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150 Hypnotherapy

Prescription Scripts

For The Unconscious



Volume 1
INTRODUCTION ---------------------------------------------------- 1

MEANING OF SYMBOLS ------------------------------------------ 2


----FOR THE UNCONSCIOUS MIND --------------------------- 3

THE PRELIMINARY SESSION ----------------------------------- 5

PRE INDUCTION SUGGESTIONS-------------------------------- 11

FIRST TIME INDUCTION ------------------------------------------ 13

THE WATER SIGNAL ----------------------------------------------- 19


ANAESTHESIA ------------------------------------------------------- 25

DEEP HYPNOTIC RELAXATION ---------------------------------- 28

HAND LEVITATION INDUCTION -------------------------------- 34

HAND – TO – FACE FOR THERAPY------------------------------ 39



FOREST AND STREAM INDUCTION ---------------------------- 57


CONFUSION TECHNIQUES --------------------------------------- 69

DEEPENING THE HYPNOTIC STATE----------------------------- 72

BODY CONTROL INDUCTION ----------------------------------- 75


INDUCING THE HYPNOTIC COMA ----------------------------- 84

AWAKING FROM THE HYPNOTIC COMA -------------------- 88

DISTRACTING THE CONSCIOUS MIND ------------------------ 91

THERAPY BETWEEN SESSION----------------------------------- 93

THERAPY-------------------------------------------------------------- 96

REVIEW FOR THERAPY ------------------------------------------- 99

QUESTIONS FOR THERAPY ------------------------------------- 105

THERAPY THROUGH IMAGINATION-------------------------- 110

MISUNDERSTANDINGS ------------------------------------------ 111

FINGER RESPONSE ------------------------------------------------- 113

TO BE OBTAIN RESPONSE --------------------------------------- 115

DIRECTING THE MIND -------------------------------------------- 117

REGRESSION TECHNIQUES -------------------------------------- 119

REGRESSION TO PREVIOUS LIFE-------------------------------- 122

REGRESSION TO AGE SEX---------------------------------------- 124

REGRESSION TECHNIQUES 2 ------------------------------------ 127

BUILDING SELF-CONFIDENCE ----------------------------------- 131

SELF-CONFIDENCE ------------------------------------------------- 136

GAIN SELF – CONFIDENCE---------------------------------------- 139

SUCCESS CONSCIOUSNESS--------------------------------------- 144

ACHIEVE SUCCESS ------------------------------------------------- 150

MOTIVATION ------------------------------------------------------- 155

SELF – ACCEPTANCE ----------------------------------------------- 162

ATTAINING WEALTH ---------------------------------------------- 166

SELF- AWARENESS ------------------------------------------------- 169

OVERCOME ANXIETY---------------------------------------------- 171

OVERCOME DEPRESSION ----------------------------------------- 176

ACHIEVING EMOTIONAL STABILITY---------------------------- 182

PROGRESSING ------------------------------------------------------ 187

BREAST ENLARGEMENT ------------------------------------------ 191

DEVELOPING BREASTS ------------------------------------------- 194

GROW TALLER ------------------------------------------------------ 198

GENERAL IMPROVEMENT --------------------------------------- 202

LOSE WEIGHT 1 ---------------------------------------------------- 205

SELECTIVE EATING ------------------------------------------------- 210

SHRINKING STOMACH ------------------------------------------- 214

THE IDEAL BODY- WEIGHT REDUCTION---------------------- 218


TAKING OFF LAYERS ---------------------------------------------- 228

DEVELOPING PROPER EATING HABITS 1 ------------------- 232

DEVELOPING PROPER EATING HABITS 2 ------------------- 236

SLENDERIZING YOUR BODY ------------------------------------- 241

REDUCING YOUR BODY ------------------------------------------ 246

IMAGE A PERFECT BODY----------------------------------------- 250

LOSING WEIGHT IS FUN ------------------------------------------ 253

WEIGHT AND HEALTH -------------------------------------------- 258

AUTOMATIC WEIGHT LOSS ------------------------------------- 263

DIETING TO REDUCE ---------------------------------------------- 268

KEY TO WEIGHT LOSS --------------------------------------------- 271

EATING MORE OR LESS ------------------------------------------ 276

OVEREATING TO LOSE WEIGHT 1 ----------------------------- 279

OVEREATING TO LOSE WEIGHT 2 ----------------------------- 281

REDUCE ABDOMEN AND HIPS---------------------------------- 283

REMOVING CELLULITE ------------------------------------------- 286

RELEASING EXCESS FLUID -------------------------------------- 289

MAINTAINING WEIGHT CONTROL ---------------------------- 292

KEEPING A YOUTHFUL APPEARANCE ------------------------ 296

FREE TO BE ---------------------------------------------------------- 300

STOP SMOKING NOW -------------------------------------------- 304

ELIMINATE THE SMOKING HABIT ----------------------------- 309

CUT DOWN ON SMOKING -------------------------------------- 313

ELIMINATE THE FINAL SMOKE --------------------------------- 316

QUIT SMOKING ---------------------------------------------------- 318

GIVE UP SMOKING ------------------------------------------------ 321

ELIMINATE UNWANTED HABITS ------------------------------ 323

OVERCOMING DRUG ADDICTION----------------------------- 327

OVERCOMING ALCOHOLISM ----------------------------------- 333

OVERCOME THUMB SUCKING --------------------------------- 337

OVERCOME NAIL- BITING --------------------------------------- 339

STOP BED – WETTING -------------------------------------------- 341

END BED- WETTING ----------------------------------------------- 344

IMPROVE LEARNING SKILLS ------------------------------------ 347

STUDYING UNDER HYPNOSIS ---------------------------------- 352

PASSING TESTS AND EXAMS ----------------------------------- 357

ENJOY SCHOOL WORK (OR HOUSEWORK ) ---------------- 359

DEVELOPING ABILITIES ------------------------------------------ 363

IMPROVE ATHLETICS ABILITY ---------------------------------- 368

BECOMING YOURSELF ------------------------------------------- 371

SEXUAL FULFILMENT --------------------------------------------- 375

FEMALE SEXUAL FULFILMENT --------------------------------- 377

SEXUAL ADJUSTMENT -------------------------------------------- 383

SEXUAL SATISFACTION ------------------------------------------ 386

SEXUAL ACHIEVEMENT ------------------------------------------ 390

QUESTIONS FOR INSOMNIA ------------------------------------ 392

OVERCOME INSOMNIA ------------------------------------------ 394

OVERCOME JEALOUSY ------------------------------------------- 397

OVERCOME CONSTIPATION ------------------------------------ 403

REMOVING WARTS------------------------------------------------ 408

IMPROVE SKIN CONDITION ------------------------------------- 410

HEALING PIMPLES ------------------------------------------------- 414

OVERCOME BALDNESS ------------------------------------------- 416

REMOVE MORNING SICKNESS --------------------------------- 418

PAINLESS CHILDBIRTH -------------------------------------------- 421

PREPARING FOR AN OPERATION ------------------------------ 424

SUGGESTIONS AFTER THE OPERATION ---------------------- 427

RELEASING ACHES AND PAINS---------------------------------- 429

GET RID OF PAIN --------------------------------------------------- 431

RESTORING HEALTH ---------------------------------------------- 433

IMPROVE HEALTH ------------------------------------------------- 438


YOUR MIND CAN HEAL YOU------------------------------------- 444

ACHIEVING HEALTH AND HAPPINESS ------------------------- 450

RELEASE FROM THE PROBLEM --------------------------------- 455

IMPROVE EYESIGHT 1 --------------------------------------------- 457

IMPROVE EYESIGHT 2 --------------------------------------------- 460

OVERCOME DYSLEXIA --------------------------------------------- 463

IMPROVE YOUR HEARING ---------------------------------------- 465

RELIEVE NOISE IN EARS ------------------------------------------ 468

ELIMINATE HEADACHES ----------------------------------------- 473

ELIMINATE BACKACHE ------------------------------------------- 477

DISC DISEASE -------------------------------------------------------- 480

RELIEVE ARTHRITIS PAIN ------------------------------------------ 483

HEALING ARTHRITIS ------------------------------------------------ 486

IMPROVING HEART CONDITIONS ------------------------------ 489

OVERCOME HEART PROBLEMS --------------------------------- 493

LOWER BLOOD PRESSURE 1-------------------------------------- 496

LOWER BLOOD PRESSURE 2 ------------------------------------- 499

RELIEF FROM AIDS ------------------------------------------------ 503

OVERCOMING AIDS ------------------------------------------------ 506

ELIMINATING CANCER -------------------------------------------- 510

HEALING CANCER -------------------------------------------------- 515

OVERCOME CANCER ----------------------------------------------- 519

OVERCOME ALLERGIES ------------------------------------------- 523

OVERCOME ASTHMA --------------------------------------------- 526

REMOVING ASTHMA IN CHILDREN --------------------------- 529

OVERCOMING ASTHMA IN CHILDREN ----------------------- 532

OVERCOME CEREBRAL PALSY ---------------------------------- 534

OVERCOMING HAEMORRHOIDS ------------------------------- 536

OVERCOME SUGAR DIABETES ---------------------------------- 541



I have made some changes in this edition. I feel that all of the
changes that have been made were needed, and they should make
this book much more helpful in your work and make the suggestions
you give more effective in helping your clients.

I have made an effort to replace the word "positive" with other

words such a "wonderful!". Or good, because the word "positive" has
come to be associated with the results of being tested-for A.I.D.s or
Cancer. If you have the illness, they say you tested "positive."
Therefore, the unconscious level of your client's mind may
understand it to mean he or she has an illness or disease, or possible
may associate it with the "positive pole" in electrical terms.

I have changed words like "whole body" to "entire body" to keep

client's mind from thinking of "hole" body. That is just a couple
example of changes I have made.

When you see 3 periods following a sentence, it means pause for five
seconds to make the suggestions more effective. Three commas
following a word mean pause for 3 seconds. Three questions marks
following a sentence mean pause for 5 seconds. If you see the word
pause following a sentence, it means pause for at least 30 seconds.

Pauses are very important. They allow the client to continue moving
into deeper state of hypnosis. They give the unconscious level of the
mind time to review what has been said. It, also, makes the
statement immediately following the pause much more effective.


All of the inductions and prescriptions in this book were written to be
received by the unconscious level of the mind of the client receiving
them. Some of the grammar may seem incorrect, and some of the
stories may seem immature, but remember that the unconscious
level of the mind responds like a child six years of age. When a
person is in a hypnotic state, he or she should not be spoken to as if
he or she understands like a college professor.
If a word may be understood more than one way, it should be
avoided if another word can be substituted. For example, the word
"peace" may be understood as the word "piece."

Every word spoken to a client who is hypnotized should be very

carefully thought out. If the mind can understand a word in a way
different from what the hypnotist intends it to be understood, there
is a good chance the client's mind will accept it incorrectly and it
could cause some problems for the client.

I'm going to quote from a book of “Scripts.” I'm not going to mention
the name of the book, nor the author, however, I want to call to your
attention, how the suggestions could cause some serious problems
to a hypnotize person receiving the suggestions. "I'm quoting only
from the first paragraph of a script on “Grief and Recovery.” The
words that could cause problems for a client are in bold letters.
"Someone you have dearly loved has died. You feel a sense of
emptiness and void. You have flashing ideas that at any moment
your loved one will walk through the door or call you on the
telephone. You bounce like a rubber ball between shock and denial.
There is an ache and terror of loneliness... You feel numb. You think
you may not be able to carry on... The process of grief will include
many expressions including shock, denial, fear, anxiety, despair,
sadness, and even disorganization... Grief will not just go away. You
have to live and go through it."

That is all I'm going to quote from the book, and I don't think it is
necessary for me to explain the negativity of the words that are bold.
If you just think about them a few moments, you will realize that they
could cause some real problems for the client receiving such

If you come across any words or statements in this book, I would

appreciate if you would write a letter and point it out so I can possibly
change it in future printings of this book. It is loose leaf, so it is not
too difficult for me to make changes if they are needed.

One last word. We always teach our students to have a written script
for every client they hypnotize. Giving suggestions without a script can
be dangerous. If you have a script, you can read each line ahead of time
and ask yourself; "Is there any way the client's mind could
understand that different from what I'm presenting it?" If there is,
then reword it to be sure your client's mind understands it the way
you mean it.

I, hope you find the use of this book beneficial in helping many people.

(Most people that fail to achieve the hypnotic state do not achieve it
because many hypnotists do not take sufficient time to explain
enough about hypnosis to clear up misconceptions that can interfere
with a client attaining the hypnotic state. Clinical hypnotherapists
find that a “Preliminary Session" in which they take time to clear up
misconceptions and fears about hypnosis is highly advisable when
dealing with people who are seeking to be hypnotized, even if they
have been hypnotized before.)

Very often a client's expectations regarding hypnosis are based on

false assumptions and
misconceptions, and it is the responsibility of the hypnotist to give
the client proper information.

Most people fall into one of two categories. in what they know about
hypnosis: (1) There are those who know nothing at all, or (2) those
wh6 know a little, but most of what they know is wrong.

Those who are handicapped by misinformation also fall into two

categories: (1) Those who fear hypnosis, believing it is dangerous,
supernatural, black magic, etc., and (2) those who believe it is a cure-
all for everything, and who have absolute faith in it, based on a
rather magical belief.

Prior to the first attempt at hypnotic induction, you should develop a

degree of rapport with the person to be hypnotized. That can usually
be accomplished by having a relaxed discussion with the person to
prepare his or her mind for all that will follow.

That will involve correcting misunderstandings and providing correct
information. You should also provide an opportunity for the client to
bring up any questions he or she may Have about hypnosis. This will
help develop rapport and will also help erase unfounded fears the
client may have about hypnosis.)

Guide for the Preliminary Session

Before Hypnotizing you, I want to take a few minutes to explain a

little about hypnosis. Most people have learned or read things about
hypnosis which gave them a false impression of what hypnosis really
is. It is easy to understand why People do not understand hypnosis
after seeing some of the weird things that is Shown in movies and in
some television programs.
We need to remember that the directors of those movies and many
of the television programs are trying to entertain people rather than
inform people about the subject of hypnosis and to entertain they
write into the plot all kinds of sensationalism to try and make the
program interesting. They show hypnosis being used in ways that it
can't really be used. They show things supposedly about hypnosis
that are totally untrue, or which distort the truth. It results in many
people developing false impressions and total misunderstandings
about hypnosis.

Going into a state of hypnosis is a perfectly natural experience. It is

difficult to describe the hypnotic state since it is a little different for
each person, yet for most people it can be described as a calm,
peaceful state of relaxation. The person who is hypnotized is aware
of everything the hypnotist says at all times while he or she is in the
hypnotic state. The belief that the hypnotized person is asleep or in a
state of unconsciousness is a misconception. You will hear every
word I say. You will also be aware of everything you do while you are
hypnotized. That's one of the reasons a person can never be made to
do anything he or she would be consciously opposed to doing if given
the same suggestion when not in a hypnotic state.

I already mentioned that for most people the hypnotic state is a
calm, peaceful state of relaxation. You will find that the more you
permit yourself to relax, the more you will benefit from the helpful
suggestions you are given. In other words, the more you let yourself
cooperate, the more benefits you get from the wonderful experience
you will have, and you cannot be hypnotized without your

There have been cases in which the effects of hypnosis have seemed
miraculous because of the amazing results people have experienced
by permitting themselves to be hypnotized. However, it is not really
a miraculous power. It is merely enabling people to use unrealized
abilities which they already possess, including the natural healing
abilities of their own bodies.
Everyone has within them the ability to meal cuts, bruises, and
broken bones, those are hot supernatural experiences. They are
normal, and hypnosis is a technique which enables your own mind to
use those abilities to produce healing in all areas of your body.

When you are hypnotized, the unconscious levels of your mind are
much more open to suggestions. And your mind accepts helpful
suggestions that cause your body processes to function properly and
heal your body from any kind of illness.

Hypnosis enables your mind to accept suggestions that cause your

self-confidence to increase. It allows your creative abilities to keep
emerging. It improves your learning abilities. And it helps you in
many other ways.

Hypnosis enables you to achieve a state of mind that improves your
character, and suggestions can be given to remove any features of
your character which you wish to eliminate and strengthen those
features of your character which you feel are desirable.

Hypnosis will help you to direct effectively all of your future efforts,
and it can help you to become more successful in all areas of your

Some writers have claimed that hypnosis is dangerous; that it

weakens the will. Others say it can cause other symptoms to arise in
place of those removed by hypnotic suggestions. Statements like
that are misconceptions. They are based on hearsay. There has never
been a case recorded in the history of hypnosis in which it has ever
caused other symptoms to arise in place of those that have been
cured through hypnosis, and instead of weakening the will, hypnosis
actually strengthens the will. Instead of weakening the mind, it
actually improves the mind. It also helps a person's concentration to
improve, as well as improving the ability to recall.

These are some of the facts about hypnosis. It is the ideal state for
achieving whatever you need to achieve, whether it is healing of
your body, improving study habits, developing self-confidence,
reducing your body, overcoming bothersome habits, plus helping you
achieve many other goals you desire to achieve.

Do you have any questions you would like to ask before you
experience the wonderful state called hypnosis?

(Note: This is an example of some of the things you should cover
before attempting to hypnotize a client. These suggestions in this
“preliminary session” answer a lot of questions, and help the client
develop some understanding about what to expect from hypnosis.

You, of course would adapt it to your own needs, and the needs of
the client that is in your office.

Not only does a preliminary session such as this set the client's mind
at ease, it opens the way for the client to ask any questions he or she
may have which need to be answered before attempting to
hypnotize him or her.

It isn't necessary to go into great detail in answering questions; in

fact, it is better to be brief, yet at the same time, in order to build
rapport, the “Preliminary Session” should be conducted in an easy
unhurried manner.)


(Note: These suggestions should be given if the induction has started

and the client doesn't seem to be responding.)

You can keep me from hypnotizing you if you want to. You can resist
any suggestion I give you, because whether you achieve the hypnotic
state or not depends entirely upon your own ability.

No one has the power to put you into a hypnotic state. In other
words, there is no way I can force you to become hypnotized against
your will.

In fact, I have never hypnotized anyone, yet I have helped (hundreds

or thousands) of people achieve the hypnotic state themselves, and I
can help you achieve the hypnotic state if you really want to be
helped, and if you are willing to let things happen and not be trying
to make things happen.

I'll explain what I mean by that:

If I were to suggest to you now, "Your eyelids are getting heavier and
heavier. Your eyes are closing." You could close your eyes to help
me. That would be making things happen, because your eyes were
not heavy, and you just closed them to help me. That's not what you

However, if you kept looking at the same spot and your eyes became
heavy, and feel like they want to close and you let them close, that is
letting things happen, and that is how you achieve the hypnotic

You could force your eyes to stay open even after they feel heavy
and feel like they want to close and that would be resisting my
suggestions and would keep you from achieving the hypnotic state.
So, what it amounts to is this: Letting things happen is merely
permitting the natural feelings that I suggest to occur. In other
words, don't try to make anything happen, and at the same time,
don't try to resist.

Just listen closely to my suggestions, let yourself be responsive, and

you will find that you are just as capable of achieving the hypnotic
state as anyone else, and you will also find it to be a very enjoyable,
very helpful experience. You will like it very much.


(Note: Before beginning with induction, be sure the client has used
the rest room. Then have the clients seated or lying down in a
comfortable position, with no bright lights shining in the eyes and all
clothing loosened. Shoes can be removed if the client desires to do

Close your eyes and begin breathing in deeply and exhale slowly...
Each time you inhale try to hold it two, three or four seconds and let
it out slowly. Do that five or six times...

Each time you inhale, you bring more oxygen into your lungs... The
oxygen passes from your lungs into your heart... Your heart pumps
the oxygen into your circulatory system, and it is carried into every
part of your body where it is needed... As you exhale your muscles,
ligaments, and tendons continue relaxing more and more...

I have explained a little bit about hypnosis to you, but I didn't tell you
exactly what a hypnotic state is... The reason I didn't describe a
hypnotic state is because it is different for each person„, and if I
hypnotized you a hundred times, it would be a little different each
time I hypnotize you...

You may be wondering what it's like to be hypnotized, and even if

you have been hypnotized before, you really don't know what it will
be like this time... In fact, you can be in a deep, peaceful hypnotic
state and not even realize it consciously... You may notice a peaceful,
soothing, relaxing drowsiness coming over your entire body and

realize that you are continuing to move into a deeper and deeper
hypnotic state...

Each time you exhale, you can continue relaxing more peacefully...
You can feel yourself moving into a deeper, more peaceful, more
detached state of relaxation... You can listen to the soothing sounds
coming from the tape player, and not even notice other sounds and
noises and everything else around you keep fading away more and

You can wonder if you are in a hypnotic state, and in a moment, I will
count from five down to one and you can let the muscles in and
around your eyes and the muscles in your eyelids keep relaxing more
with each number I say...

By the time I reach the count of one, you can have your eyelids so
‘relaxed that your eyelids will feel like you don't want to open
them...You, can have your eyelids so relaxed that you will be able to
test them to be sure they remain shut... After I reach the count of
one, you can test your eyelids to be sure they remain shut...

It will give you a wonderful feeling of satisfaction to know that the

unconscious levels of your mind are cooperating with the
suggestions I tell you and are enabling you to respond easily and
comfortably to my directions...

Later, when I tell you to awaken from the hypnotic state, you will
awaken easily, feeling confident add happy...: You will be pleased to
find ’that you are completely free from the smoking habit; (and all

desire, all craving and urges for cigarettes will be gone completely.)
(And you will continue responding to the suggestions I tell you), and
you: will be happy to notice that you continue achieving more
benefits Physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually...

Five - You're responding really good (name). You are revealing signs
that indicate you are continuing to move into a deeper hypnotic
state... You are learning to automatically move into a deeper and
deeper state as I talk to you...

Four - Your entire body is responding to the idea of relaxation... It

feels good to let go completely... It keeps becoming less and less
important for your eyes to be open... Your eyelids are becoming so
relaxed they feel like they want to remain shut...

Three - You are learning more and more to respond with the
unconscious levels of your mind... You are continuing to feel more
peaceful and more at ease... You are feeling so comfortable that you
are happy to continue moving into a much ’deeper state…You are
breathing easily and freely…

Two - You can notice the muscles in and around your eyes, and the
muscles in your eyelids are so relaxed that even now if you tried to
open them, it would seem difficult, and after I say the next number,
you can test your eyelids to be sure they remain shut...

You can notice that your eyelids are continuing to relax even more
now... Keeping your eyes closed as you sit there, gives you a feeling
of calmness and peacefulness all over...

One - Notice that your eyelids are really relaxed now... All the
muscles in and around your eyes are so relaxed they want to remain

You can test your eyelids ROW to be sure they remain shut... (Note:
If the eyes open say,” Close them again now and let them relax even
more..." You may want to switch to the Hand-to-Face Induction or to:
The Progressive- Relaxation Induction, without telling the client you
are changing induction techniques.)

Now you realize that you are responding well to my guidance and
suggestions... You can continue listening to the soothing sounds
coming from the tape player, and the unconscious levels of your
mind will continue cooperating with the suggestions I tell you;
making true everything I say...

It gives you a feeling of satisfaction to know the unconscious levels of

your mind is cooperating with the suggestions I tell you, and is
working out a solution to that problem in a way that is pleasing to

When you awaken from the hypnotic state, you will be pleased to
find that the unconscious levels of your mind is causing you to
experience very pleasant changes, and is resolving that problem in a
very pleasant way...

You will be happy to notice that you continue experiencing many
other benefits and you will continue improving more each day... You
can be sure it is permanent and lasting...

As you continue sitting there with your eyes closed, you are so
relaxed and comfortable that you can enjoy moving into a mine
comfortable, more peaceful state of hypnosis... It is natural for you
to continue enjoying it more and, keep experiencing more benefits
each time I hypnotize you... You will always find it pleasing and
enjoyable to have me hypnotize you... You will be happy to notice
that you continue progressing more each day... Being hypnotized is
always enjoyable... It is always a pleasant, calm, soothing, peaceful,
relaxing experience.

(Note: Have client get numbness in either the right or left hand... See
the Progressive Relaxation Induction; the part called aesthesia for
numbness instructions.)

In the past you may have had some doubts, but now you know you
are responding to the suggestions I tell you, and all doubts are
leaving... All doubts will be gone by the time you awaken from the
hypnotic state...

All doubts are being replaced with a strong sense and strong feeling
of confidence and sureness... You can know the unconscious level of
your mind is causing you to experience pleasant changes... Your mind
is doing what needs to be done to solve that problem... You can be
certain it is being done in the right way...

Your conscious mind can relax completely now, and the unconscious
levels of your mind is free to hear and receive the suggestions and
instructions I tell you.

(To be given after client has achieved numbness in hand.)
Now you realize that your mind can cause changes Mr your body
without any conscious effort by you... To enable you to get
numbness in your hand, I put the suggestion in your mind that your
hand would become numb and then I told you signals I would use...
As I used the signal of touching your hand, your mind caused the
changes and your hand became numb...

I'm going to tell you another signal now that will begin working today
and will continue working for the rest of your life... The unconscious
level of your mind will cause the signal to work...

The signal is water, and here is how the unconscious level of your
mind will cause it to work:
From now on, for the rest of your life, every time you look at water,
the unconscious level of your mind and all levels of your inner mind
will cooperate and cause you to become relaxed, and calm, and
peaceful... Every time you look at water your nerves become more
relaxed and steadier, and you continue becoming calmer
emotionally... Any water you look at is an automatic signal, including
rain, puddles of water, water coming out of a faucet, water in a
shower or a bathtub, water in a swimming pool, a pond, a creek, a
river, a lake or in the ocean...
Being calmer and more relaxed enables you to think more clearly... It
enables you to focus your attention more readily„, and you will be able
to concentrate better... That causes your memory to keep improving...
You will also find that being more calm and relaxed causes all of your
body processes and activities to continue functioning more perfectly,
and that causes your health to keep improving more each day... You will

be pleased to find yourself experiencing many other really wonderful
Your pancreas, your kidneys, your liver, your heart, and all other
organs and glands in your body will continue functioning more
perfectly... Your digestive system, your assimilation system, your
metabolism and your elimination system all continue functioning
more perfectly and your health continues improving more each day...

So, from now on for the rest of your life, every time you look at
water, your wind will cause you to become relaxed, calm and feel
very peaceful, and you will remain calm, relaxed and peaceful for at
least eight hours every time you look at water... That will keep you
calm and relaxed as you go about your daily activities... You will have
more energy, more strength and vitality, and you will continue
becoming more efficient in your work and other activities from being
more relaxed and more at ease...


Close your eyes and begin breathing deeply and slowly... Let your
mind and body relax to the best of your ability... Each time you
inhale, hold it for two, three or four seconds, whatever feels
comfortable to you, and then exhale slowly... inhaling deeply brings
more oxygen into your lungs... The oxygen mixes into your blood and
circulates through your entire body... Every time you exhale your
muscles, ligaments and tendons continue relaxing more... So,
continue inhaling deeply and exhaling slowly...
Let your mind keep relaxing so you're not trying to think of anything
in particular, but are listening mainly to the words I'm saying...
Gradually it keeps becoming less and less important for you to
consciously listen to my words... The unconscious levels of your mind
will continue hearing and receiving everything I say while your
conscious mind keeps relaxing more and more... You will enjoy the
wonderful relaxation that is coming over your entire body...
Your conscious awareness continues narrowing down, and you can
soon experience the pleasant sensation of drifting away and other
sounds and noises, and everyth.0ing else around you keeps fading
away more and more... Later on, when the session is over, you will
be able to hear all sounds and noises in a normal, natural way... You
may notice the muscles in your eyelids and around your eyelids
relaxing now... Let your eyelids continue relaxing as you keep
breathing easily and freely... Let those muscles in and around your
eyes become so relaxed that your eyelids feel like they want to
remain shut...
When you have your eyelids completely relaxed; let them relax even
more... Let your eyelids become so relaxed that they feel like they
will remain shut if you try to open them... When you have your
eyelids so relaxed they will not open, test them and make sure they

remain shut... Make sure you have complete relaxation in all the
muscles in and around your eyes...
(Note: Watch for client to test the eyelids. After a very brief test of
two or three seconds, continue as follows :)
Let your eyelids relax even more now and let that feeling of
relaxation move through your entire body, from the top of your head
to the bottom of your feet... (Pause for about a minute.)
You are doing fine, but you can still relax even more, so in just a
moment I'm going to ask you to do the same thing again... The next
time I tell you to open and close your eyelid’s; you will double your
relaxation from what it is how... When I tell you to open your
eyelid’s, it may seem difficult to get them open because you are
much more relaxed now, yet when I tell you to open them; I want
you to try to get them open... Try to keep your eyelids open until I
tell you to close them again...
You will continue becoming drowsier, and your eyelids will feel like
they want to close, but try to keep them open until I tell you to close
them, and the next time I tell you to close your eyelids, you will relax
twice as much as you are now...

Okay... Try to open your eyelids now... When I tell you to close them
again, you will drift into a much deeper, more peaceful, more calm
state of relaxation... (Pause until it seems the client is having
difficulty keeping them open.)

Close your eyelids again how, and you will begin feeling a soothing
drowsiness coining over your entire body, as though your entire
body is a blanket of relaxation... You are twice as relaxed now as you
were before, and you can still relax even more, so the next time I tell
you to open and close your eyelids, you will become ten times more

relaxed than you are now... It may seem almost impossible to keep
your eyelids open the next time you open them, but when I ask you
to open them, I want you to try and get them open, and try to keep
them open until I tell you to close them...

Try to open your eyelids now... They continue feeling heavier, but try
to keep them open until I tell you to close them... When I tell you to
close your eyelids again, you will experience a much more peaceful,
more comfortable feeling... (Pause and watch for heaviness. As soon
as you notice heaviness, in the eyelids, have client close the eyes lids
Other sounds and noises keep fading away, and will soon be gone...
You are continuing to relax even more now...

Now that you: have achieved physical relaxation, I'm going to show
you that you can also obtain mental relaxation... I want you to use
your imagination and third of yourself standing in front of a
blackboard... On the blackboard, I want you to see the numbers
going backward from one hundred... See all the numbers 100„, 99„,
98„, 97„, and on down... (Pause)
Now (Client’s name), when I tell you to begin, I want you to call off,
out loud, those numbers from the blackboard, beginning with one-
hundred... As you say each number, mentally erase that number off
the blackboard and out of your mind... When you get down to 97, I
want you to erase all the remaining numbers off the blackboard and
out of your mind, so you will not be able to think of another
Okay, (Client's name), Look at those numbers and begin. Starting
with one hundred, say each number and erase it off the blackboard
and out of your mind so that it disappears... You can start now...

100 - Now wipe it off the blackboard and out of your mind so it
disappears completely...
99 - You are doing good; you are wiping that number away so it
vanishes completely...
98 - You are beginning to experience perfect peace of mind as you
erase that number off the blackboard and out of your mind...
97 - That's the last number... Erase that number and erase all the rest
of the numbers, to get rid of all the numbers completely... tell me
when all the numbers are gone... (Pause until the client says the
numbers are gone.)
The numbers have vanished completely now... Notice that all the
numbers are gone... Tell me if you can find any more numbers...
(Note: If a number is found, explain as follows: You have reached a
very deep state now and you can still relax your mind even more...
As I talk to you now, it keeps becoming less and less important for
you to listen to my voice. The unconscious level of your mind will
hear everything I say, while your conscious mind is continuing to
relax even more...)
When you come back to a fully alert state, you will be able to
remember numbers easily.

In just a moment I will begin touching your (right or. left) hand, and
you will experience. Anaesthesia coining in your (right or left) hand...
Each time I touch your hand it will keep becoming more numb... The
numbness in your hand keeps increasing each time I touch your
(Continue touching the hand and saying,) "The numbness is
increasing, getting stronger; the skin is becoming numb... The
muscles, ligaments, and tendons are becoming numb, Even the
nerves and bones are becoming numb."

(Then. pinch the hand ligh8y and proceed as follows:) What does it
seem like I'm doing to your hand now?
(If the client says, "You are pinching my hand.” You respond by
saying, "Do you mean you feel the pressure of the skin between my
fingers?" The answer will usually be, "Yes." But whatever the answer
is, proceed as follows :)

You are responding very well. You have a lot of numbness in your
hand already, and once you achieve something under hypnosis, it's
easy to increase and improve on what you have achieved... So in just
a moment I'm going to touch your arm, soon as I touch your
arm, the numbness in your hand will increase even more... As soon
as I touch your arm your hand will become ten times more numb
than it is now...

place your hand on the client’s arm and hold it there as you say the

Now your hand is ten times more numb than it was before, and
when I take my hand off of your arm, the numbness in your hand will
continue increasing...

(Pick up the hand with your finger nails, pinching it fairly hard, and
ask :)
What does it seem like I'm doing now7 (Pause for response.)
Do you feel the pressure of the skin between my burgers now7
(Pause for response.)

(Continue holding the hand with your finger nails and say :)

You are really responding well... You are in a deep hypnotic state,
and in just a moment I’m going to ask you to open your eyelids... You
will be able to open your eyelids easily, and you will remain in a deep
hypnotic state of hypnosis even with your eyes open... When I ask
you to close your eyes again, you will go into a much deeper, more
calm hypnotic state...

Open your eyes now and look at your hand, and you will see what I
have been doing...

You can see that I have been pinching your hand with my fingernails;
and you can see that the unconscious level of your mind is
responding to the suggestions I’m telling you and now you know the
unconscious levels ‘of your mind controls your body...

Have you ever had numbness in your hand like this before7 (Wait for

Even though you have never done that before, the unconscious level
of your mind knew exactly what to do to make your hand numb, and
the unconscious level of your “ mind also mows what to do to
(Get rid of the smoking habit.) (Eliminate the excess fat and fluid
from your body.) (heal your body completely.) (Solve the client's
problem whatever it is.)

Close your eyes now and you will continue moving into a much
calmer, more peaceful state, as the normal feeling comes back in
your hand...

Now you realize that your mind responds to signals... I used signals
to have you get numbness in your hand... Each time I touched your
hand that was a signal, and your mind responded by causing your
hand to keep becoming more numb... Now I'm going to tell you
another signal that your mind will respond to, and the unconscious
level of your mind will help you in many different ways.
(Go to the water signal.)

Before you go into a deep hypnotic state I'd like for you to stretch
your entire body... Stretch your arms and legs... Stretch your
shoulders and your back... Stretch your abdomen and your thighs...
Just stretch all. over; and then you will be ready to really relax and
move into a calm, comfortable state of hypnosis... (Pause while the
client stretches.)

Now you are ready to move into a comfortable, peaceful hypnotic

state of relaxation... Close your eyes now, and begin inhaling deeply,
and exhale slowly... That allows your body to continue relaxing more
each time you exhale... Being in a light state of hypnosis is very
pleasant, but you will probably prefer going into a very deep level of
hypnosis and automatically experience all the wonderful benefits of

In a moment, I’m going to ask you to open your eyes and pick a spot
to look at as I give you suggestions that will help you go into a
perfect level of hypnosis... I want you to continue breathing easily
and freely even after you open your eyes... That will enable you to
move into a hypnotic state more easily and more quickly...

As you look at the spot you chose, your eyes continue becoming
more relaxed and they feel like they wait to close... Don't try to make
your eyelids close deliberately, yet don't make any effort to keep
them from closing... Your eyelids will close by themselves easily and
gently... As your eyelids close, you will experience a pleasant feeling
of drowsiness coming over your entire body, and you will feel
yourself drifting into a state similar to a deep dreaming state...

Okay, open your eyes and pick out a spot to look at as you continue
breathing easily and comfortably... Listen to the soothing sounds
coming from the tape player as your conscious mind continues
relaxing more and more...

You are not trying to think of anything in particular... You are

listening mainly to the words I'm saying to you... There may be brief
moments at first when other thoughts come into your mind, but that
will not interfere... Your unconscious mind will listen: to each word I
say, and your conscious awareness can keep narrowing down...

It keeps becoming less important for your eyes to be open... It also

becomes less important for you to listen to my voice... The
unconscious level. Of your mind will hear everything I say, and the
unconscious level of your mind can cause you to respond to the
suggestions I tell you...

Your eyelids continue relaxing…They are closing easily and gently as

you experience a pleasant drowsiness coming over your entire

Other sounds and noises keep fading away as you continue feeling
more at ease and more peaceful...

It is a pleasant feeling to have your complete body relaxed and

peaceful...Your entire body is responding to the idea of relaxation...
You are continuing to feel more calm, more peaceful and more at
ease... As you continue relaxing, there may be times when it seems
like you are going into a state of sleep... That's okay because the

unconscious level of your mind will hear and receive the suggestions,
the guidance and the recommendations I tell you, and will enable
you to respond to the instructions and guidance I suggest..

If I ask you to move, you will be able to move easily... If I ask you to
talk, you will be able to talk easily... You will find it easy and helpful
to put my suggestions into your own actions...

There may be times when it seems like my voice is a long distance

away... There may be time when I'm talking to you and you will not
be consciously aware of my voice... That's okay because the
unconscious level of your mind will hear and receive what I tell
you...‘ You will be pleased to find that the unconscious level of your
mind is receiving what I say and making it true...

Your unconscious mind understands that I'm telling you only those
things I know you can do, and you will be able, to do everything I tell
you,.. You are in the process of making some very important changes
that will bring you much greater happiness... You are making changes
that are increasing your self-confidence and causing the activities of
your body to function properly so your health will continue

These are some of the reasons the unconscious level of your mind is
receiving the suggestions I tell you, and you will be quite happy with
your natural ability to achieve everything you desire to achieve...

It's okay for you to consciously forget what I'm telling you now,
because your unconscious mind will remember, and your

unconscious mind will easily cause you to respond to the suggestions
I tell you...

You can enjoy the comfort of being in a peaceful state of hypnosis

and can consciously forget what I tell you during the time you are

You are becoming so comfortably relaxed that it may seem like you
are almost asleep... You are becoming drowsier, just like when you
are drilling into a natural state of sleep... You are becoming
drowsier„, sleeper. You are feeling more calm and at ease... You can
really enjoy responding to the suggestion I tell you and you will be
pleased with the continuous improvement in all areas of your life...

Your nerves are becoming more relaxed and steady... Your muscles
are continuing to become more relaxed...

Being hypnotized is always a very pleasant, very enjoyable, soothing,

restful, completely relaxing experience... You will always enjoy
having me hypnotize you....Every time I hypnotize you, it continues
becoming more enjoyable...

Your conscious mind is relaxing completely, and the unconscious

level of your mind is free„,, to limit itself„, to everything I say..,. Your
unconscious mind is receiving the suggestions, the guidance and the
recommendations I tell you... Your mind is assessing what I say and is
causing you to put what I tell you into your own actions...

It is enjoyable to let go completely, mowing I'm telling you only those
things I know you can do... You can find it pleasing and enjoyable to
accept what I tell you, because the unconscious level of your mind
knows it is for your own good, for your own benefit, for your own
self-improvement, and for your own personal well-being...

It is natural for your body to be healthy... It is natural for your body

to be slim, trim, firm and strong... It is normal for all of the processes
and activities of your body to function properly... So everything I'm
telling you is already part of your real nature... Everything I'm telling
you is part of your real personality„, and your unconscious mind is
receiving the suggestions I'm telling you and is causing the
recommendations I tell you to be used by you to keep improving
yourself physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually...
You are breathing more easily and freely now... Your heart is
pumping the blood through your circulatory system proper1y„; and
without any conscious effort by you, your muscles and nerves are
more relaxed and steady... There is nothing important for your
conscious mind to do...

Everything I'm telling you is influencing your thoughts, your feelings,

and your actions in a wonderful, uplifting way...

Even after you awaken from the hypnotic state, the suggestions I
have told you will continue to influence you just as strongly, just as
surely, and just as
Powerfully as they do. while you are hypnotized„; and they will keep
becoming more effective each day... Even when you are wide-awake
and fully alert, the unconscious level of your mind will continue
responding to the suggestions I tell you and will cause what I tell you

to work automatically... You will continue becoming more successful
in all areas of your life... ›Your self-confidence, and self-acceptance
will continue increasing more each day...

You will use these principles of relaxation which you are now
experiencing during your daily life, ,and you will be relaxed and calm
in every situation and circumstance in w1uch you find yourself,
whether you are alone or with others...

I will talk to you again in a moment or two; and your mind will be
ready to receive additional suggestions that will help you in many

As soon as you are ready to go into a calm, peaceful, comfortable
state of hypnosis, you will close your eyes and begin inhaling deeply
and exhaling slowly... (Pause and observe a moment.)

Inhaling deeply brings more oxygen into your lungs... The oxygen
passes from your lungs into your heart... Your heart pumps the
oxygen into your circulatory system and each time you exhale your
muscles, nerves, ligaments and tendons continue becoming more

Each time you inhale and exhale you can become more aware of the
natural rhythms of your body, and the feelings of Comfort that
develop... (Pause)

As you continue sitting there, you will find yourself becoming more
relaxed and comfortable... Can you feel even more comfortable
letting your hands rest very gently on. the arms of the chair? (Pause
Until client's arms and hands are on the arms of the chair.)

That's, good... Have your hands barely touching the aims of the
chair... Notice that your hands can rest so lightly that your fingertips
are barely touching the arms of the chair... You are doing good... As
your hands are resting and lightly touching the aims of the chair, do
you notice that they tend to lift up a little bit all by themselves each
time you inhale?

Does it seem like your hands and arms keep feeling lighter, so they
are now lifting up easily toward your face, as the rest of your body
continues relaxing... (Pause, and give hands time to begin lifting.)

As that continues on; does one hand and arm, or the other, or maybe
both hands and arms continue lifting even more7 (Pause.)

It's really interesting the way that hand and arm continues feeling
lighter, and keeps lifting up toward your face without any conscious
effort... As that hand and arm keeps raising toward your face, does
the other hand and arm want to lift and catch up to it, or does the
other hand and arm want to continue resting lightly on the arm of
the chair?

Does that hand and arm keep realising up toward your face
smoothly, or does it want to lift with slight jerking moments?

Your hand and arm may want to lift more quickly„, or more slowly as
it gets closer to your face... It may need to pause briefly before it
finally touches your face, so you will know you are going into a really
deep hypnotic trance... Your hand will not touch your face until your
unconscious mind is really ready for you to go into a deep hypnotic

When your hand touches your face, you will probably take a deep
breath as you relax and experience yourself going into a much
deeper, more peaceful hypnotic state...

(Note: Continue with suggestions of that type until hand touches the
face. After the hand touches the face, proceed with the following
suggestions :)

You may not even notice yourself going into an even deeper hypnotic
state as your hand and arm slowly returning to the arm of the chair
all by itself... As your hand is slowly returning to the arm of the chair,
your unconscious mind is deciding the most effective way to (help
you get rid of the smoking habit completely.) (Help you reduce your
body to pounds.) (Help you be completely healed from
(The following suggestions in light print are to be used if you are
With someone for weight reduction.)

Will it be by controlling your appetite and causing you to eat only

foods needed by your body to keep improving your health and get
your body to____ pounds?

Or will it be by causing your metabolism and all of the other

processes and activities of your body to function properly and
cleanse all excess fat and fluid out of your body through the natural
processes of your elimination system?

Or will it be a combination of controlling your eating habits and also
causing your body processes to function properly to reduce your
body to__ pounds?
Your subconscious mind is naturally choosing the ways that are best
for you... Your willingness to rely on your unconscious mind to do
what is best for you is very

Important, because the unconscious level of your mind is

cooperating with your conscious desires.

You know that you do many things during the day and even at night
when you are sleeping without being consciously aware of what you
are doing... Your heart keeps pumping oxygen and blood through
your circulatory system without any conscious effort by you... When
you wash your face, you make a conscious decision to wash your
face, yet it is the unconscious level of your mind that causes you to
make the movements you make to carry out the actions to wash
your face...

Now you have decided to reduce your body to pounds... The

unconscious level of your mind understands and is cooperating by
causing your body to respond and dissolve all excess fat... The
unconscious level of your mind is also causing the processes and
activities of your body to, function properly and cleanse all excess fat
and fluid out of your body in an easy natural way through the
,normal processes of your elimination system...

Your hands do most of the things you want them to do without you
saying, "Hands do this, or hands do that." The unconscious level of
your mind causes your hands to work automatically and you usually
don't .pay any attention to them... And when you speak, you don’t
consciously decide where to put your tongue, or how to form your
lips; or how to make the air and oxygen move through your vocal
chords to make the sounds: of the words... The unconscious level of
your mind takes care of all those things automatically without any
conscious effort by you...

When you see or hear things, and when. You touch things; those
senses also are controlled by the unconscious level of your mind...
Just as easily, and automatically the unconscious level of your mind is
working out the solution to that problem without any conscious
effort by you...

If the unconscious level of your mind feels that you no longer need
(to be over Pounds,) (to continue smoking,) (to have that physical
problem,) one of the fingers on your left hand will rise toward the,
ceiling and your finger will remain up until I tell it to go back down...

(Wait for finger to lift up. If it does not lift up in about five minutes,
continue with other suggestions.) (If finger does lift, go on to
appropriate suggestions for overcoming the problem.)

(Have the client start with eyes closed and give a few
suggestions for relaxation.)

In a few moments I'm going to ask you to open your eyes and hold
your (right or left) hand up about a foot in front of your face, with
the palm of your hand toward your face... You will keep your fingers
extended straight out so you can look at your fingers and the palm of
your hand for a short time as I talk to you... You will continue
experiencing a more soothing, more peaceful, relaxation coming
over your entire body...

Open your eyes now, and raise your hand up a little above eye level
and press your fingers tightly together... You will become aware of all
the feelings and sensations in your fingers and hand, and you will
keep experiencing a more peaceful, soothing sensations coming over
your entire body... It keeps becoming more natural for you to
respond to the suggestions I'm telling you...

You can listen to the soothing sounds coming from the tape player
and not notice that other sounds and noises are fading away... The
unconscious level of your mind is listening only to the words I'm
saying to you... You will notice the feelings and sensations in your
fingers and your hand... Your fingers will feel like they want to spread
apart... Don't try to make them spread apart deliberately... And don't
try to keep your fingers from spreading apart... They will spread
apart all by themselves„, easily and gently... As your fingers are
spreading apart, you will notice that your eyes are relaxing... Your
eyelids are relaxing and feeling more comfortable... Your eyelids feel

like they want to close as you are moving into a calm, peaceful, state
of hypnosis...

You will be experiencing a soothing drowsiness coming over your

entire body, and your eyelids are closing gently... Your eyelids will
soon close... It keeps becoming less and less important for your eyes
to be open, and by the time your eyelids close, you will be in a calm,
peaceful state of relaxation...

Notice that your fingers want to spread apart, and you are letting the
natural feelings happen... As your burgers are spreading apart you
can notice that your eyes keep becoming more relaxed...

Being hypnotized is always a very pleasant„, calm, soothing, very

enjoyable... restful... relaxing experience... (Pause).

(Note: After the fingers have started spreading apart and the eyelids
have started closing, continue as follows:)

In a moment, your (right-left) hand, and arm will move toward your
face, and you will continue moving into a more soothing hypnotic
state... Your hand and arm move toward your face, but the
unconscious level of yow mind will not permit your liand to touch
your face until your mind has worked out a pleasant solution to that

You have been experiencing that problem for some time now, and
consciously you haven't been able to resolve it... I don't know what

has been causing that problem, but the unconscious levels of your
mind have the information... So, the unconscious levels your mind
are reviewing, examining, and exploring the information in your
mind. And your mind is finding out what has been causing that

The unconscious levels of your mind are reviewing all of the imprints,
all of the impressions, all of the thoughts. And ideas in your mind
that have been causing that problem... Your mind is assessing,
evaluating, and understanding that information from a different
point of view than you had when the information went into your
mind... Your unconscious mind is understanding the information
from a more knowledgeable, more relaxed, calmer, more mature.
point of view... The unconscious levels of your mind are working out
the solution to that problem in ways you do not consciously
undemand... Your mind is working out the solution, and is resolving
that problem in a way that is pleasing to you...

The unconscious levels of your mind are reviewing that information

thoroughly and your mind is understanding that it is okay to resolve
that problem for now and forever... When your mind has resolved
that problem, then. Your mind will cause your hand to touch your

You are continuing to move into a deeper, more peaceful, more

detached state... It feels good to continue relaxing... Your mind is
cooperating... Your mind is reviewing that information, and is
working out a very pleasant solution to that problem... You
are easily and gently moving into a more comfortable state of

Your unconscious mind is hearing every word I say and is working out
a pleasant solution to that problem without any conscious effort by
Yow fingers have spread apart, and the unconscious level of your
mind is causing your hand to move toward your face, but your
unconscious mind will not permit your hand to touch your face until
your unconscious mind understands what has been causing that
problem and knows that it is okay for that problem to be ‘resolved in
an easy natural way...

When the unconscious level of your mind knows it is okay for that
problem to be resolved and (your body to be healed), (your body to
reduce to pounds), then your mind will cause your hand to touch
your face as a signal that the problem has been resolved... You will
really be pleased...

You are in a deep, calm, comfortable state now... By permitting your

mind and body to relax through your own ability to concentrate on
the words I say, you will notice later; after you awaken from the
hypnotic state, that you will feel much better both mentally and

You are, doing good... It feels good to continue relaxing... Later,

when you awaken from the hypnotic state your entire body will feel
good from the top of your head all the way down to the bottom of
yow feet... Your hands and arms and shoulders will be relaxed and
comfortable... You will be confident and happy...

Your unconscious mind is very sensitive to everything I'm saying to
you, and the unconscious level of your mind is hearing and receiving
the suggestions I’m telling you„, and your mind is causing each
suggestion to begin working immediately and continue working
automatically as you go about your daily activities... You will
experience many wonderful benefits from being in this comfortable,
relaxed state of hypnosis...

You are learning that the unconscious level of your mind is working
out the solution to that problem... Your unconscious mind knows
what to do„, and is doing it in just the right way to resolve that
problem in a very pleasant way...

Some of those experiences the unconscious level of your mind is

reviewing may not seem to make sense now that your mind can
understand them from a more Past experiences that have been
misunderstood by the unconscious level of your mind, can now be
understood from a different point of view and your unconscious
mind is able to work out the solution to that problem in ways you do
not consciously understand... So the unconscious level of your mind
is causing, your hand and arm to continue moving toward your face
to indicate that your mind is reviewing, examining, and exploring the
information that has been causing that problem... Your mind is
working out the, solution in a way that is pleasing to you...

You have all the, ingredients, all the capabilities, all the skills, and all
the knowledge that you need to be (healed) (slim and trim and
slender) ...

(Continue with suggestions until the hand has touched the face.)

It may seem like you are experiencing sortie kind of a dilemma... You
may not be consciously aware of what needs to be done to work out
the solution to that problem, but that's one of the amazing things
about the unconscious level of your mind... Even though you do not
consciously know what to, do, your unconscious mind has all the
knowledge it needs to work. out the solution to that problem in a
very pleasant way... Your unconscious mind is reviewing that
important information now, and your mind is resolving that problem
for now and forever...

Consciously you decided that you want (your body to be healed)

(your body to be slender and trim)... You had the right to make that

In the past there has been something in your mind that has been
(keeping that problem from being, resolved)... (Keeping your body
from being healthy)... (Keeping your body from being slender and
trim)... Whatever it has been that has been, causing that problem is
being changed... The unconscious level of your mind is
understanding the problem from a more knowledgeable, more
mature point of view„, and your mind knows it is okay for that
problem to be resolved completely and permanently...

That decision has got to come from your own mind... There is no
need for it to come from me... It is only when your mind makes the
decision that the problem will be resolved...

You know that your mind is the only part of you that can cause the
changes that are needed to resolve that problem„, and your mind
can cause those changes as you go about the activities of your daily
Your unconscious mind causes your heart to continue pumping the
blood through your circulatory system, keeps you breathing, even
when you are asleep... The unconscious level of your mind also
enables your digestive system to continue functioning properly,
enables you to talk when you decide to talk, to walk when you
decide to walk, and the unconscious level of your mind has been
doing thousands of Other things that your conscious mind is not
aware of... The importance of all this is realizing that you can trust
the unconscious level of your mind to take care of you... You can be
sure your own mind is working out the solution to that problem and
is causing you to experience pleasant changes that are needed to
resolve that problem for now and forever...

You can trust your own mind to do what is needed to overcome that
problem and all other problems when given proper guidance... That's
what you are doing now... The unconscious level of your mind is
receiving the proper guidance needed to work out the solution... You
will be noticing pleasant changes taking place...

(If the hand has not touched the client's face by the time it is time for
the session to be over, use the suggestions from the prescription
called: "Therapy between Sessions).

You are responding properly... The unconscious level of your mind is

doing what needs to be done to resolve that problem... It doesn't
need to be done in a way you would consciously expect it to be

done... You can be pleasantly surprised to find that your unconscious
mind is causing it to happen in an easy, natural way...

You will experience a lot of satisfaction knowing that your own mind
is working out the solution to that problem and your goals are being
accomplished satisfactorily...

(For Therapy)
Note: Start with client's eyes open
You will be able to relax more easily by stretching your entire body,
so you can do that now... Stretch all the muscles in your arms, in
your legs, in your chest, in your abdomen... Stretch every part of
your body... Then you will be able to really relax and respond easily
to the suggestions and directions I tell you...

(Wait for the client to finish stretching before proceeding.}

Real good... Now I want you to notice as you try to stay wide awake
that you can easily move into a calm, peaceful state of relaxation...
You can try to stay awake as your upper eyelids continue feeling
relaxed and at ease. Your eyelids will soon close easily and gently all
by themselves... You can remain comfortable, having your eyelids
remain shut until I ask you to open them...

Trying to stay awake enables you to experience a more calm and

soothing drowsiness all over your body, from the top of your head to
the ’bottom of your feet...

Sooner or later, you can experience the enjoyable feeling of having

your eyelids close easily and comfortably... And you can be pleased
to have your eyelids remain shut until I ask you to awaken from the
hypnotic state...

(Because the suggestion above has been given, you must remember
when you are concluding the session to give the suggestion for the
client to “awaken from the hypnotic state.”)

Your unconscious mind can handle that quite easily, and you will not
need to make any conscious effort... While you are in the hypnotic
state today, I'd like to have your mind become interested in
everything that you can do to use your own body knowledge, and
your own mental knowledge, to work out a solution to that
problem... Then the next step will be for your mind to proceed and
get the problem resolved... It will probably happen as soon as your
unconscious mind is ready... We will allow the unconscious level of
your mind to take as much time as it needs to get that problem
resolved, and do it perfectly...

I'd like to have you respect yourself as a being created by the same
Creator that created everyone else on this earth... You were created
with amazing capabilities... And you can realize your own important
uniqueness and individuality...

Notice yourself experiencing a deep, peaceful contentment as you

move into a deeper more comfortable state of hypnotic relaxation„,
and you can tell me when you feel you are in a deep hypnotic state...

(Wait about 30 seconds, and if client has not said. anything, proceed
follows :)

If you are too relaxed to talk, or move, your unconscious mind can
formulate its own way of letting me know... You don't need to talk,
or move, or make any conscious effort... You don't even need to
have your eyes open... In fact, you don't even need to listen to me
consciously, because the unconscious part. Of your mind is doing
that, and is resolving that problem all by itself...

Your mind is so amazingly capable that we cannot begin to mention

all of the abilities you are continuously using... Such as the ability to
continue breathing without any conscious, effort... And your ability
to keep your blood circulating through your entire system properly,
carrying. oxygen and nutrition to every part of your body where it is
needed... There is also your ability to digest food easily and
automatically... The unconscious levels of your mind keep all of those
activities functioning, and you can also find your own mind working
out the solution to that problem and you don't need to do anything
about it consciously, because your unconscious mind can handle it all
by itself...

An interesting thing for you to do, for your own experience, and for
your own benefit, and for your overall well-being and improvement
is to try to recall what I have said to you, and keep on thinking, trying
to recall the formation of numbers in your mind, and permit me to
talk to you while you listening and continue experiencing the
wonderful feeling of drifting away...
You are continuing to enjoy the comfort of relaxation, and your
unconscious mind is doing what needs to be done to work out a
pleasant solution to that problem and you will be quite pleased….
Many times people have come to me for therapy, and have told me
what they thought was causing their problem, only to have the

unconscious level of their mind become aware that .it was
different... Once you give the unconscious level of your mind the
opportunity to get the problem resolved, it uses its own ways of
working out the solution...

The great thing about it is that the unconscious level of your mind
can do that right now, and you may not be consciously aware that
the problem is being, resolved... All you need to continue
enjoying this pleasant time of relaxation and comfort...

Your mind can resolve the, problem, and you may not realize it is
happening because your conscious mind has its own understandings,
and the unconscious part of your mind knows how to sort through all
the information that is causing the problem, and understand it from
a completely different point of view than you had when the
information went into your mind...

Your unconscious mind has access to a lot of information that you

are not consciously aware of, and your mind can review it
completely, and realize that you can be totally free from that
problem... At the present time, you may have a partially conscious
understanding, and a partially unconscious understanding... And we
don't know where to place the emphasis... That's why it is so good
and so important that all levels of your mind are cooperating and are
working out the solution to that problem in a way that is pleasing to

Before you drift into an even deeper hypnotic state, you can make
yourself even more comfortable... You can do. that easily and
automatically... (Pause for about 30 seconds.)

Your mind can sort out all those secrets, feelings, imprints,
impressions, thoughts and ideas, including those you may or may not
be consciously aware of... They can be examined in the unconscious
level of your own mind and in your own way... The unconscious level
of your own mind has a very pleasant way of solving that problem...

Later on; when I ask you to come up to a wide awake; fully alert
state, you may not realize You were hypnotized…. That’s okay,
because you will notice very pleasant changes taking Places as you
progress more and more each day….

You are learning something about yourself... Something very

important... You are developing your own psychological techniques
of therapy, without being consciously aware that you are developing

You are aware of many thugs you can do... Yet the most surprising
experience may be when you become aware that you are completely
free from that problem...

It may seem unusual to become aware that you got that problem
resolved and are not even aware of the time it happened... And you
can do that now, or later, after you come back to a wide awake, fully
alert state...

(Note: The last statement gives an indirect suggestion for the mind to
continue working on the solution if the problem is not resolved by
the time the session has been concluded.)

You can be pleased to learn that it makes no difference what any
person believes, your belief, your unconscious belief; your
unconscious knowledge is what really counts...
Because you have all the information needed in the storehouse of
your mind, to resolve any problem and it is available any time you
heed it...
(Note: If the client has any doubts about the problem being resolved,
the statement above indirectly tells the unconscious level of the
mind that it makes no difference what the person believes, it can
resolve the problem anyway.)

It's a nice thug to learn, because it enables you to do the right thing
at the right time in the right way... And that's what is important right
now„, so continue relaxing peacefully and calmly...

(Note: This concludes this particular hypnotic prescription. You can

continue with additional suggestions or can pause a minute or two
and then have the client awaken.)

Close your eyes and begin breathing in deeply and exhaling slowly...
Each time you inhale, hold it for three or four seconds and then
exhale slowly... That allows your entire body to continue becoming
more relaxed each time you exhale...

When you came into this room to be hypnotized, you brought your
conscious mind, and you also brought the unconscious levels of your
mind... And it doesn't make much difference what your conscious
mind does, because it doesn't really understand your problem... If it
did, you wouldn't be here„, so I want to talk to the unconscious
levels of your mind, and your conscious mind can listen to the sounds
coming from the tape player, or can be thinking about any thoughts
that may come into your conscious mind... It doesn’t really matter,
because all I want to do is talk to your unconscious mind, and the
unconscious levels of your’ mind can listen to me even if your
conscious mind is thinking about other things or even if your
conscious mind becomes bored and goes to sleep...

In a short time, your right hand and arm, or it may be your left hand
and arm, will begin to lift up... Or your right hand and arm may lift up
as your left hand and arm presses down... Or your left hand and arm
may lift up as your right hand and aim presses down... Or your hands
and as may not move at all... It doesn't really matter what your
hands and arms do, we will just wait and see what happens... It may
be one of your fingers that moves first... Or you may feel something
happening in your thumb... The important thing is not whether your
hand ‘and arm lifts up or presses down, or just remains still... The
important thing is your ability to sense whatever feelings you
develop in your hand...

Now you can notice where that arm is feeling something and where
it is not... Notice where it may tingle, or be dumb; or not feel
anything at all... Take all the time you need to really leam how to
experience that response...

You may even notice a sensation in your right foot, or your left foot...
Yes, your feet and legs are continuing to relax more and more; as you
notice that feeling in your hand... you can let me know when you
notice that feeling in your hand, whether it's a tingling feeling, a
feeling of warmth, or a feeling of numbness... It doesn’t matter what
your conscious mind does, because the unconscious level of your
mind is doing just what it needs to do for you to achieve that

There are times when your conscious mind is uncertain or confused„,

and that's because your conscious mind forgets but we know that
your unconscious mind has access to many memories, many imprints
and impressions and other information that, it can make available,
and can work out a solution to that problem….
When will the unconscious level of your mind work out the, solution?
When will your unconscious mind review, examine and explore all
that information and understand it from a different point of view
than you had when the information went into your mind7 Will your
mind get that problem resolved today? Tonight? Tomorrow? Will it
happen quickly or slowly?

Your unconscious mind has had little opportunity to use its. own
ways of understanding before now... However, your willingness to
have these sessions, and permit yourself hypnotized is giving

your unconscious mind the opportunity to work out the solution to
that problem...
Your willingness to rely on the unconscious levels of your mind to
review examines, and explores the information that has been causing
that problem is very important... Because your unconscious mind can
understand what has been causing the: problem from a completely
different point of view, and can realize that the. problem can be
resolved in a very pleasant way...
In a moment or two, when your unconscious mind is ready, you will
begin discovering something very important... You can wonder and
wait comfortably as that develops... Notice that you are merely
waiting. now... Discovering things for yourse1f, and as soon as you
notice what is happening, tell me about it... (Pause for about a
Now tell me when you begin to see a landscape that you have seen
before. There may be birds... There may be trees... There may be
bushes, rocks, and mountains... There may be water... As soon as
you, see that landscape describe it... Tell me everything you can
about it... I'd like that scene to be very real...
You may begin feeling, sensing, thinking about that situation as it
was years ago... And there will be no memory of the years that have
passed since then... Feel yourself entering into that... (Pause for a
moment or two.)
You are remembering, and you will continue remembering... You are
remembering everything you need .to know to resolve that
You can remain in & comfortable state of hypnosis and open your
eyes as you talk to me about those memories. You can open your
eyes when you are ready to tell me the memories that come into
your mind...

(Continue discussion as long as the client 1s recalling past memory)

You can close your eyes again now, and tell me. about the benefits
you have experienced as the result of being in a hypnotic state...
(Pause and give client the chance to discuss benefits.)

Now, in just a moment I'm going to count to five and you will come
back to a wide awake, fully alert state... Both of your hands and arms
are feeling normal... Both of your feet and legs are feeling normal...
You are feeling wonderful, from the top of your head to the bottom
of your feet...

(Note: For this induction it is helpful to have background sounds of
water, birds, and other forest sounds, but do not start the sounds
until indicated in the induction…)

To prepare yourself for this enjoyable, helpful experience, be sure

you have all tight clothes loosened, and then get yourself in as
comfortable a position as you can...

Now close your eyes and 'inhale deeply and hold it for two, three or
four seconds and then exhale slowly... (Pause as client responds.)
Again, breathe in deeply and exhale slowly... Keep doing that five or
six more times... As you inhale, you bring more oxygen into your
lungs, and as you exhale it causes your entire body to continue
becoming more relaxed... (Pause and observe.) Now you can
continue breathing easily and freely, and you can feel yourself
becoming calmer and more peaceful... You are revealing signs that
indicate you are moving into a comfortable, peaceful state of
relaxation... As I continue talking to you, you can continue relaxing
more peacefully... You are not caring how deeply you relax... You are
happy to continue feeling calmer, more peaceful, and more at ease...
You are continuing to breathe easily and freely...

Your unconscious mind will always be aware of what I'm saying to

you... So, it keeps becoming less and less important for you to
consciously listen to my voice... Your unconscious mind, and all levels
of your inner mind can hear and receive the suggestions I tell you...
So, the unconscious level of your mind can relax calmly and
peacefully... You are continuing to experience perfect peace of mind,
and you may feel yourself moving into the situation I describe to

you... It is going to happen automatically... You don't even need to
think about it consciously...
(Start the background tape of birds and water. Pause about 30
seconds after Starting background tape.)

Now I want you to imagine yourself lying in a comfortable position

near a stream of fresh, clear water, in a beautiful forest on a perfect
summer day... There is a warm, gentle breeze, and the air is fresh
and clean... The sound of the peaceful stream is very relaxing... It
keeps becoming less important for you to consciously listen to my
voice because your unconscious mind and all levels of your inner
mind are hearing and receiving the suggestions I tell you...

In your mind, you are enjoying the beauty of nature, as the sunlight
shines through the trees and you listen to the gentle flow of water
and the birds singing cheerfully... You are lying there, comfortably
relaxing... It is so peaceful that you continue feeling more relaxed
than ever before in your entire life... As you continue enjoying this
peaceful, pleasant experience, a soothing drowsiness is coming over
your entire body, from the top of your head to the bottom of your
feet... You continue feeling calmer, more relaxed and more secure...
From now on you will be influenced only by uplifting thoughts, good
ideas and wonderful feelings....

The following thoughts come to you... "I am calm, secure, and

relaxed... I am
comfortable and at ease... I am in control of myself at all times. I am
responsible for my body, and will always treat my body well... My
mind enables me to be relaxed and calm as I, go about all the
activities of my daily life. "

As you continue relaxing with your eyes closed, you are so calm, and
comfortable, and happy,’ that you keep moving into a more peaceful
more wonderful state of hypnosis... It may seem like you are drifting
into a state of sleep... There may be times when it seems like my
voice is a long distance away. There may also be times when I'm
talking to you, that you will not be consciously aware of my voice.
That's Okay, because yow unconscious mind is still receiving every
word I tell you, and the Unconscious level of your mind is making
true everything I say...

Your unconscious mind, and all levels of your inner mind can now
review and examine what has caused that problem, and can assess
that information and work out a solution to the problem that is
pleasing to you... You will be pleased to notice yourself improving
more each day, and you can be sure it is permanent and lasting...

When your inner mind understands what has caused that problem
and realizes that it is okay for you to get rid of that problem, one of
the fingers on your left hand will raise up toward the ceiling, and
your finger will remain up until I tell it to go back down...

(Note: As the client mind is reviewing the information and you are
writing for finger to lift, give suggestions from an appropriate
prescription pertaining to the problem.)

(Note: Before inducing the hypnotic state, discuss briefly the
difference between
the conscious and the unconscious levels of the mind.)

(Note: For this session use a tape that has a variety of different types
of music... Do not use a tape that has ocean waves or rain or birds.
Do not start the tape until it is indicated below.)

Now I want you to get yourself in a very comfortable position and

close your’ eyes and begin inhaling deeply and exhaling slowly...

You now have some understanding about the conscious and

unconscious levels of your mind... You realize that your unconscious
mind controls all of the functions and activities of your physical
body... And you understand that when you dream at night you are
using the unconscious part of your mind, yet that doesn't prevent
you from remembering some of your dreams... You also understand
that the unconscious part of your mind keeps working twenty-four
hours a day... The unconscious level of your mind keeps you
breathing, without any conscious effort by you... The unconscious
part of your mind causes your heart to. continue pumping the blood
through your circulatory system... The unconscious level of your
mind causes your food to digest and the unconscious part of your
mind is continuously doing many other activities without you being
consciously aware they. are occurring... At the same time your
conscious mind is usually busy doing its work of enabling you to think
and reason

and make decisions... That doesn't keep your conscious mind from
being aware of the unconscious level of your mind if it needs to„, so
that eliminates the question of whether you know what may be
happening while you are hypnotized... However, „, just as there are
thing’s your unconscious mind can do that you are not aware of„,
there are also things I can say while you are hypnotized that you may
not be aware of consciously...

(Start the music.)

I'm starting some music now... You will be hearing different types of
music, and you will be able to determine which of the various types
you enjoy...

You know what it’s like to daydream about something... And not
really be aware of what is going on around you... You have probably’
done that while driving your Car... You can be driving along, not
noticing the road, not, noticing the signs, just lost in whatever
thoughts are going through your mind....

now you are in a good situation to listen to some parts of the

music...Listen to the music easily, as you really, thoroughly enjoy
what you hear... There may be some music that is not familiar to,
you, yet you will find yourself enjoying it and leaning it, „ and
absorbing it like soothing waves of relaxation flowing through your
entire body...

