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2.) What is mathematics that might have changed your thoughts about it?

My impressions and perception of mathematics and numbers change instantly. I

realized that mathematics isn't about solving and finding an answer or having a
long solution even to comprise numbers only. It's part of our everyday existence;
it's part of our whole humankind. Also, I thought all this time that Science is
everything that it is everywhere. That Science is the most important and deserves
to study more since focusing on Science could save and discover different things
since my notion is vast when it comes to Science. Science is essential from the
explanation, basis, findings, conclusions, research which gave us a way to explain
why many things are all under in it, why things are happening. Before, I believe
that everything has an explanation in Science since its Science. It deals with the
study of knowledge, process, truth, and facts through observation and experiment.
But then, suddenly, my thoughts change. Science without using Mathematics is
nothing, and it's useless without doing even some basic mathematics. Meaning, for
me, before we discover Science, mathematics already exists and shows its beauty
and art and showing that it is already part of the universal world. How amazing it
was; the realization blows me with this new topic—proven that we shouldn't only
focus on what we see.


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