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Brain Research Reviews 23 Ž1997.


Full-length review

The role of adrenocorticoids as modulators of immune function in health

and disease: neural, endocrine and immune interactions
Bruce S. McEwen a,) , Christine A. Biron b, Kenneth W. Brunson c , Karen Bulloch a ,
William H. Chambers c , Firdaus S. Dhabhar a , Ronald H. Goldfarb c , Richard P. Kitson c ,
Andrew H. Miller d , Robert L. Spencer a,1, Jay M. Weiss d
Laboratory of Neuroendocrinology, Rockefeller UniÕersity, 1230 York AÕenue, Box 165, New York, NY 10021, USA
DiÕision of Biology and Medicine, Brown UniÕersity, ProÕidence, RI, USA
Pittsburgh Cancer Institute, UniÕersity of Pittsburgh, School of Medicine, Pittsburgh, PA, USA
Department of Psychiatry and BehaÕioral Sciences, Emory UniÕersity School of Medicine, Atlanta, GA, USA
Accepted 9 July 1996


1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . ............................................................... 80
1.1. Perspective . . . . . . . ............................................................... 80
1.2. Historical background . ............................................................... 80

2. Components of the neuroendocrine-immune axis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81

2.1. Nature of the immune response . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
2.2. Hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal axis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
2.3. Autonomic nervous system–hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal interactions that affect immune system function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83

3. Behavioral influences on hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal activity and immune function ................................ 84

3.1. Behavior and individual differences . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ................................ 84
3.2. Stress effects on immune processes and mechanisms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ................................ 85

4. Mechanisms of action of adrenal steroids on the immune system . ........................................... 91

4.1. Adrenal steroid receptors in immune cells and tissues . . . . ........................................... 91
4.2. Immunologic mechanisms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........................................... 95

5. Disease models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103

5.1. Glucocorticoids and immune responses to viral infections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104
5.2. Role of glucocorticoids in tumor establishment and progression . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109
5.3. Glucocorticoids, autoimmune and inflammatory disease . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115
5.4. Genetic differences in hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal-axis responsivity — effects on resistance to autoimmune disease, infection and cancer. 118

6. Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............................................ 119

6.1. A new view of adrenal steroid effects on immune function ............................................ 119
6.2. An important role for other immune modulators . . . . . . ............................................ 120

Corresponding author. Fax: q1 Ž212. 327-8634; E-mail:
Present address: Department of Psychology, University of Colorado,
Boulder, CO, USA.

0165-0173r97r$32.00 Copyright q 1997 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

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80 B.S. McEwen et al.r Brain Research ReÕiews 23 (1997) 79–133

Acknowledgement ...................................................................... 120

References .......................................................................... 120

1. Introduction as hay fever and asthma. Ultimately, he developed the idea

that the concurrent conditions somehow stimulated the
1.1. PerspectiÕe release of an endogenous substance which was both anti-
allergic as well as anti-rheumatic. Discovery that the en-
Glucocorticoids are powerful regulators of immune dogenous compound was the adrenal steroid, cortisone
function. Their role in reducing inflammation and autoim- ŽKendall’s Compound E or 17-hydroxy-11-dehydrocorti-
mune responses is well known, as is their ability to induce costerone., ushered in the era of glucocorticoid therapy as
apoptosis in immature thymocytes. However, much of the a cornerstone of the treatment of autoimmune and inflam-
story of glucocorticoid effects on immunity has been de- matory diseases. Since Hench’s discovery w197x, tremen-
rived from in vitro studies on immune cells, as well as dous strides have been made regarding the clinical use of
from the in vitro and in vivo actions of synthetic glucocor- adrenal steroids. Moreover, numerous studies have re-
ticoids, both of which may not represent the complex vealed the basic biochemical and molecular mechanisms
effects manifested by endogenous adrenal steroids in vivo. by which adrenal steroids influence specific immune re-
As a result, the picture of glucocorticoid actions on im- sponses.
mune function has been biased towards the immuno- Concurrent with the early work of Hench and Kendall,
suppressive actions of these hormones. A more accurate Hans Selye w393x introduced experimental data demonstrat-
view of endogenous glucocorticoids is that they are subtle ing that a wide variety of stressors were associated with
and complex modulators of immune function, not only enlarged adrenal glands and involution of the thymus,
containing the exuberance of inflammatory and autoim- providing an important connection between endogenous
mune responses, but also both enhancing and inhibiting hormones and the immune system. However, Selye be-
host immune responses and thereby influencing disease lieved that glucocorticoids enhanced disease resistance by,
susceptibility and progression. for example, lysing lymphocytes and releasing antibodies
This article will summarize our current knowledge of w394x. He suggested that rheumatoid arthritis might be a
glucocorticoid physiology in relation to immune function disorder caused by an overproduction of adrenocortical
in health and disease. This is an important task because, hormones during stress and therefore represented a disease
while glucocorticoids are powerful regulators of immune of adaptation. When the anti-inflammatory and immuno-
function, much of the work on this topic has been fragmen- suppressive effects of glucocorticoids were discovered in
tary with regard to the specificity and diversity of gluco- the late 1940s, Selye’s notion of glucocorticoid enhance-
corticoid actions within diverse immune cell types and ment of immune system function was abandoned.
organs. As will be seen, the distribution of adrenal steroid In an effort to resolve the contrasting roles of glucocor-
receptors is different among immune cell types; and so are ticoids as both critical facilitators of the adaptive response
the effects of adrenal steroids on the response to or produc- to stress and powerful immunosuppresive agents, it was
tion of immune modulators. Finally, all of this must be suggested that the inhibitory effects on immune function
viewed in the context of disease, in order to determine the were primarily a result of pharmacologic effects of these
range of glucocorticoid effects that are beneficial to the hormones whereas the more positive effects of glucocorti-
host response during an immune challenge and to ascertain coids in orchestrating the adaptive response to stress were
the levels of stress or exposure to glucocorticoids that physiologic in nature. A decade ago, based on work that
exacerbate disease processess. all effects of adrenal steroids, whether occuring at physio-
logic or pharmacologic concentrations, were mediated
1.2. Historical background through the glucocorticoid receptor, a new model for glu-
cocorticoid–immune interactions was proposed. Incorpo-
In his Nobel Lecture delivered in 1950, Philip Hench rating the anti-inflammatory and immunosuppressive ef-
w197x described the discovery of an endogenously derived fects of glucocorticoids, Alan Munck suggested that adrenal
substance which had a significant impact on disease ex- steroids were functioning to protect the body by preventing
pression in individuals suffering from rheumatoid arthritis or ‘containing’ a potential overshoot of immune responses
w197x. His work stemmed from clinical observations that a w327,328x: e.g., containing or preventing immunologic re-
variety of concurrent conditions including jaundice, preg- sponses to ‘self’ antigens released during tissue damage
nancy, typhoid vaccination, surgical operations and short that would cause further tissue injury and possibly the
periods of starvation could significantly alter the course of development of autoimmune disorders. These notions of
rheumatoid arthritis and other immunologic disorders such glucocorticoid containment of the immune system were
B.S. McEwen et al.r Brain Research ReÕiews 23 (1997) 79–133 81

further developed by Hugo Besedovsky who suggested and maturation. These antigen-sensitive T and B lympho-
that glucocorticoid elevations following administration of cytes are distributed to strategically located lymphoid tis-
non-specific immune activators represented the role of sues, where they monitor the pathways Žwet membranes,
endogenous glucocorticoids in fine-tuning immune re- tissue fluids, lymphatics and blood. by which an invasive
sponses, antigen–antibody interactions in particular, after agent enters the body and is transported to its various
an immune challenge w40x. Munck presented the contain- targets w189x.
ment of the immune response in the broader context of The functions of the immune system can be divided into
glucocorticoid containment of a host of other physiological two separate categories: Ž1. non-adaptive or innate immu-
responses, ranging from edema after trauma to neurochem- nity; and Ž2. adaptive or specific immunity. Non-adaptive
ical responses to stressors w328x. This notion has been immunity lacks fine specificity, although selectivity in
further developed for the brain and provides a basis for recognition is apparent. It also lacks memory, i.e., no
understanding how neural and behavioral responses to enhanced response upon secondary exposure and it is
stressful challenges are buffered and regulated by the same frequently thought to provide an initial means of defense.
agents which contain immune function w295x. Adaptive immunity shows specificity in responsesm, as
More recently, it has become apparent that glucocorti- well as an ability to distinguish self from non-self. It is
coids, as originally suggested by Selye, do enhance certain also characterized by the ability to establish immunologic
aspects of the response to an immune challenge. Therefore, memory and by an enhanced response upon secondary
considerable interest has been shown in developing alter- exposure. However, these distinctions are for the ease of
native models of glucocorticoid–immune interactions that discussion of components of the immune system and there
incorporate both the facilitative as well as the inhibitory are clear instances of overlap and substantial interaction
effects of endogenous glucocorticoids w29,110,220,481x. In between these two categories.
other words, models are needed wherein glucocorticoids The mobile, functional cellular, and soluble elements of
guide and shape the immune system rather than either the immune system are organized and distributed in order
enhance or contain immune responses. The data upon to provide the capacity for both systemic and regional
which such a revision might be based is the topic of this reponsiveness to challenge w351x. The cells mediating
review. non-adaptive immunity such as myeloid and cytolytic cells
Žnatural killer ŽNK. cells. are involved in non-adaptive
responses and do not require prior activation to be func-
2. Components of the neuroendocrine-immune axis tional. Therefore they can provide an important first line of
defense against infectious agents during the early stages of
The tissues and organs of the immune system are an immune response. The complement system provides an
innervated by the autonomic nervous system ŽANS. and important humoral element of the non-adaptive immune
bathed by endocrine and paracrine hormones. They are system.
dynamic structures which develop and mature under the The cells with primary responsibility for adaptive im-
influence of these hormonal and neural regulators, in addi- munity are T and B lymphocytes w253,451x. B cells pro-
tion to their own internal regulators, cytokines. In order to duce immunoglobulins. T cell subsets function as
understand the immunologic influence of glucocorticoids, helperrinducers of responses, i.e. T helper 1 ŽTh1. and T
it is necessary to understand something about the organiza- helper 2 ŽTh2., and effectors, i.e., cytolytic T lymphocytes
tion of the immune system, its function and its develop- ŽCTL., mediating direct lysis of target cells.
ment, as well as the basic plan of the hypothalamic-pitui- An effective, specific immune response includes three
tary-adrenal axis. separate phases: an induction phase, in which the presence
of an infectious agentrimmunogen is detected and relevant
2.1. Nature of the immune response antigens are presented to T cells; an activation or expan-
sion phase, which includes the proliferation and mobiliza-
In mid-to-late embryogenesis, pleuripotential hemato- tion of immune cells important for the erradication of the
poietic stem cells, which are precursors to immunocytes infectious agentrimmunogen, largely regulated by the re-
Žlymphocytes and other cells of the immune system., lease of intrinsic modulators such as cytokines Žsee below.;
migrate from blood islands of the yolk sac to the fetal and the effector phase in which the infectious agentrim-
liver, the spleen and the bone marrow. There, they are munogen is neutralized and eliminated by humoral or
exposed to extrinsic and local microenvironmental factors cellular elements or by an interaction of both.
including those of the nervous and endocrine systems that
commit them to a granulocytic, an erythrocytic, lympho- 2.2. Hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal axis
cytic or a monocytic developmental pathway. Prelympho-
cytes then travel either to the thymus or to the bursa of The major goal of the immune system, namely, to
Fabricius in birds or bone marrow in other vertebrates, protect against the invasion and destruction of tissue by
where T cells and B cells undergo development, selection pathogens, is conducted within an organism whose life
82 B.S. McEwen et al.r Brain Research ReÕiews 23 (1997) 79–133

thalamus, and limbic brain w244x. Thus, the HPA axis is a

closed-loop circuit.
When considering the effects of glucocorticoid hor-
mones on the immune system it is important to bear in
mind that glucocorticoid levels vary considerably through-
out the day. There are two modes of glucocorticoid secre-
tion. One mode is phasic, as in the stress response, whereas
the second mode is cyclic, as in the circadian rhythm; both
modes operate more or less independently, in that the
timing of the circadian rhythm is not affected by the stress
response except under extreme conditions Žfor a review,
see w296x..
Whether linked to stress or to the circadian rhythm,
glucocorticoids are part of a complex signalling system
between the external environment, the brain and the rest of
the body. This system links waking and sleeping states,
food seeking and cognitive behaviors with a variety of
physiological processes, such as metabolism of food and
movement of cells of the immune system throughout the
body w176,276,296,347,363x. Events are often stressful be-
cause they violate expectations w276,345x and the stress-in-
duced secretion of glucocorticoids is regulated, at least in
Fig. 1. Innervation of immune system organs by the autonomic nervous
system. part, through the activity of the hippocampal formation
w222x. The hippocampus is a brain structure that is associ-
ated with aspects of learning and memory, especially those
support mechanisms are governed by the neuroendocrine aspects related to spatial memory and ‘working’ memory
system and the ANS. These systems work together to w129x. The hippocampus plays an important role in the
modulate immune activation as well as provide checks and ‘cognitive’ aspects of the response to stress and operates
balances to contain the potentially destructive properties of together with the amygdala, hypothalamus, periaqueductal
this activation. In order to understand the influence of gray matter and other brain structures to regulate the
glucocorticoids, it is necessary to briefly review the basic behavior of the animal under conditions that, by reason of
plan of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis and some many internal and external factors, may be perceived as
of its interactions with the autonomic nervous system. stressful w270,294x.
The hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal ŽHPA. axis consists Although the focus of this review will be upon the
of three components: the hypothalamus, particularly the modulation of the immune system by glucocorticoids, at
paraventricular nucleus ŽPVN., the anterior pituitary, and times consideration will also be given to possible immuno-
the adrenal cortex Žsee Fig. 1.. Within these three tissues modulation by another adrenal steroid, aldosterone. Aldos-
are specialized cells that synthesize and secrete three terone is the principal mineralocorticoid in humans and
molecules that act as the primary signals of the HPA axis: rodents and plays an important role in regulating sodium
corticotropin releasing hormone ŽCRH., adrenocorti- and water retention. Regulation of aldosterone secretion is
cotropin hormone ŽACTH., and glucocorticoid hormone largely under the control of the hormone, angiotensin II.
Žcortisol in humans and corticosterone in rats.. CRH is Aldosterone becomes relevant to our discussion because
produced by a subset of parvocellular neurons in the PVN the receptor, for aldosterone Žreferred to as the Type-I
of the hypothalamus and CRH is probably an obligatory adrenal steroid receptor or mineralocorticoid receptor; see
and primary stimulus for ACTH production and secretion; subsection 4.1. has an equally high affinity for the endoge-
norepinephrine, angiotensin II, vasopressin and oxytocin nous glucocorticoids, cortisol or corticosterone. Whether
can potentiate these effects w9x. ACTH is produced by a aldosterone or corticosteroids are the primary endogenous
subset of anterior pituitary cells Žcorticotrophs. and is the hormone for these Type-I receptors appears to often de-
primary stimulus for glucocorticoid synthesis and secretion pend on the location of these receptors and the local
from cells in the adrenal cortex. The glucocorticoids are presence of an enzyme Ž11-b-hydroxysteroid dehydroge-
the final end product of activation of the HPA axis and are nase. that preferentially metabolizes corticosteroids. Thus,
the primary effector molecule of this neurohormonal cir- in the kidney, where 11-b-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase
cuit. Glucocorticoid receptors are found in both the PVN is localized, aldosterone is the principal hormone for Type-I
and the anterior pituitary and glucocorticoids have a well adrenal steroid receptors w151x. Overall the circulating
documented negative feedback effect on CRH and ACTH levels of corticosteronercortisol are much higher than
synthesis and secretion at the levels of the pituitary, hypo- aldosterone, so that in many regions of the brain, where
B.S. McEwen et al.r Brain Research ReÕiews 23 (1997) 79–133 83