You will soon experience the wonderful feeling of drifting away...

Letting yourself go completely... And you will easily and gently move

into a peaceful, calm, enjoyable hypnotic state„, because it is a very
comfortable way to be...

You are continuing to drift into a more peaceful state of hypnosis... It

is very enjoyable... You: may realize you art in a hypnotic state, or
you may be in a hypnotic state without being aware of it...

Not only do you want to let go completely and be in calm, peaceful,

state of hypnosis„, you also want to hear the music... Continue
hearing the music... As you hear one part of the music another
piece„, of music may gradually come to mind„, a piece that you can
enjoy over and over again...

(Note: The word piece in the sentence above represents peace of


You don't really need to pay any attention to what I’m saying, just
give your attention to the music: You will. Experience wonderful
feelings and sensations all ’through your body... It will seem like it is
caressing you...

The unconscious level of your mind understands what I say„, and

understands things that you don't understand... I want your
unconscious mind to give to you... To give to you a really wonderful
feeling, all over... The next thing I want is for your unconscious mind
to know that there is a very important purpose for it to listen to me...
While your unconscious mind is listening to me, your conscious mind
is continuing to listen to music of all kinds... And your unconscious

mind is listening to everything„, that I say to it... And everything I tell
you is meaningful to your
unconscious mind...

(Pause for about 30 seconds.)

Now your unconscious mind knows that you can consciously lift your
hands... You can consciously move your hands and arms... And the
unconscious part of your mind knows that it can (control all of the
processes and activities of your body.). (control your appetite.)
(control your blood pressure.) (can control your heartbeat.). and I
know that the unconscious part of your mind knows more than
that... I also know the unconscious level of your mind is willing to
learn anything and everything that I instruct your unconscious mind
to learn...
You are doing really good... Consciously you are busy listening to the
music... And the unconscious part of your mind is free, to limit itself
to things that I say...
I want very much to teach you something... Something you will really
enjoy. learning... I want you to place your hands on your thighs...
Place one hand on each thigh, and your conscious mind is going to
leave them there, but your unconscious mind is going to lift one
hand and arm, or the other hand and arm, or both...
I don't really know how your unconscious mind wants to learn. It
may want to learn rapidly... Or it may want to learn slowly and
thoroughly... I'm going to find out just as soon as one hand and arm,
or both of your hands and arms, begins raising up toward your face...
One of your hands and arms, or both of your hands and arms, is
going to lift up from your thigh... Slowly at first... Then you will find
the rhythm, and the pace increasing... The feelings and sensations
keep becoming more enjoyable as the pace increases...

Unconscious movement of your muscles and ligaments is different

from that of your conscious mind... You are not going to know; which
hand and arm is going to lift... You will need to wait and find out, yet

you will be uncertain... First one hand and arm begin to lift... Then
the other hand and arm begins to lift... Perhaps both. Then one...
then the other... Perhaps both... Lifting up. toward your face... A
hand is lifting up... It is coming up... Coming up... It is raising toward
your face... An arm is lifting... Your arm is beginning to feel like it
wants to float in the air... Sooner or later an elbow is going to bend, a
wrist is lifting up... Notice the wonderful sensation... It is coming up
from your thigh... It is becoming more enjoyable... feeling very
pleasant... And you are wanting to learn even more... It is well worth
the time too…
Your unconscious mind is already exploring. That's good.... You are
really responding in an excellent way....
It's lifting... Good... It's lifting up toward your face... More... Rising up
toward your face... Up… up... from your thigh... That is good... You
are learning how to respond now... It doesn't necessarily mean it is
that hand and arm... It may be the other... It's still too soon for you
to know... Up it comes... That's good... Up toward your face... That's
a beautiful unconscious movement... You are doing good... You are
really leaming... You are doing it right... You arc leaming to do it the
right way...

There is some accommodation between the hands and arms now...

Both hands and aims may want to respond... I don’t know... Your
unconscious ’mind is causing the response in an easy, natural way…It
feels normal... It feels natural… It feels good... Lifting up toward your
face... Which one will touch your face first...: Your hand and
arm started first... However, the other hand may touch your face
first... Or both hands may touch your face at the same time... The
pace is picking up... Still lifting... And you can be proud of that...

(Note: Continue giving similar suggestions until one hand or both
hands touch the client's face. When one hand or both hands touch
the face, move to the Part where it says, “Your unconscious mind is
hearing and understanding every word I am telling you…….”) (See

The unconscious part of your mind is really taking over control now...
And it should be a pleasing experience for you... Your unconscious
mind is letting you know that...
Even if you’re (right or left) hand gets close to your face first, it
doesn't mean that the other hand can't catch up to it.... It's
continuing to lift... Coming closer and closer to your face... And the
nice thing about it is that your unconscious mind will not let your
hand touch your face… until you are ready to do everything that
needs to be done to get that problem resolved for now and forever...
You will do everything„, even though you don’t know what
everything is...
Yet your hand is moving irresistibly toward your face... Yet it will not
touch your face until your unconscious mind knows that problem is
being resolved in a pleasant way... When your hand touches your
face, that will indicate that changes have started and you are getting
rid of that problem in an easy, natural way...

It is moving closer... Even though your hand is close to your face;

your other hand could still touch yours’s face first...
Only a couple inches to go... I still don't know which hand is going to
touch your face first... Maybe both of your hands will touch your face
at the same time. Your

Hand is only a couple inches away... Now your unconscious
mind is showing a desire„, that you don't know, you have... That's

In the past you may have had some doubts... Now diose doubts are
leaving... You don't even know what those doubts are...

Now I know that. Your ___ hand is going to touch your face soon...
That will signify, that your unconscious mind has worked out the
solution to that problem, and that changes have started... You will
really be pleased...

The unconscious level of your mind is hearing and understanding

each word I am saying to you...

It is exciting to ace the changes that have already started... You are
getting rid of those inhibitions... You are being completely released
from all imprints, impressions, thoughts, ideas, or other information
in your mind that has had anything to do with causing that problem...
That is a relief... You feel like a big load has been lifted from you...
You feel completely free from everything that had caused that

Now you can feel a sense of confidence... And a sense of

competence, and sureness„, and good feelings and sensations that
you haven't had for a long time...

Your hand feels so comfortable there... It feels so good that you take
a couple of Minutes to realize how good it feels... (Pause for a couple
of minutes:)

In the future, every time you. come into my office; as soon as you sit
down, you will get yourself into a comfortable position and rapidly
go into a deep, calm, peaceful hypnotic state... You will always enjoy
being hypnotized„, and you will find it will continue giving you more
and more benefits and greater enjoyment every time you do it...

After you awaken you will feel wonderful...: You will feel better both
mentally and physically... You will continue progressing more each
(Note: Before having the client awaken, give suggestions that his or.
her hand will go back down to a comfortable position on the arm of
the chair or on his or her lap.)

(Note: This induction is designed to be used after one of the other
regular inductions, if the client does not seem to be responding well.
However, it can be used as is, without going through another
induction. Most client's respond quite well to this induction.)

There are many directions you can follow when you allow your
unconscious mind to do it for you... Sometimes your conscious mind
can be confused... And you don't really know what to do... And that's
okay because the unconscious part of your mind can still respond...

It's comparable to a time when I was in my car on my way down to

another state... I was listening to the radio, knowing I was going
down to another state, where I could relax and let go of all the
normal routines of everyday life... It gave me a wonderful feeling of
freedom„, to let go, and not need to think about anything at all... It
was going to be a time for relaxing and enjoying the freedom of
letting go completely...

Moving along easily, headed toward that place of relaxation... I was

listening to the soothing sounds... Not really paying attention to
what is going on around me... Just looking forward to a wonderful
time of complete relaxation... I continued along at a slow, but steady
pace... Everything is so calm and peaceful that I hadn't noticed a sign
for a while... I was quite certain I was still headed in the right
direction... I didn't remember turning left, nor did I remember
turning right... The only thing I knew for sure was that I was here,
even though I didn't know where here was...

I began wishing I was there, and I felt good knowing I would soon be
there... I certainly wanted to get there, and be there... Better pay
attention, because I want to make the right turn at the right time...
There were still several turns that needed to be made, and I wanted
them to be right...

Again, my mind began wondering, and I thought: "It's getting near

time to be going to sleep... It sure will feel good to sleep for a while...
Would it be best to go to sleep now, or should I go a little farther
before going to sleep... By doing that I'll be much closer to the place
I'm headed when I awaken..."
Continuing on„, listening to the music... The drowsiness kept
increasing... The feeling of sleepiness kept getting stronger... It would
seem so good to sleep for a while... Let the eyes relax... And let the
mind relax... It's a good time to sleep... And it's a good place to
sleep... It feels so good to lay back in the seat and let go completely...
Begin counting back from one-hundred... Keep feeling drowsier with
each number...

100... 99... Getting sleepy... 98... Becoming drowsier... 97... Almost

asleep... 96... Feeling more relaxed and comfortable... 95... Moving
into a calmer, more peaceful state... 94... Conscious awareness is
narrowing down... 93... Drowsier... 92... Sleeper... (Pause for a
minute or two
Letting the hypnotic state develop... Don't need to pay attention to
anything... It's nice to know you can let go completely and let your
unconscious mind work for you...

(Note: If the client seems to need further deepening, continue
counting on down, skipping numbers and reversing numbers from
time to time.)

In just a moment I will count from ten down to one. You will feel as
though you are having a dream... You are in a department store;
riding down an escalator... As I say each number, you keep
descending into a deeper, more peaceful, hypnotic state...
Things in the store keep becoming hazier... The dream will soon fade
away as you move into a calm, peaceful, state of hypnosis...

Ten...You are on an escalator... It is slowly moving downward... You

see the store and the people...

Nine... You are becoming drowsier... Calmer... You are feeling

peaceful and serene... You are completely at ease... You are letting
go completely...

Eight... You are experiencing wonderful feelings and sensations all

through your body... As you continue going down... You are
experiencing a more peaceful, more comfortable feeling...

Seven... You are becoming drowsier... More at ease... You are moving
into a deeper, more peaceful state of hypnosis... Completely
effortless and natural...

Six... You are beginning to feel as though you are floating„, easily and
gently... You are experiencing perfect peace of mind„, feeling
peaceful and calm„, comfortable all through your body...

Five... You are listening to the soothing sounds coming from the tape
player... Other sounds and noises are fading away... Everything else
around you is fading away... You are continuing to move into a
deeper hypnotic state... Your awareness is narrowing down and the
unconscious part of your mind is listening only to my voice... You are
feeling totally at ease...

Four... The people are fading away’... They are becoming less
noticeable... As the escalator continues going down, you are letting
go completely... Each time you exhale you move into a deeper, more
comfortable state...

Three... Your conscious mind is relaxing completely... You are

experiencing perfect peace of mind... You are feeling calm, relaxed,
peaceful, drowsy, and comfortable... Effortless... Comfortable...
Later, when this session is over, you will be

Able to hear all sounds and noises in a normal, natural way... But for
now, you are continuing to become more relaxed....

Two... You, are near the basement of relaxation, you are becoming
less aware of things around you’re... You are feeling very drowsy„,
very relaxed... You feel like you want to remain still and at ease... You
are really enjoying this wonderful experience of relaxing in a calm,
peaceful hypnotic state...

One... You are in a deep, comfortable state of hypnosis... The

unconscious level of your mind is very sensitive to the words I’m

saying... Your unconscious mind is receiving each suggestion and
instruction I tell you, as every fibre of your body continues relaxing
more comfortably...

(Note: The suggestions for this induction should be given at a fairly
rapid pace. They should be given in an authoritarian type manner.)

Before beginning with hypnosis... I'd like to have you respond to a

couple of suggestions to determine your ability to concentrate... This
will help me to know the best procedure to use to help you
overcome that problem through hypnosis... This first suggestion will
involve the use of your eyes... It will have nothing to do with going
into a state of hypnosis...

Close your eyes now and put your hands together and interlock your
fingers... Let your hands rest comfortably on your lap, you will stay
awake even though your eyes are closed... Now I want you to keep
your eyes closed and look upward toward the top of your forehead,
as though there is a spot on your forehead that you are trying to see
with your eyes closed...

At all times keep your eyes looking up toward your forehead with
your eyelids closed... Do not allow your eyes to look down... As you
concentrate with your eyes looking up toward: the top of your
forehead, I’m going to count from one to five... As I count to five
your eyelids will keep closing tighter and tighter... By the time I reach
the number five, you will notice that your eyelids are stuck shut...
Your eyelids will be glued tightly shut, and they will seem as if they
are just one piece of skin, and you will be unable to open them...

After I reach the number five, I want you to try to open your eyelids,
and you will find that the harder you try to get them open, the

tighter they will keep closing... Remember... You will remain awake
and your eyelids will keep closing more securely... Keep looking at
the top of your forehead as your eyes begin to feel pressure from
your upper eyelids...

One... Your eyelids are closing more tightly... You can feel them
sealing shirt...

Two..., Your eyelids are closing now... Notice that they are locking
tightly shut...

Three... Already they are closed so tight that if you tried to open
them, it would be extremely difficult for you to get your eyelids

Four... Now your eyelids are locked so tight that you cannot get them
open... They are glued shut... They are completely glued together
and the harder you try to open them the tighter they keep closing...

After the next number I want you to try to open your eyelids so you
can notice that they resist your efforts to get them open... You can
notice that they are closed

Five... Your eyelids are stuck so tight that they will resist your efforts
to get them open... Try to open them now and notice that they keep
closing even tighter...

(Note: Give the client a brief time to try and get the eyelids open...
Maybe two or three seconds). After a brief time of two or three
seconds, continue as follows:

Now I want you to forget about your eyelids, and concentrate on

your hands, with your hands together and your fingers interlocked,
I'm going to count to five again... This time, as I'm counting to five,
you will feel the sensation of your heart pumping blood down
through your shoulders, your upper arms, into your forearms, and
finally to your fingers... As the blood goes into your fingers, you will
have the sensation of your fingers tightening up... Your fingers and
your hands will keep clamping shut more tightly together, and you
will soon, have them clamped together so tightly that you will be
unable to pull them apart...

When I reach the number five, you will try to pull your hands apart
and notice that they are stuck together... They will be stuck so tightly
together, they will remain clamped together, even when you try to
pull them apart... When I reach the count of five... You will be able to
have your hands closed so tightly that you cannot pull them apart...
They will just keep clamping together tighter and tighter the more
you try to pull them apart...

After I count to five you will make an effort to pull your hands apart
and notice that they keep closing more tightly... The more you try to
pull them apart, the more tightly they will press together... You are
beginning to feel the blood coming down into your arms and hands
now... Your fingers are beginning to tighten... As your fingers keep
locking together more tightly, you will want to push your hands

together more tightly... Your fingers continue locking together
tighter and tighter...

- One... Your fingers are clamping together more tightly... You can
feel the sensation of blood coming down though your arms and into
your fingers as your fingers continue clamping together more

Two... They are getting tighter... They are already clamped so tightly
that you would have extreme difficulty in pulling them apart... Notice
that your fingers are locked tightly together... They are locked so
tight that you are beginning to lose Control of the muscles in your
hands and arms...

Three... Your hands are stuck together tightly now... Even if you try
to get them apart they will keep clamping together more tightly...

Four... Now it's as if your hands have grown together... They are one
unit... They are completely locked together... After I say the next
number, you can try to pull your hands apart so you can notice that
they are clamped together tightly...

Five... Notice that they are locked together now... Try to pull them
apart and notice that they keep clamping together more tightly...
(Note: Allow the client just a couple seconds to try pulling them
apart; then continue as follows:)

Now forget about your hands... Forget your hands completely as you
begin getting very drowsy... You continue becoming drowsier... You
are beginning to feel as though you want to go into a peaceful state
of hypnosis... You are beginning to feel a strong urge to swallow...
The urge to swallow keeps getting stronger... As I count to five the
urge to swallow keeps increasing with each number I say... You will
swallow before I reach the count of five...

One... The desire to swallow is very strong now... It is continuing to

increase more with each number I say...

Two... You can notice the urge to swallow Setting stronger...

Three... You can’t keep from swallowing... The urge is getting

stronger and Stronger...

Four... (Pause and watch for client to swallow... Then say,) you feel
so much better now that you have swallowed...

Five..., Now you are continuing to move into a drowsier state...

You are going into a state that is much like a deep dreaming state...
Your eyelids are stuck shut... Your hands are clamped together and
they remain stuck together... And now your jaw muscles are getting
rigid... You can feel the muscles in your jaw getting so rigid that your
mouth is sticking shut... Your mouth is clamping tightly shut... If you
try to open your mouth it just keeps clamping shut more tightly... the

harder you try to open your mouth, the stiffer the muscles in your
jaw become...

You will try to tell me your name so you can notice that your teeth
are clamped tightly together... Notice when you try to tell me yow
name that your jaw muscles keep closing tighter... The more you try
to open your mouth, the stiffer your jaw muscles become... Try to
tell me your name now so you can notice your mouth clamping shut
more tightly...

In a moment I'm going to lift up your right arm and make your right
arm rigid and stiff... As soon as I touch your right arm your hands will
come apart, and as I stretch your arm in front of you, it is becoming
as stiff and rigid as a steel bar... Imagine that you are trying to reach
the wall on the other side of the room, and notice that your right
arm keeps becoming mom rigid and stiff... It is so rigid now that it
cannot bend... Your right arm remains in the air and you cannot bend
it... It keeps becoming stiffer and more rigid...

Now I am stretching your left arm out; and your left arm is stiff and
rigid... Both of your aims are stiff and rigid now... They are like
strong, powerful steel bars, arid you cannot bend either arm...

I can make any part of your body completely rigid so you cannot
move any part of your body...

Your eyelids are stuck shut... Your jaw is completely rigid... And your
arms are stiff and rigid straight out in front of you...

When I court from five down to one, you will relax all over, and will
move into a deeper, more peaceful state of hypnosis... You are going
into a state that is ten times deeper than the state you are in now...
Your eyes will relax... Your jaw will relax, and your arms will relax...
All other parts of your body will become calm and relaxed and

You will remain in a deep hypnotic sleep until I ask you to awaken...
When I do awaken you, you will feel wonderful... You will feel as
though you have had several hours of good, restful, relaxing,
refreshing sleep... You will be more confident than
ever before... You will know that you are achieving the goals you
want to attain from being hypnotized...

Your unconscious mind is hearing everything I say as you remain in a

deep hypnotic state until I tell you to awaken... You will follow all of
my suggestions, recommendations, and commands automatically,
without needing to think about it consciously when you awaken...

Five... Four... Three... Two and one... You are relaxed in a deep,
peaceful hypnotic state now.

We’re going to be concluding this session in a few minutes... I will be
counting from one to five... And as I say each number you can keep
awakening a little morn... Each time I say a number, your conscious
mind keeps becoming more alert... When I reach the number five,
your eyes will open easily, and you can be back in a wide awake, fully
alert state...

You will feel wonderful when you open your eyes... You will feel
better both mentally and physically... You will feel as though you
have awakened from a deep, peaceful, restful sleep... Each time I
hypnotize you, you can continue going into a deeper, more peaceful,
mom comfortable state quickly.... You can continue achieving more
benefits from each session we have...

One... You are beginning to awaken now... You are coming up to a

wide awake, fully alert state, feeling confident and happy... You
always enjoy having me hypnotize you...
Two... You are experiencing a wonderful feeling of well-being all
through your body... Each day you keep feeling more alive and
happier with yourself... You continue experiencing more
improvement in all areas of your life...
Three... All of the suggestions I have told you are in the storehouse of
your mind now... They keep becoming more effective each day... It is
a cycle of progress that grows stronger each day...
Four... You are feeling rested and refreshed... Your mind is alert, and
you will continue having more strength, more energy, and more

Five... You can open your eyes now feeling healthy, happy and
confident... You are back in a wide awake, fully alert state...

(Note: If after one minute the client has not opened his or her eyes,
say, "I’m going to lift up your right hand and arm... You will awaken
easily as I lift up your hand and arm...”
As you are lifting the hand rind arm, give suggestions similar to those
When you counted to five.)

(Note: To induce the hypnotic coma, you must first get the client into
a deep (somnambulistic) state of hypnosis. After you have induced a
deep state, you can proceed as follows:)

You are now relaxed and comfortable... In this state of relaxation,

you know in your own mind that you are capable of going into an
even deeper, more peaceful state of relaxation than you are now...

You know that you can clench your fist and make it tighter and
tighter... You Could clench it so tight that it would be impossible to
make it any tighter... That would be the pinnacle of tension in your
fist... Then you could let your fist relax until it would be impossible to
relax it any more... That's what I call the basement of relaxation...

I’m going to give you some suggestions and instructions now that will
enable your entire body to go down to the basement of relaxation...
You can become so totally relaxed that it would be impossible for
you to become any more relaxed... Every fibre of your body will be
completely relaxed... It will be like a state of euphoria...’.

There are three levels of relaxation that are deeper than the state of
relaxation you are in now... Let's call them level A, B and C... To get
down to level A, you have to relax twice as much as you have relaxed
already... To get down to level B, you will Relax twice as much as you
relax at level A, and when you get down to level C you will be much
more relaxed than you are at level B... At level C you will be in the
basement of relaxation... ’Level C is the deepest, most enjoyable,
most pleasant state of relaxation you can achieve at this time...

When you reach the basement of relaxation, there will be Signs that
will enable me to know you have reached that level of relaxation...
You don't know what those signs are, and it isn't necessary for you to
know... Every person who has been in the basement of relaxation
reveals those signs, and they always enjoy it tremendously, so let's
get started...

You will ride down on an imaginary elevator, going first to level A,

then you will continue on down to level. B, and from there you will
go to the basement of relaxation, level C...
You are on the ele0vator now, and when I count from three down to
one, the elevator will start moving down... When you relax twice as
much as you are now, you will be down at level A... Tell me when you
are down at level A, by saying the letter "A" out loud...

Three... Two... One... (Wait for the client to say "A".)

You are doing good..., You are moving into a really deep state of
relaxation now... la a moment I will count from three down to one
again, and you will go down to level B... You will double your
relaxation a ... when you reach level B... It may seem difficult for you
to talk yet I want you to let me know when you have relaxed twice as
much as you are now... You will be at level B... You will be so relaxed
that it will be difficult for you to talk, but I want you to try hard, and
you will be able to say "B" when you have reached that very deep
state of relaxation...

Three... Two... One... (Wait for the client to say "'B".)

You have reached a very deep state of relaxation now. And you Gan
still go even deeper... The next time I count from three down to one,
you will go down to the basement of relaxation... You will continue
relaxing until your entire body is totally and completely relaxed...
When you are totally relaxed, you will be at level C... Tell me when
you have reached the basement of relaxation, by saying the letter

Three... Two... One...

(Note: If the client has reached the hypnotic coma, he or she be

unable to
talk. If the client says "C”, ‘it will indicate that he or she has not
reached the
Coma state.) (After waiting a few minutes for the client to respond,
ask :)

How is your state of relaxation now?

(Note: If the client is in the coma state, he or she will not answer.)

(Note: Without giving any suggestions, test for anaesthesia in the

coma state, anaesthesia is automatic...)

(Next tell the lift his or her right leg... If the client lifts the
leg, he or she is not in the coma state...)

(Tell the client to open his or her eyes... In the coma state the client
will not open his or her eyes...)

(Note: After these tests, if the client is in the coma state, he or she is
ready to receive the suggestions, as long as you do not give
suggestions calling for any physical response while the client is in this

Technique 1
1. I know you are enjoying your relaxation very much, and I'm
going to give you some suggestions that you will enjoy even more...
The suggestions I want to give you can be more effective and more
enjoyable if you're at level A of relaxation...

You are on the elevator now and you are coming up to level B... Tell
me when you are at level B... It will be difficult for you to talk at level
B, but you can do it, so be sure and tell me when you are at level B...
(Wait for the client to respond.) (Note: If the client responds or tries
to respond but is not able to, proceed as follows:)

Now you are at level B and you are coming up to level A... It will be
very easy for you to talk when you reach level A... Tell me when you
are at level A... (Wait for response.)

(Note: If the client does not respond, use one of the other
techniques for awakening from the hypnotic coma. If the client does
respond, give him or her a post-hypnotic suggestion about feeling
greater than he has ever felt before, then proceed with the regular
awakening suggestions.)
Technique 2
2. If you don't awaken when I tell you to, I will have to give you a
suggestion that will keep you from going into this wonderful,
enjoyable state again... When I count to five now, I want you to
awaken, and you will be able to go back into this wonderful,
enjoyable state again in the future when I hypnotize you...

When I count to five you will return to a wide awake, fully alert state,
and you will feel better than you have ever felt before... You will
enjoy being wide awake and fully alert... You will feel refreshed,
strong, healthy, confident and happy...

(Note: Go to regular awakening technique.)

Technique 3
(Note: If technique 1 and 2 do not awaken the client, use the
following suggestions to have the client go into a natural state of

I'm going to count from ten down to one... Before I reach the
number one, you will be sound asleep... You will be in a natural state
of sleep, just like you are each night when you go to bed...

(Note: Count very slowly, allowing five or ten seconds between each

Ten... You will be sound asleep before I reach the count of one...
Nine... You are becoming drowsier... You are going into a deep
sleep... Eight... You are moving into a peaceful, comfortable state of
sleep... Seven... You are going into a deep, sound sleep... Six... Deeply
and comfortably asleep... Five... Four... Sound asleep... Three...
Two... One...

(Note: Let the client sleep for five or ten minutes without saying
anything... If he or she doesn't awaken by that time, you will be able
to awaken him or her just as you would anyone else from a natural

As you (sit - lie) there with your eyes closed, you can continue
listening easily and effortlessly to my voice... In fact, you don't need
to make any effort to listen to what I say, because whether you are
consciously listening to me or not, the unconscious level of your
mind is aware of everything I tell you... I'm going to give you some
suggestions that can keep the thoughts of your conscious mind busy
while I speak directly to the unconscious level of your mind...

I want you to use your imagination now... Imagine that you are lying
outside in a hammock on a beautiful summer night, and you are
looking up into the sky... You may, see a cloudy sky, or you may see a
clear, deep blue sky, with stars twinkling... It is so enjoyable that it
doesn’t really matter what kind of a sky you see... Whatever comes
into your mind is fine... Now imagine that you see a huge flying
saucer up in the sky... You want to continue watching that flying
saucer in your mind... For a moment it appears to be standing still in
the sky... However, you will soon notice that it will gradually start to
move up higher and higher into the sky... As it continues moving up
higher and higher it may begin revolving slowly as it moves further
and further away from you... Whatever the flying saucer docs in your
mind, allow it to happen... Gradually the flying saucer moves further
into the heavens... It keeps becoming smaller and smaller... In about
five or ten minutes it may disappear behind the clouds, or perhaps it
may mingle with the stars and disappear that way... As you continue
watching the flying saucer in the sky, I want you to do something
else... In your mind I want you to begin counting back from 100 at
about this pace: (Illustrate the count at about two-second intervals.)
Begin counting now and keep watching the flying saucer... As you are
counting backwards in your mind and watching the flying saucer in
the sky, your conscious mind will concentrate on that and the
unconscious part of your mind will be completely free to hear and

receive the suggestions and instructions that I tell you, and you will
continue moving into a deeper state of hypnosis... Keep watching the
flying saucer moving into the heavens as you continue counting
backwards now, and keep relaxing more and more...

(Note: Some people think they must listen closely to what the
hypnotist is saying, and in doing this they defeat their own purpose,
because in an effort to listen, the conscious level of their mind keeps
them from achieving a deep hypnotic state. This distraction
technique achieves two purposes: It enables the client. to reach a
deeper hypnotic state, and it permits the unconscious level of the
mind to freely accept the helpful suggestions given by the hypnotist.)

One of the amazing facts I have leamed as the result of hypnotizing
many, many people is that the unconscious level of your mind can
continue reviewing, examining, and exploring the information in the
storehouse of your mind and work out solutions to problems even
after you awaken from the hypnotic state...

As you proceed with your daily activities; the unconscious levels of

your mind can be assessing ’information that is contained in the
store house of your mind and can understand that information from
a completely different point of view that you had when the
information went into your mind... That enables the unconscious
level of your mind to work out the solution from a more
knowledgeable more mature point of view...

So even after you awaken from the hypnotic state, the unconscious
levels of your
Mind can continue reviewing, examining, and exploring all the
imprints, impressions, thoughts, ideas, and other information
anything with causing that Problem... By the time you come back to
be hypnotized again, your mind can have a pleasant solution all
worked out in a way that easily enables you to get rid of that

Your unconscious mind is receiving the suggestions, the guidance

and instructions I'm telling you, and is enabling you to continue
improving rapidly... In the past you may have had some doubts... But
those doubts are leaving, and all of those doubts will soon be gone
completely... Those doubts arc being replaced with a strong sense of

confidence and sureness... You can be surprised at the way your
confidence keeps improving more arid more each day...

As you are continuing to relax now, the unconscious level of your

mind can work out a way of revealing that you are in a deep state of
hypnosis... You will not need to consciously recognize it... The
unconscious part of your mind can cause a response that will be
obvious to me, but not to you... One of your fingers may lift up, or
your hand and arm may lift up... It will be whatever your unconscious
mind wants to do to reveal that you are in a deep state of hypnosis
without you being consciously aware of it... (Pause for about a
minute.) (Note: After about a minute, even if there has been no
noticeable response, continue as follows :)
You are really responding good to the suggestions I am telling you...
You know and I know that we are having this session because you are
determined to overcome that problem... It has controlled your way
of life long enough and you are determined that you will not permit
it to control you any more...

The unconscious level of your mind understands that now, and

realizes that you are serious about overcoming that problem... You
have decided that you want the unconscious level of your mind to
understand that you are ready to get that problem resolved for now
and forever.... And you want the solution to be work out in a way
that is pleasing and acceptable to your conscious mind... So, you are
letting it be worked out by your unconscious mind, and you don't.
need to be thinking about it consciously anymore... From now on
your conscious mind will be thinking about things that are pleasant
and enjoyable to you, because the unconscious part of your mind
knows exactly what needs to be done to work out the solution to
that problem in a very calm, peaceful way...

When you return for your next session, you will quickly go into a
deep hypnotic state within a minute or two after you sit down in the
chair here in my office... In the mean time you will notice some
pleasant changes that you will want to tell me about it, and you will
be able to tell me about those changes and move into a deep
hypnotic state as you talk to me, and moving into a deep state as I
talk to you...

Now you are ready to awaken from the hypnotic state... In a moment
I. will count to five and you will gradually come back to a wide-
awake, fully alert state... When I reach the count of five, you will
open your eyes and feel wonderfully relaxed and refreshed, as
though you have just awakened from a deep, sound, peaceful sleep...

Now that you are in a deep hypnotic state, I'm going to explain
something that your unconscious mind will understand... What I'm
telling you will make it much easier for your unconscious mind to
work out a pleasant solution to that problem...

Therapy through hypnosis can be compared to when you first started

learning to read... You started by learning to recognize the letters of
the alphabet... Then you learned that the letters of the alphabet are
arranged into different combinations to form different words... You
continued learning more and more about the different combinations
of letters and it kept becoming easier for you to recognize words...
Then you started learning to recognize combinations of words that
were put together to make sentences... Then you learned to read
paragraphs, and the time came when you could read stories and
books and could understand the meaning of what you read...

That is comparable to the way therapy through hypnosis works,

except in a hypnotic state, as you are now, your unconscious mind is
able to learn and understands things much more quickly... Your
unconscious mind can review things you already know, even though
you are not consciously aware that you know it... By reviewing the
information in your mind that has caused that problem, the
unconscious part of your mind can assess that information,
understand it from a different point of view than you had when the
information went into your mind and can work out a pleasant
solution and develop pleasant ways of resolving the problem...

It's comparable to knowing how to read... Once you learn how to

read, if you come to a word that is unfamiliar, you can figure out the

meaning from the sentence it's contained in, or you can go to a
dictionary and look up the meaning, or you can ask someone who
knows the meaning.

Your mind is comparable to a computer... It contains the information

of everything you have ever seen, everything you have heard,
everything you have read and experienced... And your unconscious
mind knows how to sort out that information, assess it, understand
it, and work out a solution to that problem and get that problem
resolved completely...
So, there is nothing important for your conscious mind to do... Your
conscious mind can continue relaxing and your unconscious mind is
free to respond to the suggestions and instructions that I tell you.

You can continue moving into a deeper hypnotic state now and the
unconscious levels of your mind is experiencing new insight, and is
learning, and understanding,

and that is good...

The total problem is being resolved... The unconscious part of your

mind is busy working out the solution in a way that is pleasing to
you... You don't consciously know how to solve that problem... If you
did, you wouldn't be here... And you don't know how rapidly your
unconscious mind can work out the solution... yet that's okay,
because you can be pleasantly surprised to find that you improve
quite rapidly...

The important key in this session is that you can be going through an
emotionally corrective experience right now and not even realize it
consciously... (Pause for about a minute.)

I don't know exactly what is happening, but you can sense that it is
something good, so let it continue... (Pause for about a minute.) It
must be pleasing for you to know that the unconscious part of your
mind is doing this in your own way, for your own self-improvement,
for your own benefit, and for the improvement of your health....

When something has been healed, your unconscious mind will cause
one of the fingers on your left hand to raise up toward the ceiling,
and your finger will remain up until I tell it to go back down... (Note:
After the finger has raised, you can tell it to go back down and give
appropriate suggestions from one of the other prescriptions before
awakening the client. If the finger does not raise after about five
minutes, go to Therapy between Sessions.)

Keeping your eyes closed until I ask you to open them... I want you to
make a clear distinct vivid image of a wall and on that wall, I want
you to have doors... Tell me when you have an image of that wall in
your mind...

(Pause until the client responds. If the client is unable to form a

mental image of the wall in his or her mind, switch to a different
technique which does not recall imagery.)

Do the doors look different to you? Or do they look the same7 (Note:
Wait for a response... If the client does not respond after about a
minute, ask the same question again... If the client does not see any
doors, remind the client that he or she knows consciously what a
door looks like and therefore, he or she knows in the mind what a
door looks like and to pretend that he or she sees a door. Continue
as follows, regardless of the client's response)

Good... Now look at the door that is farthest to the right... It's a door
that will take you to a place that will be very familiar... And the door
farthest to the left will take you to a place that will seem totally
different, but when you get there, you will discover that you have
already been there before... And there is another door there: Do you
see the other door7 (Pause for a response.) Feel yourself walk up to
that third door and put your hand on the door knob, but do not open
that door... You will probably notice something unusual about that
door... Look at it carefully... It may open in a way that you have never
had a door open before... Do you notice anything unusual about that
door? (Pause for a response.)

Try to push it open now so you can notice that it remains shut... Look
at the door some more until you find some unusual characteristic
which has meaning for you... That will enable you to get that door
open in a way it has never opened before... As soon as you get that
door open I want you to step through, but before you get that door
all the way open, I want you to realize that you are going to enter an
experience which will have some surprising characteristics... There
will be things that will make no sense... ’And you Will have no words
to explain those feelings... They will be the most important of all...
They will have the most meaningful effect in changing you, and in
working out a solution to that problem in ways that you do not fully
As you notice those elements, pay close attention to them... There
will also be other things which will surprise you pleasantly. Tell me
when you step through that
Door... (Pause until the client steps through the door.)

Now I want you to observe your environment, vividly, and with

depth„, because there is something there that you haven't seen yet...
Something that will have very important personal meaning for you.
(Pause and observe for about a minute.) And
as your eyes drift up md down and around your environment. You
won't know what it is until after you pass it. (Pause and observe.)

You are doing good... You are working on it now„, and when you go
back, you find it’s not quite the same... When you do go back, you
can use that opportunity. It
can be a reminder of something you have needed to know for some
time. While you are doing that consciously, the unconscious level of
your mind can be doing something else... And that something else is

much more important than what your conscious mind is busy doing...
Because the unconscious level is beginning to build a foundation...
You are stabilizing your life... You are building on a solid structure...
And you are developing a more satisfying future behaviour...

While your mind continues reviewing that information that is in the

storehouse of your unconscious mind, and is assessing it thoroughly,
that new, powerful structure is being built... And your unconscious
mind is understanding the causes and effects of that problem
without any conscious effort by you...

That solid foundation will serve an important function... It can be

compared to the foundation you built the very first time you stood
on your own two feet. Because your unconscious mind is
remembering that before standing on your own two feet you had
only experienced crawling... Then someone lifted you up, and for a
brief time, you balanced on your own two feet...

At that time, you were building a foundation which now serves as a

basis for your own standing„, and walking„, and running„, and
getting where you want to go„, merely by deciding to go... And now
you are building another foundation„, for a whole set of unimportant
future experiences... And I know that your unconscious mind can
build that foundation quickly...Or your mind clan build it slowly... Or
the unconscious part of your mind can choose to build at its own
pace. Yet in whatever
Way your mind chooses to build it„, your mind can build it so that it
will always remain stab1e„, because you have made the decision to
do this. And you are doing it for your own benefit... And you are
doing it for your own self-improvement... You are doing it for the

improvement of your health... and for your own personal well-

You already have all the qualities„, all the capabilities„, all the talents
all the skills„, and all the knowledge you need to accomplish your

Right now, you are experiencing a dilemma that you hadn't been
aware of consciously... You are beginning to realize it now... Either
you go back and find that door, and walk out, leaving something
unfinished... Or you allow your own unconscious mind to finish it for
you... Or you continue where you are, and leave the world outside of
your timer mind to itself... Take all the time you need, to build a
strong, stable structure„, which has all the qualities and
characteristics you need... So, you can live a happy, healthy, full and
satisfying life...

That decision has got to come from you... The decision needs to
come from the unconscious part of your mind... There is no need for
it to come from me or from someone else...

As you go about the activities of your daily life, your unconscious

processes keep you breathing... They keep your heart pumping
oxygen and blood through your circulatory system... They keep your
digestive system functioning... The unconscious part of your mind
enables you to talk when you decide to talk and walk when you
decide to walk, and enables you to do thousands of other things
without even thinking about it consciously...

The importance of this is that you are realizing that you can trust
your own unconscious mind to take care of you...

You have probably had the experience of driving your car and all of a
sudden snapping out of a state and realizing that you had been
unaware of driving for the last five to ten miles... Yet you had kept
the car on the road, and somehow you arrived at the point where
you were when you became aware... All that time your conscious
mind had been distracted, but the unconscious level of your mind
kept you on the road and enabled you to drive safely...
You can always trust the unconscious part of your mind to take care
of you„, and the unconscious part of your mind can work out the
solution to any problem, if it is given the proper guidance to do so...
Many years ago, before I was ten years of age, I saw a druid man
staggering down the street one night... He staggered into a
restaurant and with difficulty lie got into a seat at the counter... The
waitress brought him a cup of coffee... Five or six times lie tried to
get that cup of coffee up to his mouth, but was unsuccessful... He
was so drunk lie couldn't find his own mouth... He couldn't get a cup
of coffee up to his mouth...

By that time my friend and I were at the restaurant window, and as

we watched, I noticed a fly land on his hand... His hand twitched,
causing the fly to get off his hand, but the fly was persistent, it came
back again, and again his hand twitched... That process was repeated
five or six times, and even though his conscious mind seemed totally
unaware of what was going on, his unconscious mind caused his
hand to twitch automatically each time the fly would land on his
hand... In other words, the unconscious part of his mind was

automatically protecting Um from the fly that kept landing on his

And your unconscious mind has been protecting you, and is

continuing to protect you by understanding what has caused that
problem, and your mind is working out the solution... Your mind is
getting the problem resolved for now and forever... You are
experiencing new insight, and you are taking all the time you need to
use these learnings wisely for yourself.

(To Be Used with Finger Response)
(Note: The following questions are some that can be used to discover
the cause of the problem. They are not necessarily to be used in the
order listed, but are listed here merely as guidelines. They are
written to be used especially with obesity, however, those that have
an * in front of them can be used for finding the causes of other
problems, merely by changing the question from overweight to
whatever problem you are dealing with.)

* 1. Is there some emotional reason causing you to be


* 2. Are the unconscious levels of your mind willing for you to

consciously know the reason you are overweight?

* 3. Is some imprint or impression in your mind causing you to be

overweight? (If the answer is "yes," find out if there is more than
one. Keep asking until you find out the exact number.)

* 4. Is there some thought or idea in your mind causing you to be

overweight? (If the answer is "yes," find out if there is more than
one. Keep asking until you find out the exact number.)

* 5. Is there some belief in your mind causing you to be

overweight? (If the answer is yes, find out if there is more than one.
Keep asking until you find out the exact number.)

* 6. Are you identifying with someone, perhaps a parent who was
or is overweight?

7. Do you overeat when you feel lonely? (Rejected?) (Unloved?)

8. Do you overeat when you feel tense? (Anxious?) (Worried?)

9. Do you overeat to feel more secure?

10. Do you use excess weight (fat) to hide you from something? 11.
Is one of the causes of your overeating because you felt better
when you were being fed when you were a baby?

12. Is food ever eaten by you as a reward or bribe?

13. Do you think about food when you are emotionally upset?

14. Do you like the way your body looks now?

15. Do you tend to dislike the way you look?

16. do you dislike yourself in other ways?
*17. Are you using excess weight as a way of punishing yourself?

*18. Are you using excess weight as a way of harming yourself?

*19. Is there some conflict in your mind over sex that causes you to
be overweight?

20. Do you substitute food to avoid having sexual intercourse?

21. Is there some conflict in your mind over sex that causes you to
eat more food than your body needs?

*22. Are there any fears in your mind causing you to be overweight?

*23. Are you overweight because of some idea about food that was
implanted in your mind during childhood?

*24. Are you using your overweight condition for some purpose?
A. To avoid relationships with the opposite sex?
B. To get even with someone?
C. To cover up feelings of being inferior to others?

25. Are you overweight to make yourself unattractive to members

of the opposite sex?
26. Are you overweight to make yourself unattractive as a way of
avoiding having sexual intercourse?

*27. Are you overweight because you want to hurt yourself?

*28. Are you overweight because you want to hurt someone?

*29. Are there any other motives or reasons you are overweight?

*30. Are there any other motives or reasons you overeat?


Insight regarding the causes of overweight, overeating, or any other

problem is important to enable a client to reduce and remain

When some of the questions have been answered, it may be

necessary to learn more. You continue asking questions until you get
the client's unconscious mind to agree that he or she is completely
free from the control that imprint or impression has been having on
him or her.

For example: In question #17, if the answer is “yes.” You may need to
continue asking questions to discover why the client has a need to
punish himself or herself. It may be due to guilt feelings. If so, that
needs to be uncovered so he or she can be released from the control
it is having on him or her.

There may be an occasional case, even after all the causes seem to
have been uncovered, a client may have a relapse. If this happens,

you may need to find out if the client's metabolism (digestive and
elimination system) is functioning properly to cleanse all excess
waste products out of the body so it will not turn to fat. This can also
be accomplished by using the “finger response” technique.

(Note: The suggestions for therapy that follow are to be used in
conjunction with the Forest arid Stream Induction.)

I want you to look around, and you will notice a very gentle animal
coming to the stream beside you... When you see the animal, you
May be surprised to find that it will be able to talk with you, and you
will find it helpful to share your problem with the animal... It is there
to help you, and wants to know how it can help you, so when you
feel conformable with the animal, ask how it feels about the problem
you have been experiencing... Let me know when it has given you an
answer... (Pause until the client responds.)

Ask the animal what you need to do to work out a solution to the
problem you've been experiencing, and tell me when you have
received an answer... (Pause until the client responds.)

(Note: Follow up on what the animal tells the client he or she needs
to do to work out the solution to the problem, by giving appropriate
suggestions to carry out the recommendations of the animal.)

The information in the storehouse of your mind that has been
causing that problem is based on misunderstandings in the
unconscious part of your mind... However, your mind can now
review, examine, and explore that information from a more
knowledgeable point of view than you had when the information
went into your mind... Your mind can assess and evaluate that
information and understand the causes and effects, and resolve that
problem in a way that is pleasing to you...

Your unconscious mind is changing those patterns of behaviour that

have been causing that problem, and is enabling you to develop new
patterns of behaviour that enable you to be completely free from
that problem...

You are automatically using your own natural memory patients (of a
healthy body) (of a slender body) (to reduce your body to
pounds) (to enable you to be completely released from that

As soon as the unconscious level of your mind knows changes have

started and you are getting rid of that problem, one of the fingers on
your right hand will raise up toward the ceiling and your finger will
remain up until I tell it to go back down.

(Note: After the client's finger lifts up, give suggestions for the finger
to go back down, and give appropriate suggestions to help the client
overcome the problem you are working on.)

(You can start giving suggestions while you are waiting for the finger
to raise.)

Something most everyone knows is that people can communicate
verbally... We talk to each other by using words, but we can also
communicate by using sign language... One very common expression
of sign language is when you nod your head yes or shake your head
no... Most everyone does that from time to time... Another type of
sign language is waving the hand to say good-bye or hello...
Sometimes we lift our hand and motion with our forefinger to signal
for someone to come to us, or we may hold the palm of our hand
toward a person to tell them to stop... in other words, we can use
our head, our hand, or our finger to communicate with another
person... You can communicate with sign language even when you
are in a deep hypnotic state.

There are times when we may be listening to someone talk and may
be nodding our head or shaking our head in agreement or
disagreement without even realizing we are doing it... It is just as
easy to do it with your finger or your hand...

I want to ask some questions that can be answered with a simple yes
or no... Questions that the unconscious level of your mind can
answer... Your unconscious mind can review, examine, and explore
the information in your mind and can give the correct answer to each
question I ask you... Your unconscious mind will answer each
question by causing one of your fingers to lift up... Let's say the index
finger on your left hand; the flinger next to your thumb on your left
hand will lift up if the answer is "yes," and the little finger on your
left hand will lift up if the answer is "no." (You can ask the client
which is the dominant hand and use that hand.)

The unconscious level of your mind has information stored in it from
everything you have ever heard, everything you have ever seen, and
everything you have ever experienced since your soul came into
existence... And your unconscious mind is reviewing, examining, and
exploring the information in your mind and will cause one of your
fingers to lift up to indicate the correct answer to each question I ask
you... If the correct answer is "yes," your unconscious mind will cause
your "yes" finger to lift up... If the correct answer is "no," your
unconscious mind will cause your "no" finger to lift up...
Your mind will cause your finger to lift up and give the correct
answer each time I ask a question... And your finger will remain up
until I tell it to go back down.

(Note: These suggestions are to be used if you have given
suggestions for finger response and have waited five or more
minutes without obtaining any response.)

I'm going to lift your arm, and I'm not going to tell you to put it down
any faster than you become very relaxed and learn to allow your
other hand and arm to float up towards your face automatically...
Your hand and arm will go down slowly while your conscious mind is
thinking pleasant thoughts and allowing the other hand and arm to
feel lighter than a feather... The other hand and arm are feeling so
light that it may seem like it is floating up toward your face... One
hand and arm go down only as fast as the other hand and arm
continues to raise up„, and no faster... (Note: If the hand begins
moving down faster than the other hand and arm lifts up, say:) That's
too fast... That hand and arm will slow down, and will drop only as
fast as the other hand and arm continues to lift up...

Take your time... Let your other mind do it automatically... That's

good. You're learning to do it right now... You can really enjoy what
your unconscious mind can do for you automatically, without any
conscious effort... You are doing good. Your hand is lifting all the way
up to your face... And when your hand touches your face, you will
know you are ready... You are learning to let the unconscious part of
your mind make the movements and the changes... You are allowing
that to continue, one hand moving one way„, and the other hand
moving the other way... And you can continue responding, and your
unconscious mind will soon know how to do it perfectly... (Note:
Continue with the same or similar suggestions until the hand has
touched the face. It's okay to pause for 30 to 40 seconds if the

response has started and is continuing. Give words of
encouragement from time to time.)

It really isn't important right now that your conscious mind knows
that this is happening... It's only unimportant that your unconscious
mind and all other levels of your inner mind have already started to
demonstrate to you in pleasant ways that you will be noticing that
wonderful changes have started and are continuing as you go about
your daily activities...

When you awaken from the hypnotic state, you will Find that your
unconscious mind is continuing to work out pleasant ways to keep
improving you physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.

(To Release Conflict)
1. Discuss the problem the client wants to overcome.
2. Use a hypnotic induction to help the client achieve at least a
light state of hypnosis; then proceed as follows:

I want you to think about that problem now... Think of the ways it
has caused you to experience difficulty... Get it in your mind clearly
and vividly... Now make that image brighter... Bring it closer to you...
Make it bigger... Notice what is going on in your mind... Tell me what
you are feeling and experiencing... (Allow time for discussion.) Now
put that image back to its normal size... (Pause.) Make it even smaller
now... Move it farther away... Notice your feelings as you keep
becoming more aware of that problem fading away... It is becoming
smaller... Be aware of what happens as it shrinks... It is becoming
fuzzier... (Pause.) Dimmer... And has almost disappeared...

Now move it away from you so you can barely see it... Make it a tiny
speck, about the size of an ant or the size of a grain of sand... Now
notice what you see and feel as it disappears from the world... It has
flown out beyond the stars and planets... All images of that problem
are disappearing out beyond the stars and planets... All sounds of
that problem are fading away... All feelings associated with that
problem are vanishing... Tell me when it is gone completely... (Wait
for a response.)

3. The next procedure is to replace it with a pleasant memory or

an experience that brings joy and happiness and confidence.

I want you to think now about a very pleasant memory... It can be
something that happened recently, or something from your early
childhood, or your high school days... Just continue relaxing and
think of a happy memory... Something you really enjoy... Tell me
when you have a happy, pleasant memory in your mind... (Wait for a
response.) Take that image and memory and make it brighter and
brighter... As that image brightens, be aware of the way you keep
feeling more joyful and happier... (Pause.) Now make it bigger...
Notice those good feelings becoming more intense...
That image and those good feelings have now replaced those former
unpleasant images and feelings in your mind... You are ready to
come back to a wide awake, fully alert state, feeling wonderful,
feeling confident and happy... (Count to awaken.)

You are now in a deep hypnotic state of relaxation, and you can
continue moving into an even deeper state as you listen to the
soothing sounds coming from the tape player and enjoy receiving the
suggestions I tell you as you let go completely...

You don't need to think of anything at all... Just continue relaxing,

and the unconscious part of your mind will enable you to respond to
the suggestions and instructions I tell you... You are emptying your
mind of thoughts, and your awareness is continuing to narrow down
as you keep moving into a deeper, drowsier state that is closely
related to a deep dreaming state... You are becoming drowsier and
more relaxed -as you respond to the suggestions and instructions I
tell you... You will always be aware of my voice when I talk to you,
and you can automatically respond to my directions... You are feeling
more Palm and more at ease as you follow my instructions...

hi a moment, when I tell you to begin, I want you to start counting

backward from one-hundred, like this: One-hundred... Ninety-nine...
Ninety-eight... Ninety-seven... And you will continue counting slowly
on down... As you count backwards from one- hundred, somewhere
along the line you can lose count, perhaps in the low eighties or
seventies... It doesn't really matter when the numbers disappear„,
because each number you think, your conscious mind and your body
will keep relaxing more...

You are not trying to think of anything at all... You are merely
continuing to relax and keep moving into a deeper hypnotic state...
Other sounds and noises keep fading away... And as you are counting
backwards in your mind, you can experience a soothing drowsiness

in your entire body... You can reach a very deep dreaming state and
at the same time the unconscious part of your mind will always hear
my voice when I talk to you...

* As you continue counting backwards, the numbers keep fading

away, and when you lose count, you will be in a deeper hypnotic
state than you have ever been in before... As soon as that happens,
you will see a large television set in front of you... It will be a set with
remote controls, and the controls will be in your hands...

You can continue counting backwards from one-hundred until the

numbers disappear or you lose count... As soon as the numbers
disappear or you lose count, you will see a large television set with
remote controls, and the controls will be in

your hands... You will use those controls to tune on the television
set... As the set warms up, you will be wondering what you will see...
When the picture becomes
clear, you will notice that it is showing a scene from your own life...
Perhaps it will
be like a personal news flash, or it may be a review of your early
school days, or a review of your early family life, or it may be
showing something with regards to your marriage or employment...
You don't know what you will be seeing on the television set, but
when the set warms up and you notice what is happening, I want you
to tell me what you are seeing...

Regardless of what you are seeing, you will remain relaxed and calm,
and you will tell me as much about it as you are willing for me to
know... You will be able to change the channel or turn off the set
anytime you want to... That's why your unconscious mind will permit
you to see what will be most helpful to you in overcoming that

Okay, begin counting back from one-hundred now... As soon as the

numbers disappear or you lose count you will see the television
vision set and will turn it on.

(Note: Start by using the suggestions from the beginning of the
previous "Regression Technique" on pages 79,80, down to and
including the paragraph that has the * in front of it.)

As soon as that happens, you will see a large television set in front of
you... It will be a set with remote controls, and the controls will be in
your hands... You can continue counting backwards slowly from one-
hundred until you lose count or the numbers disappear... When you
lose count or the numbers disappear, you will see a large television
set in front of you... It will be a set with remote control, and the
controls will be in your hands... You will use the controls to turn on
the television set... As the set warms up, you will have your choice of
several channels... Each channel will be showing a time when your
soul or spirit was in another body... It will be showing a previous
incarnation that your soul or spirit experienced in another body...
When the set warms up you will be seeing a life which your soul or
spirit experienced in another body before coming to your present
body... You will see yourself as you were during a previous lifetime...
The picture will become clear and vivid... It will be showing scenes
from a previous incarnation... As soon as you notice what is
happening on the television set, I want you to describe what you are

You can begin counting backwards from one-hundred now, and as

soon as the numbers disappear or you lose count, you will see a
television set and will turn it on... (Pause for a minute.) Each time
you think a number, you keep moving into a deeper state of
hypnosis... You will soon lose count or the numbers will disappear.

(Note: Keep repeating suggestions about seeing a "Previous
Incarnation" until the client begins describing what he or she is

(Note: Use this technique for regression after having the client erase
the numbers off the blackboard as is done in the “Progressive
Relaxation Induction. “)

(Client's name), a short time ago you were able to erase the numbers
off the blackboard and out of your mind by counting backwards from
one-hundred... The numbers are all back in your mind now, and you
can remember the numbers easily... When you erased those
numbers, you were able to make them disappear from your mind...
Now you are going to be able to do something similar... When I tell
you to begin, I want you to count back slowly from your present age
until you are back at the age of six... As you say each number,
beginning with your present age, you will feel yourself becoming
younger... While you reach your teenage years, you will notice
yourself becoming smaller... As you count back slowly, you can easily
forget the experiences that happened after the age the number
represents, and you will be happy to find that as you forget those
years and the experiences of those years, your memory of earlier
ages in your life will increase...

When you reach the number six, you will be back at the age of six...
When you get to the age of six you will be able to remember and
recall everything that happened at the age of six... And you will be
able to relive and recall your life as you lived it then... You will feel
the same feelings and think the same thoughts as you did at the age
of six, and you will have the same actions you had at the age of six...

You are going back in time easily and comfortably... When you arrive
at the age of six, you will find it is your sixth birthday... If you had a
birthday party at the age of six, you will be at your birthday party...

I'm going with you, and you will hear my voice anytime I talk to you...
You will respond to all suggestions and instructions I tell you... You
will relive and recall real experiences, the way they happened at the
age of six... You will recall and remember only real experiences that
actually happened when you were six years of age...

If I tell you to physically do something that is happening at that time,

you will do it as you did it at that time... As soon as you are six years
of age, you will tell me, out- loud, everything that is happening...

If I tell you to open your eyes when you are six, you will open your
eyes, and you will see only what you saw at that age... You will
remain in a deep hypnotic state even with your eyes open... If I tell
you to go to some other period of time, you will become the age that
I suggest and will go to the period of time I tell you...

During the time you relive those experiences, you will be unaware of
your present location and will know only what is happening at that
age, and you will always hear my voice when I talk to you... After you
have finished reliving the experiences from your past, when I tell you
to come back to your present age level, you will easily come back to
the present time, and you will easily awaken when I ask you to
awaken from the hypnotic state...

During the time you are reliving those experiences from your past,
you will be unaware of your present age and your present time... You
will know only what is happening at the age level of six, and other
age levels that I suggest you go to after the age of six... You will
always hear my voice and follow my instructions when I talk to you...
Okay, start counting backwards from your present age as you
become younger and smaller. (Note: Keep mentioning that the client
is becoming younger and when the client gets down to about fifteen,
mention that he or she is getting smaller.) (When the client reaches
six, say:)

Now you are six years of age... Are you at your birthday party???
Look around and tell me what you see... What are you wearing???
What are you doing??? Who is there with you??7

(NOTE: After establishing that the client has regressed to the age of
six, you can continue by having client go to earlier ages, possibly
even to previous incarnations.)

You are responding good to everything I tell you... And you can feel
very good about the way you continue responding to my suggestions
after you awaken from the hypnotic state...

Do you know that you are in a deep hypnotic state right now? (Pause
for the client to respond.) (If the client says,” NO”, ask the client how
much of a hypnotic state he feels he is in?) (Then ask how long he
thinks it will take for him to move into a much deeper hypnotic

Being in a deep hypnotic state is very interesting... Many people are

surprised to find that they can be in a deep hypnotic state and not
even know it, and they can awaken from the hypnotic state and not
even remember being hypnotized... You can easily go into a deeper
and deeper hypnotic state as you talk to me about hypnosis, or you
can go into a deeper state as you talk to me about responses you
experience from being hypnotized... In fact, you can easily go into a
very deep hypnotic state just by sitting down in the chair you are in

You can experience feelings you don't know you have, yet are in your
unconscious mind... And you can experience processes you don't
know you have that are in your unconscious mind... In a moment,
when you awaken you want to be surprised to find that you won't be
able to bend your legs... And then you will be pleased to experience
wonderful feelings and very enjoyable sensations all through your
body, and those good feelings and sensations will keep becoming
more enjoyable every time you see me touch my face and you will

find you can bend your legs normally and easily... You will be happy
to have those wonderful feelings and experiences keep increasing...

I will count back from 20 down to 10, and when I reach the count of
10 you will awaken long enough to tell me that you really feel
wonderful... And then you will enjoy the way you easily and rapidly
go into an even deeper hypnotic state... 20„, 19„, 18„, 16„, 15„, 12„,
11„, 10...

(Note: After client opens his or her eyes, observe whether the legs
seem to bend, and ask:) How do you feel? How do you really feel?
(Pause for client to respond.)
Do you realize how easily you can go into a hypnotic state? You can
really enjoy the way you can quickly go into a deep hypnotic state as
you talk to me, or as I talk to you... And you can even go into a
hypnotic state just by being in my presence, yet you understand that
you go into a hypnotic state that easily only when you are in my
presence... It's a wonderful advantage for you to be able to do that,
and you can be proud of that... It will be helpful to you in many

Would you like to do something now which you will be able to do

easily, and you will find it very helpful in overcoming that problem...
(Pause for response.)

You have a better memory of your childhood than you are

consciously aware of... You even have a better memory of
experiences that happened before your birth than you know about...

Would you mind looking back at some of those past experiences and
recalling them? (Pause for response,)

I'd like for you to be surprised by something that you can see„, but I
need some information first... Did your mother or father ever have a
garden when you were very young? (Pause for response.) (If the
answer is” no" ask,” Did you ever see a garden when you were very
young?") (Pause for response.)

I would like you to be surprised by something you can see on the

other side of a garden... Tell me when you see something on the
other side... (Pause.)

Now I want you to notice some changes over there... There are going
to be many changes, many conflicting ideas... Believing... Not
believing... Many things you will want to share with me... And in a
short time, you will notice that (Client's first name) is over there...
You will notice that it is really (Client's first name...) You are
interested in watching (Client’s first name...) and you can know
anything you wish about (Client's first name.) Notice that at times
you will forget that (Client's first name) is you... And you will
suddenly realize it is you...

Notice that (Client's first name) is getting a different feeling about

body... Notice that at times (he/she) thinks to (himself/herself) „, Is
that really me?

Notice that at times you look at (Client’s first name) and you can see
yourself... And you may feel... That isn't me„, but yes, it is„, It really
is„, but it isn't„, but it is„, but it isn't... And time is so long... No
matter how short a clock or calendar says time is... It is really long...

In a short time, you can look at yourself growing from a past

incarnation to the state between incarnations, or from a small child
to a mature, well-adjusted adult... And when you have completed
looking at yourself, really looking at everything important... You will
awaken and tell me everting you are willing to share.

These suggestions and instructions I'm telling you now are going into
the unconscious level of your mind and they are progressively having
a greater influence over you... Each day these suggestions become
more effective, and they will help you in many different ways:
physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually...

Everting I say is influencing your thoughts, your feelings, and your

actions in a wonderful, helpful way... Even after you awaken from
the hypnotic state, and at all times during your daily life, these
suggestions will continue influencing you just as strongly„, just as
surely„, and just as powerfully as they do while you are in the
hypnotic state of relaxation...

You will be pleased with the improvement in your life... The

improvement is progressive... As each day passes you continue
improving more... And you can be sure it is permanent and lasting...

Each time I hypnotize you, it keeps becoming more enjoyable... You

keep going into a deeper, more peaceful, more detached state... The
suggestions I tell you become more deeply reinforced in your mind,
and the unconscious levels of your mind is causing them to work so
you continue progressing in everything you do...

You can be calmer and more relaxed during your daily life and that
causes your mind to be clearer, more alert, and enables you to feel
more refreshed... Your nerves continue to be more relaxed and
steadier... You are more composed, more tranquil and more at peace

You automatically apply these principles of relaxation in all of the
activities of your daily life... You can be peaceful and calm in every
situation and in every circumstance in which you find yourself,
whether you are alone or with others... That enables you to be more
efficient and effective in your work and other activities... It keeps
increasing your self-confidence, your self-reliance, your self-
acceptance and your self-esteem...

You continue developing a more relaxed attitude, greater

concentration, and you keep achieving more outstanding
accomplishments in your life... It's a cycle of progress that keeps
growing stronger each day... It enables you to continue advancing
and helps you to become the successful person you are capable of

Being calmer and more relaxed enables you to think more clearly...
You will be able to focus your attention more readily... It keeps
becoming easier for you to concentrate, and it causes your memory
to keep Improving more each day...

You will also sleep much better when you desire to sleep... When you
are ready to go to sleep, all of your muscles and nerves will relax...
You will easily go into a deep, peaceful state of sleep... While you are
sleeping you will be relaxed, calm and comfortable... Each morning
when you awaken you will feel rested and refreshed... Your mind will
be alert, and you will be able to see and understand things in their
true perspective, without magnifying them, or without letting them
get out of proportion... You will be healthier, stronger and you will
have more energy from relaxing so peacefully as you sleep...

Every day you will become calm emotionally... You will be more
stable, more settled, and will be able to do everything in a relaxed
way... The improvement is progressive and becomes increasingly
greater each day...

This causes your life to be more enjoyable... Your feelings of

happiness are increasing, and your day-to-day living is more
pleasurable... You are rapidly becoming the person you have always
wanted to be: self-confident, self-sufficient, healthy, acceptable,
capable, and strong...

Scientists have found that we all have many times more mental and
physical ability than we normally use... We have at least twenty
times more mental ability than we normally use, and we have about
thirty times more physical strength and ability than we normally
use... This means you have outstanding capability... You have really
outstanding potential... You have the mental and physical ability to
be an outstanding success... So, you will keep developing more
confidence in yourself each day...

You have the ability to do everything you want to do, as well as

everything you need to do... You have many talents, many skills, and
many abilities, therefore, you have many reasons to have complete
confidence in yourself...

You have the ability to set up goals you want to achieve, and you
have the ability to perform the actions required to achieve your
goals... You have the ability to be an outstanding success... So, you

will continue developing greater confidence in yourself... You will
advance, and progress, and prosper in everything you do...
You will be relaxed and calm whether you are working or doing
something for recreation and fun... That will cause your body
processes to function harmoniously... You will be able to do
everything in an efficient and effective way...

Each day you keep improving physically, mentally, emotionally and

spiritually... You have a greater sense of personal well-being, a
greater sense of personal safety, and you keep feeling more secure...
You enjoy life more each day... Your happiness keeps increasing, and
you become more enthusiastic and more optimistic each day...

As you continue improving, you will be more able to depend upon

yourself... You will have increased confidence in your own judgment,
your own opinions, and your own points of view...

Your self-confidence, self-reliance, self-acceptance and self-esteem

keep growing stronger, and you continue to be more successful in
everything you do...

Everything I have told you is already happening to you, because

everything I have told you is true... You want to be successful;
therefore, your desire and determination to be successful are being

The unconscious part of your mind has accepted everything I have

told you... You are progressively advancing in all areas of your life,

and your life keeps becoming more productive, more useful,
healthier and happier.

These suggestions and instructions that I'm telling you are going into
the storehouse of your mind... Your unconscious mind is accepting
them and is causing them to begin working immediately and the
suggestions will keep becoming more effective each day... You are
continuing to relax even more now... Your awareness is narrowing
down to the point that the unconscious part of your mind is listening
only to my words...

Your unconscious mind learns rapidly... The unconscious level of your

mind is realizing that you are a grown person, and your mind
contains a lot of knowledge about skills and abilities that you have
developed as a result of your years of experience and education...
From the very beginning of the tune your soul and spirit came into
existence, you have been absorbing countless impressions, learning
many facts, storing ideas and all kinds of information in your mind...
You now have great amounts and varieties of wisdom, far beyond
what your conscious mind has been aware of knowing... All of that
knowledge and wisdom in the unconscious level of
your mind is a part of your own development, products of your own
experience... That information is available to be used by you for your
own benefit and for your own personal well-being...
So, you are understanding that you have the capability of
experiencing a totally successful, happy and prosperous life... You
have many reasons to have confidence in yourself... With confidence
you will move forward step-by-step and overcome every obstacle
and challenge in a wonderful, peaceful, loving way... You feel
growing within you a realization that you have the ability to handle
any situation you ever face in life... You are able to make decisions
with confidence... You make each decision in the light of your
present knowledge, and once you decide, you are confident in that

decision... You understand that if you acquire new knowledge, you
have the ability to make a new decision... So, you have confidence in
yourself and in the decisions, you make...
You have confidence in meeting people... You look upon each new
acquaintance as a possible friend... It's easy for you to meet people
and make friends... Your Confidence in your ability to meet people
and make friends is increasing more each day...
You have many good qualities and assets that cause people to like
you... When you meet new people, you are confident that they are
interested in you... You understand that by being interested in the
people you meet, they automatically are interested in you... You are
confident in any social situation... You are confident that you have
the ability to contribute something to any group you are in, and you
accept and enjoy what other people have to say...

You are confident in your own appearance... At all times when you
are with other people, you expect to enjoy yourself... You have the
ability to talk freely to others, and to listen with interest when they
talk... You are interested in the people you meet... You are interested
in what they have to say, and you have confidence that they also are
interested in what you have to say... Your self-confidence, self-
reliance, and self-acceptance are increasing daily...

You understand the importance of being patient and tolerant with

other people... You are understanding and caring even with people
who do not believe exactly as you do... You want others to respect
your right to your opinions and viewpoints, and therefore, you
respect the viewpoints and opinions of others... You have confidence
in your own judgement, your own opinions and your own points of

You continue becoming more successful in everything you do... You
will always do what needs to be done in a loving caring way to be
successful, knowing that success comes from conscientious and
efficient service...

You will remember that life is a cup to be filled, rather than being a
cup to be drained..., And you will be successful iii filling the cup of
your life with joy, happiness and deeds of love and kindness.

As you continue relaxing now, it is not important for you to
consciously listen to my words... In fact, you don't need to
consciously pay any attention to what I'm saying because your
unconscious mind and all other levels of your timer mind can hear
and receive everything I say... And the unconscious level of your
mind can enable you to put everything I tell you into your own
actions without any conscious effort by you...

Even though it's a fact that you have the power and the ability to
achieve any goal you want to achieve, there are certain actions you
can take that enable you to progress more easily and more rapidly...
You are already taking one of the most important actions you can
take to increase your self-confidence... Permitting yourself to be
hypnotized is one of the most helpful, most beneficial actions you
can do to increase your self-confidence, and to help yourself in all
other areas of your life...

In the past you may have been timid about doing certain things that
would enable you to achieve greater success and happiness...
However, your confidence is increasing rapidly and you have the
confidence you need to handle every situation or circumstance that
comes up in your life... Your confidence is increasing more each
day... You believe in yourself as a person who possesses the
knowledge, the wisdom and the ability to achieve the goals you want
to achieve...

