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Material and Method I


1) Mash Tail for Snehan ( Abhangya)- Reference Bhaishajya Ratanavali patha 2nd
2) A vagaha Swedan with warm water
3) Gonieometer for measure R.O.M.
4) Ankle weighs for Bala parikshan
5) Pain analog scale for calcutaion of pain gradation
6) A preformatted questionnaire for BaskerbaH players, Consent form, Case paper for
record keeping.
7) Cases of Normal ankle & Ankle sprain of basketball players application of Mash Tail

Inclusion criteria-
1) 30 players of Normal ankle with 30 control group
2) 30 players of Ankle sprain with control group.
3) Age group 13 to 25 yrs
4) Sex -Both genders

Exclusion criteria- All pathological condition in the form of injuries related to Ankle

Preparation Of Masha Taila :-

Masha taila is as per following reference from the Bhaishajya Ratnavali -

~ '8JOO1IC1IL4 ~~ '*1IctCh I
q 1<:~~lq -m~ a:fR ~~ l'U'.ltt1 0 1!{ II~ ~ \;1 II
~ ~ RI<1~<1'8Ol ~ GfCIlS~'8iPld!{1
zmCl;ft'QIR 'Q1 ..Xl~l ~Id~rlqi ~~II~~~ II
. "\ Bl
U8TS\JOOI~HllfWfi &l<1I~ltl CflOC:Cfl!{1

crRt CflOT~!S'i ~~II~~«' II

~wfr ~~ Rrfm ~ Bl~ltl;Jj I
t5WCflAl fm:Cfi"ciI" fcP~ClI~ IJOOICI&lI§Ch II~ G. 0 II
m Cfl<1I'Qci;Jj ~~: I
JOOIltl~<1fi1~ ~W\i1~/I~lqt5!{II~~ ~ II

Contents of Masha Taila and Preparation as follows -
1. Mash (Udida) - Latin Name - Phaseolus Mungo Linn Properties: Vatanashaka,
Balavardhaka, Guru, Snigdha Veerya Ushna, in the Vataja vikara, used as a
Bahya and Abhyantara.
Roxiburghli & Radiari
Foreign Matter not More than 2%
Ash not More than 6%
Acid Soluble not More than 6%
Alcohol Soluble not More than 6%
Water Soluble not more than 5%
2. Tila taila (Sesame oil) - Properties: Vatanashaka, Balavardhaka, Guru, Saraka,
Sookshma, Madhura Rasa, Vikasi. Veerya : Ushna. Brinhana (Rasa-Rakta-
3. Cow milk - properties : Guru, Sheeta, Snigdha, Balya.
4. Water - Properties: Jeevaneeya.
5. Kalka Dravya - Ashtavarga - Jeevaka, Rishabhaka, Meda, Mahameda, Kakoli,
Kshirakakoli, Vriddhi, Riddhi. These dravyas are not available; in such case, the
combination of eight dravyas substitute as Pratinidhi dravyas which are as
A. Jeevaka, Rishabhaka ---------as---------- Vidarikanda
B. Meda, Mahameda-----------as------------- Shatavari
C. Kakoli, Ksheerakakoli-------as------------- Ashvagandhamoola
D. Vriddhi, Riddhi----------------as------------- Varahi Kanda