11-b-steroid dehydrogenase does not appear to be a factor, Table 1

corticosteroids appear to be the principal hormone for Glucocorticoid effects on immune cells
Type-I receptors. It still remains to be determined whether Increases:
aldosterone has an important immunomodulatory role that Insulin receptors human lymphocytes
is mediated by Type-I receptors located in immune cells. ß-Adrenergic receptors human lymphocytes
High-affinity VIP receptors human monocytes
Ig E stimulation by Il-4 human lymphocytes
2.3. Autonomic nerÕous system–hypothalamo-pituitary- IgG, IgA, IgM human lymphocytes
adrenal interactions that affect immune system function IgA levels in serum intact rats
The ANS is divided into three components: the Il-1, 2, 6, 8, 12 production various species
parasympathetic, with cranial and sacral connections; the TNF, granulocyte colony stimulation factor various species
MHC-1 or MHC-2 or both
sympathetic, with central nervous connections in the tho- Fc receptor on granulocytes human granulocytes
racic and lumbar segments of the spinal cord; and the Eicosanoid biosynthesis macrophages
enteric nervous system w67x. Sensory afferents are impor- Proenkephalin mRNA rat B cells
tant sources of input to the ANS w132x.
Low to moderate concentrations of adrenal steroids enhance the humoral
Experimental work now indicates that a direct and
immune response by increasing helper T cell production of IL-4 w105x and
significant influence on immune development and function enhancing IL-4 actions to increase immunoglobulin E production by B
is mediated through ANS innervation of the major lym- lymphocytes w144,475x. Adrenal steroids also increase ß-adrenergic recep-
phoid tissues involved in the production, education, and tor density on lymphocytes w91,423x and this effect may be able to
function of the lymphocyte as well as through independent potentiate the stimulation via ß-adrenergic receptors of the differentiation
of precursor B lymphocytes in to IgM-secreting cells w382x. However, not
and interdependent endocrine system hormones secreted
all inductive effects of glucocorticoids result in immunoenhancement. For
by the cells of the pituitary, adrenals, gonads, thyroid and example, adrenal steroids also increase receptors for VIP on immune cells
the immune tissues. Virtually every organ of the immune w469x and VIP inhibits T cell mitogenesis w346x. Glucocorticoids also
system receives innervation from the ANS Žsee Fig. 2; for induce insulin receptors on lymphocytes, but the functional implications
reviews, see w45,67,228,406x.. The distribution and density of this induction are not clear at present w133x. At the same time, adrenal
steroids have many effects which reduce immune responses w98x. These
of nerves and their neurotransmitters varies greatly within
include inhibiting the production and responses of lymphocytes to the
lymphoid tissues. This is also true for the expression of the cytokines, IL-1 and IL-2 w328x and suppressing the expression of
corresponding receptors on the surfaces of the immuno- proenkephalin mRNA w32x. Not only is T cell differentiation suppressed
cytes w190,292,358x. by glucocorticoids, but also early events in B cell activation are sup-
Many neurotransmitters and their receptors of the sym- pressed w60x as well as monocyte to macrophage differentiation w369x. The
inhibition of the MHC I expression by glucocorticoids appears to be
pathetic, parasympathetic, enteric and sensory nervous sys-
another of the repressive function of the glucocorticoid receptor w73x.
tems have been detected and mapped within the tissues

and organs of the immune system. They include but

are not limited to: substance P, VIP, somatostatin,
acetylcholine, CGRP, endorphins, enkephalins, NPY,
CCK, norepinephrine, dopamine. For reviews, see
The neurotransmitters and hormones of the ANS and its
various components are released as a result of stimuli from
an immune response and they act upon receptors that are
developmentally regulated or expressed in response to
another chemical signal, such as a circulating hormone.
Because we focus on adrenal steroids in this review, only a
few examples will be cited where interactions occur be-
tween the immune system, the adrenal steroids and various
components of the ANS Žsee Table 1.. For other aspects of
this topic, the reader should consult recent reviews
Glucocorticoids modulate the expression of parasympa-
thetic Že.g., muscarinic acetylcholine receptors. on mature
thymocytes w292x and adrenergic receptors on the mono-
cytesrmacrophages w358x. Furthermore, the activation of
acetylcholineesterase has been shown to be influenced by
Fig. 2. Schematic diagram of the dual regulation of immune system glucocorticoids w16,68x. Glucocorticoids also modulate
activity by the HPA axis and the autonomic nervous system. sympathetic activity, which in turn has powerful effects on
84 B.S. McEwen et al.r Brain Research ReÕiews 23 (1997) 79–133

immune function ŽFig. 2.. Studies now show that the humans to hostility, substance abuse, impulsive behavior
activation of release of catecholamines from nerve termi- and suicide w19,64,324x.
nals is negatively regulated or ‘contained’ by glucocorti- Long-term aspects of stress responsiveness are also
coids w266x.Furthermore, the suppression of cellular im- highly individualized and are related, in part, to environ-
mune responses commonly caused by stress, of which mental influences on genetic make-up. In animal studies,
activation of the sympathetic nervous system and release diabetes-prone rats respond to repeated stresses in adult-
of glucocorticoids is a major component, was reversed by hood with an accelerated expression of the diabetes w245x.
pharmacological blockade of adrenergic receptors w95,96x. In humans, juvenile Type-I diabetes incidence is increased
Diminution of stress effects by sympathetic blockade was in children exposed between ages 5 and 9 to threatened or
greater when splenic lymphocytes were examined as op- actual losses within the family w185x. The stressful early
posed to peripheral blood lymphocytes, indicating that the life experience of separation from the mother in a non-hu-
sympathetic nervous system has a greater role in modulat- man primate model promoted a behavioral disturbance
ing stress-induced effects on splenic than on peripheral later in life, namely, alcohol abuse w225x.
blood lymphocytes w265x. Thus compartmentation of the These early experiences can also lead to long lasting
role of autonomic and hormonal modulators of immune effects on the HPA axis w89,301x. For example, studies on
function is an important aspect of neuro–endocrine–im- early maternal separation in rats indicate that short periods
mune interactions. of separation from the mother accompanied by gentle
Finally, the enteric nervous system is an important and handling lead to facilitated termination of the glucocorti-
often neglected aspect of the immune defense mechanism. coid response to stress in adulthood w301x. These changes
The ability of the gut to clear pathogenic invasion has are in part secondary to increased expression of hippocam-
recently been shown to be compromised by stress hor- pal glucocorticoid receptors which are believed to subserve
mones such as the glucocorticoids w58,406x. This might feedback inhibition on hypothalamic neurons which re-
well take place through either a primary direct interaction lease CRF. In contrast, more prolonged separation experi-
or through modulation the release of neuropeptides of the ences Ž3 h. lead to impaired shut-off of the stress response
intestinal tract. in adulthood and the resultant increased glucocorticoid
response to stress is believed to exacerbate neuronal de-
generation in later life. Early immune activation can also
3. Behavioral influences on hypothalamo-pituitary- lead to increased glucocorticoid responsiveness and im-
adrenal activity and immune function paired feedback inhibition in adult animals w301x. In in-
frahuman primates, adverse early experiences have been
3.1. BehaÕior and indiÕidual differences reported to elevate cerebrospinal fluid levels of CRF later
in life w89x.
Before considering the role of glucocorticoids in detail, Stress may have other consequences for disease: e.g.,
we shall summarize what is known about behavioral influ- increasing susceptibility to infection by and expression of
ences on immune function and consider the influence of the common cold w85x as well as of other viral infections
stressful events on immunity. It is important to discuss w249,250x; and promoting asthmatic attacks w323x and my-
stress effects on immunity as an initial reference point ocardial infarction w325x. Stress elevates both glucocorti-
because stressful experience are not simply mimicked by coid and insulin levels and the combination of these
elevating stress hormone levels, as will be discussed later hormones leads to hyperlipidemia and increases
in this review. Indeed, many stressors activate autonomic artherosclerosis w64x. In rats, repeated stress increases ab-
and HPA activity as well as behavioral responses, but dominal fat deposition w369x; and, in rhesus monkeys,
whether this activation or these responses occur and to social stress increases atherosclerosis in dominant animals
what extent they take place depends on individual traits fed a moderately atherogenic diet w293x.
w459x. Whether a situation is perceived to be stressful All of these examples serve to illustrate that stressful
depends on prior experience and developmental history, events have both acute and chronic consequences for the
which combine to sensitize or protect the individual from expression of disease. The long-term effects of stress
particular challenges w375x. The responses to the challenge responsiveness influence the expression of inherited pre-
are also individualized: e.g., behaviors chosen may involve dispositions and no doubt help to account for the large
aggression or submission or may result in humiliation or influence of the environment in a variety of disease states,
adaptation. These responses, in turn, may further increase including Type-I diabetes, depression, schizophrenia,
or decrease vulnerability to other challenges. Furthermore, asthma and Alzheimer’s disease, in which the genetic
there will be individual differences in the extent of en- component results in only 40–60% concordances among
docrine and autonomic responses that accompany these identical twin pairs w21,103,323,354x.
different types of response. Internal neurochemical features As far as the immune system is concerned, it has been
have been associated with different responses; e.g., low recognized for some time that stress increases susceptibil-
brain serotonin is linked in animals to aggression and in ity to, as well as severity of, disease processes in which
B.S. McEwen et al.r Brain Research ReÕiews 23 (1997) 79–133 85

Table 2
Stress-associated changes in the immune system of humans
Representative effects Stressor Reference
Increased number of neutrophils spaceflight w252x
Decreased lymphoproliferation following mitogen stimulation bereavement w22x
Reduced lymphocyte cytotoxicity life change w178x
Increased interferon production noise, sleep deprivation w350x
Decreased interferon production medical school final examination w165x
Decreased phagocytosis life change w87x
Decreased natural killer cell activity medical school final examination w251x
Decreased helper and suppressor T cell percentages and helper-to-suppressor ratio medical school final examination w163x
Decreased salivary IgA academic striving w224x
Increased antibody titers to herpes viruses medical school final examination w248x

immune defense mechanisms are prominently involved, Suppression of immune responses. As indicated in
such as responses to infectious pathogens w86,249x as well Tables 2 and 3, the most-reported consequence of stress is
as the development and progression of cancers w18,150x. suppression of immune responses. An illustration of the
The data supporting the influence of stress on such disease effects of exposure to a stressful environment on a variety
processes derives from both epidemiologicalrobserva- of cellular immune responses is shown in Fig. 3 w446x. The
tional studies Že.g., w27,163,390x. and experimental studies stressor in this case was exposure of rats to a tail-shock
Že.g., w85,400x.. Also, the conclusion that stress affects environment for 19 h. Lymphocytes taken from either the
disease processes is indicated not only by studies in which blood or spleen of animals that underwent this stressful
stressful conditions have been found to exacerbate disease experience Ži.e., ‘stress’ subjects. showed, in comparison
processes, but also recently by data suggesting that the to responses of lymphocytes taken from animals that had
removal or diminution of stress can decrease the normal simply remained in their home-cage prior to being killed
progression of disease w139,418x. Ži.e., ‘home-cage’ subjects., marked decreases in vitro in:
Ža. responsivity Žproliferation. to the mitogen phytohemag-
glutinin-P ŽPHA.; Žb. NK cell activity; Žc. production of
3.2. Stress effects on immune processes and mechanisms
IL-2 and interferon when stimulated by mitogen; and Žd.
expression of IL-2 receptors. The measurements shown in
3.2.1. Description of effects of stress Fig. 3 were made using the same number of lymphocytes
Stressful conditions affect immune defense mecha- from each animal and consequently do not reflect differ-
nisms. Tables 2 and 3 list a variety of immune responses ences in the total number of lymphocytes present in blood
that have been measured in humans and experimental or spleen of stressed compared to non-stressed animals.
animals after exposure to stressful conditions. These tables However, it should be noted that the stress schedule uti-
list the particular immune-related response found to be lized in these studies reduces the number of lymphocytes
changed by exposure to a stressor and the initial reference in both blood w242x and spleen w112x of rats, causing a
showing that the particular immune parameter is affected. stress-induced lymphopenia w393x.