In the past you may have had some doubts„, but those doubts are
fading away rapidly... All doubts will soon be gone completely, by the
time you awaken from the hypnotic state... Those doubts are being

replaced with a strong sense of confidence, and you are developing a
greater realization of your own importance...

You are a very special person... You have special talents and
capabilities that no other person in the world has in the same way
that you do... Each day you continue developing a greater realization
of your own capabilities...

You can help yourself progress rapidly by using a technique that will
keep reinforcing and strengthening your concept of yourself... It will
also keep increasing your self-confidence, your self-acceptance and
your self-reliance...

You are a good person... You were created by the same Creator that
created every other human being in the world... That means that you
have within you the potential to be an outstanding success... You
have outstanding capabilities... And you possess a tremendous
power that you can use to be an outstanding success...

That power is the power of your own mind... You can use your own
mind to help you attain greater success... Repeat that idea
silently in your mind now... "Each day
I use the power of my mind to help me attain greater success."

I'm going to write that statement down for you, and you will find
that the more you look at that statement and repeat it to yourself,
the more your confidence will increase and you will continue
attaining greater success... You can do anything you make up your
mind to do... You can achieve any goal you decide to achieve... By

using your mind in an informative way, you draw to yourself
everything that benefits you in an informative way...

Think these words in your mind now: "I believe in myself... I believe I
can achieve any goal I decide to achieve..." You will find it beneficial
to continue repeating statements like that to yourself several times
each day, especially just before you go to sleep and the first thing
when you awaken each day...

Your self-confidence will continue increasing more each day... You

will be attracting the attention of people who will recognize you as a
person who is capable of achieving outstanding accomplishments...
People will notice that you are a real achiever... That will bring new
opportunities for personal advancement and prosperity into your

Remember that you attract to yourself what you think and what you
believe, so always keep your thoughts on goals you want to achieve
and on uplifting ideas that are beneficial to you... You'll find it will
bring you greater happiness, enjoyment and prosperity...

One of the most important goals in life is to keep becoming a better

person, and you can do that by being the positive, self-confident,
self-assured person you are capable of being... You will continue
becoming more successful because you deserve to be successful...
You are a good person... You are a very important person... You are a
powerful person... These are all true statements about you... You
know it... Your unconscious mind knows it... God knows it... And
therefore, it is true... It is a fact...

You know that achieving success is not merely a matter of chance or
luck... When we study about people who have become successful,
we learn that they have taken the actions necessary to produce their
own success... Whether it has been success in marriage, success in
attaining high grades in school, success in business, or spiritual

Success begins in the mind... You develop an idea of what you want
to accomplish, and you keep repeating that idea over and over in
your mind, especially before you go to sleep at night... Keep doing
that and you will become aware of ideas of the necessary actions to
put your idea to work, and you will keep working on it until you
achieve it...

To simplify your key to success, this is what you do:

1. Develop an idea of what you want to accomplish...

2. Keep thinking about that idea several times each day...

3. Write plans of what needs to be done to make your idea


4. Take the actions needed to put your plan to work...

It is your birth right to be a healthy, happy, successful person... You
were created by the same Creator that created every other person in
the world... You have as much right to good health, happiness, joy
and prosperity as any other person in the world... and you have a
good mind, as well as the freedom to use your mind to achieve any
goal you want to achieve...

Each day your realization of these true facts will keep becoming
stronger in your mind... You continue becoming stronger and more
courageous... Your self-confidence keeps increasing more each day...
The last stanza of a poem by Walter D. Wintle says, Life's battles
don't always go
To the stronger or faster man,
But sooner or later, the man who wins Is the fellow who thinks lie

You have outstanding capability... You have within you tremendous

mental and creative power... So, your motivation to be successful is
increasing... Your confidence is increasing... And you have the
courage you need to keep achieving greater happiness, joy and the
other riches of life...
(Note: Remember to give the client the written statement: "Each day
I use the power of my mind to help me attain greater success.” and
the statement:” I believe in myself... I believe I can achieve any goal I
decide to achieve.)

It is your God-given birth right to be successful... In other words, you
are on this earth to experience a happy, joyous, prosperous life... You
have as much right to happiness and prosperity as any other person
in the world... The good things created by God belong to you just as
much as to any other person... And they are available to you merely
by putting your inborn knowledge and wisdom into action and
developing your talents, skills and abilities...

As you continue listening to what I'm saying, you are realizing that
you already have the capability of attaining everything you need:
Wealth, Friends, A lovely home, A healthy body, and anything else
you desire for yourself...

It is natural for you to desire prosperity, success and recognition... It

is natural for you to want enough money to do flings’y9u desire to
do, whenever you want to do those things. So, you are a normal
person in wanting to be successful...

As you accept the suggestions and instructions I'm telling you, and
follow the simple techniques I describe to you, you will discover that
you can use your own mind to bring to you an abundance of wealth
and a highly successful life...

You deserve to have the best food, good clothes, a beautiful home,
and all the money you need to buy twigs that will make you happy
and comfortable... So, listen to what I'm saying now and you will
learn techniques that will increase your ability to be successful...

Many people do not agree with everything written in the Bible, and
that is okay, yet psychological research has discovered that there are
many things written in the Bible that have proven to be scientifically
true... For example: The Bible says, "As a person thinks in his mind,
so is he." That statement has proven to be true... It is a fact that the
thoughts in our mind cause us to be what we are... Another
statement found in Romans 12:2 says, "You can be transformed by
the renewing of your mind." That has also proven to be true...

By learning to experience these principles of relaxation, you are at

the same time learning to use the tremendous power of your own
mind to solve any problem or difficulty that comes up in your life...
You can use your own mind to work out solutions that enable you to
experience a more productive, happier, more fulfilling life than ever
You are choosing harmony, success, prosperity, abundance, and
security for yourself... Your own creative abilities will keep emerging
more each day, revealing better ways to enable you to give greater
service to others and receive greater benefits for yourself...

These words I'm telling you are being received by the unconscious
level of your mind, and they keep becoming more effective each day
as you proceed to use these ideas and thoughts in a successful way...

You are continuing to progress spiritually, and will prosper in all

areas of your life... You are constantly maturing mentally, physically,
emotionally and spiritually...

Using these principles of clear thinking along with hypnotic
relaxation will automatically increase your energy and vitality... Every
cell of your body is continuing to function more perfectly, and your
body will express increased vitality, energy and power...

The work you do is a Divine activity, therefore, your work will keep
becoming more prosperous and successful... Remember that you
become successful by doing common-place tasks with a spirit of
enthusiasm and with a genuine desire to help others, regardless of
what your work might be... As you put your best effort into action,
you will be rewarded with an abundant life; a life filled with
happiness, joy and rich living...

You will use the creative ability of your mind, and you will be aware
of good ideas emerging that enable you to increase your standard of
living... You will be constantly aware that your thoughts are
creative... Every thought tends to become a reality... Each thought
causes the unconscious level of your mind to respond according to
the nature of your thoughts... So, you will always think good, happy,
uplifting thoughts that lead to success...

Your thoughts are comparable to driving a car... You can guide them
and steer them in the direction you want to go... Your ability to think
wisely will pay off in great dividends as you direct your thoughts in a
constructive way...

Remember that all of the good things we enjoy in life, all of the
luxuries, such as television, radio, cars, airplanes, comfortable
furniture, telephones, and appliances, began first as a thought in
some person's mind before they became a reality for us to use... As

you focus your thoughts on goals you desire to achieve, your
thoughts will grow and become a reality that will bring you health,
happiness, prosperity and peace of mind...
There are three keys you can use to unlock the doors to prosperity
and success:

The first key is to get a clear image in your mind of what you want to
achieve... The second key is to believe that you can and will succeed
in accomplishing your goal... And the third key is to begin working
now, and continue working toward your goal and you will accomplish

There are hundreds of books available today explaining how to be

successful... Nearly all of those books emphasize that the most
important key in achieving success is to set a goal to achieve... You
begin by getting a clear idea in your mind of what you want to

Refuse to be like the man who shoots an arrow in the sky, not
knowing where it will land... Have a bull’s eye to shoot at... Decide
what you want and start now aiming and moving toward your goal...

A person who has no goal may start out in the right direction, but
when he comes to an intersection, lie doesn't know which way to
turn because lie doesn't know where lie is going... So always have a
goal in your mind... That will enable you to make decisions wisely,
because you will know where you are headed...

You wouldn't get into your car and start on a trip to a distant city if
you knew you would never reach your destination, you take a trip
because you believe you will arrive safely at your destination... It's
the same when you set a goal to achieve... You set a goal because
you believe you can attain that goal... Having a goal in mind causes
you to be persistent and patient, and enables you to keep advancing
toward your goal...

Success comes as a result of making things happen... It is the result of

achievements, everyday achievements that are accomplished one
step at a time... You are successful when you set a goal and
persistently perform the necessary actions to achieve your goal...
Each action you perform and each effort you make toward achieving
your goal is rewarded... As you continue moving forward toward
prosperity and success, you always keep in mind the goal you are
aiming at... You always know your purpose, and organize your efforts
so you perform efficiently and effectively in everything you do...

You will always think positive... You will think of the prosperity that
success will bring you, and you will realize that you have a right to be
prosperous and successful... You will use your mind wisely, realizing
that everything you do is directed and controlled by your thoughts
though the power of your own unconscious mind...

The presence of a thought or idea in your mind produces an

associated feeling and causes you to transform that feeling into
action that is in harmony with the nature of your thought... So, by
setting a goal you want to achieve, the unconscious level of your

mind becomes alert for facts, information and knowledge that will
enable you to achieve your goal...

You are now ready to put these concepts into action... You are going
to transform your goals into realities... And you will begin by writing
out plans of what you can do to achieve your goal... Write out a
clear, concise statement of the goal you want to achieve and what
you can do to help yourself achieve that goal...

Then decide what information or knowledge you need and the type
of associations you need to enable you to attain your goal... Each
night before you go to sleep, read what you have written, and you
will soon see your goal becoming a reality...

All of these thoughts and ideas are in Je storehouse of your mind...

They are a part of you now, and are being used automatically by you
to make your life more prosperous, more successful, more useful and

Each day your desire and determination to succeed keeps becoming

stronger, and you have the confidence you need to accomplish each
goal you establish for yourself.

Research conducted by psychologists has revealed that all of us are
using only a small fraction of our total mental and physical ability... It
has been found that the average person uses less than five percent
of his mental capacity... Even the greatest geniuses rarely use more
than fifteen percent of their mental abilities...

These facts indicate that we all are capable of achieving outstanding

accomplishments, merely by learning to use our physical and mental
abilities more efficiently...

Hypnosis is one of the best-known methods for developing your

mental abilities and enabling you to use your natural inborn talents
and enable you to become more successful than you ever believed

Hundreds of books have been written, and thousands of articles have

been published, telling about the tremendous power of the
unconscious level of the mind... Those books and articles tell how to
use the mind to "Win Friends," "Improve Your Health," "Attain
Wealth," and "Be Successful" in all other areas of your life...

People who have studied the techniques taught in those books, and
have put the instructions into action, have discovered that the mind
is an amazingly powerful asset.

After many years of research, as well as hypnotizing more than

people, I have found that the best way to get your mind to work for
you and enable you to use your inborn abilities is through hypnosis,

as you are doing now... When you are in a hypnotic state of
relaxation, as you are now, all of the suggestions, thoughts, ideas,
and instructions go directly into the storehouse of your mind, and
they begin working immediately to help you achieve a healthier,
happier, more successful and more rewarding life than ever before...

What we are doing now will cause your natural, inborn talents, skills,
and mental abilities to keep emerging more each day...

The unconscious part of your mind is comparable to a computer... It

records everything you see, hear, and experience as you go about
the activities of your daily life, and it has been doing that ever since
you came into existence... You have accumulated tremendous
amounts of information and knowledge, far beyond what your
conscious mind has been aware of knowing, and you have the ability
to use that knowledge for your own personal well-being, for your
own benefit, and for your own advancement...

You are drifting into a more peaceful hypnotic state of relaxation as I

talk to you... Your confidence is increasing, and you are realizing that
you possess outstanding capabilities... You are learning to be calmer
and more relaxed during your daily life, and your own mind is helping
you develop the talents and abilities you possess...

Your unconscious mind and all levels of your tinier mind are the most
powerful energy you have... History reveals that the power of the
mind has been used to improve the destiny of mankind... All
scientific progress in our world today, such as electricity,
telephonies, television, radios, cars, airplanes, appliances and other

luxuries we use and enjoy, have come to us as the result of people
making use of their ability to think...

Everything we have was a thought in some person's mind before it

was produced for us to use... You are also capable of outstanding
accomplishments by using the power of your own mind... Your ability
to think cam help you achieve any goal you set for yourself, because
your subconscious mind will cause you to put your thoughts into
action... You will use the power of your mind to produce success in
all areas of your life...

You are continuing to drift into a deeper hypnotic state now... These
suggestions and instructions are going into the storehouse of your
mind and will help you on both the conscious and unconscious levels
of mind activity...

(Give "water" signal for continued relaxation if it has not been done

You will use these principles of relaxation, which you are now
experiencing during your daily life... You will be relaxed and calm in
every situation or circumstance in which you find yourself, whether
you are alone or with others... Regardless of what you are doing or
where you are, you will be relaxed and you will be able to
concentrate your mind... That will enable you to be more efficient in
everything you do...

Your ability to use your sense of observation is continuing to

improve, and you will be able to evaluate things more thoroughly...

You will be able to make wise decisions more easily... You are
developing the ability to concentrate with the unconscious part of
your mind... You will use your unconscious mind to direct your life
properly, and you will have complete control over your emotions...

Your ability to concentrate is continuing to improve more each day...

That enables you to think more clearly and gives you control of your
own destiny... You can see things in their true perspective, without
magnifying them and without letting them get out of proportion...

Your mind is more dependable than your emotions, and you are
learning to use your mind for wise guidance... You can reason your
way out of emotions that are unpleasant or harmful... You will be
successful in overcoming emotional burdens in a peaceful, loving

hi every situation or circumstance that comes up in your life, you can

be calm and relaxed... That enables you to get a good
comprehension of all the facts... You can evaluate things thoroughly
and completely... You will be making wise decisions easily... Then you
will have the courage and confidence you need to act efficiently and
effectively, guided by your ability to think, reason and understand...

You keep moving into a more peaceful hypnotic state as these

suggestions and instructions continue becoming more active in your
mind... You continue progressing more each day and will be the
successful person you are capable of being...

The unconscious part of your mind understands that you have been
absorbing countless impressions, learning many facts, storing ideas,
symbols and all kinds of information in the unconscious level of your
mind ever since you came into existence... So, your mind possesses
great amounts and varieties of wisdom, far beyond what your
conscious mind has been aware of knowing... All of that knowledge
and wisdom is in the unconscious levels of your mind... It is a part of
your own development... It is the result of experiences you have
had... And you can use that knowledge to enable you to continue
advancing in all areas of your life...

Realizing that you possess enormous amounts of knowledge causes

your self- confidence and self-acceptance to keep increasing... You
understand that you have remarkable capabilities, so you will set up
goals for yourself, knowing that you have the ability to achieve your

All of these qualities and characteristics continue developing more

strongly each day because your unconscious mind knows they are
true, and because you have the determination to be successful in all
areas of your life.

A popular book was published entitled, "I Ain't Much Baby - But I'm
All I've Got." The purpose of this session is to help you realize that
you are the opposite of what the title of that book says... You are
very important... And so, the purpose of this session is to increase
your motivation so your full potential will emerge...

You need to realize that you are the most important person in the
world, and you need to understand that you already have the
capability of achieving outstanding accomplishments...

Some people have developed the mistaken idea that it is wrong to

think of themselves as being the most important person in the world,
and of course, you wouldn't want to go around telling everyone that
you are the most important person in the world... That is a normal
reaction, because most of us have grown up being taught that we
should always think of others, and we should always put others
first... Yet realizing your own importance doesn't mean you are
downgrading others... In fact, you must care for yourself before you
can really care for others...

We also are taught that people are conceited if they appear to be

gloating over their own self-importance, and we certainly don't want
to be classified as being conceited... I'm not suggesting that you
become that type of person, but I am interested in helping you adopt
a viewpoint of yourself that will increase your self- confidence, your
self-respect and your self-acceptance... You are important, and there
is nothing wrong in living your life realizing your own importance...

You deserve the recognition and status the Creator intended for you
to have... You deserve a good life... You deserve a happy life... And
you deserve to attain the success you would like to have for

Most everyone is similar in having some fundamental urges... We

have a desire for friendship... We have a desire for love... We have a
desire for self-expression, and we have a desire for recognition... As
those desires and urges are achieved, we recognize our own

You are important - to yourself and to others, so the unconscious

level of your mind is accepting these suggestions and instructions I'm
telling you, and is increasing your motivation for success, happiness
and fulfilment...

What is controlling your life? Your first inclination may be to think

that you control your own life... But the truth is; you are being
controlled... You have a force within you that controls every move
you make... Think about that for a moment, when you breathe, do
you consciously control each breath you take? No... You continue
breathing even when you are asleep... The unconscious level of your
mind keeps your heart pumping the blood through your circulatory
system whether you are asleep or awake... When you put food in
your mouth, you chew it without needing to consciously control the
muscles in your jaws... They are controlled by an unconscious force?

What causes all of those automatic responses7?? What causes the
automatic responses7?? What causes the automatic movement of
your muscles, ligaments and tendons when you brush your teeth,
walk down the street, or scratch an itch??7 What causes your food to
digest??7 What causes you to see when you open your eyes???
What causes you to feel when you touch an object??? What causes
you to hear sounds and noises???

The answer is that there is a force within you that controls

everything you do and every response you make... There has never
been a moment, and there never will be a moment when you are not
affected by that unconscious power within you... It affects you when
you are awake, and continues to affect you when you are asleep...

The power that controls you is the unconscious levels of your own
mind... You are constantly doing what your unconscious mind
influences you to do... In reality, many people become slaves of their
unconscious mind, because they do not realize that they can
reprogram it if they are being controlled in an undesirable way...

You don't have to be a slave of your unconscious mind... You have a

conscious mind that enables you to think, and you have the ability to
use your conscious mind to reprogram your unconscious mind so it
will operate the way you want it to...

By redirecting your unconscious mind in a good, uplifting way, you

can live your life the way you want to live it, and that's what you are
doing by having this session... Permitting yourself to be hypnotized
reveals that you are open-minded... It also reveals that you realize

that you are capable of improving yourself... You are taking the steps
needed to improve... Therefore, you will be successful...

You will be happy that you are taking the time to learn to experience
hypnotic relaxation... Because at the same time you are learning
techniques that will increase your motivation for success...

The ability to motivate yourself is one of the most important skills

you will ever use... Study various people who have impressed you as
being successful, and you will discover that they are people who
have learned to motivate themselves...

Notice people who have self-confidence, people who are calm and
relaxed... Observe people who are in control of situations at all
times... Be aware of people who make decisions with confidence,
and you will find that they are people who have learned self-

Self-motivated people are successful people... They have learned to

use the power of their mind to work for them... They determine
what they want to achieve, and then they act to make things happen,
enabling them to continue advancing toward the goal they want to

Someone made the statement: "Within each of us there is a spark of

genius. All that is needed to fan the tiny frame into inferno of action
is strong affirmative desire."

As you continue in this hypnotic state of relaxation, I'm going to
mention some important points that can increase your motivation
for success:

The first point is to understand the importance of taking one step at

a time... Those who achieve success start at the bottom of the ladder
and move up one step at a time...

The second point is to decide on a goal you want to achieve so much

that you will not be satisfied until you have achieved it...

The next step is to perform some action each day that keeps you
advancing toward your goal...

If your goal is not worth putting out some effort to achieve, then you
need to re- examine your goal... When you have a worthwhile goal,
you will also have the determination you need to take daily action
toward the attainment of that goal...

Act today... The step you take toward your goal today will prepare
you to advance even more tomorrow...

You are developing the attitude of expectancy... Each day you decide
what you will do to keep moving closer to your goal, and you
proceed with confidence, knowing that every move forward brings
you closer to your goal...

Actually, what you are doing right now is helping you progress
toward greater success and fulfilment... You have already taken the
most important step by permitting yourself to learn these principles
of hypnotic relaxation... Never be content with what you have
already accomplished... Keep telling yourself that you have only
started, and you want to keep advancing toward greater
accomplishments... Every step you take towards your goal is an
accomplishment, regardless of how small the step might be... For
example: If your goal is to have a thousand dollars in the bank, you
would be moving toward that goal even if there were days when you
added only one penny to your savings...

So, keep moving forward at all times... Never let a day go by without
doing something to move toward your goal... One new fact learned,
or one new contact made is better than nothing... Keep advancing
toward your goal daily...

Direct your attention closely now... I will mention eight forces that
will strengthen your motivation and determination...

1. The first force of energy that increases your motivation and

determination is to study in the field in which you want to achieve
your goal...
2. A second is a force of energy called expansion... You may
already be quite competent in your work, yet there are always ways
to improve... Make a special effort to expand your abilities... That will

speed up your progress... Always be alert for new ideas that can
increase your competence...
3. The third force of energy is to make a list of all possible
opportunities for advancement... Take advantage of even the
smallest idea or opportunity to advance...
4. Fourth, you should find out what other people are doing who
have the same goal or a similar goal to your own... Ask for advice
from the person who has already achieved success... Most successful
people are happy to share their knowledge...
5. A fifth force of energy comes from being open to what may
seem to be strange ideas, thoughts, or discoveries... Remember that
many of the most successful people in history have come up with
ideas that were considered strange when they first presented them...
For example: Many men of science once thought the electric light
bulb was a very strange idea, and they were sure it would never be
used... However, today there are very few homes in the entire world
that are not making use of what was once considered strange and
6. Read challenging books that are related to the goal you are
striving to achieve...
7. Practice expressing yourself fluently and clearly...
8. Finally, always be reaching a little beyond your present
capabilities... Never feel that you have reached the limit of your
potential... You can always accomplish a little more.

As you continue relaxing now, you are peaceful and your mind is
open to awareness and understanding... You are becoming more
aware of a spirit of power within you that enables you to overcome
obstacles, and improve the direction of your life, and to experience
your God-given birth right of health, happiness and success...

You are here on this earth to experience a wonderful life... You have
as much right to happiness, joy, love and prosperity as any other
person in the world... You are a very important and vital part of
God's creation... You came from the same Creator that every other
person came from, and you are here for a purpose... You are here
because you are very special...

You do not need to measure up to anyone else's expectations of

you... You are not on this earth for the purpose of being what
someone else expects you to be... You are you, and you are unique...
You are fulfilling God's plan and purpose in your own special way...
You do not owe it to any other person to be what he or she thinks
you should be... Your main purpose is to be what you want to be...

Each day your self-confidence continues growing stronger... Your

self-acceptance and self-reliance continue increasing and you keep
enjoying life more fully... You always do your best to be a good,
loving and understanding person... You have the ability to use good
judgment... You can make wise decisions and you can achieve great
goals... You have within you the qualifications to handle any situation
or circumstance that comes up in your life... You possess the
knowledge and the ability to overcome every obstacle you face... You
are developing the habit of being successful...

You know that habit is the product of repeatedly directing yourself to
a specific action... You are developing the habit of performing actions
that lead to happiness and success, knowing that once you establish
that habit it continues working automatically...

You will meet every challenge in your life with confidence, sureness
and power... You will think only good, happy thoughts about
yourself, and you will find that will attract happy, successful
conditions to you...

Scientists have proven that we each possess twenty to thirty times

more physical and mental ability than we ever use. The success we
attain is determined by how much we use the abilities we possess...

Each day you become more determined to put your talents and
abilities into action... You realize that no other person can keep you
from being successful... You were born with the ability and the
power to achieve the goals you want to attain... You continue
becoming more optimistic in your view of life... You will find new
opportunities and great possibilities opening up to you...

As you continue moving into a deeper, more peaceful hypnotic state

of relaxation, your unconscious mind is continuing to receive the
thoughts and ideas I'm presenting to you, and your mind is causing
them to be a strong influence on your personality and your daily

Your faith, your courage and your determination are becoming
stronger, and you continue expanding your abilities and make good
use of your God-given talents... You keep developing a greater
attitude of love and understanding... You want to be loving and kind
in all of your responses and actions toward others... You know that if
you make a mistake, you want others to be, understanding toward
you... Other people are the same way... They are human... They
make mistakes like all humans do... By being a loving, caring, and
forgiving person, you produce an atmosphere of happiness and
harmony around you... You create your own beautiful world in which
to live...

If you ever feel mistreated by someone, ask yourself if you have done
something to deserve being mistreated... If you feel you do not
deserve being mistreated, then realize it is the other person's
mistake, and therefore, there is no reason for it to hurt you... Be
understanding of the person who mistreats you... Think to yourself,
"That person is human, and is still involved in developing his or her
own self-acceptance." Learn from that person's conduct... Be
determined to be more loving and kinder yourself...

Always remember that you grow stronger by learning from situations

that are difficult... That will keep increasing your confidence, and will
enable you to handle any situation that comes up in your life... Never
let yourself become unhappy because of what other people do... You
can't control the actions of another person; however, you can
control the way you let them affect you...

There is an old proverb that says, "Let everyone sweep his own
doorstep, and all the doorsteps will be clean." That's what you are

doing... you are sweeping your own doorstep... You know how to be
a good, loving person... You know how to keep improving yourself,
and you know you are worthy of happiness and success... From now
on you will anticipate happiness and joy, and you will expect good
experiences... You feel an inner renewal taking place... Each day you
keep feeling more alive, more energetic and more enthusiastic... You
continue developing more zest and enthusiasm for life and living...
You are you, and you are good.

You have a right to wealth, happiness, and success... The world has
enough wealth to provide you with a good life, an abundant life, and
a fulfilling life...

People who know have estimated that the entire world could be fed
by the food that goes to waste each day in the jungles of South
America... This is but one example to give you an idea of the
abundance we have in our world... There is excess of everything, and
you are capable of drawing the riches of the world to yourself... In
other words, there is no good reason for anyone to be poor... There
is enough wealth and riches in the world for everyone...

Wealth is good because it can be used in numerous ways to make life

better for everyone... The world needs wealthy people, because it is
the wealthy who provide jobs and income for others... So, you
wil1’bpgin each day knowing that it is good to be wealthy, and
knowing that there is an abundance of wealth available, and that you
have a right to attain enough wealth to provide you with an
abundant life...

A good way to draw wealth to yourself is to visualize the benefits of

being wealthy... Picture yourself in comfortable surroundings, in a
beautiful, warm, fun filled, happy home... See yourself owning
beautiful possessions, such as cars, a beautiful swimming pool, a
lucrative business, expensive clothes... Imagine yourself going on
trips to nice places, staying in luxurious motels and hotels and
resorts, basking in the sun on beautiful beaches, and doing other
thugs you enjoy...

Each night before you go to sleep, visualize the beautiful things you
want, and think of the comfort and joy that wealth will bring you...
Think also of the good things you can do for others by attaining
wealth for yourself...

Remember that your thoughts bring results, so begin and end each
day with thoughts of abundance and wealth...

Each time you see something beautiful, something you desire, or

some way you can help others by having wealth, this is an automatic
signal that wealth is good, and therefore, it is proper that you have
abundant wealth... It is right for riches and happiness to be yours...
Being wealthy will enable you to help other people achieve
happiness and success, so you will continue thinking that wealth will
be yours...
The world needs wealthy people, because it is the wealthy who build
factories... It is the wealthy who own construction companies... It is
the wealthy who own chains

of restaurants, and other businesses that provide jobs for others...

Recall those times you have wanted to help someone in need, but
were unable to do so because of lack of funds... Wealth enables you
to be that warm, loving, caring person you want to be... There are
many good things you can do with wealth; therefore, you will keep
reaffirming your faith that wealth will continue to flow to you... The
more wealth you attract to you, the more wealth you will attain

Your belief that wealth is rightfully yours will be rewarded, and your
belief in yourself will automatically draw wealth to you...

Each day your self-confidence, self-reliance, and self-esteem keep

growing stronger, and you realize that you deserve the riches and
other good things that life can provide...

When you come out of the hypnotic state, you will be aware of the
pleasure and goodness of wealth... You will realize more each day
that wealth is good, and that having wealth will enable you to use it
in many beneficial ways for yourself and for others.

You are in a deep, peaceful, hypnotic state of relaxation and your
mind is open to greater awareness and understanding... The
unconscious levels of your mind are hearing and receiving my
suggestions and instructions and are inspiring you with creative ideas
that will strengthen your spirit of enthusiasm for living your life more
fully... Your mind is receptive to the joy, and love and peace of God...
You are experiencing greater strength and vitality in your mind, soul
and body...

You have outstanding capability... Jesus said, "The kingdom of God is

within you..." That means you have all the strength, power, and
wisdom you need to achieve your goals in life... You will continue
progressing as you follow a path that leads to happiness and

Most of the sacred writings reveal that God can and will help you
work out ways to have your needs fulfilled... God is an unlimited
source of supply... Your awareness of that truth keeps becoming
more real to you each day... It enables you to be open to an inflow
and outflow of God's love, peace, joy, happiness and all the other
good things that life has to offer...

God is also the source of perfect health... He created you with

amazing healing powers that can keep your body healthy and strong
at all times... You realize that God is life, and God's will for you and
for everyone is good health, happiness and prosperity... Your faith in
those truths keeps becoming stronger each day...

Your mind is at peace... Your faith is continually increasing... Each day
you keep becoming more optimistic and you see life as a wonderful
experience with great opportunities...

You regard difficulties as an opportunity to experience the power of

God working through you... You see the spirit of God in other people
and realize that they too are on this earth to experience the
opportunity to learn and to grow...

Each time you pray, your spiritual awareness keeps increasing... The
right path to take and right decisions to make keeps becoming
clearer and more understandable... Your spirit of love and
understanding continue to grow...

You are a wonderful person and your mind is at peace.

(This technique can be used to help clients be released from many
different types of problems, both physical and mental.)

You are continuing to relax... Feel yourself responding to the idea of

relaxation... Letting go completely... You will keep feeling more
comfortable, more peaceful and more at ease... It may seem like
your body is going into a deep, peaceful sleep, yet the unconscious
part of your mind will be aware of everything I say, and your
unconscious mind will enable you to respond automatically...

If I tell you to talk, you will be able to talk easily. f I tell you to move,
you will be able to move easily... Your conscious awareness is
narrowing down, and your unconscious mind is concentrating on the
words I'm saying... You are becoming drowsier and more relaxed... It
is easy for you to respond to the suggestions I tell you... In a moment
I'm going to count from five to one... When I reach the count of one,
you will recall an unhappy, experience that you didn’t like. You will
recall an unpleasant experience that had something to do with
causing that problem...

You are continuing to relax and wait... Your unconscious mind will
cause you to recall clearly unpleasant, experiences that you didn’t
like... It may be something that happened during your early
childhood, before you started going to school... Or it may be
something from your early grade school days, or your junior high
school days... It may be some occasion that was made a strong
impression on you.

You are responding properly... When I count from five down to one,
you will recall an unhappy, unpleasant experience... The unconscious
part of your mind will permit you to recall an unhappy experience...
You will recall an experience that has been responsible for causing
that problem... Even though it will be an unhappy, unpleasant
experience, you will remain calm and relaxed, and you will recall
enough of that experience to enable you to understand what it had
to do with causing that problem...

You will allow the stress, the strain, the tension or anxiety, or
whatever nature it might be, physical or emotional, to develop long
enough for you to recognize it and the connection with the problem
you have been experiencing... As soon as you begin recalling that
unhappy, unpleasant experience, I want you to close your left fist,
and keep recalling that experience until you understand the causes
and effects, and feel that you have stood all the distress you need...
When you feel you have stood all the distress and conflict you need,
you will open your left fist and let it go... As soon as

you open your left fist, you will be released from all stress, from all
strain, from all
anxiety and tension, and from all other problems that have been
caused by that experience... As you are recalling that experience, you
will bring all the tensions, all the problems, all the difficulties caused
by that experience down through your left shoulder, arm, and
forearm into your left fist... You will lock them tightly into your left
fist and will keep them there until you are sure they are all hi your
left fist where you put them...

When that unhappy, unpleasant experience happened, your mind
understood it from the level of understanding you had at that time...
Now you have a more mature, calmer, more knowledgeable
understanding... Your mind can use that understanding to resolve
that problem in a way that is pleasing to you...

When I count from five down to one, your unconscious mind will
permit you to review, examine, and explore what has been causing
that problem... As you are recalling that experience, all the tension,
anxiety, stress, or strain from that experience will funnel down
through your left shoulder, arm, and forearm into your left fist...
When it's all locked up in your left fist, you will realize that you can
remove it, and get rid of that problem forever... All you need to do is
open your fist... When you open your left fist and let it all go, you will
feel like a big load has been lifted from you... You will feel a strong
sense of joy and confidence... You will be free from all the tension, all
the anxiety, all the stress, all the discomfort, and all the trouble that
have been caused by that experience because you won't need it
anymore, it will have served its purpose, and you will not need it any

I'm going to count from five down to one now and you will recall the
unhappy, unpleasant experience that has been causing that problem.
Five. You will soon be recalling an unhappy, unpleasant experience...
As you recall that unpleasant experience you will clench you left fist
tightly... Four. Even though you are recalling an unpleasant
experience, you will remain calm. As you clench your fist all the
tension, the stress, the strain from that experience is coming into
your fist where you can control it. Three. You will recall that
unpleasant experience vividly and clearly... When all the trouble
caused by that unhappy experience is in your left fist, you will realize

that you can be free from that problem. All you need to do is open
your fist... Two. Your inner mind will be aware of what that
experience had to do with causing your problem, and is enabling you
to get that problem resolved... One. You will recall an unpleasant
experience that had something to do with causing that problem.
Watch for client to close the left fist. Wait until the fist has open to

In a moment I will count from five down to one again. This time as
I’m counting you will begin recalling a happy experience. You will
recall a happy experience that made you feel confident and loved...
You will recall vividly and clearly a time when you felt confident,
needed, loved, accepted, appreciated, healthy and happy... You will
recall that happy experience when I count from five down to one...
As soon as you begin recalling that pleasant experience I want you to
close your right hand into a fist, as a symbol of confidence and
determination... You can trust your right hand, and you can keep that
confident feeling of trust by keeping your right hand closed while you
enjoy remembering that happy experience mentally, emotionally,
spiritually, and probably physically, in the privacy of this room... You
will enjoy remembering that happy experience as soon as I count
from five down to one... You will then squeeze your right fist... Your
right fist is your strong, capable, confident, determined and happy
fist... As soon as you squeeze your right fist, your left fist will relax
completely and you will be free from all the problems caused by the
unhappy, unpleasant experience. The memories from that unhappy
experience will fade away rapidly and will be gone completely by the
time you awaken from the hypnotic state...

When you finish recalling and reliving that happy experience, you will
open your right fist... Then I will give you some additional
suggestions that will be helpful to you...

Five... You will recall a happy, pleasant experience when I reach the
count of one... Four... Three... You will close your right hand into a
fist when you begin recalling that happy experience... Two... When
you finish recalling that happy, pleasant experience you will open
your right fist to let me know you are ready for me to proceed. One...
(Wait for the client’s hand to close and open before proceeding.
Sometimes it may take five or ten minutes for the hand to close.)

(When the client’s hand opens, give client additional suggestion from
another script such as the Building Self-Confidence script.)

There is an oriental fable about some ancient gods who were trying
to decide where to hide the greatest power in the universe so man
would not be able to find it and use it destructively...

One of the gods said, "Let's hide it on top of the highest mountain,"
They discussed that idea and decided it would not do because man
would eventually climb the highest mountain and find that great
power... A second god came up with the idea of hiding the greatest
power at the bottom of the ocean... After another discussion
between the gods, it was decided that man would someday find a
way to investigate the bottom of the ocean... Finally, a third god said,
"I know what to do... Let's hide the greatest power in the universe
within the mind of man... He will never think to look for it there..."
And according to that old fable, they hid the greatest power in the
universe in the mind of man... Even though that is just a fable,
scientific research reveals that the mind of man is truly one of the
greatest powers in the universe...

A very wise teacher, called Jesus came along about two thousand
years ago and revealed that the greatest power of the universe was
in the mind... He let us all know when lie said, "The kingdom of God
is within you." When Jesus made that statement, lie was telling us
that we have within us a tremendous source of knowledge, energy,
power and strength that enables us to accomplish anything we want
to achieve...

That is made even more clear in some other words recorded in the
Bible: "As we think in our mind so are we..." Those words are

informing us that our own power of thought can bring us anything
we want or need... All we have to do is put our thoughts into action...

Most of the situations that come up in our life are created as the
result of thoughts and ideas in our own mind... That means that if
your life has been unpleasant, there is something you can do about
it... You have a wonderful, almost magical transforming power within
you, which can free you from inner fears, and can liberate you
completely from the limitations of failure, misery and frustration...

That's one of the meanings of the words in the Bible that says, "You
can be transformed by the renewing of your mind." As your mind is
renewed with good thoughts, it brings harmony into your life, and
the creativity of your mind responds accordingly...

You are realizing that feelings of depression are caused by thoughts,

ideas, beliefs, opinions, theories or unpleasant experiences that have
made an impression in your mind... However, that ca» be changed by
reprograming your mind in a clear, concise way as we are doing

Your unconscious mind accepts what your conscious mind focuses

on... So, you are directing your attention to the words I'm telling you
now... Everything I'm telling you is going into the unconscious level of
your mind... The unconscious part of your mind is responding by
causing you to put the words I'm telling you into your own actions,
and you will notice the improvement in all areas of your life,
physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually... You are releasing

all tension and anxiety... All stress and strain are gradually slipping
away as you continue relaxing and feeling more at ease...

From this moment on, anytime circumstances or conditions in your

home, in your work or in any social situation of your life become
unpleasant or too pressing, you will go to a quiet place aid relax...

I'm going to give you some suggestions that will enable you to relax
yourself easily, and the more you follow these suggestions, the
calmer and more relaxed you will be during your daily life...

By following these suggestions, it will be easy for you to relax

yourself... All you need to do is sit down or lie fi in a comfortable
position... Then close your eyes and breathe deeply and exhale
slowly five times... Breathing deeply and exhaling slowly brings more
oxygen into your lungs, and each time you exhale, your muscles,
nerves, ligaments and tendons will keep relaxing more completely...
After breathing deeply and exhaling slowly five times, begin counting
backwards in your mind from one hundred... Each time you think a
number in your mind, your entire body will keep feeling calmer and
more relaxed... You will continue feeling a more peaceful, soothing
calmness throughout your entire body...

During those moments that you are relaxing, the suggestions and
instructions I have told you will become more deeply reinforced in
your mind... They will cause you to feel more peaceful, calmer and
more at ease...

You are continuing to relax even more now... Feel the peace and love
of God flowing through every part of your being... You are relaxing
and letting go... Notice the muscles around your eyes relaxing even
more now... All the muscles around your eyes are relaxing„, and that
relaxation is moving around your face, into your forehead, your scalp
and down the back of your head into your neck...
You are feeling calmer and more peaceful as that relaxation is
moving into your shoulders, your arms and into your hands... You are
feeling a soothing drowsiness coming over your entire body now...
That soothing calmness and relaxation is moving into your spine and
back... It is coining around and into your chest... You are feeling more
peaceful and your thoughts are becoming more harmonious and
pleasant... Your stomach is relaxing, and you can feel that relaxation
moving into your abdomen... You are experiencing a sense of peace
and contentment... You are feeling joy and happiness coming over
you, as you realize how easily you can be relaxed and calm...

Your hips are relaxing... That calmness is moving into your thighs,
and down into your legs and feet... Now you know that you can relax
yourself, and you can use these principles of relaxation during your
daily life... That enables you to think more clearly... It makes it easier
for you to concentrate... From now on, anytime it seems that people
around you are difficult to get along with, you will be calm and
relaxed and will be able to handle the situation in a peaceful, loving

If your plans don't go the way you expected them to, you will remain
peaceful and serene... Even during those times when everything
seems to be in a state of confusion, you remain calm and relaxed...
You will be able to think clearly, and be able to handle the situation
with poise and confidence...

Regardless of where you are or what you are doing, you will find that
more and more, day by day, you will be calm and relaxed, and will be
able to cope with your everyday changing circumstances...

You are realizing that it is a waste of time to worry about things that
happen... Instead of worrying, you will use your ability to think, and
will be able to work out a peaceful solution to any problem that
comes up in your life... You are understanding that you are a spiritual
being, created by God... As a spiritual being you have intelligence and
wisdom that can release you from all anxiety and confusion... You
will trust the love and goodness of God to help you solve every
problem that comes up in your life... You feel the love and goodness
of God setting you free from all mistakes of the past... The love of
God is releasing you from all guilt, and is cleansing your mind, soul
and body...

You are beginning to feel a pure stream of God's love flowing though
you, cleansing, healing, purifying and restoring your mind and body...

Divine order is being established in all of your activities and


You are feeling a good response in your body as you are being
strengthened and renewed with energy, vitality and enthusiasm...

You are needed... You are important... And you are fulfilling God's
plan and purpose in your own special way...

Each day your self-confidence keeps increasing, and you continue

living your life with a greater feeling of poise, peacefulness and
joy...You are open and receptive to all the good flowing into your
life... You are becoming more perfectly attuned to the beauty and
harmony of the universe... You are filled with a sense of well-being
and joy.

It is highly desirable for everyone to learn to relax... We are living in a
world that is filled with tensions, and those tensions are responsible
for many of the problems in our lives... By learning how to be calm
and relaxed during your daily life, you will achieve a happier, more
productive life... You will be more stable emotionally, and that will
automatically cause your health to improve... It will also increase
your strength and vitality... You will be able to do the things you
need to do to be more successful in all areas of your life...

You are how in a deep, comfortable, restful hypnotic state of

relaxation... As I talk to you, you will continue moving into a more
peaceful state of relaxation...

The unconscious part of your mind is aware of every word I'm saying,
and your unconscious mind is accepting each suggestion and
instruction as your conscious mind continues relaxing more and

The suggestions I'm telling you are being received by the

unconscious levels of your mind... They are becoming a normal part
of your life... They will begin working immediately, and will keep
becoming more effective each day...

You want to be emotionally stable... You want to be calm and relaxed

in every situation that comes up in your life, so your unconscious
mind is accepting my suggestions because everything I'm telling you
is designed to help you live a happier, healthier, more productive

Many times, during your life you have signed your name to
agreements pledging to do something such as pay a regular monthly
payment, or be a member of a certain organization, or be married to
a specific person, or work at a particular job... You signed your name
to binding contracts and agreements because it was the only thing
you could do at that time to obtain something you considered
necessary at the time... Probably all of those agreements were made
with other people, but now I want you to make an agreement with
yourself... I want you to make an agreement that will benefit you in
many ways...

This is the most important agreement you will ever make, and I want
you to make this agreement because it will improve your life in
numerous ways... It will increase your self-confidence... It will cause
your creative and mental abilities to keep emerging more each day...
It will improve your health... It will enable you to be in control of
your emotions... It will increase your feeling of calmness and

during your daily life... It will enable you to think more clearly... And
it will automatically bring you a greater sense of joy and happiness...
The agreement I want you to make is to let the unconscious part of
your mind accept the suggestions and directions I'm giving you so
that your nerves will be more relaxed and steadier, and you will be
able to do everything in a relaxed way... In other words, you will
keep becoming more stable emotionally and you will be able to make
wise decisions that will lead to a happier, healthier, fuller and more
productive life...

Are you willing to make this agreement and promise to yourself
now? (Pause and wait for an answer.)

Very good... Now, you are continuing to relax even more... You are in
a perfect state of relaxation now, and your unconscious mind is
accepting these concepts that will improve your life in many ways...

You have bound yourself to an agreement that will produce

successful action, successful performance, greater production, and
more outstanding accomplishments in your life...

From now on, when there is something you want to do or need to

do, you will take the initiative and get it done... You will keep having
a greater determination and motivation to set up goals to achieve...
And you will take the proper action and do the things you need to do
to achieve those goals in a loving, caring way...

Your desire and determination to complete your goals will keep

increasing, and this will give you the energy and vitality you need to
accomplish your goals... You will continually react and respond to
situations and circumstances with calmness and confidence...

Every day you will keep becoming emotionally calmer... You will be
more stable, more sett1ed„, and you will do everything in a relaxed
way... You are rapidly becoming the person you have always wanted
to be: Self-confident, self-sufficient, acceptable, dependable, and
successful in everything you do...

You will set up goals of things you want to achieve... You will make
wise plans and decisions of ways to achieve your goals, and then you
will put your plans into action... As you do this, your hope and
expectation keep increasing... It will release the potential that is
within you... Your talents, skills, and abilities will progress, and you
will know you are capable of achieving your goals... That will cause
your life to be more enjoyable... Your feelings of happiness will keep
increasing, and your day- to-day living is more pleasurable...
You are anticipating great accomplishments as you keep becoming
more stable and more settled each day...

Anytime you face any difficulties or problems, you will remember

that there is always a solution... You will be calm and relaxed and you
will be able to think clearly and work out the solution in a logical,
peaceful, loving way...

You will decide what is causing the problem, and you will be able to
decide regarding the best answer... Then you will be able to handle
the problem wisely and efficiently... You will turn all problems into

You are continuing to relax as my suggestions and directions are

going into the unconscious part of your mind, and they will
progressively have a greater influence over you... Everything I'm
telling you is becoming a normal and natural part of your life...

Each day you will keep becoming calmer and more relaxed... That
will enable you to concentrate your mind more sharply and

intensely... You will be able to evaluate situations more thoroughly
and completely... You will be able to make wise decisions easi1y„,
And you will be more efficient and more effective in everything you
do... It
will be a cycle of progress that keeps growing stronger each day...

All of these suggestions and directions are now in your mind... They
are a part of you, and will be used automatically by you to make your
life happier, emotionally calmer, more productive, more useful, and
more successful...

You are now able to maintain poise and harmony in the midst of
changing circumstances... You will be more peaceful and serene, and
you will experience a state of emotional stability that is pleasing to

One of the most important goals in life is to continue progressing
physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually... I'm sure you want
to continue becoming a better person, and you will be happy to
notice that you keep developing increased self-confidence, self-
reliance, self-assurance, and are rapidly becoming the person you
desire to be...

You are realizing consciously and subconsciously that you were

created by the same Creator that created every other person on this
earth, and you have outstanding potential... You have the ability to
be highly successful...

A college campus in Minnesota had a beautiful greenhouse on its

property... It had shining glass, and the sunlight came through to
almost every area inside the greenhouse... The air was moist and
warm and everywhere a person could see, there were shelves full of
plants, and there were hundreds of plants hanging from the sides
and from many parts of the ceiling... In addition, there were big pots
on the floor, with beautiful, fragrant, blooming, leafing, plants of all
kinds... There were long rows of flowers of one colour, and next to
them were rows of flowers of another colour...

If you stood very still, it seemed like you could almost hear the plants
and flowers growing... Every place you looked inside the greenhouse,
you could see, and smell, and feel the wonder of growing plants and

The college had a full-time gardener who carefully took care of all
those living plants and flowers: Watering, pruning, transplanting,
weeding, and even feeding those beautiful, living plants and

One day he selected a batch of choice seedlings, put each seedling in

a little pot of its own, and put them on a ledge in a special place...
Each day he would check them, making sure they were well tended
as they were taking root and establishing themselves as healthy,
strong plants...

Unknown to the gardener, one of the plants had slipped off the end
of the shelf and had dropped down behind a barricade of large pots
and plants that completely hid it from view... It remained there in the
semi-darkness, undiscovered... Its leaves and its stein did not grow
well because there wasn't much light back behind the large pots and
the plants that overshadowed it... Because there was lots of
moisture in the greenhouse, the little plant was getting some
moisture, and even though it seemed to be stunted, as far as its
outward growth, it did grow a huge and vigorously strong root
system... In fact, the root system grew so big and strong that it soon
outgrew the

confines of the little pot... It was actually cramped and choking in the
confines of the little pot... By that time, the other plants had been
taken from their little seedling pots and put into big, free, warm
earth and were growing big and strong... But the poor little seedling,
hidden in the semi-dark, seemed as though it was doomed...

One day a couple came to see the green house, and they brought
their young son with them... His curiosity caused him to be looking
everywhere in the greenhouse... He was feeling leaves, examining
the plants closely, and he moved one just enough to notice a little
brown stem peeking through from the cluster of big pots... He picked
up the little seedling in its tiny cramped pot, and said to the
gardener, "I think this tiny little plant was lost..."

The gardener glanced at the plant and said, "Just throw it in the trash
over there." But the young boy, noticing that there was some green
at the base of the dirt, asked if lie could have it... "Of course," said
the gardener, "but why don't you let me give you a good one." The
boy said, "Thanks, but I'd like to see if I can save this one... "

"Okay," the gardener replied, and turned away to do something

else... The young boy took the plant home, broke the pot away from
the roots, and was amazed to see that big, strong roots had
developed, and the root system seemed very much alive... So, lie
found a place, half-shade and half-sunlight in a bed of rich soil with
lots of room... He made a place in that soil, and set the roots firmly,
yet separated them and spread them out so they had plenty of
room... Then he dropped fresh soil around them, and gently pressed
the earth so the roots were secure, yet free to grow in all

in a few weeks a sturdy, leafing stem emerged, and the plant

continued growing, as the boy carefully watered it, and became
more excited each day as lie noticed each new leaf appear and finally
buds began to appear... When the flowers finally came though, it was

even more beautiful than all the other plants that had been raised in
the greenhouse, because its root system was so strong...

You are becoming more aware each day that you have an
outstanding root system... You have many times more mental and
physical ability than you have been consciously aware of... You have
the mental and physical ability to be an outstanding success, so you
are continuing to progress by putting your mental, physical and
creative abilities into action...

You are already sensing increased enthusiasm about the fact that
you have the ability to set up goals, and you have the ability to
achieve every goal you set for yourself...

You will be happy to notice the way you continue progressing and
improving in all areas of your life... You are proceeding with greater
confidence and greater determination to perform the actions needed
to be successful and prosperous...

By conducting your activities wisely and lovingly, you will

automatically use good judgment in making decisions... You will find
that you have the ability to handle every situation that comes up as
you proceed with the activities required to achieve a full and
productive life.

Now that you have learned how to relax, you are going to be able to
use that ability to enlarge your breasts, and to improve yourself in
many other ways...

You can automatically be more relaxed and more at ease during your
daily life... That will allow all of the processes of your body to
function properly... Every part of your body will reshape itself exactly
the way you want your body to be...

You are responding good to everything I tell you and now you have a
better understanding of the power of your unconscious mind... You
realize that when you imagine something in your conscious mind
that the unconscious part of your mind causes your physical body to
respond to what you imagine...

Now you can use that principle to cause your breasts to enlarge
gradually, and you
can develop every part of your body the way you want your body to

I want you to use your imagination again now... Tits time I want you
to imagine yourself with a perfect body, exactly the way you want
your body to be... Third of yourself with a slender waist, and with
your stomach and abdomen flat, smooth and firm... Imagine your
hips and buttocks smooth and perfectly developed... Think of your
thighs and legs slim and trim... Think of your arms slim and trim...
Imagine your back strong and slender, and your face and neck

slender and smooth... imagine your skin clear, beautiful and youthful
looking„, and all of your muscles firm and perfectly developed...

Now think of your breasts full and round and firm, both breasts
exactly the same size, and perfectly developed... Imagine your body
beautiful and perfect, with full, firm, perfectly developed breasts...

That image of your body is becoming implanted in the unconscious

level of your mind... Your mind is causing all of the processes and
activities of your body to keep functioning more perfectly and shape
your body the way you want it to be...

Every night, just before you go to sleep, close your eyes for a couple
of minutes and imagine your body the way you want your body to
be... As you continue doing that, your mind will cause you to develop
a beautiful, perfect body, the way you want your body to be...

Everything I’m telling you is already happening, and your

unconscious mind is continuing to help you develop a more perfect
body... Your appearance is continuing to improve more each day,
and you will be happy to find your self-confidence and self-
acceptance is also increasing more each day...

Your mind knows the foods you need to eat to enable you to develop
a slender body with full, round, smooth, firm breasts... And your
mind is controlling your appetite, causing you to eat only the right
foods, and the right amount of foods your body needs to be slender,
healthy and strong, with full, firm, round, smooth breasts...

Your eating habits are changing to meet the needs of your body...
You eat only when your body needs food... And you eat only foods
needed by your body to provide the proper proteins, vitamins and
minerals, fibre and potassium and other nutrients needed to keep
your body healthy and strong... As soon as you begin to eat, you will
start feeling content and satisfied, and the moment you have eaten
the amount needed by your body at that time, you will feel perfectly
content and satisfied... From now on you eat only when your body
needs food, and you eat only the small amount needed by your body
at that time...

The growth processes in your breasts are remembering how to

function properly, and are continuing to enlarge your breasts until
they are full and firm, exactly the way you want them to be...

Your circulatory system is carrying the proper amount of

nourishment to your breasts, causing the size of your breasts to
increase until they are the way you want them to be... You will be
very pleased to notice your breasts gradually enlarging, and you will
be proud of your accomplishment...

Before reaching maturity, you had no breast development... When
you started maturing, your hormones and the other processes of
your body began changing and your breasts started enlarging...
However, that process stopped too soon... It stopped before your
breasts became a full, well-developed, satisfactory size in proportion
with the rest of your body...

The unconscious part of your mind is understanding that you desire

your breasts to be fuller and firmer, so the unconscious level of your
mind is directing your body processes to reactivate the growth
activities in your breasts and cause your breasts to enlarge and
become perfectly proportioned to the rest of your body...

Beginning right now the processes in your body responsible for the
growth of your breasts are functioning properly to increase the size
of your breasts... The enlargement will continue until your breasts
are full, firm, smooth and round, exactly the way you want them to

The circulation of your blood is improving in the area of your

breasts... Your blood stream is carrying increased nourishment to the
tissues of your breasts... There may be times when you feel a
pleasant warmth and perhaps mild tingling sensations in your
breasts... That is perfectly normal... You will merely be experiencing
the pleasant increase in the growth of your breasts...

These suggestions and instructions are going into the unconscious

level of your mind, and your mind is causing the processes of your

body to function properly and increase the size of your breasts... It is
perfectly normal and natural for you to have fully developed, firm,
smooth, round breasts... Your body processes are functioning
properly to provide the nourishment needed in your breasts to cause
them to grow fuller and more perfectly, until they are exactly the
way you want them to be...

If you had corn seed hid away in some closet of your home, it could
lay there for years and never grow... Yet if you found that seed and
planted it and nourished it properly it would grow beautiful ears of

Your breasts are comparable to that seed that has been hidden
away... For some reason your breasts did not receive the proper
nourishment to enable them to grow when you started maturing...
Now your hormones and the other processes of your body are
functioning properly, so your breasts will grow properly until they
are full and firm the way you want them to be...

Now, you have a better understanding of the power of your

unconscious mind, and I want you to use your imagination again...
This time I want you imagine your body being beautiful, perfectly
developed, with your breasts full, firm, smooth, and round, exactly
the way you want them to be...

Think of yourself standing naked in front of a full-length mirror... See

your body, including your breasts perfectly developed... Imagine your
feet, legs and thighs being beautiful and perfectly developed... Now
see your abdomen and stomach flat and smooth and perfect...
imagine your waist slim and trim, exactly the way you want your

waist... See and feel your breasts full, firm, round and smooth,
exactly the way you want your breasts to be... See your shoulders
and arms slender and trim and perfect...

Get that image in your mind clearly... It is becoming firmly implanted

in the unconscious part of your mind, and your mind is causing it to
happen... You are experiencing very pleasant changes taking place...
Your breasts continue enlarging
until they are exactly the way you want them to be...

Each night, just before you go to sleep, I want you to close your eyes
for a couple of minutes and visualize yourself exactly the way you
want your body to be... That image will keep becoming clearer and
more real in your mind each night and the unconscious part of your
mind is causing it to happen...

As you continue doing that each night, the unconscious part of your
mind and all other levels of your inner mind are cooperating and are
causing your body processes to function properly... Your breasts are
becoming more full and firm, exactly the way you want them to be...

Every cell, every atom and every molecule of your body are
continuing to function more perfectly... Your skin keeps becoming
more flawless, more smooth and more clear... You continue
developing a more perfect, more beautiful body... You will be quite
happy as you notice your body reshaping itself perfectly, and your
breasts becoming more full and firm...

Your self-confidence and self-acceptance keep increasing,
and you will be more successful in all other areas of your life... These
suggestions and instructions are now in your mind firmly and
permanently... They keep becoming more effective each day...

Every time you inhale deeply, you are experiencing the tissues in
your breasts being nourished and stimulated to grow until they have
developed exactly the way you want them to be...

You will enjoy a wonderful feeling of well-being throughout your

entire body... you will continue feeling more alive and more happy
with yourself... It is a cycle of progress that keeps growing stronger
each day, and you will be proud of your continuous improvement,
physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.

Your unconscious mind is open and is receiving the suggestions and
instructions I'm telling you now... Everything I say is going into the
unconscious part of your mind, and your mind is causing your body
to respond automatically, easily, and comfortably...

Before reaching maturity, your body was developing and growing

taller, however, the process stopped before you reached the height
you desire for yourself... So, we want the unconscious part of your
mind to cause those same process to start working again... Beginning
right now, your unconscious mind is directing your body cells to
rejuvenate the growth processes of your organism so you will grow

You are realizing that you have the capability of achieving any goal
you set for yourself, including the goal of adding more height to your
body... You know that you were once a very small baby, but through
the years you grew taller... Sometimes the growth of your body was
gradual... At other times it was more rapid... During those periods of
growth your body added new cells, new tissues, longer blood vessels,
stronger muscles, and everything else you needed to cause you to
grow taller...

You are as capable of growing taller now as you were when you were
a child... You have all the organs, all the chemicals, and all of the
ingredients needed in your body to add inches to your height, and
your mind contains all the knowledge needed to add inches to your
height... You can build new cells, new tissues, stronger muscles, and
everything else you need to grow a taller, healthier, stronger body...

Scientists have found that each cell of your body effortlessly
performs functions that the world's most outstanding chemists,
medical doctors, or experimenters have never been able to
duplicate... All of those body processes are directed through the
guidance of your unconscious mind... Your own mind is directing the
cells of your body to be activated properly to increase the growth of
your body until it has achieved the exact height you desire...

Now, you have a better understanding of the power of your

unconscious mind...
As you continue relaxing and moving into a deeper, more peaceful
hypnotic state, I want you to imagine yourself growing taller, adding
new tissues, stronger muscles, and developing a perfect body,
exactly the way you want your body to be in every respect...

See yourself the way you want your body to be: Taller, more robust,
healthier and stronger... You are already beginning to achieve that
new growth... It will continue gradually until you are as tall as you
desire to be...

The unconscious part of your mind understands that you want to be

taller... It is cooperating by causing your body processes to function
properly to build new cells, stronger muscles, new tissues, and that
growth will continue in every part of your body until your body is
exactly the way you want it to be...

Your happiness will increase as you notice your body growing taller...
Each fraction of an inch you grow, your confidence will increase, and

you will be more encouraged to continue progressing in all other
areas of your life...

Each night, just before you go to sleep, close your eyes and think of
the way you want to look... The more you think about the way you
want to look, the more strongly that image will become embedded in
your mind, and your unconscious mind will cause your body to
develop exactly the way you want it to be...

Imagine yourself as being tall, and strong, and in perfect health... The
more you do that, the more your unconscious mind will cooperate
and help you achieve your goal...

As you continue adding height to your body, you will exercise your
muscles so they will grow stronger, and they will support your
additional growth perfectly... The exercise can be done easily in a
relaxed state such as you are in now... To experience how you can
exercise and strengthen your muscles and cause your body to grow
taller, do what I tell you now: Stretch all of the muscles in your body,
from your head all the way down to the bottom of your feet... Keep
stretching until you have made yourself as tall as you possibly can...
Imagine that you are adding inches to your height as you stretch...
Stretch every part of your body, including your arms, your hands,
your fingers and toes...

As I count to three, keep stretching more with each number I say...

One... Keep stretching your muscles now... Feel yourself growing
taller... Two... Stretch even more... You are growing taller... Thee...
Really stretch now, and hold that tall feeling until I count back to

one, then let your muscles relax completely... Three, two, one... Let
your muscles relax completely now...

Keep practicing that exercise each day, and you will continue
growing taller... Your muscle tone will improve, and your ligaments,
tendons, and all other parts of your body will strengthen to support
your new growth...

There are other ways you can help increase your growth... As you
walk, always hold yourself erect... Keep your shoulders straight, and
hold your abdomen in... As you do this, you will notice that you are
more in command of your appearance...

You will be proud of yourself... You will keep a good posture when
you are sitting and walking... Good posture allows your body to
function more easily and keeps improving your health...

Your strength, energy, and vitality will keep increasing, and you will
be pleased with your progress as you keep growing taller and
healthier each day.

As l'm talking to you now, you can continue moving into a deeper,
more peaceful, more comfortable hypnotic state of relaxation... The
unconscious part of your mind is sensitive to everything I'm telling
you and your unconscious mind is causing each suggestion I tell you
to begin working immediately, and continue working automatically
as you go about your daily activities...

Your eating habits and patterns of eating are improving more each
day... You have an appetite that enables you to enjoy the food you
eat so much that you are completely satisfied with a small amount of
food... You eat only what your body needs to keep you healthy and
slender... You eat just the right amount needed by your body at that
time and then you stop... You know intuitively when you have eaten
the right amount to keep your body slim and trim and healthy... You
always chew your food thoroughly, transforming it into a smooth
paste and then swallowing it... Your food will always digest properly,
and your assimilation system is functioning properly causing your
body to make perfect use of the food you eat to create blood,
muscle, strength, energy and vitality...

Digesting your food properly also causes your elimination system to

function normally, and you have a normal, natural cleansing of
the’waste products and waste materials from your body every
morning when you awaken and go to your bathroom...

Every night, when you desire to sleep, you can easily drift into a
deep, peaceful state of sleep, and sleep comfortably until it is time
for you to awaken... You will always be calm, peaceful and relaxed

when you are sleeping, and you will awaken each morning feeling
rested and refreshed...

When you dream, your dreams will always be pleasant... When you
awaken, your mind will be alert... You can feel healthy and strong,
and look forward to the activities of the day... You will continue
experiencing many other benefits... Your will-power and self-control
keep increasing... You will be happy and cheerful... You will be calm
and relaxed in every situation or circumstance that comes up in your

All of your body organs do their work perfectly... Your heart keeps
pumping properly, and your circulatory system keeps functioning
properly... Your lungs continue becoming cleaner and healthier and
doing their work better, enabling you to always breathe easily and

Your stomach, your intestines, your liver, your kidneys, your bladder
and all of your glands perform their activities correctly... Your
digestive system, your metabolism, and all other processes of your
body are continuing to function more perfectly... Your self-
confidence, self-acceptance, self-reliance and self-esteem keep
growing stronger each day... You will have confidence in yourself, in
your work and other activities... You keep becoming more aware of
that tremendous power which is within you... You realize that you
are capable of doing anything you decide to do... You can set goals
for yourself, and you have the ability to achieve the goals you set...
Whenever you have a job to do, or a task to perform, you will think

of it as being easy, and you will work out a wise way to accomplish it

(Follow this prescription with another prescription that gives more

specific suggestions on what the client wants to accomplish.)

Now you have a better understanding of the power of your
unconscious mind... You can realize that when you imagine
something in your conscious mind, your unconscious mind causes
your physical body to respond to what you imagine... You can use
that principle to help reduce your body to a level that is pleasing to
you, and you can actually help yourself develop a perfect body,
exactly the way you want your body to be...

I want you to use your imagination now and pretend that you have a
perfect body, exactly the way you want your body to be... Get that
clearly in your mind... Think of yourself slender and trim, firm and
strong... Think of yourself with a slender waist, with your stomach
and abdomen flat and firm... Imagine your hips, thighs and legs
slender and trim... (For women: Think of your breasts as being full
and firm, exactly the way you want your breasts to be.) Imagine your
skin as smooth and youthful, and your muscles firm and perfectly

As you think of yourself that way, with a perfect body, that image
becomes implanted in the unconscious level of your mind... Your
unconscious mind causes the processes and activities of your body to
function properly and shape your body exactly the way you want it
to be...

As easily as your unconscious mind caused (you to respond to the

technique we used before we started this part of the session,) your
unconscious mind is causing your entire body to respond to the
suggestions I'm telling you now, and your body is reducing to

pounds in an easy, natural way, without any conscious effort by

You are getting rid of all excess fat and fluid from your body... All
excess fat and fluid are being cleansed from your body in an easy,
natural way, through the normal processes of your elimination

Your confidence is increasing, and you realize that you are achieving
your goal of having a slender, trim body reduced to the level of

Every night, just before you go to sleep, close your eyes for a couple
of minutes and imagine yourself with a perfect body... As you keep
doing that, you reinforce that image in your unconscious mind, and
your unconscious mind causes it to happen...
You get rid of all excess fat and fluid, and your body reduces to

You are continuing to move into a more peaceful hypnotic state of

relaxation... All the suggestions I'm telling you are already working,
and your unconscious mind causes them to continue to be more
effective each day...

Your unconscious mind knows that there are certain foods your body
needs to keep you healthy and strong and still slenderize your body...
Your unconscious mind also knows how to control your appetite. And
your mind is causing you to always eat only foods that are needed by
your body to provide energy, strength and vitality to all of your

muscles, nerves, ligaments, tendons, bones and to every cell of your

From this moment on your will-power and self-control are becoming

stronger... That is causing you to eat only foods your body needs to
keep improving your health and slenderize your body to pounds...

You have a tremendous desire to reduce your body... That desire is

so strong that your unconscious mind is cooperating by causing you
to be very selective in the foods you eat... You can eat foods that are
needed by your body... You can eat only when your body needs
food... You can enjoy the foods you eat so much that a small amount
of food will cause you to feel content and satisfied... You can eat only
the amount of food your body needs to keep you healthy... After you
have eaten the amount of food your body needs, you can be
perfectly content, and have no desire to eat until your body needs
food again... You can eat enough to keep you healthy and strong, and
you can be completely satisfied by eating only the small amount your
body needs to reduce your body to pounds... Then your body will
remain at that level...

You desire, choose, and eat only those foods you need to provide the
nourishment your body needs to keep your body healthy and strong
and reduce your body to pounds...

Your eating habits are changing to meet the needs of your body...
You eat only when your body needs food, and you eat only foods
that are good for your body to keep you healthy and get rid of the
excess fat and fluid from your body...

Your body can be slim and trim, and you can notice the improvement
as you go about your daily activities... That will cause your
confidence to keep increasing, because you know your body is
reducing to the level of pounds...

You keep feeling better each day... Your energy, your strength, and
your vitality keep increasing, and you can enjoy doing exercise that
best fits your particular capabilities...

Your appearance keeps improving, and you can notice an

improvement in your health... That enables you to live a longer,
happier, healthier life... It keeps increasing your feeling of self-worth,
and helps you to continue liking yourself better... You can be an
inspiration to other people who will notice what you have
accomplished... It can increase your determination to be successful
in all other areas of your life and enable you to conquer every
challenging problem that comes up in your life...

Reducing your body can improve your love life with your chosen
partner, by making you more physically attractive and more
sensitive... When you make love with your chosen partner, you will
be presenting a more beautiful body, a more sensuous body, and you
can be proud of the body you have to share with the partner of your

Your body is reducing to pounds, and then your body will remain at
that level...

Every time you look at water you become calm and relaxed... You
become more and more successful at doing everything in a relaxed
way... You remain peaceful and calm for at least eight hours every
time you look at water... Your nerves can continue becoming more
relaxed and steady... You keep becoming emotionally calmer... and
that causes your self-confidence, your self-reliance, your self-
acceptance and your self-esteem to keep increasing, and you
become more efficient and effective in your work and iii everything
else you do...

All of these suggestions and instructions are in the unconscious level

of your mind, and they keep becoming more effective each day...
After this session is over, all of the suggestions I have told you can
continue to work automatically, and you can be extremely happy
with your success in developing a perfect body.

“Many people who are overweight do not know what is to feel
"hungry..." Studies have revealed that most overweight people are
so unaware of some of the sensations of their body that they eat in
response to a variety of external signals rather than in response to an
internal sense of being hungry...

