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Name : Meidy Adelina Lumban Toruan

IDN : 4163312017
Study Program: Bilingual Mathematic Education 2016
Department : Mathematics

A. Research Title
B. Background
The development of information and communication technology in the 21st century
allows everyone to interact with other people without direct or face-to-face contact. This can
also occur in learning, teachers and students can interact without face to face but using
technology assistance. Learning innovations that utilize computer and internet technology
will provide a different atmosphere to students' perceptions of learning. (Sujoko, 2013: 73).
The use of the internet can be an alternative in designing learning that is more interesting,
interactive and varied (Sujoko, 2013: 72). Students can also learn independently and develop
the widest possible knowledge by utilizing the internet network (Fatwa and Djuniadi, 2016:
Student activities in learning not only get information from the teacher, but students
must build their own learning concepts and principles. Learning independence is needed by
students in building the concepts and principles they learn (Purnamasari, 2012: 4). Self-
Regulated Learning or independent learning is an attitude not to depend on other people for
learning activities, to be persistent in business, free to make their own choices, to have
initiative, to act effectively in their environment, and to be consistent in achieving the
expected goals (Aziz and Basry, 2017 : 22). Independent learning is described as a cyclic
process that involves several things, namely setting goals, monitoring the learning process
and strategy, and self-evaluation (Beishuizen and Steffens, 2011: 4). Learning independence
is a proactive process by which students acquire academic skills, such as setting goals,
choosing and implementing strategies, and monitoring their own effectiveness (Eliserio,
2012: 1). Students are said to have independence if they take the initiative to learn, have the
ability to determine their own destiny, diagnose learning needs, be creative and take initiative
in utilizing learning resources and choosing learning strategies as well as monitoring,
regulating and controlling learning (Lestari and Yudhanegara, 2015: 94). It can be seen that,

independent learning is a condition for an individual to have the initiative to learn, set
learning goals and learning strategies, and evaluate or self-reflect in their learning activities.
Mathematics is still considered difficult, because it is identical to a series of numbers,
symbols and formulas that can be solved through mathematical arithmetic operations
(Amiluddin and Sugiman, 2016: 101). This can affect lazy students and tend to avoid learning
mathematics. Learning mathematics at school is still considered by students to be less
attractive and less fun so that students are not motivated to learn and find it difficult to enjoy
mathematics in the end, the students' learning outcomes are unsatisfactory (Fatwa and
Djuniadi, 2016: 104). Some of the problems that occur in class are students who are not used
to building their own knowledge because they still depend on the teacher's explanation, the
teacher is still used to providing formulas and sample questions so that students have to
memorize a lot of formulas and make students feel difficult. There are also students who
memorize the formula but cannot use the formula in working on the problem, especially since
the problem is different from the example questions given by the teacher or questions in the
form of a story. Therefore, video discussion of questions related to material that has been or
is being studied in class is needed, so that it can help students recall the formulas and
procedures for using them in working on questions.
Student learning independence is still low. This is shown by many students who do
not have their own initiative in learning, cannot manage their own time and learning
strategies, tend to rely on friends in doing assignments and also rarely do students access the
internet regarding their subject matter. Seeing the conditions of student learning
independence, an innovation in learning is needed that can have a positive impact on student
learning independence.
One of the innovative learning models that can be used to facilitate learning activities
using the internet is the blended learning model. The blended learning model is a learning
activity that combines face-to-face learning in class with learning activities using the internet
network (Rosmiati et al., 2013: 295). Blended learning is an integration of traditional (face-
to-face) learning with network learning methods (Chen and Liang, 2011: 4153). Traditional
learning is learning without using online technology, subject matter is delivered in writing or
orally (Allen, Seaman, and Garrett, 2007: 5). Online learning is learning that uses the internet
online via the web, so that the learning process is carried out indirectly or without face to face
between educators and students (Himawan, 2011: 139). There are two forms of interaction in
the blended learning model, namely asynchronous and synchronous. Asynchronous is a form
of interaction that occurs simultaneously in real time, while synchronous is a form of

interaction that occurs face-to-face during class meetings, or can occur online, via live chat or
video conferences (Stein and Graham, 2014: 19).
The blended learning model cannot completely replace the face-to-face interaction of
teachers with students, but it still requires assurance and ongoing support from the teacher
(Poon, 2013: 281). The research that has been done shows that the implementation of the
blended learning model can have a positive impact on learning independence (Poon, 2013:
281; Sari, 2013: 42). The blended learning model can increase student learning time because
it allows students to repeat their learning material both independently and in groups and of
course it can improve mastery of the material they are studying (Sandi, 2005: 243). The more
students access information on learning, the more information or material will be obtained.
The more information students get, of course, will have a positive impact on mastery of the
In addition to using a model, the learning process will be more student-centered if the
teacher uses learning media that is in accordance with the times and developments of students
today. According to (Munadi, 2008) learning media is anything that is used to convey and
transmit messages or information from sender to message recipient in a planned manner so
that an efficient and effective learning process occurs.
According to (Hermawan, 2017) educational games are defined as a learning process
packaged in a game. The use of educational games can provide a more enjoyable learning
atmosphere. Educational games that are popular and suitable for today are games in the form
of android applications. The android application that can be used as an educational game is
the kahoot application.
According to (Iwamoto, 2017) the Kahoot application is an online application where
quizzes in the form of test questions will be developed in a game format, and points will be
awarded to students who answer correctly and quickly, the faster and the correct answer, the
higher the points obtained. Students who take part in the game will have their names listed in
the player list. In line with this opinion, according to (Muhammad, 2018) the Kahoot
application is a game-based learning platform and this application is a medium that can be
used for teachers in the learning process to make it fun. The advantages of using the kahoot
application according to (Ismail, 2016) are (1) it can put students in a situation of healthy
competition; (2) the results of the quiz on the kahoot application will be immediately
displayed on the screen displayed using the LCD; (3) can motivate students to try to answer
correctly and quickly; (4) can be played using an android mobile.

Based on the description above, researcher are interested in conducting research with

C. Problem Formulation
Based on the background of the problem above, the researcher formulated the
problem, namely: How is The Effect Kahoot-Assisted Blended Learning Method
Towards Self-Regulated Learning In Learning Mathematics ?

D. Research Objective
Based on the formulation of the problem above, the researcher explains the
purpose of this study is Analysis The Effect Kahoot-Assisted Blended Learning
Method Towards Self-Regulated Learning In Learning Mathematics.

Medan, 21 Januari 2021

Known by, Known by,
Head of Math Edu Thesis Advisor Student
Study Program

Nurhasanah Siregar, S.Pd., M.Pd. Dr. Edy Surya, M.S Meidy Adelina .L
IDN. 198311112008122001 IDN. 196710191992031003 IDN. 4163312017

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