Properties of these dravyas -

I. Vidarikanda :Ipomoea digitata

~~~~~ ~H.1qO¥~11I

~: fq*,R;fqq"i(!I~I{ ~ H'II(;f;fl1

Madhura, Snigdha, Brinhana, Guru, Rasayana, Balavardhaka.
Vidarilkanda: Iopomea digitath - starch, resin or vidari - Pur Raria Tuberosa -
Ash - 177,
Acid Soluble Ash 4.5%
II. Shatavari: Asparagus recimosus.
~1(1lq;{) ~: WID Rfmr ~ H1I?:I;:ft I
itmm ~ ~ ~ ~("q Ikm RN1({ II , 'J \

!@fl'R1~Cf>;{) ~ q 1(1 M'\1I'lHn~ I

Rasayana, guru, Snigdha, Balya, Vataghna, Madhura vipaki.

S.T: Ash not more than 3.45%,
Acid Soluble Ash 0.33%,
Alcohol Extractive 9.2%,
Water Extractive 16.7%,
Water Soluble Ash 0.4%
III. Ashvagandha Moola : Winthia somnifera.
~sf.h.1~81S1'i~51 ~~ I

- 'm. "Sf.

Vata-Kaphaghna, Balya, Rasayana,

Shothghna, Ushna veerya.
S.T. Not more than 7 %,
Alcohol Soluble Extractive not less than 20 %),
Foreign Organic Matter not more than 2 %
IV. Varahi Kanda : Discorea bulbifera.

~: fCf{qOITm (sk'M'\1 ~ II

Cf>lf)~aq(i..qt:1>flI~~'!:4 H11?:l;fl1 - 'm. "Sf. ~~~.

V. Rasna: Pluchea Lanceulata.
m:;rrSqq l'C4oft fffifiT ~ (flCfiq 1(1 ~1.1
~ B4)<I'Rqld:tl~'C;'Uq~11I

(flIBZJ"q",R"::IIRtqIRt(flI*~m4q$1.1 - m. ~. ?G'6.

Vataghna, Shothghna, U shna veerya, Shulaghna.

S.T.Rasna: Porgenmatter not more than 2%,
Ash 22%,
Acid Soluble ash 7%,
Alcohol Soluble Extractive not less than 8d,
Water soluble Extractive not less than 23 %.
VI. Shatapushpa: Anethicum valgare.

:tld~&fl cl~'Rfl~ rq'dt>~q;fj ~: I

3 tSO lZJ"q'(lSRcl:(f\tsIi ~ol!tl(1Ifa:1{)JI$1.11 - m. >L

Laghu, Katu, U shna veerya.
S.T.:Foreign Matter not more than 5%,
Ash 14%,
Alcohol Soluble Extractive not less than 4%,
Water Soluble Extractive not less than 15%,
Acid Soluble Ash 1.5%,
Volatile Oil not less than 3%.
VII. Saindhava Lavana : Sodii chloridium.
~qclqoi ~OO~ ~I

~~ ~q~~ ~~~ 8i<ltf$(i,1 - m. '51. ~'t

Vatanulomaka, Pachaka, Agnideepaka,

VIII. Kaunchabeeja: Mucuna prouriens Bek.

(flrq(fl~ ~ ~ ~~: I

fffifiT qld~(\ ~ (flCf)rq'dIt4"iI~I;fj I

~ qld!tlq~ ~ ql:J)q;;{ l:RlL1I - m. ~. ~ ~ ~.

Vatashamaka, Balya, used for Vatanadi.
IX. Yashtimadhu : Glycyrrhiza glabra Linn.
~ ~~: ~ -:cr~ iSf(?fqUYll~ I

~ ~$f)(?fl ~ ~ N,",If.i(?fI~~~1I

~opdl~ Rtt1~~QWII ~~ l-m.'Sr ~'6G.

Balya, SHothahara, Vranaropaka, Guru

S. T:Ash not more than 6 %,
Albunoids 37%,
Water Soluble not more than 20%,

Acid Soluble Ash not more than 2.5%

X. Bala : Sida cordifolia Linn.
iSf(?floqtl}!ti ~ ~ iSf(?fCf)IRill~1

~ mf% ft4l~:I~N,",I~a:1d~I~H'!.1I - m. 'Sr.

Balya, Rasayana, Sangrahi

Sida Cordifolia Alkoloid 0.085 %
XI. Shunthi: Zinzibar officinale.
~OJ)'6""64lqqld&ft ~ ~~: I

~~ Cf)Cf)qldRtiSf"~1I - m ..!l.
Vata-Kaphaghna, Ushna
Volatile 05/1-5%, Orine ResinStarthging,
Volatile Oil- 1-5%
S.T. -Ash 8%,
Acid Soluble ash 1%,
Fresh Alcohol Soluble Extractive not less than 5%,
Water S?luble Extractive not less than 2%,
Dried Ash 6%, Water Soluble Ash not less than 1.5%,
Alcohol 90%,
Water Soluble Extractive not less than 10%.
XII. Maricha : Piper nigrum Linn.
lJtF.i ~ -at~ 00 Cf)Cf)q Id~~ I

S.T: Ash not more than 5%,
Acid Soluble ash 0.5%,
Alcohol Soluble Extractive not more than 6%,
Water Soluble Extractive not less than 6%.
XIII. Pippali: Piper longum.
Ncqd\ ~ '«:I1~qlCf)1 ('l1li!:1;ft I

- ''IT. >f.

Vata- 1(aphaghna, U sbna.

XlV. Gokshura : Tribulus terestris Linn.

Tft~: ~: '«:I1~;sf~<tlldfa~nq;r: I

~ ~~: ~i!:t:qF('itl~R: II - ''IT. 'Sr. ~'G.


Vedanashamaka, Balya, Vatahara.
S.T: Foreign Matter not more than 27%,
Ash not more than 15%,
Alcohol Soluble Extractive not less than 6%,
Water Soluble Extractive not less than 10%,
Acid Soluble Ash not more than 2%
Preparation of the Qwatha :-