For example: A lot of people look at their watch or look at a clock

and see that it is 12 o'clock and they eat whether they are hungry or
not... They eat according to a set time rather than waiting until they
are hungry to eat... Some of those same people will go visit a friend
and the friend offers them food and they eat, not because they are
hungry, but because they were offered food... They eat dinner
because it is the time they usually eat dinner... They don't even
consider the fact that they May not be hungry... They sit down to
watch TV and they eat because they developed the habit of eating as
they watch TV...

If you have been doing any of those things, that habit is changing,
beginning right now... You have a tiny gland in your brain called the
appestat gland... The purpose of that gland is to let you know when
your body heeds food... It also lets you know when your body has
eaten the amount needed to keep you healthy and strong, and slim
and trim...

That gland is capable of functioning perfectly... So, the unconscious

level of your mind is sending directions to that gland, causing that
appestat gland to be rejuvenated and is functioning properly... From
now on your unconscious mind will be aware of the responses of

your body, and you will eat only when your body needs food, and
you can be very selective of the foods you eat...

The part of your mind that controls the processes of your body
knows that the purpose for eating is to provide the nourishment
your body needs to remain healthy and strong... So, from now on
you select only foods that are beneficial for your body... You are
perfectly content and completely satisfied by eating only the small
amount your body needs to continue becoming healthier and to be
slim and trim at the level of pounds...

About ten minutes before eating, you can drink a glass or two of
water, knowing that water helps your food to digest properly...
Water is also beneficial in many other ways... It enables your
elimination system to function properly and cleanse waste products
and waste materials out of your body in an easy, natural way...
Water keeps your kidneys healthy and helps keep your urination
system clean„, so you can really enjoy drinking lots of water...
I want you to use your imagination now... imagine that you are
dining at the home of a close friend, and the hostess has prepared a
beautiful, delicious looking meal aid set it down in front of you...
Look at that meal and notice how good it looks... Smell the
wonderful food, and notice the pleasant fragrance... You are looking
at the food and you are deciding which small portions you can select
that can benefit your body, and be sufficient to take care of the
needs of nourishment your body needs...

Now you put a small portion of those foods that are healthy for your
body on your plate... You are very selective, because you eat only the
right foods for your body...

Now you pick up your fork and your knife, if you need your knife, and
you select the best-looking bite... You remember that the first bite is
the best and most tasty because your taste buds are fresh... You put
that small bite into your mouth and you put your knife and fork
down... You are taking your time... You are chewing that bite
thoroughly... You are really enjoying the delicious flavour of the
food... You are taking your time and you are noticing the texture, of
the food as you continue chewing the food until all the pleasurable
flavour is gone, then you swallow the food...

You had put your knife and fork down because you are taking your
time... Before picking your knife and fork up, you take a sip of water,
and then you decide to have a
sip of whatever else you are drinking with your meal... Perhaps it's a
small glass of juice or wine... A small sip is sufficient... You roll it on
your tongue, noticing the
taste, and then you swallow it... You continue on through the entire
meal, taking your time, chewing your food thoroughly, and eating
only until you feel satisfied and comfortable...

As soon as you have eaten the small amount of food needed by your
body, you stop... You have no desire to eat until your body needs
food again...

That's the way you want it to be from now on... Your unconscious
mind is cooperating... And from now on that's the way you eat your
meals... You eat only when your body needs food, and you eat only
the small amount of food your body needs at that time... When you

have eaten what your body needs to keep you healthy and cause you
to continue becoming slimmer and trimmer, you are content and
satisfied until your body needs food again...

From now on you are very selective of the foods you eat... You make
certain that you eat only foods that are right for your body.

You are deeply relaxed and peaceful... You can continue relaxing
even more as I talk to you... You don't need to consciously listen to
what I am saying right now, because the unconscious part of your
mind, and all levels of your inner mind are cooperating by receiving
my words... Your mind is enabling you to respond to the suggestions
and instructions I tell you...

You can be pleased to find that the processes of your body are
functioning properly, causing all excess cellulite and fat in your body
to dissolve and become a liquid... It is being cleansed out of your
body through the normal, natural processes of your elimination

You can also be happy to notice that you eat only small amounts of
food... You eat only when your body needs food...’Your stomach is
gradually shrinking to the proper size to reduce your body to

It's normal for you to eat only when your body needs food... And it's
normal for you to eat only the small amount of food your body needs
to keep becoming healthier and more slender, exactly the way you
consciously want your body to be...

Your self-confidence and self-acceptance keep increasing more each

day... Your will-power and self-control are becoming stronger... And
without any conscious effort by you, your stomach is shrinking to the
proper size to hold only the right amount of food to keep your
natural pound body healthy and slender and strong...

If your body does not heed food, you have no desire to eat... When
your body does need food, you eat only the small amount needed by
your body at that time... When you have eaten the amount your
body needs, you feel content, happy and perfectly satisfied...

(I want you to hold you left arm straight out in front of you and
clench your fist... Make your arm stiff and rigid... Clench your fist
tighter now and make your arm more rigid... Make your arm as rigid
and stiff as you can... Notice how strong and powerful your arm is...
Feel the power in your muscles...

Now, let your arm relax... Let all the muscles in your arm be
completely relaxed...
You are doing real good... You are responding perfectly...
Now I want you to do the same thing again... Stretch your left arm
out in front of you and make a fist... Make your left arm rigid and
stiff... Make your arm even stiffer and more rigid than you did the
first time... Make your arm so stiff and rigid that you feel it aching...
Notice your left arm aching as you continue making it stiffer and
more rigid.

When you have your left arm aching so much that you don't like that
feeling, let your arm relax... (Pause until the client relaxes the arm,
then proceed as follows:)

I want to explain something now that the conscious part of your

mind is understanding... You made your left arm rigid and stiff two
times... The actions to do that were the same each time... The first

time you made your arm stiff and rigid, you did not feel any pain, did
you? (Pause for response.) Didn't I tell you to make your arm as stiff
and rigid as you could make it the first time?? (Pause for response.)
You made your arm as rigid as you could make it the first time, but
you did not feel any pain, because I did not tell you to ’experience
pain the first time... The second time you made your arm stiff, I told
you to experience an aching feeling, and you felt IT…….
You are understanding that it's all a matter of the way your mind
interprets they signal it receives... Just as easily as your mind caused
you to experience pain the second time you made your arm stiff,
your stomach can send a signal to your mind and let you know the
moment you have eaten the amount of food your body needs that
time... You are learning to respond to the normal feelings of your
your body needs food, your stomach will let you know by causing
you to feel hungry... Whenever you experience that hunger feeling,
you will know it is time to eat some food to provide the proper
nutrition needed by your body at that time... As soon as you have
eaten the amount your body needs at that time, you will feel
satisfied, and the hunger feeling will be gone until your body needs
food again...

You eat only when your stomach lets you know your body needs
food... You eat only the small amount needed by your body at that
time... When you have eaten the amount, your body needs at that
time, you are content and satisfied... You are confident your stomach
will let you know when your body needs food...

Your stomach is shrinking because your body is reducing... You

continue needing a smaller amount of food to provide the nutrition

your body needs... You can be happy noticing that your entire body is
becoming more slender, trimmer and more perfectly proportioned...
Your body is becoming the way you consciously want it to be...

Your body is getting thinner, Grimmer and more slender, and that is
inspiring to you... It gives you a good feeling... The fact that your
stomach is shrinking enough to reduce your body to pounds and
then keep your body at the level of pounds causes you to feel very

Each day your self-confidence and self-acceptance keep increasing,

and you continue liking and loving yourself more... You are proud of
your accomplishment.

Our image of the way our bodies should look has been determined
by our environment and our experience... That image has been
reinforced by identifying with our parents, our relatives and our
friends... We have also been influenced by advertisements, movies,
statements by doctors, teachers, and other sources that have caused
us to lose our identification of the reality of who we really are...

This causes us to move into adulthood always wishing we were taller

or shorter, more slender or more robust, feeling and believing that
our bodies can and should be different... Those feelings and beliefs
cause us to abuse our bodies in an effort to try and make them

Some people starve their bodies... Others try to change their bodies
by neglecting certain foods... Others take pills... Some do all kinds of
exercises... People do all kind of things in an effort to change their

It is important to learn to regard your body as an ally, as a friend...

Your body is a friend... Your body is willing to carry you though life in
spite of everything you do to
abuse it...

This mental exercise that I want you to do how will be exceptionally

helpful in enabling you to develop your normal, beautiful, slender,
slim, trim, healthy, strong body... As you are doing this mental
exercise, I want you to observe your body as though you are looking

at your body through the eyes of a very close, loving, supportive

Continue breathing easily and freely how, as you keep relaxing more
peacefully, and respond automatically to the suggestions, ideas, and
thoughts I'm telling you... Notice your body now... Notice the
position of your body, and be completely aware of your body... If you
feel like you want to move any part of your body to get in a more
comfortable position before you go into a much deeper hypnotic
state, you can do that now... (Pause.)

Now, you can relax even more... I want you to think of your body for
a moment... Think of your body the way it is right now, because it
will never be this way again... Scan your entire body, from the top of
your head down to the tips of your toes...
Pause in those areas where the image is not clear... Do a little
movement to make that area more complete in your awareness...

Now rest again for a moment, and continue relaxing calmly and
peacefully... You have examined your body as it is right now... Now
you are ready to think of your body the way you want it to be... You
will give your attention to all the details of your body... In your mind,
you are creating the healthy, ideal, slender, trim, youthful body that
is really you...

Imagine your slender, trim, pound body, strong, healthy, and firm...
Notice the slender, firm, trim legs, (women: smooth and beautifully

shaped,) exactly the way you like your legs... Imagine your thighs
slim, trim, firm (women: smooth and beautiful,) exactly the way you
want your thighs to be... Imagine and feel your hips and buttocks,
slender and firm, perfectly proportioned... Get that idea in your mind
clearly... Now think of your genitals, and imagine your genitals
exactly as you want that area of your body... Move your attention to
your lower abdomen... Now think of your upper abdomen and your
stomach... See and think of your abdomen and stomach, flat,
smooth, firm, and perfectly developed... Concentrate on your waist
as being slim and slender... Your waist, your stomach, and abdomen
slender, trim, and firm... Now move to your back... Notice your
slender, strong back... Think of your spine in perfect alignment... The
muscles in your back are strong, always keeping your spine in proper
alignment... Now move around to your chest, (Women: imagine your
breasts full, smooth, firm... Both breasts are round, beautiful, and
perfectly proportioned to your slim, trim, slender, pound body...)
(Men: Notice your chest muscular, firm, and strong...) Think of your
hands, your anus and shoulders, slim, trim and strong... Visualize and
imagine your neck slim and trim, clear up to the bottom of your
chin... Now see your face, exactly the way you want your face... Trim,
smooth, and youthful looking...

You are doing real good... Continue relaxing peacefully as you

imagine your ideal body standing about a foot in front of you so you
can see the back of your slim, trim, strong, healthy body...

Now move into your ideal body and notice how it feels... If it doesn't
feel comfortable, get out of it quickly... Adjust those parts, or even
the entire body if necessary, to be more realistic... And move back
into your body again... Continue doing that until it feels comfortable
to you...

Now imagine yourself standing naked in front of a full length mirror,
with another full length mirror behind you, so you can see every part
of your body clearly... See and feel your entire body... Notice how
good your slim, trim, healthy, strong, ideal body feels... Notice the
smooth, flawless, youthful looking skin... Notice the perfectly
developed muscles... Notice your feeling of confidence and
competence... That is your ideal body... That image of your slim, trim,
healthy, strong, pound body is now implanted firmly in the
unconscious level of your mind...
The changes have already started, and they will continue... You are
experiencing very pleasant changes taking place as you go about the
activities of your daily life...

That is your real body image... It is now clarified in your unconscious

mind... It keeps becoming more real each day... You will be very
proud of your accomplishment.

hi a moment, I'm going to ask you to think the numbers 8, 7, 6, 5, 4,
3, 2, and 1 in your mind and you will continue relaxing more each
time you think a number... From now on the number 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3,
2, and 1 will have a new meaning to you...

8 means you are relaxing peacefully and calmly... From now on,
every time you think, hear, see or say the number 8, you will become
more relaxed, and feel calm and peaceful...

7 means you are reducing from 2 to 8 pounds or more each month

until your body has slenderized to the level you consciously desire...
Every time you think, hear, see or say 7 that will be a signal for your
body to continue becoming slimmer and trimmer...

6 means you are becoming more slender until your body is as slender
as you desire to be... You are feeling great...

5 means you eat only the amount of food your body needs to
improve your health and slenderize your body to a level
that is pleasing to you...
4 means you feel satisfied and content by eating only the small
amount of food needed to keep your body slender and healthy...

3 means leaving food on your plate and feeling good about it...

2 means eliminating 2 to 8 pounds or more from your body each
month until your body is the way you consciously want it to be...

1 means thinking of yourself slender, trim, healthy and strong,

exactly the way you want your body to be...

From now on, every time you think, hear, see, or say any of those
numbers, the meaning for the number keeps becoming more
strongly reinforced in your mind, and your mind causes it to

Now think the numbers in your mind and you will continue relaxing
more as you think each number... (Pause.)

Now I want you to imagine and experience as clearly as you can that
you are standing on a mountain top, looking for a way down... As you
look around, you notice a rocky stairwell winding down and around
the mountain... You are beginning to descend... You are going down
slowly because there are places where the terrain is rough... And
there are some boulders in the path... Yet you keep moving down...
Noticing that you are able to go around or over every obstacle in the
way... You are moving down the mountain carefully... You are careful
of the rocks... You are careful of each step you take... You are taking
your time... And you are confidently and surely getting closer and
closer to the bottom of the mountain...

Now you are at the bottom of the mountain and you are looking at
the mountain... You discover a large door leading into the

mountain... You open that door... You enter, and you find yourself in
a long tunnel... The tunnel has beautiful green and blue lights along
the way... You are aware as you are walking deeper into the
mountain, that there are pictures on the walls portraying beautiful
nature scenes and pictures of ideal, perfectly developed bodies...
They look the way you want your body to look...

You feel instinctively that this is a place of renewal... This is a place

where you are learning about the restorative, reshaping, and
restructuring powers of your body...
You feel your self-confidence increasing... You know that you can
trust your own progress... You continue your walk through the
tunnel, moving more deeply into the
mountain... You notice ahead of you, a door... There is a sign on the
door„, and as you get closer to the door, you notice the words on the
sign... It says, "The one who knows your body..." You understand the
meaning of those words... You open the door and walk into an
interesting room and meet "The one who knows your body..." It is
your own inner mind... You sit down in a chair across from that part
of your inner self... You are wanting some answers... You are
allowing yourself to be receptive to what comes to you...

The one who knows your body may communicate in words or

images, or even through feelings and sensations... Allow yourself to
continue relaxing as you are receptive and attentive to the messages
you are receiving... You are open to new insight, and you are leaning,
and that is good... (Pause.)

Your inner mind is learning to cause the processes and activities of

your body to function properly and eliminate all excess fat and fluid

from your body in an easy, natural way, through the normal
processes of your elimination system...

You are developing a more relaxed attitude about eating... You eat
only when your body needs food... You eat only the small amount of
food that is needed to keep your body healthy and reduce your body
to the level of pounds...

The desire to eat when your body does not need food is fading away,
and will soon be gone completely... You eat only the small amount
your body needs to keep improving your health and slenderize your
body to pounds... You are developing eating habits that are perfectly
suited for your pound body...

Having received the messages, you are ready to leave the room...
You feel thankful for the information and understanding you have
received... You are leaving now, closing the door behind you, and you
are walking confidently back to the entrance of the tunnel...

You are leaving the tunnel and you are going up to the top of the
mountain... Notice how easily you move back up the mountain... As
you get closer and closer to the top of the mountain, you are feeling
your body evaluating this new knowledge and information... The
changes have already started... You are now ready for another
interesting experience...

I want you to imagine yourself going to a cabin at the top of that

mountain... You are standing in front of a full-length mirror... There is

another full-length mirror behind you, and a full-length mirror on
each side..
You are removing all of your clothing and scanning your entire
body... You are imagining yourself slim, trim, and slender, exactly the
way you want your body to be... See and feel every part of your ideal
body... Notice it slim, trim, perfectly healthy and strong... You like
your ideal body... You love your ideal body... That is really your
body... All you need to do is continue getting rid of 2 to 8 pounds or
more each month... You will soon have your perfect, ideal body...

To change your body you are doing it differently this time... You are
loving all the excess fat, and fluid, and cellulite off your body... You
are reducing from 2 to 8 pounds or more off your body each month
by loving off all excess fat from your body... And you are doing it with
enthusiasm and great expectation...

Imagine and feel pleasant, warm, soothing vibrations of love flowing

through your body now... Feel those vibrations of warm love flowing
through every part of your body... You can feel pleasant changes
taking place, and you can feel your body gradually becoming slimmer
and trimmer...

Your legs, your knees, your thighs, your hips, your abdomen, your
stomach, your waist, your arms, your shoulders, your chest, your
neck and face are all becoming slender and trim... You are getting rid
of all excess fat, and your body is reshaping itself exactly the way you
desire your ideal body to be...
As you notice your ideal body in the mirror, you see the change and
you really like what you see... You feel more confident about

yourself... You like your ideal body, and you love your ideal body...
And you are allowing it to gradually become slimmer and trimmer...

Those warm, pleasant vibrations of love are causing the excess fat to
dissolve and be cleansed out of your body through the natural
processes of your elimination system... This is giving you many other
benefits... Your self-confidence, self- acceptance, self-reliance and
self-esteem are increasing each day... And you are becoming more
efficient in your work and other activities...

You will find that many people will be complimenting you for your
accomplishment... And you will feel proud because it is your own

You have a strong, healthy, attractive body... You radiate a feeling of

love and self-acceptance... You feel competent... And those feelings
are increasing more each day... You feel good about yourself...

These suggestions keep becoming more effective each day... They

are very important to you, and your inner mind is remembering them

You are ready to come back to a wide awake, fully alert state now,
and you will continue experiencing pleasant changes taking place...

(Weight Reduction for Females)
There is a young woman who used to live in a very cold part of the
world... It was always winter, and the ground was always covered
with snow... The land was barren and frozen, and she lived in a house
by herself... The only heat she had was from a fireplace, and she
found it difficult to find enough wood to keep the house warm...

She kept adding layer upon layer of clothing, trying to keep herself
warm, and she looked like a large shapeless ball, almost as wide as
she was tall...

She was very unhappy because she spent most of her time trying to
keep warm, and she still felt cold most of the time... All of the other
people in the area had moved away and she felt lonely and very sad.

One day there was a knock on her door, she got up from the chair
and waddled slowly to the door, opening it just a crack, trying to
keep the cold wind from blowing in, she peeked through the crack
and asked, "Who is there?" "What are you doing here," She was
asked by a man with a strong, firm voice... "Everyone was notified to
evacuate from this place... You must come with me immediately..."
But the young woman protested, saying, "I can't leave my house... I
have nowhere to go..." "Nonsense," said the stranger, "You must
leave or you will die here," and the stranger forced the young
woman to go with him...

Fearfully she waddled out, and they started walking on a long

journey... "Where are you taking me," she asked, "and what will I

do?" "Just trust me," lie replied, "I'm taking you where you will be
warm and happy..." But the young woman had never known warmth
or happiness, so she still felt fearful, and yet she understood that she
had no other choice, so she followed as fast as she could...

They followed a path that led though desolation and waste lands,
and they had been walking for several days, when she began noticing
the landscape was changing... She saw some shrubs, and they had
leaves... Then she began noticing some trees with leaves, and one
morning she had moisture trickling down her forehead, and could
also feel moisture trickling down her body from her armpits...

She asked the stranger what the moisture was... He laughed as he

told her she was sweating... Then he had to explain to her about
sweat, and told her it was because she was too warn... He suggested
that she take off a layer or two, and notice how much better she
would feel...
Timidly, the young woman took off the two top layers, and she felt
much more comfortable and much lighter... She began feeling more
free, and found she could walk more easily... Each day, as they
continued on, she experienced greater delight... The sun was shining
more... The sky was blue, and she was noticing many enjoyable
things she had never noticed before... She also noticed more sweat,
and this time she was more eager as she took off another two
layers... She felt much better and much lighter... She was able to
walk faster, and the stranger didn't have to stop and wait for her any

Each day she kept feeling happier, seeing trees, flowers blooming,
and birds all around... She even noticed that a slight breeze felt

refreshing on her face, and without waiting for the stranger to
suggest it... She began taking off layer after layer, freeing her body
more and more...

One day they arrived in a land of beautiful gardens in full bloom...

There was a beautiful calm lake... She looked down into the water
and saw herself... She was very pleased when she noticed that her
true self, her slender self, had emerged from all the layers that had
been covering her body, and she saw that she was quite attractive...
She saw and felt her beauty and her freedom... She felt joyful, and
full of energy and vitality... She felt like dancing and singing, and the
stranger seemed to read her mind, and told her to go ahead and
dance and sing...
Each day she kept feeling more free, healthier, and more energetic...
Her slenderness delighted her, and she began to skip and run...
Sometimes she would stop and look back, feeling overjoyed with her
sense of freedom... She was smiling and laughing more... She felt so
happy to be free that she wanted to stop right there, but the
stranger said, "Not yet, my dear... We're almost there... You still have
a little more to go..." "What could be better?" she asked, "I feel so
good and so happy now... I can't imagine anything better..." "You'll
see, my dear, you'll soon see..."

One morning they arrived in a beautiful city, and all around her she
saw other gorgeous, slender, trim, women, beautiful like her... They
greeted her, and welcomed her... They told her that she was
beautiful... They invited her to join their dances and their singing...
She felt like she was a part of the community... She learned to share
the work with them... She found herself enjoying the various
activities... And each day her life kept becoming more happy and full
of joy...

You are realizing, of course, that you are the woman in that story,
and you are getting rid of many layers of excess fat... Every day your
self-Confidence keeps increasing... Your joy and happiness keeps
becoming more noticeable... You are continuing to progress in all
areas of your life, and you are pleased to keep becoming more aware
of your true, slender, self.

You are now deeply and peacefully relaxed, and you can continue
relaxing even more as I talk to you... Your unconscious mind is
hearing and receiving everything I tell you, and your unconscious
mind is causing the processes and activities of your body to function
properly to continue getting rid of all excess cellulite, fat and fluid
from every part of your body that you want to reduce...

The unconscious level of your mind is receiving the suggestions I tell

you and your mind is causing the suggestions to work automatically
and reduce your body to the level of pounds... The processes and
activities of your body are continuing to function more perfectly...
They are cleansing all substance which you consider to be excess fat
and fluid out of your body, your body is reducing to pounds...

Your unconscious mind is causing your entire organism to co-operate

and function properly to eliminate all unneeded fat and fluid from
your body in an easy, natural way, through the normal processes of
your elimination system...

Every time you look at water, you become calm, relaxed and
peaceful for at least eight hours... You can be at ease in every
situation or circumstance in which you are involved during your daily
life... Regardless of where you are, what you are doing, or what other
people around you may be doing, you will be calm and relaxed, and
will respond to every situation in a relaxed way... The relaxation of
your mind and body is causing you to have a more relaxed attitude
about eating... You eat only when your body needs food, and you eat
only foods that are needed to keep your body healthy, and reduce
your body to pounds...

Without any conscious effort by you, the desire to eat in between
meals is fading away, and will soon be gone completely... Your self-
confidence and self-acceptance are increasing more each day... Your
will-power and self-control are continuing to increase...

You will be pleased to Hurd yourself desiring only those foods that
are needed to keep your body healthy, and to slenderize your body
to the level of pounds...

Your unconscious mind is causing your appestat gland to control your

appetite so you eat only when your body needs food, and you eat
only the right foods needed by your body to keep you healthy and
strong... When your body does not need food, you have no desire to
eat... When your body does need food, you eat only the small
amount needed by your body at that time... You begin feeling
content and satisfied as soon as you start eating... The moment you
have eaten the amount needed by your

body at that time, you feel completely satisfied, and you stop eating
immediately... The unconscious part of your mind is causing every
part of your body to function harmoniously and cooperate and
reduce your body to pounds... Then your body will continue
cooperating and remain at the level of pounds...

You are developing eating habits that are perfectly suited for your
pound body... You are developing eating habits that will keep
your body slim, trim, firm and strong... When you eat, you always eat

slowly... You take small bites of the food, and you chew each bite
thoroughly... By taking small bites and chewing each bite thoroughly,
you keep experiencing more satisfaction from the food you eat... And
you feel completely satisfied as soon as you have eaten the small
amount your body needs at that time... You can be calm and relaxed
when you are eating... That will cause your metabolism to always
function properly, it also causes your body to retain only that part of
the food needed to provide the proper nourishment needed to keep
every part of your body healthy and strong...

Your elimination system is continuing to function more perfectly, and

is cleansing all waste material from the food you eat out of your
body in an easy, natural way... You are getting rid of all excess fat
and fluid from every part of your body that you want to reduce, and
you can notice your body becoming slimmer and trimmer each day...

Your unconscious mind is learning rapidly the best way to cause the
proper changes needed in your body to reduce your body to pounds
and keep your body slender, firm and strong...

Every time you look at water, your unconscious mind will cause you
to become relaxed, calm and peaceful... That keeps your metabolism
functioning properly, and the food you eat will digest easily... Your
elimination system will always function properly... Every part of your
organism keeps functioning properly, causing your body to reduce to
a level that is pleasing to you...

Your desire and determination to reduce your body to pounds keeps

increasing... Your will-power and self-control will continue becoming

stronger... And you will be pleased with the continuous improvement
in all areas of your life...

Now that you have learned to relax, you can use that ability to
keep improving yourself in many ways... You will be more calm and
relaxed as you are involved in the activities of your daily life... That
causes all of the processes of your body to keep functioning more
perfectly... Your mind and body will be more relaxed and peaceful,
enabling you to be more poised and more confident in everything
you do... You can also be more calm and more at ease when you are
sleeping, and you will begin each day feeling refreshed and
renewed... You will have more energy and vitality, and will proceed
doing your daily activities with confidence and assurance...

As I'm talking to you, you can continue moving into a more peaceful
hypnotic state... Your unconscious mind is ready to receive additional
suggestions and guidance regarding eating habits you are developing
that are enabling you to reduce your body to pounds...

Through the years your unconscious mind has learned to respond to

various sensations and signals, and cause you to react automatically
when those signals occur, without consciously controlling what you

For example, if you touch something hot, your unconscious mind

rapidly sends a message to your brain that causes you to pull away
from the object that is bunting you... If a bright light s1ines in your
eyes, your unconscious mind automatically causes the pupils of your
eyes to narrow down... There are also many other signals your
unconscious mind responds to automatically, merely because you
make a conscious decision...

When you decide to walk, your unconscious mind receives that
message and causes the muscles, ligaments and tendons m your legs
and feet to respond and automatically and take you where you want
to go... When you decide to wash your face, your unconscious mind
causes you to make all the movements you need to make so you can
wash your face without needing to consciously think of each
movement you need to make... And you have now decided to
reduce your body to pounds, and your uncounsious mind is
learning to cause the processes of your body to function properly
and automatically slenderize your body the way you consciously
want your body to be...

Your metabolism is continuing to function more perfectly... Your

digestive system is functioning more perfectly... Your assimilation
system and elimination system are rapidly learning to function
properly... And your appestat gland; the gland that controls your
appetite is learning to control your appetite properly so you will eat

those foods needed by your body to keep you healthy and reduce
your body to pounds...

You are continuing to move into a more peaceful hypnotic state now,
as I give you suggestions that your unconscious mind can easily
accept... Your unconscious mind is hearing and receiving the
suggestions I tell you, and your mind is causing the suggestions I tell
you to begin functioning correctly immediately... Your unconscious
mind is causing you to develop eating habits that are comfortably
reducing your body to pounds... Then your body will remain slender,
slim, trim, firm and strong...

You are becoming more slender by eating only foods that are needed
to keep your body healthy, slender and trim... There are hundreds of
foods you can choose from that can slenderize your body and keep
your body healthy... You can choose to eat foods that are right for
your body, and at the same time your entire system will function
properly and eliminate all unneeded fat and fluid from your body in
an easy, natural way...

You are developing eating habits that are enjoyable and perfectly
suited to keep improving your health and reduce your body to the
level of pounds... You are developing eating habits that will enable
you to get real satisfaction from the foods
you eat... Because you eat only when your body needs food and you
eat only the right
amount of food needed to provide proper nourishment to keep your
body healthy and slender, you will always feel content, and satisfied,
and happy when you finish a meal...

About ten minutes before you eat, you will drink a glass or two of
water... Water is good for your body, and it helps your digestive
system to function more perfectly... Then, when you are ready to
eat, you will take a moment or two to enjoy the fragrance of the
foods you eat... Each time you put a bite of food into your mouth,
you chew the food thoroughly... That enables you to get a much
greater sense of satisfaction from the food, and it causes you to feel
content and completely satisfied as soon as you have eaten the small
amount heeded by your body at that time...

You are experiencing great enjoyment from developing eating habits
that are slenderizing your body and making your body strong and
slender and firm... You can also be pleasantly surprised to find that
your will-power and self-control keep increasing... And each day your
confidence grows stronger... You experience a sense of certainty and
sureness in your ability to develop a slender body, the way you want
your body to be... Your strength, energy and vitality keep
increasing... Your health continues improving, and you keep
developing a greater feeling of well-being throughout your entire

Eating the right foods for your body, and only the small amount
needed to keep your body healthy and slender, is causing you to feel
much better about yourself... You will be an inspiration to other
people who notice your accomplishment...

You will be patient and persistent in reducing your body to

pounds... As you notice your body becoming more slender, you will
find your confidence increasing... You will be proud of the progress
you continue to achieve...

As your body becomes more slender, your skin will keep shrinking
and your skin continues becoming more smooth and more youthful
looking... Your muscles continue becoming more firm and more
perfectly developed... And you will be very happy to notice yourself
developing a perfect body...

You are feeling good about yourself... you are happy to know that
your unconscious mind is causing everything I tell you to work easily
and automatically... You are developing a more attractive body, as
well as a stronger, healthier body... Every cell, every atom, and every
molecule in your body is learning to function properly... Your entire
system is responding to thoughts and feelings of happiness and
success... You will be well-pleased with the continuous improvement
in all areas of your life... You will keep becoming more efficient and
more effective in your work and other activities... You will continue
progressing physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.

Even though you may not always be consciously aware of it, you are
continuing to progress more each day, and your body is becoming
more slender Your body is reducing to pounds...

The fact that you are coining for these sessions, and permitting
yourself to be hypnotized indicates that you will be successful in
reducing your body to pounds... Because it reveals that you
have the determination you need to develop a slender, trim body...
That makes hypnosis work more effectively...

You have made a wise decision, because hypnosis is the best method
there is for getting the processes of your body to function properly
and reduce your body to a level that is pleasing to you... Then your
body will remain slender and trim...

Each time I Hypnotize you, you keep experiencing more benefits...

Your self- confidence continues growing stronger because you realize
that you have found an easy, natural way to reduce your body to
pounds, and keep your body slim and slender...

Now that you have made a firm decision and commitment to slim
your body to the level of pounds... Your unconscious mind is
cooperating by causing you to develop eating habits that are
perfectly suited to your pound body... Your unconscious mind knows
the foods that are just right for your body to keep improving your
health and reduce your body to pounds... So, from now on your
unconscious mind is controlling your appetite, and is causing you to

eat only those foods needed to reduce your body to pounds in a
perfectly healthy way...

The Bible says your body is a "temple of God..." That means it is your
right to have a perfect body... It is right for you to have a slender
body that is a perfect example of God's creation of beauty, health
and strength... So, your body is reducing to pounds... Your body is
becoming more slender, more trim, more firm and more youthful...
Your body is reshaping itself... Each day your body is becoming
(lovelier and more beautiful,) stronger, firmer, healthier and more
perfect... You are developing a slender, trim, perfect body, exactly
the way you want your body to be...

Your unconscious mind is causing your appestat gland; the gland that
controls your appetite, to function properly... Your appestat gland is
controlling your appetite... Your appestat gland is causing you to eat
oily those foods needed to keep your body healthy, slender, and
strong... You eat only when your body needs food, and you eat only
foods that are beneficial for your body...

Your unconscious mind is causing you to eat only foods that are
needed by your body to keep your body healthy and reduce it to the
level of pounds... As your body continues becoming more slender,
your skin continues becoming more smooth and more youth
looking... Your muscles continue becoming more firm and more
perfectly developed...

During those times when you are eating, you will take small bites and
you will chew each bite thoroughly... You will eat slowly and you will
take time to enjoy the delicious flavour of the food you eat... That
will give you much greater satisfaction, and it will cause you to feel
content and perfectly satisfied as soon as you have eaten the
amount of food your body heeds at that time...

(At this point do an imagination demonstration from one of the

Now you understand that when you imagine something in your
conscious mind, your unconscious mind causes your body to respond
to what you imagine... This is a fact that has been known for
thousands of years... Even the Bible talks about this... It says, "We
become what we think..." The actual words are: "As we think in our
mind, so are we..." And there has been a tremendous amount of
research conducted that has
proven, beyond doubt, that your unconscious mind can change
your body and can reshape your body fire way you want your body
to be...

So, each night before you go to sleep, I want you to close your eyes
for a couple of minutes, and imagine your body slender, trim, firm,
healthy and strong, exactly the way you want your body to be... Your
unconscious mind is cooperating by causing the processes of your
body to function properly, and reducing your body to the level of

From this moment on, always think about yourself with good
thoughts... Think of your body as being slender, slim, trim, firm, and

strong... Think of your skin as being youthful looking... Think of
yourself as being in perfect health...

Each day your self-confidence and self-acceptance keep increasing...

You have the courage, confidence, and determination you need to
handle every situation that comes up in your life...

You will look forward to each day of your life with confidence and
anticipation; knowing that each day will be filled with joy, love, and
happiness... You will arise each morning feeling healthy and
enthusiastic, and will be full of energy and vitality...
As you continue thinking about yourself in a more pleasing way, you
continue improving in all areas of your life, and your body will soon
be pounds, and then your body will remain pounds...

Every atom, every molecule, and every cell of your body is continuing
to function more perfectly, cleansing all excess fat and fluid out of
your body though the normal processes of your elimination system...

(For women: Your breasts are becoming full and firm yet soft, round,
and perfectly proportioned to your pound body.)

Your muscles are becoming firm and more perfectly developed...

Your skin is becoming healthier, smoother, and more youthful
looking... Your will-power and self- control are continuing to
increase... Your unconscious mind is controlling your appetite... You
eat only when your body needs food, and you eat only foods that are
needed by your body, in the small amount your body needs to be
healthy, slender, trim, firm and strong...

All fat and fluid that is not needed in your body to keep your body
healthy is being released from your body daily through the normal
processes of your elimination system... Your appearance is
improving... Your confidence is increasing, and you will be pleased to
find your happiness increasing... Your life continues becoming more

You will be pleased to find that you have the confidence you need to
overcome every challenge that comes up in your life... You will be
successful in overcoming all obstacles in a loving, peaceful way...

Your unconscious mind has received everything I have told you, and
your mind is causing the suggestions I have told you to happen
automatically... They keep becoming more effective each day... You
will be very happy to notice the continuous improvement in your life.

The fact that you are having these sessions and permitting yourself
to be Hypnotized assures you of reducing your body to pounds...
Permitting yourself to be hypnotized reveals that you sincerely want
to be slender, and it also reveals that you are willing to accept my
guidance and suggestions... That means your unconscious mind will
cause your body to become slimmer and trimmer in an easy, natural

You are dissatisfied with being overweight... You are determined to

develop a slender body because you know it will help you in many
different ways... Reducing your body to pounds is causing you to
look better and feel better... It also gives you more energy, more
strength, and more vitality... Each day you become more pleased
that you decided to have me hypnotize you... You can notice your
body reducing, and you can be aware of getting rid of all excess fat
and fluid easily and naturally though the processes of your
elimination system...

After you awaken from the hypnotic state you can consciously forget
the suggestions I'm telling you as you sit there with your eyes closed,
yet your unconscious mind will remember everything I tell you, and
you unconscious mind is causing the suggestions I tell you to begin
working immediately and the suggestions will continue working
automatically as you go about the activities of your daily life...

One of the facts I have learned from hypnotizing more than

people, is that your unconscious mind knows how to work out
solutions to any problem you are experiencing... Your unconscious
mind is reviewing and examining all imprints, impressions, thoughts,

ideas and memories in your mind that have been causing you to be
over pounds... The great thing about it is that your unconscious mind
will continue reviewing and examining all of that information in your
mind until it has worked out the solution... That will cause your body
to reduce to pounds and then your body will remain at the level
of pounds...

It is natural for your body to be slender, healthy, firm and strong... It

is normal for your body to be pounds... Everything I'm telling you
is normal for your body... So, your unconscious mind is causing your
body processes to function properly and reduce your body to its
normal level of pounds...

As I'm talking to you, you are continuing to move into a deeper,

more peaceful hypnotic state...
As you go about the activities of your daily life, you are making
important changes in your eating habits that are continuing to
reduce your body until your body is pounds... It may take a
week, or even two weeks for your mind to review all the information
that has caused you to become overweight, but you will probably
notice your body becoming more slender and continuing to reduce a
little each day...

By tomorrow your body will be more slender than it is today... The

next day your body will reduce a little more... The following day your
body will be even slimmer... You will continue becoming slimmer and
trimmer each day until your body is pounds... Then your body will
remain at the level of pounds... You will be happy to notice your self-
confidence and self-acceptance increasing more each day...

Now that you have made a firm decision to reduce to pounds, the
unconscious part of your mind is controlling your appestat gland; the
gland that controls your appetite... From now on you eat only when
your body needs food, and you eat only the amount needed by your
body at that time... As soon as you begin eating, you start feeling
satisfied... The moment you have eaten the amount needed by your
body at that time, you feel content and completely satisfied... You
have no desire to eat until your body needs food again...

Your unconscious mind knows your body needs protein to keep you
strong... You also need a proper balance of vitamins, minerals, fiber
and potassium to keep your body healthy... So you desire and choose
and eat those foods needed to keep your body healthy and strong,
and you reduce your body to pounds easily and comfortably...

Your taste is corresponding to the real needs of your body... You

enjoy eating foods and drinking liquids needed by your body... And
you avoid foods and liquids that are not heeded for your body... You
enjoy foods your body needs so much that a small amount of the
right foods take care of keeping your body healthy, and reduce your
body to pounds...

It may be another week or even two weeks before your realize that
your body is becoming slimmer, trimmer, firmer and stronger... You
will be pleasantly surprised to notice the changes happening
automatically... You can get rid of some fat and fluid from your body
today... Tomorrow you can eliminate more of the excess fat and fluid
from your body... Each day you continue becoming more slender,
and you will soon have your body at a level that is pleasing to you...

Your unconscious mind is causing pleasant changes in your body that
are gradually getting rid of all excess fat and fluid from your body in
an easy, natural way, through the normal processes of your
elimination system...

You May not consciously understand what caused you to become

overweight... That doesn't make any difference now... Whatever
caused the problem is past, and your unconscious mind can
understand that now from a more adult, more mature point of
view... So the unconscious part of your mind is working out the
solution to that problem in an easy, natural way, and you will feel
like a big load has been lifted from you... By doing it this way, you will
have a real sense of accomplishment, and a feeling of confidence tit
knowing you are doing this in your own way...

The unconscious part of your mind knows how fast it can get that
problem resolved and get those misunderstandings straightened out
in your mind... You will be happy and confident as you notice the
continuous improvement, and you will be increasingly aware that
your body is reshaping itself exactly the way you want your body to

You are continuing to experience a more peaceful calmness now...
There will appear --- standing in front of you --- your own body ---
You will be pleasantly surprised to see your own body exactly the
way you want it to be... Look at your body standing there --- Imagine
your body as it is capable of being... Look at it closely... See it
realistically as an ideal body image... See it as the body you really can
achieve... That ideal body is the one you are achieving...

(The Bible says, “Your body is a temple of God. What a wonderful

statement, because it enables your mind to understand that you
have a right to have a perfect body... You have the inborn right to
have a body that is an example of God's creation.)

It's normal and natural for your body to be slender, firm, strong and
healthy... It is normal for your body to be pounds... When you
have a clear image in your mind of your body the way you want your
body to be, your inner mind will cause one of the fingers on your
right hand to raise up toward the ceiling... Your finger will remain up
until I tell it to go back down... (Pause until the finger lifts up.)

Your finger will go back down now... You will continue seeing that
ideal image of your body as you move into a deeper hypnotic state...

That ideal body image is becoming more real... You can continue
seeing it more clearly... Seeing the perfect size, the smooth, youthful
skin, (the firm, full breasts,) the perfectly developed muscles... Now
you are stepping forward into that body, so you can try it out... Make

certain it is the body you want to have... Check every part of your
body... If there is anything you want to change, you will find that
change taking place... Move around in that body... Feel its strength...
Notice how good it feels... Notice the vitality, the energy, and the
comfort... Notice the feeling of joy and happiness... Be aware of the
self-confidence and self-acceptance... Be certain it has the
appearance, and all the good characteristics, attributes, and qualities
you realistically desire...

As you occupy that body, you are becoming aware that your present
body is already beginning to reshape itself... Your present body is
being drawn into that new mould... The changes have already
started... Your body processes are gradually changing...

From this moment on, you will be doing whatever is necessary to

achieve that body you want to have...

You will be drinking the right amount of water... You will be eating
the right foods... You will be eating foods that provide the proper
amount of proteins, vitamins, and minerals your body needs... You
desire foods that, provide the proper amount of fiber your body
needs... You enjoy doing exercises according to your own

You are learning to create the proper conditions that automatically

produce the changes needed in your body to enable you to achieve
your ideal body... The image of your ideal body is imprinted in your

mind, and that image will remain in your mind serving as an
automatic force that influences you strongly during your daily life...

You are achieving your ideal body... It is your natural body, and the
unconscious part of your mind is cooperating fully in the
development of that body as you go about the activities of your daily

You do not need to consciously remember what I have told you while
you have been sitting there with your eyes closed... “The suggestions
I have told you can fade from your conscious awareness... The
unconscious part of your mind will remember what I have told you
and your unconscious mind will cause you to continue responding
automatically to all of these suggestions...

Your experience here today is thoroughly learned... You are

understanding what you have learned in all levels of your mind...
Your mind is becoming a permanent and lasting part of your

You are responding good to everything I tell you... That is a good
indication that you will be successful in reducing your body to
pounds... Then you will be happy to find that your body will remain
slender and trim...

You are now ready to continue enjoying some pleasant changes that
are causing you to develop a strong, healthy, slender body that is
pleasing to you... In the past, you have probably tried dieting... You
probably tried exercising and you probably tried many other
methods to reduce your body to the level you desire... Yet dieting,
taking pills, doing exercises, and starving yourself soon becomes
boring... Trying to stay on a specific diet is comparable to hearing the
same song over and over thousands of times... You soon dislike doing
the same thing over and over again... However, just a slight change
or two can make the same thing surprisingly pleasant, enjoyable, and

So, I'm going to tell you something now that the unconscious part of
your mind can accept... You will find it to be a very enjoyable way to
reduce your body to the level of pounds... Going through the
experience of reducing your body to pounds will give you a
wonderful feeling of satisfaction and pride... And the enjoyment you
get from doing it, knowing it's going to be done, and is being done,
and has been done will give you a tremendous sense of confidence
and a real feeling of accomplishment...

I'm sure you agree that it is enjoyable to get on a scale and see that
your body is reducing... It is enjoyable to be aware that your clothes
keep becoming more loose... It gives you real pleasure to notice your

body becoming more slender and firm... It gives you great
satisfaction to know that your body is reducing to the level of
pounds... You can really enjoy getting rid of all excess fat and fluid
from your body, and you can feel proud in knowing that you are
reshaping your body the way you want your body to be...

It is typical for your body to be slender... It is normal for your body to

be slim and trim... It is natural for your body to be strong and
healthy... And it is normal for your body to be pounds... You will
really enjoy being your normal, natural self... You can enjoy being the
typical, slender, happy person that is really you...

You can continue relaxing peacefully now, feeling comfortable and

happy, while the unconscious level of your mind can review and
examine and explore memories in your mind that give you pleasure...
You can enjoy the pleasant changes taking place as your body
continues becoming more slender... It will give you a sense of
achievement, knowing that you are doing it with a joyful feeling of

Reducing your body to pounds causes you to feel proud of yourself...

Slenderizing your body also causes your self-confidence to continue
increasing more each day... You are filled with what you are doing...
It fills you with a sense of happiness to be getting rid of all that
unwanted and unneeded fat and fluid from your body... It gives you a
profound feeling of accomplishment to realize what you are

Your unconscious mind is helping you develop patterns of eating that
are enjoyable and healthy... The unconscious level of your mind is
causing you to do something each day to develop a healthy, slender
body... You will go to bed each night and sleep peacefully, knowing
that you have been successful in your accomplishments for the day...
The image in your mind of a healthy, slim, trim, firm body will be
thrilling to you... It will cause you to continue experiencing more
enjoyment in reducing your body to the level of pounds... Nice
feelings come to you from doing it... You know it is really

Your unconscious mind understands the meaning of everything I tell

you... You are translating everything I tell you into your own
actions... The changes you experience are accomplished in your own
way - not mine... (Pause.)

I'm going to explain something how that will give you some ideas,
and what I'm telling you will cause the unconscious part of your mind
to produce enjoyable ways of eating that will keep you healthy and
reduce your body to the level of pounds...

Shifting from one patient to another can be very enjoyable, because

when you shift from one pattern, you are resting from the previous
pattern... This way you can continue doing something and really
enjoy it, because when you change from one thing, you are resting
from the other...

Your unconscious mind is understanding what I'm talking about...

And your unconscious mind is causing you to develop creative ways
of changing your patterns of eating... You will enjoy reducing your

body to pounds... You are reducing your body to pounds by
changing your pattern of eating a little each day... You alternate the
type of food you eat, and you also alternate the time you eat each
day, because the needs of your body are not the same each day...
You alternate the foods you eat, by eating only what your body
needs each day... You eat only at the time when your body needs
There will probably be days when you will eat only one meal of lean
meat and fresh vegetables, and you will be totally satisfied... Another
day you can be completely content by eating only apples... Another
day you May be happy by eating only bananas... The next day you
may be at ease eating only lean meat, or you may desire to eat only
vegetables... You can enjoy the way your unconscious mind will
cause you to come up with ideas of eating the right foods to keep
your body healthy, and cause your body to become slender and

You are putting these ideas into your own actions... What you do is
your own accomplishment... You can really be proud of that...

You can think about what I have told you as you decide to do what I
have suggested, and find it to be to your own advantage, and for
your own benefit... You can find it to be a very enjoyable way of
reducing your body to pounds...

You are realizing that what you are doing is very important... It will
help you to be an inspiration to other people who will see what you
are accomplishing... You can experience a great deal of satisfaction in
achieving goals you set for yourself... It will cause you to continue
having more confidence in your own ability...

The enjoyment of coming here and getting on the scale before going
into a hypnotic state, and seeing that your body is weighing less, will
give you a feeling of satisfaction and pride... You are already feeling
enthusiastic about it... You are sensing the feeling of satisfaction you
will be experiencing... Because it will be your own accomplishment...

The unconscious part of your mind is organizing the ideas I have told
you into your own actions... You will be pleased and happy to notice
it working automatically...

Having these sessions and permitting yourself to be hypnotized is
making it easy to reduce your body to pounds... You will also find
it is automatically causing your health to continue improving more
each day...

Permitting yourself to be hypnotized reveals that you are determined

to follow a program that can reduce your body to pounds and
can help you develop a strong, slender, healthy body that you can be
proud of...

The unconscious part of your mind is hearing and receiving the

suggestions and guidance l tell you... Your unconscious mind is
causing the suggestions I tell you to begin working immediately... It
will continue working automatically after you awaken from the
hypnotic state, so you don't need to consciously remember anything
I tell you as you sit there with your eyes closed.,.

To reduce your body and develop a strong, slender, healthy, firm

body, your unconscious mind is causing you to automatically make
proper changes in your eating habits... Your unconscious mind is
causing you to exercise your body properly in ways that are easy and
enjoyable to you... A proper amount of exercise is good for your
health... Proper exercise helps regulate your appetite... It causes you
to desire to eat only foods that are beneficial for your body... Proper
exercise also causes you to feel content and completely satisfied
when you have eaten the amount your body needs to keep you
healthy and slender... You can really enjoy doing exercise that is
suited to your capabilities... You can really enjoy walking... Walking is
one of the healthiest exercises you can do... So, you will enjoy doing

some walking each day knowing it helps keep your body slim and
trim and strong.

There are many other exercises you can choose from that can be
very enjoyable, such as swimming, bicycling, jumping rope, jumping
on a rebounder, or other comparable activities that you can find
enjoyable... Doing exercises will help balance and strengthen every
part of your body... hi addition to reducing your body to
pounds, and causing your body to become healthier, firmer, and
more slender... You will find that exercising will cause your body to
become more youthful looking... Doing exercises regularly will cause
your circulatory system to function properly... It can strengthen your
blood vessels, and permit the blood to flow through every part of
your system easily... Exercise can also strengthen your heart... You
can feel good about exercising because it strengthens your bones... It
causes your skin to be fine, smooth, and youthful, and it enables you
to sleep more comfortably and peacefully when you go to bed to
sleep... You awaken each mooring feeling rested and refreshed...

You are continuing to move into a deeper, more peaceful hypnotic

state now... Your unconscious mind understands that I'm telling you
only things I know you can do... You can enjoy doing everything I tell
you... You can enjoy following the program I'm telling you because it
enables you to easily reduce your body to pounds... It also gets rid
of unwanted wrinkles from your skin, and eliminates unwanted
lumps from your body... It causes your entire body to become more
firm and more youthful looking... You understand that your body is
becoming more slender, and is reducing to pounds in an easy,
natural way...

Your unconscious mind is receiving the suggestions I tell you, and the
unconscious levels of your mind are causing your body processes to
function properly, and you are automatically eliminating excess
pounds and excess inches from your body... You will be thrilled to
notice your body becoming slimmer and trimmer, more firm, and
youthful looking... It is normal for your body to be slender and firm...
It is natural for your skin to be firm, smooth and healthy... Your
digestive system, your assimilation system, your metabolism, and
your elimination system know how to function perfectly... It is
normal for your body to be pounds... In fact, everything I'm
telling you is normal for your body... Everything I'm telling you is a
part of your real nature... So, your unconscious mind is receiving the
suggestions I tell you, and your mind is causing the processes of your
body to automatically put
into action the suggestions I tell you... Your body processes are
continuing to function more perfectly, and your body is becoming
more slender, firmer, healthier,
and stronger...

You will drink an adequate amount of water each day to maintain a

good fluid balance in your body... Water is good for your body...
Water helps transport nutrients into every part of your body... Water
enables your elimination system to function properly and cleanse
waste materials and impurities out of your body in an easy, natural
way... About ten minutes before each meal, you will drink one or two
glasses of water, because water helps your digestive system to
function correctly... Drinking water enables you to feel content and
completely satisfied as soon as you have eaten the amount of food
your body needs at that time... Water is good for your body in many
other ways... It helps keep your body temperature stabilized... Water

lubricates joints and muscles... It preserves the health of your
kidneys... And water enables your urinary system to remain clean
and healthy... Water also washes bacteria out of your body... It helps
eliminate snacking... And water causes excess fat to dissolve and be
cleansed out of your body through the natural processes of your
elimination system...

You have a strong desire and determination to reduce your body to

pounds... Your own determination is causing your will-power
and self-control to keep increasing... Your unconscious mind is
cooperating by causing you to select only foods that are needed to
keep your body strong, healthy and slender...
You eat only when your body needs food... You begin feeling content
as soon as you start eating... The moment you have eaten the
amount needed by your body at that time, you will feel completely
satisfied... You have no desire to eat again until your body needs
food... You seldom think about eating... Your thoughts will be on
other things... The only time you think of eating is when your body
needs food... You will be satisfied and happy by eating only the small
amount of food needed to keep your body healthy strong and

As your body continues reducing, your eating habits keep changing

to meet the needs of your slender body... You will continue to eat
only those foods needed to maintain your body the way you
consciously want your body to be... You will maintain a healthy
body... You will continue having more energy, more strength and
more vitality, and you will really be proud of your accomplishment...

You can enjoy the wonderful feeling of knowing you are achieving
your own program of developing a slender body... You will be a»
inspiration to other people who notice your accomplishment...

Reducing your body to pounds gives you a feeling of

achievement... The good feeling comes from doing it„, from knowing
you are doing it„, And from knowing you have done it... Your self-
confidence keeps increasing, and it gives you a strong sense of
satisfaction and pride... You are feeling enthusiastic about it... You
are happy and excited about it... You are sensing a feeling of
satisfaction from putting the suggestions I tell you into your own
actions, knowing it is really your own accomplishment...

You can enjoy doing something each day that will help your body to
continue reducing to pounds... What you do will be your own
accomplishment... It will bring you much happiness and joy.

It is amazing the way your unconscious mind knows how to cause
you to carry out the proper actions that enable you to accomplish
goals you want to achieve...

You have decided to reduce your body to pounds... I know you're

going to achieve your goal... But I don't know exactly how the
unconscious part of your mind is causing you to get rid of the excess
fat and fluid from your body... I don't know if you have any conscious
idea of how you are doing that... Yet it’s okay, because your
unconscious mind has all the knowledge it needs, and the
unconscious part of your mind knows the very best way to slenderize
your body... You can feel quite happy in discovering what your
unconscious mind is doing for you... You can continue experiencing it
as you go about your typical everyday activities...

To look in the mirror and see that you are becoming more slender is
always a thrilling experience... To notice your clothes becoming more
loose... To see the numbers on the scale becoming less each time I
weigh you is a very pleasant experience... You don't know exactly
when you will attain the level of pounds... It may be a montli from
today... You may reach pounds in two months or even six months... It
doesn't make any difference whether you reach your goal in two
months or six months... Your conscious wind May not know...
However, the unconscious level of your mind knows, and that's what
is important...

You May have doubts„, or you may consciously have a different

belief about reducing your body to pounds„, but regardless of what
you believe consciously, the unconscious part of your mind knows

you are slenderizing your body... Your unconscious mind has the
knowledge it heeds, and your mind is using that knowledge to make
your body slimmer and trimmer easily and naturally.

Through the years you have learned how to forget... You have
experienced many things that you have been able to forget
completely... Now you can forget how to lift your left hand and
arm... Notice how easily you can forget how to lift your left hand and
arm as you count in your mind from ten down to one... When you
reach the count of one you can be surprised to notice that your left
hand and arm will not lift up... (Pause.)

When you have forgotten how to lift your left hand and arm, you can
test it and notice how easily you have been able to forget how to lift
it... (Pause.)

(After the client try’s briefly, tell the client that when you count to
three he/she will be able to lift the hand and arm easily. Count to
three and have client

lift the hand and arm. Then proceed as follows:)

Very good... You have learned something very important... You have
learned that you can forget something... You have also learned that it
is only temporary... Because of imprints, impressions, thoughts or
ideas in your mind, your unconscious mind temporarily forgot how to
keep your body at its normal level of pounds... Now that you are
having these sessions, your unconscious mind remembers how to

cause your body functions and processes to perform properly and so
the unconscious level of your mind is restoring your body to its
normal level of pounds...

Later, when you awaken from the hypnotic state, you can forget to
remember what I have told you while you are here relaxing, or you
may find it more enjoyable to remember to forget... That has
happened to others many times... It's an ability that you have even
when you are wide awake... Just like you have the ability to see when
you are wide awake... Yet you do not always notice nor remember
what you see...

DO you remember lying on your back in bed as a child, with your

head leaning back over the edge of the bed so that you could see
behind you, and everything you were seeing looked upside down...
You probably did that as a child... Even though everything appeared
to be upside down... It wasn't really upside down... It just appeared
that way when you were lying on your back looking at it that way...

Things are not always the way they seem to be... Memories in the
mind are often found to be false... Even when they are true
memories... It is due to things that were not recognized or
considered at the time when they happened... They were not
remembered in their true perspective... Comparable to lying on your
back as a child and having everything appear to be upside down...

It reminds me of a young boy who went to spend a week on his

uncle's farm... The boy was short, and as he went with his uncle to do
the chores, his uncle appeared tall and strong as he would pick up
big bales of hay... Then he didn't see his uncle again for about

twenty-years... As he was on his way to his uncle's farm, he pictured
his uncle as being about seven feet tall... In his mind he pictured his
uncle as being much bigger than him as he was the last time he saw
his uncle... When he got to the front door of his uncle's home, when
his uncle answered the door, the young man was amazed to find that
he was taller than his uncle... The memory in his mind caused him to
have a false idea, yet when he saw his uncle from an adult point of
view, he was seeing him as he really was; not the way he thought he

Things that happened in the past that caused you to become

overweight are improper memories... Your unconscious mind
understands that now„, and your mind is reviewing, examining, and
exploring those memories from an adult point of view...

Your unconscious mind understands that there is no good reason for

your body to be overweight... It's okay for your body to be slim, trim,
slender, healthy, strong and firm... It is natural for your body to be
pounds... So your unconscious mind is causing you to experience
very pleasant changes that are reducing your body to pounds...

You are now an adult... As an adult you now realize that the idea of
being overweight is an improper idea in your mind... The
unconscious level of your mind is clearly understanding those
improper ideas from a more mature point of view, and your mind is
causing you to experience the changes that are needed to slenderize
your body to the level of pounds...

By doing it this way, it is normal and natural... It gives you a great
feeling of satisfaction... You will continue having stronger feelings of
happiness as you notice what you are accomplishing...

The fact that you have permitted yourself to be hypnotized reveals
that you want your unconscious mind to do what is necessary to
reduce your body to pounds. In the past there have been some
memories in your mind that have been keeping your body from
being as slender as you want it to be... Now you want your
unconscious mind to change those patterns that have been keeping
your body overweight... You want the unconscious level of your mind
to identify with pleasant memories that will enable your body to
reduce to pounds... You want your unconscious mind to identify
with patterns of thinking that will cause you to eat foods that are
beneficial for your body, and will cause your body to be healthy and

I'm going to give you some suggestions now, and I want you to
repeat each suggestion as though you are giving it to yourself;

I will eat only foods that are beneficial for my body... I will drink only
liquids that are beneficial for my body... I refuse to eat or drink
anything that is wrong for my body... I need my body to live, and I
want to live the rest of my life in a strong, slender, healthy body...
The rewards of having a healthy, slender body are more important to
me than eating wrong foods or drinking wrong liquids... I eat foods
that provide the proteins and nutrients my body needs...

I eat foods that provide a good balance of vitamins and minerals my

body needs... I keep becoming more confident, and I notice my body
becoming more slender... I continue visualizing my body slender,
trim, firm, healthy and perfectly developed... These suggestions are

beginning to work now... And the suggestions will continue working
at all times during my daily life... I will not permit myself to be
controlled by experiences from the past that have caused me to eat
wrong foods... My mind is developing pleasant ways to enable my
body to be slender and trim... I am developing patterns of eating that
enable me to develop a slender body...

Continue relaxing now as those suggestions become deeply

embedded in the unconscious level of your mind... I'll talk to you
again iii a moment... When I talk to you again, your mind will be
ready to receive additional suggestions that will be beneficial to
you... (Pause.)

My voice sounds very comfortable to you... The unconscious level of

your mind is receiving the suggestions I tell you„, just as though you
were giving the suggestions to yourself... Being in a hypnotic state of
relaxation, as you are now, enables your mind to learn more
rapidly... Your unconscious mind is holding on to the idea of causing
your body to keep becoming more slender...

You are becoming excited and enthusiastic about developing better

patterns of eating and drinking that are reducing your body to the
level of pounds...

You are developing an image in your mind of your body the way you
want it to be; slim, trim, and attractive... You are becoming the way
you want to be... Your will-power and self-control are increasing
more each day, and you are determined to develop correct eating

habits, and you eat foods and drink liquids that automatically reduce
your body...

The rewards of having a slender, healthy, strong body are so

important to you that you eat only the right foods for your body...
Your diet consists of only foods and liquids that keep you healthy,
and reduce your body to pounds...

Every day you will be more pleased that you decided to have me
hypnotize you to slenderize your body... Hypnosis is the best way to
reduce your body easily and naturally...

One of the main keys for naturally reducing your body is don't
worry... You don't worry about dieting... You don't worry about
exercise... You don't worry about taking diet pills... There is no
reason to worry... Your body is normally slim, trim and slender... The
unconscious part of your mind can automatically cause your
digestive system, your assimilation system, your metabolism, and
your elimination system to function properly and reduce your body
to its normal level of pounds...

In the past you may have had some doubts... Now those doubts are
leaving... All of those doubts will soon be gone completely...

You can go into bookstores and find hundreds of books about diets...
You can look on magazine racks and find many magazines with
articles about dieting... There are thousands of doctors who
prescribe diets and diet pills to their patients... You can look in
telephone books and find diet clubs, or you can go into grocery
stores and find frozen diet dinners, diet butter, diet margarine, diet
cola, diet ice-cream, and even diet candy, cake and cookies... Yet the
truth about all of those diets and diet items is, they are used by the
same people year after year, and they do not work... If they worked,
the same people would not be using them over and over again...

Reducing by dieting is only temporary... Dieting is not the answer...
The only people you see dieting are fat people... Slender people do
not diet, yet they remain slender... I'm sure you know people who
are slim and trim, and who remain slender regardless of what they
eat... They do not eat diet foods or exercise to stay slim... They do
not go on diets to stay slim... So, there is a way of being slender
without dieting, and without strenuous exercise... You will find that
hypnosis is a way that can help get your body processes to function
properly and slenderize your body easily and automatically in the
same natural way as those people who are slender and remain

I know it works, because it has worked for thousands of people who

have been hypnotized and reduced their body to the goal they set,
and they remained slender once they have reduced... One thing
about slender people is that they do hot diet... Only fat people diet...
Slender people do not diet because they are already slender and
they know they are slender...

Being overweight is natural only for those who believe it is naturally

your body was hot created to be overweight... It is normal for your
body to be slender, slim, and trim... It is natural for your body to be
pounds... You don't need to think about that now, because your
mind already knows you are normally a pound person...

We know from hundreds of different types of research in psychology,

education, medicine and healing that when a person develops a
specific idea or belief, the unconscious level of the mind will cause it
to happen... The world is full of people who keep feeding their mind

the idea of being fat... They buy diet foods which are purchased only
by fat people... They continuously talk about being fat... They buy
clothes for fat people... In many other ways they continuously
remind themselves of fat... So, you are changing your way of talking
and thinking... You are talking about your body becoming slender
and trim... You are thinking of yourself as being slender and trim...
You are getting off the fat merry-go-round... You are doing it in an
easy natural way... You are rapidly learning to think of yourself as
being slender, trim, and

Here is how you can do it easily... You are going to get rid of five
pounds from your body... Your body is now pounds... You are
going to reduce five pounds off of your body... Then you will stop
reducing for a while... First you want to get rid of only f1ve pounds
from your body... Then you want to get used to being five pounds
lighter for about a week... You want to get used to your body being
five pounds lighter... After a week, when it feels familiar to be five
pounds lighter, then you will get rid of another five pounds... Don't
be in a hurry to rush it... It may take several months to get your body
to your normal level of pounds... Yet doing it this way is
liberating you completely and you will remain slender, healthy, and

You may want to exercise, but if you do, I don't want you to exercise
for the purpose of reducing your body... Instead you will exercise to
enjoy yourself, and to feel better, and to keep your body healthy...
People who try to exercise to reduce, don't keep it up... They get to
the point of not liking the exertion and the sacrifice of having to do it
constantly... Exercise that you do for pleasure is enjoyable, and you

continue doing it because you like to do it... Therefore, it keeps your
body trim, firm and healthy...

The way to get your body down to its normal level of pounds is
the way you are doing it now... No more diets... No more self-
torture... Instead you are reducing your body in an easy, natural
way... You are already feeling enthusiastic about it... You are happy
and excited about it... You are sensing the feeling of satisfaction and
of accomplishment... You will really be proud of your
accomplishment... It will bring you much happiness and joy...

You are learning to accept yourself... Each day your self-confidence

and self-acceptance keep increasing... You will continue becoming
more efficient and more effective in your work and in all of your
other activities...

You are learning to think only good thoughts about yourself... You
are continuing to develop a better opinion of yourself... I can tell you
that you are a wonderful person, and you may think I'm only saying
that to make you feel good... But now that you are learning it for
yourself, you find it has more meaning to you...

The same thing is true with reducing your body... Now that you are
doing it in a natural way, it is more meaningful, and more permanent
and lasting... Therefore, you can take as much time as you need to
achieve your goal... You will be quite pleased that your unconscious
mind is allowing all of your body processes to function properly and

Do you realize the tremendous progress you have made today7
(Pause.) Actually it may be a week or two before you realize it
completely... You are beginning to have a very real understanding of
the fact that you are normally a slender person... You will be noticing
the more slender, more firm look of your body when you look in a
mirror... You will be noticing that your clothes keep becoming more
loose... You will feel your muscles becoming more firm... You are
recognizing your true identity... You are identifying yourself as a
strong, slender, healthy person... You are a confident person... You
are a calm, relaxed person... You are a good person...

When you awaken from the hypnotic state, you can be aware of the
changes taking place as your body is reducing... Or those changes can
be so automatic that you may not even notice that your body is
automatically becoming slimmer and trimmer... You will be happy
when you come for your next session and get on the scale and notice
that your body is responding in a way that is pleasing to you.

You can continue relaxing, and you don't need to bother listening to
my voice... As your conscious mind is relaxing, your unconscious
mind is free„, to receive the suggestions I tell you... You will soon find
yourself becoming slimmer by eating more or less of the right foods
for your body...

Everyone has their own way of reducing the level that is pleasing to
them... You may first gain a few pounds, or get rid of a few pounds...
Or you may remain the same for a while, as you are learning the
really important things about yourself...

That is a normal and natural response, as your unconscious mind is

deciding the most effective way for you to reduce your body...

What will be the most effective way 9f getting your body to the level
of pounds??? Will it be that you will feel full more quickly„, right
after you begin to eat? Will it be that you will forget to eat except
when your body needs food, because your mind will be on other
things most of the time? Will it be that you will desire only foods that
are healthy for your body, and you will dislike foods your body
doesn't need? Will it be that you will discover the enjoyment of
eating new foods that keep your body healthy and cause your body
to keep becoming more slender? Will it be that your metabolism
keeps functioning more perfectly and causes the waste materials to
be cleansed out of your system easily and automatically though the
natural processes of your elimination system? Or will it be a
combination of many possibility that the unconscious level of your
mind knows will eliminate the excess fat and fluid from your body?

You don't even need to think about that how... The unconscious part
of your mind is naturally choosing the ways that are easiest and most
natural to reduce your body to the level of pounds...

As you sit there with your eyes closed, you can find yourself going
comfortably back in time to the source of the problem that has been
causing you to be overweight... As your unconscious mind is
reviewing the source of that problem, your mind can also develop
some pleasant ways of dealing with it... And when your unconscious
mind has worked out a pleasant solution that will reduce your body
to pounds, one of the burgers on your (left) hand will raise up toward
the ceiling and your finger will remain up until I tell it to go back
down... (Pause.)

Later on, when you awaken from the hypnotic state, you will have a
strong feeling of confidence and satisfaction because of the progress
you have made today...

It is good that you are letting go completely... The unconscious part

of your mind is free to help you respond in a way that reveals that
you are in a good state of hypnosis... you do not need to consciously
recognize it... You can be surprised at all the new learnings you are
developing... In the past you learned how to be overweight... That
served a purpose for you in the past... Now you are happy to be
learning to be slim and trim and slender... You can wonder how you
are leaning to be slender... You are realizing that you don't really
care whether or not -- you just know you are automatically learning
to be more slender... Now you can begin to feel a sense of
competence and sureness that you haven't had for a long time...

You are understanding that the unconscious part of your mind can
develop control -- and take charge -- in a way that takes care of your
needs... And your unconscious mind can continue to listen to me...
Your mind is understanding what I say, even if your conscious mind
may hear or think something different...

Every time I help you go into a hypnotic state, you can keep
achieving greater benefits... You can enjoy it more... You can soon be
the person you really want to be...

In a moment, I'm going to ask you to awaken from the hypnotic state
so you can enjoy what the unconscious part of your mind is doing for
you... You can have feelings and sensations of happiness, joy, aid
pleasure that you haven't been fully aware of before...