Table 3
Stress-associated changes in the immune system of mice and rats
Representative effects Stressor Reference
Involution of the thymus restraint Žrat. w393x
Leukopenia noise Žrat. w314x
Decreased lymphocyte proliferation to mitogenic stimulation noise Žmouse. w314x
Decreased lymphocyte proliferation to antigenic stimulation isolation Žrat. w228x
Increased lymphocyte proliferation by antigenic stimulation crowding Žrat. w228x
Reduced lymphocyte cytotoxicity noise Žmouse. w314x
Decreased interferon production avoidance learning task-shock Žmouse. w225x
Decreased macrophage cytotoxic activity restraint Žmouse. w341x
Decreased natural killer cell activity uncontrollable shock Žrat. w397x
Diminished delayed-type hypersensitivity ambient heat Žmouse. w353x
Delayed allograft rejection avoidance learning task-shock Žmouse. w472x
Decreased antibody response to challenge overcrowding, uncontrollable shock Žrat. w412x
Decreased IL-2 production uncontrollable shock Žrat. w464x
Decreased expression of IL-2 receptors uncontrollable shock Žrat. w464x
B.S. McEwen et al.r Brain Research ReÕiews 23 (1997) 79–133

Fig. 3. In vitro responses of lymphocytes harvested from stressed and non-stressed animals. ‘Stress’ animals were exposed to intermittent tail shocks over a period of 19 h whereas non-stressed animals
Ž‘home cage’. were simply remained in the home-cage. Measures were ŽA. response to mitogen, ŽB. natural killer ŽNK. cell activity ŽC., interferon and interleukin-2 ŽIL-2. production and ŽD. IL-2 receptor
expression. Means and standard errors are shown. For all measures, an equivalent number of lymphocytes from each animal was tested. Response to mitogen was measured by the incorporation of
w 3 Hxthymidine into phytohemagglutinin ŽPHA.-stimulated cells. NK cell activity was measured by release of radioactively labeled Cr from target ŽYAC. cells w366x. IL-2 was assessed in the supernatant of
PHA-stimulated lymphocytes by measuring incorporation of w 3 Hxthymidine into IL-2-dependent cytotoxic T lymphocyte line cells w160x. Interferon production was assessed by determining the dilution of
supernatant of stimulated lymphocytes that would protect mouse L cells from vesicular stomatitis virus w143x. IL-2 receptor expression was assessed by determining the amount of IL-2 binding to lymphocytes
at 08C w264x.
B.S. McEwen et al.r Brain Research ReÕiews 23 (1997) 79–133 87

The effects shown in Fig. 3 were produced by acute

exposure to a stressor, although the stress session used to
generate these data was of moderately long duration. How-
ever, suppression of cellular immune responses is found
when the acute stressful condition is brief in duration and
also when stress has been induced by learned fear. As
examples, Rabin, Lysle, Cunnick and colleagues w96,284x
found that when animals were exposed to a foot-shock
session lasting 64 minutes, there was reduced NK cell
activity and lymphocyte responsivity to the mitogens PHA
and concanavalin A ŽConA. compared to splenic cells
extracted from animals that were handled but not shocked.
These investigators also showed that brief exposure to a
fear-producing environment decreased the same cellular
immune responses as were altered by exposure to shock
w281,282x. When animals were simply placed for 40’ into a
shock chamber where they had received footshocks 6 days
earlier, their splenic lymphocytes showed decreased mito-
genic responses to PHA, ConA and the B-cell mitogen
lipopolysaccharide ŽLPS., in relation to two other groups:
Ža. ‘baseline’ animals that had never been handled but
were simply taken from their home cage and killed; and
Žb. animals that had been given foot-shock 6 days earlier Fig. 4. Mitogenic response of splenic lymphocytes from animals exposed
but then were not re-exposed to the shock chamber prior to to a loud sound Žapproximately 100 dB for 5 s every minute during a 1-
being killed. or 3-h period around midnight. for different numbers of days. For
mitogenesis Žresponse to lipopolysaccharide ŽLPS. and concanavalin A
The immune responses described above were all mea- ŽconA., incorporation of w 3 Hxthymidine in vitro was measured. Data from
sured in vitro. However, as indicated in Table 2, suppres- Monjan and Collector w314x.
sion of immune responses by acute stressors is also seen
when responses are examined in vivo. For example, inves- response was replaced by enhancement after the animals
tigators have found that stressful conditions decrease anti- have been exposed to the stressor for a prolonged period of
body titers in response to antigenic challenge in vivo time. Other investigators have reported similar findings
w145,269,322x. Also, under certain conditions, delayed-type w216,226x.
hypersensitivity measured in vivo has been found to be Additional support for the ability of chronic Žor long-
suppressed by stress w341,353x and by exogenous doses of term. exposure to a stressor to diminish initial inhibitory
synthetic and natural glucocorticoids w113x. Finally, tumor effects can also be gleaned from studies of tumor develop-
development and cancer, especially in response to stimuli ment, in which long-term exposure to a stressor produces
that are subject to immune surveillance Že.g., viruses., are enhanced resistance to the development of the tumor
increased in animals exposed to acute stressors, which is w367,368,408x. Although such evidence shows that chronic
indicative of decreased immune surveillance of the tumor- exposure to a stressor can diminish stress-induced suppres-
producing agent w233,408x. These topics are discussed in sion of cellular immune responses, it is important to
detail later in this review. exercise caution in assuming that this will be the case in
any particular instance. First, the number of studies that Enhancement of immune responses. (i) Chronic have demonstrated enhancement of immune responses as
stress. The effects described above occur from acute expo- the result of chronic stress are, at present, few in number.
sure to a stressor. In experimental studies with animals, Second, the precise amount andror type of exposure to
chronic Žlong-term or repeated. exposure to stressors is stress that is needed for development of enhanced immune
often found not to cause suppression of immune parame- responses requires further elucidation. For example,
ters. A seminal finding in this regard was reported by Aarstad et al. w1x reported that exposure of rats to a brief
Monjan and Collector w314x when these investigators first swim in cold water produced suppression of NK cell
reported that exposure of animals to stressful events could activity when animals had been repeatedly subjected to
suppress cellular immune responses. Using loud sound as this stressor for 8 days. Ghoneum et al. w158x reported that
the stressful stimulus, Monjan and Collector found that 8 days of individual housing Ž‘isolation’. had the same
mitogen-induced lymphocyte proliferation, as well as cyto- effect. Thus, the precise parameters of chronic Žor re-
toxicity, were enhanced after animals had been exposed to peated. exposure to a stressor that will reverse suppression
the stressor for 4–6 weeks. The results, shown in Fig. 4, of immune responses produced by acute stressors remain
illustrate how initial suppression of a cellular immune to be clarified.
88 B.S. McEwen et al.r Brain Research ReÕiews 23 (1997) 79–133

(ii) Acute stress. In addition to chronic stress, certain stress intensity and magnitude of cellular immune response
acute stressful conditions may also enhance immune re- was the same: first decreased, then increased and then
sponses, although these conditions not yet been studied in decreased again. In summary, very mild stimulation Že.g.,
any detail. Such findings have been described in a small handling. and intense stimulation Že.g., 19 h of tail shock.
number of reports w37,93,464x. Recently, Dhabhar and both produced suppression of cellular immune responses,
McEwen w114x have shown that acute, moderate stress while stimulation of moderate intensity Že.g., usually three
induces a significant enhancement in an antigen-specific, shocks in the study described. produced enhancement of
cell-mediated immune response in vivo. these immune responses. These data indicate that, whereas
The acute manipulations that have enhanced immune a variety of stressful conditions apparently cause suppres-
responses appear to be relatively mild in intensity in sion of cellular immune responses, there exists a ‘zone’ in
comparison to the sorts of manipulations used in conven- which stressful conditions of moderate intensity can en-
tional ‘stress’ experiments. One of these studies w464x hance these responses.
assessed the impact of a range of environmental stimuli on
cellular immune parameters, examining conditions known 3.2.2. Mechanisms mediating effects of stress on immune
to suppress immune responses as well as much milder responses
conditions than are generally studied. The conditions ex- Stress-induced changes in immune responses are pro-
amined in that study, in descending order of stressor duced via physiological mechanisms involving the activa-
intensity, were: Ža. exposure to a tail shock regimen previ- tion of the ANS and the HPA axis. Historically, the
ously shown to profoundly depress immune responses Ži.e., physiological response most commonly associated with
19 h in the tail shock environment.; Žb. a briefer exposure stress-induced alterations of immune responses has been
to the tail shock condition Ž2 h.; Žc. gentle handling Ž1-min the elevation of adrenal steroids. Early in his investiga-
duration. daily for 4 days, exposure to a novel environ- tions, Selye w393x observed that adrenal steroids were
ment for 10 min and three mild, brief shocks; and Žd. only capable of affecting immune-related organs Žthymus, lymph
handling daily for 4 days. One hour after each of these nodes. and, when elevated by stressful conditions, that
treatments was completed, lymphocytes were harvested glucocorticoids produced lymphopenia. Subsequent studies
and various responses measured in vitro. All responses demonstrated and it is now well known, that steroids can
examined ŽNK cell activity, response to PHA stimulation have immunosuppressive effects w83,140,159x. Also, dis-
and IL-2 production. exhibited a similar pattern of effects. ease processes, such as viral infection, are promoted by
In comparison to the responses of lymphocytes obtained pharmacological doses of glucocorticoids w298x. The asso-
from animals that were not treated at all Ži.e., ‘home-cage’ ciation between stress, elevated glucocorticoids and sup-
subjects., simply handling animals caused significantly pression of immune function seemed so clear that a decade
decreased responses; exposure to the novel environment ago it was assumed that stress-induced elevation of circu-
that included three brief, mild shocks in addition to the lating steroids accounted for stress-related immunosuppres-
handling caused significantly increased responses; and ex- sion w368x.
posing the rats to long-duration Ž19 h. tail-shock condition However, reliance on steroid elevation as the sole medi-
produced, as expected, profoundly decreased responses. ator of stress-induced suppression of immune responses is
The 2-h shock condition did not differ from the non-stressed overly simplistic. Although suppression of immune-related
condition. responses of both T and B lymphocytes are readily pro-
Fig. 5 shows all of the individual observations made for duced in vitro w130,146,152x, stressful events that elevate
two measures, NK activity Ž100:1 ratio of effector to target circulating adrenal steroids in vivo do not necessarily
cells is shown. and IL-2 production. As illustrated in this cause suppressed immune responses of T andror B cells
figure, the study was carried out by conducting four repli- w146,340,341x. Moreover, stress-related changes in certain
cations of the basic experiment, each consisting of two immune parameters have been found to correlate poorly
animals under each of the five conditions described above. with elevations of adrenal hormones w215,318x. Further,
In each replication, it can be seen that the relationship continued elevation of steroids by chronic stress does not
between intensity of the stressful condition and the im- result in continuing effects on cellular immune responses
mune measure was the same. That is, as the stressfulness w256x.
of the condition to which the animal was exposed in- These data indicate that the link between steroid eleva-
creased Ži.e., progressing from ‘handling’ to ‘19 hours’., tion and immune changes is less clear than was initially
suppression of in vitro immune responses was observed thought. Perhaps the most convincing demonstration that
initially, followed by enhancement, followed by marked stress-induced changes in immune-related responses can
suppression. Even in the one replication where the groups occur independently of adrenal steroids was presented by
did not show precisely the same effects as seen in the other Keller et al. w243x, who showed that stress-induced sup-
replications Ži.e., replication 1, where ‘three shocks’ was pression of the mitogenic response of blood lymphocytes
not elevated relative to non-stressed and ‘2 h’ was not in vitro occurred in animals whose adrenal glands had
similar to non-stressed., the basic relationship between been surgically removed. Weiss et al. w463x, using the same
B.S. McEwen et al.r Brain Research ReÕiews 23 (1997) 79–133 89

Fig. 5. Natural killer ŽNK. cell activity ŽA. and interleukin-2 ŽIL-2. production ŽB. by splenic lymphocytes from animals that were exposed to a range of
increasingly stressful conditions. Five different conditions were studied: undisturbed Žno stress. in home-cage Žhome-cage., handled Ž1 min. daily for 4
days Žhandled., handled and exposed briefly Ž10 min. to a novel environment in which three mild foot shocks were given Žthree shock., 2 h in an enclosure
where tail shock was given Ž2 h. and 19 h in the tail shock condition Ž19 h.. Conditions are placed on the abscissa in order of increasing stressfulness Žleft
to right.. Values for all animals in this study are shown above; the study consisted of four replications Ž1–4. with each replication composed of two
subjects in each of the five different conditions. Values in ŽA. are the percentage of 51Cr released from radiolabeled YAC-1 target cells Žratio of effector to
target cells shown is 100:1.; in ŽB. interleukin-2 ŽIL-2. production was measured by the ability of IL-2-containing supernatant from mitogen-stimulated
splenic lymphocytes to support growth of cytotoxic T lymphocyte line ŽCTLL. cells; shown are counts per min of w 3 Hxthymidine incorporated into the
CTLL cells.
90 B.S. McEwen et al.r Brain Research ReÕiews 23 (1997) 79–133

stressor as employed by Keller and colleagues showed that virus; this stress-induced reduction in cell influx into re-
a variety of cellular immune functions ŽNK cell activity, gionally infected lymph nodes was completely blocked by
response to mitogen, IL-2 and interferon production. of the glucocorticoid receptor antagonist RU486, thereby in-
splenic lymphocytes were markedly suppressed by expo- dicating that the stress-induced elevation of glucocorti-
sure to the stressor regardless of whether animals were coids was responsible for preventing the influx of cells
normal Žintact., adrenalectomized, sham-operated or into draining lymph nodes. Fleshner and colleagues also
adrenalectomized with a corticosteroid pellet implant that recently reported using RU486 to block stress-induced
produced a constant, low-level of circulating cortico- suppression of antibody ŽIgG. production to the antigen
sterone. KLH w289,290x. Since development of IgG to KLH deliv-
But while it is now clear that effects of stress on ered intraperitoneally may depend on lymphocyte migra-
immune responses and on diseases that are affected by tion to the mesenteric lymph nodes w145x, these findings
immune processes, cannot be explained simply by the may parallel those of Dobbs et al. w119x wherein stress
influence of stressful events on circulating glucocorticoids, appears to produce effects by preventing appropriate lym-
recent data indicate that stress-induced changes in circulat- phocyte migration via elevated stimulation of glucocorti-
ing steroids do influence a number of immune responses coid receptors. Lymphocyte migration is dealt with below
and that such changes consequently may play a significant in subsection 4.2.3.
role in disease processes. First, there are certain changes in Although not the focus of the review, other mechanisms
immune parameters, particularly responses of blood lym- that have been found to mediate effects of stressful condi-
phocytes, that are highly correlated with stress-induced tions on immune responses are worth mentioning here.
changes in circulating glucocorticoids. For example, Lysle First, stress-induced activation of the sympathetic nervous
et al. w282x observed that suppression of mitogen-induced system influences immune-related functions. In stress-in-
proliferation of blood lymphocytes correlated well with the duced suppression of immune responses produced by acute
steroid levels resulting from various environmental manip- exposure to stressors, activation of sympathetic nerves has
ulations. Also, it has been reported recently that mitogene- been shown to mediate certain aspects of this effect,
sis in vitro of splenic lymphocytes is enhanced by brief particularly influencing lymphocytes in sympathetically
exposure to low levels of corticosterone via interaction innervated organs Že.g., spleen. w15,96x. Second, opioid
with the mineralocorticoid receptors w468x. This could peptides have been shown to mediate stress-induced sup-
relate to the mechanism underlying the elevation in cellu- pression of NK cell activity w397xand do so by influencing
lar immune parameters produced by brief, mild stress as opiate receptors in the brain w457x. Third, also at the level
reported by Weiss et al. w464x. Second, investigators have of the brain, intracranially administered corticotrophin re-
found that, by using adrenalectomy or chemical blockade leasing factor ŽCRF. has been implicated in the pathways
of glucocorticoid receptors, certain effects of stressful by which stress reduces immune responses w215,217x, as
conditions do appear to be mediated through action of has interleukin-1 administration into the brain w434x, which
adrenal hormones. Okimura et al. w340x found that circulat- appears to act via stimulation of CRF w384,435x. Further-
ing IgG generated in response to a T-independent antigen more, peptides, as yet uncharacterized, that are released
was enhanced in mice by restraint and this effect was into circulation as a result of stress also have been found to
blocked by adrenalectomy. Chemical blockade of b-adren- influence cellular immune responses w313,463x.
ergic receptors had no effect on this response, thereby
indicating that this effect of stress was occurring through 3.2.3. Summary of stress and stress mediators
adrenal steroids removed by the adrenalectomy. Stressors generally have been found to increase disease
One immune parameter that seems to be particularly and tumor growth and to suppress a variety of immune-re-
influenced by adrenal steroids is trafficking of lympho- lated responses. However, there are instances in which
cytes among various compartments in the body, which will repeatedly applied stress has been reported to attenuate the
be discussed in detail elsewhere in this review ŽSection 4.. suppression of immune responses that is produced by acute
Suffice it to say here, that the early study of Keller et al. stressors; and even acute stressors of mildrmoderate inten-
w243x, which showed that PHA-induced proliferation of sity, which may act to stimulate or excite the animal, have
blood lymphocytes could be suppressed by stress in the been found to enhance certain immune responses. How-
absence of the adrenal gland, also found that the number of ever, studies of this kind are not numerous and discrepant
lymphocytes circulating in blood was dependent on the results have been reported w283,473x which await clarifica-
plasma–steroid level seen in each of the conditions, thereby tion. These seemingly diverse and contradictory results
indicating that reduction in circulating lymphocytes that is regarding the effects of stress are perhaps not too surpris-
observed in stressful conditions is the result of stress-in- ing, when one realizes that stress-induced changes in im-
duced elevation of corticosteroid levels. Dobbs et al. w119x mune function are mediated by multiple mechanisms and
has recently found that long-term restraint stress blocked mediators functioning simultaneously and often in opposi-
the accumulation of cells in popliteal lymphocytes in tion to one another. This includes the adrenal steroids with
animals inoculated in the foot pads with herpes simplex their multiplicity of actions on immune cells and functions.
B.S. McEwen et al.r Brain Research ReÕiews 23 (1997) 79–133 91