Mash 640 gms, Yavakuta chooma, Water 2560 mI.
640 gms. of Yavakuta Chooma is added to 2560 mI. vvater and kept
overnight. Then next day morning, kwatha is prepared by reducing the
contents in 1I4th quantity over Mandagni.
Preparation of Kalka:- Yavakuta choorna of (each 10 gms) dravya are taken and
homogeneously mixed together vvith the help ofvvater,
Preparation of Mash Taila:-
Mash qvvatha, Covv's milk, processes Tila taila and 1(alka are mixed together and heated
over Mandagni. The taila cooked according to tailapaka vidhi. After the taila pariksha,
Taila paka is prepared; vessel is taken out and the Taila is filtered. This Taila vvas filled in

the glass bottles 50 ml. each. The Mash tail a will be referred as "M Taila" for this work.
This whole preparation is called as "Mash Taila".
Standardization of Mash Taila :-
For the study of Research subject, standardization of this Taila is inevitable. So
that it was carried out in "Bhide Foundation Laboratory - Pune", which is a recognized
laboratory and attached to our institute for analysis, the reports of which will be
correlated during this work.
Snehana Vidhi :-
According to Ayurveda, Snehana and Swedana procedures during Panchkarma
Therapy are its integral parts which are as like pre-operative procedures before an
Operation. These procedures give strength and free mobility to the related body part. In
this work the Snehana and Swedana of Ankle joint and the Ankle region as whole were
carried out. We will discuss the properties of Taila as well as its external application
(Abhynga) in the further chapters.
According to Charaka, the procedure that gives softness in tissues, increases
Kleda and hence improves cleansing property. It constitutes best remedy for alleviating
the Vata, which is most important among Doshas.

~ <R~~tXici ~ ffi~Cf)RCf)~1 - 'q. ~ ~~ / ~~.

<R~JOj~ $Ii'4ld (ffi: ~~JOj~d{JOli
<R~~G1qq~Bl ~'tRlf~(W{JI - 'q. ~ ~ ~ j'<. '<..
Properties Of Snehana Dravyas:-

"Wi ~~1l W~.q fqR!ki ~~ I

$I141JOjci~~~ <R~'it!=&:Id II - 'q. ~ ~~/~~.
<R~JOjI~C1~~ ~m ~<1C1uyCf)H"d~n I - ~. ~ '6~/(""\ ~~.
'81<i1q&lq~<1'tld ~{l«1qul ~I -~. ~ '6~j~~~.


Sr.No. Guna Bhautic composition -----
1 Snigdha Apa Mardavkrit, Balakrita, Snehakrit,
2 Guru Prithvi & Apa Upalepakrit, Balakrit, Tarpanakrit,
3 Sheeta Apa & Vayu Doshaprashamana,Stambhana,
Swedaharana, Trishnashamana
4 . Mridu Apa & Akasha Vata-Pittashamaka
5 Drava Apa Alleviates vala, Nourises Rasa & Rakta

6 Picchila Apa Jeevaneeya, Balavriddhi,
Kal2havriddhi,Nutrition, Wound healing
7 Sara Vayu & Akasha Stimulates movements of Dosha-Dhatu-
8 Manda Prithvi and Apa V ata-Pitta alleviation, Nourishes Muscles
9 Sukshma Agni, Vayu and Spread in body, instantly dilates Srotamsi,
Akasha Vatavardhana

Vttam Sneha :-
In Ayurvedic texts, there are a number of Sneha like Ghrita (Ghee), Taila (Oil),
Vasa (Fat), Majja (Bone marrow). Out of these four, Taila has been advocated as the best
Unctous substance for external application (Abhynga) in various diseases.
fI fif~ (1 CI fllI""I \lltl 'BCf 8 Cil 'd 41 l1iJT: I
(,15IM-qI'dJOiuf\T: BfCfil~~ljClJ'iIi=l11 - 3l.1?:.~, ~'t.,/~~.
Properties of Taila (Oil):-

~~ 3lTiri "3UJi "<"ft~-ui l1W 11Y;~~ q Icf; ~ >ftuR &lCl Ifil ~~~ ~
~ m~ctllftl ~ ("CI~$If1lq~ itm ~ ~4 ClUTiSlC?1ctl{ -:q~ II - ~. ~ 't~ / ~ ~ ~.
Taila causes fomentation (Ushna), it penetrates by irritating manner (Teekshna),
sweet in taste (Madhura), it nourises muscle tissue (Brinhana). Immediately absorbed and
deeply penetrating (Vyavayi), minute in nature (Sookshma). having a cleansing property
(Vishada), nourises tissues and brings heaviness in body (Guru), it increases mobility
