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T. Tutut Widiastuti. A1*, Nunung Sobarningsih2, Elga Tania Diniyanti3

Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung, Bandung, Jawa Barat Indonesia
Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung, Bandung, Jawa Barat Indonesia
Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung, Bandung, Jawa Barat Indonesia
*Cibiru Kota Bandung Jawa barat Indonesia
E-mail: 1*

In the learning process, solving mathematical problems can be done after understanding the problem itself.
Therefore, the ability to understand mathematical problems has to be mastered by each student in the class.
The purpose of this study is to discover differences in the improvement of students' mathematical
comprehension ability between students that use the Change of Pairs model compared to those who use
conventional models in online learning. The research was conducted at one of the SMP / MTs in
Majalengka city. The method used is a quasi-experimental method, where in this method there are two
classes, namely the experimental class (that used the Change of Pairs model in online learning) and the
control group (the conventional model, namely the expository in online learning). For the research design,
we used The Nonequivalent Control Group Design. From this research, we found that there is a difference
in the increase in mathematical comprehension ability between the students who used the Change of Pairs
model and the students who used conventional models in online learning. Based on the results of the N-
Gain data analysis from the two classes using the t-test, it was found that the improvement in mathematical
comprehension skills of the students in the experimental class is better than those in the control class. This
is indicated by the results of the average value of N-Gain in the experimental class (0.70) that is bigger than
the control class (0.57).

Keywords: Change of Pairs, Mathematical comprehension, Mathematical Learning

Mathematics are one of the important knowledge in the education world (Alan Usman
Fauzan: 2017). One of the important factor in mathematical learning nowadays is the
development of student's mathematical comprehension ability. Sugandi (in Ramadhani
2013:3) proposed that in general, mathematical learning nowadays involve less students’
activity. Wahyudin (dalam Ramadhani 2013:3) also added that the students mostly can
follow the explanation or information that is given by their teacher well, they rarely ask
questions that makes the teacher is absorbed in the explanation process. Someone can be
said to comprehend a matter if that person can understand everything about the matter
correctly and is able to explain it. Therefore mathematical concept comprehension is to
understand and explain correctly about mathematical concept.

According to Hewson dan Thorleyn (in Nurhayati, 2010:23) “Comprehension is a

concept that can be understand by the students so that they can understand the purpose,
can find a way to explain the concept, and can explore any related possibility”. Therefore,
it is not easy to comprehend something especially mathematical concept. Mathematical
learning is an important study, yet the practice still faces several challenges and problems.

(Sari, D., Nurochmah, N., Haryadi, H., & Syaiturjim, S: 2016). Ningsih (2012) stated
that the main problem that often faced in mathematical learning is the low ability of
student’s concept comprehension. In tune with that, according to Jihad (2017: 65) in
mathematical learning, the abilities that are expected since elementary school until junior
high school are to develop the comprehension about mathematical concept, to explain the
relationship between concepts and apply them efficiently, accurately and precisely in
handling mathematical problems. While Santrock in (Hendriana, Rohaeti, dan Sumarno,
2017:3) stated that mathematical comprehension is the key in a learning. National
Council of Teacher of Mathematics (NCTM) proposed that mathematical comprehension
will be more meaningful if it is built by the students themselves. (Sari, 2016:17). Based
on the opinion of the experts about mathematical comprehension, therefore the one that
will be examined in this study will be focused on the mathematical comprehension
indicators, that are: (a) classifying objects based on whether the requirements that needed
to form the concept are fulfilled or not; (b) Presenting the concept in various form of
mathematical representations, are the students’ ability to present a mathematical concept
in a form of table, chart, sketch, mathematical model or any other ways; (c) Applying the
concept algorithmically; (d) The ability to re-explain the concepts that already learned,
are the student’s ability to re-explain what has been communicated to them in the
mathematical learning process in the class; (e) Applying the concept correctly in solving

Based on those regards, the ability to understand is important in the mathematical

learning process. Mathematical comprehension can be used as a reference or basis for
thinking in solving mathematical and also real life problems. Because in mathematics, the
concepts can be related to one another. The preliminary studies that the researchers
conducted before show that the indicators of students' mathematical comprehension
abilities have not been achieved optimally. If students do not understand the problem,
then they cannot plan for the solution. Therefore, the role of the teacher is very important
to create students who have good comprehension skills, so that they are able to achieve
satisfactory learning outcomes and in the same time the learning objectives can be