Nevertheless, studies of stress effects on immune func-

tion have not systematically tried to separate effects of
acute stress from those of chronic stress. In particular, it
will be useful to look at implications for immune function
of the recently introduced notion of ‘allostatic load’, the
wear and tear produced on the body by the body’s own
coping with environmental demand by maintaining a dy-
namic equilibrium called allostasis as opposed to the older
term, homeostasis w297x. Allostatic load implies that medi-
ators of the autonomic and HPA axis are chronically
elevated or fail to shut off promptly after a stressful
experience or are repeatedly elevated by repeated chal-
lenges to the organism. The same situation may apply to
cytokine production.
In what follows, we will consider the impact of adrenal
steroids on the immune system under normal circum-
stances and during viral infections, tumor metastasis and
inflammatory and autoimmune disorders.

4. Mechanisms of action of adrenal steroids on the

immune system
Fig. 6. Distribution of type-I and type-II receptor binding in immune
Whereas there are multiple regulators of immune func-
tissues, pituitary and hippocampus. Mean"S.E.M. for Bma x values of
tion, it is the actions of adrenal steroids that are among the 3–5 separate determinations on tissue from adrenalectomized rats. For
most powerful and pervasive, as well as somewhat misun- pituitary, single point assays were performed at a saturating radioligand
derstood. In general, many of the adrenal steroid effects concentration Ž ns 4.. Reprinted from w311x, by permission.
involve inhibition of immune function, but in quite a few
instances glucocorticoids may actually enhance both the
availability and activity of specific immune cells Žsee geneity among immune cells and tissues in the expression
Table 1.. We now consider the receptors for adrenal of adrenal steroid receptor subtypes. This no doubt reflects
steroids and their actions on immune cells and processes. the heterogeneity of cell types and their differential expres-
sion of receptors, although it has not been possible thus far
4.1. Adrenal steroid receptors in immune cells and tissues to quantify adrenal steroid receptor levels in individual cell
types Žsee Fig. 6.. For example, consistent with the well-
4.1.1. Adrenal steroid receptor types and distribution known sensitivity of the thymus to elevations in adrenal
The majority of the immunologic effects of adrenal steroids, this tissue expresses one of the highest amounts
steroid hormones are mediated through hormonal activa- of Type-II receptors in the body w311x. Whereas the thy-
tion of intracellular receptors w183,391x. Therefore, exami- mus does not express Type-I receptors, the spleen ex-
nation of the expression and activation of adrenal steroid presses both Type-I and -II receptor subtypes w311x. De-
receptors in immune cells and tissues has been an impor- spite the fact that Type-I receptor expression is low in the
tant component of understanding the mechanisms of adrenal spleen, Type-I receptors appear to play a tonic inhibitory
steroid effects on the immune response. role in Type-II receptor expression in this tissue w309x. At
There are two receptor subtypes for adrenal steroids: the cellular level, we have found peripheral blood mono-
Type-I receptors, which are also referred to as mineralo- cytes to exhibit some of the highest levels of Type-II
corticoid receptors and Type-II receptors, which are com- receptors, however, there is considerable variability in
monly known as glucocorticoid receptors w11,30,365x. receptor expression between cells in a given sample of
Type-I receptors have a higher affinity for naturally occur- monocytes. In contrast, neutrophils exhibit a relatively low
ring adrenal steroids Žsuch as cortisol in humans and number of Type-II receptors and minimal variability in
corticosterone in rodents. and are therefore occupied and receptor expression between cells. Lymphocytes fall in
activated at lower concentrations of endogenous hormone between monocytes and neutrophils and are characterized
w11,30,365,417x than Type-II receptors which have a high by a moderate level of Type-II receptor expression and
affinity for the synthetic glucocorticoid, dexamethasone, variability between cells w310x. Type-I receptors have been
but a 6–10 fold lower affinity for corticosterone w11,417x. identified in isolated lymphocytes using whole cell binding
Both Type-I and Type-II receptors are expressed in the assays; however, no differences between lymphocyte sub-
immune system. However, there is considerable hetero- sets ŽB cells versus T cells. have been described w10x.
92 B.S. McEwen et al.r Brain Research ReÕiews 23 (1997) 79–133

Since a number of in vivo and in vitro studies have

found a good correlation between adrenal steroid receptor
e x p r e s s io n a n d s e n s itiv ity to h o r m o n e
w52,59,63,214,312,326,411,449,461x, heterogeneity in re-
ceptor expression among immune cells and tissues sug-
gests that different immune compartments andror cell
types may have different responses and sensitivity to
adrenal steroid hormones. Our recent studies examining
the effects of selective Type-I and -II adrenal steroid
receptor agonists on immune cell distribution in the periph-
eral blood and spleen support this notion that receptor
expression is related to glucocorticoid sensitivity. More-
over, the two adrenal steroid receptor subtypes appear to
mediate different effects on the immune system in several
instances. For example, in a recent study examining the
effects of selective adrenal steroid receptor agonists on
immune cell distribution, the Type-I receptor agonist, al-
dosterone, was found to significantly reduce the number of
circulating neutrophils and NK cells, whereas significant
increases in neutrophil number and percentage and NK cell
percentage were seen following administration of the
Type-II receptor agonist, RU28362 w308x.

4.1.2. ActiÕation of adrenal steroid receptors by endoge-

nous and exogenous steroids
In order to influence cellular function, glucocorticoids
must enter the cell and bind to and activate intracellular
receptors. Therefore, aside from receptor expression, a
second major avenue of investigation regarding adrenal
steroid receptors in the immune system has been the
determination of which variables are important in the
activation of these receptors by hormone in immune tis-
sues. Prior to the discussion of the results, it is important
Fig. 8. Diurnal comparison of available type-I and type-II receptor levels,
to briefly describe the biochemical features of adrenal
respectively, in no-stress condition or after acute stress Ž1 h restraint. in
steroid receptors which allow the estimation of adrenal rats killed at the beginning of their light Žmorning, AM. or dark Ževening,
steroid receptor activation. Prevailing models of adrenal PM. period. Receptor binding was measured in the thymus Ž ns18., in
steroid action propose that once bound by hormone, the spleen Ž ns12., in peripheral blood mononuclear cells ŽPBMC; ns9.
adrenal steroid receptor-hormone complex undergoes a and in lymph nodes Ž ns6.. ) Significantly different from the AM no
stress group Ž P - 0.05 by Tukey test.; q Significantly different from PM
conformational change called activation w326,453x. The
no stress group Ž P - 0.05 by Student’s t-test.. Reprinted from w414x, by

activated form of the receptor has a high affinity for DNA

and is found almost exclusively in the cell nucleus where it
is responsible for directly regulating gene transcription.
A key distinguishing feature of adrenal steroid receptors
is that the activated form of the receptor is not capable of
rebinding steroid and thus cannot participate in an in vitro
cytosolic exchange Žor binding. assay where the amount of
receptor is determined by the relative amount of radiola-
belled steroid bound w73,75,305,417x. Therefore, only un-
activated adrenal steroid receptors can be measured in a
binding assay and the amount of adrenal steroid receptor
Fig. 7. As available type-II receptor binding sites are occupied by
dexamethasone in spleen in vivo, Concanavalin A-stimulated T cell
activation that occurs in vivo can be estimated by the
proliferation is inhibited in proportion. Reprinted from w312x, by permis- relative disappearance of measurable receptors
sion. w302,311,312,417x. The greater the receptor activation, the
B.S. McEwen et al.r Brain Research ReÕiews 23 (1997) 79–133 93

fewer the measurable receptors. This ability to estimate recent study in rats, peripheral blood lymphocyte responses
adrenal steroid receptor activation provides a truly unique were reduced by stress only in the rats’ dark period; a
opportunity to predict steroid action in target tissues that is result which may be directly related to the findings that
not available for other steroid hormones, small molecule receptor activation in peripheral blood lymphocytes by
neurotransmitters or peptides. Aside from the studies de- stress-induced elevations in corticosterone occur at this
scribed below, assessments of receptor activation have time w473x. Diurnal alterations in the distribution of periph-
been used to investigate the sites of steroid action in a eral blood immune cells which parallel changes in circulat-
variety of experimental paradigms w307,416x. In addition, ing levels of corticosterone are also consistent with the
evidence of adrenal steroid receptor activation highly cor- increased access of glucocorticoids to this immune com-
relates Ž r s 0.89. with the inhibitory effects of adrenal partment w376x.
steroids on immune function w312x Žsee Fig. 7.. It should
be noted that data in Fig. 7 is from the administration of 4.1.3. Role of corticosteroid binding globulin (CBG)
dexamethasone, a steroid that bypasses the protective An important regulator of the amount of circulating
mechanism afforded tissues like the spleen by cortics- corticosteroid that is biologically available to adrenal
terone binding globulin Žsee below.. steroid receptors in the various immune tissues is the
One of the most important findings which has devel- liver-derived plasma protein, corticosteroid binding globu-
oped from studies on adrenal steroid receptor activation in lin ŽCBG. w372x. It is important to emphasize that dexa-
the immune system is that following a given hormone methasone and many other synthetic corticosteroids are not
exposure there is a marked heterogeneity in the degree of bound by CBG. The low affinity of CBG for synthetic
receptor activation among immune tissues which depends glucocorticoids is a major factor that contributes to the
on a variety of conditions including the time of day, the high in vivo potency of these synthetic steroids relative to
length of hormone exposure and the type of hormone, cortisol or corticosterone, since, under basal conditions
synthetic vs. naturally occurring w414x. For example, in a over 90% of circulating corticosteroid is bound to CBG
study examining the influence of time of day on receptor w407x. Only the unbound or free form of corticosteroids are
activation following restraint stress in rats, acute stress-in- able to diffuse into cells and interact with their intra-
duced elevations in corticosterone were found to activate cellular receptors. It has been found that the level and
Type-II adrenal steroid receptors in the thymus and lymph distribution of CBG appears to play a key role in regulat-
nodes regardless of the time of day w414x. In contrast, no ing the access of endogenous hormones to adrenal steroid
matter when stress was applied, Type-II receptors in the receptors and thus receptor activation. Because synthetic
spleen were not activated. Interestingly, activation of glucocorticoids such as dexamethasone are not bound by
Type-II receptors in peripheral blood immune cells only CBG, these steroids are very potent in gaining access to
occurred if stress was applied during the rat’s dark or immune compartments such as the spleen w312x.
active period Žsee Fig. 8.. As opposed to endogenous Since CBG does not cross the blood brain barrier, there
glucocorticoids, in animals treated with the synthetic glu- is a much higher level of CBG associated with peripheral
cocorticoid dexamethasone, which does not bind cortico- tissues w115x, especially the pituitary, than is associated
steroid binding globulin Žsee below., all immune tissues with brain w108x. This exclusion of CBG from the intersti-
exhibited equal and substantial Type-II receptor activation tial spaces in brain tissue may account for the finding that
depending on the dose w414x. for a given circulating level of corticosterone there is a
These findings of differential access of corticosteroids greater proportion of adrenal steroid receptor activation in
to their receptors in different immune compartments are brain tissue than in peripheral tissue w307,311,314x. A
consistent with functional studies which have examined heterogeneous distribution of CBG associated with periph-
the neuroendocrine mechanisms of the effects of stress on eral tissues may further contribute to the heterogeneity
the immune system. As previously noted, a number of seen in adrenal steroid receptor activation between im-
studies have demonstrated stress effects on immune func- mune tissues for a given hormone condition w117x.
tion which are independent of glucocorticoids. For exam- Changes in CBG production may importantly modulate
ple, in keeping with the relatively reduced access of gluco- corticosteroid action. Several factors are known to substan-
corticoids to their receptors in the spleen following stress, tially alter CBG levels. Estrogens upregulate CBG produc-
several studies examining 19 h of tail shock have failed to tion which, is evident during pregnancy and may serve to
find stress-induced changes in mitogen-induced splenocyte largely offset the elevated cortisol production present at
proliferation. Moreover, in studies which have demon- this time w62x. Glucocorticoids Žboth endogenous and syn-
strated stress-induced decreases in splenocyte function, the thetic. have an inhibitory effect on CBG production and
mechanisms appear to be independent of glucocorticoids recently it has been found that this inhibition can occur
and have involved both catecholaminergic and opioid path- under conditions of chronic stress, with consequent effects
ways w462x. In contrast to the spleen, as mentioned earlier, on adrenal steroid receptor activation. In a recent study on
the effects of stress on peripheral blood lymphocytes often rats exposed to chronic social stress, stressed animals
appear to be glucocorticoid dependent. In fact, in one exhibited a significant decrease in plasma CBG which was
94 B.S. McEwen et al.r Brain Research ReÕiews 23 (1997) 79–133