(Sara), increases cell permeability (Vikashi), increases lustre of the skin (Twak
prasadana), increases softness of body tissues (Mardava), provides strength to the body
tissues (Balakara).
Types of Snehana :-
Flow Chart of Snehana as per their Uses -

Abhynga (Anointing)
Inter al•
Mardana (Massage) Oral administration Enema
Udvartana - (Rubbing) [Pana]
Samvahana - (Shampoo) With Meal
Paadaghata - (Anointing) [Bhojana]
Moordha taila - (Oil overhead)

Gandoosha - (Keeping liquids in mouth)
Kama Poorana - (Ear drops)
Akshi Tarpana - (Eye drops)
Parisheka - (Affusion)
Nasa Tarpana - (Nasal drops)
Mastishkya - (Oil overhead)
Snehavgahana - (Oil bath)
According to the above information, Snehana has been divided into
external application and internal application. Charaka has explained the "anointing" of
body (Abhynga), nasal drops, gargling etc. in Dincharya and Rutucharya chapters i. e.
Daily and Seasonal regimen to be followed etc. But Charaka has not detailed the same in
the chapter of Oblation (Snehana).
In Ayurveda, external use of the unctuous substances can be done in
14 types that mentioned in the above chart.
Derivation of the term Abhynga: -
Agantu Dhatu is used in the meamng of movement (Gati); Abhit is
the upasarga. Thus, the word 'Abhynga' is derived from the Sanskrit word 'Abhanja
(Abhit - Anj) meaning smear.
(A. H. Chi. Suo 3)
Definition: - It is defined as the procedure of anointing oil on the body of an individual.
Method of anointing the body: -
31~ ~ ~ 14 F6di5~: "WiF~i1: I
31~~ '@j@«l8: ~JIJ4I:q~,(fJI - 31. ~. ~: ~.
ftR:~qOlqI4~<i fCI~l~ol ~n(1~(f,1 - ,31. ~. ~ ~/'<,.
Anointing of the body must be carried out considering the following
luke warm oil with good smelling, anti-vata, slIitable season, type of Doshas, pleasant to
touch. The anointing must be done especially to head, ears and feet.
Uses of Anointing of the Body:-
Anointing of the body with oil imparts a glossy and soft appearance
of the skin, protects against the vitiation and aggravation of Vata and Kapha. It improves
colour, strength of the body. It tones up the Dhatus of body.
Indications for Anointing of Body:-
The person who IS affected by vitiated Vata, having joint pain
(Sandhishool), Skin diseases (Twak vikara), Cracks at foot (Padadari), Dry skin (Twacha

rukshata), Deenacharya according to Vagbhata, Baldness (Palitya), Dryness of scalp,
Graying of hair (Palitya).
Contra-indications for Anointing of Body:-
~s'RjTr: Cf"lCf)!l«l1ld ~v,pnfOh:IIM: I - 3l. ~. ~ ':(/~
~ ("lJOt~"',~!{! (f Cfiffi SP:il\J1~d I
d~OI\iCl4Cj'5f)fOT 'q ~m&h ~ l1RCf: I

~: 1l'd&dlom~un:r~errl
~~: >ilmT 3"lrnJOti<;]IGll""~: I
~ ("l~~Hi Wnuri~~JI -~."Rr. ':('6/~'6 -~1,9.
Undigested Doshas of body (Ama Dosha), Acute fever (Taruna jwara),
Disorders of Kapha (Kapha Vikara), after application of emetics and purgatives (i. e. after
Shodhanopachara), after application of Niruha basti.
01 Matra = 19/60th second = .... sec.
300 Matra for root of hair.
400 Matra for skin (i. e. 133 sec)
500 Matra (160 sec) for Blood.
600 Matra (190 second) for Muscle tissue.
700 Matra (228 sec) for Fat.
800 Matra (240 sec) for Bone.
900 Matra (285 sec) for Bone marrow.
Anointing of the body must be done for 2 to 5 min. In special cases, 15 to 25 minutes.
Properties of Anointing of Body :-
~ 3"l1'i:l~G!0!i ~ ~5'AlOJCjldi511
1IT!SI("lIG: ~~"ilI'9): fClYf!fClCf"lfClGIGJ1l<1,11 -31. ~. ~ ,:(/1,9.
~ lOJl~dliStl~ CR.ffi OllI'!:lllOJ ~II
~~~~~Jlil~'"i: I
fcrcnri ~S~ iSt<1Cf"liffOl err ~II - 'q~: GG
3l'RfrIT lOJ I4Cj Cfl{: CflCf)Cj Id PI () fu;r: I
• ~IT!\J1'"i-11 ~\J1ICjOT~: II -~. f.l. ':('6/~o.

