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Page pre-rendering

—> in traditional react apps, the data is loaded into html after the page is loaded. Initially the html code is empty ==> bad for SEO, users may have to wait

—> in NEXT.JS after the request is made, the user will receive a pre-rendered page that comes with javascript that makes the app interactive

—> in next.js there are 2 types of pre-rendering (static generation or server-side rendering)

I. Static generation
—> pre-generates a page during the build time, before deployment

—> once they are deployed, the pre-built pages are cached by the server ==> the server can serve the pages instantly

—> the code that we want to be pre-generated is written inside every component in the getStaticProps async function

—> the code written in this function is not included in the bundle

—> inside the getStaticProps we can write server side code ==> we can access the memory etc.

—> the getStaticProps takes an argument named context that has proprieties like the path, where we can access the dynamic params.


export async function getStaticProps(context) {

const { params } = context;

const productId =;

—> Bc. the function is executed during build time and it isn’t included in the code bundle, we can access the file system.


import path from "path";

import fs from "fs/promises";

function HomePage(props) {
const { products } = props;
return (
{ => (
<li key={}>{product.title}</li>
export async function getStaticProps() {
const filePath = path.join(process.cwd(), "data", "dummy-backend.json");
const jsonData = await fs.readFile(filePath);
const data = JSON.parse(jsonData);

return {
props: {
products: data.products,

export default HomePage;


—> bc. we use static generation, if we update the data, we have to rebuild the entire project

what ISR does:

—> to implement ISR we have to add in the returned object the revalidate key which its value is the number of seconds the page has to be re-rendered.

return {
props: {
products: data.products,
revalidate: 10,


notFound - a boolean property. if is set to true the user will be redirected to the 404 page

return {
notFound: true

redirect - redirect the user to a specified path

return {
redirect: {
destination: "no-data",

Pre-generated paths:

—> if we have a dynamic path (the name is in between the []) we cannot use the getStaticProps function singly
—> we have to use the getStaticPaths function where we have to tell NEXT.JS for which specific arguments the pages will be re-rendered


export async function getStaticPaths() {

return {
paths: [{ params: { pid: "p1" } }, { params: { pid: "p2" } }, { params: { pid: "p3" } }],
fallback: false,

The fallback key:

—> if we set the fallback to true, it means that the values that are not set there, are still generated but when the request is made

—> the dynamic generation is not made immediately ==>we have to set a loading state.

—> if we set the fallback to blocking, the server will wait until the page is fully loaded ==> we do not need a loading state

II. Server-side rendering

—> Next.js allows us to run SSR code, which means that the code that we written inside a special function (getServerSideProps) , is executed on the server when
the request is received

—> getServerSideProps is an async function, it can be attached to page components.

—> it is recommended to use or getServerSideProps or getStaticProps

—> the return obj of the getServerSideProps can have the same props. as the getStaticProps expect the revalidate prop.

—> the context (argument of the getServerSideProps function) has access to the request made to the server, to the response sent back and to the params.

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