highly correlated with available corticosteroid receptors in and recombinant IL-6 reduced glucocorticoid receptor
the spleen; the lower the CBG, the lower the amount of binding in rat hepatoma cells w431x. Our own preliminary
available receptors, suggesting that there was greater acti- data also suggest that cytokines are capable of altering
vation of receptors in stressed animals w415x. Since all Type-II adrenal steroid receptor expression andror func-
animals in this study had similar total corticosterone levels tion. Injection of the IFN inducer, poly I:C, not only
at the time of being killed, the greater corticosteroid stimulated the secretion of adrenal steroids but also led to
receptor activation in the spleens of rats with low CBG a significant decrease in spleen cytosolic Type-II receptors,
levels probably reflected the greater free corticosterone even in the absence of hormone Žie in adrenalectomized
levels present in those animals. Therefore, prolonged expo- animals. w306x.
sure to stress-induced elevations in glucocorticoids can Consistent with the studies that have found decreased
decrease CBG and thereby facilitate hormone access to receptor binding following treatment with IL-1 and endo-
immune tissues including the spleen. toxin, several investigators have demonstrated that these
CBG levels vary between different strains of rats w115x. same treatments can decrease the ability of dexamethasone
These strain differences in CBG levels appear to modify to influence cellular function including the induction of
the impact of strain differences in stress-induced cortico- phosphoenolpyruvate kinase ŽPEPCK. activity w202,203x.
sterone levels on receptor activation in immune tissues In contrast to IL-1 and endotoxin, IL-4 has been shown to
w117x. For example, Fischer 344 rats exhibit a much greater augment the inhibiting effect of dexamethasone on the in
HPA axis response to various stressors than do Sprague– vitro synthesis of IL-1 and TNF after LPS stimulation
Dawley or Lewis rats w115,427–429x, but interestingly, w191x.
Fischer 344 rats also have significantly higher plasma Although the majority of studies have shown decreased
CBG levels. Consequently, although there is a much greater Type-II Žglucocorticoid. receptor binding following cy-
stress-induced activation of corticosteroid receptors in brain tokine treatment, three studies Žall using the whole cell
tissue of Fischer 344 rats compared to these other two binding technique. have found increased receptor binding
strains, in the immune tissues the levels of corticosteroid following treatment with the cytokines, IFN-g and IFN-b
receptor activation are very similar between Fischer 344 and the cytokine-inducer, endotoxin w379,380,402x. The
and Sprague–Dawley rats. Lewis rats exhibit the lowest descrepances in results from the previously described stud-
levels of receptor activation, probably because of a rela- ies showing decreased receptor binding may be secondary
tively low corticosterone response to stress w117x. to the manner in which receptors were measured or may
CBG located in interstitial tissue may also provide a represent the fact that specific cytokines may have specific
local supply of corticosteroids which can be utilized in effects on receptor expression and function which depend
evolving immune responses. For example, neutrophils have on the treatment conditions and the cell type studied.
been found to release serine proteases which are capable of
cleaving the CBG molecule at a specific site resulting in
the local release of bound hormone w339x. Elevated temper- 4.1.5. Summary
ature, such as at a site of active inflammation, might also There are two major factors which confer selectivity of
influence local levels of free cortisol w409x. action on systemically released glucocorticoids thereby
determining the effects of endogenous glucocorticoids on
4.1.4. Cytokine interactions with adrenal steroid receptors specific immune cells and their functions. One factor
Recently, studies in our laboratories and others have involves the relative cellular expression of Type-I andror
indicated that the immune system may be able to alter Type-II adrenal steroid receptor subtypes and the other
glucocorticoid–immune system interactions by directly in- involves whether or not endogenous glucocorticoids are
fluencing adrenal steroid receptor expression andror func- able to access and activate the receptors within a given
tion through the local release of cytokines cell. This latter process is especially dependent on the
w204,205,430,431x. One of the first studies to examine the microenvironment of the immune compartment within
direct effect of cytokines on adrenal steroid receptor ex- which the cell is located. Specific factors which deserve
pression reported a significant decrease in cytosolic gluco- special consideration in this regard are the local concentra-
corticoid receptors in the liver of adrenalectomized mice 6 tion of free hormone Žas determined by the circulating
h after endotoxin treatment w430x. The cytokine responsible concentration of corticosteroid in relation to the concentra-
for these receptor changes appears to have been IL-1, since tion of its binding protein, CBG. and the relative local
similar cytosolic receptor decreases were found in the liver presence of cytokines. Since synthetic glucocorticoids like
of adrenalectomized and adrenal intact mice 4 h following dexamethasone do not bind to CBG and therefore have
administration of this cytokine w204x. In addition, both equal access to all immune compartments, the subtle speci-
IL-1a and -b were found to significantly decrease the ficities afforded endogenous hormones are lost. Considera-
binding maximum Ž Bmax . of adrenal steroid receptors in tion of the multiple factors which regulate steroid action
the Reuber hepatoma cell line after 4 h of in vitro exposure on target tissues and cells is critical for interpreting the
w205x. In a related study, a crude fraction of IL-6rIFN-g2 effects of hormones on the immune system and serves to
B.S. McEwen et al.r Brain Research ReÕiews 23 (1997) 79–133 95

provide a framework for understanding how during stress observed following gel electophoresis of DNA from apop-
or disease glucocorticoids can influence some immune totic cells is diagnostic of this process.
processes but not others, thereby achieving marked selec- Programmed cell death is believed to be one of the
tivity and specificity of action. mechanisms by which T cell selection occurs in the thy-
mus. Upon entering the thymus, T cells undergo the
4.2. Immunologic mechanisms process of positive and negative selection which leads to
MHC restriction and self-tolerance w2,351x. The majority
4.2.1. Introduction of immature T cells in the thymus do not survive the
As discussed above, the immune system is highly regu- selection process and thus do not enter the peripheral
lated and integrated and in some ways overlapping and circulation. There are several reasons to think that endoge-
repetitious. This is, of course, a necessary evolutionary nous adrenal steroids may induce programmed cell death
development to inhibit self-reactivity but allow for effec- during T cell selection. Immature cells, particularly thymo-
tive defense against a constantly changing environmental cytes Žwhich are CD4 q CD8 q double positive., are
assault. Given these facts, it seems likely that there would exquisitely sensitive to glucocorticoid-induced cell death
be numerous points at which the manifestations of an Žbeing lysed at physiologic concentrations of glucocorti-
immune response could be controlled. Adrenal steroids act coids., whereas mature T cells Žwhich are either CD4 q or
on many processes in the immune system and many of CD8 q . are relatively glucocorticoid resistant w82,84x. In
their effects involve inhibition of immune function. How- addition, the thymus, which is made up primarily of
ever, in a number of instances glucocorticoids may actu- immature T cells, has one of the highest glucocorticoid
ally enhance both the availability and function of specific receptor content of any tissue in the body w311x. The
immune cells Žsummarized in Table 1.. In this section, thymus is also well known for its sensitivity to adrenal
current data available on the effects of adrenal steroids on steroids. It is known to undergo marked involution follow-
the immune system will be reviewed and the significant ing stress or exogenous administration of glucorticoids and
regulatory capacity of these hormones on both the inductor a marked expansion following adrenalectomy w82x. Fur-
and effector phases of non-adaptive and adaptive immunity thermore, plasma corticosteroid concentrations, consistent
will be described. with those found at the diurnal peak of this hormone are
capable of inducing cell death in thymocytes in vitro w460x.
4.2.2. DeÕelopment and maturation (apoptosis) Finally, transgenic mice with an impairment in glucocorti-
Adrenal steroids are capable of affecting both cellular coid receptor expression show a marked increase in CD4
development in the bone marrow as well as cellular matu- q CD8 q double positive cells in the peripheral circula-
ration, especially T cells in the thymus. For example, tion w317x.
adrenal steroids have been shown to shift the balance of Yet the cell death induced by glucocorticoids is very
macrophage progenitors to granulocyte progenitors by sup- much interdependent on activation of immune cells by
pressing the development of macrophage forming colonies other regulators. For example, the activation-induced cell
by 75% to 90% while enhancing the formation of granulo- death in immature thymocytes that is stimulated by anti-
cyte colonies by 50% to 100% w401x. In addition, cortisol TCR antibodies in vivo can be attenuated by concurrent
has been found to block PMA-induced differentiation of administration of the glucocorticoid receptor antagonist,
the human monocytic cell line, U-937, from a monocyte to RU38486, suggesting that there are shared or convergent
macrophage phenotype w28x. signal transduction cascades in these two pathways to
One of the most intriguing aspects of the effects of apoptosis w232x. However, the concept of convergent path-
adrenal steroids on immune cells is their ability to induce ways between activation-induced cell death and glucocorti-
programmed cell death or apoptosis w82x. Like the majority coid-induced cell death is complex, and, depending on the
of the effects of adrenal steroids previously discussed, models studied, these pathways can be mutually ant-
glucocorticoid-induced cell death is believed to be caused agonistic as opposed to complementary. For example, for
by glucocorticoid stimulation of the synthesis of a specific germinal center B cells, cross-linking of cell surface im-
geneŽs. that in turn regulates a death pathway. Coincuba- munoglobulin will rescue them from apoptosis and this
tion of cells with glucocorticoids and inhibitors of protein rescue is blocked by glucocorticoids as well as by trans-
or mRNA synthesis can significantly delay cell death w82x. forming growth factor b w210x. Moreover, in human thy-
Yet the stimulation of apoptosis appears to be linked to the mocytes as well as pre-B leukemia cells and monocytes,
repressive activity of the glucocorticoid receptor, since a pertussis toxin blocks activation-induced apoptosis but it
mutant of the glucocorticoid receptor that is deficient in fails to block glucocorticoid-induced cell death of thymo-
gene activation is as effective as the wild type in carrying cytes or pre-B cells or IL-4-induced cell death of mono-
out repression w196x. Cells undergoing programmed cell cytes w360x. Finally, in immature B cells, glucocorticoid-in-
death are characterized by cell shrinkage, nuclear collapse, duced apoptosis is inversely related to the expression of
condensation of chromatin and DNA fragmentation w82x. Bcl-2, a gene that protects cells against programmed death
The ladder of bands Žin multiples of 180–200 base pairs. w304x.
96 B.S. McEwen et al.r Brain Research ReÕiews 23 (1997) 79–133

4.2.3. Adrenal steroids and immune cell trafficking

Adrenal steroids also play an important role in the
regulation of immune cell distribution or trafficking. In
order to launch an appropriate response to immune chal-
lenge, leukocytes have to be present in the right place and
at the right time. The appropriate distribution of immune
cells in different tissues in the body is crucial to immune
surveillance as well as effector functions of the immune
system. Interactions between adhesion molecules on leuko-
cytes and endothelial cells determine the location of leuko-
cytes in the body. The three major families of adhesion
molecules include the selectins, members of the immuno-
globulin supergene family such as CD56 and the integrins.
Adhesion molecules mediate three important steps Žrolling,
anchoring and extravasation. which are involved in captur-
ing leukocytes from the circulation. Adrenal steroid-in-
duced changes in the function andror expression of adhe-
sion molecules may mediate some of the observed effects
of adrenal steroids on leukocyte trafficking.
Adrenal steroids have profound effects on the distribu-
tionrtrafficking of leukocytes. These effects are observed
with pharmacological as well as physiological changes in
adrenal steroids w342x. It is important to note that while
pharmacological changes in glucocorticoids exert a potent
influence on the distribution of leukocytes in different
body compartments, in the case of the diurnal and stress-
induced changes observed in vivo, other mediators such as
the catecholamines, neuropeptides, sex hormones, AVP,
CRF and ACTH, may also exert an important influence
w347x. Pharmacologic manipulations of adrenal steroids

and resulting changes in leukocyte distribution. Numerous
investigators have reported large changes in leukocyte
distribution induced by the administration of pharmaco-
logic doses of natural andror synthetic adrenal steroids in
humans as well as rodents w135,173x. These changes in-
volve a pronounced decrease in lymphocyte, monocyte,
and eosinophil numbers in the blood. This is accompanied
by a significant increase in numbers of neutrophils in the
blood. These changes in blood leukocyte numbers could be
the result of leukocyte redistribution to other immune Fig. 9. Corticosterone-induced changes in peripheral blood leukocytes. A
timecourse of changes in plasma cortiosterone Ž12A. and peripheral blood
compartments or of changes in leukocyte turnover. It has
WBC counts, lymphocyte number and neutropihl number Ž12B. are
been previously suggested there might be ‘steroid-re- shown. Corticosterone Ž5 mgrkg. was administered to previously
sistant’ and ‘steroid-sensitive’ species and that glucocorti- adrenalectomized animals via subcutaneous injection. Blood samples
coid-induced changes in blood leukocyte numbers repre- were collected repeatedly by the tail-clip method Ž ns 5. at each time
sent changes in leukocyte redistribution in ‘steroid-re- point Ž0, 0.5, 1, 2 and 4 h.. Plasma corticosterone was measured by RIA.
WBC counts were obtained on a Coulter counter. Lymphoycte and
sistant’ species Žhumans and guinea pig. and leukocyte
neutrophil numbers were obtained from smears of peripheral blood
lysis in ‘steroid-sensitive’ species Žmouse and rat. Žmodified Wright–Giemsa stain.. Statistically significant differences are
w134,135x. However, a large body of evidence indicates indicated: ) P - 0.05, ) ) P - 0.005, significantly different from pre-in-
that even in species previously labelled ‘steroid-sensitive’, jection baseline Ž0 h..
changes in adrenal steroids produce changes in leukocyte
distribution rather than an increase in leukocyte destruction
w8,81,194,315,316x. such as is shown for corticosterone administration to rats
Glucocorticoid administration to humans and animals ŽFig. 9.. The observed lymphopenia is transient and nor-
results in a rapid and profound lymphopenia in the blood, mal lymphocyte counts are observed 24 h after steroid
B.S. McEwen et al.r Brain Research ReÕiews 23 (1997) 79–133 97