The efforts that must be made are improving the mathematical learning process itself and
one of them is by utilizing the learning model. By using a learning model that fits the
learning material, it is expected that student creativity and activeness in the learning
process will grow. One of the learning model that seeks students to be active in building
and understanding a lesson is Change of Pairs. Lie (2013) in Fauzi (2016 : 157) stated
that change of Pairs technique demands the students to active and interact to teach and
understand each other, also this technique can help students motivate themselves to
master the lesson so that they can reach maximal achievement.

For this study we conducted online learning due to covid-19 pandemic that makes it
impossible to do the offline one. According to Susilawati (2012:24) learning is described
as a process to regulate environment in order to change the students’ behavior in a better
and positive direction in accordance with the students’ strength and difference, so that the
learning puts forward the process to achieve a better change. Whereas online is a term
used when we are connected to the internet network. So online learning is a learning that
takes place over the internet. According to Moore, Dickson-Deane, & Galyen (2011),
online learning is a learning that use internet network with accessibility, connectivity,
flexibility, and the ability to generate different types of learning interactions. At the
implementation level, online learning requires the support of mobile devices such as
smartphones or Android phones, laptops, computers, tablets, and iPhones which can be
used to access information anytime and anywhere (Gikas & Grant, 2013).

The steps for the Change of Pairs model through online learning in this study are: (a) All
students open the WhatsApp application and listen to the teacher's directions and fill in
the attendance list for the class groups that have been provided (15 minutes before
learning begins); (b) Each student is grouped in pairs; (c) The teacher gives assignments
in the form of Student Worksheets (LKS), then students discuss and work on assignments
with their groups; (d) Upon completion, each group joins another group; (e) The two
groups exchange pairs, and each pair enters a new group that has been provided by the
teacher to ask each other and confirm their answers; (f) New findings obtained from the
exchanged partner, then shared with the original partner.

The advantages of the Change of Pairs model through online learning are (a) to train
students to be able to work together and to defend their opinions; (b) all students are
actively involved, because in each group there are only 2 members or in pairs; (c) to train
students to be more thorough, careful, fast and precise; because through online learning,
the material can be accessed via the internet easily. Meanwhile, the weaknesses of the
Change of Pairs model through online learning are (a) the learning process takes a long
time and each student’s situation is difficult to manage because the whole process is
carried out online at their respective homes; (b) Teachers cannot control the learning
process directly and are not be able to know the abilities of each student; (c) there is an
unexpected internet network problem.

Based on the description of the literature study and the background of the problems that
have been described, the researcher took the title "Change of Pairs Model on
Mathematical online learning in Junior High School ". The purpose of this study is to
discover the differences in the improvement of students' mathematical comprehension
ability between students who use the Change of Pairs model compared to those who use
conventional models in online learning.


Research method that is used in this study is quasi experimental method, where in this
method there are two classes, namely the experimental class (that used the Change of
Pairs model in online learning) and the control group (the conventional model in online
learning), with the research design namely The Nonequivalent Control Group Design.
Below in the table are the research design according to Sugiyono.
Table 1. Research Design Nonequivalent Control Grup Design
Grup Pretest Variabel Posttest

Eksperimen O X O

Kontrol O O

(Sugiyono, 2016:116)

X : group that used Change of Pairs model in Online learning.

O : Pretest and Posttest on mathematical comprehension ability of the students in both

The population in this study were all students of class VIII MTs PUI Cikijing in the
2019/2020 academic year which consisted of 8 classes starting from VIII 01– VIII 08.
Meanwhile, two classes were taken as samples using purposive sampling technique.
Purposive Sampling is a technique of taking samples based on certain objectives and
considerations (Sugiyono, 2016: 85). The sample chosen was class VIII 03 as an
experimental class (use the Change of Pairs model in online learning) and class VIII 07 as
a control class (use conventional model in online learning). The sampling considerations
based on the results of the PTS, students of both classes have homogeneous abilities,
which are x ̅ 03=77,6dan x ̅ 07 ¿ 74,2. To strengthen this consideration, we tested the
homogeneity of the PTS results for both classes with the help of SPSS 25 software.
Through this test, we obtained a value Sig (0.396)> 0.05, which means that the two
classes have homogeneous variances. Another consideration is that both classes are
taught by the same teacher.