Can you describe anything about the level of hypnosis you are in
now? (Pause.) Good... Now I want you to remain in that same level of
hypnosis... Try to keep yourself from going into a deeper state of
hypnosis, because I want you to be aware of everything I say to you
today... I want you to listen carefully to everything I say... Then you
will be able to understand completely what I say... If it becomes too
difficult to keep yourself from going into a deeper trance, and you
feel you want to let go completely, just do as you wish... Whatever
you do, you will want to listen to the complete explanation without
awakening from the hypnotic state... Are you willing to do that?

Good... You know how you have been responding to the idea of
controlling your eating habits... You have continued overeating even
though you want to slenderize your body... You have been
overeating for many years... It is quite obvious that you will continue
overeating... You know what you are doing... You know what foods
are high in calories... You know what foods are low in calories... Yet
that doesn't make any difference...

Your own eating habits have defeated you in the past... It hasn't
made any difference with regards to what you have known...
However, now your eating habits will be used to produce therapeutic
results... This you do not understand... Yet that's okay... You will
cooperate as you always do... You will also overeat...

You now weigh pounds... You do not weigh 130 pounds or 120
pounds... You now weigh pounds... So you need to overeat to
support that excess weight... You will remember this and cooperate

fully... For the next week, you will overeat... The weight of your body
is pounds right now, so you need to overeat... You will do so carefully
and willingly... You will eat enough to sufficiently support pounds...
(Suggest 5 or 10 pounds less than present weight.)

It is amazing that your unconscious mind knows how to help you

achieve that... There is nothing more I need to tell you now„, except
that you will be sure to continue cooperating...

I’m going to awaken you with no further discussion or comments... I

want you to return one week from today for another session.

You are doing really good... You are leaning to overeat wisely... Now
you are ready to continue your program of overeating... This week
you will overeat enough to sufficiently support pounds... (5 pounds
less than the client weighs today.) You will come back for another
session a week from today...

You want your body to be healthy... So, you will be sure to overeat
carefully and willingly to sufficiently support pounds... You will
notice that eating carefully and willingly is increasing your
happiness„, and you are beginning to have a better feeling about
yourself... Your self-confidence keeps increasing more each day...
You will also be noticing other important changes... Your body
processes continue to function more perfectly... Your health
continues improving... Your muscles are becoming more firm... And
your body is becoming more slender... You will be quite happy to
notice that your skin is becoming more clear and more youthful

All of these changes will continue as you go about your normal daily
activities... Your happiness keeps increasing as you notice what you
are accomplishing... You are becoming the person you have always
wanted to be; self-confident, self-sufficient, acceptable, healthy and

Your life continues becoming more enjoyable, and your feelings of

happiness are increasing more each day... You will be more stable
emotionally... You will be more calm and relaxed whether you are
alone or with others... You remain pleased that you decided to have
me hypnotize you...

You maintain a feeling of happiness because you will not be thinking
about dieting... instead, you are learning to overeat carefully and
wisely... You will also drink lots of water, because water is good for
your body... You will drink a glass or two of water about ten minutes
before eating each meal... That will cause your food to digest
properly... It will enable your elimination system to function normally
and easily...

What you are doing is for your own benefit... It is your own
accomplishment, and you will be proud of that... You are already
feeling enthusiastic about it... You are sensing the pleasure of
knowing that something good is happening... It will bring you much
happiness and joy.

You have decided to get rid of the excess weight from your body...
Especially from your abdomen and hips... By making that decision,
you are opening your unconscious mind to be receptive to the
suggestions, the guidance and the instructions I tell you...

You have permitted yourself to be hypnotized... Now your

unconscious mind is accepting the suggestions I tell you... You will be
pleased with the improvement in your body as you progress to your
goal of developing a perfect body...

What caused you to become overweight doesn't matter anymore,

because hypnosis can help you reduce your body to the level you
desire... Then the unconscious part of your mind can enable you to
maintain that level after you have reduced...

You are gradually reshaping your body... You are developing your
body exactly the way you want it to be... If your body was a solid
mass of flesh and bones, it might be difficult to understand that your
unconscious mind can reshape your body the way you consciously
want it to be... Scientists have found that the body is more than 80
percent liquid... Even your bones are filled with a fluid substance...
They are soft... They are pliable, and they are porous, because they
are penetrated by capillaries of blood corpuscles...

Since your body is more than 80 percent liquid, and since your body
is controlled by the unconscious part of your mind; your unconscious
mind can send energy through every part of your body... Your

unconscious mind can reshape your body exactly the way you
consciously want it to be...

The Bible says, "You can be transformed by the renewing of your

mind..." That's what you are doing as we continue these hypnotic
sessions... We are renewing your mind with good ideas and thoughts
about the way you want your body to be...

Each time I hypnotize you I am giving your unconscious mind

suggestions that are beneficial to you... Your unconscious mind hears
and receives the suggestions and causes your body processes to
continue functioning more perfectly and eliminate excess fat from
your waist, your stomach, your abdomen and hips, easily and
naturally though the normal processes of your elimination system...

Your will-power and self-control persist in becoming stronger each

day, causing you to desire, choose and eat only foods your body
needs to keep improving your health, and get rid of all excess fat and
fluid from your stomach, your waist, your abdomen and hips...

During your daily activities, you continue to have increased energy,

strength and vitality... You continue using the excess fat and fluid
that has been stored in your body... Your unconscious mind is
eliminating the fat especially from your abdomen and lips... You are
developing a more attractive body... Your waist is becoming more
slender... Your stomach and abdomen are becoming trimmer... Your
skin is becoming more smooth and firm... Your hips are becoming
slimmer and trimmer... Your body is becoming more perfectly
developed each day...

You can really enjoy participating in exercise that best fits your
natural ability and capacity... You can enjoy walking and breathing in
fresh air that continues improving your health... When you are
walking, you will always walk briskly, keeping your body erect and
limber... You will stride freely and easily... Every step you take will
increase your energy and vitality... You will enjoy walking... You will
always feel happy when you are walking... Each step you take
increases your feeling of health and physical well-being... Every cell,
every atom, and every molecule of your body continues functioning
more perfectly... You will be really happy as you notice your
appearance improving more each day... Your self-confidence is
increasing, and you are very proud of what you are accomplishing...

You are putting all the suggestions I tell you into your own actions...
The unconscious part of your mind is causing the suggestions I tell
you to work automatically... They keep becoming more effective
each day, and you will be well- pleased to notice yourself developing
a perfect body, exactly the way you consciously want your body to

You have lumps and bulges in some areas of your body that you want
to eliminate... So, your muscles and skin are becoming more firm and
more smooth over every part of your body...

The fact that you want to get rid of the excess cellulite from your
body, makes hypnosis work more effectively, because you are open
to receive the suggestions, the guidance and the instructions that I
tell you...

Permitting yourself to be hypnotized causes the unconscious part of

your mind to accept the suggestions I tell you... They function
properly and you will be pleased to notice all of those unwanted
lumps and bulges disappear from your body easily and naturally
though the processes of your elimination system...

I'm going to explain what causes cellulite to form on your body...

That will make it easier for your unconscious mind to cause your
body processes to function properly and cleanse the cellulite out of
your body...

Sometimes, when the processes of your body are not functioning

properly, fat, liquid, and other waste materials accumulate in a little
pocket of the skin... If it is not cleansed out of the body properly, it
forms a gel-like substance that shows though the skin looking like a
lump or bulge...

Now that you know that cellulite is made up of liquid, fat, and other
waste materials, your unconscious mind understands that you have

fluids in your body that can dissolve that gel-like substance and
change it into a liquid and can cause it to be cleansed out of your
body easily though the natural processes of your elimination

Your unconscious mind is instructing the activities of your body to

function properly and cleanse all excess fat, fluid, cellulite and other
waste material out of your body... Each time you take a drink of
water, milk, fruit juice, or other liquids, your unconscious mind will
activate the natural fluids in your body so they will dissolve unnatural
lumps and bulges, and eliminate them from your body through the
normal chemicals of your elimination system...

The natural fluids and acids in your body are functioning perfectly,
dissolving all unwanted lumps and bulges... You will be happy to
notice your body becoming more smooth, more firm, and more
perfectly developed each day... All excess bulges and lumps in your
thighs, hips, knees, upper arms, or any other part of your body are

dissolving, and your muscles and skin keep becoming more firm and
youthful in appearance...

Your body is reshaping itself in a perfect way... It is becoming more

perfect in size... Your body is becoming exactly the way you
consciously want it to be... You will be noticing improvement within
three or four days, and you will be happy to observe yourself
continuing to progress... You are getting rid of all excess cellulite, all
excess fat, liquids, and all excess impurities from your body...

You will drink the amount of liquid your body needs to enable your
system to cleanse all waste materials out easily... Each time you drink
liquid, your unconscious mind will activate the natural processes of
your body to function properly and dissolve those lumps and bulges,
and flush them out of your body...

As your friends notice your improvement and compliment you, that

will serve as reinforcement to keep your body in good, shape, and
keep you trim, healthy, strong and energetic...

Every organ of your body will continue functioning more perfectly...

Every cell, every atom, and every molecule of your body is working
properly to continue improving your appearance and your health...
You will be happy with the continuous improvement in your life...

You are now in a deep, peaceful hypnotic state of relaxation, and you
will continue moving into a more restful, cozier, state as I talk to
you... Outside sounds and noises will seem very soothing to you...
You will be listening only to my voice... You are receiving each
suggestion I tell you... Your unconscious mind can cause each
suggestion I tell you to function normally and cleanse all excess fluid
and liquid out of your body in an easy, natural way, through the
normal processes of your elimination system...

Your unconscious mind knows how to direct the cells of your body
and cause your body to heal cuts, bruises, and broken bones,
without you even needing to think about it consciously... Your
unconscious mind also knows how to direct the activities of your
body to function properly and cleanse all excess liquid and fluid out
of your body just as easily and naturally... You can automatically
experience easy, natural cleansing of all excess fluid and other waste
materials from your system...

That helps you to have a better understanding of the power of your

own mind... You have experienced how it can control your muscles,
your ligaments, and your tendons automatically... That enables you
to understand that it can cause changes in your body and eliminate
the excess fluid from your body just as easily...

Your subconscious mind is causing all of your organs to function

perfectly... That enables your elimination system to function properly
and cleanse all excess fluid and impurities out of your body in an
easy, natural way...

Your unconscious mind understands what needs to be done to help
you automatically eliminate all excess fluid and waste products from
your body, and keep the activities of your body functioning more
perfectly each day...

Permitting yourself to be hypnotized will be helpful in all areas of

your life... Each day you will find your self-confidence increasing...
You will live your life in a more relaxed way... You will be able to
handle all difficulties in a relaxed, peaceful, loving way... You are
learning to live your life calmly, and you will find that you can easily
adjust to your changing Circumstances...
You are continuing to move into a deeper, calmer, more comfortable
hypnotic state... Your mind is causing the suggestions I'm telling you
to be active in the functions of your body and they continue
becoming more effective each day...

You are getting rid of all excess fluid, waste materials, and impurities
from your body in an easy natural way, though the natural processes
of your elimination system... You will notice how much better you
feel... You will be pleased with the improvement in the functions of
your body... That cleansing will improve your health, and will
increase your energy, vitality and strength... You will be more alert
mentally, and will have a more relaxed attitude... That will enable
you to be more efficient and effective in your work and all your other
activities... Your will-power and self-control will become increasingly
stronger each day... That will cause you to desire, choose, and eat
only foods and drink only liquids your body needs to keep improving
your health...

Your desire to get rid of all excess fluid from your body is so strong
that it causes your unconscious mind to keep your kidneys
functioning perfectly... It also causes you to eat and drink only foods
and liquids needed to keep your body healthy and strong...

All of these suggestions are now in the storehouse of your mind...

Your unconscious mind is already causing the activities of your body
to respond more perfectly each day... You will be happy with your
success in getting all excess fluid cleansed out of your body.

Now that you have reduced your body down to pounds, you want
to keep your body slim and trim... You will find yourself remaining
slender because your body is made to keep itself stabilized...

Your body is a complex organization of organs, glands, blood vessels,

nerves, brain cells, muscles, ligaments, tendons, tissues and bones...
Your mind energy, which stimulates the actions of your body and
coordinates the functions of all parts of your body is a plurality of
constantly changing energies...

From birth until death, your mind is constantly receiving impressions

that influence you in some way... The impressions made in your mind
influence your natural physical impulses as well as the unconscious
part of your mind... So, one of the most important tasks is to have
your, mind forces harmonized so they will be organized and directed
toward the orderly attainment of what you want to achieve...

You have already been doing good in preparing your body to remain
slender and trim... By permitting yourself to be hypnotized you are
taking the initiative... That's the reason your body has reduced to

By successfully directing the energies of your mind, you have

developed the ability to be calm and relaxed during the activities of
your daily life... You will continue to be even more poised and
peaceful... You will maintain harmony in your body in the midst of
changing circumstances...

You are continuing to relax and rest more peacefully now... You are
realizing that your unconscious mind is a powerful tool which is
continuing to keep your body slim and trim, exactly the way you
consciously want your body to be...

You understand now that your thoughts are creative... Your thoughts
operate according to the nature, impulse, emotion or conviction
behind the thought... Your thoughts create a mold in your
unconscious mind which sets an energy in motion in response to that
thought... It's a natural law, and it always works... So, you are
realizing that your unconscious mind is a powerful tool... You are also
understanding that you have the ability to consciously direct the
unconscious level of your mind to cooperate with your conscious
desires... Regardless of how powerful your unconscious mind is, the
responses it causes in your physical body are set Hi motion by your
conscious thoughts... This fact enables you to keep your body at the
level of pounds...
Experience and scientific research has taught us that you have the
ability to consciously direct the unconscious part of your mind and
get it to respond in an advantageous, helpful way...

The key to maintaining your body at a level that is pleasing to you is

to make use of nature's law of programming your unconscious mind
properly... We have not created those laws and principals... They
already exist... We have the ability to understand them and use them
for our own benefit and personal well-being... So, listen closely now
as I give you suggestions which your unconscious mind can accept
and enable you to automatically maintain your body at a slender
level that is pleasing to you... The suggestions I'm giving you are
going into the unconscious level of your mind and they will continue

to influence your thoughts, your feelings, and your actions in a
useful, helpful way...

Even after you awaken from the hypnotic state, as you go about the
activities of your daily life, the suggestions I'm telling you will
continue to influence you just as strongly, just as surely, and just as
powerfully as they do while you are hypnotized... You will be happy
to have your unconscious mind continue controlling your appetite
and keep your body slim and trim at the level of pounds...

During your daily life, you will automatically apply these principles of
relaxation which you are now experiencing... Your nerves will be
calm and relaxed in every situation and circumstance, and you will
remain peaceful and composed regardless of what is going on
around you... That will keep your metabolism functioning properly,
and will keep your body slim and trim easily...

You realize now that you are in control of yourself rather than being
You are directing your unconscious mind to keep your body slim and

In every situation and circumstance that comes up in your life, you

will be calm and relaxed... You will use your ability to think clearly...
That will enable you to evaluate everything thoroughly and
completely, in a relaxed way, with a clear mind... You will confidently
handle every situation that comes up in your life in a peaceful, loving

All of these suggestions are stored in your unconscious mind... They
keep becoming more effective each day... You keep becoming more
youthful in appearance... Your skin is becoming smoother and
healthier... Your happiness continues increasing, and your body
keeps becoming healthier and stronger each day... Every organ in
your body is continuing to function more perfectly... Every cell, every
atom, and every molecule in your body is doing its work properly to
keep improving your health...
Youthful vitality emerges in the way you look, in the way you feel,
and in your actions... You will be exceptionally happy with the
continuous improvement in your life... You will always think good
thoughts about yourself... You will speak in a clear, concise way, and
you will continue developing more self-confidence, more self-
acceptance and more self-esteem.

These suggestions and instructions I'm telling you are going into the
unconscious part of your mind and they will begin working
immediately in your body...

Even though you are not consciously aware of it, the processes of
your body are at work within you at all times... They maintain your
body temperature at a stable level... They are continuously causing
your hair, your finger nails and your toenails to grow... They repair
the tissues of your skin when you have scratches, cuts or bruises...
They repair your bones if they are broken... They are constantly
nourishing tissues, strengthening muscles, ligaments, tendons and
bones... And they cleanse waste materials out of your body though
your elimination system...

Those processes, and many more that continue working in your body
are normal and natural... They keep working twenty-four hours a
day, causing all the activities of your body to keep functioning

Thomas Edison discovered many years ago that "every cell in your
body thinks." Since that is true, your body is capable of rebuilding
itself, reshaping itself, and revitalizing itself to look more youthful...

Your body is composed of molecules, enzymes and cells which are

designed to function perfectly... Each cell in your body is young and
vital, and each cell is capable of functioning properly... Scientists
have found that every atom, every cell and every molecule in your
body is constantly in the process of renewing itself, and is actually

replaced with new young cells every 1.1 months... So, your body is
always young, and your body is always capable of remaining young

Our society keeps track of time by using calendars and counting

years... Yet the unconscious part of your mind understands that the
number of years you have lived in your body has nothing to do with
the physical condition of your body... Each time you wash your skin,
you wash away cells and molecules that have completed their
purpose, and they are replaced by new young cells and molecules...

The natural processes of your elimination system also function to

keep the inside of your body cleansed... So, your entire body is
constantly involved in a renewing process... and every part of your
body is new and perfect... Every part of your body is capable of
functioning properly at all times...
Your skin and your organs are endlessly being renewed... Your
unconscious mind is directing the cells of your body to do their work
properly and keep your body youthful, healthy and strong...

The Bible says, "We become what we think." That has been found to
be true... So, you are thinking of yourself as being youthful... You are
ceaselessly leaking your body more youthful by continuing to think
and expect your body to be young and strong and healthy...

Your body is already in the process of adopting a more youth

appearance... It is normal and natural for your body to keep looking
young... All of nature maintains a youthful look in its own way...
Snakes shed their skin only to reveal a new, beautiful, youthful

looking skin... Birds shed their feathers only to have new bright
feathers replace the old feathers... And you too, shed your skin, a
little each day, and your body ceaselessly emerges with a more
perfect, flawless, healthy, youthful, smooth looking skin...

From now on you expect to continue looking younger, and you keep
feeling younger... You can have more energy, more vitality and more
strength... You will notice yourself becoming more youthful in
appearance... Your skin is becoming more smooth and youthful...
You will be aware of an endless improvement, and you will be proud
of what you are accomplishing...

Each day your health is improving... Every organ of your body is

continuing to function more perfectly... Every cell, every atom and
every molecule is continuing on perfectly, keeping all of your body
activities healthy, strong and energetic...

Youthful vitality is emerging in your looks, your feelings, and your

actions... It's a cycle of progress that keeps growing stronger each

Even after you come out of the hypnotic state, these suggestions will
continue to influence you just as strongly, just as surely and just as
powerfully as they do while you are hypnotized... You will be well-
pleased with the improvement in your life...

As each day passes you keep improving more... Your nerves are
becoming more relaxed and steady... Your mind is calmer and

clearer... You will be more alert, more composed, more tranquil and
more at peace within...

You are experiencing a very pleasant feeling of relaxation all though

your body... You know how good it feels to be relaxed, as you are
now... You will automatically use these principles of relaxation during
your daily life...

(Slender, Healthy, etc.)
You can continue relaxing now... You don't need to bother trying to
listen to my voice... As the conscious part of your mind continues
relaxing, your unconscious mind is free„, to receive everything I tell

You have learned how to go into a deep, peaceful hypnotic state...

Now you are ready to participate in something very powerful... You
will find this to be one of the most helpful, most beneficial
experiences you have ever had...

As you continue moving into an even deeper hypnotic state, you will
be able to experience something that will give you a tremendous
sense of confidence, a sense of competence, and a greater feeling of
sureness than you have ever had before...

The unconscious part of your mind, which is also called your inner
mind, can continue to listen to me... Your inner mind is
understanding what I say... Even though your conscious mind may
hear or think something different...

You can have feelings„, and sensations„, of happiness„, of joy„, of

pleasure„, and of love that you haven't been fully aware of before,
and you can easily relate it to me consciously after you awaken from
the hypnotic state...

You will find it easy to Cooperate... You can continue enjoying this
wonderful experience from this moment on... It will be your own
experience... It will liberate your mind and body... This experience
can free you„, in all aspects of your being„, from inhibitions, and
from all limitations imposed upon you wilfully, or because of
improper understandings, or accidentally by others...

Your inner mind understands that I am representing all those

imprints, all those impressions, and all of those thoughts or ideas in
your mind that have been causing you difficulty... I am acting now to
restore your powers and your freedom to you... As a representative
you trust to restore your freedom and increase your self-
confidence... You are happy to receive what I say... You are pleased
that your inner mind is making true everything I tell you...

Tits experience is removing all imprints, impressions, ideas, thoughts

or memories in your mind that have been causing you difficulty... All
anxieties and fears from the past are now being lifted from you... As
a spokesman for all... I accept you„, regardless of what you have
done in the past, and regardless of what you have been in the past...
I’m going to take your hand, and this is restoring your full capacity to
know„, and to experience the wonderful sensations of touch„, and all
other wonderful sensations in every part of your body...

When I touch your eyelids, you will sense your vision becoming more
clear... (Touch eyelids.) You will continue seeing more perfectly... You
will be pleased with the continuous rejuvenation of your vision...

When I touch your lips (Touch lips.) You will experience a new
awareness of your freedom to speak... You will be free to use your
own judgment, express your own opinions and relate your own
points of view...

I touch your head (Touch head.) and you are free to think... You are
free to know... You are free to experience the fullness of your

(This part, touching the chest, is to be included for clients with

asthma or emphysema.)

I touch your chest (Touch chest.) and you are free to breathe in fresh
oxygen and exhale easily... You are free to breathe comfortably at all
times, whether you are alone or with others...

I put lay hands on your shoulders (Place hands on shoulders.) and

you are free to respond to embraces... You are free to give and
receive love and affection... You are free to express yourself sexually
with the partner of your c1ioice„, if your chosen partner is also in
agreement with the sexual expression...

Now, representing your fathers, your mothers, your brothers, your

sisters, your friends, your lovers... Representing all humanity... We
set you free... Loving you, we free you to love and to be loved... We
accept you... We are happy that you have the right to be free to be
yourself... You are free to function harmoniously as a part of all that

You can now live a more full and productive life... You can now
experience greater happiness and joy... You can now be more
successful and more prosperous in all areas of your life... You can
now find your confidence increasing... The awareness of your
freedom continues increasing more each day...

And now, if you can, you will move into a deeper state of hypnosis...

(Continue on with suggestions directed toward the client's specific


You are responding really good to the suggestions, directions and
instructions I'm telling you, and now you are ready for your
unconscious mind to make some pleasant changes that cause all
nicotine, tar, and other impurities caused by smoking, to be
eliminated from your sinuses, from your throat, from your lungs and
the rest of your body rapidly and completely, through the normal
processes of your elimination system...

Permitting yourself to be hypnotized lets the unconscious part of

your mind know that you are determined that you will never smoke
again... You have accepted the responsibility for taking care of your
own body... By having this session, you have made a commitment to
protect your body from now on...

You have made a wise decision... You have stopped smoking because
you are dissatisfied with the way it affects you... You need your body
to live, and you want to live the rest of your life in a healthy body...
So, you are determined that you have stopped smoking...
Now that you have quit smoking, you know your body will be
healthier and stronger... You will find that you feel much better now
that you have discontinued the smoking habit...

It is your own decision... You have ceased smoking for your own
benefit... You have discontinued the smoking habit for your own
personal well-being, and for your own health...

You will be happy to notice how much better you feel now that you
have stopped smoking... You will be surprised at how easily you have

been able to eliminate the smoking habit through hypnosis... And
you can be sure it is permanent...

Some part of your unconscious mind knows exactly how to cause the
activities of your body to function properly and rapidly cleanse all
nicotine, all tar and other impurities caused by smoking cigarettes,
out of your sinuses, out of your throat, out of your lungs and out of
the rest of your body„, and you will never smoke again...

You will be happy to find that your unconscious mind has already
started the process of cleansing the nicotine, tar and other impurities
out of your body though the normal functions of your elimination
system... Each time you urinate you continue cleansing nicotine, tar
and other impurities out of your body...
All desire for smoking will be gone completely -- by the time you
awaken from
the hypnotic state... You will be happy to find that your will-power
and self-control . keep increasing more every hour...

You have stopped smoking already... You realize that you are calm
and peaceful now, even though you don't have a cigarette in your
hand or in your mouth... Neither do you have one burning in an ash
tray... And I have told you a signal that is keeping you calm and
relaxed as you go about your daily activities... (Water Signal)

When you awaken from the hypnotic state, you will know you are
free from the smoking habit, so if you have cigarettes and a lighter
with you, you will leave them here on my desk here before you leave

this room... When you leave this room you will know you are free
from the smoking habit...

You are really calm and relaxed now, and you understand that you
become calm and relaxed every time you look at water... Every time
you look at water your nerves become more relaxed and steady„,
and you continue becoming more calm emotionally... Your
unconscious mind is causing that signal to work automatically from
now on for the rest of your life; keeping you calm and relaxed as you
go about the activities of your daily life...
In every situation or circumstance in which you are involved during
your daily life, you remain calm and relaxed, whether you are alone
or with others... So, you have already stopped smoking, and you will
never smoke again„, unless there is a strong psychological reason
you need to smoke„, and it's very rare for a person to have a
psychological reason for smoking... So, I'm sure you have stopped
smoking... You will find your health improving rapidly now that you
have eliminated the smoking habit... (Be sure to include the
statement in bold letters above to protect your client.)

You know your body needs water... Water is good for your body...
Water helps you to maintain a good fluid balance in your body...
Water helps cleanse waste materials and impurities out of your body
through the normal processes of your elimination system... Water
keeps your kidneys healthy, and keeps your urinary system clean...
Water also eliminates the desire for snacks, which enables your body
to be slender and trim... So, you will enjoy drinking lots of water...

Your body also needs proper foods to provide proteins, vitamins,

minerals, fiber, potassium, and other nutrients to keep your body

slim, and trim, and healthy... So, you eat foods that are beneficial for
your body... You appreciate your body... From now on you always
treat your body well...
You know your body needs water and food... You also know there is
nothing in cigarettes that provides anything your body needs... So,
there is no reason to ever smoke a cigarette... You are happy to
know that the smoking habit is gone... You have eliminated the
smoking habit... You are proud of your accomplishment...

Getting rid of the smoking habit causes you to have a feeling of

fulfilment... It gives you a strong sense of satisfaction and pride...

Permitting yourself to be hypnotized reveals that you have accepted

the responsibility for your owli body... You have made a commitment
to treat your body well... It shows that you have taken the initiative,
and now you are putting the suggestions I tell you into your own

You realize that getting rid of the smoking habit is important to you...
It enables you to be an inspiration to a lot of other people who
become aware of what you have accomplished... You are already
feeling enthusiastic about it... You are sensing a wonderful feeling of
satisfaction from knowing that you have stopped smoking... You will
feel even better about it when you come out of the hypnotic state...

When you are around people who are smoking, you will always be
calm and relaxed... You have no desire to smoke... When you see
other people smoking... Or if you see ash trays with cigarettes in
them, it will cause you to be glad you stopped smoking... When you

see people smoking, it will remind you of how good it is to be free
from the smoking habit...

Tobacco has no appeal to you... You can enjoy the smell of tobacco
when someone else is smoking, yet when you see people smoking
you will be thankful that you stopped smoking...

You are completely released from the smoking habit... You are happy
to feel the freedom you now enjoy... You feel like a big load has been
lifted from you... You keep feeling cleaner and healthier each day.

You are going to be really happy that you decided to have me
hypnotize you... Permitting yourself to be hypnotized lets your
unconscious mind know you have a strong determination to stop
smoking... By making the decision to be hypnotized to eliminate the
smoking habit, you have accepted the responsibility for your own
body... You are making a commitment to treat your body good...
From now on, you will always be good to your body... You will always
do what is healthy for your body...

In this state of hypnotic relaxation, you can concentrate on the

feeling of floating... Imagine yourself floating away on a soft, fluffy,
white cloud on a beautiful summer day... Pretend that you are
floating out beyond space and time...

As you are floating, your mind can concentrate on three important

reasons you have stopped smoking...

1. First you have quit smoking because you dislike the effect
smoking has on your body... You need your body to live, and you
want to live the rest of your life in a healthy body, so you have
stopped smoking...

2. A second reason you have stopped smoking is because your

body is the important physical structure though which you
experience life... You want to experience the rest of your life in a
strong, healthy body...

3. A third reason you have stopped smoking is because you have
learned to respect your body... From now on, you are determined to
be good to your body... You have accepted your responsibility as
your body's keeper... You realize that you are responsible for your
own body... By making this commitment to be good to your body
and take care of your body, that gives you the power to be
completely free from the smoking habit...

Notice that you are now thinking about what you are for, rather than
what you are against... Of course, you are against smoking, because
you know smoking is an undesirable habit... But your emphasis is on
your commitment to respect your body, and take care of your body...
Because of your commitment to respect your body and take good
care of your body, it is now natural for you to protect your body
against tobacco...
By making this commitment to respect your body, you have stopped
smoking, and you will also be careful to eat and drink only foods and
liquids that are beneficial for your body...

You now have a disciplined concern for your body that causes you to
protect your body... You select only foods and liquids that are
beneficial for your body... You eat only foods that keep your body
slim, trim and healthy, while protecting your body from the habit of

Think these words in your mind now: "I need my body to live... I owe
my body the respect and protection it needs to keep me healthy and
strong, so I have stopped smoking completely and permanently..."

In just a moment I want you to think the numbers 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, and 1
in your mind and keep relaxing more with each number you think...
From now on each of those numbers have a new meaning, and each
time you think, hear, see or say one of those numbers, your
subconscious mind causes the meaning for that number to keep
becoming more automatic in your life...

Six means you are relaxing peacefully and calmly... Every time you
think, hear, see or say 6, your unconscious mind causes you to
relax more peacefully and

Five means all impurities are cleansed out of your body though the
natural processes of your elimination system...

Four means your health keeps improving and your life continues
becoming happier and more enjoyable...

Thee means your self-confidence, self-acceptance, self-reliance and

self-esteem are growing stronger...

Two means you are peaceful and calm in every situation or

circumstance in which you find yourself, whether you are alone or
with others...

One means you are completely free from the smoking habit... All
desire for smoking is gone completely... You feel great about your

(Think the numbers 6,5,4,3,2, and 1 in your mind now.)
There is nothing in cigarettes that provides anything your body
needs, so there is no reason to smoke... You are feeling happy and
proud of the fact that you have eliminated the smoking habit...
Getting rid of the smoking habit causes you to have a strong sense
and strong feeling of satisfaction... Being free from the smoking habit
is important to you... It will also be helpful to other people who will
be aware of what you have accomplished... When you awaken from
the hypnotic state, you will feel confident and happy about your

Anytime you are around people who are smoking, you will be relaxed
and calm... When you see people smoking or see ash trays with
cigarettes in them, it will remind you of how good it is to be free
from the smoking habit...

Tobacco has no appeal to you... You can enjoy the smell of tobacco
when someone else is smoking, but you remain a non-smoker...
When you see people smoking, it will cause you to be even happier
that you have eliminated the smoking habit...

Because of your own commitment and determination, you are

completely released from the smoking habit... You feel like a big load
has been lifted from you... Each day you keep feeling cleaner and
healthier... All nicotine, tar and other impurities are being cleansed
out of your sinuses, out of your throat, out of your lungs and out of
your body rapidly through the normal processes of your elimination
system... All desire for smoking is gone... You will never smoke

(Discuss reasons the client wants to cut down on the smoking habit.
The more reasons for wanting to quit, the more effective hypnosis

You have decided to cut down on the number of cigarettes you

smoke each day... That is your own decision... You are doing it for
your own personal well-being... You will find that hypnosis will
enable you to rapidly cut down on the number of cigarettes you
smoke each day...

Permitting yourself to be hypnotized indicates that you are really

serious about changing your habit of smoking... That makes hypnosis
more effective... It causes you to have less desire to smoke each
day... Most of the time your mind will be on other things that give
you more enjoyment than you have ever had from smoking...

When a person smokes as much as you have been smoking, your

taste buds are constantly at work... Your taste buds become weak
and insensitive... As a result, you don't get as much pleasure from
the foods you eat or the tobacco you smoke because of the constant
stimulation of your taste buds... For this reason, your unconscious
mind is causing you to develop more sensitive taste buds... Your
taste buds continue becoming more sensitive each day... That will
cause you to keep smoking a lesser
number of cigarettes each day... Each time you smoke a cigarette it
will satisfy you for a longer period of time... You will be so
completely satisfied that you will

continue going a longer and longer length of time without smoking...

When you finish smoking a cigarette you will feel completely

satisfied; comparable to the way you are satisfied after eating a good
meal... You will be so content that you will not smoke again for a
long time... That gives your taste buds a rest... It will cause your taste
buds to become even more sensitive... When you smoke the next
cigarette, it will be even more satisfying... You will wait much longer
before you smoke again... Each time you smoke a cigarette you will
be content for a longer period of time... Your taste buds continue
becoming more fresh, cleaner and more
responsive... You will be so completely delighted after smoking a
cigarette that the length of time between smoking will continue
becoming longer and longer...

By tomorrow you will be smoking much less than you smoke today...
Each day you continue cutting down on the number of cigarettes you
smoke... Soon you will be
smoking only two or three cigarettes a day... They will satisfy
you so completely that you will be totally content smoking only two
or three cigarettes a day...

You will be delighted... You will be pleased... You will be proud of

your accomplishment... When you decide to stop smoking
completely, you will come back for another hypnotic session... You
will find that it will be easy to eliminate the smoking habit

You will be calm and relaxed during your daily life... If you are around
people who are smoking, you will find that you will be satisfied by
smelling the smoke from their cigarettes...

Each hour your desire to smoke keeps becoming less... You continue
becoming healthier, stronger and more clean than ever before...

(This prescription is to be used as a follow-up on the” Cut Down on
Smoking" prescription.)

Now that you have cut down on the number of cigarettes you smoke,
you are ready to get rid of the smoking habit completely... Is that
right7 (Pause for answer.)

Good, since you have made the decision to quit smoking, you will
find that the unconscious part of your mind will cooperate... Your
unconscious mind is causing your entire organism and body to assist
by cleansing the desire for cigarettes out of your body...

You are transferring the pleasure you used to get from smoking to an
even greater pleasure that will improve your health and increase
your strength... It will also give you more energy...

The pleasure you were getting from smoking is transferred to the

first meal you eat each day... From now on, the first meal you eat
each day will be so satisfying that it will take care of the needs of
your body... It will eliminate the desire for smoking... The first meal
you eat each day will be so gratifying that it will replace the desire to
smoke... You will enjoy all the food you eat, and you will eat only
those foods needed to keep your body healthy and strong... Eating
just the right amount of food you need will keep your body at a
slender level that is pleasing to you... As soon as you eat the amount
of food your body needs, you will be perfectly content and satisfied...
You will eat only when your body needs food... The food you eat will
be so agreeable to your body that it eliminates the desire to smoke...

This Will help you in many ways... Your health will continue to
improve... You will be able to breathe more easily... You will have
more energy... Your mind will be more clear and more alert...

By getting rid of the smoking habit, you will also notice your sense of
smell improving... You will experience increased pleasure from
smelling the soothing aroma of flowers, food, perfume, and fresh

You used to enjoy smoking, but the satisfaction you were getting
from smoking and inhaling smoke, has been transferred to a greater
appreciation of eating the proper foods needed to keep you healthy
and slender... All desire for smoking has been transferred to the new
pleasure of eating properly... You are now free from the smoking

You have decided to quit smoking... This is your own decision... You
are getting rid of the smoking habit for your own benefit, and for
your own personal well-being... That means it will be easy for you to
get rid of the smoking habit... You will be surprised at how easily you
get rid of the smoking habit though hypnosis...

You will be pleased to find that you have already stopped smoking...
You are realizing how calm and relaxed you are right now, even
though you don't have a cigarette in your hand or your mouth...
Neither do you have one burning in a» ash tray...

This relaxation that you are experiencing is a peaceful, calm state

which you produced yourself... I didn't make you relax... I merely
gave you suggestions... You relaxed yourself... And you can
automatically relax yourself every time you look at water... Looking
at water is a signal... Your unconscious mind will respond to that
signal from now on for the rest of your life, and will cause you to
become relaxed, calm and peaceful for at least eight hours every
time you look at water...

So, you have already stopped smoking... You will never smoke again
unless you have a strong psychological reason that you need to
smoke... It is rare for a person to have a psychological reason for
smoking, so I'm sure you are free from the smoking habit...

You know your body needs water to keep your body processes
functioning properly... You also need food to provide the proper
nourishment your body needs... You also know there is nothing in

cigarettes that provides anything your body needs, so you will never
smoke a cigarette again unless you feel you must smoke or die... Of
course, you realize you do not need to smoke to stay alive... In fact,
your health will keep improving now that you have quit smoking...
Eliminating the smoking habit will prolong your life, so you know you
will never need and never want to smoke again...

You have stopped smoking completely, and your unconscious mind is

causing the processes and activities of your body to function
properly and cleanse all nicotine, tar and other impurities out of your
body though the normal activities of your elimination system...

As each hour passes, you have less desire to smoke... Two hours
from now you will have much less desire to smoke... In a short time,
all desire to smoke will leave your mind and body completely...

Your will-power and self-control are becoming stronger every hour,

enabling you to be completely free from the smoking habit...

You will be calm and relaxed at all times, even when you are around
people who are smoking... You will remain calm and relaxed when
you see ash trays with cigarettes in them... Anytime you see people
smoking, you will be happy that you quit smoking... You will be proud
of the fact that you have stopped smoking...

Tobacco has no appeal to you... You can enjoy the smell of tobacco
when someone else is smoking, but you have quit smoking
completely... You have been completely released from the smoking

habit... You feel like a big load has been lifted from you... You are
excited and happy to feel the freedom you now enjoy... All desire for
smoking has been cleansed out of your mind and body...

Each hour you keep feeling healthier, stronger, and more clean than
ever before.

You have decided to get rid of the habit of smoking... You will be
pleased that you made that decision, because eliminating the
smoking habit will cause your health to improve... It will also increase
your energy, strength and vitality...

Permitting yourself to be hypnotized enables you to stop smoking

completely... You will be pleasantly surprised at how easily you get
rid of the smoking habit and get rid of the desire to smoke...

You can notice that you are really calm and relaxed now, even
though you are not smoking... You will continue experiencing this
same feeling of calmness and relaxation as you go about the
activities of your daily life... Every time you look at water you
become relaxed, calm and peaceful... You remain that way for at
least eight hours every time you look at water...

(Be sure that you have used the finger response, or some other
technique to have client released from the underlying cause of
smoking... Ask for the client's unconscious mind to promise to cause
a finger to lift up when it knows the client is free from the smoking

The unconscious part of your mind has promised that you are free
from the smoking habit... Now your mind is increasing your will-
power and self-control...

You can enjoy the smell of smoke when someone else is smoking,
but you have quit smoking and you will never smoke again...

You have many good reasons for getting rid of the smoking habit... It
will improve your health... It will strengthen your heart... It will
cleanse your sinuses, your throat, and your lungs, enabling you to
breathe more easily... Being free from the smoking habit will save
you the expense of buying the cigarettes... It will also save the added
expense caused by burning your clothing and furniture... It gets rid of
the tobacco smell on your clothing and your breath... It causes your
nerves to be more relaxed and steady... You are realizing that it is
good to be free from the smoking habit... You are happy that you
decided to have me hypnotize you to eliminate all desire for

Your entire organism and body are cooperating functioning to

cleanse all desire for cigarettes out of your body quickly... After this
session is over, your mind will be on other things... There is nothing
in cigarettes that provides anything your body

needs, so there is no reason to smoke... You have quit smoking

completely... You are already feeling proud of your

Your will-power and self-control keep increasing every hour... You

are free from being controlled by the smoking habit... You have
stopped smoking, and you are happy to feel the freedom you now

Your health will keep improving... You will have more energy,
strength and vitality... And you will be amazed at how much better
you keep feeling each day.

(Use when more than one session is needed.)
Hypnosis works amazingly well in helping get rid of unwanted
habits... In most cases it takes only one session of being hypnotized
and being given helpful suggestions to enable you to get rid of the
unwanted habit completely... However, in some cases, there can be a
psychological or emotional reason a person has developed the
habit... As you continue relaxing, I'm going to talk to you briefly
about what habits are and how they work... That will increase your
understanding... It will make it easier for the unconscious part of
your mind to get rid of the habit completely and permanently...

First of all, habits are learned... The first time you (smoke a cigarette)
(drink an alcoholic beverage) (take a drug), it is not a habit... It
becomes a habit as you continue doing it... The more you do it, the
more strongly the habit becomes reinforced in your mind...

Second, habits tend to operate on an unconscious level... As you

begin, you are doing it consciously at first... But as you continue, you
are soon doing it without conscious control...

Third, it becomes a habit when you continue doing it at regular


Fourth, the more you do it, the more it keeps becoming reinforced in
your mind...
You soon feel that you must continue...

Fifth, the habit reaches a point that it begins fulfilling a need... It
becomes a way of coping with other experiences that come up in
your life...

Sixth, after the habit becomes established, most attempts to stop it

meet with resistance... When you try to stop the habit, the need
remains unfulfilled... Harmful habits tend to operate in a circle...
Fueled by the need which is not being fulfilled...

The unfulfilled need could be a need for companionship... A heed for

love... A heed for real sexual fulfilment... Or it could be a
combination of experiences which are causing loneliness, anxiety,
worry, or depression...

The habit then becomes a substitute of attempting to satisfy the

emotional need, yet it does not work... It fails to achieve what it is
supposed to accomplish...

All it does is become a stronger habit, and causes the body to keep
becoming less healthy... It can also contribute to other problems...
Consciously trying to stop the habit meets with resistance and trying
to resist only make it become more firmly established... So, one of
the first things you can do is stop trying to fight it...

The change will begin when you realize it is okay to be the way you

I'm going to mention something you can do that will eliminate the
need for you to have the habit of (smoking) (nail biting) (drinking)
(taking drugs) ...

Before you come back for your next session, I want you to take time
to list the reasons you want to get rid of that habit... Make a list of as
many reasons as you can, and then number the five you feel to be
your most important reasons for getting rid of that habit...

After you finish making a list of reasons you want to get rid of that
habit, make a list of reasons you do not want to get rid of that
habit... Then make a list of the needs the habit might be fulfilling...
List as many as you can, then narrow it down to the one or two most
important needs... Then write ways that you have available that
could fulfil those needs if you do not have the habit... By doing this,
you will develop an understanding about the structure of a habit,
and what you get out of it... At the same time, you will have a better
understanding of the problems it is causing you...

You will be amazed at how much easier it will be for you to get rid of
the habit... You will have an understanding about the habit that will
cause your unconscious mind to cooperate in getting rid of the habit

Getting Riff of Smoking

(From this point on the suggestions are for smokers only.)

You will be aware of how good it is to be able to walk briskly up a lull

and feel clean and strong, and be able to breathe easily and freely...

You will realize how good it is to feel energetic and full of vitality...
You will know all the wonderful benefits of being free from the
habit... Your mind will realize that you will be a much better person
being free from that habit...

There is nothing about smoking that gives you any benefit... So, there
is no reason for you to be smoking... However, I don't want you to try
to quit smoking... If you desire to smoke, it's okay for you to smoke...
Your unconscious mind understands that you will soon be a non-
smoker... You will find the desire to smoke is fading away
automatically as you go about the activities of your daily life...

Any time you have a strong urge to smoke, go ahead and smoke, and
enjoy it... You are learning to be kind to yourself... Your unconscious
mind is cooperating by causing you to desire only what is good for
your body and your health...

You can smoke any time you want to... Since you are interested in
developing a healthier, stronger body, you will go through a little
ritual before you smoke... Anytime you feel an urge to smoke; before
you light a cigarette, step outside and take ten deep, slow breaths of
good fresh air... After doing that you will be able to choose whether
or not you want to smoke... Whatever choice you make is okay... You
will feel good about the choice you make...

What you are doing is developing an interesting, healthy form of

substitution... You are replacing the habit of smoking... You will really
be pleased to notice the way you keep improving more in all areas of
your life; physically, mentally, and emotionally.

Your unconscious mind can understand things that you do not
consciously understand... Your unconscious mind can work out a
solution to any problem that you don't know the answer to...

I don't know what caused you to start taking ... It isn't necessary
for me to know, nor is it necessary for you to consciously know what
caused you to start... Whatever caused you to start taking is
past now... the unconscious part of your mind is understanding that
there is no reason it needs to continue causing you difficulty... Your
unconscious mind can review the imprints, impressions, thoughts,
ideas and memories in your mind that have caused you to be taking
and your mind can assess that information and realize there is no
reason you need to continue taking

When your unconscious mind understands what caused you to start

taking and realizes there is no reason you need to continue taking
your unconscious mind will cause one of the fingers on your left
hand to raise up toward the ceiling, and your finger will remain up
until I tell it to go back down...

while I'm waiting for your unconscious mind to review what has been
causing you to take and for your mind to understand the causes and
effects, and to realize that you can now be free from taking , I want
to tell you a story that your unconscious mind will understand, and
your mind will give you the confidence and courage you need to say
no to from now on...

There was a little porcupine that lived out in the woods... He was a
strange looking animal with a small body that was covered from
head to foot with long, fierce-looking quills that stuck up all around
his body...

Whenever he was walking around in the forest, he noticed that other

animals, much larger than he, would stop when they saw Um, and
give Um plenty of room to go by... No other animal would even come
near trim... It caused the porcupine to feel very sad and lonely,
because he didn't know any other porcupines to associate with...

Yet any time another animal got near him, the porcupine would get
scared and his fear would make his quills stand straight out, making
win appear to be ten times

larger than he really was, and the other animals would usually get
out of his way... However, once in a while some foolish animal would
get too close and the porcupine's quills would stick in the animal and
he would run off screaming and hollering and crying... Mr. Porcupine
didn't understand it, because all he had done was stand still and be

The other animals accused him of attacking them, and that puzzled
Mr. Porcupine because he was afraid of almost all the other
animals... He was confused and lonely, and very bored because he
couldn't think of anything to do by himself to keep life interesting...

One day as Mr. Porcupine was walking through the forest, being
avoided by all the ani1nals„, he met a large turtle, and the turtle

stopped and looked at him and said, "Gee, you sure are strange
looking," and Mr. Porcupine got scared and raised all his quills„, and
the turtle said, "That is amazing! You can make yourself ten times
larger than your normal size, and all I can do is pull in my head and
feet and make myself smaller."

"Oh," said Mr. Porcupine "Let me see you make yourself smaller, and
the turtle pulled in his head and feet, and he was so much smaller
that he looked much like the rocks and stones around him, and Mr.
Porcupine had to look very closely to see which one was the turtle...
"My!" said the porcupine, "I wish I could pull in my head and feet and
make myself into a stone," and the turtle peeked out and said, "and I
wish I could make myself ten times as big, and have those fierce-
looking spears all over me, instead of having to pull myself in... It's
dark in there and it gets very boring..."

"Well, I'm bored too," said the porcupine. "Because making myself
ten times bigger looking, and sticking out my fierce-looking quills,
causes all other animals to avoid me..."

The turtle laughed and said, "I can come near you... I can even touch
you, and he did touch Mr. Porcupine, and Mr. Porcupine began to
shake with fear, because he was not used to being touched, and Mr.
Porcupine said, "You touched me and my quills didn't stick into
"No," said the turtle, "Because I have my shell to protect me... You
have your quills and I have my shell, and they protect us because
inside we are really scared..."
And Mr. Porcupine began to laugh because he had found a friend
who understood exactly how he felt and was hot afraid of his quills,

and he was not afraid of the turtle because the turtle was not afraid
of him... And they became good friends...

One day a big ugly animal came into the forest... He seemed very
mean... When he laughed it sounded like a snarl and when he
snarled he sounded even worse... He had ugly fur that looked very
rough in patches, and he had a long mean looking nose, and long
snaggly teeth...

That ugly, mean looking creature came walking up to where Mr.

Porcupine was standing, and Mr. Porcupine said, "Hello," in a
quavering voice... The creature laughed his laugh which sounded like
a snarl, and the little porcupine asked, "What's your name?" "What's
it to ya?" responded the creature... "Oh," said Mr. Porcupine. "My
name is Porky, and I just wondered what your name is... "All right
nosey, my name is Laughing Hyena... "Oh," said Porky, "That's an
interesting name..." "You're making fun of me." snarled the hyena,
and Porky said, "Oh no, I'm not making fun of you..."

"Well you'd better not," said the laughing hyena, "Because I could
make mincemeat out of you in one bite..." And when he said that Mr.
Porcupine's quills stood straight up... The laughing hyena said, "Oh,
you want a fight, do ya? Well I'll show you..." And he jumped at little
Porky, and little Porky just stood there shaking all over like tree
leaves in the wind...

The mean laughing hyena got his long mean snout and his ears full of
quills, and he put his tail between his legs and ran off howling...

Mr. Turtle applauded Mr. Porcupine, and Mr. Porcupine had learned
the difference between making friends and protecting himself...

Now you are learning the difference between making friends and
protecting yourself... You are realizing that anyone who offers you
is not being a friend... From now on, you will have confidence in
yourself and will say "No."

One day I was riding as a passenger in a car, and we were going

through a large city during the rush hour... The driver got into a lane
that I didn't usually use... I asked why she had chosen that lane, and
she said, "This is the best lane, I always drive in this lane..."

I noticed that cars kept passing us on both sides and that our lane
was moving more slowly than the others, so I pointed to a blue truck
one lane over and said to her, "Do you see that truck? I want you to
stay in the lane you're in now, and try to beat that truck across the
bridge..." The blue truck started to edge out in front of us, brit the
driver was still defending the lane she had chosen... The blue truck
kept getting farther and farther ahead... Finally, it was out of sight...
It had gotten so far ahead of us that we couldn't see it anymore...
The driver finally admitted she had chosen the wrong lane...

By permitting yourself to be hypnotized to get rid of the habit of

taking , you have shown that you realize you had taken the
wrong lane... Now you have made a wise decision... You are getting
your life straightened out...

A lot of people who take drugs, keep insisting that they are right,
even in the face of overwhelming evidence, but you have now
admitted you were wrong, and you have taken a big step in
overcoming the habit...

Each day your self-confidence, self-acceptance, and self-reliance

keep getting stronger... And you have the confidence and courage
you need to refuse to have anything to do with from now on...

Your unconscious mind understands that you have been absorbing

countless impressions, learning many facts, storing ideas, symbols
and all kinds of information in the unconscious part of your mind
ever since you came into existence... Your mind possesses great
amounts and varieties of wisdom, far beyond what your conscious
mind has been aware of knowing... All of that knowledge and
wisdom is in the storehouse of your mind and is part of your own
development... You are now using that knowledge to enable you to
keep advancing and progressing in all areas of your life... You are
setting up goals for yourself, knowing that you have the ability to
achieve your goals.

You are rapidly developing stronger good qualities and

characteristics that give you the confidence and courage to remain
free from taking

(Note: If the client's finger does not lift by the time you complete the
session, go to the "Therapy Between Sessions" prescription, in this
book, and give those suggestions to the client before awakening
him/her from the hypnotic state.)

(You can use some of the Stop Smoking prescriptions by changing it
to "Stop Drinking Alcoholic Beverages" instead of "Stop Smoking.")
One time there was a small boy who got lost in a forest... The more
he tried to find his way out, the deeper he went into the forest and
the more lost he became... Although he didn't realize it, he kept
going around in circles„, and he became frightened... Soon tears
came streaming down his cheeks... He became very tired, and he
began to cry harder...

As he kept walking a little further, he suddenly noticed a clearing... In

the middle of the clearing was a small house... He became excited as
he ran toward the house and knocked on the door... A deep voice
answered, "Come in... It is open... It's always open..."

The little boy pushed the door open and looked into the dimly lit
room... As his eyes became accustomed to the dim light, he saw an
old ma» sitting at a table in the corner of the room... The old man
said, "Well, come iii, come in... What are you waiting for? Everyone is
welcome here..."

The little boy went in and stood a few feet away from the old man,
who asked, "Are you lost, little boy?" the boy nodded his head... The
old man said, "Well, you're safe here. Sit down, and I'll give you some
magic potion..."

The little boy looked at the old man questioningly, and the old man
said, "Here, I'll pour you some." And he poured some liquid into a
small glass, and the little boy drank it... In a few moments he felt

exhilarated... He felt as though he were in a large and beautiful
room... He felt as though he was eight feet tall... He felt joyful,
cheerful, powerful, and very safe... hi a few moments he fell asleep...
He slept for a long time, and when he awakened, he felt sick... He
had a terrible headache, and his stomach was upset... The old man
looked at him and laughed, "Ha, ma, ha." and said, "You need some
more magic potion, and handed the little boy another drink of the
liquid... The boy feeling so sick, reached for it and drank it down...

It was magic, for in a little time, the boy felt wonderful again... He
was again eight feet tall, in a lovely room, feeling cheerful, happy,
powerful and very safe... Again he fell asleep... He slept a long time...
Again, woke up feeling sick... The old man offered him some more of
the magic potion... Days passed and turned into weeks, and the
weeks into months... The little boy kept drinking the magic potion in
greater amounts... He kept drinking it more and more often... After a
long time had passed, one looming the little boy awakened, and
looked around bleary eyed... He saw the room was empty... He
thought, "Oh, I've got to get out of here... I don't like feeling eight
feet tall and then feeling sick... I must get away from here..." So, he
sneaked out of the house, and hid in the woods... He heard the old
man come back to the house...

Quickly, the old man came back out of the house and called for the
boy... He began beating the bushes looking for the boy... The boy
trembled and hid himself... Finally, the old man cursed and gave up...
He went back into the house... In a short time, the boy could hear
him snoring, and he got up and ran away„, but he was still lost in the
forest, and didn't know how he was going to get out again...

He was feeling sad, and tired, and frightened when all of a sudden he
smelled smoke... He looked around, and in a distance, he saw a
campfire, and around the campfire he saw a circle of people...
Timidly he went closer and closer, still feeling afraid, but beginning to
feel a little hope as he smelled something good cooking on the
campfire... He felt quite weak, and before he reached the campfire,
he fainted... As he lay there, he felt someone lifting him... He felt
strong arms carrying him... When he finally opened his eyes, he was
propped up among a group of people around the campfire... When
they saw he had opened his eyes, they greeted him and asked his

When he told them his name, they each told him their names, and
they gave him a cup filled with a delicious stew... At first, he was
afraid it was another magic potion, and didn't eat it... They told him,
it wasn't a magic potion, that it was a good, healthy, nourishing
food... He was so hungry that he ate it, and he could feel his strength
coming back...

He stayed with these friendly people until his strength returned... He

felt himself growing taller and stronger... One day, he wished to
leave the forest... Several of the people from around the campfire
decided to leave the forest too... So, the little boy went with them...
He was overjoyed and very excited because he was finding his way
out of the forest... Each day they came closer and closer to the
edge... One day they emerged into full sunlight... The little boy was
filled with joy and happiness... But his friends said, "We're not all the
way back yet... We still have a very high and difficult mountain to
climb..." Sure enough, as they went around the next curve, they
came to

a huge mountain... He felt like giving up, for he didn't think he could
possibly have the strength or the skill to go over that mountain...

His friends said, "You can do it, just watch us and do what we do.
You'll make it..." So, he started up the mountain... It was slow and it
was difficult... Sometimes he felt like he didn't have the strength to
keep going... Yet he kept watching the others, and one day he found
himself at the top... He looked out from the top of the mountain...
Spread out below, he saw a beautiful plain... There were gardens, a
fine city full of happy people... The people were busy and active... He
thought, "Oh, I'm so excited to be getting back to the city..." Then he
realized that just as he had climbed the mountain... Now he must
find a way down the other side...

Then he began to think. "It was difficult coming up the mountain... It

will be much easier going down"... So, he started down, carefully,
and firmly planting each foot... He began to sing a song that
increased his happiness as he went down the mountain and
approached the beautiful city and the welcoming world...

When he reached the bottom, he looked at the city spread out in the
sparkling light... He saw people in their gardens, and he ran forward
with a shout of joy and happiness because he had at last found his
way back from the forest.

Now that you are in a hypnotic state, you will find that there are
many things you can do that you haven't even been aware of...
You're going to enjoy doing some things that will make you very

Put your hands on your thighs, and keep your eyes closed while you
notice your hands... Which one of your hands will begin to feel light
first? (Pause.) Will it be your right hand... Or will it be your left hand?
Or will they both feel the lightness at the same time? Will your right
hand lift up toward your face? Or will your left hand lift up toward
your face or will both hands lift up toward your face, as you continue
moving into a deeper, more peaceful hypnotic state... Do you notice
the feeling of lightness in your fingers first? Or do you notice the
feeling of lightness in the palm of your hand? As your expectancy is
increasing, I'm wondering if you are ready to get rid of the habit of
sucking your thumb today... Or are you going to wait until next
Wednesday to stop sucking your tliumb7??

I know your mother and your father have been trying to get you to
quit sucking your thumb... They don't seem to realize that you are
just years of age... They don't seem to know that you will
naturally quit sucking your thumb either today or next week... They
really don't know that... When do you want to quit sucking your
thumb... Today or next Wednesday? (Wait for an answer.)

Okay, you have decided to stop sucking your thumb . Now that's
our secret... You have decided to stop sucking your thumb .
So, if your parents tell you to stop sucking your thumb... Don't pay

any attention to them... Because you already know you are going to
stop sucking your thumb, isn't that right... (Pause.)

Now, with your eyes closed, I want you to notice your hands again...
We'll wait and see which hand is going to touch your face first... It's
not really important which hand touches your face... The important
thing is that you notice the feelings in your hand...

Some day you will meet a new friend„, and you will be able to tell
your friend « about being hypnotized... You will be able to tell
your friend how easy it was for you
to quit sucking your thumb...

It's nice to know that you are going to stop sucking your thumb... As
soon as you are sure that you are getting rid of the habit of sucking
your thumb... You will be able to open your eyes... It will seem as if
you just sat down and are waiting for me to begin... You will feel as
though you have been away on a trip to a faraway land and came
back again.

You have made a firm decision to stop biting your fingernails... You
want to let your fingernails grow so they will be long enough for you
to file or clip them...

Permitting yourself to be hypnotized means you will be successful in

eliminating the habit of biting your fingernails... Biting your finger
nails is a habit which you learned over a period of time, but it's an
easy habit to get rid of... Because biting your finger nails fails to serve
a purpose in your life...

You know you have the ability to move your hands any time you
want to move them... It's easy for you to put your hands any place
you want to put them... All you need to do is decide where you want
to put your hands, and you can do it... You can put them on top of
your head, or you can put them on your knee by merely making the
conscious decision to move your hands to that spot...

From now on, if your hand starts moving toward your mouth, you
will be aware of what is happening, and you will realize that you can
stop your hand... You will stop your hand and move your hand
somewhere else...

You have decided to stop biting your fingernails, so your unconscious

mind is increasing your will-power and self-control, and is making it
easy for you to be free from the habit of biting your fingernails...

You have decided to stop biting your fingernails because you want
your fingernails to grow... They will continue growing longer and
stronger because you have stopped biting them...

Try to bite your fingernails now and notice that your unconscious
mind keeps you from biting them... Try to bite your fingernails and
notice that your teeth will not bite on your fingernails... You are free
from the habit of biting your fingernails, because you decided to stop
biting them...

You can put your hand up to your mouth to eat food... But you are
free from the habit of biting your fingernails... They are now growing
longer and stronger... You will be happy to notice your fingernails
growing the way you want them to grow.

(For Children)
As you continue moving into a more comfortable state of relaxation,
you can feel yourself growing... You will soon be a grown-up person...
You do want to grow up, don't you? (Pause for answer.)

Good... I knew you wanted to grow up... That's one of the reasons
you want to stop wetting in the bed... You want to grow up and you
want to do things the way grown-ups do... You want to graduate
from school... You want to be able to drive a car... Some day you
want to have your own home... So, you sure want to stop wetting in
the bed, don't you? (Pause for answer.)

Good... Since you want to quit wetting in the bed, I'm going to tell
you something that will keep you from ever wetting the bed again...
How does that sound to you? (Pause for answer.)

From now on you will be able to sleep all night in a nice dry bed...
You are grown up enough now that you want to always sleep in a
nice dry bed just like grown-ups do... You are old enough and smart
enough that from now on if you ever need to use the toilet during
the night, you will wake up, and you will get out of your bed and go
to the toilet... After you use the toilet you will go back to bed and go
back to sleep and sleep in a nice dry bed for the rest of the night...

Most of the time you will be able to sleep all night without needing
to go to the toilet, because you are growing up and you are learning
to control yourself and you will never wet in the bed again...

Before you go to bed each night you will use the toilet, and that will
make it easy for you to sleep all night in a nice dry bed... You will go
to sleep in a nice dry bed, and you will wake up each morning in a
nice dry bed...

You know your bladder is made like a balloon... It keeps stretching to

hold fluid all night long... That enables you to sleep comfortably all
night in a nice dry bed... You will be very happy and proud of yourself
because you realize that you are growing up... You keep having more
confidence in yourself...

You will be happier with your friends, and you will be able to have
friends stay all night with you because your bed will always be nice
and dry...

If you ever heed to use the toilet during the night you will always
wake up and go to the toilet... That way you will always sleep in a
nice dry bed that you will be proud to have your friends see...

Now that you don't wet in the bed any more, you will be more
relaxed in school... You will notice that your school grades keep
improving... You can be really proud of yourself... You know that your
bladder will stretch enough for you to sleep comfortably in a nice dry
bed all night...

During the day, if you need to use the toilet and can't get to a toilet
right away, you know how to control yourself until you get to a
toilet... During the night while you are sleeping the unconscious part

of your mind will cause you to automatically control yourself and
enable you to sleep comfortably in a nice dry bed...

From now on, if you are sleeping and need to use the toilet, you will
wake up and go to the toilet just like you do during the day when you
need to use the toilet... Most of the time you will sleep comfortably
all night long in a nice dry bed...

You are too grown up and too smart to wet the bed any more... You
feel good now... You feel confident... You can really be proud of
yourself because you know you will always sleep in a nice dry bed.

Your unconscious mind indicates that you are now released from
everything that had been causing you to urinate in your bed when
you are sleeping... You will find that you are getting rid of the habit
of urinating in your bed... Your unconscious mind controls your body
functions, and the unconscious part of your mind is getting rid of the
bed-wetting habit completely and forever... From this moment on,
you will urinate only when you consciously make the decision to
eliminate urine from your bladder into a toilet... From now on, you
urinate only when you make a conscious decision to cleanse urine
out of your bladder„, unless there is an emergency, an illness, or
some other reason that would make your conscious consent

You are continuing to move into a deeper hypnotic state and the
unconscious part of your mind is accepting the suggestions, the
guidance and the instructions I'm telling you...

Once upon a time there was a poor girl who lived alone with her
mother... When they had nothing left to eat, the little girl went out
into the forest, where she met a woman who knew the little girl was
hungry... The woman gave the girl a small pot, and instructed the
little girl to say, "Little pot, cook." And the little pot would make a
good, sweet porridge... To make the pot stop cooking the little girl
was to say, "Little pot, stop!" And the little pot would stop cooking...
The girl took the pot home to her mother, and it put an end to their
hunger... From that time on, they had porridge as often as they
wanted it...

One day, the little girl had gone out and her mother said, "Little pot,
cook..." and it began cooking... After she had eaten her fill, she
wanted the pot to stop cooking, but she had forgotten the words to
make the pot stop cooking... The pot kept cooking,
and the porridge ran over the rim and filled the kitchen... Then
it filled the whole house... Then it filled the next house... Then it filled
the street, and kept cooking as though it wanted to feed the entire
world... Nobody knew what to do...

Finally, the little girl came home and merely said, "Little pot, stop!"
And it stopped cooking... For a long time people who wanted to go
into that town had to eat their way though...

Just as easily as the little girl got the pot to stop cooking, you have
now stopped wetting in the bed... From this moment on, you are in
control of your urinary elimination processes... You have decided
that you will never urinate in your bed...

As you continue relaxing, all embarrassments you have experienced

from wetting in your bed are fading away from your memory... You
are pleased and proud of yourself for ending the bed-wetting habit...

Your decision to stop bed-wetting is helping you already, because

previous embarrassments caused by bed-wetting are fading from
your memory, and are being replaced with a strong, proud feeling of
achievement... You are proud to have stopped wetting in your bed...
You realize that your decision to end bed-wetting is a great

accomplishment... That lets you know that you are capable of making
other choices and decisions that will improve your life...
You will be more calm and relaxed during the day... You will sleep
more comfortably at night in a nice dry bed... Your decision to stop
wetting in your bed is causing you to feel more at ease, more
confident and more secure...

Your self-confidence will continue increasing more each day... You

will have the confidence you need to conquer any other problem
that ever comes up in your life... You will be more successful in all
other goals you want to achieve.

The suggestions that I'm telling you, and the guidance and
instructions I'm giving you are going directly into the unconscious
part of your mind, and your unconscious mind is causing you to put
them into your own actions to continue improving your ability to
remember and recall everything you learn...

As you listen to my voice you will continue moving into a deeper,

more peaceful hypnotic state of relaxation...

Quite often when people are watching television, or are

daydreaming, they don't notice other things going on around them...
Have you ever done that? (Wait for an answer.) Good... Then you
know you have the ability to concentrate so profoundly that you
become unaware of other events going on around you... Hi the
process of going into the hypnotic state, you have shown that you
have a really good ability to concentrate... Right now, you are
concentrating on what I'm saying... To achieve the hypnotic state of
relaxation, as you have, you use your own ability to concentrate, so
you know that you have good concentration...

You are continuing to have more confidence in your ability to

concentrate... The fact that you have been able to concentrate well
enough to achieve a state of hypnosis, indicates that you also have
the ability to concentrate when you are reading and studying,
without being hypnotized...

I'm going to give you some suggestions and instructions now that will
improve your ability to concentrate and will rectify your learning

skills so much that your memory will automatically keep improving
more each day...

From now on, when you want to read, or study, or listen to a lecture
or speech, you will get out any materials you may need, such as
books or writing materials... Then, when you are ready to start
concentrating, you will breathe deeply and exhale slowly three
times, and think the numbers 3, 2, and 1... As soon as you breathe
deeply and exhale slowly three times and think the numbers 3, 2,
and 1, you will become calm and relaxed the way you are now...

Breathing deeply and exhaling slowly three times and thinking the
numbers 3, 2, and 1, will be a signal... The unconscious part of your
mind will respond to that

signal and will cause you to become calm and relaxed the way you
are now... Your awareness will narrow down to the reading or
studying or listening you want to do...

As you concentrate on what you are doing, outside sounds and

noises will seem to fade away and your attention will be directed to
the reading, studying, or listening you want to do... You will be less
sensitive to surrounding noises or distractions while you are reading
or studying... Your total commitment will be devoted to what you are
concentrating on...

As you read, study, or listen in that state of calmness and relaxation,

your close attention will increase and become perfect, and will

remain perfect for at least 30 minutes... Your concentration will be
perfect for at least 30 minutes unless there is some emergency or
important reason you need to stop and give your attention to
something else... Your concentration will be perfect for at least 30
minutes each time you use the signal of breathing deeply and
exhaling three times and think the numbers 3, 2, 1...

After thirty minutes, if you still have more reading or studying you
need to do, you will take a break for a few minutes and then use the
signal again... If you are listening to a lecture, you will continue
listening as you breathe deeply and exhale slowly and count in your
mind from 3 down to 1...

The more you use this procedure to relax and direct your attention
to your reading and studying, the more rapidly your learning skills
keep improving... The knowledge you absorb by reading, studying,
observing, or listening in this way will remain in your conscious mind
much longer...

You will remember facts, principles, details, theories, and general

trends more perfectly... Your memory will keep improving more each

You are realizing that you have the ability to remember and recall
everything you learn... Your mind is comparable to a computer... It
records everything you see, everything you hear and everything you
experience... You are capable of remembering and recalling
everything you learn...

Some of the material you learn is not important enough to remain in
the conscious level of your mind, so it goes into the the unconscious
part of your mind... Yet the information is always there... It is
available when you need to recall it... All you need to do is let the
unconscious level of your mind know you need to recall the
information, and the unconscious part of your mind will permit the
information to come into the conscious level of your mind whenever
you need it...

Have you ever tried to think of the name of someone you know, and
find yourself unable to recall it? If you have, nod your head... When
you fail to recall the name right away, you begin trying harder... That
sets up a mental block which keeps the name from coming into the
conscious level of your mind... You finally give up trying, and you may
say, "Oh, I'll think of it later." Then you start doing something else,
and in a short time, you suddenly recall the name...