administration w136–138,456,479x. This lymphopenia in creased release of monocytes from the bone marrow w443x.
the blood is thought to involve the redistribution of leuko- Redistribution of monocytes from blood to other body
cytes to other body compartments Žespecially to the bone compartments has also been suggested as a possible mech-
m a rro w . in h u m a n s a s w e ll a s ro d e n ts anism w135x. Glucocorticoid administration produced a sig-
w81,134,137,138,194,316,456,479x. Although, in rodents, T nificant reduction in eosinophil and basophil numbers in
cells, B cells and NK cells and monocytes seem to be
affected by glucocorticoid treatment, in humans, T cells
seem to be selectively depleted w134,136,479x. In rats,
however, B cells, NK cells and monocytes seem to show a
greater susceptibility than T cells to glucocorticoid-in-
duced decreases in cell number in the blood
Zatz w482x has reported that labelled lymphocytes from
untreated donor mice, survive normally when adoptively
transferred to corticosterone-treated recipients. However,
their accumulation in the spleen and lymph nodes is
decreased, whereas their accumulation in the bone marrow
is increased w482x. Spry w419x has reported that anesthesia
stress, as well as the infusion of ACTH and prednisolone
in rats, resulted in decreased numbers of labelled lympho-
cytes in the thoracic duct. Cessation of drug infusion
results in normal circulation of labelled lymphocytes. This
suggests that ACTH and prednisolone may cause the reten-
tion of circulating lymphocytes in different body compart-
ments, thus resulting in a decrease in lymphocyte numbers
in the thoracic duct and peripheral blood w419x. It has also
been reported that a single injection of ACTH or pred-
nisolone results in increased numbers of lymphocytes in
the bone marrow w92x. It is important to note that in all
these studies, a return to normal glucocorticoid levels was
followed by a return to normal lymphocyte circulation
patterns, further supporting glucocorticoid-induced redistri-
bution rather than glucocorticoid-induced cell death as a
mechanism for the observed changes.
Studies conducted by Dhabhar et al. w112,116,118x
demonstrate that corticosterone is an important mediator of
the stress-induced changes in leukocyte distribution in rats
and that these changes are mediated by the Type-II Žgluco-
corticoid. adrenal steroid receptor. Hormone replacement
studies conducted with specific Type-I and Type-II gluco-
corticoid agonists, revealed that injection Ž2 h. of cortico-
sterone Žwhich activates Type-I and Type-II adrenal steroid
receptors. or of RU 28362 the specific Type-II adrenal
steroid receptor agonist, reproduces most of the changes in
blood leukocyte distribution which are observed with stress.
On the other hand, acute injection of the Type-I adrenal
steroid receptor agonist, aldosterone, normalizes the Fig. 10. Plasma corticosterone response during 2 h restraint stress and
stress-induced increase in leukocyte numbers observed in subsequent return of hormone levels to baseline after cessation of the
stressor ŽFig. 4A.. Time course of stress-induced changes in WBC count
adrenalectomized animals w118x. and lymphocyte and neutrophil number in peripheral blood and recovery
With respect to other immune cell types, administration after cessation of stress ŽFig. 4B.. The experiment was conducted during
of glucocorticoids results in a significant monocytopenia in the light phase of the diurnal cycle. Total WBC counts were obtained on
the blood at 4–6 h after administration of the steroids with a Coulter counter and lymphocyte and neutrophil numbers were obtained
a return to basal levels by 24 h w134,442x. This monocy- from smears of peripheral blood Žmodified Wright–Giemsa stain.. The
percent change in leukocyte numbers after 120 min stress relative to
topenia is similar in kinetics and magnitude to glucocorti- baseline Ž0 min., is shown in Fig. 4B. Statistically significant differences
coid-induced lymphopenia w77,134,136,186,442x. One of are indicated: ) P - 0.05; ) ) P - 0.005, significantly different from 0 h
the mechanisms for the observed monocytopenia is de- baseline. P - 0.05, significantly different from 2 h stress timepoint.
98 B.S. McEwen et al.r Brain Research ReÕiews 23 (1997) 79–133

the blood which is thought to be the result of redistribution blood following a single session of restraint, a mild acute
of cells out of the blood and into the spleen w413x and other stressor ŽFig. 10.. The observed lymphopenia was largely
compartments w125,126,245x. Interestingly, while glucocor- accounted for by a relatively greater stress-induced de-
ticoids induce a reduction in the number of immune cell crease in B cells, monocytes and NK cells than T cells Žsee
subpopulations in the blood, neutrophil numbers exhibit a Fig. 11.. Furthermore, kinetic studies have shown that the
marked increase in response to treatment with glucocorti- stress-induced changes in blood leukocytes are rapid Žef-
coids. The increase in blood neutrophil number induced by fects observed within 30 min. and are rapidly reversible
adrenal steroids is thought to be the result of three pro- Žrecovery begins within 1 h. upon cessation of the stressor
cesses: increased egress of neutrophils from the bone w116,118x. These changes are independent of time of day,
marrow, decreased egress of neutrophils from the blood since similar changes are observed when animals are
and an increase in the half-life of circulating neutrophils stressed during either their active period Ždark cycle. or
w13,99,100x. their inactive period Žlight cycle. w111,112,116,118x. The
stress-induced changes in blood leukocytes are greatly Stress-induced changes in adrenal steroids and diminished in adrenalectomized animals w116,118,310x.
resulting changes in leukocyte distribution. The effects of Hormone replacement studies in adrenalectomized animals
different stressors on blood leukocyte numbers have been indicate that corticosterone is the major mediator of the
reported in conjunction with several studies describing stress-induced changes w116,118,229,310x. Stress-induced
stress effects on various immune parameters in humans changes in leukocyte numbers in the blood are similar in
w 1 3 1 ,1 6 5 ,3 3 2 ,4 2 0 x , m ic e w 3 6 8 x a n d r a ts leukocyte subpopulation specificity to changes induced by
w111,116,223,242,243x. Stress-induced changes in leuko- pharmacological steroid treatment. However, the magni-
cyte numbers in the blood are similar to the changes tude of the stress induced changes is lower than that seen
observed with pharmacological steroid treatment. While with the pharmacological administration of steroids. Fur-
pharmacologically induced changes in leukocyte distribu- ther studies need to be conducted to investigate stress-in-
tion have been extensively investigated, changes in leuko- duced redistribution of leukocytes to other body compart-
cyte distribution induced by physiological manipulations ments.
Ždiurnal and stress-induced changes in adrenal steroids.
need further investigation. Diurnal changes in adrenal steroids and resulting
Studies conducted by Dhabhar et al. w116,118x have changes in leukocyte distribution. It has been reported that
shown a significant lymphopenia and monocytopenia, ac- the diurnal peak in corticosterone levels coincides with a
companied by a significant neutrophilia in rat peripheral diurnal trough in peripheral blood lymphocyte numbers

Fig. 11. Subpopulation specificity of stress-induced changes in peripheral blood leukocyte numbers and recovery after cessation of stress, during the light
phase of the diurnal cycle. Changes in numbers of T cells ŽFig. 5A., B cells ŽFig. 5B. and NK cells and monocytes ŽFig. 5C. in peripheral blood during a
2-h stress session and a 3-h recovery session are shown. The percent change in leukocyte numbers after 120 min stress relative to baseline Ž0 min., is
indicated for each subpopulation in each panel. Leukocyte subpopulations were measured using two-color flow cytometry with the following monoclonal
antibodies: cytotoxic ŽCTL.rsuppressor ŽTs. T cells ŽOX19 q , W3r25y ., Helper T cells ŽOX19q , W3r25q ., B cells ŽOX33q ., NK cells ŽOX19 y ,
OX8 q . and monocytes ŽOX19 y , W3r25q .. Statistically significant differences are indicated: ) P - 0.05; ) ) P - 0.005, significantly different from 0
h baseline. P - 0.05, significantly different from 2-h stress timepoint.
B.S. McEwen et al.r Brain Research ReÕiews 23 (1997) 79–133 99

and that the diurnal trough in corticosterone levels coin- monocytes which is similar to that seen with the stress-in-
cides with a diurnal peak in peripheral blood lymphocyte duced changes w111x.
numbers. This has been shown in humans w3,23,441,444x, Diurnal changes in leukocyte distribution may mediate
non-human primates w320x, mice w241x and rats w181x. some of the observed circadian changes in immune respon-
Furthermore, Thompson, Mcmahon and Nugent w444x have sivity. Kaplan et al. w199x have reported striking circadian
reported circadian variations in peripheral blood lympho- variations in area of induration at the intradermal site of
cytes in healthy adults and have shown that patients with IL-2 injection in patients with lepromatous leprosy w235x.
adrenal insufficiency lack this circadian pattern. These data Other researchers have reported circadian variation in re-
also indicate that administration of cortisol to these pa- sistance to endotoxins w187x, rejection of allogeneic mouse
tients causes a dose-dependent lowering of lymphocyte skin grafts w188x, rejection of rat and human kidney allo-
levels in the blood w444x. In addition, Kawate et al. w241x grafts w257x and human lymphocyte responses to phyto-
have demonstrated in mice, that adrenalectomy abolishes hemagglutinin w441x.
the circadian rhythm in lymphocyte numbers and that a
single injection of prednisolone produces a reversible de- Effects of glucocorticoids on leukocyte distribution
pression of circulating lymphocyte number soon after drug in the context of an ongoing immune reaction. In addition
administration w241x. to their effects on leukocyte distribution during normal
We have observed a significant lymphopenia accompa- Žuninfected or uninflammed conditions., glucocorticoids
nied by a neutrophilia in peripheral blood in conjuction severely inhibit the infiltration of neutrophils, eosinophils
with the diurnal corticosterone rise in the rat w111x Žsee and monocytesrmacrophages into sites of inflammation.
Fig. 12.. The observed changes in blood leukocytes are This is thought to be a critical mechanism for glucocorti-
similar in magnitude and in leukocyte subpopulation speci- coid-induced suppression of inflammation w61,127,285x.
ficity to the stress-induced changes reported by us Žsee Norris et al. w338x studied the effects of epicutaneous
above.. However, in the case of the diurnal changes, a administration of varying concentrations of methylpred-
significant reduction in helper T cell numbers is observed nisolone in human volunteers and found a significant
in addition to the reduction in B cells, NK cells, and inhibition of monocyte and neutrophil chemotaxis. Further,

Fig. 12. Comparison of rat peripheral blood leukocyte numbers measured during the inactive period and the active period Ž n s 6 for each group.. Total
white blood cell ŽWBC. counts were obtained on a Coulter Counter and total lymphocyte and neutrophil numbers were obtained from Wright–Giemsa
stained smears of peripheral blood. Leukocyte subpopulations were measured using two-color flow cytometry with the following panel of antibodies: total
T cells ŽOX19 q ., cytotoxic ŽCTL.rsuppressor ŽTs. T cells ŽOX19 q , OX8 q ., Helper T cells ŽOX19 q , W3r25q ., B cells ŽOX33q ., NK cells
ŽOX19y , OX8 q . and monocytes ŽOX19 y , W3r25q .. Percent reduction in leukocyte numbers in the active period compared to the inactive period is
shown below the abscissa. Statistically significant differences are shown: ) P - 0.005, t-test; P - 0.05, t-test.
100 B.S. McEwen et al.r Brain Research ReÕiews 23 (1997) 79–133

monocyte chemotaxis was inhibited for a longer period changes in endothelial cell adhesion properties w76x. Beer
than neutrophil chemotaxis w338x. It has also been reported and Center w31x have demonstrated that hydrocortisone
that glucocorticoid administration inhibited T cell migra- sodium succinate ŽHCS. inhibits the migration of human
tion into the bronchial mucosa of asthmatic patients w331x. as well as rat lymphocytes measured in an in vitro migra-
Chung et al. w76x have reported that glucocorticoids inhibit tion assay w31x. They show in the same study, that rat B
the localization of sensitized effector cells at sites of active lymphocytes are more sensitive to glucocorticoid-induced
inflammation w76x. However, Cox and Ford w92x have inhibition than rat T lymphocytes. Eguchi et al. w128x have
suggested that prior antigenic challenge can completely shown that IFN-g and dexamethasone inhibit adhesion of
override the prednisolone-induced inhibition of lympho- T cells to endothelial cells and synovial cells.
cyte migration into certain lymph nodes w92x. The studies Studies on glucocorticoid effects on cell adhesion
discussed above deal with pharmacological steroid manip- molecules also lend support for the hypothesis proposed
ulations, further studies need to be conducted to investigate above. Cronstein et al. w94x have shown that the synthetic
diurnal and stress-induced changes in leukocyte trafficking glucocorticoid, dexamethasone, markedly inhibits the
during an ongoing immune reaction. LPS-induced increase in expression of endothelial-leuko-
cyte adhesion molecule 1 ŽE-selectin. and intercellular Possible mechanisms inÕolÕed in glucocorticoid- adhesion molecule 1 ŽICAM-1. w94x. However, Kaiser et
induced changes in leukocyte distribution. Pharmacologi- al. w234x have failed to observe any effects of the glucocor-
cal as well as physiological changes in glucocorticoids ticoid Budesonide on adhesion or on the expression of
result in a decrease in lymphocyte, monocyte and E-selectin, ICAM-1 or vascular cell adhesion molecule 1
eosinophil numbers and an increase in neutrophil numbers ŽVCAM-1. in cultured human umbilical vein endothelial
in the blood. A large body of evidence indicates that these cells w234x. It may be mentioned here that cytokines like
changes are the result of changes in leukocyte distribution IFN-g w478x, IL-2, IL-4 w434x, IL-8 w373x IL1, IFN-arb
between various body compartments and are not the result and TNF-arb w219x have potent effects on leukocyte-en-
of leukocyte death. It may be hypothesized that glucocorti- dothelial cell adhesion. Thus, glucocorticoids may indi-
coid-induced changes in cell surface adhesion molecules rectly influence leukocyte-endothelial cell adhesion inter-
on leukocytes andror endothelial cells, may cause the actions, since glucocorticoids have been shown to affect
observed changes in leukocyte distribution. Changes in cell the cytokine w105,328x and lipocortin Žarachidonic acid
surface adhesiveness may result in retention of some derivatives. w206x secretion patterns of leukocytes. Further
leukocyte subpopulations, andror an extrusion of other investigation of the effects of glucocorticoids on changes
leukocyte subpopulations from specific body compart- in expressionractivity of cell surface adhesion molecules
ments. Unlike the active recruitment of leukocytes by and on leukocyte-endothelial cell adhesion is necessary.
chemotactic factors seen during an active immune re-
sponse, glucocorticoid-induced changes in leukocyte distri- Glucocorticoid modulation of immune cell distri-
bution may be the result of a passive process. Leukocytes bution between body compartments. Based on our findings
may be transported by blood flow through different body as well as those of others, we suggest that glucocorticoids
compartments in a random manner with specific subpopu- play an important role in regulating the distribution of
lations being retained in those compartments in which they leukocytes in the body under physiologically relevant con-
find appropriate ligands. ditions. Such regulation could be achieved by modulation
Support for this hypothesis comes from several studies. of immune cell trafficking or by modulation of immune
It has been shown that infusion of prednisolone into rats cell turnover Žproduction andror destruction.. Leukocyte
results in several changes in the distribution of adoptively redistributionrtrafficking as opposed to altered turnover
transferred labelled lymphocytes w92x: these changes were seems to be a more plausible explanation for the observed
not the result of prednisolone-induced leukocyte death. circadian and stress-induced reductions in leukocyte num-
The most profound effect of prednisolone was to cause the bers in the peripheral blood. For example, it is unlikely
retention of recirculating lymphocytes within the bone that 40–50% of the circulating immune cells of an animal
marrow, spleen and some lymph nodes. Prednisolone treat- would be destroyed daily at the beginning of the active
ment inhibited entry of lymphocytes into other lymph cycle, a time when maximal immune preparedness is re-
nodes. Further, lymphocytes of prednisolone-treated ani- quired, since this is the time when immune challenges are
mals took longer to cross high endothelial venules in most likely to occur via the gastro-intestinal tract Žas the
lymph nodes. The effects of prednisolone on lymphocyte result of ingesting microorganisms or toxins with food. or
migration into lymph nodes were completely abrogated by via wounding in an encounter with a predator. Similarly, a
previous antigenic stimulation. Finally, prednisolone treat- 40–60% loss of circulating leukocytes in response to a
ment increased the rate of lymphocyte entry across sinu- mild, acute stressor, which could result from an encounter
soidal epithelium and into the bone marrow. It has been with a predator, does not seem to be adaptive, since such
suggested that glucocorticoid-induced changes in leuko- encounters often result in wounding.
cyte distribution are mediated by glucocorticoid-induced Thus, neural and endocrine factors released during stress
B.S. McEwen et al.r Brain Research ReÕiews 23 (1997) 79–133 101

