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Week 3

Central Idea:  Lines of Inquiry:  Concepts:

-Understanding the needs and -Explore the needs of the world around us.
changes of the world.
Counting, Communication, Comparing
Assessments: For Learning/ As Learning/ Of Learning
- Observation
-small groups discussion
-individual conference
-play based activities
Connection to real world: 
I can see letters everywhere (posters, sign, restaurants, malls, on the street, etc).
Rules are everywhere (school and house)
Learning Experiences: (related to concepts/lines of inquiry/standards)

Day 1:
Tracing Mirror Reflection
 Get familiarize with the song Hokey Pokey.
 Identify the color of their hair, skin, and eyes.
 Know what’s the same and what’s different.

What is this?
Who am I?
What do you see?
What’s the color of your hair, skin, eyes?
What do you notice?
What’s the same and what’s different?
Materials: Mirrors in P.E room, whiteboard marker, puzzle names,

Puzzle names
 Form their names using the puzzle names.
 Introduce the chant “Everybody has a name.”
 Recognize the first letter of their name.
 Know how many vowel letters and how many consonant letters are there.
 To know who has the most letters in their names.

What are these?
What can you see?
What do you think we are going to do?
Can you form your name using these letters?
Materials: name puzzles, “Everybody has a name” chant

Names are everywhere

 Identify the names in the room that they can see.

 Identify the names of their teachers and friends.
 Say the chant “Everybody has a name.”
 Know that they are special and unique.

 Who are your teachers and friends?
 Why is it important to know their names?
 Are all the names the same?
Materials: “Everybody has a name” chant

Exploring Numbers through Age

 Point out how many fingers are there according to their age.
 Look for the numbers in the room.
 Identify the numbers in the room.
 Introduce the 1-20 song.
 Rote counting 1-20.

What are these?
How did you know?
How old are you?
Can you show me your fingers according to your age?
Do you know how to count?
Can you look for the number?
Materials: number cards, 1-20 song

Day 2:
Rules in the Classroom –
 Do their daily routines in the class room.
 Act out on how to share and take turns (share and take turns, listen to teachers and friends while speaking,
 Make their own rules in the classroom using a construction paper and a marker.
 Introduce the song “The Rules of the Classroom”

What are we doing?
Why is it important to follow rules?
Is it important to follow the rules?
Do you understand the meaning of rules?
Materials: construction paper, marker,

Letter S

 Guess the letter

 Identify the letter S
 Know that letter S is a consonant letter.
 Able to say the sound of the letter S.
 Name some words that starts with the letter S.
 Search the letter S around the room.
 Treasure hunt (letter S objects)
 Introduce the letter S song.
 Write the letter S using their body, hand, and finger.

Do you know the letter S?
How do you write the letter S?
Can you say the sound of the letter S?
Can you name some words that start with the letter S?

Materials: Letter S flash card, letter S objects,

Now and Then (baby picture)

 Differentiate the changes in the picture when they were babies and now.
 Identify the things that they can do now than when they were babies.
 Identify the changes in growth, facial features, and communication.

What are the changes that you can see when you’re a baby until now?
Can you identify the things that you can do now that you can’t do when you were a baby?
Materials: baby pictures

Hand print and foot print (measuring)

 Make a hand print and foot print using paint.
 Differentiate the sizes of their hand and foot prints using connecting cubes.
 Identify the least and the most using connecting cubes.
Which foot is the longest and the shortest?
How many connecting cubes did you use?
A4 paper, paint, connecting cubes

Day 3: 
Name Hide and Seek
 Find their names in the construction paper by drawing a circle.
 Count the number of their names in the paper.
 Recognize what name starts with M, E, and Q?
 Identify the first letter of their names.
What is this?
What can you see?
How did you know?
Materials: construction paper, and marker

Letter S and the sight word (I)

 To understand that letter S has a curve shape.
 To do skywriting forming the letter S.
 Form the letter S using pompoms.
 Guess what’s in the box?
 Recognize the sight word “I”.
 Hunt for the word “I” in the room.
 Able to say the word I and use it in a sentence.
How do you know it’s letter S?
What is the shape of the letter S?
What’s in the box?
Can you find the letter I?
Letter S flash cards, box of things that starts with the letter S, sight word I flash cards.

How Tall am I?
 Measure the height of the kids using a hand, ruler, and a yarn.
 Identify the numbers used to measure their height.
 To know the longest and shortest yarn used to measure the height.
 Stick their pictures to their yarn.
How many are you going to use?
How did you know?
Materials: ruler, yarn, photos

My Shadow!

 Identify their own shadow.

 Draw their shadows using a colored chalk.
 Create a shadow using a flash light (optional).
Where are we?
What can you see?
Do you notice something?
What can we do?
How did you know?
Materials: colored chalk, flash light

Day 4:
Picture Puzzle

 Form the picture puzzle together with the help of numbers.

 Recognize their own pictures.
 Identify the numbers that’s in the puzzle.
 Stick the puzzle in the paper.
What do you see? How do you know?
What do you think is this?
What are we going to do?
How many numbers?
Materials: picture puzzle, glue, A4 paper

Letter A

 Find the things that starts with letter A.

 Recognize upper case letter A and the lower case letter A by playing a game (flash cards letter A).
 Recognize the sound of the letter A.
 Sing the letter A song with action.
 Write the letter A using a straw. (Shin Lone Lone)
How do you know?
How many lines does letter A has?
What do you think are we going to do?
What is this?
Tell me about what you’re doing?
Materials: Letter A flash cards, things that starts with letter A, straw, A4 paper

I’m Special (Making a mirror using aluminum foil, card board, and popsicle stick)

 To create a mirror using a card board, aluminum foil, and popsicle sticks.
 Decorate their own mirror using gems, sequins
What do you think are we going to do?
How do you know?
What can you do about it?
What makes us special?
Materials: card board, aluminum foil, popsicle sticks, gems, glitter stickers.

My Weight

 To know their height using the weighing scale.

 Recognize how heavy they are.
 Identify who’s the heaviest and the lightest in the class.
What is this?
How do you know?
What does it do?
Why do you think?
Materials: weighing scale

Day 5: 
Finger Print Investigate

 Recognize magnifying glass.

 Identify their own finger print.
 To know that each one of us is unique on its own way.
What do you think are we going to do?
Do you know what is this?
Are they the same?
Do they have the same lines?
What makes us different and unique?
Materials: baby powder, clear tape, and magnifying glass

Letter A and review the letter S

 Identify the letter A and its sound.

 Form the letter A using their fingers.
 Sing the letter A song with action.
 Play a game using alphabet flash cards.
 Form the letter A by tracing (shin lone lone) writing letter A (Evelyn and Michelle)
What is this?
How many lines?
What is the sound of the letter A and S?
Can you name a word that starts with letter A?
Materials: letter A and S flash cards, tracing paper

Shining Stars (This Little Light of Mine)

 To know what it is all about.

 To sing the song, “This Little Light of Mine.”
 Know and understand the meaning of unique.
 Know the cover and author of the book.
 Comprehend with the story “What makes us Unique?”
What is it?
What makes us unique?
Do you know the meaning of unique?
Materials: stars, flash light, what makes us unique story
My Birthday

 Know that every year we celebrate our birthday.

 Understand that we grow and change.
 Able to sing a Happy birthday song.
 Understand that every year we get older.
 Play parlor games with their friends.
What do you think are we going to have?
How did you know?
Do we get old every year?
What do you want to play?
Materials: cake, balloons, invitation cards, music
Resources:  Differentiation/Interventions:  Reflection:
 - Thinking Routine

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