1] Jarahara - It prevents Old age / prolongs Younger life. Increases vitality and virility;
nourishes 7 dhatus.
2] Removes fatigue.

3] Vatahara - Subside Vata. Constant strain on the Nervous system due to Vata
producing pain in muscles and joints.
4] Drushti prasadakara - Improves Eyesight.
5] Pushtikara - Makes the body strong by improving circulation of vital fluids. It makes
also improves stamina.
6] Ayukara - Increases longevity by creating electro-chemical balance.
7] Swapnakara - Induces sleep, brings upon the relaxation of body and removes tension.
8] Twak dardhyakara - Strengthens the skin; it makes the skin smooth and shining and
removes its dryness.
9] Kleshhatatva - Provides resistance against disease, instigates production of antibodies
and strengthens seven dhatus.
10] Abhighata sahatva - Resistance to injuries and power to recover quickly. Healing
process starts quickly and comparatively with less pain.
11] Kapha Vata nirodhaka - Subsides ailments caused by Kapha and Vata.
12] Mrijavarcha Balaprada - Provides strength to skin and improves colour and texture of
the skin.
Samyak Laxanani :-

~ ql'6dl~lti Gt#I~I~I;qlq ~II -~. ~ (... j(/"I.
31RirIT q 14qCfl( Cfllf)q Id RU fu;:r: I
mwri ~fu\l1"1.1"1 ~quf~: II -1J:. Fl. ~'t/~o.
After proper Snehana / Anointing it increases strength of the muscles. Avoids
functions caused by the vitiated Vata, improves colour and texture of the skin, gives
strength to Dhatus and improves overall resistance against diseases.
Fomentation:- ( Swedan )
Definition:- It is defined as the process by which, the Sweat or Perspiration of body will
be produced. It relieves stiffness, heaviness and coldness of the body. It is otherwise
called as Fomentation (Swedan) Therapy.
~~FfR<nfuf~m ~C:CfiI(Cfi'{1 - "f. ~ ':(':( I~~.
Nirukti of the word "Swedana"-
The word "Sweda" is derived from "Swid Gatra Pratyaya". It is produced by
"nitch and lyut "pratyaya.