may signal specific leukocytes to exit the peripheral blood after, antigenic challenge. This suggested that a stress-in-
and enter other immune compartments, Žlymph nodes, duced redistribution of leukocytes to the skin Žand draining
Peyers patches, bone marrow, lung, skin, mucosa, spleen, lymph nodes. may be one of the factors mediating the
and other tissues.. It is possible that some leukocytes, observed stress-induced enhancement of immune function
migrate to certain compartments in order to be protected w114x.
from potential deleterious effects of stress. Alternatively,
leukocytes may migrate to immune compartments which Summary. Adrenal steroid secretion during the
serve as ‘battle stations’ where leukocytes are likely to diurnal rhythm and following stressful experiences causes
encounter antigens, pathogens, or other activated immune a redistribution of immune cells from the blood into
cells. In either case, stress-induced redistribution of im- various tissues and organs, such as bone marrow, spleen
mune cells may have significant consequences for the and lymph nodes.
ability of the immune system to perform its surveillance These effects are of varying magnitude and even direc-
and effector functions. We hypothesize that an important tion for different immune cell types and there appear to be
function of endocrine mediators released under conditions different roles for Type-I and Type-II receptors. It is
of acute stress may be to ensure that appropriate leuko- important to recognize that although peripheral blood im-
cytes are present in the right place and at the right time, to mune cells represent a small portion of total body leuko-
respond to an immune challenge which might be initiated cytes, the blood is an important compartment serving as a
by the stress-inducing agent Že.g. attack by a predator, conduit by which leukocytes travel between different im-
invasion by a pathogen, etc... Thus, endocrine mediators mune tissues. Furthermore, human blood is the only easily
released during stress may serve to enhance immune pre- accessible immune compartment and provides the substrate
paredness for potential Žor ongoing. immune challenge. for numerous experimental and diagnostic measures which
often involve monitoring changes in immune cell numbers. In ÕiÕo consequences of changes in leukocyte The changes in blood leukocyte numbers described in our
distribution. The results described above suggest that the animal model may provide important information about
circadian and stress-induced changes in leukocyte distribu- the kinetics and hormone dependency of leukocyte redistri-
tion may serve to increase immune surveillance and that bution in the body. Moreover, these changes in leukocyte
such changes may enhance an immune response directed distribution may serve an important functional role when it
against an immunologic challenge administered to a com- comes to immune system challenges such as inflamma-
partment that was relatively enriched in leukocytes as a tions, viral infections and tumors and initial evidence in
result of the stress-induced leukocyte redistribution. We this direction has been obtained in studies of the DTH
hypothesized that the skin, which is the major defence reaction. Future research should be directed towards eluci-
barrier of the body, may be one compartment to which dating the mechanisms whereby adrenal steroids and other
leukocytes migrate during stress and where such a stress- mediators such as catecholamines affect cellular adhesion
induced enhancement of immune function may be ob- andror retention by various tissues and organs. It will also
served w113,114x. be very important to determine what effect these changes
Experiments were designed to test this hypothesis using in leukocyte trafficking have on the surveillance and effec-
a model for an important class of immune reactions, which tor functions of the immune system.
are known as delayed type hypersensitivity ŽDTH. reac-
tions. This class of immune responses mediates important 4.2.4. Natural immunity
beneficial Žresistance to bacterial and viral infections and We have noted above and in Table 1 that adrenal
tumors. as well as harmful Žallergies, poison ivy, arthritis steroids have both positive and negative effects on immune
and other autoimmune diseases. aspects of immune func- function. In doing this they produce effects on a variety of
tion w193,262,303,438,439,452x. Experiments were con- target cells and processes and affect such diverse cellular
ducted to examine the effects of stress on the DTH re- processess as expression of cell surface receptors and
sponse. The results showed that moderate stress adminis- production of cytokines.
tered immediately before the administration of an antigenic Adrenal steroids have been shown to influence the
challenge, induced a significant enhancement of the ensu- production Žsee below., distribution Žsee above. and func-
ing DTH response w114x. The DTH response of stressed tion of phagocytic cells Žneutrophils and macrophages.
animals occurred at a faster rate, attained a higher peak w155,173,327x. While many of these effects are the result
and remained significantly higher than that of controls for of indirect actions of adrenal steroids on the release of
over 6 days following challenge. Moreover, histological soluble mediators Žincluding chemoattractants. from other
examination of the skin of unstressed and stressed animals cell types, there also appears to be direct effects of adrenal
showed that as hypothesized, the skin was also a target steroids on phagocytic function. For example, a 3-day
compartment for the stress-induced redistribution of blood course of glucocorticoid administration inhibited the abil-
leukocytes w114x. Stressed animals showed significantly ity of mononuclear phagocytes to kill Staphylococcus au-
higher numbers of leukocytes in the skin both before and reus in the majority of patients examined w370x. Moreover,
102 B.S. McEwen et al.r Brain Research ReÕiews 23 (1997) 79–133

culture of purified human macrophages with relatively low tion of autologous T lymphocytes, is profoundly supressed
concentrations of dexamethasone has been shown to su- by glucocorticoids in vitro at concentrations that are read-
press elimination of bacteria and fungi w395x. Interestingly, ily achieved in vivo w186x. Nevertheless, the relevance of
the macrophage-activating factor, IFN-g, was capable of these adrenal steroid effects to endogenous immune
attenuating these inhibitory effects of glucocorticoids on surveillance Žantigen presentation. and autoimmunity re-
phagocytosis w395x, thereby possibly explaining why in mains to be determined.
vitro inhibition of phagocytosis by adrenal steroids is more
marked than in vivo inhibition, where factors such as 4.2.6. Cytokine elaboration
IFN-g are available w184x. As for neutrophils, the direct One of the most well-established and important effects
effects of adrenal steroids on neutrophil function is less of adrenal steroids on the immune system is adrenal
clear. While some early studies demonstrated inhibitory steroid inhibition of cytokine production. Inhibition of
effects of high doses of adrenal steroids on neutrophil cytokine production has been shown to be a major compo-
responses, a more recent study using doses of hormone nent of the well-known effects of adrenal steroids on
sufficient to saturate the majority of neutrophil glucocorti- lymphocyte proliferation and likely explains why adminis-
coid receptors and allowing sufficient time for steroid-in- tration early following cell stimulation Žduring the period
duced protein synthesis failed to find any effect of dexa- of cytokine elaboration and cytokine receptor induction. is
methasone on a variety of neutrophil functions including so much more effective than late administration w327x.
degranulation, chemotaxis, binding to vascular endothe- There are numerous reports that adrenal steroids inhibit the
lium and formation of leukotriene B 4 w389x. These findings production of IL -1 a and IL -1b w 7 x , IL -2
are consistent with recent studies in our laboratories which w12,104,175,246,339,349x, IL-4 w70,476x, IL-6 w7x, IL-8
indicate that neutrophils exhibit low levels of Type-II w466x, IFN-g w246x, tumor necrosis factor ŽTNF. w39x and
adrenal steroid receptors. In addition, the findings empha- granulocyte-colony stimulating factor w246x. These effects
size that many of the effects of adrenal steroids on neu- have been found to occur at virtually every point in the
trophils Žand maybe phagocytic cells in general. are largely synthesis of cytokine protein ranging from the transcrip-
mediated indirectly through the effects of adrenal steroids tion and stability of cytokine messenger RNA ŽmRNA.
on other cell types and their release of cytokines and other w7,12,175,339,349x to the translation of cytokine protein
inflammatory mediators. from mRNA w70x. Although the exact mechanism of inhibi-
Although high doses of adrenal steroids have been tion of these processes has not been completely estab-
shown to inhibit the level of complement proteins in the lished, there are reports that the effects of adrenal steroids
blood of laboratory animals, there is little evidence to on IL-2 production, for example, are mediated in part by
support a similar effect in humans w78x. Nevertheless, interference with the binding of the transcription factor,
based on studies using human umbilical vein endothelial AP-1 Žor an AP-1-like factor., which induces IL-2 mRNA
cells, it is possible that local effects of adrenal steroids on w339,349x. It has also been found that many of the genes
the expression of complement proteins may modulate the for the above noted cytokines contain hormone response
functioning of the complement system w102x. elements to which adrenal steroid receptors can bind di-
rectly and thus influence gene transcription w6x.
4.2.5. Antigen presentation — induction While adrenal steroids clearly alter cytokine production,
In addition to affecting the ability of immune cells to there is also evidence that they can influence the expres-
infiltrate the site of antigenic challenge, adrenal steroids sion of receptors for the various cytokines. For instance,
can interfere with the response to antigen by altering the glucocorticoids have been found to inhibit expression of
effectiveness of antigen presentation w207,263x. The induc- the IL-2 receptor a and b chains at both the trancriptional
tion of a T cell response depends on the ability and and postranslational levels w26x. This is further substanti-
effectiveness of MHC molecules to bind and present anti- ated by the fact that induction of IL-2 driven proliferation
gen and adrenal steroids have been shown to downregulate of lymphocytes is inhibited by glucocorticoids w299x. Inter-
Class II major histocompatibility ŽMHC. antigens on estingly, glucocorticoids have been shown to enhance the
macrophages and reduce interferon ŽIFN.-induced in- receptors for IL-1 and IL-6 w329x.
creases in Class II MHC expression in mice w273x. Of
significance to the role of endogenous adrenal steroids in 4.2.7. Glucocorticoid role in regulating the class of the
immune regulation is the exquisite sensitivity of antigen immune response
specific responses to inhibition by glucocorticoids both in One of the most intriguing findings which supports the
vitro and in vivo. For example, T lymphocyte proliferation notion of a comprehensive role of glucocorticoids in the
in response to the antigens streptokinase-streptodornase modulation of the immune response via cytokines is the
and tetanus toxoid is much more supressed by in vivo existence of subsets of T helper cells which secrete spe-
administration of glucocorticoids than T cell responses to cific profiles of cytokines that appear to be differentially
mitogen w136x. Moreover, the autologous mixed lympho- affected by glucocorticoids. These T helper ŽTh. subsets
cyte reaction, in which non-T cells stimulate the prolifera- have been best characterized in the mouse. Th1 cells
B.S. McEwen et al.r Brain Research ReÕiews 23 (1997) 79–133 103

secrete IL-2 and IFN-g, resulting in the enhancement of tion of peripheral blood lymphocytes w107,333,348x.
cell mediated immune responses such as cytolytic T cell Whereas it has been generally believed that suppressor
activity and Th2 cells secrete IL-4, IL-5 and IL-6 which cells represent a subset among CD8q cells, recent data
primarily enhance B cells and humoral immune responses suggest that antigen-specific suppressor activity is associ-
w321x. Both responses appear to be mutually antagonistic, ated with CD4rCD8 double positive clones or leukemic
as Th1 derived cytokines can inhibit Th 2 derived cy- cell lines w333x. While this information was obtained using
tokines and vice versa. Interestingly, whereas glucocorti- T cell clones, cells of a CD4qrCD8q phenotype have also
coids supress cytokines derived from Th1 cells Žespecially been reported to develop among mitogen- or alloantigen-
IL-2., these hormones appear to enhance the production of activated lymphocytes w47,53,54x. Interestingly, it has been
cytokines derived from Th2 cells ŽIL-4. w105x. Moreover, observed that treatment of Con A-activated CD4q T cells
when IL-4 and adrenal steroids are added together they or a CD4q clone of CEM ŽCEM 7. with glucocorticoids
have a significantly greater inhibitory effect on the synthe- results in the induction of co-expression of CD8. In the
sis of IL-1, TNF-a and PGE2 than either agent alone case of CEM 7, induction of the co-expression of CD4 and
w192x. CD8 was correlated with development of suppressor activ-
ity indicated by inhibition of PHA-induced proliferation of
4.2.8. Effector function PBLs w101x. While this has yet to be directly tested, these
In addition to effects on the induction and proliferation data suggest that a mechanism of glucocorticoid-mediated
of immune responses, adrenal steroids have been reported immunosuppression could be related to regulation of de-
to directly inhibit a variety of immune effector functions. velopment of CD4qrCD8q cells with suppressor activity.
In the case of NK cells, it has been reported that steroid The effects of adrenal steroids on B lymphocytes are
treatment can both suppress and potentiate NK cell activ- somewhat more complicated than their effects on T cells
ity. For example, adrenal steroids have been found to and in several cases there is a divergence in results based
interfere with NK cell lysis of tumor cells and antibody on in vitro versus in vivo administration of hormone. In
dependent cellular cytotoxicity ŽADCC. w154,330x. In addi- general, the early events in B cell activation that precede
tion, cortisol has been shown to reduce the enhancement of DNA synthesis are inhibited by corticosteroids w97x. B cell
NK cell activity by IFN-g w153x, although IFN-g has also proliferation, however, can proceed in the presence of
been shown to partially reverse glucocorticoid effects on adrenal steroid hormones under certain conditions, espe-
NK cell function w209x. While the exact mechanisms of cially in the presence of soluble growth factors w97x. As for
inhibition of cytotoxicity have not been fully elucidated, it immunoglobulin production, while in vivo administration
has been reported that the cytolytic activity of cloned of glucocorticoids suppresses Ig production Žespecially
human NK cells can be directly inhibited by glucocorti- IgG and IgA., glucocorticoids may suppress, enhance or
coids without influencing proliferation w71x. It has also have no effect on Ig production in vitro w97,229x. Interest-
been reported that similar inhibitory effects on a cytolytic ingly, Besedovsky and coworkers found that adrenalec-
T cell hybridoma are probably the result of inhibition of tomy significantly enhanced immunological cell mass and
production of lytic granule components such as BLT- B cell activity following injection of sheep red blood cells,
esterase w4x. Interestingly, potentiation of natural killer cell suggesting that endogenous adrenal steroids may regulate
responses has often been seen after in vivo administration B cell responses to antigen w109x.
of glucocorticoid hormone and appears to reflect adrenal
steroid effects on cell distribution rather than altered indi- 4.2.9. Summary
vidual cell function w240x. Adrenal steroids affect many aspects of immune func-
A number of studies have demonstrated that cytotoxic T tion and their effects are difficult to categorize. Rather than
lymphocytes ŽCTL. can be inhibited by adrenal steroids. being uniformly immunosuppressive, adrenal steroids vari-
For example, investigators have found that CTL generation ably modulate the immune system and there are important
following the administration of polyclonal T cell stimuli distinctions between endogenous adrenal steroids and syn-
including Staphylococcus aureus enterotoxin B was inhib- thetic adrenal steroids in their abilities to gain access to
ited by dexamethasone w262x. Moreover, adrenal steroids immune system compartments that will become evident in
have been shown to be involved in stress-induced suppres- the next section. As a result, data from studies with
sion of CTL generation following herpes simplex virus synthetic adrenal steroids must be interpreted cautiously
ŽHSV. infection w55,265x. We have also found that CTL when it comes to drawing conclusions about the physio-
activity is sensitive to inhibition by dexamethasone, much logical role of adrenal steroids in immune function.
more so than NK cell activity, for example w345x.
There are still some unresolved issues regarding the
identification and function of a population of suppressor 5. Disease models
cells among the T cell population. Recent reports indicate
that there are T cells and T cell clones with suppressive The only way to see how effectively the immune sys-
activities such as antigen-specific inhibition of prolifera- tem works in the living organism is to challenge it with a
104 B.S. McEwen et al.r Brain Research ReÕiews 23 (1997) 79–133