The name was in the unconscious part of your mind the entire time,
yet it was blocked until you relaxed your efforts to recall it... When
you started doing something else, you released the tension of trying
to force yourself to recall the name, and when you released the
tension, it enabled the name to come into the conscious level of your

So, any time you need to recall material that is in your mind to
answer questions on a test or exam and you do not recall the
answers iinmediate1y„, think to yourself: "I know the answer to that
question, and I will recall it in a minute or two... Then move on to the
next question, as you are studying the next question or two; all of a

sudden you will recall the answer, and then you can go back and
write it down...

Now you know how to concentrate... Your attentiveness will

continue improving... Your ability to recall will improve more each
day... Memories will stay in your conscious mind much longer... Your
ability to bring information out of the unconscious part of your mind
quickly and correctly will continue improving...

I'm going to give you some suggestions and instructions that will
enable you to absorb and recall all of the information you learn when
you read and when you study... The suggestions and instructions I'm
telling you will enable you to put yourself into a special type of
hypnosis... You will put yourself into a state that will enable you to
open your eyes and read or study and still remain in the state of
hypnosis... While you are in that special state you will be able to
function normally... The information you absorb will go into the
unconscious part of your mind and you will be able to recall it easily
for tests, for exams, for quizzes, or at any other time you need to
recall the information...

The entire time you are in that special state of hypnosis, you will be
calm and relaxed... You will feel peaceful about the material you are
reading or studying... Your concentration will be perfect regardless of
what you are reading or studying...

Your mind is comparable to a computer... Therefore, you are capable

of remembering and recalling everything you study... You have an
outstanding memory... You are capable of learning everything you
study, and you can remember and recall everything you learn... You
have the ability to understand everything you learn thoroughly and

When you are in that special state of hypnosis, your comprehension

will be excellent... Even those subjects that you have had little
interest in, you will discover that they are interesting and
enlightening... The more you read and study, the more your
knowledge will keep increasing... Your attitude toward the courses

you study will improve, making everything about the course easier
for you...

You will remember facts, principles, details, theories, and general

trends of the materials you study and read so completely that
anytime you take a test, quiz, or exam, you will recall the information
easily... You will recall everything you need to enable you to answer
each question on every test, every quiz, or every exam correctly...

There are a few special instructions I want to tell you before you use
the self- hypnosis procedure that I will be teaching you...
First... When you study, you will seek a quiet place that will enable
you to study without interruptions... You will make an effort to have
a place to study where distractions will be at a minimum... If you
normally study with music or TV in the background, then you will find
it will be okay to study with the same kind of background sounds...
Any other sounds or noises will fade away during the time you are

Before you settle down to study in that special state of hypnosis„,

you will be sure you have all the books and other materials you need
close by... If you will be needing any reference book, library books or
other materials, be sure to get them before you put yourself into the
special hypnotic state... During the time you are in that special state,
if an emergency should cause you to need to come out of the
hypnotic state immediately you will automatically come out of the
hypnotic state and you will be in a wide-awake, fully alert state... You
understand that you will come out of the hypnotic state immediately
if any emergency should arise while you are in that state...

While you are in that special hypnotic state your eyes will blink
normally and naturally just as they do when you are in a normal
waking state... The special state that you go into to study under
hypnosis should be done in periods of about thirty minutes... At the
end of thirty minutes you will come out of the hypnotic state if you
haven't done so before that time... If you still have more studying
you need to do, you will take a five- or ten-minute period to rest
from your studying... Then you will put yourself back in that special
hypnotic state again...

Now, I'm going through the procedures you will use to put yourself
into that special hypnotic state... There will be several steps involved
in which you use signals to put yourself into a perfect state for
intensive studying under hypnosis...

The first word signal is able... The second word signal is study... The
third word signal is better...

When you are ready to go into that special hypnotic state, you will
close your eyes, and immediately you will feel like your eyelids have
sealed shut... You can test your eyelids to be sure they remain shut...
You will find that they will resist your efforts to open them... You will
know that you are in a deep hypnotic state of relaxation... You will
say the word able... As soon as you say the word” able" you will feel
a soothing relaxation come over your entire body... When you feel
yourself in that nice, deep, peaceful state, you will say the second
word, study... After you

say the second word, you will open your eyes, feeling peaceful and
calm... Your mind will be alert... You will feel calm and confident
about the materials you will be studying... Then you will say the third
word, better... After you say the third word, better, your body will be
able to move freely, and you will feel perfectly relaxed and normal...

Then you will say all three words together, able, study, better, and
you will remain in that relaxed, super intensive state for studying
until thirty minutes of time elapses, or an emergency situation arises
that causes you to need to come out of the hypnotic state...

You will find that while you are in that deep hypnotic state for
studying, you will read more rapidly... Your reading speed will
increase more each time you study that way... As a result of your
intense concentration, your comprehension will be much greater...
You will also find that the material you study will be easy for you to

Anytime you come out of that special study state, whether you do it
intentionally or automatically, you will feel fully alert and wide
awake... You will be able to think clearly, and you will feel relaxed
and refreshed...

When you use these suggestions and instructions to hypnotize

yourself, and open your eyes to study, you will be able to
concentrate perfectly on the materials you are studying... As long as
your study environment and surroundings remain normal, you will
remain in that peaceful, concentrated state for at least thirty

Now, I'm going to let you use the instructions I have given you... You
will put yourself into that special hypnotic state...

I will count to three and you will open your eyes... After you open
your eyes, you will follow my instructions and put yourself into the
hypnotic study state... 1„, 2„, 3„, open your eyes...

Now close your eyes and say out loud the word, able... (Pause.)

That's good... Now notice that your eyelids feel as though they are
sealed shut... Test them to be sure they remain shut... You will notice
that you're in the same relaxed state you were in when I hypnotized
Now say the second word, study, and open your eyes... Now say the
third word, better... Notice that you can move freely... Now if you
want to stay in this state, you will say all three words together; able,
study, better, and you will remain in this relaxed, intensive studying
state for thirty minutes...

You have done excellent... Now count to five slowly and bring
yourself out of the hypnotic state... Then I want you to go through
the entire procedure again, following my instructions... And finally, I
will have you go through the procedure yourself...

(NOTE: Have the student go through the entire procedure several

times to be sure it is understood.)

You have been responding good to the suggestions and
recommendations I've been telling you... You can continue
responding to the instructions I tell you and you will able to pass all
tests and exams you take from now on...

These suggestions and instructions are very important, and will have
the effect of helping you during your future life... Because of the
benefit these suggestions will be to you, your subconscious mind is
accepting them and will cause you to put them into your own
actions... From now on, any time you are going to take a test, or
examination, or even a quiz, the moment you pick up a pen or pencil
to answer the questions, you will immediately become calm, relaxed
and peaceful, the way you are now... You will be able to keep your
eyes open... You will be able to read the questions... You will be
aware of your surroundings, and you will be able to think clearly...
The normal conditions of your surroundings will be perfectly suited
for you to take the test, or exanimation, or quiz, and answer the
questions correctly... You will be able to concentrate on the test, or
examination, or quiz ten times better than you ever have before...

In addition to the improved ability to concentrate, you will be able to

recall everything you have read and studied to answer the questions
correctly... You will recall everything you need to remember to pass
the test, or examination, or quiz with a high score... Your
concentration will be so good that you will be able to answer the
questions rapidly... After completing the test, or exam, or quiz, you
will be wide awake, fully alert and you will feel confident that you
have been successful in answering the questions correctly...

Whatever number of tests, or examinations, or quizzes you take, you
will always become calm and relaxed the moment you pick up the
pelt or pencil to answer the questions... You will always have the
wonderful ability to recall the answers clearly and easily...

You now understand what I have told you, and your unconscious
mind will cause you to follow my suggestions automatically from
now on for the rest of your life.

(Or Housework)
You are ready to enjoy some very pleasant changes in the way you
(study) (do housework).

Many people have found that if something is boring, tiring,

monotonous or tedious, that just a slight change ca» make that same
thing surprisingly pleasant, enjoyable and inspiring... (Schoolwork)
(Housework), when completed can give a person a sense of
accomplishing something and doing it well... When you are just
beginning your (schoolwork) (housework), the feeling it is going to be
done, is being done, and has been done and has been completed will
cause you to have a feeling of expectation that will enable you to
(concentrate better), (learn more rapidly), and really enjoy
(studying). (and develop ways of doing your housework that makes it
really enjoyable). Think it over... Don't agree yet... Think it over
before you agree... (Pause.)

You can actually enjoy doing (your assignments). (different types of

work in your own home). And you can feel really proud in knowing
(that you have completed your schoolwork). (that your home is really

There are times when you enjoy being you... You enjoy being the
person in your body... You enjoy feeling relaxed... You enjoy feeling
comfortable... In your mind you can explore thoughts and ideas that
really give you pleasure... (Pause.)

Now going back to the change„, a sense of accomplishing
something„, of knowing that you have done a good job„, that you
have completed something with a joyful sense of accomplishment„,
enabling you to go to bed and sleep peacefully and calmly knowing
(your schoolwork is done for the day). (your housework is done for
the day). The overall image of your (schoolwork) (housework)
completed is a good thing to accomplish... It keeps becoming easier
and more enjoyable for you to achieve...

The nice feelings come as you are doing it... You know it is really
-- You know it is okay... I expect your mind to translate
everything I'm telling into your own words... Your mind is translating
them into your own pleases, and your own actions... So, the changes
are accomplished in your own ways„, not mine...

Okay, now I'm going to explain something else... When I went to

college, I had a small apartment to live in and I didn't like keeping it
clean... Neither did I like doing homework... If I was going to keep my
apartment clean and pass the courses I was taking in college, I
needed to work out a system of getting my housekeeping and my
studies completed...

From the time I was a young child, I had always enjoyed playing the
trumpet and the guitar... I had also loved playing basketball, football,
and other sports... So, I developed a plan that enabled me to learn to
really enjoy cleaning my apartment and doing my schoolwork...
According to my plan I would never study or do housework longer
than twenty minutes at a time... At the end of twenty minutes if I

wasn't finished, I would stop and play my trumpet, or play my guitar
for twenty minutes... Then I would go back to my (studying)
(housecleaning) for another twenty minutes... After twenty minutes I
would stop and play the guitar or go out and shoot baskets for
twenty minutes... I continued this routine until my (studies)
(housecleaning) were completed... It kept becoming more and more

I kept changing every twenty minutes from (textbook)

(housecleaning) to doing something I enjoyed... Then back to the
(textbook) (housecleaning)... shifting from one to the other every
twenty minutes... Every time you shift from one pattern of activity,
you rest from the previous activity... That way you can keep doing
something at top speed, because when you change from one thing
you are resting from the other... You alternate from one thing you
enjoy less to another thing you really enjoy... You understand that
you are actually resting while getting your (schoolwork) (house work)
done... You learn to enjoy it because it all requires different patterns
of functioning... Do you understand??? (Pause for a response.)

Now you have put that into your own understanding... What you do
will be your own accomplishment... You can be proud of that... You
can think about all of this at your owli convenience, and then decide
to accept them and find them to your own advantage... It will bring
you much enjoyment and happiness...

You are realizing that every task is important... The surgeon who
performs a successful open-heart operation that saves a person’s life
considers his accomplishment as important, yet the nurse who
handed him his surgical tools is just as important... The person who

applies the anaesthesia is important... The person who monitors the
heart beat is also important... The surgery would not be successful
unless each person involved did his or her job, regardless of how
small the job may seem to be...

You will find pleasure in giving respect to doing (your school

assignments.) (each part of your housework.) Notice that you are
already beginning to feel enthusiastic about it... You are already
sensing the feeling of satisfaction you will have in doing things you
need to do... You are fully aware that it will be your own

You are already organizing the words I have told you into your own
actions... You will be pleased to find this continuing after you awaken
from the hypnotic state.

What you are doing now is for your own benefit, your own self-
improvement, and for the improvement of your talents, skills, and

You will permit me to talk to you as you continue moving into a much
deeper, calmer state of relaxation... You can experience
progressively, any kind of experiences you desire...

When you first started to attend school and were beginning to learn
the letters of the alphabet; if someone had come to you with all the
books you would be using in grade school, in junior high school and
in high school, and told you you had to learn to read all those books
and learn what is in those books, you probably would have thought it
was impossible... Just learning the letters of the alphabet seemed
like a major task at that time...

To learn the difference between a capital A and a small a, between a

capital B and a small b, and all the other letters of the alphabet was a
major undertaking... Yet as you continued in school, you learned to
recognize the capital letters... You learned to recognize the small
letters... Then you learned words... Then you learned sentences and
paragraphs with increasing ease... It became so natural to you that I
can now mention any letter of the alphabet, and you know
immediately what it looks like in your mind...

The same is true with experiencing other sensations... You learned to

recognize what it's like to ‘feel cold... You learned to recognize
warmth... You learned to be aware of peacefulness, calmness and

relaxation... You have also learned to enjoy the sensations of
kindness, affection, trust and love... During your sleep at night you
learned to dream... In those dreams you can hear, see, move and
have numerous types of experiences that ca» benefit you in many

So, feel yourself becoming drowsier now... Feel yourself moving into
a state that is closely related to a deep dreaming state... As you do, I
want you to go with me on a trip... You will soon find yourself far
away from this place... You will gradually feel yourself in the situation
I am describing to you... You are somewhere in a boat, and the boat
is floating calmly and gently on the surface of water... The boat is
floating on an underground river...
You are surrounded by a calm, peaceful darkness... You feel perfectly
comfortable, and you are listening to my words... Darkness is all
around you, and you are floating gently though an underground
passage... The river is flowing through a long tunnel... The boat is
moving gently through a long winding passage in the underground...
Notice the peaceful serenity you feel as you continue floating safely
though the underground passage... You feel calm, safe and secure...

In some places you can notice other tunnels leading off from the
main tunnel... But you're continuing to float calmly though the main
tunnel... The darkness around you is very pleasant... It closes off the
noise and sounds of everyday life... It is so peaceful that it enables
you to experience thoughts and ideas that are beneficial coining
from the unconscious levels of your mind...

Your willingness to rely on your own unconscious mind to do what
will be of value to you is very important... Your inner mind is working
in cooperation with your conscious desires...

You are still in the boat... The river is carrying you on and on... There
are small waves, gently rocking the boat... This is such a pleasant
feeling, such a soothing feeling, that it enables you to be more calm
and relaxed... You are more at ease as you continue floating in the
stream of the underground river, rocked gently by the waves...

You are becoming curious... You are wondering what your tinier
mind will reveal that will cause your self-confidence to keep
increasing daily... Perhaps you will have other experiences that will
cause your creative abilities to emerge more md more... Possibly you
will discover ideas that enable you to be more successful in all areas
of your life, physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually...

As you continue moving along, you may become aware of the fact
that you have been absorbing countless impressions, learning many
facts, storing ideas, symbols and all kinds of information in the
unconscious part of your mind, ever since your soul came into
existence... You can also realize that you possess great amounts of
wisdom, far beyond what your conscious mind has been aware of
knowing... All of that knowledge and wisdom in your mind is part of
your own development... It is products of your own experience... It
belongs to you... It is available for you to use for your own personal
well-being, for your own benefit, and for the benefit of others...
So, you are understanding that you have outstanding capabilities...
You have outstanding potential... You have many talents, many skills,
and many abilities that enable you to achieve tremendous success...

As you continue moving though the underground you are realizing
that you can set goals for yourself, and you are capable of achieving
any goals you set...

You are continuing your enjoyable ride... You may at any moment
experience something new... It may come to you in a vision, or you
May hear a voice, or you may have a clear, vivid dream that will
increase your understanding... It will enable you to continue
becoming more successful in the future... (Pause.)

You understand that you have many abilities that are not known by
your conscious mind... You have abilities that have been discarded
though the years... Yet any ability you have consciously or
unconsciously discarded, your mind can examine it fully and
completely... When you consciously desire, the unconscious part of
your mind can cause it to be restored... Your unconscious mind can
easily restore all abilities that can be of value to you... (Pause.)
In the underground passage you may begin noticing a small light far
away ahead of you... In the darkness of the passage, you can
gradually begin to see a small light... Your boat is approaching the
light... The light is becoming stronger, brighter and larger... You are
getting closer to the light... (Pause.) You notice that the light is an
exit... It is an opening, leading out of the tunnel...

You are floating toward that opening, safely and peacefully... You are
nearing the time when you will be back in a wide-awake, fully alert
state... You have plenty of time... There may be something else you
want to experience before leaving the tunnel... You may want to
enjoy other experiences that will be beneficial to you... (Pause.)

You are feeling wonderful now... You have complete peace of mind...
You are getting ready to leave the tunnel, knowing that you will
continue progressing in all areas of your life... You now have the
confidence and courage you need to continue learning new ways and
trying new ideas that will expand your abilities and enable you to
make good use of your God-given talents... As I count to five now,
you will leave the tunnel and the boat behind... You will come up to a
wide-awake, fully alert state...

Every part of your body; every muscle, every nerve, every ligament
and tendon is controlled by your unconscious mind... You are finding
that your unconscious mind is causing you to respond to the
suggestions and instructions I'm telling you, and your mind is
automatically improving your athletic skills...

You already know that practice is important in developing skills and

talents... Whether you want to play a musical instrument, shoot a
bow and arrow, dance, or improve yourself in football, golf, bowling,
or any other athletic ability, practice is important... All outstanding
athletes practice for hours to develop their skills...

We sometimes hear people talk about someone being born with

natural athletic ability... Yet even a person who is born with the
capability of being a superstar, must practice if he/she wants to be
successful... So you realize that practice is necessary... There are
other things you can do to improve yourself rapidly in much less time
than is usually required in practice...

First of all, you can learn a great deal by observing others who are
already outstanding stars in your particular sport... We continuously
hear of records being broken in various sports... One of the main
reasons for new records continuously being set is that each new
generation of athletes learns from the experiences of those who
have already developed their skills... By observing other outstanding
athletes your mind absorbs what they do and unconsciously
improves your own athletic ability...

One of the greatest pleasures of being an athlete is to experience the
joy of continuous improvement... That improvement comes from
correct practice... Great athletes practice every move over and over
so that it becomes automatic... Then when they are participating in a
competitive way, they can be relaxed and natural when different
situations arise... So, a second key to being successful is to keep
practicing on the best and most effective ways to improve your

Hypnosis will enable you to be calm and relaxed so you will do

everything properly... You will also find that hypnosis will cause your
confidence to keep increasing, and will enable you to be calm and
relaxed when you are participating in any athletic event...

Every time you look at water, that is a signal that will cause you to
become calm and relaxed, and you will remain calm and relaxed for
at least eight hours... You will be able to do everything in a relaxed
way... That will cause your coordination and your reflexes to respond
perfectly... It will enable you to use your abilities correctly and more
consistently... It will keep improving your timing and your reflex
action so you will perform freely and smoothly... Your muscles,
nerves, ligaments and tendons are capable of functioning smoothly
and perfectly...

As you continue practicing, your unconscious mind is becoming

programmed and will automatically cause you to perform correctly in
every situation, just as you do when you perform other activities
such as walking, brushing your teeth, or washing your face without
consciously thinking about the movements and actions you use to do

those things... You will be calm and relaxed at all times, and the easy,
natural, coordinated muscle movement you need will function

Third, I'm going to explain another technique you will use to improve
yourself and keep becoming more perfect in your athletic
performance... Your muscles, nerves, ligaments and tendons respond
to commands from the unconscious part of your mind... To build
strength in your muscles they need to be exercised... But to train
them, you train your mind which causes them to respond... So, each
night just before you go to sleep, practice your sport by imagining
that you are actually participating in competition... See and think of
yourself performing perfectly each time... Do that for a few minutes
each night... Use your imagination and practice performing perfectly
in your mind... (Pause.)

Do that each night just before you go to sleep... You will find- that
your unconscious mind will cause you to keep performing better...
You will automatically keep improving in actual competition.

One of the most helpful items about being in a hypnotic state of
relaxation is that it enables your unconscious mind to examine,
review, and explore imprints, impressions, thoughts, ideas and other
information in the storehouse of your mind...

The unconscious part of your mind can review and examine all the
information as it was understood when it went into your mind, and
your mind can understand it now from a different point of view...
Your mind can understand it now from a more adult, more mature
point of view... Your mind realizes that you have had a lot of
experience since that time, and you have accumulated a much better
understanding since that time... That enables the unconscious part of
your mind to get the problem resolved, for now and forever...

You have numerous memories„, and many understandings that can

enrich and improve your life in scores of ways, physically, mentally,
emotionally, and spiritually...
One day a friend and I were walking through the woods... We had
been walking for a long time and we came to a huge tree that had
fallen... We decided to sit down on the tree and rest for a while... I
asked my friend to try and discover something new, something he
had never noticed before...

He looked around for a moment and then he picked up a leaf from a

tree and discovered that it had hundreds of tiny veins... That was
something he had never noticed before... ‘Then he looked around
some more and noticed that all of the trees seemed to be leaning in
the same direction...

It's easy to discover things for yourself when you take the time to do
so... Of course, I don't know what you are doing right now... You are
merely reviewing and exploring for your own benefit... You may be
recalling things that happened when you were a tiny baby... Or you
may be recalling something from your early days in school... Or
perhaps you May be recalling information from your junior high
school days... You are reaching understandings... You are making
realignments of understandings, and even realignments of words...

What I want you to do is accept yourself... Realize that you are the
one who must choose your place in life... Know that you can control
yourself... you can control your destiny...

You have a goal you want to achieve... You want to focus your
efforts... You want your mind to review, examine, and explore all
misunderstandings and get them straightened out... It's a wonderful
thing for your mind to review and explore... It's great for your mind
to discover, and there are discoveries you make... Some are
personal, and belong oldy to you... Some can be shared with others...

One of the nice things about it is this: You don't know what you are
going to discover... but you're going to have an enjoyable time
discovering it... You can find out everything you are doing... Because
you have the background of understanding... And it has to be your
background to understand it... You have a general background from
which you can do your own self-exploration...

Many times, people question what their goals really are... Sometimes
they learnt their goals in the process of getting there... You may not
know exactly what your goals are... You are going to enjoy
discovering it... And when you are through, you will know what it is...
Life isn't something you give an answer to... You can enjoy the
process of waiting„, the process of becoming what you are...

Upon graduating from college, George Washington Carver prayed

and asked God, "How do you want me to help you run the
universe???" He received no answer... He then asked God, "How do
you want me to help you run the world???" Again he received no
answer... Then he asked, "God, what do you want me to do???"
Finally, in a state of meditation, he decided to work as a chemist with
what was considered the lowly peanut... He developed many food
and industrial uses for the peanut and later for the sweet potato...
He revolutionized the agricultural, industrial, and economic history of
the south in his time... All because he took time to explore his mind...

That is what you are doing... You are exploring... Not knowing what is
going to come up... l'm suggesting a very comfortable examination...
I mean an exanimation which will show you how your understanding
has grown and changed... You can at any time you wish, make use of
the imprints and impressions in your mind„, imprints and
impressions from various learnings and experiences...

You can continue breathing easily and freely... You hear the words
I'm saying without any kind of physical effort... All the time you are
focusing on the inner experiences that are important...

You can remember at any level you wish... Hundreds of people have
been able to recall the day of their birth... You can also do that... hi
fact, right now you may be going through an emotionally corrective
experience... At this very moment your system is synthesizing
proteins... All the chemicals and substances of your body are
beginning to function harmoniously... Rejuvenation is taking place...

I don't know exactly what is going on, but you can sense something
good happening... So, let it continue... This is a very creative time for
the unconscious part of your mind... It must be pleasing for you to
know your mind is doing this in your own way... Your unconscious
mind is doing this for your own personal well-being, for your own
benefit, and for your own self-improvement...

When changes have started and the unconscious part of your mind
knows you will continue improving, your mind will cause one of the
fingers on your left hand to raise up toward the ceiling, and your
finger will remain up until I tell it to go back down...

In a moment I'm going to ask you to think the numbers 8, 7, 6, 5, 4,
3, 2, and 1 in your mind and continue relaxing more as you think
each number...

From now on each time you think, hear, see or say any of those
numbers from 1 to 8 it will have an additional meaning to you...
Every time you think, hear, see or say any of those numbers, the
additional meaning for the number you think, hear, see or say keeps
becoming stronger and more active in your life...

Eight means relaxing peacefully and calmly... Every time you think,
hear, see or say "eight" the unconscious part of your mind causes
you to become peaceful and calm, and you remain peaceful and calm
for at least eight hours...

Seven means you continue developing more confidence in your

ability to function sexually with your chosen partner...

Six means your entire organism and your body is cooperating to

enable you to experience the joy of sexual fulfillment with your
chosen partner...

Five means your unconscious mind is taking control, the unconscious

part of your mind is causing you to consciously control your orgasm
when you have sexual intercourse...

Four means your self-confidence increases each time you have
sexual intercourse... You are able to (maintain an erection.) (have an

Thee means you have sexual intercourse with your chosen partner
and you feel good
about it...

Two means the cells of your body are working in perfect harmony
with all other cells, causing your metabolism, your hormones, and all
of your organs and glands to function properly...

One means visualizing and imagining yourself performing perfectly

whenever you have sexual intercourse...
From now on for the rest of your life, when you think, hear, see or
say any of those numbers or all of those numbers, the
additional meaning for the number keeps
becoming more active in your life...

Your unconscious mind is causing the additional meaning for each

number to happen automatically... So think the numbers from 8
down to l now as you continue moving into a deeper hypnotic state,
and the additional meaning for each number becomes more deeply
reinforced in the unconscious part of your mind.

(NOTE¡ Go to another hypnotic prescription now.)

(Therapeutic Distraction)
(Use only music for background sounds.)
You have probably heard the song with the words, "Old man river,
old man river, he just keeps rolling, just keeps rolling along..."
Regardless of what happens, the river keeps moving along... It is
headed somewhere... Even though there may be obstacles along the
way, it keeps moving towards its destination.

As I talk to you, your mind can continue remembering that song...

You can also continue recalling another song, which you have
probably heard many times... It goes like this: "zippidy-do-da, zippidy
day, my oh my, what a beautiful day. Plenty of sunshine coming my
way, zippidy do da, zippidy day.. .'

Then there's also the song: "Oh what a beautiful morning, oh, what a
beautiful day, on what a beautiful evening, everything's going my

Those songs can become so vivid in your mind that you may begin
seeing an orchestra and a singer, singing first one, and then
another... You may see the orchestra, and the singer, and you May
continue becoming more involved in those
songs as your conscious mind is listening to the sounds coming from
the tape player...

It may seem like the vibrations of the music are flowing through
every part of your body... You May become a little confused having

one orchestra and singer interfering with the music coining from the
tape player... But you are capable of doing both at the same time...
Your unconscious mind can still listen and receive everything I tell
you, because it's not important for you to consciously listen to what I
Your unconscious mind is free to receive the suggestions I tell you...
You can be
pleasantly surprised to find your unconscious mind making true
everything I say...
You may find it difficult to know whether you are listening to music
with one ear, and listening to me with the other ear, or whether you
are listening to one song with one ear and another song with the
other ear, and not paying any attention to what I say... You may be
so interested in the music that you do not realize how easily the
unconscious part of your mind is receiving the suggestions I tell you...
And your unconscious mind is causing the suggestions I tell you to
happen automatically as you go about the activities of your daily

There are many things you are consciously aware of, and there are
many things you are capable of doing which you are not consciously
aware of... You can be in a comfortable position in front of me, and I
can hold a piece of paper with printing on it toward you, and you
would be able to read it even if I had it turned upside down... That is
something you know you can do, and you can be pleased to know
you can do that, as you continue feeling comfortable... We could
both do it at the same time, and we can both be pleased... You can
do it in your way, and I can do it in my way... Even though we may

differ in the way we do it, we can find a lot of satisfaction in doing

There are many other thugs you can do just as easily, without even
thinking about it consciously... You can begin experiencing a very
enjoyable very pleasant sensation, starting in your left foot and
gradually moving up your left leg... As soon as you begin feeling that
wonderful sensation moving up your left leg, one of the fingers on
your left hand will raise toward the ceiling... Your finger will remain
up until I tell it to go back down... You are responding good... You are
doing what comes naturally...

It reminds me of a poem I read„,” And when thyself shall pass... And

learn to really relax on the grass... It will be like a soothing drink that
hits the spot..."

It's natural... It's like filling an empty glass... Or filling an empty hole...
It feels good to let yourself go... You can have free access to what
your conscious mind knows about your body... But does not know
that it knows... And what your body knows freely... But that your
conscious mind does not know openly... And your unconscious mind
does not know openly...
Your unconscious mind has an amazing ability to learn rapidly, and
your mind is learning rapidly... You are learning to use wisely the
knowledge that you have... Body and mind language... Body and
mind knowledge... You are using all of it well... You are learning to
experience and enjoy the natural feelings and sensations of your
own body...

What does your body know, and know wisely, which you know and
know wisely consciously and unconsciously??? It knows how to keep
you breathing... It knows how to keep your heart pumping the blood
though your circulatory system... It knows how to cause you to
experience enjoyable feelings and sensations in your sexual organs...
It knows how to cause you to experience good feelings in your
genitals... It knows how to automatically cause soft nipples to stand
right out...

Your mind and body knows that you have tissues that can become
erect... You also have other knowledge that you may not have used
for a long time... You do have that knowledge, and you can begin
using it how...

When your body was developing, you had the knowledge to know
how to connect your toe bone to your foot bone, and your heel bone
to your ankle bone, and you knew how to make all the rest of the

For example: Your external genitals are connected to your internal

genitals, and your internal genitals are connected to your ovaries, to
your adrenals, and all of the connections continue on and on... All of
the connection have been completed perfectly... Just like your
thumb is connected to your hand, and you know how to use it
automatically without needing to think about it consciously...

All of the connections have been made properly... Your endocrine

gland system is connected with sexual feelings, and all of your sexual

feelings are connected with your other feelings... You can prove it to
yourself by putting my suggestions into your own actions...

Sometime soon, when you are alone in a room with the partner of
your choice, have him gently massage your breasts, and you will be
amazed at how wonderful it feels... You will automatically experience
wonderful sexual feelings in every part of your body... You will know
every word I say is true... I'm sure you already know it is true...
Because I can see it in the redness showing in your face right now...

You will be happy to like it... You will find it is comparable to the
uncontrollable urge you have when you see a small baby and you
have the feeling that you want to pick it up... You know what you will
do... So, does the baby... You can't keep from it... You seem to do it
automatically... And you really enjoy it...

You can enter another house, or apartment, or just be in a room with

one that is shy, with one that is attractive, clean and neat... But its
face may say "who would want to hold me?" And the more you see
lain, the more your desires keep increasing... You will be glad you
did... You will enjoy it tremendously, far beyond what you have ever
experienced before...
You will realize those doubts are wrong... They are fading away
rapidly... Your body knows... Your conscious mind knows... And your
unconscious mind knows...

Only you, the person, don't know... So, I'll tell you, the person...

The kiss, the tender caress... The cupping of your bare breasts... The
chills of excitement and enjoyable sensations all through your body...
It's natural... It's easy... It's automatic...

You are blessed to be a woman, because women have been blessed

by God...
Men have only one place to have an orgasm, but women have

You are feeling very enthusiastic about it... You are happy and
excited about it... You are already sensing a feeling of satisfaction by
organizing everything I tell you into your own actions... It is for your
own benefit... It is for your own enjoyment... It is for your own

The more you caress him, the more you will enjoy the wonderful
sensations you feel... You are anticipating it... You are looking
forward to it... You will be really pleased... It will bring you much
happiness and joy.

The suggestions and instructions I'm telling you are going into the
unconscious part of your mind, and you will begin putting them into
your own actions quickly... They will enable you to make the
adjustments needed so you will experience enjoyable sexual

Each day these suggestions have a stronger influence on you, causing

you to achieve a happy, well-adjusted sex life... Your entire organism
and your entire body is cooperating with these suggestions, causing
your body processes to function more perfectly and naturally each

Your unconscious mind understands that the sex urge is normal and
natural... It is a way nature has provided to enable you to give and
receive love and affection... You will continue developing a greater
understanding of the natural urges of your body... That will cause
you to experience greater happiness and fulfilment in a love-sex
relationship with the partner of your choice...
I want you to use your imagination now... Pretend you are making
love with your chosen partner... Get that idea in your mind clearly...
Think of yourself in bed naked with your chosen partner... Notice the
enjoyable feelings as you caress each other... (Pause.) See and feel
yourself having sexual intercourse with your chosen partner... Hear
the words you are saying to each other... Notice the sounds you are
making... (Pause.) Now make the picture brighter and bring it closer
to you... Make it more real and notice the good feelings you are
experiencing... See yourself experiencing sexual fulfillment... Feel
yourself experiencing sexual fulfillment... (Pause.)

You are realizing that sex is a wonderful body-soul expression of love
and affection... It's a wonderful way of uniting your body and soul
with the body and soul of your chosen partner... Your sexual
relationship with the partner of your choice keeps becoming more
enjoyable each time you make love... You will be calm and at ease
when you are having sexual relations... You will feel confident and
secure as you unite your body with the body of your chosen
partner... You will be able to express an affection that makes the
relationship happier... You will find that a mutually satisfying sexual
relationship will increase your happiness, and will give a much
greater happiness to your chosen partner...
You will read good books and articles about sex to increase your
knowledge about the normal and natural sexual responses... Each
day you will experience an increased level of self-confidence, self-
reliance, and self-acceptance... That will automatically cause you to
be more successful sexually and in all other areas of your life...

You how have a more relaxed attitude about sex... You continue
developing a more wholesome, more mature attitude that causes
you to experience a happy, fulfilling sexual adjustment...

Sex is normal and natural, and you have a right to experience sexual
fulfillment... All inhibitions, fears, or feelings of guilt about sex are
gradually fading away... You will notice your sexual experiences
continuing to become more enjoyable and more satisfying... The
thought of having sexual relations with your chosen partner will be
so stimulating that you will become sexually aroused... You will
calmly anticipate a very enjoyable, fulfilling experience...

You will be a co-participant in your sexual relationship by taking an
active role in the sexual experience... You continue developing more
enthusiasm about a loving sexual relationship, and you keep
experiencing greater pleasure from sexual relations than ever

You will always use loving techniques that will assure you and your
chosen partner of achieving sexual satisfaction...

You will do your best to keep yourself physically attractive to your

chosen partner... It keeps becoming easier for you to discuss various
ways of increasing sexual happiness and enjoyment for you and your
chosen partner...

Each day your self-confidence keeps increasing, enabling you to give

and receive love in a normal, natural way... You continue developing
greater love and understanding for others... The more love and
understanding you project to others, the more you find love and
understanding flowing back to you... Your life will be filled with a
wonderful feeling of love...

You look forward each day with confidence and anticipation,

knowing that each day will be filled with radiance, joy, love and
happiness... You arise each morning filled with enthusiasm, energy
and vitality...

You are responding really good to the suggestions I tell you... Now
you are ready for your inner mind to begin making proper
adjustments in your body and give you much greater happiness and
enjoyment than you have ever experienced before...

Permitting yourself to be hypnotized lets the unconscious part of

your mind know that you sincerely want every part of your body to
function properly so you will be healthy and strong, and you will
experience sexual satisfaction with your chosen partner... You have
made a wise decision... You will be pleased and very happy that you
have asked me to help you overcome that sexual problem...

You realize that the unconscious level of your mind controls all of the
functions and activities of your body... So, the conscious level of your
mind can continue relaxing now, and your unconscious mind can
hear and respond to the suggestions I tell you...

Listen to the soothing sounds coming from the tape player now...
You don't need to make any effort to listen to my voice... The
unconscious part of your mind will hear and receive the suggestions I
tell you, and your inner mind will cause you to automatically respond
to what I tell you...

You know what it's like to daydream about something, and not really
be looking at anything, and not really listening to anything... As you
are daydreaming, someone in the room can be talking, but you are
not aware of what is being said... Just as easily you can enjoy the
comfort of being in a deep Hypnotic state... Later, when you awaken,

you don't need to remember anything that happened while you have
been hypnotized...
Listen easily to the sounds coming from the tape player... You can
experience the feeling of drifting away... Comparable to when you
drift into a natural state of sleep... Yet your unconscious mind
continues listening to each word I say„, as you really, thoroughly
enjoy the sounds you are hearing... There may be some sounds that
are not familiar to you... Yet you enjoy it ful1y„, and more fully...
It feels good to let yourself go completely... You easily and gently
continue moving into a deeper, more comfortable state... You
continue hearing the music... As

you hear one part of the music another piece may come to mind... A
piece that you can enjoy over and over again...

You don't need to pay attention to me... You give your attention to
the music... You will experience wonderful sensations all though your
body... It will seem like it is caressing every part of your body... It
keeps becoming more enjoyable...

Your unconscious mind is understanding what I'm saying... Your inner

mind can understand things that you don't understand... I want your
inner mind to give to you some really wonderful feelings and
wonderful sensations„, all over... (Pause.)

Your entire organism, and every part of your body is cooperating

with the suggestions I tell you... Your unconscious mind understands
that sexual urges and desires are normal and natural... It is one of the
ways God has provided for you to experience a union of oneness,

and express your love and affection with your chosen partner... You
will be pleased as those natural urges of your body keep increasing...
You continue enjoying a greater love-sex relationship with your
chosen partner...

Your conscious mind is very busy, listening to the sounds of the

music... Your timer mind is listening to the suggestions I'm telling
you... Everything I say is very meaningful to your unconscious mind...

Your conscious mind is listening to the music... The unconscious part

of your mind is free„, to limit itself„, to everything that I say...

You will always enjoy having me hypnotize you... Every time I

hypnotize you, you enjoy it more... You enjoy the wonderful feelings
of comfort, of peacefulness, of tenderness, and love...

Your unconscious mind is really taking over control... It is very

pleasing for you to experience... Now you are beginning to feel a
sense of confidence„, and a sense of competence, and sureness, and
sensations that you haven't had for a long time...

You are feeling happy and excited about it... You will be pleased that
it will continue after you come back to a wide-awake, fully alert
state... Every time you are with the partner of your choice... Those
wonderful feelings and sensations keep growing stronger... You
realize they are normal and natural...

You understand that sexual urges are normal... You are aware that
having sexual relations with your chosen partner is a body-soul
expression of love and affection... It is one of the ways God has made
available for the uniting of your body and soul with the body and
soul of your chosen partner...
After you awaken from the hypnotic state you will continue
experiencing the wonderful feelings and sensations as your body is
responding normally and naturally... The cells of your body are
alive... They know how to function properly... The cells of your body
are conducting their activities normally and restore every part of
your body to normal functioning...
The cells of your body are continuing to work in more perfect
harmony... The cells of your body are causing your metabolism, your
hormones, and all of your glands and organs to function perfectly...
You continue experiencing pleasant sensations flowing through the
tissues of your skin„, restoring, rejuvenating, and revitalizing every
part of your body...
You want your body to function properly... You want to enjoy normal
and natural stimulation... You want to enjoy sexual satisfaction and
fulfillment... The unconscious part of your mind is cooperating with
your wants and desires... The unconscious level of your mind is
causing you to experience pleasant changes that are increasing your
enjoyment of having sexual relations with the partner of your

You will find that this will cause all other parts of your body to keep
becoming healthier and continue functioning more perfectly.

There was a gardener who was planning his garden, and he looked
though a seed catalogue, picking out by color whatever looked good
from among all the beautiful pictures that he saw there... He chose
yellow marigolds, white chrysanthemums, blue larkspur, purple
delphiniums, and a mixture of colors in morning glories, asters, lilies
and roses... After selecting the many, many different seeds to plant,
he mailed his order so he would have the seeds back in plenty of
time for the spring planting...

He waited patiently for his seeds to arrive... Finally, in the mailbox

one morning a large package was delivered... He opened it hurriedly,
and found dozens of packages of seeds inside... He was quite happy
and began planting them immediately... He planted rows in lovely
beds in his backyard... In front of the house he planted them around
his porch and around the trees...

As the days passed, he watered them and weeded them, and

watched them closely, getting excited each time a little green shoot
began showing its way through the warm, damp earth... Daily the
plants kept growing... Some growing tall... Some were medium in
height and some were quite short... Some bushed out... Some stayed
slender... Some had many leaves, and others had only a few leaves...
He was really surprised at how different the plants were from each

Each day he jumped out of bed, excited about seeing the changes
that had taken place during the night... Each day he was rewarded
with all sorts of new leaves, and new growth... The day came when
he began finding buds on many of the plants... He felt concerned

because some were fat, and some were little and hard... Some were
long, and some were squat... He worried as he weeded, and
watched, and waited day by day... When it didn't rain, he watered
them carefully... He loosened the earth around the stems... Yet the
entire time he worried secretly because some were so different from
the others... He was hot sure the plants were doing what they should
be doing... So, he watched and waited, and worried... Finally, one day
he saw a flower... In the days that followed he saw hundreds of
flowers, all different colors, different shapes, and different heights...
He saw that even though they were different, they were each lovely
in their own way...

He saw that the round and squat buds became lovely round
flowers... The long and skinny buds became beautiful slender
flowers... The little hard, shiny buds

became little clusters of flowers... He really enjoyed himself because

they were all different...

He saw that it was all right for them to be different... He was full of
joy and happiness as each day he saw more flowers blooming in
many different sizes, shapes, and colors... His garden was lovely
because there were so many different flowers in it... All the flowers
seemed to belong together, even though they were different from
each other... He was proud of his garden... People came from all over
to enjoy it... Everyone talked about the ones they liked the best, but
the gardener smiled because he knew they were all good, each in it's
own special way.

(The following questions are designed to be asked, using the finger
response or some other form of questioning after the person is in
the hypnotic state. You want to use some form other than verbal
questioning to be sure you are getting your answers from the client’s
unconscious mind.)
1. Is there some emotional or psychological reason you have been
experiencing difficulty sleeping?
2. Does having difficulty going to sleep serve some definite
3. Does worrying and thinking about problems prevent you from
going to sleep?
4. Does your expectation of not going to sleep keep you awake?
5. Does your expectation of awakening cause you to wake up
during the night?
6. Does nervous tension keep you awake?
7. Does your inability to relax keep you awake?
8. Is there some tinier conflict keeping you from sleeping
peacefully and calmly?
9. Are you identifying with someone else who had difficulty
10. Are you using the problem of not sleeping well as a way of
punishing yourself?
11. Is there any reason you need to punish yourself?
12. Is there any sexual conflict that is keeping you from sleeping

13. Is there any imprint or impression? Thought or idea? (keeping
you from going to sleep?) (causing you to awaken?)
14. Is some past experience keeping you from sleeping peacefully?
(causing you to
15. Are you afraid something might happen while you are asleep?
16. Are you afraid you May have nightmares while you are
17. Does your mind associate sleeping with death?
18. Are you afraid you may die while you are asleep?
19. Is some fear causing you to have difficulty sleeping?
20. Is there some other reason you have difficulty going to sleep7
(causing you to awaken?)

You were born with the ability to sleep at any time you needed
sleep... When you were a baby, you didn’t think about sleeping or
staying awake... When you needed sleep, you would automatically
go to sleep... That's an ability you were born with, and that means
it's an ability you still have... You have the natural ability to go to
sleep easily and quickly... You can sleep comfortably in any
environment... You can sleep even if it is noisy... You can sleep even
if there is light in the room... You can sleep comfortably regardless of
your emotional state at the time when you go to bed...

There are millions of grown people who go to sleep almost instantly

as soon as they get into bed... You are just as capable of going to
sleep quickly and easily... It keeps becoming easier for you to relax
and go into a deep sleep any time you go to bed for the purpose of
sleeping... You can go to sleep just as easily, as you did when you
were a baby... You can go to sleep easily in any position, and in any
surroundings... You can go to sleep even if it is noisy... You can sleep
comfortably even if there is light shining in your face, or even if it is
totally dark...
Your unconscious mind has an amazing capacity for learning rapidly...
(You proved that when you got the numbness in your hand, even
though you had never done that before.) Just as your mind already
knew what to do to cause the changes and make your hand numb...
Your mind already knows what to do to enable you to go to sleep
quickly and easily, and your mind can enable you to sleep
comfortably and soundly...

You will be so calm and peaceful when you are sleeping that nothing
but an emergency will awaken you, until it is time for you to

awaken... If something happens during the night while you are
sleeping that makes it necessary for you to awaken, you will awaken
immediately... When you are ready to go back to sleep, you will be
able to do so rapidly... You can sleep as long as you wish... You can
awaken at the time when you want to awaken...

Right now, you are relaxing in a hypnotic state... You are learning
that it is easy for you to go to sleep and sleep peacefully and calmly...
You have rapidly learned to go into a hypnotic state of relaxation,
and you are realizing that it is just as easy for you to go to sleep
anytime you go to bed for the purpose of sleeping...

Whenever you want to go to sleep, you will close your eyes and
breathe deeply and exhale slowly five times... Each time you inhale
you will feel yourself becoming drowsier... Each time you exhale, you
will continue becoming more relaxed... After breathing deeply and
exhaling slowly five times; begin counting backward in your mind
slowly from one-hundred... Each time you try to think of the next
number you will continue becoming drowsier... The numbers will
keep fading away, and they will soon disappear... You will drift into a
deep, peaceful, sound, restful sleep...

That's how easy it will be to go into a deep, sound, peaceful sleep...

You will breathe deeply and exhale slowly five times... Then you will
begin counting slowly back from one hundred in your mind... As you
continue doing that each night, you will automatically keep going to
sleep more quickly... The numbers will keep fading away more
rapidly each time you use this method to go to sleep... You will
always go into a peaceful, calm, restful sleep state as the numbers

fade away... While you are sleeping, your body will be relaxed and
comfortable... You will sleep peacefully until it is time for you to
awaken, unless there is some emergency which requires you to
awaken... Emergencies are rare, but if something makes it necessary
for you to awaken, you will awaken easily and you will be alert... You
will do what is necessary... Then, when you are ready to go back to
sleep, you will do so even more easily than you did before you

Each time you are ready to go to sleep, it keeps becoming easier... It

will always be easy for you to awaken when it is time for you to

During the day you will feel more energetic, more cheerful, and you
will experience increased vitality... Your energy will increase, and
your health will continue improving more each day.

The fact that you are having this session indicates that you realize
jealousy is an undesirable characteristic... You sincerely want to get
rid of that characteristic...

Most everyone has characteristics that are undesirable and even

harmful... It is good that you recognize that jealousy is a harmful
quality... That's one of the reasons you have the determination to
eliminate it from your life...
One of the thongs I have learned, as the result of hypnotizing many,
many people, is that the unconscious part of your mind knows how
to review, examine, and explore imprints, impressions, thoughts, and
ideas in the unconscious part of your mind, and your unconscious
mind knows how to assess those imprints, impressions, thoughts or
ideas and understand them from a more knowledgeable point of
view than you had when they went into your mind... Your inner mind
can then work out a solution to the problem...

Another thing I have learned is that your unconscious mind can listen
to everything I say, and your mind can remember what I tell you...
You don't need to pay any attention to me consciously... We all know
very little about what the unconscious mind knows...
So, beginning right now, your unconscious mind can review, examine
and explore all imprints, impressions, thoughts and ideas, as well as
the experiences you have gone through that have caused you to
develop the characteristic known as jealousy... Your mind can work
out the solution and get rid of that unwanted characteristic...

Continue relaxing now, with your eyes closed, and you can
experience a wonderful feeling of drifting away... You can move into
a state that is similar to a deep dreaming state... I'm telling you only
those things I know you can do... You are able to do everything I tell
you... You are ready to make some very important changes in your
life that will give you much greater happiness... You will be pleased
that your unconscious mind is receiving what I'm telling you... You
will be surprised at your ability to make true everything I tell you...
You will be happy to find that you can think about the suggestions
I'm telling you... Then you can decide to accept what I tell you and
make it true...

Take your time now, and mentally and silently count back from ten
down to one... You Continue moving into a deeper hypnotic state
with each number you think... You keep going one tenth deeper, and
become one-tenth more relaxed with each number... Begin counting

I want you to really enjoy this experience of getting rid of jealousy...

For the unconscious part of your mind to review the memories that
caused you to become jealous may take a little time... To be
completely free from being jealous is not likely to occur all at once...
What is likely to happen is that you will get rid of part of the jealousy
today... You will get rid of a little more tomorrow... The following day
a little more will be gone... Soon all feelings of jealousy will be gone
completely... It keeps fading away a little each day...

A great thing about having this session is that you will notice your
self-confidence and self-acceptance increasing more each day... It's

comparable to other learning processes... That's the way the mind
works... It learns a little bit at a time...

You know that babies tend to learn certain words first, and each day
they keep learning more words... The day comes when they say their
first sentence... Then longer sentences... Then paragraphs, hi your
own experience of learning that's the way it is... Day by day you keep
progressing... You can't know, and I can't know... In fact, nobody can
know just how long it will take for you to be completely free from all
jealousy... It may be a week... It may be two weeks or even a month
before all of the jealousy is gone completely... All you really know
right now is that you will keep progressing more each day...

You can continue relaxing even more now... You don't need to talk...
You do1i't need to move... You don't even need to pay any attention
to what I'm saying... The unconscious part of your mind is aware of
everything I'm saying... That's the only important thing... There are
various changes that can take place within you now... Your heart is
beating more perfectly... You are breathing more easily and freely...
Your elimination system is functioning properly... Your digestive
system is functioning properly...
I heard a story about a nurse to a Duke who lived in a huge castle on
the lull above a town where the rag picker's son lived... The Duke had
everything that the poor boy didn't have: Fine clothes to wear, good
food to eat, and a pedigreed dog called Hubert...

Except for the differences in wealth and material things, the two
boys looked like identical twins... When the nurse took the young
Duke walking by the river, they happened to meet the rag picker's

son... You couldn't tell which was the Duke id which was the rag
picker's son, except the young Duke wore satin and the other boy
wore rags...

The little Duke used to look longingly at the poor boy, wishing he
could go swimming in the river like the poor boy... For the water of
the Loire was more beautiful than any water in France... But it was
against the nurse's orders to let the little Duke play in the water...
And she had to obey, even though she felt sorry for the Duke
because he wasn't allowed to play in the river...

One day as she and the little Duke were out walking, the Duke's
pedigreed dog ran up to the rag picker's son's mutt... They touched
noses and became friends... The Duke and the poor boy smiled at
each other and said, "Hello!" After that, when they met, the boys
always greeted each other with some sign of friendship... One day
the rag picker's son pointed toward the river, and said, "Let's go in
and play!" The little Duke looked at his nurse, and she shook her
head, "no!" He was angry with her the rest of the day...

The next day, the little Duke was gone, and everybody around the
castle was all stirred up... His nurse, his guardian, and all his
attendants went down to the town to find him... They asked every
person they met if they had seen the Duke... Finally, they went to the
rag picker... He said he had seen the Duke an hour ago, going to the
river with the rag picker's son... They all, including the rag picker
went to the river...

About a mile down the river, they came to the two boys, playing in
the river... They were as naked as when they were bout... On the

shore lay a heap of clothes, rags and fine linen all laying there
together... The nurse and the Duke's attendants were all very angry,
and shouted for the boys to come out of the water... They shouted
back, saying that they wouldn't come out until they were ready...

Finally, the rag picker waded in and brought them out, and they
stood before all the people naked, grinning... The Duke's guardian
was going to scold the Duke, and the rag-picker was going to scold
his son, but they couldn't tell which was which, without their clothes,
which were by the river... The boys were identical, and the boys saw
that the nurse and the rag picker couldn't tell them apart... The boys
grinned more than ever...

They got the idea of having the boys put on their clothes, thinking
that would settle the matter... But the two boys picked up the
clothes as they came to them: One of them put on the ragged shirt
and the satin coat... The other put on the fine linen shirt and the
ragged coat... The people still couldn't tell them apart...

"This is dreadful," said the Dukes guardian: "For all we know, we will
never get it straightened out... I May take the rag picker's son back to
the castle... The Duke will grow up as the rag picker's son..."

Now you know why you are getting rid of jealousy... You know why
your self- confidence keeps increasing more each day... You are
realizing that you were created by the same creator that created
everyone else on this earth... You are just as good as everyone else...
You have no reason to be jealous...

You do not fully understand what caused you to become jealous...
But you are realizing that it has been caused by misunderstandings
that formed in your unconscious mind... Things long forgotten... You
know now that they are past... You are enjoying the pleasure of
understanding that they do not need to cause you any more
difficulty... Doing it this way is giving you a great feeling of
accomplishment... You keep becoming more aware of your own self-
confidence and self-acceptance increasing daily...

Your unconscious mind knows how fast it can work in clearing up

those improper understandings in your mind... Your mind knows how
to use the past experiences to increase your own self-acceptance,
your own self-reliance, your own self-confidence and your own self-
esteem... There is great happiness and a sense of accomplishment
awaiting you...

I'm going to have you come back to a fully alert state in a short time
so you can enjoy what the unconscious part of your mind is doing for
you... I want you to have a profound feeling of comfort when you
awaken... You will have a feeling of knowing that something good is
happening... I want you to enjoy that...

Now you can begin thinking about awakening... I will count to five,
and you will continue awakening a little more with each number I
say... when I reach the number five, you will open your eyes, and will
be fully alert, feeling calm, peaceful, confident and happy.

You are now in a pleasant hypnotic state of relaxation... You will
continue experiencing wonderful, peaceful sensations and feelings
that relaxation brings... You are letting yourself go completely... The
unconscious level of your mind is hearing and receiving the
suggestions and instructions I'm telling you... Your mind is ready to
receive an explanation that will cause your elimination system to
function properly... You will eliminate all waste materials and waste
products out of your body easily and regularly though the normal
processes of your elimination system...

Your entire gastro-intestinal system is a muscular tube which is

coiled around inside your body... Various parts of that tube have
different purposes... It can be compared to specialized departments
in a factory...

For example: Your mouth is like the receiving department of the

factory... You receive the food into your mouth... As you chew the
food it mixes with saliva provided by the glands in your mouth... It
begins digesting as you chew the food thoroughly... “

Your throat is comparable to a conveyor system... When you

swallow, it moves the food down to your stomach, and the digestion
continues as it is moving down your throat...

Your stomach does the processing of the food... The food is received
into your stomach and is prepared for your body to distribute it to
the places where ‘it is needed to keep your body healthy and

strong... Your body disposes of the waste materials though the
process of your elimination system...

When the food is received into your stomach, it is processed and the
nutrients, the energy, the strength and vitality are carried by your
bloodstream to every part of the body where it is needed... The
waste products from the food is separated and cleansed out of your
body through your elimination system... The entire system in your
body continues working twenty-four hours a day, in a way
comparable to a conveyor system in a factory... The tubes which
make up the conveyor system are composed of rings of muscles...
Those muscles contract and relax and contract and relax and
continue pushing the material along through the body in a way
comparable to a conveyor on an assembly line in a factory...
Leaning to relax enables your entire system to function properly...
The relaxation and contraction of the proper muscles will work
properly, from the receiving part of your body on though the waste
disposal part of your body...

Notice how relaxed you are now... It is just as easy to have that
relaxation in your mouth, in your throat, and on down through your
entire digestive system and into the tubes which eliminate the waste
material from your body...

From now on, every time you look at food, the unconscious part of
your mind will automatically cause you to become calm and relaxed
and peaceful throughout your entire body... Even your digestive
system will become relaxed... Your intestinal tract will be relaxed...
That will allow the natural contractions and muscle reactions to push

waste material though the colon to the rectum in an easy, natural

Your rectum can be compared to a waste basket... You know you

don't run and empty a waste basket every time you get a scrap of
paper in it... You wait until it's almost full; then you empty it... That's
the way your body functions also... The normal processes of your
body cause waste materials to be carried though the colon into the
rectum where it is stored... As soon as it becomes full, an automatic
signal is sent out by the unconscious level of your mind, letting you
know you are ready to have a bowel movement to cleanse the waste
materials out of your body...

When you have that feeling, you go to the toilet... From now on, as
soon as you sit down on the toilet seat, that will be a signal to the
round muscle which keeps the waste valve closed... Sitting down on
the toilet seat will be a signal and will cause the round muscle to
relax and become soft and flexible so it will stretch -easily and
comfortably... That will be followed by waves of muscular
contraction in the colon and rectum... It will move the waste material
out of your body in an easy, natural way...

When you feel the urge to have a bowel movement, you will go to
the toilet and sit down and wait... hi an easy, natural way, your body
will cause your elimination processes to function... Your body will
dispose of its waste materials easily, without any conscious effort by
you... All you need to do is sit down on the toilet and wait... As you
do that, it will be a signal to your unconscious mind to cause your
rectum to empty itself easily and comfortably...

When you look at food you become relaxed... When you eat food,
that will be a signal which will cause your digestive system and
elimination processes to function properly and your body will
dispose of its waste materials in an easy, natural way...

All the food you eat will digest properly... After you chew the food
thoroughly, it will pass down your throat into your stomach easily...
That easy, natural movement will continue on through your
intestines... At the proper time, you will know when you need to use
the toilet... The urge will be normal and natural for your body... You
will respond to the urge by going to the toilet, and you will eliminate
the waste material from your body, and keep your body clean and

When you sit down on the toilet, that will be a signal for the round
muscle to open the waste valve... The muscular contraction in your
colon and rectum will then cause the waste material to move out of
your body easily, without any conscious effort by
you... The entire process will work in a natural way... When you eat
the relaxation starts... Then at intervals which are normal for your
body, you will experience the urge to go to the toilet... When you go
to the toilet and sit down on the toilet, that will be a signal for your
anus to relax and become soft and flexible so it will stretch easily as
it needs to, and your rectum will empty itself in a comfortable way...

The only thing you need to do consciously is go to the toilet when

you feel the urge... The unconscious part of your mind will cause
your body processes to function properly and cleanse the waste
materials out of your body in an easy, natural way...

Your unconscious mind will cause your body processes to continue
functioning properly and you will always have an easy, natural bowel
movement whenever your body needs that normal cleansing... When
you have the urge to go to the toilet you will go and your body will
take care of the part of causing you to have a bowel movement

You will have easy, normal bowel movements each time your body
needs its normal cleansing to get rid of the waste material from your

The processes of your body will continue to function normally and

regularly... That will cause your health to continue improving, and
you will have more strength, more energy, and more vitality... The
improvement will be progressive... You will be quite pleased to
notice how much better you will keep feeling each day.

You have been responding good to the suggestions I have been
telling you... You understand now that your mind controls your
body... Your mind actually controls all of the processes and functions
of your body... It has been found that through hypnosis, we can get
your mind to cause changes in your body and get rid of warts in a
very short time...

In an experiment that was conducted at a Medical Research Center

in New York, nine people had warts all over their body... Merely from
being hypnotized and being given suggestions, they got rid of the
warts in a few weeks... You will also get rid of your wart(s) in a short
time... Each day you will notice an improvement in the condition of
your skin... The wart(s) will continue becoming smaller, and will
disappear completely within the next three weeks... You are getting
rid of the wart(s) completely and (it or they) will never return... You
will be pleased as you notice your skin continuing to become more
smooth and flawless... The processes of your body are functioning
properly to produce the chemicals needed to eliminate the warts
from your body... You will be happy to notice your skin becoming
clear, smooth, and perfect... Each time you wash your skin, you wash
away cells that have completed their purpose... They are replaced
with new, young, healthy cells... Your skin is constantly being
renewed... The unconscious level of your mind is directing the cells
of your body to do their work properly... Your skin continues
becoming more clear, more smooth, and more youthful looking...

Even after you awaken from the hypnotic state, all of these
suggestions will continue to influence you just as strongly, just as
surely, and just as powerfully as they do while you are hypnotized...
Your nerves will be more relaxed and steady... Your mind will be

calmer and clearer... Your happiness will keep increasing... You will
be more composed, more tranquil, and more at peace within...

Your unconscious mind has accepted these suggestions... They are

causing your circulatory system to carry healing energy into all parts
of your skin... The wart(s) are fading away easily and gradually

Scientists have found that each cell of your body performs functions
that the world's most outstanding chemists, physicians, and
scientists have never been able to duplicate... Those processes work
by receiving directions from the unconscious part of your mind...
Your unconscious mind functions by receiving directions from
experiences you have, and by receiving information from things you
see, hear, touch, and anything that makes an impression in your

Even though you are not consciously aware of it, your unconscious
mind is continuously receiving imprints and impressions from
everything that you experience... Your unconscious mind keeps the
healing processes of your body working at all times... The healing
processes of your body are continuously keeping your body
temperature stabilized... They are continuously nourishing tissues,
strengthening muscles, ligaments and tendons... They are constantly
repairing damaged skin, healing wounds, keeping your hair growing,
keeping your fingernails growing, and keeping your digestive system,
and your elimination system functioning...

Those processes and activities of your body are normal and natural...
They continue functioning twenty-four hours a day... They cause
your metabolism, your organs, your glands and all other parts of your
body to respond properly...

It is amazing the way the human body has been created, with billions
of cells, muscles, nerves, glands, blood, various organs, a circulatory
system, and ‘many other parts: All capable of functioning in perfect

harmony to keep your body healthy, strong, and in perfect physical

The only time the processes of the body do not perform perfectly is
when some thoughts or ideas have gone into the mind and are
causing interference... When that happens, it can be corrected easily
by getting the unconscious part of your mind to review the imprints
and impressions in your inner mind, and understand them from a
more adult, more mature point of view...

Even the Bible says, "You can be transformed by the renewing of

your mind." That's what we are doing now... Your mind will soon be
causing all of your body processes to function harmoniously again...
By reprogramming your mind with proper thoughts and ideas... Your
unconscious mind then causes your body processes to function
properly and rebuild and strengthen your body cell by cell and heal
any damage or disease completely and perfectly... You will notice
pleasant Changes taking place as your skin is healing and becoming
healthier and more smooth...

If your body was a solid mass of flesh and bone, it may be difficult to
believe that your skin can be healed and become flawless and
smooth... But scientists tell us the body is more than 80 percent
liquid... Even your bones are soft and porous... Your bones are filled
with a fluid substance... Your bones are penetrated by capillaries of
blood... The unconscious part of your mind can send energy
vibrations into every cell of your body, and can cause pleasant
changes to take place and heal your skin completely and perfectly...
The strongest force of energy in your body is your unconscious

mind... Your body is changeable... It can be shaped and renewed by
thoughts that go into your mind...

So, your unconscious mind is directing the cells of your body to

energize every fiber of your skin... Your inner mind is causing your
skin to keep becoming more smooth, more flawless, and healthier...

(Use a Convincer here from pages 5 - 19 in Hypnotic Inductions and

Prescriptions II.) (After completing the Convincer, continue as

Now, you realize that when you imagine something, your

unconscious mind causes your body to respond to what you
imagine... So, I want you to use your imagination again... This time, I
want you to imagine your skin smooth and flawless, exactly the way
you want your skin to be... Think of yourself having skin that is
smooth, healthy, beautiful, flawless and perfect in every way... The
unconscious part of your mind is responding to that image of your
perfect, healthy skin, and is causing the processes of your body to
function properly, cleansing all impurities out of your body through
the natural processes of your elimination system...

Your skin is gradually changing... Your skin is becoming more smooth,

more flawless and more perfect, exactly the way you want your skin
to be... Each night, just before you go to sleep, close your eyes for a
couple of minutes and imagine your skin the way you want it to be;
smooth, firm, healthy, and flawless...

As you continue imagining your skin the way you want it to be, the
unconscious part of your mind is causing your body processes to
function properly, and is healing your skin... Your skin will remain
smooth and beautiful...

Each time you wash your skin, you wash away cells and molecules
that are no longer needed... They are replaced with new, healthy,
perfect cells that keep your skin young and healthy...

Your metabolism and elimination system will continue functioning

properly, cleansing the inside of your body... Your entire organism is
constantly cleansing and renewing itself... Your skin keeps becoming
more smooth, more flawless, and healthier each day... The
circulation of your blood is improving, and is carrying the
nourishment and energy needed to the tissues of your skin... At
times you May feel a slight increase of warmth, and perhaps a mild
tingling sensation in your skin as the healing processes are working
to provide extra nourishment in those areas of your skin where it is
needed to heal your skin completely...

Each day your health keeps improving... Every organ of your body
continues functioning more perfectly... Every cell, every atom, and
every molecule of your body is functioning harmoniously to produce
perfect health, and beautiful, smooth skin...

The unconscious level of your mind has accepted all of the

suggestions and instructions I have told you... You will be noticing
the improvement as you continue experiencing the healing processes
flowing through every part of your body, cleansing, purifying,
rejuvenating, and restoring the tissues of your skin in a perfect way.

Your body has been created in such a way that it is capable of healing
itself perfectly... If you cut your skin, the healing processes of your
body cause the tissues of the skin to heal... You may wash the cut to
cleanse it, or if it's a severe cut, you may have the doctor put stitches
in it... Yet it is still the natural healing processes of your body that
cause the skin to mend... If you get a broken bone, you may have a
doctor set the bone, yet it's the natural healing processes of your
body that cause the bone to grow back together... The same
processes that heal scratches, cuts, broken bones, can heal other
blemishes on your skin, and can restore your skin properly...

The processes of your body are designed to cleanse unneeded waste

matter out of your body through your elimination system... Some of
the waste matter is cleansed out of your body through the pores of
your skin as you perspire and sweat... Once in a while the pores of
your skin become clogged, and waste matter is held in behind the
clogged pores, and it causes blemishes or pimples on the skin... It has
found that clogged pores are easy to overcome... Pimples on
your skin are easy to cure... In fact, even now the processes of your
body are functioning properly to eliminate all waste matter from
your body... In the future the pores of your skin will be open and
your skin will keep becoming more smooth and more healthy... From
now on, your unconscious mind is causing your body processes to
function properly and cleanse the waste matter out of your body
through your kidneys, and your bowels and through the pores of
your skin... Your skin will continue becoming more open and more

Your elimination system will keep functioning more perfectly, and
will cleanse all waste materials and impurities out of your body in an
easy, natural way... The unconscious part of your mind is also
controlling your appetite, and is causing you to desire, and choose,
and eat only foods that your body needs to keep you healthy and
strong... You will eat only foods that are good for your body... You
eat only when your body needs food... After you have eaten the food
your body needs, you feel content and satisfied...

You will wash your skin regularly, and you will use a towel
to pat it dry after you have rinsed it thoroughly... In a short time,
your skin will be flawless and healthy...
You will be happy to notice the improvement as your skin keeps
becoming more smooth, more clean, healthier and more flawless
each day.

Each cell in your body has a specific job to do and effortlessly
performs functions that the world's most outstanding chemists and
scientists and physicians have not been able to duplicate... All of the
cells of your body do their work by receiving directions from the
unconscious part of your mind... Your unconscious mind is directing
the cells in your scalp to activate your scalp processes so they will
renew, rejuvenate and restore the hair of your scalp...

When you were a tiny baby your mind knew what to do to cause the
hair to grow on your scalp„, and your mind is now remembering
what it needs to do to rejuvenate the growth processes of the hair in
your scalp... The unconscious level of your mind is causing the
sebaceous glands in your scalp to be stimulated and cause increased
secretion and improve the condition of your scalp and hair... You will
soon notice a growth of new hair in your scalp, and you will be
pleased as you become aware of a continuous improvement in the
condition of your scalp...

I heard of a farmer who found a sack of seeds that had been midden
for many years in the corner of a shed out near his barn... He knew
the seeds must be at least twenty-years old, because he hadn’t
cleaned out that shed for about twenty-years... Anyway, he decided
to plant the seeds, and he waited patiently... Sure enough, one day
stalks of com began coining up through the ground, and the stalks
continued growing taller... Finally, when harvest time came, they
produced a beautiful supply of corn... Just as those seeds still had life
in them after lying dormant for twenty-years, your scalp still has life
in it... All of the cells, atoms and molecules in your scalp are being
rejuvenated and are causing new hair to grow on your scalp...

(Have the client use his imagination and imagine his hair growing as
he desires it to be.) Each night, before you go to sleep, close your
eyes and imagine your scalp full of hair, the way you want it to be...
Keep reinforcing the image in your mind, and your unconscious mind
will cause it to happen... Your unconscious mind is causing your scalp
to produce a continuous growth of hair... You are developing your
hair exactly the way you want it to be... Your appearance keeps
improving, and your self-confidence continues increasing...

All of these suggestions are already working... You will be quite

happy with the continuous improvement in your hair.

You are calm and relaxed now, and you are realizing that you
produced the relaxation... All I did was give you suggestions... You
relaxed yourself... Now you know that you are capable of being
relaxed and calm at all times during your daily life...