~ cfta,;uT ~ti ~&f ~ ~ I
~~'q~SlI4«1f4 ;8:lG"1t!'"64d II - 'q. ~ ~~/~~.
It causes fomentation (Ushna), relives stiffness, penetrates by irritating manner
(Teekshna), causes lubrication (Snigdha), Firmness of body (Ruksha), dissolves salts
(Drava), gives durability to the body (Sthira), Heaviness to body (Guru).

Types of Fomentation (Swedana):-

~fuPcrcq:~:~sm~I-'q. ~ ~'6/~~.
~: *iClPICl 1('1: ~~&rnf~ 'q I
~ fuPcrti ~ ;8:l Gt!~ b4 cfil <:ffi1 ~J I - 'q. ~ '6 / f. ~ .
~ >r«1ir""1Ttt qf{~Ch'SClJlltH~LI
;jf('1IChI~: Cfl1~1l ~~:ql
-wit c.>1C'lICfl ~ ;8:lG<:iRi ;P~'G~III - 'q. ~ ~~I~((,-'6o.


Non-required Heat Required Heat

Sr. No. Type Sr.No. Type

I Vyayama[Exercise] I Sankara
2 Ushna sadana[Warm chamber] 2 Prastara
3 Guru pravarana[Wearing heavy clothes] ~ Naadi
4 Kshudha[Hunger] 4 Parisheka
5 Bahu paanam [Excessive drinki ng] 5 Jentaka
6 Bhaya [Fear] ) Ashmaghana
7 Upanaha [Poultice application] l Karshu
8 Krodha [Enragement] 8 Kuti
9 Aahata [Wrestling] ) Bhoo
10 Aatapa [Exposure to Sun] 0 Kumbhi
11 Koopa
12 Holaka

3 Avagaha

2) According To Sthana:-

Fomentation (Swedan)


Indications: -
Pain at Ankle and Calcaneus (Vatakantaka), Ekangavata, Sarvangavata,
Pakshaghata, Stiffness in body, Contractures (Stambha), Ache(Angamarda), Cracking of
feet (Padadari), Joint pains (Sandhi shoola), Joint stiffness (Sandhi stambha),
Manyagraha (Stiff neck), Fatigue due to exercise (Shrama).
Contra Indications -
Pregnant ladies, Diarrhoea, Diabetes, Obesity, Anaemia, Diseases due to vitiated Vata.
Avagaha -
It is the process, by which individual body part will be made to take bath in tub to
produce fomentation to the body part; this procedure is called as Avagaha sweda or
The patient must take bath in a tub containing the following fluids like Hot water,
Decoctions. Milk, Oil, Ghee, Meat juice etc.
Duration - It is carried out for 42 to 192 min.
Signs and Symptoms of a properly done Sudation :-
~n(1~lC1 ~ ~~ rffiq f.t!l% I
~l1Tifct~~~~(Rlq'1III-~. Fl. ~'6/~~.
Stiffness disappears, alleviation of pain, reducti on of heaviness. Appearance of sweating
will be visible. Increased flexibility of joints, re lief in the Signs and Symptoms of the

