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Упражнение 1.

Используйте Past Simple или Past Perfect:

1. When Lisa___(arrive) at the airport she___(discover) she___(forget) her passport. 2.
After visiting the library Nelly___(buy) some milk and___(go) home. 3. Zoe___(open)
her handbag and___(find) out that she___(forget) her credit card. 4. They___(get) home
to find that somebody___(break) into their house. 5. Lisa___(know) her husband for two
years when they___(get) married. 6. Jillian___(be) very pleased to see that
Jack___(clean) the kitchen. 7. When Neil___(arrive) at the party he___(learn) that
Judith___(just / leave). 8. Bill___(feel) sick last night because he___(eat) too many
cakes at the party. 9. First I___(tidy) the flat, then I___(sit) down and___(have) a cup of
tea. 10. When Molly___(open) the curtains she___(see) that the ground___(be) white.
Упражнение 2. Найдите и исправьте ошибки в употреблении времен:
1. My sister Molly lived in London before she had Moved to New Zealand. 2. After Nick ate
the sandwiches, he drank some juice. 3. Nick had eaten all the sandwiches, had drunk all
the juice and had gone to work. 4. As Neil had missed the bus, he walked home. 5. Sandy
just started to watch TV when the phone rang.
Упражнение 3. Поставьте глаголы из скобок в форму Past Simple или Past Perfect:
1. Simon ... (be) very glad to see that his brother ... (do) the homework. 2. By the time the
film ... (end), she ... (fall asleep). 3. I really ... (feel) sick last night because I ... (eat) too
much raw fish. 4. When Richard ... (arrive) at the station he ... (find) that his wife just ...
(leave). 5. First he ... (make) a toast, then he ... (sit down) and ... (drink) a white coffee. 6.
Kate ... (walk) home because she ... (miss) the last bus. 7. By the time we ... (get) to Brazil,
we already ... (spend) all our money. 8. I ... (decide) to become a fireman by the time I ...
(be) eight. 9. She … (sign) the contract before we ... (come). 10. I ... (phone) my son and ...
(say) that Bob ... (see) him in the pub.
Упражнение 4. Найдите и исправьте в предложениях ошибки во временной форме
1. They were late but the lecture didn’t start yet. 2. I had remembered that I left the iron
switched on. 3. The floor was slippery because Tom spilt some juice on it. 4. Mary had
given me the book I hadn’t read before. 5. He returned home because he didn’t lock the
door. 6. Before the pupils had started the exam, they had switched their mobiles off. 7.
Fred gave me the car back after he used it. 8. The concert had finished and we had gone to
a nice restaurant. 9. I didn’t recognize Henry because he lost much weight and grew a
moustache. 10. I visited so many beautiful places in China before I had come to the Great

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