Concentrate on your abdomen now... Notice that it feels gently

warm and relaxed... You are noticing that your abdomen is becoming
even more relaxed now... (Pause.) Your abdomen and stomach feel
so relaxed and comfortable that you feel like you can eat and drink
foods and liquids your body needs to keep improving your strength
and health...

Each day, as the baby continues to grow, you will desire to eat foods
and drink liquids that are perfectly suited for you and the baby... You
will notice that your abdomen and stomach adjust perfectly and you
will always feel comfortable and at ease...

You are anticipating the birth of your baby, and your happiness
keeps increasing more each day... You are experiencing such joy and
happiness that your entire body is responding by continuing to
become healthier and stronger... Each day you will continue to
experience a more wonderful feeling of well-being throughout your
entire body... Every time you look at water, that will be a signal to
your unconscious mind... The unconscious part of your mind will
respond by causing you to become relaxed and calm and peaceful
the way you are now... You will remain calm, relaxed and peaceful
for at least eight hours every time you look at water... You will be
more calm and relaxed from now on, whether you are awake or
sleeping... Your breathing will be smooth and easy... All of your

glands, organs, muscles, nerves, ligaments, and tendons will keep
functioning more perfectly... Your digestive system, and your
elimination system continue to function more perfectly each day...

Regardless of what is going on around you, you always remain calm

and relaxed... Your nerves will be more relaxed and steady... You will
be emotionally calmer... This enables you to do everything in a
relaxed way...

Having a baby is a perfectly normal experience... Your body knows

how to adjust perfectly... You will always remain calm, healthy,
relaxed and peaceful... You will have all the strength you need to
continue on with your daily activities...
At night, when you are ready to go to sleep, you will close your eyes,
breathe « deeply and exhale slowly five times... That will relax
your body completely so you
will go to sleep easily... You will remember that all you need to do to
go to sleep easily is get in bed, close your eyes, breathe deeply and
exhale slowly five times... When you do that, you will relax and drift
into a state of sleep, calmly and easily... While you are sleeping, you
will be relaxed and calm and comfortable... Each morning when you
awaken, you will feel rested and refreshed... Your mind will be alert
and clear... You will feel healthy, strong and energetic... All of these
suggestions and instructions are now embedded in the unconscious
level of your mind... They are now a part of you, and they will be
used automatically by you, to enable you to continue living a
happier, healthier, more enjoyable life...

It will be a cycle of progress that keeps growing stronger each day...
You will be really happy to have the opportunity to bring your child
into a peaceful, loving home...

You are now able to maintain poise and calmness in the midst of
changing circumstances... You will maintain a state of emotional
stability that is pleasing to « you.

The experience of having a baby is one of the greatest achievements
a human being has the privilege of accomplishing... By having a baby,
you are creating an opportunity for a soul to come into an
environment of love and happiness... The baby is already conceived
within you, and is now developing, growing, and preparing for its
entry into the world... You are giving it the opportunity to enter...

After the baby's birth, you will then have the opportunity to provide
it with guidance, love and affection that will enable your child to
develop and grow into a happy, successful adult...

God created the human body so that it is capable of functioning

perfectly... Every cell and every organ in your body possesses life,
wisdom, and power... There is constantly a new, fresh, vitalizing
force of energy flowing through your body... Those forces in your
body are now in the process of producing a new life„, a new child...
You are looking forward to the time when your baby will be born...
The unconscious part of your mind is causing all of your body
activities to function properly, and the birth of your baby will be an
easy, normal event... You are feeling happy about it...
You are recognizing it as a truly great opportunity to be a co-creator
with God...

Your body is made so it is able to handle the growth and

development of the child within you in an easy, natural way... Having
a baby is a really joyful experience... It is a perfectly natural
experience... Your body is made so that it will adjust easily and
naturally as the child is developing within you...

When it becomes time for the baby to enter the world, your body
will make the proper adjustments easily... The long muscles of your
womb will contract to expel the baby from your body... The round
muscles which have been holding the baby safely in your body will
relax... It is all normal, natural, and easy... It will be accomplished
calmly and perfectly, in a very comfortable way...

You are feeling more peaceful about giving birth to your baby... You
are looking forward with great joy and expectation to the day it will
be born...

There will be a continuous improvement in your health... You will be

pleased about having the privilege of bringing a new baby into the
Having these sessions with hypnosis is enabling you to learn how to
remain relaxed and calm as you do your daily activities... The birth of
your child will be accomplished in a comfortable way... When you
walk your body will adjust and you
will maintain good posture... When you sit down, it will be easy to
adjust your body into a comfortable position...

Your unconscious mind is causing you to desire foods which provide

the best nourishment for you and your baby... The processes of your
body will function properly, so your food will digest easily...

When the time comes for your baby to be born, the natural process
of moving the baby out of your womb and out of your body will be as
easy as eating, as easy as breathing, as easy as digesting food, and as

other natural processes of your body... You will give birth to a
healthy baby easily, because the process is natural and automatic...
You will be calm and relaxed and you will have the baby easily and
naturally, just as you achieve the other functions of your body in an
easy, natural way...

Your muscles will respond with perfect co-ordination... When the

long muscles contract to move the baby out of your body, the round
muscles will relax... The more the long muscles contract, the more
your round muscles will relax... The muscles in your body will work
together in perfect harmony... The rest of your body will be calm and

When it is time for the baby to be born, you will be aware of the
difference of the feelings in your body... When you begin to feel the
pressure of the contractions, you will recognize it... You will realize it
is time for the baby to be born... During the first few contractions,
you will be aware that you are merely feeling pressure... You will be
relaxed and you will have a wonderful feeling of satisfaction and
relief... You will go to the hospital with a feeling of joy and
anticipation... At the hospital, when the baby begins passing out of
the womb and through the birth canal... You will have a great sense
of satisfaction, you will feel relaxed, calm and happy... You will be
very peaceful and serene... You will remain comfortable and at ease
as you give birth to the baby... You are one with God... God is in
charge, and you feel confident and capable... You have peace of
mind and assurance...
This is a beautiful world... You are a beautiful person... You are
having a wonderful experience and all is well.

You will continue feeling the sensation of comfort... Your
unconscious mind will be listening to each word I say to you... As you
continue relaxing, your conscious mind is becoming more peaceful...
Each time you inhale you bring the oxygen of life into your body...
You feel your oneness with God... Each time your heart beats, it
pumps blood through your circulatory system in a perfect way, like a
song of health and strength and life... Your entire body continues
becoming more relaxed, more peaceful, and more at ease... You
realize that everything is being worked out for your perfect health,
for your perfect well-being and for your happiness...

Your doctor believes your physical condition can be corrected... That

means your body can respond properly... You can soon experience
complete and perfect recovery, and your body will be totally

You have selected a doctor that you have confidence in, so your
mind is at peace... Your faith is strong... Your confidence is
increasing, and you know everything will go smoothly...

(Give the water signal from page 14 for automatic relaxation.)

The unconscious part of your mind will cause that signal to keep you
relaxed at all times, regardless of where you are or what is going on
around you...

God's will is that you always have a healthy body... The unconscious
part of your mind understands that and the unconscious part of your

mind is causing the processes of your body to function properly and
restore your health in a perfect way...

You are feeling more comfortable now and you are experiencing
restful, calming sensations of relaxation in every part of your body...
When the time comes that they begin preparing you to enter the
operating room, your unconscious mind will recall how comfortable
you are now... Your inner mind will automatically cause you to
experience this same feeling of calmness and relaxation... Being
prepared to enter the operating room will be a signal that will cause
you to relax completely... You will remain comfortable and at ease
during the operation...

At all times you will feel safe and secure... Your mind is at ease... You
have confidence in your doctor... You know everything will go
smoothly... You will be pleasantly surprised at how relaxed and calm
you will be... You will be able to breathe easily because you will be
peaceful and at ease...

As soon as they begin preparing you to enter the operating room

that is an automatic signal that will cause your muscles and nerves to
relax... You will be relaxed during surgery, and will remain relaxed
after the surgery has been completed... Your breathing will be
regular, smooth, and easy... Your heart will continue pumping, and
your heart will remain strong and regular...

When the surgery has been completed, all of the processes and
activities of your body will function normally, and your body can heal

rapidly... Your body can heal so quickly and so perfectly that you will
be able to look back on the entire experience and be pleasantly
surprised at how easy it was...

Your mind is peaceful and at ease... You can remain peaceful and
calm even after you awaken from the hypnotic state of relaxation...

Your mind will be thinking only good, uplifting thoughts at all times...
Your mind will receive only good thoughts and ideas from others
before surgery, during surgery, and after surgery...

You are now ready to come up to a wide awake, fully alert state,
feeling comfortable, confident and happy.

You are continuing to breathe easily and freely, and you are
experiencing peace of mind... The surgery has been completed... You
are now safely back in bed, and your mind realizes that the surgery
has been successful...

The processes and activities of your body are now functioning

perfectly... Your body is healing rapidly, comfortably, and
completely... You are being rejuvenated and restored to perfect
health... Your strength, energy, and vitality will continue increasing
as your body is healing... You will be pleased with the improvement
you experience... As you are recovering you will experience very
pleasant sensations of healing... All parts of your body are
functioning properly to enable you to heal rapidly and perfectly...
You are looking forward to total recovery... You will notice
improvement in all areas of your life; physically, mentally, and

Your unconscious mind is causing you to desire foods that are

beneficial for your body... You desire only foods that provide proper
nourishment, strength, energy, and vitality to every part of your
body where it is needed...

After you awaken from the hypnotic state, you will remain calm and
relaxed... You will continue breathing easily and freely... You will find
it easy to clear your throat by swallowing... You will continue feeling
calm and comfortable...

Your body processes are carrying just the right amount of blood to
the area where the surgery was performed, and is supplying that
area of your body with everything it needs to achieve perfect

Each time you swallow it will clear your throat, and it will serve as a
signal and cause your digestive system to function easily and
properly... Your bladder and your bowels are functioning easily and
normally... Fluids will pass through your bladder easily... All parts of
your body are functioning smoothly and properly... You continue
achieving a rapid and complete recovery.

(NOTE: If the painful area is available to touch, place one or both
hands on the painful area and give the following suggestions:)

You are beginning to feel a healing warmth flowing through the

tissues of your skin... The healing processes of your body are working
right now... You are beginning to feel more comfortable, more at
ease, and more calm... Your entire body is becoming more relaxed...
All pain, all discomfort, and all swelling are diminishing, flowing out
of your body easily and naturally, as if it were being drawn from your
body with a magnet... The healing processes of your body are
functioning properly now, and they will continue functioning
properly... Your body is healing completely and perfectly...

Your muscles, heaves, ligaments and tendons are relaxing more... All
swelling is decreasing, and all of your joints are becoming normal in
size... You are continuing to feel more comfortable... All pain and
discomfort are leaving your body... Your body is healing perfectly and
completely... When the healing has been completed, you will be able
to do everything in a relaxed way... Your muscles are becoming
stronger, yet they are loose and flexible... They are functioning easily
and comfortably...

Notice, as I hold my hand here, that you are feeling more

comfortable and more at ease... You are feeling emotionally calm
and serene... You are feeling peaceful, and relaxed... You are
beginning to experience really good feelings and wonderful
sensations all through your body... (Pause and hold the area a
moment or two.)

Even after I remove my hand, you continue feeling wonderful... You
keep improving more each day... You will be very happy to realize
the progress you are making... (Remove your hands easily and

When you awaken from the hypnotic state, you will feel much better
than you did before you were hypnotized... You will feel calm and
peaceful, relaxed and comfortable, rested and refreshed... The
processes of your body are functioning properly now, and your body
is being healed perfectly... Your body is responding to its own natural
healing energies... you will soon be in perfect health.

I want to speak to the mind of (Client's name) ... As soon as (Client's
name) is ready to talk to me, without any conscious parts knowing
what is happening, one of the fingers on the left hand will raise up
toward the ceiling, and your finger will remain up until I tell it to go
back down... (Wait for the response. It will take only a short time, or
it may take 20 to 30 minutes for the finger to lift up.)

Good... Now, (Client's name) mind I want to be sure that you

understand that pain is a valuable part of the body functions... It
allows (Client's name) to know when something needs to be given
some care...

You understand that (his or her) (injury or illness) is already being

given the proper care in the best way it can be done, so it's time for
you to shut oil the pain... (Pause.) Shut it off now, and turn it back on
only when it is needed... As soon as you know the pain has been shut
off, you will cause one of the fingers on (his or her) left hand to raise
up and remain up until I tell it to go back down... (Pause and wait for
a response.)

You can feel the power of your own mind functioning... That power is
surging up within you... You realize that your body was created with
the ability to function properly... If your skin gets cut, the cells of
your body know exactly what to do to cause the skin to grow back
together again and heal the skin perfectly... If you get a bruise, the
cells of your body function properly and heal the area that was
bruised... If you break a bone, the cells of your body do what needs
to be done to cause the bone to mend itself and heal properly...

Every cell, every atom and every molecule of your body contains life
and energy... Every cell of your body has a specific purpose... Each
cell has the wisdom to know how to function in a perfect way...

The energies that produce healing in your body are already there...
You have tremendous healing powers in your body... You are letting
yourself experience that healing power right now as you continue
relaxing... Perfect order, perfect harmony and health are being
established in your entire system... Your mind is concentrating on
peaceful, health restoring thoughts and ideas that are causing your
body processes to function properly... They will continue functioning
properly after you come out of the hypnotic state...

Each day you become more aware of love all around you, ready for
you to share... You will find that as you express yourself to others in a
loving way, you experience more love and harmony flowing into your
life... You will be filled with a wonderful feeling of love and peace...

You are leaving yourself and all that concerns you in the love and
care of God... You are realizing that what you cannot do, God can
do... You are being strengthened and rejuvenated by a divine healing
power of love...

You are getting ready to awaken from the hypnotic state... You will
continue experiencing a surge of energy and enthusiasm, and you
will think of life as a wonderful experience to be enjoyed... Your
happiness, joy, and health continue improving more each day.

(NOTE: In working with a client to help him or her to overcome any
kind of illness, disease or physical handicap, you want to use one of
the techniques for uncovering the unconscious cause or causes of
the problem. Once the cause has been uncovered, you then ask the
unconscious mind if there is any reason the problem needs to
continue. Once you get a” no" answer, then ask for a finger to lift up
when the unconscious mind knows changes have started and the
client is going to be healed completely.)

(The prescriptions that follow will work best after the client has been
released from the cause of the problem, but can also be used during
the sessions in which the cause is being uncovered...)

The suggestions and instructions that I'm telling you are going into
the unconscious level of your mind... Your own mind can cause them
to begin working immediately in your body...

Even though you are not consciously aware of it, the healing
processes of your body continue functioning at all times... They are
continuously nourishing tissues, strengthening muscles, repairing
cells, keeping your body temperature stabilized, keeping your heart
pumping, and causing your blood to continue circulating, cleansing
waste materials and impurities out of your body though the normal,
natural processes of your elimination system, and conducting many
other activities...

Those processes are continuously working to keep your body healthy

and strong... They are normal and natural... They keep functioning

twenty-four hours a day, causing all organs, all glands, all cells, all
atoms and molecules of your body working properly...

Scientists have found that each cell of your body performs functions
that the world's host outstanding chemists, scientists, and physicians
have not been able to duplicate... Those activities in your body are
guided and directed by the unconscious part of your mind...

Imprints, impressions, thoughts and ideas have been going into your
mind ever since your soul came into existence, and your mind
operates from the accumulation of

all the information that is stored there, whether the information is

correct or is incorrect... If the information is incorrect, your mind can
review it and understand it from a more knowledgeable, more
mature point of view, and your inner mind can cause your body to be
restored to perfect health... This means that your own mind can
cause your body processes to function properly and produce healing
energies that heal your body perfectly... You can help your mind to
produce proper healing energies by thinking pleasant, uplifting
thoughts about yourself, and by imagining yourself as being healthy
and strong... That causes your mind to activate the processes of your
body to renew and rejuvenate every cell, every atom, and every
molecule so they all function properly...

The fact that your mind controls your body is not something new...
Thomas Edison did research on that subject many years ago... He
discovered that, "every cell of the body thinks." He learned that

every cell of the body has a mind and receives directions from the
unconscious part of the mind...

The Bible says the same thing: It says, "As we think in our mind, so
are we." hi other words, thoughts and ideas, impressions and
imprints made in our mind cause
our body to respond... They can cause us to be sick or healthy,
depending on the way our mind has received the information...
That's the reason our own mind can generate every medicine needed
in our body, and can restore, heal, rebuild, and strengthen every part
of our body in a perfect way...

If your body was solid flesh and bone, it might be difficult to

understand that your mind has control over it, and can heal it
completely and perfectly... However, your body is not solid:
Scientists tell us the body is more than 80 percent liquid... Even your
bones are soft, and pliable and porous, and are penetrated by
capillaries of blood... Scientists tell us that if the body was condensed
into actual solid mass, it would be no larger than the head of a pin...

Since your body is more than 80 percent liquid, the unconscious part
of your mind has the power to direct the cells and send healing
energy though your body and restore your body to perfect health...

The strongest force of energy your body possesses is your own

mind... When you have been experiencing illness or disease or any
kind of physical handicap, it can be changed, and your body can be
transformed into a healthy body by renewing your mind with
thoughts and ideas of health, confidence, happiness and love...

That's one of the meanings of the words in the Bible that say, "You
can be transformed by the renewing of your mind." That's what you
are doing now... These sessions that we are having are permitting
your mind to be renewed with healthy thoughts and ideas that are
restoring your body to perfect health...

Sometimes people have the idea the God made them sick... It in his
way of punishing them... Or they may think he has some other
reason for wanting them to be sick... They don't realize that having
ideas like that in their mind can be one of the causes of their illness...

God is not a neurotic being, with a split personality, wanting some

people to be healthy and others to be sick... If God wanted people to
be sick, it would be useless to take an aspirin to try and get rid of a
headache... If God wanted us to have a headache, and we got rid of it
by taking an aspirin, it would mean we have outsmarted God... There
would be nothing we could do, and nothing any physician could do to
make us well or keep us from getting sick if God wanted us to be

So, sickness, disease, cancer, polio, aids, and other physical problems
are not “caused by God... They are caused by imprints, impressions
and beliefs that go into our own mind... You can be well by changing
those thoughts, ideas and beliefs to thoughts of good health,
thoughts of happiness and thoughts of love... That's one of the
meanings of the words in the Bible that say, "Do not be conformed
to this world but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that
you may prove what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable

and perfect." Romans 12:2... So, your mind is being renewed with
good thoughts and ideas that are causing fire processes of your body
to function properly... Every cell of your body is learning to function
in a more perfect way, and will continue rejuvenating and
strengthening every part of your body...

You feel yourself growing stronger and healthier... The improvement

is progressive... Each day your health keeps improving... Each day
your self- confidence, self-acceptance and self-esteem continue
increasing... Your energy is increasing... Your nerves are becoming
more relaxed and steady... You will be more stable, more settled,
and you will be able to do everything in a relaxed way... This is
already working in your body, because you want it to work... Your
unconscious mind is cooperating with your conscious desire to be
healthy and strong...

Your entire organism is responding, and you will be happy to notice

your health continuing to improve...

Take some time each day to sit down or he down in a comfortable

position and close your eyes and concentrate your mind on good,
uplifting thoughts of health, happiness, success, and
prosperity...Imagine your body as being perfectly healthy and
strong... Your mind will cause your health to continue improving

As you continue relaxing now, your conscious awareness keeps
narrowing down... Your unconscious mind will be listening to the
words I tell you... You can listen to the soothing sounds coining from
the tape player... It keeps becoming less and less important for you
to consciously listen to what I'm saying... You are continuing to
experience a more calm, pleasant feeling of relaxation moving
through your entire body... The unconscious part of your mind is
receiving my suggestions and instructions... Other sounds and noises
are gradually fading away... It is easy for your mind to listen to the
words I'm telling you... The suggestions and instructions I'm telling
you will cause your unconscious mind to work out a solution to that
problem... But for now, you are waiting and continuing to relax even

You are approaching a perfect level of relaxation that is enabling

your unconscious mind to review, examine, and explore the
information in the storehouse of your mind that has been causing
that problem... Then your unconscious mind can assess and
understand that information from a different point of view than you
had when the information went into your mind... Your mind can
resolve that problem cause the changes that are needed to meal
your body perfectly...

You are realizing that being hypnotized can be one of the most
pleasant, most helpful experiences of your life... It can automatically
help you in many ways... Being in a state of relaxation automatically
causes your body processes to keep functioning more perfectly...
That enables the healing energies of your body to function properly,
and has the power to remedy many ailments... You will find that your
health keeps improving more each day...

Being hypnotized will also improve your character, by removing any
features of your character that you wish to have removed, and by
strengthening those features of your character which you feel are
desirable... This will also enable you to direct all of your future
efforts more effectively, and will enable you to be more successful
and more prosperous in all other areas of your life... It will enable
you to live a happier, healthier, more full and more productive life
than ever before... So, you are really happy that you decided to have
these hypnotic sessions...
Each time I hypnotize you, you will keep going into a deeper, more
peaceful, more comfortable state... The suggestions I tell you go into
the unconscious level of your mind and your unconscious mind
causes them to work automatically... You will continue
improving more and more each day...

Now, it's turn for you to think about the problem you want to get
resolved today... Concentrate on the area of your body that you
want to be healed... (Pause and observe.) I want you to use your
imagination now... Think of that area of your body the way you want
it to be when it is healed perfectly... As you concentrate on that part
of your body, you will gradually feel a healing warmth flowing
through the tissues of your skin... The healing processes of your body
are working right now, and they continue functioning properly,
healing your body completely and perfectly...

Your muscles, nerves, ligaments, and tendons are relaxing more...

You are continuing to feel more comfortable and more at ease...
Your body is responding to the normal, natural healing energies that
are working to restore, and rejuvenate, and strengthen your body in

a perfect way... The cells of your body are alive... They know how to
perform their tasks of sending nourishment to every part of your
body where it is needed... They cause your fingernails and toenails to
continue growing... They cause your hair to continue growing, and
they keep all other parts of your body functioning properly...

The cells of your body know how to cooperate with each other and
conduct their activities properly and restore your body to normal,
healthy functioning... So, your unconscious mind is directing the
mind of each cell to cooperate in harmony and unison with all other
cells and meal your body completely...

Your mind has now been renewed with good thoughts and ideas
that-are causing you to keep becoming healthier and stronger each
day... Each day your nerves become more relaxed and steady... You
continue developing more strength, more energy and more vitality...
You will continue becoming more stable, more settled, and you keep
improving in all areas of your life.

I'm going to give you some suggestions and instructions now that will
cause you to keep improving in all areas of your life, physically,
mentally and emotionally... You can continue relaxing more
peacefully as your unconscious mind is accepting my suggestions...
Each time you inhale, you keep moving into a deeper hypnotic state,
each time you exhale, you continue relaxing more calmly...

Your conscious awareness is narrowing down, and your unconscious

mind is concentrating only on the words I'm saying to you... Each
suggestion and instruction that I tell you begins working
immediately... The suggestions I tell you keep becoming more
effective each day...

You can consciously listen to the soothing sounds coming from the
tape player, and the unconscious part of your mind is listening to my
voice... All other sounds and noises keep fading away more and
more... Later on, when this session has been completed, you will be
able to hear all sounds and noises in a normal, natural way, but for
now, you are continuing to become more relaxed...

There may be brief moments at first, when other thoughts come into
your conscious mind... That will not interfere, because the
unconscious part of your mind is listening only to my words... You
will feel the meaning of each word I say...

A wonderful drowsiness is coming over your entire body... You are

experiencing a deep and profound relaxation as you continue
becoming more calms and more settled... You are moving into a

state that is comparable to a deep dreaming state... In a short time,
you will experience something that for thousands of years has been
one of the most important and most beneficial of all human
experiences; something that can be experienced in a deep hypnotic
state of relaxation as you are now...

You will experience a type of healing that has been used for
centuries... It has proven scientifically that it can heal every kind of
illness, disease, and physical handicap known to mankind... In fact, it
does much more than improve your health... It also increases your
self-confidence... It multiplies your self-acceptance, and it provides
your mind with an understanding that leads to expanded spiritual
growth and advancement...
For thousands of years, people went into a temple when they were
sick... And history reveals that the temple priests would help them go
into a state similar to the hypnotic state you are in now...

They would be left in that state throughout the night, and they
would be aware of solve entity coming to them during the night...
They believed that the entity that came to them while they were in
that deep state, was a god who possessed great wisdom and great
powers, far beyond normal human powers... The person in that deep
state for the purpose of being healed, would experience different
sensations during the night... They believed those gods were
examining them and causing natural healing forces and powers in
their body to be activated to heal the body so it would function
properly from that time on...

When the person awakened the next morning, he or she would be

transformed to some degree... The mind and body would continue

functioning properly and complete the healing, and restore the body
to perfect health...

That was a common practice for thousands of years... The amazing

thing about it was that it worked... It always had beneficial effects on
those people who went into the temple and permitted themselves to
go into that deep state of relaxation...

We understand more about it today... We realize that it was not

actually some kind of gods who produced the healing... Instead, we
have found that the human body was created with natural healing
power... Being in a state of relaxation, as you are now, permits those
natural healing energies of your body to function properly...

Scientists have found that the cells of your body can receive
directions from your mind, and they can produce the healing
vibrations your body needs to heal itself perfectly... So, it is not other
gods that come and perform the healing... instead it is done as the
Bible says, though the renewing of your mind...

Continue inhaling deeply and exhaling slowly now... You can move
into an even deeper hypnotic state of relaxation... By permitting your
mind and body to relax though your own ability to concentrate on
the suggestions I tell you, you can notice, after this session is over,
that you will feel much better both mentally and physically...

You will continue drifting into a deeper, more peaceful hypnotic
state of relaxation as I give you suggestions and instructions that will
cause you to experience a continuous improvement physically and

You can notice yourself becoming even more relaxed and settled
now... Concentrate on that pleasant feeling of relaxation... Your mind
and body are relaxing more and more... You are leaning to be relaxed
and calm from the top of your head to the bottom of your feet... You
will continue using these principles of relaxation during your daily
life... By learning to relax, as you are doing now, you can keep
experiencing a happier, healthier, more enjoyable, more productive
life than ever before...

You will soon notice a feeling of energy and vitality flowing through
your entire body; cleansing, healing, purifying, and restoring your
body gradually and perfectly...

We keep hearing on the radio and on television about "Faith

Healers" as though they are people who have been given a special
power by God to heal the sick and handicapped... Yet in reality we all
have the power and energy within us to be healed completely and
perfectly from any illness, from any disease, or from any physical
handicap known to man...

There are some words in the Bible that are credited to Jesus. He said,
"The kingdom of god is within you." Perhaps that gives us an
explanation of the fact that we all have a power within us that is

capable of cleansing, healing, purifying, and restoring our body in a
perfect way...

The more research we do, the more we fund that it is our own mind
that directs the healing energies in our body... The important thing to
realize is that you have a tremendous power within you that can
renew, restore, and heal your body completely and perfectly...

The unconscious part of your mind has capabilities far beyond what
you have been consciously aware of... Your mind is remembering
everything it needs to remember to cause the healing energies of
your body to function properly and meal your body completely...

All limitations are being lifted... You are being revitalized with
increased energy and strength... Your mind, soul and body are
continuing to function in a more harmonious way... Self-confidence
and understanding are opening up within you... A feeling of peace is
moving through every part of your being causing you to keep having
a greater awareness of the power of God within you...

You are letting go completely... Notice the feeling of peacefulness

coming over your entire body... That calmness and peacefulness will
continue during your daily life...

When I was a youngster, we used to play a game that illustrates what

a lot of people do that causes them to become sick or experience
other types of physical problems... To play the game, we would take
a piece of chalk and draw little squares on the sidewalk, big enough

to stand in... Then one of the children would be "it," and would chase
us and try to catch us... If the person who was "it" started getting too
close, we could jump inside our square on the sidewalk... Once we
got inside those chalk marks the person who was "it" wasn't allowed
to catch us... But, according to the rules of the game; once we got
inside our square, we weren't allowed to get out until the person
who was "it" gave us permission to get out... In our childish
imaginations, those square chalk marks on the sidewalk were like a
big wall around us, because we had to stay inside until we had
permission to get out...

A lot of people do something similar that causes them to develop

various illnesses and physical problems... They accept an idea in their
mind, and they let that idea cause them to become ill or physically
handicapped... They believe they cannot be healed... They let
themselves become imprisoned by their illness, believing that the
rules of the game say they have to stay imprisoned...

During the time Jesus was on earth, he met many people who had
become imprisoned by physical problems... Then he came along and
helped them understand that they didn't need to remain imprisoned
by their physical problem... There were blind people, deaf people,
crippled people, and people suffering from all types of diseases and
illnesses... He taught them to understand the healing powers of their
own bodies... He taught them to replace negative, unloving thoughts
and ideas with thoughts and ideas of love and joy and peace... As
they developed love and understanding, and a good, clear way of
thinking, the healing powers of their own bodies were able to
function properly, and they were healed completely...

They discovered there was nothing keeping them from being
healed... They had merely been imprisoned by thoughts and ideas
that had gone into their minds... Those thoughts and ideas and
beliefs had caused them to become sick, paralyzed, blind, or to
experience other types of physical handicaps...

Jesus understood the power of the mind... He realized that it was

comparable to the chalk marks on the sidewalk iii the children's
game... He realized that it was the beliefs in the minds of people that
was causing their illnesses and physical problems... He taught them
how to be released from their self-made prison... As they believed
they could be healed, that released the natural healing powers of
their own bodies, and they were completely healed...

Many people today continue suffering from various types of disease

and physical problems because they still do not understand the laws
of the mind that cause illness... They do not understand that their
own mind can also cause them to be healed...

They just don't realize that improper information in the mind causes
disharmony in the body... Nor do they understand that renewing
their mind with good, uplifting thoughts causes harmony in the body
and enables the body to heal itself...

Healing your body is simple once your mind understands these true
facts... So, I'm going to give you some suggestions now that will
change the improper information in your mind, and renew your mind
with thoughts of health, joy, happiness and love...

The unconscious part of your mind understands that your body was
created to be healthy... It is only unhealthy because of a
misunderstanding in your mind... Your mind is reviewing that
misunderstood information, assessing it, and your mind is realizing
that there is no reason you need to continue experiencing that

As soon as your mind has resolved that problem, and knows changes
have started and you will be healed... One of the fingers on your left
hand will raise up toward the ceiling... Your finger will remain up
until I tell it to go back down... (Continue giving suggestions as you
wait for a response.)

You are feeling the healing processes of your body working... You are
realizing that you have healing energy and power in your own body...
You have seen those healing energies function to heal cuts and to
heal broken bones... So, you know that your body has healing power,
and it can heal any damage, disease or sickness you ever
experience... You are letting that healing energy flow freely now... It
can continue and heal your body in an easy, natural way...

As you continue moving into a deeper hypnotic state, I want you to

use your imagination... Think of yourself with a healthy, strong body,
exactly the way you want your body to be... Pretend that you have a
perfect body, exactly the way you want your body to be... As you
continue to think of yourself the way you want your body to be, the
unconscious part of your mind is accepting that image... Your inner
mind is causing the processes and activities of your body to function
properly... Your body is being healed...

Each night, just before you go to sleep, close your eyes and think of
yourself the way you want to be, with a perfect, healthy, strong
body... As you continue doing that, you keep reinforcing the image in
your mind... Your own mind causes you to develop a perfectly
healthy body...

You will also find your self-confidence and self-acceptance growing

stronger... You will continue improving in all areas of your life;
physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually...

You will have the courage to solve every problem that comes up in
your life... You will look forward to each day of your life with
anticipation... You will find that each day will bring you greater
happiness and joy... You will arise each morning feeling rested and
refreshed... You will continue having more energy, more strength
and vitality...

There has been a tremendous amount of research in recent years
with regards to the effects the mind has on the physical body... The
results of that research has been the opening of many holistic health
centres and Hypnotherapy clinics and offices all over the country...

Extensive research in medical schools and universities has proven

that there are better ways of overcoming illnesses and physical
problems than has ever been achieved with medicine or surgery...
The researchers have found ten natural techniques that can help
cure all types of disease and illness, and can realign and rejuvenate
every part of the body... It has been found that hypnotherapy is one
of the best techniques for getting those natural methods to function

I'm going to mention the ten natural methods for achieving perfect
health... Then I will give you suggestions that will get your
unconscious mind to cooperate and cause you to put the suggestions
into your own actions and heal your body completely, and keep you
healthy and strong...

The first method for attaining natural health is eating properly...

Second is taking the right vitamins for your body... Third is getting
the minerals your body needs... Fourth is getting proper proteins...
Fifth is getting sufficient potassium... Sixth is getting the right kind of
exercise... Seventh is achieving adequate sexual fulfillment... Eighth
is experiencing lots of laughter... Ninth is having plenty of time for
relaxation, and the tenth method for attaining natural health is
getting a proper amount of sleep...

All ten of those items are important in healing the body and keeping
your body healthy... Eating properly, of course, helps provide the
nourishment your body needs to strengthen muscles, ligaments,
tendons and bones... Since it is important to your health to eat
properly, your unconscious mind is causing you to desire, choose,
and eat foods that are beneficial for your body... You will desire to
eat lean meat, eggs and other foods each day that provide your body
with the correct amount of protein it needs... You also want to eat
fresh vegetables, fruits and other foods that supply the vitamins and
minerals needed to keep your body healthy... You will take time to
learn more about vitamins and minerals so you will know the proper
supplements to take each day that will assure you of getting the
amount your body needs to keep it

healthy... You will enjoy eating bran and other dietary fiber which
will cause your elimination system to always function properly and
keep waste materials cleansed out of your body through the natural
processes of your elimination system...

Along with eating properly and getting the vitamins, minerals,

proteins and potassium your body needs each day, you will be sure
and drink lots of water to maintain a good fluid balance in your
body... Water aids your digestive and elimination system... Water
helps regulate your body temperature... Water keeps your kidneys
healthy and keeps your urinary system clean... Water also washes
bacteria and other impurities out of your body through the normal
processes of your elimination system... So, you will enjoy drinking
lots of water...

Many medical researchers have come to the conclusion that exercise
is absolutely necessary to maintain a healthy body... That's one of
the reasons so many people started jogging... Of course, it isn't
necessary to jog to get the exercise your body needs... Walking can
also produce good results... Square dancing regularly is an excellent
exercise, bowling regularly is good exercise, playing golf, playing
tennis, swimming, and many other comparable activities can be
helpful in improving your health... Good things happen in your body
during exercise... Exercise causes your metabolism to function
better... The movement of your muscles helps pump the blood
through your circulatory system properly... Exercise strengthens your
heart, and enables your muscles to absorb more oxygen... And
exercise helps your entire system to function better... So, you want
to take part in a good exercise program that is enjoyable to you...
You will find that it will rejuvenate your body and cause your body to
continue becoming healthier, firmer, and more youthful...

Most people have no idea of the importance of achieving sexual

fulfillment in order to maintain a healthy body... Yet, sexual urges
and desires are normal and natural... You are born with sexual needs,
and those needs continue throughout your life... God created your
body so that it can function sexually... And God doesn't create
something and then forbid it from being used... So, you will be
pleased as your natural sexual urges and desires come into your
conscious awareness... You will enjoy the pleasure of fulfilling those
desires in a normal, natural way with your chosen partner...
Expressing sexual urges and desires in a natural way releases tension
in your body. It causes all of your body activities to continue
becoming healthier and function more perfectly... Your unconscious
mind is causing you to come up with creative ways of achieving
sexual satisfaction and enjoyment with your chosen partner...

Another reason that sexual fulfillment improves your health is that it
provides a way of expressing love and affection that is very special...
Experiencing normal sexual relations is one of the ways God has
made available to experience a union of oneness with your chosen
partner... So you will keep enjoying sexual relations with your chosen
partner more and more... You will be pleasantly surprised at the way
it causes your health to continue improving...

Medical researchers have also found that laughter is very important

to the health of your body... It is interesting to notice that the Bible
says, "Laughter is a good medicine..." Scientifically conducted
experiments have revealed that laughter causes the brain to produce
hormones called catecholamines... That causes a release of
endorphins into the system which is a natural healing agent in your

Laughter also exercises the chest and improves the heartbeat,

enabling the heart to more easily pump blood and oxygen into the
circulatory system...

Dr. Raymond Moody found in his research that laughter increases

the lifespan... (Raymond Moody, M. D., Laugh After Laugh:
Headwaters Press, 1978.)

Next we come to relaxation and sleep... It is a well-known fact that

relaxation and sleep helps the body rejuvenate itself... You would be
wise to set aside some time during each day to relax... Meditating is
a good way to relax... Take brief vacations from your normal work as

a way of relaxing, even if it is for only fifteen minutes to a half-hour
during the day...

You will also want to get a proper amount of sleep each day...
Breathing deeply and exhaling slowly a few times after lying down
will help your body to relax and make it easy for you to drift into a
comfortable state of sleep when you go to bed for the purpose of
sleeping... You will be able to sleep more peacefully and comfortably
by keeping regular bedtime hours... Even though it is good to take
time each day to relax... It has been found that you will have more
energy and vitality, and you will sleep better at night if you avoid
taking a nap during the day...

All of these methods I have mentioned will cause your health to keep
improving... You will be pleasantly surprised at the way they will all
work together... Doing one makes the others easier... Doing one
causes you to automatically do the others... So, you will follow this
program to attain a healthier, happier life, naturally...

1. Discuss the problem the client wants to overcome.
2. Induce at least a light state of hypnosis and proceed as follows.
I want you to think about that problem how... Think of the ways it
has caused you to experience difficulty... Get it in your mind clearly
and vividly... (Pause.) Now make the image brighter... Make it even
brighter... Bring it closer to you... Make it bigger... Notice what is
going on in your mind... Tell me what you are feeling and
experiencing... (Allow time for discussion.) Now allow that image to
come back to its normal size... (Pause.) Make it smaller now... Move
it farther away... Notice how you are feeling as you become more
aware of that problem fading away... It is becoming smaller... Be
aware of what happens as it shrinks... It is becoming fuzzier„,
dimmer... It has almost disappeared... It is moving so far away that
you can barely see it... It is a tiny speck about the size of a grain of
sand... (Pause.) Now notice how good you feel as it disappears... It is
vanishing completely... It has moved out beyond space and time„,
The problem is gone now... All images of that problem are gone...
All sounds from that problem have vanished completely... All feelings
associated with that problem have disappeared... Tell me when the
problem has vanished completely... (Wait for a response.)

3. The next step is to replace that problem with a pleasant

memory or with an experience that brings joy, and happiness, and

I want you to think now about a very pleasant memory... It can be

something that happened recently... Or it can be something from
your early childhood... Continue relaxing and think about that happy
memory... It is something you really enjoy... Tell me when you have a

happy, pleasant memory in your mind... (Wait for a response.) Take
that image and memory and make it brighter and brighter... As the
image brightens, notice that you keep feeling better... Be aware that
you keep feeling happier... (Pause.) Now make it much bigger...
Notice those good feelings becoming more intense...

That image and those good feelings have now replaced those former
unpleasant images and feelings iii your mind... You are ready to come
back to a wide awake, fully alert state feeling wonderful; feeling
confident and happy. (Count to awaken.)

You want your eyesight to improve... That's the reason you have
permitted yourself to be hypnotized... You will find that hypnosis can
help improve your eyesight... The hypnotic state of relaxation is the
best state you can be in to enable the unconscious part of your mind
to receive suggestions and instructions that will cause the processes
of your body to function properly and strengthen the cells in your
eyes and cause your vision to keep becoming more clear... You will
soon be seeing perfectly...

Continue moving into a deeper, more relaxed state now, and you will
find this to be the most pleasant, most helpful experience of your

You are aware that the purpose of your eyes is for seeing, and you
want to see clearly and perfectly... The unconscious part of your
mind understands what I'm telling you and your unconscious mind is
accepting the suggestions I'm telling you... Your unconscious mind
knows exactly what needs to be done to rejuvenate and strengthen
your eyes and keep improving your eyes so they function perfectly...

When you were a small child and began learning to walk, your legs
were not strong, and your coordination wasn't perfect... You
probably fell down quite a few times as you were learning... Yet as
you kept trying, your leg muscles strengthened, and your
coordination kept improving... You now walk easily, without thinking
about the movements you are making as you walk...

The more you use any ability, the more automatic it becomes, and
the more you continue improving that ability... That is just as true
with the ability to use your eyes as it is with any other ability... The
more you practice using your eyes properly, without using glasses or
contact lenses, the more your eyesight continues improving, and
your vision keeps becoming more clear and perfect...

Scientists tell us that the entire body is constantly in the process of

producing new cells to replace the ones that have completed their
purpose... Those new cells are strong and perfect... They are pure
energy... The fact is, your eyes are made up of those new and perfect
cells... In the past, as your eyes developed those new and perfect
cells, you had already developed the habit of not seeing perfectly...
When the

new cells developed in your eyes, you held on to the old habit of not
seeing perfectly... As the result of hanging on to the habit of not
seeing clearly, your unconscious mind caused your eyes to continue
functioning the same way they did before you developed the new

The unconscious part of your mind understands that now... Your

‘unconscious mind realizes that there is no reason for you to have
difficulty seeing clearly... Your mind understands that your eyes are
made of young, strong cells, capable of seeing clearly and perfectly...
Your eyesight can improve daily just by practicing... With a little
practice, you will free yourself from the old habit of not seeing
clearly, and you will develop a new habit of seeing vividly, clearly and

Your eyes are capable of seeing clearly and distinctly... So, I want you
to practice a short time each day... For the next week, take off your
glasses or remove your contact lenses for at least fifteen minutes
each day when you are doing something that requires you to use
your eyes... For example: If you are watching television, take your
glasses off or remove your contact lenses for fifteen minutes and
practice watching the program without your glasses or contact
lenses... As you do that your eyes will adjust and the cells will
continue strengthening... Your vision will become more vivid and
more clear...

The second week, double the time you practice seeing without your
glasses or contact lenses... Keep doubling the time each week... In a
few weeks, your eyesight will be greatly improved... You will be
seeing vividly and distinctly without glasses or contact lenses...

Your eyes are strong and tireless... They can be used for long periods
of time and still feel relaxed and comfortable... Your eyes are able to
adjust to any situation... The more you use your eyes the stronger
they become... Each day your eyesight continues to improve... You
will be happy with the progress you see as your vision keeps
becoming more clear and more perfect each day.

The unconscious part of your mind controls every part of your body,
including your muscles, your nerves, ligaments, and tendons... Your
unconscious mind controls your glands, your organs, and every cell
of your body from the top of your head to the bottom of your feet...

Your unconscious mind causes the various parts of your body to

respond to your thoughts and desires... For example: All you need to
do is make a conscious decision to wiggle your finger, and the
unconscious part of your mind causes the muscles, ligaments, and
tendons to respond so you can wiggle your finger... If you make a
decision to talk, your unconscious mind causes your tongue to move
to the correct position in your mouth, and causes your mouth to
form in the correct position, and causes the proper amount of air
and oxygen to move through your vocal chords so you can make the
sounds of the words you want to say...

If you want to get a drink of water, you merely decide to get a drink
and your unconscious mind causes you to make the
movements you need to make and go to the place you need to go to
get a drink of water... The same is true with chewing your
food, combing your hair, brushing your teeth, and performing
hundreds of other activities that you perform without consciously
controlling the movements and actions... The unconscious part of
your mind responds to your thoughts and conscious decisions by
enabling you to perform the actions you decide to perform...

Your unconscious mind also controls your heart... It keeps your heart
pumping the blood though your circulatory system... It keeps you
breathing, keeps your digestive system functioning, and causes your

elimination system to continue working... In fact, every function of
your body is controlled by the unconscious part of your mind,
including your eyes... This means that you have the power within you
to improve your eyesight just by getting your unconscious mind to
understand that you want your eyesight to improve...

Even nerves or tissues that have been damaged can be repaired and
rejuvenated just as easily as your skin is repaired after it gets cut, or
your bone is repaired after it gets broken...

Every part of your body, including your eyes, is capable of repairing

itself and performing perfectly the way it is intended to function... So
beginning right now, your inner mind understands that you want
your eyesight to improve...

Your unconscious mind knows what needs to be done to cause your

body processes to function properly and strengthen every cell in
your eyes and cause your vision to keep becoming more clear, more
vivid, and more perfect...

Your inner mind is directing the cells in your eyes to continue

functioning in a more perfect way... You will experience a continuous
improvement in your eyesight... You will notice your vision becoming
more clear and vivid each day... You will be pleased to see the
improvement you continue to make... Each day you continue seeing
more clearly, more vividly and more distinctly... It will give you a
feeling of personal satisfaction... You will be very happy to see what
you are accomplishing...

When you awaken from the hypnotic state, your confidence will be
much stronger... You will have a strong feeling of assurance that your
mind is causing the processes of your body to function properly and
is continuing to improve your eyesight... Your eyesight will keep
improving... Your eyesight is becoming more clear and more
perfect... The purpose of your eyes is for seeing, therefore, you want
to see perfectly...

The Bible says, "You can be transformed by the renewing of your

mind." That's what you are doing... Your eyesight is transforming into
perfect vision... Your mind is renewed with good ideas that are
causing the healing processes of your body to restore your eyesight
in a perfect way... Your eyesight will continue improving because you
want it to improve.

NOTE: These suggestions are for persons who have been released
from the causes of dyslexia, and are presently undergoing remedial
work to learn the grammar, the spelling and the vocabulary they
were unable to learn when they were dyslexic.

You are now deeply relaxed, and you will continue going into a
deeper, more peaceful state of relaxation as I talk to you... The
unconscious part of your mind is accepting the suggestions and
instructions I’m telling you... Your inner mind is causing the
suggestions I tell you to be effective immediately... Everything I tell
you is based on known scientific facts... Therefore your unconscious
mind can be in perfect agreement and cause you to respond to my
suggestions and instructions in a normal, natural way... You will be
noticing the improvement, and you will be confident that you will
continue progressing... Your improvement will be permanent and
lasting... Your unconscious mind has promised that you have been
released from the information in your mind that had been causing
the problem... You will never be dyslexic again...

Your ability to see things perfectly is increasing rapidly... You will be

happy to notice the continual improvement... Every time you read it
will keep becoming easier, and your reading speed and your
understanding of what you read will continue improving rapidly...
The more you read, the more your self-confidence keeps increasing...
Your ability to be good in all subjects you study will increase... The
more you read, the easier it is for you to learn and understand
spelling, grammar and vocabulary... You will find that the more you
read, the more you will enjoy reading and learning...

Every time you read, you will become more calm and relaxed... Your
confidence that you are progressing rapidly keeps growing stronger...
Your confidence in your ability to see things in their true perspective
will continue increasing... You keep becoming more efficient and
more effective in everything you do... Your confidence continues
increasing... You will be able to handle any problem or difficulty that
comes up in your life...

All of these improvements will be progressive... You will be pleased

to notice yourself improving in all areas of your life.

It is your God-given birth right to be able to hear perfectly... The
Bible tells us your body is a temple of God... God did not create
anything to function improperly... Your ears were created for the
purpose of hearing... Therefore, you have a right to be able to hear
clearly and distinctly... Every part of your body has a specific
purpose... Your heart pumps your blood though your circulatory
system... Your circulatory system carries oxygen and nourishment
into every part of your body where it is needed, and keeps impurities
cleansed out of your system... Your digestive system processes the
food you eat and separates that which is nourishment from the
waste materials... Your elimination system cleanses the waste
materials out of your body in an easy, natural way... All of your
glands, organs, muscles, nerves, ligaments, tendons, bones, and
other parts of your body have their own specific purposes... They
function properly... Every part of your body was created for a specific
purpose... Your ears are made for hearing, and in the same way you
want other processes of your body to function properly, you want
your ears to hear normally...

Your unconscious mind has the important job of directing the various
activities of « your body... Anytime some part of your body is
not functioning the way it should, the unconscious part of your mind
can review the information in your mind, and understand that
information from a different point of view than you had when the
information went into your mind... Your unconscious mind can work
out the solution
and cause you to experience very pleasant changes and restore your
ears so you hear perfectly...

So, your unconscious mind is accepting the suggestions and
instructions I'm telling you... Your inner mind is accepting the
suggestions I tell you and is directing the cells in your ears to function
properly and restore and rejuvenate your ears... You will notice your
hearing continuing to improve...

Medical scientists have found that ideas in the mind can cause
various types of physical problems to develop in the body... They call
that psychosomatic illness... It has also been found, though extensive
research, that hypnosis is a method which can be used to help
correct those misunderstandings in the mind... The inner mind then
causes the processes of the body to function properly and heal and
restore that part of the body properly...

It's a scientific fact that your body was created to keep itself
healthy... If you get a bruise on your body, or cut your skin, or break
a bone, the normal processes of your body function properly and
heal the skin or the bone... Your mind causes those healing processes
to function... And your mind knows how to cause the cells tit your
ears to function properly and heal your ears, and cause your hearing
to keep improving until it is perfect...

Every time you look at water you will become relaxed and calm...
That will enable all of your body processes to continue functioning
more perfectly, and restore your ability to hear perfectly... Even
nerves, tissues, and cells that have been damaged are being repaired
and restored just as easily as your skin is repaired when it has been

Your unconscious mind is accepting these suggestions and
instructions to heal your ears... You are experiencing the processes
of your body changing in a pleasant way, and your hearing is
improving rapidly... You will experience a continuous improvement in
your hearing... The progress in your ability to hear clearly will be
more noticeable each day... You will be aware of the improvement,
no matter how slight it May seem to be at first... Your confidence will
continue growing stronger as you keep becoming more aware of
your ability to hear clearly and distinctly... Each day you will keep
hearing more clearly... It will give you a feeling of personal
satisfaction... You will be very happy as you become more aware of
what you are accomplishing...

The Bible says, "You can be transformed by the renewing of your

mind..." That's what you are doing by permitting yourself to be
hypnotized... Your thoughts and ideas about hearing are becoming
more affirmative, and the unconscious part of your mind is causing
the processes of your body to function properly and restore your
hearing perfectly... Your hearing will keep improving until it is clear
and perfect... The purpose of your ears is for hearing; therefore, you
want to hear perfectly...

When you awaken from the hypnotic state, you will feel relaxed and
content... You will have confidence that your hearing is already
improving... You will know that your unconscious mind is cooperating
by causing these suggestions and instructions to improve your
hearing... Your ears are already in the process of being completely
and perfectly healed... It's a cycle of progress that keeps increasing...
Each day your hearing keeps improving, and you will soon be hearing
clearly and perfectly.

You will continue relaxing as I talk to you, and your unconscious mind
will receive what I'm saying and help you to have a better
understanding of what you are achieving...

We learn in many different ways... Sometimes we learn in unusual

ways that we may not be consciously aware of... I heard about a man
who went to work in a steel mill for U. S. Steel many years ago... He
reported that the first time he went into the mill the furnaces were
operating full blast... The overhead cranes were running, and all the
departments were busy working, with hammers pounding out steel,
and pounding in rivets... The noise was so loud that he couldn't hear
anyone talking, yet, as he looked around, he could see various
employees talking to each other and they seemed to understand
what was being said... He thought they must have learned how to
read lips, because the foreman was standing right beside him and he
couldn't hear a word the foreman was saying... The foreman finally
took him outside so he could hear the instructions he was being

He told the foreman he didn't think he would be able to work

because his job required him to be working with a partner across the
table about ten feet away, and they would have to talk to each other
to do their work properly... The foreman said, "Don't worry about
that, it will only take a day or two for your ears to adjust, and you'll
be able to hear clearly even when a person talks in an ordinary tone
of voice..." The man said, "It was difficult for him to believe that he
could possibly hear what others were saying inside the factory..." The
second day on the job, he discovered the foreman was right... He
could hear his partner talking from ten feet away... Somehow his

unconscious mind blocked out the noise of the hammers, the cranes,
the blast furnaces, and he could hear ordinary voices...

All of us are capable of blocking out some sounds and attuning our
hearing to other sounds we desire to hear... Mothers have reported
being able to sleep soundly and peacefully near train tracks, with
trains going by, or near airports with jet airplanes flying over, yet a
child can get sick in another room in the middle of the night and they
hear their child easily and instantly...
The unconscious level of the mind has learned to adjust our sensory
perceptual functioning in an adaptive manner, so that we can hear
what we want and need to hear, and shut out sounds we do not
want to hear...

A person working in an onion factory where they made onion rings,

became so sensitized to the smell that she didn't even notice it after
working there only a few days, yet other people go into the factory
for the first time can hardly stand the odour...

We get so used to certain sounds and smells that we become

unaware of them... We don't consciously realize the different
adjustments our sense organs are capable of making...

(NOTE: If you haven't had the client get numbness in the hand, do so
now according to the suggestions on pages 19 and 20.)

You probably didn't know you were capable of getting numbness in

your hand until you did it... Now you know that your mind controls
your body, and just as your mind made changes and caused your

hand to become numb your mind can also cause pleasant changes
that will get rid of the unnatural noise in your ears...

A lot of people have come to me, after being told by a doctor that
nothing can be done to get rid of noise in their ear... Yet, after being
hypnotized, and having the unconscious level of their mind clear up
misunderstandings, they have discovered their doctors were wrong...
You too, can tune out the unnatural noise from your ears...

Continue relaxing now... There is nothing important for you to do...

You can enjoy the wonderful, comfortable feeling of relaxation, and
you don't need to try to do anything... Just let it happen

As you think back, you realize that there have been many times
during the day when you were not hearing the noise in your ears...
It's not easy to notice things that don't happen... Yet there have been
many times when the noise in your ears did stop... Because there
were no sounds, you did not notice it... So, the important thing for
you to do is forget about the noise and remember the times when
there is no noise... That is a process you can learn...

It took only two days for the man in the steel mill to learn not to hear
the blast furnace, the overhead cranes, and all the other loud noises
in the mill... Then he was


able to hear an ordinary conversation that he had been unable to
hear just two days before... His foreman was right... His ears adjusted
rapidly... And now you are learning to rely upon your own body's
ability to make adjustments...

You can really enjoy good feelings, good sounds, and good quiet...
You will find the quiet moments keep becoming more noticeable
each day... The unconscious part of your mind will cause you to
ignore the noise in your ears... The noise gradually keeps fading away
more each day, and will soon be gone completely...

You realize that you have many abilities that are not known by your
conscious mind... hi the storehouse of your mind is information
about abilities that you have learned and then discarded through the
years... Yet any ability you have discarded, your mind can examine
that ability, examine it fully, and completely... When you desire, that
can be restored... The unconscious part of your mind can easily
restore the ability of your body to function properly... Your
unconscious mind can easily restore your ability to hear only natural
sounds... All tissues and nerves in your ears are being restored to
their normal functioning...

The main part of this whole learning process is that you are learning
to be happy... You are learning to adjust to every situation that
comes up in your life... You are leaning to be relaxed and calm at all
times, whether you are alone or with others...

When your unconscious mind knows that changes have started and
you will continue improving... One of the fingers on your left hand

will raise toward the ceiling, and your finger will remain up until I tell
it to go back down...

I don't know what is happening... However, you can sense something

good happening, so let it continue... It must be pleasing for you to
realize that your own mind is resolving that problem in a very
pleasant way... At this very moment you are experiencing some
changes taking place... As soon as your unconscious mind knows that
changes have started, one of the fingers on your left hand will lift up
and your finger will remain up until I tell it to go back down...

(NOTE: Continue with some of the suggestions given previously until

the finger lifts... If finger does not lift before time to awaken the
client, give the suggestions from "Therapy Between Sessions”

Today is a very important day for you, because this is the day you are
getting rid of the habit of having headaches... You are going to
experience some very pleasant changes in your life, because
beginning today you are learning to live your life in a more calm,
more relaxed way... Hypnosis will help you to be more calm, more
relaxed, and feel more peaceful at all times during your daily life...

The fact that you have permitted yourself to be hypnotized reveals

that you are determined to get rid of those headaches... You have
decided to live your life in a more relaxed way... You will find that
being hypnotized will be the most pleasant, most helpful experience
of your life...

You are continuing to move into a more restful, more peaceful

state... Each time you breathe you are inhaling the oxygen of life...
You keep feeling more in tune with the harmony and beauty of life
around you...

During your daily life, whether you are working or doing something
for fun or relaxation; even when you are sleeping, you will
experience a flow of calming sensations throughout your entire
being... These suggestions are going into the unconscious level of
your mind... They are already active, enabling you to live your life in a
more peaceful, more relaxed way... It is highly desirable for everyone
to learn to relax as you are doing now... We live in a world that is
constantly changing... Even with all the turmoil and change going on
around you, these principles of relaxation which you are now
experiencing will enable you to cope with your everyday changing
circumstances in a relaxed way...

You can continue experiencing a happier, healthier, more peaceful
life... You can achieve emotional stability, and be more at ease in all
areas of your life... Regardless of where you are or what you are
doing, you can be more calm and relaxed at all times...

Your inner mind is accepting all of the concepts I'm telling you, and
your mind is using them to help you control your emotions and
feelings... They will also help you continue developing greater self-
confidence and enable you to experience improved health...

You are realizing that this relaxation you are now experiencing has
been achieved
by you... All I did was give you suggestions... By following my
suggestions, you« produced the relaxation... Now you know you are
capable of keeping yourself calm
and relaxed at all times, regardless of what is happening around

If someone criticizes you, even if the criticism seems to be unjust,

you will remain calm and relaxed... If you are driving your car and
another driver does something to slow you down or cause you to
stop, you will remain calm and relaxed... You will realize that it just
delayed you for a moment or two... lf you are confronted with
problems or difficulties of any kind, or if you experience any kind of
unpleasant situations, you will remain relaxed and peaceful... You
can always be in control of your feelings rather than let yourself be
controlled... Regardless of how unpleasant life may be around you,

you can always reward yourself by remaining calm and relaxed...
Your ability to remain calm and relaxed in every situation or
circumstance keeps becoming more automatic each day...

From now on, you will recognize situations which in the past have
caused you to become tense or anxious... You will respond to those
situations by using these principles of relaxation which you learned
by permitting yourself to be hypnotized...

Your nerves will be more relaxed and steady... Your mind will be
calmer and clearer... You will be more composed, more tranquil, and
more at peace within...

Every day you continue becoming emotionally calmer... You will be

more stable, more settled, and you can do everything in a relaxed
way... Your self-confidence, self-reliance, self-acGeptance, and self-
esteem keep increasing, and you will have a greater sense of
personal well-being...

Each morning when you awaken, you will be relaxed, and you will
feel refreshed both mentally and physically... You will relate to your
daily circumstances with calmness and confidence... You are
becoming the person you have always wanted to be; self-confident,
self-sufficient, acceptable, capable and strong... Your life keeps
becoming more enjoyable... Your feelings of happiness are
increasing, and your day- to-day living continues becoming more

You have accepted the suggestions I have told you... They are now in
the unconscious level of your mind... You are adopting them as a
normal part of your daily life... Your unconscious mind will keep your
body calm and relaxed, and you will be able to maintain a state of
emotional stability that is pleasing to you.

You are responding good to everything I tell you... Now you are
ready to experience some pleasant changes that will get rid of the
aches and pains in your back... Permitting yourself to be hypnotized
lets the unconscious part of your mind know that you sincerely want
your back to be healed... You are dissatisfied with the feelings of
discomfort you have been experiencing... You want to get rid of
those aches and pains for now and forever...

It is natural for your body to be healthy... It is natural for all of the

bones in your back to be in perfect alignment... It is natural for the
ligaments, tendons and nerves in your back to be in perfect
alignment... It is natural for the muscles in your back to be strong
and keep your back in proper alignment... It is natural for the
unconscious part of your mind to cause all of the activities of your
body to function properly and keep your back in proper alignment...
You will be pleased that your inner mind is receiving the suggestions
I'm telling you... You will be pleasantly surprised at the rapid way
your back is being healed...

You have no reason to consciously remember what I'm telling you,

because your unconscious mind will remember what I'm saying, and
your mind will cause the suggestions I tell you to work
automatically... You will be happy to continue experiencing the
comfortable way your back is healing...

In the past you may have had some doubts... Now those doubts are
leaving... You will be happy because those doubts will soon be gone

You are probably wondering if your inner mind will cause your back
to be realigned and healed this week, or will it take two weeks for
your back to realign itself and be healed... Or will you be surprised to
find your back perfectly realigned and healed by the time you
awaken from the hypnotic state??

One thing I have learned after hypnotizing many, many people is the
fact that your unconscious mind can cause your healing processes to
work rapidly, and make proper adjustments on your back quickly...
Another thing I have learned is that your unconscious mind knows
exactly what needs to be done to work out the solution, regardless
of what caused you to experience a problem with your back...

Your unconscious mind knows how fast it can get those improper
understandings in your mind cleared up... You will be happy to find
your body making the proper adjustments and heal your back

You are responding automatically to the suggestions I'm telling you...

You have decided that you want your back to be completely healed...
In fact, right now you may notice a healing warmth flowing through
your body... You may be going through a very pleasant corrective
experience right now without even realizing it consciously... At this
very moment your system is making comfortable adjustments...
Proper alignment is taking place... I'm not sure exactly what is
happening, but you can sense that it is good, so just let it continue...
It must be pleasing for you to know that your inner mind is causing
those adjustments to take place in its own way, for your own benefit,
and for the healing of your back...

The experience of healing your back carries with it a feeling of
accomplishment... The feeling of knowing that it is being done carries
with it a strong sense of satisfaction and contentment... So, you are
proud of what you are accomplishing... You are pleased to realize
that your back is being perfectly realigned, and you are happy to
know that the muscles are strengthening to keep your back properly

The unconscious part of your mind understands the meaning of

everything I'm saying to you, and your inner mind is causing the
suggestions I'm telling you to work automatically... The changes are
being accomplished in your own terms... The nice feelings come as
you are doing it... You realize it is worthwhile... It will be helpful to
you in many ways...

You understand that what you are doing is very important... It will
enable you to be an inspiration to other people... You can find
pleasure and enjoyment in giving respect to the fact that your body
is a temple of God, and in having a healthy body that is a perfect
example of God's creation of beauty, health and strength...

You are already feeling much better... You are already feeling
enthusiastic about what you are achieving... You will be pleased to
find it will continue after you awaken from the hypnotic state.

The doctor has indicated that you have been experiencing disc
disease of the cervical spine... This is the doctors term for the
problem you have been experiencing with the disc of the cervical
spine... However, the unconscious part of your mind is aware of the
fact that your body possesses every chemical, every mineral, and all
the healing energies needed to rejuvenate and restore those discs in
your spine perfectly... The unconscious part of your mind controls
and directs every part of your body, including your muscles, nerves,
ligaments, tendons, bones, and all of the organs and glands in your
body... Your inner mind also controls every atom, every molecule,
and every cell of your body, from the top of your head to the bottom
of your feet... Your inner mind knows how to cause the processes
and activities of your body to function properly and repair and
rejuvenate discs that have been damaged, just as easily as the
processes of your body repairs skin that has been cut or mends
bones that have been broken... Every part of your body is capable of
repairing itself, including the discs in your spine...

Scientists have discovered that your entire body is

constantly in the process of producing new cells to replace those that
have been damaged, or have completed their purpose... Those new
cells are strong and perfect... They are pure energy... The truth is,
those discs are made up of cells that can be replaced with new and
perfect cells...

The unconscious part of your mind understands everything I'm telling

you, and your mind is causing you to continue experiencing changes
that are restoring those discs, and getting rid of all pain and
discomfort... Permitting yourself to be hypnotized, lets your

unconscious mind know that you are determined to achieve
complete and perfect healing of those discs...

That problem has controlled your way of life long enough... You are
determined that it will not control your way of life any more... The
Bible says, "You can be transformed by the renewing of your mind."
That's what you are doing now... You are being released from those
improper ideas in your mind that have been causing the problem...
Those improper ideas are being replaced with the true knowledge
that those discs are already in the process of healing... They are
being restored perfectly...

It is normal for every part of your body to be healthy... It is normal

for your discs to be whole and provide proper cushioning between
the bones so you can move your head, your neck, your arms and
shoulders, and all other parts of your body freely and comfortably...
It is normal for your spine to be in perfect alignment, and for the
muscles in your neck and back to be strong and keep your neck and
your cervical spine in perfect alignment...

You will be pleased to find the unconscious part of your mind is

causing the healing energies of your body to function properly and
heal those discs perfectly and rapidly... In the past you may have had
some doubts... Now those doubts are leaving, and they are being
replaced with a strong sense of confidence and a sense of sureness
that the healing processes of your body are functioning properly... It
may be two weeks or even three weeks before those discs are
healed completely, but you will be pleased to find that your
unconscious mind knows what needs to be done, and your mind is
causing the proper adjustments to occur as rapidly as your body is

ready... Your unconscious mind knows how fast it can work in
correcting the improper information that has been causing the
problem... You will begin noticing changes taking place, healing those
discs perfectly...

As you continue moving into a deeper, more comfortable hypnotic

state, you may notice a pleasant healing warmth flowing through
that area of your spine, letting you know that you are already going
through a corrective healing experience... At this very moment your
system is making comfortable adjustments... Your system is
synthesizing proteins, nutrients and other chemicals and substances
in your body... Rejuvenation is taking place...

You May not consciously understand the processes your unconscious

mind is using to produce the proper healing of those discs... That's
okay... You can be pleasantly surprised and very happy as you
become aware of the progress you continue achieving... Your
expectation is increasing, and you will be sensing the pleasant
changes taking place within you... You are pleased and proud of what
you are accomplishing... The feeling of knowing it is being done
carries with it a strong sense of satisfaction and contentment...

when your unconscious mind knows changes have started, and your
spine is healing properly, your unconscious mind will cause your eyes
to open, and you will be back in a wide-awake, fully alert state,
feeling confident and happy.

(NOTE: Be sure that you have had the client get numbness in his or
her hand as
described on pages 19 and 20.)

Now that you have experienced how easily your unconscious mind
caused your hand to become numb, I'm going to give you
instructions that will enable you to get rid of pain yourself... In fact,
the instructions I'm giving you will enable you to have complete
control of your entire body... Anytime you experience any arthritic
pain, you will be able to instantly make any part of your body numb,
just as easily as your hand became numb when I gave you
instructions to achieve that...

Arthritis will no longer be able to cause you pain or discomfort at any

time... I'm going to tell you three words that you can use to get
yourself into a hypnotic state of relaxation any time you want to...

The first word is succeed... The second word is improve... The third
word is health... Anytime you want to place yourself into this deep,
peaceful hypnotic state or relaxation, all you need to do is get
yourself seated or lying down in a comfortable position... Then close
your eyes and say out loud the first word, succeed... As soon as you
say the word succeed, your eyelids will resist your efforts to open
them... You will know you are in the same relaxed condition that you
are in now... That will enable you to get rid of discomfort from any
part of your body, just by rubbing that part of your body with your
hand... As you mb that part of your body, say out loud the second
word, improve, and the area of your body you rubbed with your
hand will become numb immediately... If you want to test that area

for numbness, you can do so by pinching it with your fingernails... If
you want to open your eyes to pinch that area, just say, improve
open... By saying the words, improve open, out loud, you will keep
the numbness and still be able to open your eyelids... Then you can
pinch that area, and you will find it to be numb... You will feel no
discomfort of any kind in that area of your body...

To keep the numbness in that area of your body as the arthritis is

healing, say all these words together; succeed, improve, health... By
saying all three words together, the processes of your body will
continue functioning more perfectly and in a short time the attuites
will be healed...

Okay, now I'm going to give you a chance to test how easily you can
follow my instructions... In a moment I will count to three... You will
open your eyes, and will follow my instructions to get rid of all
arthritic discomfort from your body... One, two, thee... Open your

Good... Now close your eyes and say the word, succeed... Notice that
your eyelids feel like they are stuck shut... You are in the same
relaxed condition you were in when I hypnotized you... Take your
right or left hand and rub the area where you have been
experiencing arthritic pain, and notice as you say the word, improve,
that area of your body becomes numb... I will pinch that area to
show that it has become numb... All you will feel is a slight pressure,
nothing more... (Pinch the area the client has rubbed.)

Now you can test yourself... Say the words, improve open, and your
eyelids will open... The numbness will remain in that area of your

body... You can see where I pinched you... You can pinch yourself
and notice the entire area is numb... I will count from three down to
one, and you will close your eyes and that area of your body will
remain numb...

