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Yael Velasco

Brother Santos

PC 101L Life Skills

June 25, 2022

Goals to reach our divine Destiny

As sons and daughters of God who supported the plan of Jesus Christ and come to
this world to be tested and choose the right thing to return to our Heavenly Father, we must
set goals for ourselves throughout our lives, goals that help us reach the great goal: Return
to our Heavenly Father. The Lord taught us in D&C 88:67, how we should live "... your
sights are set solely on my glory", we should set goals that help us reach exaltation.

President Gordon B. Hinckley taught us that “…there is room for self-

improvement [in each of us] … [and that] whatever our circumstances, we can improve
ourselves and, by doing so, influence those around us”. As members of the Church, we
have also been taught that we have the duty to continue preparing ourselves day by day to
reach perfection, it is true that we will not achieve it in this life, but every time we manage
to be the best version of ourselves, we will get closer to perfection be like our Heavenly

Lower-level goals are specific goals, goals that we can accomplish in the short
term. Daily goals that will lead us to meet higher level goals. They are a means to a greater
end, in this case, to achieve our top goal. Yes, when we ask why? we have that small goal
and we find an answer there is a higher-level goal, for example, if my daily goal is, “Read
the Book of Mormon in English daily”, and you asked me why I want to Read the Book of
Mormon in English daily? Because I want to expand my vocabulary in English, that would
be another higher-level goal, why do I want to expand my vocabulary in English? Because I
want to speak English to get my Web Developer certification at BYU Idaho, why do I want
to become certified as a Web Developer at BYU Idaho? Because I want to have a better job
and achieve financial stability for my family. Why do I want to have a better job and
achieve financial stability for my family? Because I want to be self-sufficient, why do I
want to be self-sufficient? Because I want to be more like Christ and achieve exaltation,
why do I want to be more like Christ and achieve exaltation? Because that is my final
divine goal. With this example we can see how we can achieve a powerful goal step by
step, if we meet small goals daily. And how when our gaze is focused solely on the glory of
the Lord, everything becomes something of divine importance that brings us closer to our
heavenly destiny.

The highest-level goal is not a means to an end, but the destination we want to
reach. Some psychologists call it "the main interest." The Pole Star that will lead us to the
success we want to achieve. Our higher goals must be aligned and coordinated with each
other, so that we can achieve them little by little.

By establishing top goals, mid goals and lower goals we can see what our
objective is, we establish the path that we are going to follow to achieve their fulfillment. In
blog Marlow Office Hours, they taught us about creating goals that can serve as a source of
motivation. Many people get blocked in making progress toward their goal because they
don't know what to do next; the goal seems too big, too overwhelming. We've proven time
and time again that when you think of goals in a structured format, it's much easier to make
progress toward that goal. A well-thought-out actionable goal can serve as a powerful
source of motivation

The only thing we need is a goal, and something that I indicated to us when we have
reached it, for example, one of my main goals that I want to reach this year, is to pay my
tithing in full. To know how I am going to achieve it, I will break this objective into small
goals, for example: Every time I receive my salary, set aside the part that corresponds to the
payment of my tithe”, I would fulfill this goal month by month, and to achieve it, I can
divide it into turn into even smaller goals, like … read the scriptures every day to remind
me of the promises the Lord makes to me, if I pay a full tithe, these would be daily goals
that will strengthen my faith, and when the time comes to fulfill my monthly goal it will be
easier for me to achieve it. At the end of the year when I make my tithe adjustment, I will
be able to see that I have achieved it.

Let us not forget that our main goal in this life is to become like the father and
return to live with him as eternal families, and through the prophets, scriptures, the Gift of
the Holy Spirit and the gifts that he has given us we can achieve it, we He has provided
many tools to reach our divine goal. He has told us “And if your gaze is fixed only on my
glory, your whole body will be filled with light and there will be no darkness in you; and
the body full of light comprehends all things.”

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