondary data in an effort to
complete the data needed in
conducting this research.
1.Primary Data : Variable E-
The sample in this study using the saturated
Learning and Variable Quizizz
sampling technique. Saturated Sampling is a
technique for determining research samples taken
2.Secondary Data : Variable
from the entire population (Sugiyono, 2019). The
Learning Outcomes
sample in this study was the entire population
obtained, namely all class X OTKP SMK Negeri 2
Cikarang Barat, amounting to 105 students.
Chapter III – Research Methods
DATA ANALYSIS TECHNIQUE Classic assumption test:
3 • Normality test
• Linearity Test
• Multicollinearity Test
1 Instrument Test:
• Validity test • Heteroscedasticity Test
• Reliability Test

4 Multiple Regression Analysis

2 Descriptive Statistical
Analysis Hypothesis testing:
5 • T Test (Partial Test)
• F Test (Simultaneous Test)

Coefficient of
6 Determination Test

Test Results: Reliability

results meet the high

Test Results: All statements are

declared valid
Application (X)

Test Results: Reliability

results meet the high

Test Results: All statements

are declared valid
Characteristics of

The field of work that will be achieved in this

department is in the field of office
administration or more commonly known as a
secretary, in the world of work alone job
vacancies for secretaries prioritize secretarial
majors, especially the female gender.
Descriptive Analysis of
Learning Outcomes (Y)
Normality test

Result: sig. 0.200 > 0.05.

Data is normally distributed
Linearity Test
Result : Sig. Deviation
from Linearity 0.108 > 0.05.
There is a linear

Result: Value of Sig.

Deviation from Linearity
0.524 > 0.05. There is a
linear relationship
Multicollinearity Test
Result: Tolerance 0.430 > 0.01
VIF 2,324 < 10.00.
There are no symptoms of

Result: Tolerance 0.430 >

0.01 VIF 2.324 < 10.00.
There are no symptoms of
Heteroscedasticity Test

Result: Sig value 0.948 >

0.05. There is no
heteroscedasticity problem

Result: Value of Sig. 0.891 >

0.05. There is no
heteroscedasticity problem

Result: There is no
heteroscedasticity problem
Multiple Regression Test.

a. Constant value of 86,643 indicates that

if the independent variables are
considered constant then the value of
Y (Learning Outcomes) is 86,643.

b. The value of the E-Learning Coefficient

is -0.399. This means that if the E-
Learning variable increases by one
unit, and it is assumed that the value
of other variables remains, the value of
Learning Outcomes increases by -

c. The Quizizz Application Usage

Coefficient is 0.197. This means that if
Y = 86.643 – 0,399 + 0,197 the Quizizz Application Use variable
increases by one unit, and it is
assumed that the value of other
variables remains, then the value of
Learning Outcomes will increase by

1 T Test
Result: t value -3.511 > 1.987
Sig value 0.001 < 0.05
X1 – Y Positive and Significant

Result : t value 1,924 > 1,660

Sig value 0.05 = 0.05
X2 – Y Positive and Significant
(with a significance level of

2 F Test

Result: F value 6.777 > 2.03

Value of Sig. 0.002 < 0.05
X1 X2 – Y Positive and
Coefficient of Determination Test

Result : R Square 0.122 = 12.2%

1 2

Hypothesis H1 Hypothesis H2

Test Results The t test shows t count > t table, which is If using a significance level of 10% (0.1). Test Results
3.511 > 1.984., and has a significance value of less The t-test > t-table is 1.924 > 1.660, and the
than 0.05, which is 0.001 < 0.05 (there is a significant significance value is 0.1 (there is a significant effect).
effect). That is, the higher the use of E-Learning in This means that the higher the use of the Quizizz
eating learning activities, the higher the Learning application in learning, the higher the learning outcomes
Outcomes obtained by class X OTKP students of obtained by class X OTKP students at SMKN 2
SMKN 2 Cikarang Barat. Cikarang Barat.

Hypothesis H3

From the results of the F test, the value of Fcount > Ftable is 6.777 >
2.03 and the significance value obtained is 0.002 < 0.05
(simultaneously has a positive and significant effect on learning
outcomes). This means that the higher the use of E-Learning and the
use of Quizizz Applications in learning, the learning outcomes
obtained by class X OTKP students of SMKN 2 Cikarang Barat.

1. There is a positive and significant effect between E-Learning (X1) on Learning

Outcomes (Y) as evidenced by t-count > t-table of 3.511 > 1.984.

2. There is a positive and significant effect between the use of the Quizizz Application
(X2) on Learning Outcomes (Y) as evidenced by t-count > t-table of 1.924 > 1.660.

3. There is a positive and significant effect between E-Learning (X1) and the Use of
Quizizz Applications (X2) on Learning Outcomes as evidenced by F-count > F-table
of 6.777 > 2.03

For schools, schools can hold

training in the development of For teachers, teachers need to
For further researchers, it is
learning media for teachers, these innovate in learning by
recommended to improve the
efforts can be made with the aim determining learning models and
results of this study as well as
of increasing teacher media that attract students'
previous research. By adding
understanding in utilizing interest so that learning becomes
variables or using other
currently available learning much more fun for students, and
predictable variables, it can have
media so that teachers can makes learning activities more
a big influence on the results.
choose the right learning media meaningful.
tailored to the needs of students.
Thank You
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by Slidesgo, including icons by Flaticon,
infographics & images by Freepik

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