Three, two, one... Now you realize that you can get rid of arthritic
pain easily by following the procedure you just learned... You learned
how to enter a peaceful, pleasant, state of relaxation, and you
learned how to make any part of your body numb... That will work
automatically any time you use the procedure to get rid of arthritic

hi just a moment I want you to awaken yourself from the hypnotic

state... When you awaken, you will feel wonderful... In fact, you will
always feel wonderful when you awaken from the hypnotic state...
When I tell you to awaken yourself, all you will need to do is count
slowly from one to five... At the count of five, you will open your eyes
and be wide-awake and fully alert...

Tomorrow I want you to go through this same procedure when you

first get up in the morning... After you get the numbness I want you
to call me on the telephone and let me know... Okay, you can count
from one to five now...

There have been numerous research projects conducted to discover
the causes of arthritis and what can be done to cure it... It has been
found that one of the major physical causes of arthritis is calcium
deposits between the bones... It has also been found that certain
emotional states can cause the body to build up those calcium
deposits... Research with hypnosis has revealed that getting the mind
to review and examine the causes, enables the unconscious level of
the mind to work out a solution and resolve the problem... That
allows the body processes to function properly and cleanse the
arthritic condition out of the body completely...

You have natural chemicals and fluids in your body that can dissolve
calcium deposits and cleanse them out of your body... Thomas
Edison discovered many years ago that every cell of the body can be
influenced by the mind... In fact, through his research, he found that
"every cell of the body thinks..." Your own inner mind can send
directions to all of the cells of the body and generate every chemical
needed to heal and restore every part of your body to a good,
healthy condition...

Your unconscious mind is accepting the suggestions and instructions

I'm telling you... Your mind is causing the suggestions to become
effective immediately... They are influencing your thoughts, your
feelings, and your actions in a wonderful, helpful way... Even after
you awaken from the hypnotic state, these suggestions and
instructions will continue influencing you just as strongly, just as
surely, and just as powerfully as they do while you are hypnotized...
You will really be pleased with the improvement in your physical

The unconscious part of your mind is causing the processes of your
body to function properly... Each time you move your fingers, your
hands, your arms, your legs or any other part of your body, the
natural fluids of your body will penetrate the places where calcium
has been deposited... The natural fluids of your body will lubricate
your bones, and cause the calcium deposits to dissolve... You will
notice your body feeling more comfortable each day...

Your bones keep becoming more normal in size... All the joints in
your body will continue moving more easily and freely... You will
notice the improvement as your body keeps feeling more
comfortable, more calm, and you will be able to do everything in a
relaxed way...

The calcium deposits are dissolving, and you will soon be able to
move your fingers, your hands, your arms and all other parts of your
body easily and comfortably... The healing processes of your body
are working right now, and they will continue working as your body
is healing completely and perfectly... You will notice the
improvement, regardless of how slight it may seem to be at first...
You will be pleased with the progress you are making...

After you awaken from the hypnotic state, you will feel wonderfully
relaxed and refreshed... You will feel peaceful, calm, and at ease...
These principles of relaxation which you are now experiencing will
continue during your daily life, and you will be more calm and more
relaxed in all situations and circumstances which come up in your
life, whether you are alone or with others...

You will be confident that your body is being healed... You will be
able to use all parts of your body freely and comfortably... The
healing processes of your body are working properly, because you
want them to work... The unconscious part of your mind is obeying
your thoughts and desires for your body to be healthy and strong...
Your body is responding, and you will be happy as you notice the
continuous progress in every part of your body.

The fact that you are permitting yourself to be hypnotized indicates
that you believe hypnosis can help you... That's one of the keys to
improving your heart... Permitting yourself to be hypnotized enables
the unconscious part of your mind to review, examine, and explore
the information in your mind that has been causing the problem...
Then your unconscious mind can work out the solution and resolve
the problem and heal your heart perfectly...

For many years specialists have studied the effects the mind has on
the body, and have found that the unconscious level of the mind
controls every activity of the body... They also found that negative
thoughts or ideas, or misunderstood information can go into the
mind and cause various types of physical problems to develop in the
body... They call that psychosomatic illness... In addition they found
that what the mind can cause, the mind can cure by replacing the
negative thoughts and ideas with good, uplifting thoughts and

Hypnosis provides a means of renewing your mind with good

suggestions that cause the processes of the body to function
harmoniously... That causes your heart to keep functioning more
perfectly each day... The unconscious level of your mind is a
storehouse of information... It contains all the information that has
gone into your mind since your soul came into existence... You can
use that information to work out a solution to your problem and heal
your heart completely...

The knowledge your inner mind possesses reminds me of a story I

read one time about a poor farmer named Crab... He drove his old

pickup truck into town with a cord of wood which he sold to the
doctor for two dollars... He arrived at the doctor's house; unloaded
the wood and went in to collect his two dollars just as the doctor was
about to sit down to dinner... When the farmer saw the fine food and
drink at the doctor's table, he thought how nice it would be if he
were a doctor, then he could afford food like that... He looked at the
food for a moment and finally asked if it was possible for someone
like him to become a doctor...

"Of course," said the doctor, "There's not much to it..." "What do I
have to do?" asked the farmer. "First, you must buy yourself an ABC
book... Second, you must sell your truck and get cash to purchase
clothes and other things that doctors need...

Third, you must have a sign painted with the words "I am Doctor
Know-It-All," and nail it above your front door..."

The farmer did everything he was told, and after he doctored for a
short time, a rich man was robbed of some money, and he heard
about Doctor Know-It-All... He thought Dr. Know-It-All may be able to
tell what had happened to his money, so he got into his car and had
his chauffeur drive him to the farmer's house... He asked the farmer
if he was Doctor Know-It-All... "I sure am," the farmer responded.
The rich man requested that he return with him and help him get
back his stolen money... The farmer agreed to go, but said that his
wife, Betty, would have to go along... The rich man gave his
approval... They got into his chauffeur driven car and drove off
together... When they arrived at the rich man's mansion... The dinner
table was already set... Doctor Know-It-All was to eat with the rich

man, and he insisted that his wife, Betty eat with them too... So they
sat down together at the dinner table...

When the first servant came in with a dish of delicious food, the
farmer nudged his wife and said, "Betty, that is the first..." He meant
that was the first course being served, but the servant thought he
meant, "That's the first thief..." Since he really was first thief... He
went out quickly to tell his accomplices... "The doctor knows
everything... We're in trouble... He said I was the first... The second
servant didn't want to go in, but he had no choice... When he
entered with his dish, the farmer nudged his wife and said, "Betty,
that’s the second..." The servant got scared and hurried out... The
third servant heard the farmer say, "Betty, that's the third..." When
the fourth servant carried in a covered dish, the rich man asked the
doctor to demonstrate his skill and guess what kind of food was in
the covered dish... Crabs were in it, and the farmer looking at the
dish, was at a loss for words. He said in dismay, "Poor crab!"
Meaning his own name, but when the rich man heard it he
exclaimed, "He knows! Now I'm sure he must also know who got my
money..." The servant was frightened... He whispered to Doctor
Know-It-All to step outside for a moment... When the doctor got
outside, all four servants confessed that they had stolen the money...
They proposed that he take charge of it... They offered him a large
sum in addition if he would not expose them... They led him to the
place where they had hidden the money... The doctor then went
back inside, sat down at the table and said to the rich man... "Sir, I'm
going to look into my book and see where the money has been
hidden..." He looked in his book for a moment, then took the rich
man and showed him where his money was hidden... He didn't
reveal who had stolen the money... As a reward he received money
from the rich man, and he received money from the thieves... He
lived a luxurious life for ever after...

Your unconscious mind is comparable to Doctor Know-It-All... You
have within you all the information you need to resolve that problem
with your heart and to heal your heart completely... So, I want your
unconscious mind to review, examine explore the information in
your mind that has been causing that problem with your heart... Your
mind has accumulated much more information since that happened
and your mind can understand it now from a different point of
view... Your mind can realize that there is no reason you need to
continue experiencing that problem... Your mind can work out a
solution that is pleasing to you and cause the processes of your body
to function properly and heal your heart completely...

As your mind is reviewing that information, you are continuing to

move into a more peaceful state... You are feeling the healing
processes of your body working...
Your inner mind knows exactly what is needed to heal your heart...
Your mind is causing the changes that are needed... You will notice
the improvement, -and you will be pleased as your heart keeps
functioning more perfectly each day...

You will look forward to each day with great anticipation... Each day
will be filled with radiance, joy, love and happiness.

You have permitted yourself to be hypnotized... That reveals that
you are willing to rely upon your unconscious mind to resolve the
problem you have -been having with your heart... Being in a calm,
peaceful hypnotic state of relaxation enables the blood to circulate
through your body more freely, and when you awaken from the
hypnotic state, you will feel much better both mentally and
physically... The unconscious part of your mind has an amazing
capacity for storing information... In the storehouse of your mind,
you have everything you have ever heard, everything you have ever
seen, and the knowledge of everything you have ever experienced
since your soul came into existence...

That information is available to you to use anytime you need it...

Your mind understands that you need some of that information
now... Your mind needs to review, examine, and explore the
information that is stored away... Your inner mind is causing the
problem with your heart to be resolved... The unconscious part of
your mind is beginning right now... Your inner mind is reviewing,
examining, exploring that information... Your inner mind is
understanding the information from a different point of view than
when it originally went into your mind... Your inner mind can realize
that there is no reason it needs to continue causing you any

Your unconscious mind can work out the solution to that problem as
I'm talking to you... At the same time your mind can hear and receive
the suggestions I'm telling you... When your unconscious mind has
reviewed and examined all that information and understands that
you can be released from the difficulty with your heart, and when
your unconscious mind knows changes have started and your heart is

healing properly, one of the fingers on your left hand will raise up
toward the ceiling, and your finger will remain up until I tell it to go
back down...

You may enjoy the comfort of being hypnotized and forget to

remember anything about it after you awaken... Or you may
remember to forget that you were hypnotized, and realize that
hypnosis was used by noticing the improvement in your health when
you awaken... As I'm talking to you, you may find yourself wondering
how much of a hypnotic state you are in, and you won't even notice
as you continue moving into an even deeper, more peaceful state...
As I continue talking to you, your unconscious mind is learning
something... You may not be consciously aware of what you are
learning or how you are learning, but you are learning... Your

unconscious mind is leaning how to correct the problem with your

heart, and heal your heart, and cause your heart to function
properly... Your inner mind already knows many things that you
aren't consciously aware of...

I want you to notice something now, because you are capable of

noticing things when you want to... I want you to notice your right
foot... Notice the feeling of your shoe on your right foot... Before I
got you to direct your attention to your right foot, you probably were
not aware of your shoe on your foot... Yet that shoe has been on that
foot during the time you have been in the hypnotic state... There are
many things happening that you are not consciously aware of... Your
heart keeps pumping the blood through your circulatory system even

though you aren't consciously aware of it most of the time... You
continue breathing twenty-four hours a day without thinking about
it... Your inner mind causes those things to happen automatically...
And now your mind is reviewing and examining the information that
has been causing the problem with your heart, and your mind is
working out the solution in a way that is pleasing to you... When your
mind has worked out the solution and knows changes have started,
and your heart is being healed, one of the fingers on your left hand
will raise up toward the ceiling... Your finger will remain up until I tell
it to go back down...

I know what your mind can do, because I have hypnotized many
people, and have seen them experience natural healing, and be
completely healed from many, many different types of physical
problems... I know you can rely upon your inner mind to work out
the solution to that problem... You will find your own mind will serve
you well... You will notice the improvement... The healing processes
of your body are working right now... They continue working and
heal your heart perfectly... You will continue using these principles of
relaxation as you go about your daily activities... You will be more
calm and relaxed in every situation or circumstance that comes up in
your life, whether you are alone or with others... The healing
processes of your body are working properly because you want them
to work... Your inner mind is obeying your thoughts and desires to
heal your heart perfectly... Your heart is responding, and you will be
very happy to notice the continuous progress you make each day.

(NOTE: If a finger on the left hand has not lifted by the time you are
ready to "conclude the session, give suggestions from the
prescription Therapy Between sessions)

You are responding good to everything I tell you, and you are ready
now for your unconscious mind to begin making changes in your
body that will reduce your blood pressure to its normal level of 120
over 70, and keep it down at that level...

It is natural for your body to be healthy... It is natural for your heart

to pump your blood through your circulatory system properly... It is
natural for your blood pressure to be 120 over 70... It is natural for
your unconscious mind to cause all the activities of your body to
function properly... These are some of the reasons your inner mind is
receiving the suggestions I'm telling you... Your mind understands
that everything I'm telling you is natural for your body to keep your
body functioning properly... You will be quite happy with your ability
to achieve everything I tell you...

As I'm talking to you, the unconscious level of your mind is working

out the best way to bring your blood pressure down to its normal
level of 120 over 70... You will be pleased to find that your blood
pressure will stay down to its normal level of 120 over 70... Your
inner mind does many things during the day, and even at night while
you are sleeping, and you are not consciously aware of what is
happening... Your inner mind keeps your digestive system actively
functioning whether you are awake or asleep... It causes you to
continue breathing 24 hours a day... When you decide to talk, it
causes your tongue to move to the right position in your mouth...
Your inner mind causes your lips to form in the right position, and
causes the proper amount of air and oxygen to move through your
vocal cords so you can make the sounds of each word you want to
say... Your unconscious mind knows how to keep all the activities of
your body functioning correctly, including causing your heart to

pump the blood through your circulatory system properly... Your
inner mind can keep your blood pressure at the level of 120 over 70,
without any help from your conscious mind... So, it is perfectly
natural for your unconscious mind to bring your blood pressure
down to 120 over 70 and keep the activities of your body functioning
properly, to keep your blood pressure at that level...

You are realizing more and more that your unconscious mind
controls all the activities and processes of your body... So, your
conscious mind can continue relaxing now... There's nothing your
conscious mind needs to do at this moment... The unconscious part
of your mind is receiving the suggestions I'm telling you, and your
inner mind is causing the suggestions I tell you to begin working

In just a moment, when I tell you to begin, I want you to count from
ten down to one slowly in your mind and notice what is happening to
your right hand as your left hand becomes completely numb... Start
counting from ten down to one now and notice what is happening to
your right hand... When you reach the count of one, lift your right
hand to let me know... (NOTE: After the client lifts the- right hand,
pinch the left hand with your finger nails, and ask what it seems like
you are doing... The left hand should be numb... If the response is
good, then pick up the left hand with your finger nails, pinching it
tightly... have the client open his or her eyes and look at the finger
nail marks... Then pinch the right hand to show that it is not numb,
and pinch the left arm to show that it is not numb.)

Now you realize that your unconscious mind can cause changes in-
your body automatically... So, in a moment I want you to count

backwards again from ten down to one slowly in your mind and
notice the normal feeling coming back in your left hand as your
blood pressure is reducing down to 120 over 70... When you reach
the count of one, lift up your left hand to let me know the normal
feeling is back... (Pause.)

You are responding perfectly to my directions... Your inner mind is

causing your entire organism and body to cooperate with the
suggestions I tell you... You will be pleased to have that continue
after you awaken from the hypnotic state... You are beginning to feel
a sense of confidence, and a sense of competence, and sureness... A
feeling of calmness is coming over your entire body and it will
continue as you go about the activities of your daily life...

You do not consciously understand what caused your blood

pressure-to rise, but that doesn't make any difference... Whatever
caused it is past now... Your unconscious mind is getting those
incorrect misunderstandings cleared up... Your blood pressure will
remain at the level of 120 over 70... You will be pleased to know that
this will cause all other parts of your body to keep becoming
healthier, and your body will continue functioning more perfectly...

By accepting the suggestions, I tell you, and putting them into your
own actions, you will find them to benefit you in many ways...
Everything you achieve will be your own accomplishment... Having
your blood pressure down at a normal level will give you a feeling of
satisfaction... You are already beginning to feel happy about it... You
will be pleased to find that this will continue after you are back in a
wide awake, fully alert state.

(Release Tension)
The unconscious part of your mind has amazing capabilities for
sorting out information and understanding it, even if it is received in
parables ‘or symbolic terms... The unconscious level of your mind
seems to deal in symbols much more than the conscious level of the
mind... That may be one of the reasons so many dreams are revealed
in symbols...

As the result of many years of research with hypnosis, it has been

found that your mind can often work out the solution to problems
quite rapidly when it is explained in parables or symbolic terms...
That's one of the reasons I want to tell you about a little clock that
was in the bed room of a very pretty little house for many ‘years...
Year after year the little clock kept ticking on and on, sitting on the
night stand by the bed... All day and all night, 365 days a year, as long
as the clock was wound properly, it continued ticking and keeping
accurate time for its owner...

One day the owner of the clock was in a hurry, and she grabbed the
clock quickly, winding it rapidly... She seemed tense, perhaps
because she felt she had so much to do... After winding the clock,
she set it down on the bedside table and noticed that it had stopped
ticking... She picked it up hurriedly and shook it a few times, and put
it back does on the table... It still wasn't ticking... She looked at it
angrily, said a few words under her breath, and left the room,
thinking, "I don't have time to mess with you now..."

That evening, she came into the room again, looked at the clock and
said, "That no good clock is still not ticking." She picked it up, shook it

a few times and hit it with her hand... But all of her shaking, hitting
and angry words did not cause the clock to start ticking again... The
next day she did the same thing again, and when it would not start
ticking, she angrily threw it in the wastebasket, and then carried it
out and dumped the basket into the trash behind her house...

The little clock was there in the trash for a couple days... Finally, the
trash collector came and picked up the trash... It was taken to the
dump, and there it lay with all the other discarded junk... The little
clock thought, "I feel terrible... This must be the end for me...

One bright morning, several days later, a little boy walked by the
dump and noticed the clock... He picked it up, as he said, "This is
really a pretty clock, I wonder what is wrong with it" He shook it
gently, and tried to wind it carefully... He quickly realized that it
would not start ticking... Yet, it was so pretty that he decided to take
it home... When he got home, he put it on his bed and sat down on
the bed looking at it, wondering what he might do to get it to start
ticking again...

He suddenly remembered that only a few blocks down the street

was a clock repair shop... So, he picked up the clock and ran to the
shop... In the shop was a man sitting with his back to the door and
counter... The boy looked around and didn’t see anyone else there to
wait on Um... He finally said, "Mister, can you make this clock tick?"
The clock repair man got up from his seat, took the clock in his hand
and said, "Let me see what you have." As he looked at the clock, the
young boy looked around the shop and there seemed to be hundreds
of clocks all over the shop, ticking, chiming, and even some of them

were coo-coo clocks... "I sure hope you can fix my pretty little clock,
mister," the boy said as he looked back at the clock repair man...

The repair man lifted the back off the clock, and said, "Someone has
wound the clock too tight... I will see what I can do, but I can't
promise anything... You come back in two days, and I will let you
know what can be done..."

The boy turned and ran out of the clock shop... His heart was beating
fast as he thought anxiously, "I do hope he can fix my pretty little
clock so it can keep the correct time again..." After he got back
home, he went into his room and was lying on his bed making all
kinds of promises in his mind, "If the clock can run and keep the
correct time, I'll make my bed every morning... I'll brush my teeth
every day... I'll keep my clothes picked up off the floor... I'll go to bed
on time every night... I'll really be good if only the clock will be able
to tick and keep time again..."

He could hardly wait until the two days had passed so he could go
back to the clock repair shop and see if the clock was fixed... Those
two days seemed like two weeks to the boy... Finally, the two days
had passed, and the little boy hurried to the repair shop and opened
the door... He was almost afraid to go in... He felt fearful of hearing
the repair man say the clock could not be fixed... But he straightened
up his shoulders and walked straight up to the counter... He stood
there a moment and the clock repairman didn't turn around...
Finally, the little boy coughed and said, "Mister, were you able to get
my clock fixed?" The repairman turned around and asked, "What
clock are you talking about?" The little boy's heart sank... "Oh, sir,
you must remember... It's been here for two days... It's a pretty little

clock... You said you would see if you could fix it... Remember... You
said it was wound too tight..." The repairman got up slowly, and with
a smile, said, "Let me see," and he walked over to a cupboard and
pulled out the pretty little clock and asked, "Is this the one" The little
boy jumped up and down, and said, "Yes sir... That's the one..."
"Well, here it is son, ticking away..."

"Oh, thank you sir... Thank you very much... How much does it cost?"
"I'll tell you what, son... You come into my shop every once in a while
and let me know how the clock is doing and I won't charge you
anything..." The little boy hugged the clock, and said once more as he
turned to leave the shop... "Thank you for fixing my little clock..."

The boy ran home and put his little clock on the bedside table... The
clock continued keeping perfect time for many, many years... All that
was needed to repair the clock was to loosen the main spring that
had been wound too tightly...

Just as it was easy for the clock repairman to loosen that spring, it is
even easier for you to be relaxed and calm and peaceful through
your own ability to listen to the suggestions and guidance I’m telling
you... Your unconscious mind is cooperating by causing you to be
calm and relaxed and peaceful as you go about all your daily

It is your God-given birth right to be healthy... God did not create
anything with the intention of having it function incorrectly... You
were created with an immunity system that knows how to function
properly... However, because of information that has gone into your
mind, your immunity system has been experiencing some difficulty
functioning correctly, even though it still knows how to function

Each part of your body has a specific purpose... Your heart pumps
the blood through your circulatory system... Your digestive system
processes food and provides nutrition, strength and energy where it
is needed in your body... Your-elimination system cleanses waste
products and impurities out of your body... Your glands, your organs,
your muscles, nerves, ligaments, tendons, bones and all other parts
of your body have their specific purposes... In the same way your
immunity system has the important job of keeping your body
immune from various diseases and illnesses... Just as you want all
other parts of your body to function properly, you want your
immunity system to do its job correctly...

Your subconscious mind has the important task of directing the

various activities of your body... Anytime a part of your system is not
functioning correctly... Your inner mind can review, examine, and
explore the information in your mind... Your inner mind can realize
that you understood that information from the level of
understanding you had at the time when it went into your mind...
Your inner mind can understand it now from a more knowledgeable,
more mature point of view, and your mind can get the
misunderstanding corrected... Then your mind can work out the
solution to the problem and cause you to experience pleasant

changes, and heal your body, including your immunity system
completely and perfectly...

Scientists have discovered that your entire body is constantly in the

process of producing new cells to replace those that have been
damaged or to replace those that have completed their purpose...
Those new cells are strong and perfect... They are pure energy... The
scientific fact is that your immunity system is made up of cells that
can be replaced with new and perfect cells that function properly...
Permitting yourself to be hypnotized lets the unconscious part of
your mind know that you are determined to achieve complete
healing of your immunity system and your entire body...

AIDS has controlled your way of life long enough... You are
determined that you are going to overcome that problem for now
and forever...

I want you to use your imagination now... Imagine your body

healthy, strong and in perfect physical condition... Imagine your
immunity system functioning perfectly... Think of your skin as
healthy, smooth, and youthful looking... Think of your circulatory
system functioning properly, producing a sufficient amount of white
blood cells to keep your immunity system healthy... Get all of those
ideas of a healthy body in your mind clearly... Your mind is accepting
that image and your inner mind is causing you to experience the
changes needed to heal your immune system and the rest of your
body perfectly... In the past you may have had some doubts... But
those doubts are fading away... All doubts are being replaced with a
strong sense and feeling of confidence and sureness that the healing
processes of your body are functioning properly... It may be a week,

two weeks, or even three weeks for your immunity system to be
completely healed and functioning perfectly... However, you will be
pleased to notice yourself improving more each day... Your
unconscious mind knows how fast it can work in getting the
improper information in your mind corrected... You will be noticing
changes taking place as your body is healing completely... At this very
moment your system is making comfortable adjustments... Your
system is synthesizing proteins, nutrients and other chemicals and
substances in your body... Rejuvenation is taking place...

You may not consciously understand the processes your unconscious

mind is using to cause your immunity system to be healed and
function properly... That's okay, you can be pleasantly surprised and
very happy as you become aware of the progress you continue
achieving... Your expectation is increasing... You will be sensing the
pleasant changes taking place within you... You are pleased and
proud of what you are accomplishing... The feeling of knowing it is
being done gives you a strong sense of satisfaction and

When the unconscious level of your mind knows changes have

started, and the healing processes of your body are functioning
properly, and your immune system is being healed, your unconscious
mind will cause one of the fingers on your left hand to rise up toward
the ceiling and your finger will remain up until I tell it to go back
down. (Pause and wait for response.) (After getting response, tell the
finger to go back down, and tell client he or she is doing good... Then
awaken from the hypnotic state.) (If there is no response go to the
Therapy Between Sessions prescription.)

It has been found that those who have been diagnosed as having
AIDS or ARC can overcome the problem... Those who have overcome
the problem have revealed about eight different characteristics...

1. Number one... They are realistic... They accept the aids

diagnosis... But they do
not take it as a death sentence...
2. Second... They have a fighting spirit, and they refuse to be
"helpless - hopeless..."
3. Third... They have changed their lifestyles...
4. They are assertive... They have the ability to get out of stressful
and unproductive situations...
5. The fifth characteristic is very important... They are tuned in to
their own psychological and physical needs, and they take care of
6. A sixth characteristic they have revealed is being able to talk
openly about the diagnosis of AIDS or ARC...
7. Seventh... They accept a personal responsibility for their
health... They think of the treating physician as a collaborator...
8. Finally, they become involved in helping work with other
people who have

The fact that you have permitted yourself to be hypnotized means

that you are realistic... You have accepted the aids diagnosis, but you
have not taken it as a death sentence... You have a fighting spirit...

You refuse to be one of those who is helpless and hopeless...
Therefore, your unconscious mind will cooperate with the-
suggestions I tell you and your inner mind will increase the number
of white cells in your circulatory system and rebuild your body's
immune system...

I read a story that the unconscious part of your mind can listen to...
This will enable your inner mind to increase your life span by many,
many years...

According to the story, after God created the world, he was in the
process of setting up the life span of each living creature he had
created... The ass came to him and asked, "Lord, how long am I going
to live?"
"Thirty years," answered God. "Is that all right with you?"
"Oh Lord," replied the ass, "That's a long time, just think about the
hard life I lead... From morning to night, I carry heavy loads, drag
sacks of grain into the mill, so others can eat bread, and I receive
nothing in return but kicks and blows... It's hard to remain cheerful...
I beg you to relieve me of part of that long life..."
God took pity on him and shortened his life span by eighteen years...
The ass thanked god and went away...

Next a dog appeared, and God asked the dog, "How long do you
want to live...
Thirty years was too much for the ass... Would you be content with

"Oh Lord, please consider how much I must run... My feet will never
be able to hold up that long, and my throat won't hold out, and my
teeth for biting will be gone..."
God saw that the dog was right and shortened his life span by twelve

Next came the monkey... "Certainly you will want to live thirty years,
won't you†" asked God. "You don't have to work like the ass and the
dog, and you're always in a cheerful spirit..."
"Oh Lord," said the monkey, "It just appears that way, but it's not
really so... I'm always expected to perform pranks and make faces,
yet whenever they hand me an apple and I bite into it, it's always
sour... I'm just putting on a front acting happy... I'll never be able to
endure for thirty years..."

So, God was merciful and took away ten years of his life span...

Finally, man appeared... He was joyful... He was healthy... He was full

of energy and vitality... God said to man, "Surely you want to live
thirty years..."
"Oh Lord," said man, "Thirty years is way too short... Why, I'll just be
getting my house built, and I will have planted some trees... I will be
just getting started on my career, and I will be getting ready to enjoy
life, and I'll have to die... Please Lord, give me some more time..."
"Okay," said God, "I'll add on the eighteen years from the ass. " "But
that's still not enough," said the man..."
"I'll add on the twelve years from the dog..." "Still too little," said the

"Very well then," said God, "I'll give you the ten years from the
monkey, how's that?"
Man, still wasn't satisfied... Man has been working ever since to
increase his life
span... The great thing about it is that he has been succeeding...

The fact that you are having these sessions, and have permitted
yourself to be hypnotized, reveals that you are determined to get rid
of the cancer from ‘every part of your body and have your body
restored and rejuvenated to a healthy, strong body...

Being in a hypnotic state causes your body to relax and that enables
the processes of your body to function more perfectly... That, of
course, causes the healing energies of your body to function
properly... The unconscious part of your mind has the power to heal
many ailments, including cancer... Your conscious mind is continuing
to relax now... You are not trying to think of anything in particular...
Your unconscious mind is hearing and receiving everything I tell
you... Your inner mind is causing your body to respond to the
suggestions I tell you...

You will be very pleased that you decided to permit yourself to be

hypnotized... It makes it much easier for the activities of your body
to function properly... It allows healing energies to flow into every
cell of your body... It isn't necessary for you to consciously remember
what I'm saying to you while you are hypnotized, because your
unconscious mind will remember and will cause everything I tell you
to begin working immediately... You will be happy to notice a
continuous improvement in your health...

One of the things I have learned from hypnotizing of people, is that

your inner mind knows how to work out solutions to problems you
are experiencing... I have witnessed many, many people who have
been healed from nearly every kind of illness including cancer... I
know you can be healed completely... Your unconscious mind has the

ability to recall everything you have seen, heard and experienced
since your soul came into existence... Your mind knows how to
assess that information and clear out information that has been
misunderstood... Your inner mind can then resolve the problem

Your inner mind is reviewing and examining the information in your

mind that has caused the cancer... Your mind is realizing that there is
no reason it needs to cause any more problems... So your
unconscious mind can work out the solution to that problem and
cleanse the cancer out of your body in an easy, natural way... The
healing energies of your body can function properly and heal your y

Continue relaxing now... Keep your eyes closed until I ask you to
open them...You can begin experiencing wonderful feelings and
sensations in your body... You can begin noticing a very pleasant
healing warmth flowing through your system... You are already
beginning to experience some pleasant changes that will bring you
much greater happiness and joy... You will be pleased with your
ability -to make true everything I tell you...

It may take a little time for your unconscious mind to review and
examine all the information in your mind that has caused the cancer
in your body... However the unconscious part of your mind will
continue examining what caused that problem and get the problem
resolved completely... The unconscious level of your mind is busy
working out the solution right now...

Getting rid of the cancer is not likely to happen all at once... Instead,
you will probably get rid of some of the cancer today... Tomorrow
you will get rid of more of the cancer... The following day a little
more will be gone... The healing, cleansing processes will continue,
and cleanse all cancer out of your body completely...

You may not consciously understand what caused the cancer to

develop... Yet whatever caused it is past now... Your inner mind
understands that there is no reason you need cancer any more... You
are enjoying the pleasure of discovering that your body is being
healed completely and permanently... Doing it this way is giving you
a tremendous feeling of accomplishment... By permitting your
unconscious mind to do it for you, you can experience a continuous
process of healing... You can become stronger and healthier
throughout your entire body...

It is natural for your body to be strong... It is natural for all of your

organs, glands, and the cells of your body to function properly and
keep your body healthy... The suggestions I'm telling you are natural
for your body... So, it's natural for your unconscious mind to receive
what I tell you and cause the processes of your body to function
properly and restore your body to its perfectly healthy, strong

Your body needs proteins to keep you strong, so you will eat the
proper amount of lean meat and fish to supply your body with the
proteins it needs... You will also enjoy eating good, fresh vegetables,
fruits, and other body-strengthening foods that provide your body
with a proper balance of vitamins and minerals... Your inner mind is
causing your taste to correspond to the real needs of your body...

You will desire those foods needed by your body each day to keep
improving your health...
The cells of your body are alive... They know how to perform their
tasks of keeping your bones healthy... They know how to cause your
hair to continue growing... They know how to provide the proper
nourishment to keep your fingernails and toenails growing... Those
cells in your body also know how to provide the proper nourishment,
strength and energy to all other parts of your body in a perfect way...
All of the cells of your body know how to cooperate with each other
and perform their functions properly... They can work in unison and
harmony to restore and rejuvenate your body perfectly... Your inner
mind is directing the mind of each cell to work in harmony with all
other cells and heal your body completely...

Each day you learn to be more relaxed and steady... You continue
developing more strength, energy and vitality... Right now, you can
notice something good happening in your body... Your circulatory
system is carrying nourishment, oxygen, and vitality to every part of
your body... Your system is synthesizing proteins... All the chemicals
and healing energies in your body are functioning harmoniously...

Rejuvenation and regeneration is taking place, and it will continue

even after you awaken from the hypnotic state... I don't know
exactly what is happening... You can sense that it is good... So let it
continue... It must be pleasing for you to know that your mind is
doing this in your own best way... The processes of your body are
functioning to improve your health, and for your overall self-

When your unconscious mind knows changes have started, and you
will continue improving, one of the fingers on your left hand will rise
toward the ceiling... Your finger will remain up until I ask it to go back

(Pause for about 30 seconds. If the finger has lifted, conclude the
session. If the finger has not lifted, continue with suggestions from
“Building Self- Confidence “prescription...)

The suggestions and instructions that I'm telling you are being
received by your subconscious mind, and they will help you to be
completely cured from cancer... Every tissue and organ in your body
is controlled by a complex interaction among chemicals circulating in
your bloodstream, the hormones secreted by your endocrine
glands... This mixture is controlled by your pituitary gland, which is
your "master gland," located in the middle of your head just below
your brain... The output of pituitary hormones in turn is controlled by
chemical secretions and nerve impulses from the neighbouring part
of the brain, called the hypothalamus... That tiny region regulates
most of the body's unconscious maintenance processes, such as your
heartbeat, your breathing, your temperature, your digestive system,
your blood pressure and all of the other activities of your body...

All of those processes function by receiving directions from the

unconscious part of your mind... The more your unconscious mind is
programmed in a good, clear, uplifting way, the healthier your body
becomes... That's one of the reasons it is so important for you to
develop a thoughtful, loving attitude about yourself... So each day
your self-confidence, your self-acceptance, and your self-esteem
keep increasing, and you will continue having a greater realization of
your own self-worth...

William James, the well-known psychologist, wrote, "The greatest

discovery of my generation is that human beings, by changing the
inner attitudes of their minds, can change the outer aspects of their

Years of working to help people overcome physical problems
through hypnosis have taught me that cancer, diabetes, asthma, and
all other illnesses are caused by the mind... By improving the
thoughts and ideas in the mind... The mind can cause the processes
of your body to function properly and heal the cancer and can heal
all other illnesses... The simple truth is, happy people are usually
healthy people... Your attitude toward yourself is the single most
important factor in eliminating the cancer and enabling you to
maintain a healthy body...

There .is a sound scientific reason why Norman Cousins was

completely healed from a deadly disease by getting comedy films,
and watching them for several hours each day... Laughter produces
complete, relaxed action of the diaphragm... It exercises the lungs. It
increases the blood's oxygen level, and it gently tones the entire

cardiovascular system... Laughter also increases the production of a

class of brain chemicals called catecholamines, which activates a
different part of the immune system and increases the production of
endorphins; the body's natural opiates...

You may not consciously know what caused the cancer, but you are
realizing that whatever caused it is past now... You are developing a
happier attitude, greater self- confidence, and an understanding that
what your mind has caused, it can also cure... beginning now, the
unconscious part of your mind is reviewing and examining the
information in your mind that caused the cancer... You have
tremendous amounts of information in your mind that has been
accumulating there since your soul came into existence... The
information is there... It belongs to you... It is there for you to use for

your own self-improvement, and to enable you eliminate the cancer

I want you to use your imagination now, and pretend that you are
inside your own body... Your body is still the same size, but in your
mind, you have become like a tiny little cell... You are inside your
own body... Take your time, and look around carefully until you have
spotted (the cancer cells) (the tumour) ... Tell me when you have
spotted them... (Pause.) Now I want you to see your white blood
cells... They are the healers of your body... There are thousands of
them... See them carefully... Tell me when you see your white blood
cells... (Pause.) You may see those white blood cells as nurses, or
maybe as white friendly animals, or perhaps you may see them as
soldiers... Whatever image your mind gives those white blood cells
so they can clear the cancer out of your body is just fine... Tell me
when you have given those white blood cells an image... (Pause.)
Now send a command to those white healers to eliminate all of the
cancer cells from your body... See those white blood cells
surrounding the cancer cells and escorting them out of your body--in
an easy, natural way through the processes of your elimination
system... You can see thousands more of the white blood cells
remaining in that area to protect your body, and keep improving
your health... Now send a second command to your red blood cells
to carry nourishment, to give strength, energy and vitality to every
part of your body where it is needed to keep your body healthy and
strong... (Pause.)

Now your mind is receiving the message to keep your white blood
cells and your red blood cells functioning properly, keeping your
body healthy and strong... When you see your blood cells doing their
work properly, and you know that changes have started, and your
body is being healed, one of the fingers on your left hand will rise
toward the ceiling; and your finger will remain up until I tell it to go
back down.

Franz Alexander, a medical doctor, said, "The fact that the mind rules
the body is, in spite' of its neglect by biology and medicine the most
fundamental fact which we know about the process of life."

Bernie S. Siegel, another medical doctor said, "My own day-to-day

clinical experience has convinced me that the state of the mind
changes the state of the body by working through the central
nervous system, the endocrine system, and the immune system...
Peace of mind sends the body a 'live' message, thus, all healing is
scientific, even if science can't yet explain exactly how the
unexpected 'miracles' occur."

It is your God-given birth right to have a healthy body... Everything

about the body reveals that it was created to be healthy... If your
skin gets cut, it heals... If you get a bruise on your body, it heals... If
you experience a broken bone, it heals... And it isn't medicine that
does the healing... Your body heals itself... Your body is made with all
the chemicals, liquids, and other ingredients it needs to keep itself
healthy... It knows how to function properly and keep itself in perfect
health at all times... It knows how to digest food... It knows how to
separate the waste materials from the food... It knows how to
dispose of the waste through the natural processes of your
elimination system... It knows how to take the nourishment from the
food and send it to every part of the body where it is needed... Your
body knows how to keep your temperature stabilized... It knows how
to keep your blood circulating properly... It also knows how to
dispose of those cancer cells and heal your body completely...

Scientists that have studied the effects the mind has on the body,
have found that the unconscious part of the mind controls every
body function... They have found that contrary thoughts or ideas can
go into the mind and cause the body to develop illness or disease...
They call that psychosomatic illness... They also found that good
thoughts and ideas in the mind can cause the body processes to
function properly and heal any kind of illness or disease...

That is backed up by a statement in the Bible that says, "You can be

transformed by the renewing of your mind." That's the reason
hypnosis can help you get rid of the cancer from your body...
Hypnosis provides a means of renewing your mind with

good thoughts and ideas that cause your body processes to function
properly, and causes your health to keep improving more and more
each day...

hi a moment I'm going to ask you to think the numbers 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3,

2, and 1 in your mind... You will continue relaxing more as you think
each number... From now on, every time you think, hear, see or say
any of those numbers, each number will have a special meaning to
you... Every time you think, hear, see or say any of those numbers,
the meaning for that number keeps becoming more effective in your

Eight means relaxing peacefully and calmly... Every time you hear 8,
see 8, say 8, or think 8, your inner mind causes you to relax more
peacefully and calmly...

Seven means all the cells, atoms and molecules of your body keep-
becoming healthier and stronger...’.
Six means all the processes and activities of your body continue
functioning more perfectly... All of your organs, glands, liver, and
every other part of your body keeps functioning more perfectly every
time you think, hear, see or say 6...
Five means you eat only foods that are right for your body... You eat
foods that cause your body to become healthier and stronger...
Four means the cells of your body are alive and know how to
perform the task of healing... They are healing your body perfectly.
Three means your inner mind is giving directions to each cell of your
body... Your tinier mind is directing each cell to function in unison
and harmony with all other cells, and heal your body rapidly and
Two means your nerves continue becoming more relaxed and
steady... You continue developing more energy, strength and
One means you imagine and visualize your body healthy and strong
exactly the way you want it to be...

From now on, whenever you think, hear, see or say any of those
numbers or all of those numbers, the meaning for the number keeps
becoming more strongly reinforced in your mind and more effective
in your body...

Your unconscious mind is causing the meaning for each number to
work automatically... So, think the numbers from 8 down to 1 in your
mind now and continue moving into a deeper hypnotic state as the
meaning for each number
becomes more deeply reinforced in your mind...

NOTE: Go to the prescription for “Self-Acceptance “.)

The word "allergic" has been misused and improperly used during
ordinary conversation by many people for many years... For example,
people often use the word allergic when they are talking about
something they dislike... They often use it when they are talking
about a certain characteristic or physical feature they do not like...
However, medically the word "allergy or allergic" pertains to a
condition or sensitivity to some substance, usually a protein, which is
called an "allergen..." A person who is allergic reacts in a way
different from the way others react when they eat, inhale, or touch
the allergen... Allergy is actually a normal protective reaction of the
body... However, there are times when it is being misused by the
body... I'll explain what I mean by that statement... If a person
inhales a harmful irritant or bacterial toxin, it is normal for a watery
secretion to come out of the nose... That's the way the body reacts
to cleanse the harmful irritant or bacterial toxin out of the body to
keep the body in its normal, healthy condition... That is a natural
reaction, a natural allergy... But it is not normal, and can be very
distressing for a person's nose to run just because he or she gets
near grass, or near a dog or cat...

The reason some people become allergic and others don't has been a
mystery for many years... The medical profession has been baffled as
to the reason some people develop a runny nose or hay fever
because of night air, or because of rainy weather, or from breathing
the same dust that other people breathe... Yet most people are not
bothered by any of these things... In recent years many studies have
revealed that thoughts or ideas in a person's mind can cause allergic
conditions to develop... By saying that thoughts or ideas in the mind
causes allergic conditions to develop does not mean a person wants
to have those allergies... People do not want to have hay fever or
suffer asthmatic attacks... It is misunderstandings in the unconscious

level of the mind that causes those conditions to develop... Tension
and stress have also been found to cause asthma, eczema, may
fever, hives, and other types of allergic reactions... Emotional factors,
anxiety or even grief are often found to be the cause of those
conditions... In most cases involving allergic conditions, it has been
found that the situation or circumstance which caused the condition
to develop has changed, yet the person continues to have the allergy
because it has become a learned response in the mind... In other
words, the unconscious level of the mind causes the allergic
condition to continue merely because it has become a habit...
However, anything the mind has caused, the mind can also cure...

Your unconscious mind is understanding what I've been telling you,

and your mind is causing your body processes to function properly
and cleanse all impurities out of your body and eliminate the allergic
symptoms you have been experiencing... You're going to notice a
change in your life, because your mind is releasing those thoughts,
ideas, imprints and impressions that caused the allergies to develop.
-.. The usual pattern of being allergic will never be the same again...
Beginning right now, your unconscious mind is understanding that
you want to get rid of all unnatural allergies... Allergies will never
control your way of life again...

In going through various experiences during your normal everyday

life, your inner mind received information that caused you to
develop the habit of being allergic... Now your inner mind is
understanding that the information received was misunderstood...
You want the unconscious part of your mind to understand the
information correctly now... Your mind understands the information
from a more knowledgeable, more mature point of view... You want
it changed and corrected, and you want the processes of your body

to function properly and cleanse all impurities and substances which
have any allergic element out of your body through the natural
process of your elimination system...

The unconscious part of your mind is causing you to become

desensitized to all substances and conditions which, in the past, have
caused you to suffer allergic reactions... You refuse to have those
unnatural allergies... Your unconscious mind is getting rid of the
habit of responding to situations and conditions that have been
causing you to experience allergies... You are continuing to relax
even more now, and your unconscious mind is accepting my
suggestions... Your inner mind is improving your health, and is
enabling you to live your life in a more peaceful, more-calm, more
relaxed way... Each day these suggestions become more effective...
You are learning to use these principles of relaxation which you are
now experiencing in all phases of your daily life, and that will keep
you calm and relaxed at all times.’... In every situation or
circumstance that comes up in your life, you remain calm and
relaxed... Your nerves will be relaxed and steady... You will be able to
do everything in a relaxed way... You will be able to cope with your
everyday changing circumstances in a loving, peaceful way...

Regardless of what comes up in your life, you will be in control of

your emotions
and feelings... That will cause the allergic reactions to keep fading
away more and more, and they will soon be gone completely.

(NOTE: This prescription is designed to be used along with other
hypnotic prescriptions such as some of those for improving health.)

In a moment I'm going to ask you to think the numbers 8, 7, 6, 5, 4,

3, 2, and 1 in your mind, and continue relaxing more as you think
each number... From now on, each number will have an additional
meaning... Every time you think, hear, see or say any of the numbers
from 1 to 8, the meaning for the number will keep getting stronger in
your life...

Eight means that you relax peacefully and calmly... Every time you
think, hear, see or say 8 your inner mind will cause you to relax more
calmly and peacefully...
Seven means that your entire organism and body are cooperating to
enable you to inhale and exhale easily and freely in every situation or
circumstance in which you find yourself...
Six means that your confidence in your ability to be relaxed and calm
at all times continues increasing...
Five means your self-confidence, self-acceptance, self-reliance and
self-esteem continue increasing... Every time you think, hear, see or
say the number 5 your self- confidence, self-acceptance, self-reliance
and self-esteem keep increasing and you continue progressing in all
areas of your life...
Four means your unconscious mind is cooperating by causing your
lungs to function perfectly at all times, enabling you to inhale and
exhale easily and freely at all times...
Three means you continue having more confidence in your own
opinions, your own points of view and you feel good about it...

Two means you are free from fears, anxieties and tensions...
One means the cells of your body are working in perfect harmony,
causing your metabolism, your hormones, and all of your organs and
glands to function properly...

From now on for the rest of your life, anytime you think, hear, see or
say any of those numbers or all of those numbers, the meaning for
the number you think, hear, see or say will keep becoming more
strongly reinforced in your mind, and your mind will cause the
meaning for that number to continue becoming more effective...

The unconscious part of your mind is causing the meaning for each
number to keep becoming stronger and be more effective... So I
want you to think those numbers from 8 down to 1 now as you
continue moving into a deeper hypnotic state and the meaning for
each number becomes more deeply reinforced in your mind...

Any time you are confronted with any kind of unpleasant situation,
you will automatically become calm and relaxed... You will use these
principles of relaxation which you are now aware of... You will be in
control of your feelings rather than let yourself be controlled... The
ability to be calm and relaxed is becoming automatic to you, and will
enable you to handle situations that come up in your life in a
peaceful, loving way...

Your self-confidence and self-reliance increase daily... You will be

emotionally calmer and you will be able to handle situations
maturely... That will cause the allergic reactions to fade away and
they will soon be gone completely...

You will be sleeping better at night, and each morning you will
awaken feeling rested, relaxed and refreshed mentally and
physically... You will maintain that feeling
of relaxation during the day, and your body processes will respond
by continuously improving your health... All cells of your body are
continuously functioning more perfectly, cleansing all impurities out
of your body... You will continue feeling more
clean, more pure, and more refreshed as your elimination system
keeps your body cleansed of all waste materials and impurities...

Your unconscious mind is causing your body to function according to

the perfect law of God... Your life will keep reflecting peace and
calmness... That enables all parts of your body to function in perfect
harmony and freedom... The unconscious part of your mind is
working out the solution to that problem completely and perfectly
and your inner mind is releasing you from the control of any
unpleasant experiences from the past... Your inner mind realizes that
the past is gone and is nothing but memories... Your inner mind
refuses to let past memories cause you difficulty now... You are
becoming more free and more complete each day...

Every part of your body; all organs, glands, muscles, nerves and
intestines, as well as your entire circulatory system, your metabolism
and elimination system are functioning according to God's laws of
health and vitality... Peace, poise and confidence are growing
stronger within you... You are becoming stronger, healthier and
more secure each day... You will continue to be pleased with your

Most people don't understand what asthma is... But you have
experienced it and you understand it better than most people...
Most people think it is hard for you to breathe because you can't get
air into your lungs, but we know that when a person has asthma it is
the opposite... A person having an asthmatic attack has difficulty
getting the air out of the lungs to let fresh air in... Isn't that right?
(Pause for response.)

Since that is true, it will be easy to help you get rid of the problem,
and once you are free from the problem, you will never have another
asthmatic attack...

Do you want me to show you how to always be able to breathe easily

so you will never have another asthmatic attack? (Wait for
response.) Good... It's very easy... In order to always be able to inhale
and exhale easily and comfortably all you need to do is let all the
muscles in your chest relax... It is easy to let those muscles in your
chest and lungs relax... I'm going to show you how easy it is... Are
you ready? (Wait for response.) Okay, hold your right hand up and
out so I can touch it... Good... Now close your hand and make your
fist real tight... (Wait for response.) That's good... Now, if you had a
piece of hot metal in your hand and it was burning you, what would
you do to get rid of the metal? Show me what you would do... (Wait
for response.) Right... You would open your fist... It would be stupid
for someone with hot metal in their hand to close their fist tighter on
the metal... So you would just relax the muscles, open your hand,
and let that piece of hot metal go...

When a person is having an asthmatic attack, it's just like tightening
the fist... The little muscles around the air sacs of the lungs tighten
up and hold the old air in, and there is no room for fresh air to come
in... So all an asthmatic attack is, is holding those muscles around
your lungs so tight that you can't breathe out... Right7 (Wait for

Okay, now I want you to practice so you will get rid of those
asthmatic attacks...

(NOTE: The suggestions that follow will cause the child to have an
asthmatic attack and release it. This will enable the child to realize
that his mind starts the attack and the mind can stop it.)

You are beginning to tighten up the muscles in your chest and

around your lungs... It keeps becoming more difficult for you to
breathe... You are doing this because you know you will be able to
make the asthmatic attack stop as soon as I tell you to make it stop...
It is really getting difficult to breathe now... Your lungs are feeling
very tight... You are doing this the same way you have been doing it
every time you have had an asthmatic attack...

(NOTE: Keep giving suggestions for lungs tightening and difficulty

breathing until the client is actually having an asthmatic
attack.)(Then suggest that client relax and breathe easily and freely.)

Now you realize that you have been causing your own asthmatic
attacks... But it really hasn't been your fault.... It’s just that no one
has ever explained this to you before... Now that you know, you will

be able to relax those little muss1es that have been holding air in...
From now on you will always be able to breathe easily and freely...
It's easy for you to get rid of the asthmatic attacks, just as easy as
talking... Notice how easily you are breathing now...

Now, you know how easy it is to stop an asthmatic attack, so I want

you to have another attack now so you will remember how easily
you can stop it... All of those muscles are beginning to tighten up
again... It is going to be even harder for you to breathe this time...
You are having a bad asthmatic attack...

(Wait until it becomes severe.)

Now I'm going to time you and see how fast you can get it to go
away completely so you can breathe easily again... (Keep track of
time.) You did really good... It only took you to get rid of the attack...
Now that you know how to get rid of those attacks, there is really no
need to ever have one again... Do you think you will ever have one
again? (Wait for response.) If you ever start to have another attack,
you will remember what you do to get rid of it, won't you?7? (Wait
for response.)

Aren't you glad we took time to get rid of those asthmatic attacks?
Now you know you are smart enough that you will never have
another asthmatic attack... You know all about asthma now, and you
know you will never let it bother you again... That's all there is to it...
You have been able to get rid of it yourself and you will never be
bothered with asthma again.

You can continue responding to everything I tell you because you
know this is going to help you be healed completely and perfectly...
You are getting rid of that asthmatic condition from your body... As I
count from ten down to one, you can go back to the last time you
had a severe asthmatic attack... You will experience it just like you
did then...

Ten... You are feeling those muscles around your lungs and air sacs
beginning to tighten up... Nine... Each time I say a number, it
becomes more difficult for you to breathe. Eight... Seven... Your
bronchioles are tightening up... It's becoming more difficult for you
to breathe... Six... You are beginning to rasp as you try to breathe in
and out... Five... You are having an asthmatic attack... It is very real...
Four... Notice how difficult it is to breathe now... Three... The
asthmatic attack is becoming more
severe... It keeps getting worse until I tell it to stop...
Notice the feeling of tightness
in your chest and lungs... When you want the attack to stop, you will
be able to make it stop by lifting your right hand up and rubbing your
chest... As soon as you lift your right hand up and rub your chest, you
will be able to breathe easily and freely... (Wait for response.)

Now you realize the power of your own unconscious mind... You
realize that your own mind has been causing the asthmatic attacks
that you have been experiencing... Since you understand that your
own mind has been causing the asthmatic attacks, you know that
your own wind can work out the solution and get rid of those
asthmatic attacks for now and forever... So, you are ready to go back

to the very first time you had an asthmatic attack... You will know
what caused the asthmatic attacks to begin...


(NOTE: After completing regression. Help the client to understand

the situation clearly... Then use finger response to be sure he or she
is free from the control it has been having on him or her... Find out if
there have been other experiences involved in causing the attacks...
If there have, regress the client to the other experiences... Be sure
the client is released from all conflicts... Then go on and give
suggestions for -Restoring Health-.)

(Use Finger Response or some other technique to find the cause of
the problem and be sure the client is released from the underlying
cause before proceeding with this prescription.)

Yow unconscious mind agrees that you are released from the
imprints and impressions in your mind that had been causing you to
experience cerebral palsy... That means it is now okay for your body
processes to function properly and heal your body in a perfect way...
You are calm and relaxed now, and can continue slipping into a
deeper, more peaceful hypnotic state as your unconscious mind is
accepting the suggestions and instructions I'm telling you... The
suggestions and instructions I'm telling you go into the unconscious
level of your mind and your mind causes them to begin functioning
correctly in your body... They keep becoming more effective each
day... Even after you awaken from the hypnotic state, the healing
energies in your body continue functioning... You will be noticing the
improvement, no matter how slight it may seem to be at first... Each
day the improvement will become more evident... All of your body
processes will continue functioning in perfect harmony, repairing
cells, nourishing tissues, strengthening muscles and ligaments, and
cleansing impurities out of your body through the natural processes
of your elimination system... Every cell in your body is functioning in
smooth, perfect harmony...

Scientists have found that your system possesses all the chemicals
and minerals it needs to heal your body in a perfect way... They have
found that each cell of your body effortlessly performs functions that
the world's most outstanding chemists, medical doctors and
scientists have never been able to duplicate... All of those healing

energies function by receiving directions from the unconscious part
of your mind...

Many studies have revealed that by thinking good, uplifting

thoughts, your inner mind will respond to those thoughts by
activating the healing energies in your body and causing them to
function properly and produce perfect health... As you think good,
uplifting thoughts about your body being healthy, those thoughts
move into the unconscious level of your mind and they cause the
processes of your body to renew and rejuvenate every cell, every
atom, and every molecule in your body properly...
Every day you continue experiencing improvement in your physical
movements... Your physical movements will continue becoming
more perfectly coordinated... You will easily move your legs and your
arms in perfect harmony and coordination... Your entire body is
becoming more perfectly coordinated... The muscles, nerves,
ligaments and tendons in your face, head, neck and spine are
continuing to improve and function more perfectly... Your head and
neck are becoming more perfectly coordinated with your torso...
Your torso and arms are functioning in more perfect harmony... Your
arms and legs, along with all other parts of your body are continuing
to function in more perfect harmony and coordination...

During your daily life, you will be more calm, more stable and more
settled as your health continues improving... As your health
continues improving, your confidence keeps growing stronger... You
will achieve greater accomplishments in all areas of your life... This is
already working in your body, because you want it to work... Your
unconscious mind is obeying your conscious thoughts and desires for
your body to be strong, healthy and perfectly coordinated in its
physical movements.

You have permitted yourself to be hypnotized and it reveals that you
are willing to rely upon the unconscious part of your mind to do
anything that will be effective in healing the haemorrhoids... Being
calm and relaxed as you are now enables your blood to circulate
through your body more freely, so after you awaken from the
hypnotic state you will continue using these principles of relaxation
and comfort during your daily life...

You can continue moving into a more calm more relaxed state now...
You don't need to consciously pay any attention to what I'm saying
to you because the unconscious part of your mind is hearing every
word and your mind will cause the suggestions I tell you to work in
just the right way...

You may not remember going into a hypnotic state, yet you will
realize that hypnosis was used by noticing that you feel much more
comfortable... Even so, it isn't necessary for you to remember going
into a hypnotic state...
Your unconscious mind has an amazing capacity for learning... It
learned to cause your tongue to automatically move to the right
position for each word you want to say... It learned to cause the right
amount of air and oxygen to move through your vocal cords so you
can make the sounds of the words you want to say... Your
unconscious mind has also learned to cause your body processes to
function properly and shrink those haemorrhoids and keep your
blood circulating freely and easily though all parts of your body...

I'm wondering if your unconscious mind will give directions to your

system and cause those haemorrhoids to shrink by the time you

awaken from the hypnotic state, or will it be about three hours after
you awaken before the haemorrhoids have reduced to normal
size?7? Will they gradually shrink while you are still in the hypnotic
state, or will you be surprised to find that problem has been resolved
within three hours after you awaken???

If your unconscious mind feels it is necessary, you can go back and

discover you know what has been causing the problem without
knowing you have done it...

As I'm talking to you, you may find yourself wondering how much of
a hypnotic state you are in and not even notice as you continue
moving into a deeper hypnotic state...

One day, when I was teaching a hypnosis class, there were two
medical doctors in the class, and there was also a young nurse... The
young nurse brought equipment to check the blood pressure of
those who were in the class... When she was ready to check the
blood pressure of one of the doctors, he asked her, "Do you want it
as it is normally, or would you like it ten points lower or ten points
higher??7" She said, "All three..." She took his blood pressure three
times, the first time getting his normal blood pressure... The second
time it was ten points lower, and the third time it was ten points
higher... Then he brought it back to normal again... How could he
control his blood pressure??? The answer is quite simple, he had
learned the techniques of hypnosis... He also knew that blood
pressure changes according to where the blood is, and he merely
gave his mind the suggestion to cause his blood pressure to raise and
lower in the arm the nurse was checking...

When you lie down to go to sleep, much of the blood drains out of
your brain and into a plexus, which is a collection of blood vessels in
your abdomen... Then when you awaken, your blood pressure
increases and pushes your blood back into your brain... By
understanding something about the calculation of blood in your
body, the unconscious part of your mind can control the circulation
properly and heal the haemorrhoids completely... With just a little
guidance while you are under hypnosis, you will soon be completely
free from the haemorrhoid problem...

As I'm talking to you, your unconscious mind is learning something...

You may not be consciously aware of what you are learning or how
you are learning, but you are learning... Your inner mind is learning
how to shrink those haemorrhoids... It's a fact that your unconscious
mind already knows many things that you do not know you know...
That's why your tongue automatically moves to the right position,
and enables you to say words you want to say... Your unconscious
mind has already accumulated tremendous amounts of knowledge
through the years, and is continuing to learn more each day...

I want you to notice something now, because you are able to notice
things when you want to... Notice your right foot... Notice the feeling
of your shoe on your right foot... Before I called your attention to
your right foot, you probably didn't notice the shoe on your foot, yet
that shoe has been on your foot the entire time you have been
sitting here...

There are many things that happen that you are not consciously
aware of... Your heart keeps pumping the blood through your
circulatory system even though you are not consciously aware of it
most of the time... You continue breathing twenty-four hours a day
and you don't even think about it... You just let it happen... As you
think back now, you are realizing that most of the time you have not
had any trouble with hemerobiids... And you usually don't think
about it at those times... You don't notice things that don't happen...
You know the haemorrhoids are capable of being normal because
they have been normal most of your life... So, the important thing, is
for you to forget about the haemorrhoids, and your inner mind will
cause them to shrink and go back to normal easily...

I know what your body can do automatically, because I have

hypnotized many people. and have seen them experience the natural
healing effects of their own bodies... And now you are relying upon
your own mind, and you will find it will serve you in a wonderful

You may be wondering why you have experienced a haemorrhoid

problem??? I'm asking your unconscious mind to answer that
question... We'll just wait, and your unconscious mind will review,
examine, and explore the information in your mind and find out
what information has gone into your mind to cause that problem...
When your unconscious mind knows the answer, it will cause one of
the fingers on your left hand to raise up toward the ceiling and your
finger will remain up until I tell it to go back down... (Wait for the
finger to lift.)

Your finger can go back down now... If your unconscious mind knows
changes have started and your haemorrhoids are shrinking to a
normal size and will remain at a normal size, one of the fingers on
your left hand will lift up, and your finger will remain up until I tell it
to go back down... (Wait for response.)

Your unconscious mind has indicated that changes have started and
the haemorrhoids are shrinking back to a normal size... I'm going to
count to five in just a moment and you will awaken from the
hypnotic state.

One of the most important steps a person can take toward self-
improvement, whether it be physically, mentally, emotionally or
spiritually, is to learn how to relax... We live in a world with other
people, and we are constantly involved in activities with other
people who are tense, anxious, and going through stress of some
kind... That type of environment is responsible for most of the
problems in our lives...

By learning how to relax, as you are doing now, you achieve

emotional stability... It causes your nerves to be more relaxed and
steady, and enables the processes of your body to fraction more
perfectly and improve the health of every part of your body...

You can continue slipping into a more peaceful state of relaxation as

I give you suggestions and instructions that will cause your
unconscious mind to send directions that will stabilize your
carbohydrate metabolism and cause your pancreas to produce
insulin in a perfect way to supply the exact amount of sugar needed
in your blood at all times... Your inner mind is receiving the
suggestions I'm telling you and your mind is causing what I'm
suggesting to become a normal part of the activity of your body...

The unconscious part of your mind understands that the chemical

activities of your body are controlled by small substances called
hormones in the blood... Your thyroid gland produces thyroxin, and
that directs the rate at which your body processes work... Your
pancreas produces insulin, and insulin is the chemical controller of
the sugar in your blood... Normally when there is too much sugar
circulating in your blood, the surplus is stored in your liver as a

substance called glycogen, and is ready to be used when it is
needed... That process occurs when the carbohydrate substance is
released to give muscular energy... The body processes cause it to re-
form into glucose (also called blood sugar), from which it was

Since all of that is true, your mind is now aware of what your body
processes need to do to function properly... So now your pancreas
can function properly and produce the exact amount of insulin
needed to keep your body in good health, and keep your blood sugar
at a perfect level...

Your body is a complex organization of glands, blood vessels, nerves,

organs, brain cells. muscles. ligaments. tendons and bones... You also
have a mind that knows how to stimulate your body responses and
coordinate every part of your body so it functions harmoniously... So,
your timer mind is directing every cell in your body to function
perfectly and keep your body healthy and perfectly stabilized...

the Bible says "You can be transformed by the renewing of your

mind." That's what you are doing now... You are getting your mind
renewed with true ideas and thoughts about your pancreas, and
about other activities of your body... Your mind is responding by
causing your body processes to function perfectly and eliminate the
diabetes problem...

Your carbohydrate metabolism is oxidizing and utilizing

carbohydrates perfectly... That will keep your protein and fat
metabolism functioning properly... The cells in yow pancreas are
functioning the way they need to function to produce normal insulin

metabolism... You will utilize the carbohydrates in your blood
perfectly and keep your body properly nourished... You will use the
glucose in your body properly and provide strength, energy and
vitality to every part of your body in a perfect way... All blood
vessels, tissues and organs in your body are becoming stronger and
healthier each day... Your heart and your kidneys are adjusting
perfectly and are performing their functions properly...

You will be more at ease as you continue using these principles of

relaxation which you are now experiencing during your daily life...
Each day you become emotionally calmer... Your nerves will be more
relaxed and steady... You will be more calm and more at ease in
everything you do...

Any time you notice any insulin reaction you will contact your doctor
and let him tell you the proper adjustments to make... You will soon
be free from taking insulin...
You are realizing now that your mind is powerful, and your mind is
making the proper adjustments in your system so your health will
continue improving rapidly...

These suggestions and instructions that I have told you will keep
becoming more effective each day. They will influence your feelings
and your actions in a wonderful, helpful way...
Every organ and cell of your body is continuing to function properly.
Your health
will continue improving rapidly... Youthful vitality and energy are
rejuvenating your entire system... You will be happy with the
continuous improvement in all areas of your life..

It is your God-given birth right to have a healthy body … The bible tell
us your body is a temple of God. Therefore you were created to have
a healthy body … and you have a right to have a body that is perfect
example of God’s creation….
Your body is made with all the chemicals, liquids, and other
ingredients it needs to keep it self in perfect health all the times….
Just as the processes of your body knows how to keep your heart
pumping blood through your circulatory system, and knows how to
keep your food digesting to provide nutrition. Strength and energy to
all the parts of the body, and knows how to cleanse the inside of
your body through the normal process of your elimination system,
and knows how to keep your body temperature stabilized, your body
also knows how to keep your thyroid properly…

Stored in your mind is the knowledge of how to keep every cell of

your body functioning properly.. your conscious mind is accepting
the suggestions and the instructions I’m giving you and your inner
mind is causing the suggestions to begin working immediately to
cause your health to improve rapidly…

For many years scientists have studied the effects the mind has on
the body.. they found out that the unconscious part of mind controls
every activity of every part of the body … they also found that
unpleasant thoughts or ideas can get into the mind and cause
various types of illness and diseases…. They call it psychosomatic
illness… further studies revealed that good thoughts and ideas can
cause the body to process to function properly and heal any kind of
illness or disease, and overcome any other type of physical

Even though medical science has just been learning these facts in
recent years, the bible spoke of this way back in the old testament. It
says “as we think in our mind, so are we…” in other words the
thoughts and ideas that go into our mind cause our body to respond
accordingly, in the same way that the mind can cause illness, disease
and other physical problems to develop, the mind can cause the
body process to function properly and heal any type of physical
This is inline with another lesson that it is taught in the bible….It says
“you can be transformed by the renewing of your mind.” This is one
of the reasons hypnosis can help you to be healed completely….
Hypnosis provides a means of living your mind with thoughts and
ideas that cause your body activities to function properly and that
causes your health to improve and more each day.....
You have witnessed evidence to the fact that the body is made with
the capability of keeping itself healthy ....... When you cut your skin,
your body sends new cell to that area and causes the tissues of the
skin to heal.... If you break a bone a doctor might set the bone but
your own body processes function properly and cause the bone to
grow back together again those healings energies can heal any type
of physical problem..... The can restore every activity of the body to
function perfectly including your glands....
Your pituitary gland is the main gland of your body... It is comparable
to a generator for an electrical system. It is energy from your
pituitary gland that causes your thyroid to function... Your thyroid
functions similar to the switch on an electrical appliance that can
cause the appliance to speed up or slow Down according to where
you set the switch... Your thyroid speed up or slowdown activities
Of your body…so your unconscious mind is causing your pituitary
gland to function more perfectly… that will automatically improve
the efficiency of your thyroid hormone….. your hormones are being

rejuvenated, and your thyroid will continue functioning more
perfectly each day….

Your thyroid is the gland which puts its product directly into your
blood stream… that fluid or hormone is made by tour thyroid gland
out of iodine and the protein known as amino acid…. From now on
your thyroid will store your body’s supply of iodine in a perfect
way…. It will manufacture thyroxin properly…. It will cause the
thyroxin to be released into blood stream at exactly right intervals to
regulate all parts of your body properly….
The unconscious part of your mind knows how to direct your thyroid
gland to do its work properly …. That knowledge is being transmitted
to your thyroid gland and it is causing to perform properly and keep
your body processes at a normal level ….. it is also regulating your
metabolism, causing all food taken into your body to be used
properly… all excess waste materials from the food you eat is being
eliminated from your body in an easy natural way through the
normal processes of your elimination system… that will keep your
body clean, strong, and in perfect balance physically and mentally……

You will help your body make those adjustments by using the
principles of relaxation which you are now experiencing….. you will
remain calm and relaxed during your daily life…

Your unconscious mind will cause you to desire a sufficient amount

of iodised salt to properly adjust the taste of the foods you eat … you
will also desire, choose and eat sea foods in a sufficient amount
needed by your body to provide a proper amount of iodine to keep
your body in good health…

You will also help yourself by taking sufficient amounts of vitamin c
and calcium and magnesium tablets….

By following these instructions, and by avoiding foods your body

does not need, your body processes will rebuild your thyroid and it
will always function properly….
You are continuing to move into a more peaceful state of relaxation…
you are feeling the healing process of your body functioning…. Your
unconscious mind knows exactly what is needed to heal your body
completely…. Your inner mind is causing those processes to continue
functioning even after you awaken from the hypnotic state…… you
notice more improvement each day… and you will be pleased to be
aware of your health continuing to improve….

You will look forward to look each day… each day will be filled with
radiance, joy, love and happiness.. you will arise each morning
feeling stronger, and you will notice your energy and vitality
continuing to increase more each day.. the improvement will be
progressive… as each day passes you will continue improving… you
can be sure it will be permanent and lasting…

All of these suggestions and instructions are now in your mind.. your
unconscious mind is causing them to automatically keep improving
your health…. It’s a cycle of progress that keeps growing stronger… it
enables you to be more efficient in everything you do… your
happiness will continue increasing, and your life will be more
productive, more useful, and more prosperous.


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