The improvement of mathematical comprehension ability can be seen by analyzing the N-

Gain data obtained from the pretest and posttest results. Based on the data on the
improvement of the overall students’ score, the average N-Gain score of the experimental
class is 0.70, which means that the improvement in mathematical comprehension skills
obtained by the experimental class can be classified as high. The following diagram
shows the improvement in mathematical comprehension skills of the students in the
experimental class that use the Change of Pairs model in online learning.
Pretest Posttest

E- E- E- E- E- E- E- E- E- E- E- E- E- E- E- E- E- E- E- E- E- E- E- E- E- E- E- E-
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
Figure 1. The improvement in mathematical comprehension skills of the students
in the experimental class
The graph above shows that the overall average score of students’mathematical
comprehension skills from pretest to post-test increases for the experimental class (which
use the change of pairs in online learning). For more details, the pretest and post test
score of the experimental class are presented in table 2 below.

Number of Average Lowest Highest

students Score score Score
Pretest 39.71 24s 64
Posttest 81.93 70 92
Table 2. Pre-test and Post-test score from the experimental class

Table 2 shows that for the pretest, the lowest score is 24 and the highest score is 70.
Meanwhile for the post test, the lowest score is 64 and the highest score is 92. The
average score for pretest is 39.71 and for the post test is 81.93.

As for the data description for research results from the control group (that use
conventional method) can be seen in the figure 2 below:
Pretest Posttest

K- K- K- K- K- K- K- K- K- K- K- K- K- K- K- K- K- K- K- K- K- K- K- K- K-
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25

Figure 2. The improvement in mathematical comprehension skills of the students

in the control group
The graph (figure 2) above shows that the overall average score of students’mathematical
comprehension skills from pretest to post-test increases for the control group (which use
the conventional method in online learning). For more details, the pretest and post test
score of the control group are presented in table 3 below.

Table 3. Pretest and Posttest score in the control group

Number of Average Lowest Highest
students score score score
Pretest 41.08 28 58
Posttest 74.60 58 82

Table 3 shows that for the pretest, the lowest score is 28 and the highest score is 58.
Meanwhile for the post test, the lowest score is 58 and the highest score is 82. The
average score for pretest is 41.08 and for the post test is 74.60.

The results that are presented above show that the students’ mathematical comprehension
improves for both the change of pairs class and conventional class. To gain insight about
the improvement in the mathematical comprehension in both classes, the N-gain data of
the pretest and post test scores are calculated. The results are presented in Table 4.

Table 4. N-Gain Mathematical Comprehension Ability

Learning Criteria
of Minimum Maximum Average
Method N-Gain
Change of
28 0.50 0.83 0.70 High
Conventional 25 0.27 0.69 0.57 Medium
Table 4 shows that the lowest N-gain score for Change of Pairs class is 0.50 and the
highest score is 0.83. While for the conventional class, the lowest N-gain score is 0.27
and the highest score is 0.69. The average score is 0.70 and 0.57 for the Change of Pairs
class and the conventional class respectively. For the Change of Pairs class, the average
N-gain score of 0.70 is classified as the high criteria and for the conventional class, the
average score of 0.57 is classified as medium criteria.

Mathematically, the N-gain value of the two classes is different, with a difference of 0.13.
The improvement of students' mathematical comprehension ability who get the Change of
Pairs learning model is better than students who get conventional learning.

Furthermore, to test the hypothesis using the previously processed N-gain data from the
two classes, the data were tested using independent T-test. However, before being tested
using the independent T-test, the N-gain data from the two classes have to meet several
assumptions which are they must be normally distributed and come from a homogeneous
population. The examination for the independent T-test and the two assumptions were
carried out with the help of SPSS software version 25. The results of the N-gain data
normality test using SPSS version 25 software are shown in Table 5.