The Instrument: Goniometer
This is an instrument used to meao;ure the 'Range of motion' (ROM) of the joints.
The joint flexibility is defined as 'Range of Motion (ROM) allowed at a joint. A joint's
ROM is usually measured by number of degrees angle, from the starting position of a
segment to its position at the end of its ful range of the movement.
Structure of Goniometer -
The instrument has double armed goniometer. A stationary arm holding a
protractor is placed parallal with a stational)' body segment. The pin (axis of Goniometer)
is placed over the joint. When anatomical landmarks are weI defined, the accuracy of
measurement is greater. If there is more soft tissue surrounding the joint area,
measurement error can be more frequent.
Purpose -
Goniometer instrument III this research has been used under the heading of
"Sandhi parikshana". The ROM was measured bet\veen dorsiflexion and plantarflexion of
the Ankle joint. The stationary body segment was taken as the lateral malleolus of fibula
and 5th phalanx as a movable body segment.
ROM of Ankle joint:
The normal ROM of Ankle joint is 20-degrees of dorsiflexion from neutral and 30 to 5 -
degree of plantarflexion from neutral. In the living subjects, in the weight bearing
position showed plantarflexion to be limit(~d to 23 to 28-degrees.
Ankle Weights
Ankle Weight is equipment used to increase muscle strengths. These weights are
used to exercise the muscles at the time of warm up.These weights range between Y2 kg, 1
kg, 2kg & 3 kg.
Purpose: Ankle Weights was used in Balaparikshan. These weights are loaded over the
ankle joints & measure the angle between dorsiflexion (dorsit1exion angle made between
dorsum of foot & Anterior Lower surface of leg) and Planterflexion (Angle made
between sole of foot & Posterior surface of leg). The lower to higher weights reaches to
normal range of motion in both the movements. The measurements of angle measured at
lower weight reaches to normal R.O.M. than higher weight at normal ankle (1) at 0 day
(2) In sprained ankle - Lower Ankle weight not reaches to R.O.M. due to pain. (3)After
one month of treatment - normal ankle higher ankle weight reaches to R.O.M. (4) A & in
ankle sprained player lower weight reaches to R.O.M. with reducing pain.
According to Age Group ankle weight loaded over joint as follows

Age Group Zero Da: y After T / T

11 to 15 Y2Kg
16 Onwards I Kg 1 Kg to 2.5 Kg

Visual Analog Scale (VAS)

There is a 10 cm scale for assessing pain on each day. There is a "0" marking on
left hand side and marking of 10 on right hand ~.ide. "0" indicates absolutely no pain,
"10" indicates severe pain. Each cm indicates digits from 0 to lO. Patients were asked to
grade their pain accordingly in number.


• Plan Of Study - The research work for Basket ball players from the various clubs
at various levels were selected for this study.
• Plan of work -
1. Youngster club from SP College ground and PLSC.

2. Club AIPT college ground.
3. Chandrashekhar Agashe College of Physical Education.
• Criteria:-
1. Inclusion Criteria - Male & Female players of age group 13 to 20 years.
2. Exclusion Criteria - Pathological condition related to the Ankle joint. The players
were divided into group A & B.
Group A - 30 palyers were selected as Ankle sprain (1st drgree) with control group of
players with preventive measures like Warming up.
Group B- 30 players were selected as Ankle joint sprain ([st degree) with control
group of players with preventive measures like crepe bandage.
Before commencing the trials, a written informed consent was obtained from all
the concerned players, a questionnaire related to the game of Basket ball was solved
by them and also estimation of Prakriti was carried out.
Qualitative Analysis of Anointing By Mash Taila :-
Absorption Test - The appliacation of luke warm Mash Taila for 10 minutes; after
that, tissue (with standard company named Beautex soft facial tissue paper stick,
Malasia) was stuck over the skin, then weight of the tissue paper was measured.
1. Quantity of Mash Taila in Vata Prakriti players -- 03 mi., In Pitta prakriti
players - 2.5 mi., In Kapha prakriti players - 2.5 m!.
2. Weight of the tissue paper - 0.55 to 0.65 mgs.
Sandhi Parikshan - It was carried with the help of Goniometer. Normal ROM of
Dorsiflexion - 20 degrees, Planterflexion - 30 to 50 degrees . ROM with dorsiflexion and
plantarflexion of every player before Tit and after Mash taila application at 30, and 60
• Bala Parikshan - It was done before .......... of TIt and after the applicastion of
Masha Taila at 30, 60 days. 1/2 to l.5 kg. Ankle weights were applied over Ankle
joint of Age group 13 to 16 years and I to 2.5 kgs at the age group 17 to 20 yrs.
and measures ROM before (0 days). TIt and after applicatin of Mash Taila at 30,
60 days. Normal Ankle joint and 30 day-; of ankle sprained.
• Method of Anointing by Masha Taila .-
GROUP A - Every players was explained about the application of Mash Taila
anointing from the base of the digits, dor~um and plantar durface of foot, whole leg
directed upwards, rounded over ankle and knee joint for 10 minutes. After that,

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