Table 1 Normality test for N-Gain data using Software SPSS 25

Tests of Normality
Class Statistic Df Sig.
RESULTS Change of Pairs .146 28 .129
Conventional .156 25 .120

The data that has sig. value more than 0.05 implies that the data has normal distribution,
and from table 5, we can see that both classes has sig. value more than 0.05. Based on the
results from normality test, both manually and from the SPSS, N-gain data in both
experiment class and control class are normally distributed. In addition to normality test,
the results of the homogeneity test of the N-gain data variance using SPSS version 25
software can be seen in Table 6.

Table 6. Homogeneity test of the N-gain data variance using SPSS 25

Test of Homogeneity of Variances
Levene Statistic df1 df2 Sig.
RESULTS Based on Mean .363 1 51 .549
Based on Median .180 1 51 .673
Based on Median and with .180 1 45.412 .674
adjusted df
Based on trimmed mean .268 1 51 .607
In Table 6, it can be seen that the Sig. N-gain data is 0.549 > 0.05, meaning that the
variance of the N-gain data for both classes are homogeneous. Based on the results of the
homogeneity test of the variance of the N-gain data from the two classes, it can be
concluded that the N-gain data for the Change of Pairs class and the conventional class in
online learning have homogeneous variances.

After the two assumptions of the data normality test and the homogeneity of the variance
test are fulfilled, the next step is to do the independent T-test that is shown in the table

Tabel 7. Uji-t t Df Sig. (2-tailed) Data N-Gain

5.494 51 .000

Table 7 shows that the Sig. (2-tailed) score is 0.000, this is lower than 0.05, which
means that H 0 is rejected. This implies that there is a difference in the
improvement in mathematical comprehension skills between students who use the
Change of Pairs model and students who use conventional model in online
learning. To draw a more in-depth conclusion, a graph is made as shown in Figure

Rata-rata N-Gain

0.60 0.57
Change of Pairs Konvensional

Figure 3. Average Data N-Gain for Mathematical Comprehension Ability

Figure 3 shows the average normalized N-gain value for the Change of Pairs class and the
conventional class are 0.70 and 0.57, respectively. The averages N-gain value for the
Change of Pairs class is classified as high while the value for the conventional class
classified as medium. This means that the Change of Pairs class has better improvement.
This statement is strengthened by the independent T-test analysis (after the assumptions
are met, with the help of SPSS 25 software) which concluded that there is a difference in
the improvement in mathematical comprehension ability between students in the Change
of Pairs class and conventional class in online learning.
The explanation above shows that the improvement in students' mathematical
comprehension ability in Change of Pairs class is better than those in conventional class.
The reasons for this can be because students who use the Change of Pairs model are
trained to find mathematical concepts by themselves, their learning resources are not
limited to books alone, but also from their partners. By exchanging partner during
discussions, they will have more answer options and more opportunity to discuss with
their different partner to find the best solution for the problem. By doing this, it is
expected that the students in this class will have more knowledge and understandability
toward mathematical learning. Meanwhile, the learning sources for conventional class is
only limited to the material or information delivered by the teacher. Ardian and Munadi
(Ardian & Munadi, 2015: 455), suggest that the student centered learning (SCL) will
have a positive impact to the students in a way that they are given the opportunities and
facilities to be able to build their own knowledge and gain a deep understanding so that
this can improve their quality.

From the explanations and discussions of the results in the previous sub-chapter, it can be
concluded that there is a difference in the improvement in mathematical comprehension
ability between students who get the Change of Pairs model and students who get the
conventional model in online learning. Based on the results of the analysis of N-Gain data
from the two classes using the t-test, it is concluded that the improvement in students
'mathematical comprehension ability in the experimental class is better than those in the
control class, which is indicated by the results of the average N-Gain value in the
experimental class (N-Gain value of 0.70) that is bigger than the control class (N-Gain
value of 0.57).

Thank you to everyone who have contributed to this research, so that this research is
carried out well. Thanks also to the Tarbiyah Faculty and UIN Sunan Gunung Djati
Bandung for providing financial assistance for publication of this paper.

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Book Chapter of the 6th AECon 2020
Vol. 0, No. 0, 2020, halaman 00-00 (by editor)

©2020 by Faculty of Teacher Training and Education

Universitas Muhammadiyah Purwokerto

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