pathogen or tumor or to observe how it operates during classes of immune responses and stress induction of gluco-
inflammatory or autoimmune states. This is particularly corticoids during viral infections.
important for understanding the role of adrenal steroids
and other hormonal and neural modulators of immunity. In 5.1.1. Immune responses to Õiral infections
the following section, we will consider glucocorticoid Although all immune responses share certain character-
actions in relation to viral infections, tumors, and inflam- istics, there are important differences in the roles played by
matory and autoimmune conditions. soluble and cellular immune components against various
pathogens. Effector components to bacteria, parasitic and
5.1. Glucocorticoids and immune responses to Õiral infec- viral infections are elicited through different activation
tions signals and regulated by qualitatively and quantitatively
different cytokine responses. Protective responses to viral
Viral infections constitute one of the most important infections share certain distinguishing characteristics. In
and common of the pathogenic challenges to the immune particular, viruses induce expression of the anti-viral cy-
system. That psychological andror physical stress in- tokines, Type-I interferons ŽIFNs-arb. and activate cyto-
creases the susceptibility to a variety of human viral toxic effector cells capable of killing virus-infected host
infections has been appreciated for some time and results cells, natural killer ŽNK. cells and cytotoxic T lympho-
from experimental infections of animals demonstrate that cytes ŽCTLs.. These appear to be the major effector mech-
stressors can modulate viral infections. Glucocorticoids are anisms during acute primary viral infections. Virus-specific
part of neuroendocrine responses to stress. Recent studies antibody production and long term T and B cell memory
indicate that these factors have the potential of modulating are also elicited. These memory responses provide long-
resistance to infections by regulating endogenous immune lived immunity to secondary infections and control viruses
responses. Understanding mechanisms for the potential establishing latent infections. Based on the composition
enhancing and regulatory functions of glucocorticoids dur- and kinetics of induction during acute primary infections
ing immune responses to viral infections is an important w48,65,465x, the immune responses to acute viral infections
research direction for determining beneficial as well as can be divided into early, middle, and late phases Žsee Fig.
negative roles of the endocrine system. Characterizing 13.. The phases have different functions and are associated
these effects as detrimental or beneficial requires an under- with different mechanisms of protection. They are not
standing of mechanisms of pathology and immunopathol- absolutely divided in time but occur in waves. Conditions
ogy that result from different viral infections, role of in earlier waves may influence later phases. The specific
glucocorticoids in cytokine production and regulation of responses in each phase are reviewed below.

Fig. 13. Phases of the immune response to viral infection.

B.S. McEwen et al.r Brain Research ReÕiews 23 (1997) 79–133 105

Innate mechanisms of protection are activated in the and interleukin-10 ŽIL-10. can be first demonstrated at
early phase. Circulating levels of IFNs-arb are produced times coinciding with or overlapping with, IL-2 and IFN-g
by virus-infected cells to induce anti-viral states in unin- expression w337,387,467x. IL-4 and IL-10 are known to
fected cells. These factors also activate NK cells to medi- promote antibody responses but inhibit responses produc-
ated elevated levels of killing and killing of certain virus- ing IL-2 and IFN-g w142,315x. Our data suggest that,
infected cells w48,66,238,421,445,465x. NK cells activated although IL-4 and IL-10 are first expressed during the
under these conditions are distinct from T cell populations middle phase, they peak at later times post-infection ŽSu,
and do not express CD3 w50,454x. In addition to eliciting Kasaian and Biron, unpublished.. Thus, expression of IL-4
innate effector mechanisms, early responses may also facil- and IL-10 during the middle phase may promote late phase
itate induction of middle and late phase adaptive immune responses. Furthermore, expression of IFN-g during the
responses. During the early phase a variety of other cy- middle phase contributes to the selection of antibody iso-
tokines genes can be expressed, as evaluated at either the types for expression at later phases.
mRNA andror the protein level, including interleukin-1 There are two other distinct immune response phases
ŽIL-1 . w72,198 x, tumor necrosis factor ŽTNF .-a after acute responses to viral infections. One of these is the
w72,198xŽOrange, Salazar-Mather and Biron, manuscript in classic memory response to viral challenge. This response
preparation. and IFN-g Žw51x; Salazar-Mather, Ishikawa is apparent after primary responses inducing protective
and Biron, manuscript in preparation.. Protein products of long term immunity. The other phase is observed during
these genes, by facilitating antigen processing and pre- chronic infections associated with long term immuno-
sentation as well as T cell activation, can act to promote suppression. This response has been studied after the retro-
appropriate T cell responses in the middle phase. ŽTNF and viral infections of humans with the human immunodefi-
IFN-g may also mediate direct anti-viral effects.. Another ciency virus ŽHIV. and of mice with the LP-BM5 virus
response induced during the early phase is a dramatic mixture. This phase is associated with an inappropriate
redistribution of lymphocytes from the circulation to re- shift to elevated IL-4 and IL-10 and reduced IL-2 and
gional lymph nodes and splenic white pulp regions IFNg cytokine production after new stimulation w80,155x.
w119,179,218,259,474x. This trafficking results from sys-
temic IFN-arb production. Although the role of cell 5.1.2. Pathology during Õiral infections
redistribution has not yet been definitively established, it Although the immune system is activated to fight off
may facilitate the later antigen-specific responses by re- infections and limit pathology directly resulting from in-
cruiting large T and B cell repertoires to sites of antigen fectious organisms, it may also contribute to host damage.
presentation. Indeed, during infections with organisms that cause little
Middle phase immune responses are associated with or no direct cytopathology, disease may primarily result
CD4 q and CD8 q T cell activation w48,237– from the immune response. A classic example of acute T
239,352,405x. A consequence of this activation is produc- cell-mediated immunopathology is mortality resulting from
tion of biologically active transforming growth factor-b experimental intracerebral infections of rodents with lym-
ŽTGF-b . w432,433x. Low concentrations of TGF-b can phocytic choriomeningitis virus ŽLCMV. w65x. Most strains
inhibit early phase NK cell responses and allow andror of LCMV are relatively non-cytopathic. Intraperitoneal
enhance expansion of middle phase T cell responses LCMV infection induces protective acute immune re-
w433,436x. Activated T cells also produce the potent T cell sponses Žsee Fig. 13.. Under these conditions, virus repli-
growth factor, interleukin-2 ŽIL-2. and the anti-viral and cation is apparently set up in ‘non-essential’ host cells and
im m u n e e n h a n c in g c y to k in e , IF N -g CD8 q CTLs limit infection by targeting infected host
w48,51,157,237,280,405x. Although not completely under- cells. In contrast, if LCMV is introduced into the central
stood, the conditions at this time are such that there is nervous system ŽCNS., infection of ‘essential’ meninges,
expansion of CD8 q T cells and activation of virus- chorioid plexus and ependyma results w88x. Under these
specific, CD8 q CTLs w8,237,239,271,352,405x. CD8 q conditions, CD8 q CTLs cause a fatal CNS disease by
effector T cells play a major role in clearing many viral targeting the infected host cells in the brain. Another
infections. example of T cell-mediated immunopathology, with the
During the late phase, acute effector responses subside same virus, is the more recently described immunosuppres-
and long term-immunity develops. Activated CD8 q T cell sion resulting from LCMV isolates or infections promoting
responses are turned off through mechanisms which may infection of macrophages andror CD4 q T cells of the
include the clearance of virus-infected cells, production of immune system w483x. Under these conditions, the CD8 q
regulatory cytokines w433x, andror apoptosis w359x. Mem- CTLs appear, through the destruction of infected host
ory T cells become apparent w267,268x. B cell responses immune cells, to cause disease by precipitating an im-
are elevated and virus-specific antibody production is de- munosuppressed state. Similar types of T cell-mediated
tectable w65,212x. Because of the high expression of IFN-q damage are thought to contribute to a number of diseases
during infection, antibody isotopes are skewed to IgG2a having virus etiologies, including but not limited to dia-
w212x. There are data demonstrating that interleukin-4 ŽIL-4. betes and acquired immunodeficiency syndrome ŽAIDS.. If
106 B.S. McEwen et al.r Brain Research ReÕiews 23 (1997) 79–133

a virus infects an ‘essential’ cell, this cell function may be sponses andror facilitate the transition between phases
eliminated by activated virus-specific T cells. Thus, the Žsee Fig. 13.. Glucocorticoids have been reported to have
immune response can be a bigger problem to the host than two major effects which may be important during the early
a non-cytopathic virus. phase. The first of these is the well documented redistribu-
Another form of acute immunopathology can result tion of mononuclear cells from peripheral blood to lym-
from inappropriate overproduction of immune enhancing phoid compartments Žsee subsection 4.1.. Endogenous glu-
cytokines during infections. This mechanism was first cocorticoids may play a role in the IFN-induced redistribu-
appreciated in septic shock associated with gram-negative tion of lymphocytes from the circulation to regional lymph
bacterial sepsis w46,74,148,149x. Under these conditions, nodes and splenic white pulp regions during viral infec-
the bacterial endotoxin lipopolysaccharide ŽLPS. activates tions w179,218,259,474x. Corticosteroids have also been
mononuclear phagocytes to induce extremely high and reported to inhibit NK cell activity w329x. Because recent
systemic cytokine expression. A cytokine cascade of TNF, studies indicate that glucocorticoids can cause increased
IL-1 and interleukin-6 ŽIL-6. is elicited w74,149x. TNF detectable TGF-b1 mRNA and protein expression w14x,
production contributes to the induction of IL-1 and IL-6 they may inhibit NK cells and promote the shift from early
w149x. New data suggest that interleukin-12 ŽIL-12. and to middle phase immune responses by facilitating TGF-b1
IFN-g may be expressed at very early times in the cy- expression.
tokine cascade w446x. The septic shock syndrome induced Many different cytokine genes have steroid response
by the endotoxin-induced cytokine cascade response can elements and glucocorticoids have been shown to inhibit
be lethal and is characterized by circulatory leakage and expression of a number of different cytokines w6,247,448x.
collapse as well as intravascular coagulation. Weight loss During the middle phase, glucocorticoids may shape the
or wasting can result. Detrimental cytokine production also immune response by inhibiting expression of particular
can be elicited by interactions with T cells. Bacterial cytokine genes while promoting or permitting expression
‘super-antigens’ stimulate extremely high frequencies of T of others. Experimental results in vitro and in vivo have
cells in naive hosts and such responses appear to con- demonstrated that glucocorticoids inhibit IL-2 and IFN-g
tribute to the toxic shock syndrome associated with certain but either facilitate w105,106x or inhibit IL-4 expression to
gram-positive bacterial infections w199x. Furthermore, ele- a lesser degree w262x. Such a differential cytokine regula-
vated cytokine expression by activated T cells may also tion may have important biological consequences during
contribute to dengue hemorrhagic fever pathology ob- infections. IL-2 and IFN-g are associated with T helper
served during secondary infections with dengue virus w263x Type 1 ŽTh1. responses important for defense against
and lung immunopathology during influenza virus infec- infections with intracellular bacteria and parasites. In con-
tions w274,278x. These are examples of conditions where trast, IL-4 is associated with T helper Type 2 ŽTh2.
‘too much’ immune response causes disease w279x. responses which are beneficial during nematode infections.
In addition to the aforementioned examples of Compared to certain sensitive mouse strains developing
cytokine-mediated pathophysiology, immunotoxicity may non-protective Th2 responses to the intracellular parasite
also result from high levels of cytokines. We have been Leishmania major, resistant strains develop Th1 responses
characterizing the effects of administered IL-12 during during infection and have more modest corticosterone
experimental viral infections w343,344x. If the factor is responses to stress w195x. During viral infections, peak IL-2
given at high enough concentrations, systemic TNF is and IFN-g induction occurs during the middle phase with
induced. The circulating TNF not only results in a wasting an apparent shift to IL-4 production during the late phase.
disease but also inhibits the anti-viral CD8 q T cell re- Endogenous glucocorticoids may promote such a shift
sponse w343x. Thus, ‘too much’ of a cytokine can also w371x.
inhibit protective immune responses. As a consequence of regulating cytokine expression,
glucocorticoids may contribute indirectly to control of T
5.1.3. Potential glucocorticoid-mediated effects on immune cell responses and promotion of B cell responses during
responses to Õiral infection late phase immune responses to viral infections. They also
Glucocorticoids have the potential to mediate im- have the potential to directly regulate T cell responses by
munoregulatory functions at two different levels. The first contributing to the observed apoptosis w359x. Glucocorti-
is by participating in shaping or directing protective im- coids induce apoptosis w182,232,319,477,480,485x and their
mune responses. The second is by containing the magni- contribution to thymocyte apoptosis in vivo has been
tude andror kinetics of possibly detrimental immune re- conclusively demonstrated w182,319,477x. A role of gluco-
sponses. The mechanisms by which glucocorticoids could corticoids for peripheral T cell death, however, is more
carry out these functions during viral infections are re- controversial w174,221,480,485x. T cell apoptosis can be
viewed here. induced by an activation-induced pathway as well as a
Endogenously synthesized adrenal steroids have the steroid-induced pathway and these pathways can be mutu-
potential of mediating a variety of functions that may ally antagonistic w221,480x. Thus, characterization of en-
contribute to either the different phases of immune re- dogenous steroid effects on peripheral T cells has to
B.S. McEwen et al.r Brain Research ReÕiews 23 (1997) 79–133 107

distinguish glucocorticoid effects on cell death from ef- not distinguished between steroid induction driven by spe-
fects on both immune enhancing factors and resulting cific antigen and steroid induction resulting from systemic
activation-induced pathways, i.e., glucocorticoids may di- cytokine expression. This is particularly important when
rectly induce immune cell death or may indirectly induce NDV, a potent inducer of systemic interferon expression,
cell death by promoting factors which enhance activation- is used as the ‘antigen’ w124x. The response to moderate
induced cell death pathways. Recent studies of peripheral doses of the antigen, phosphocholine-keyhole limpet
T cell deletion in response to profound stimulation with hemocyanin ŽPC-KLH., is associated with undetectable to
anti-CD3e antibodies or the superantigen Staphlococcus minimal changes in the HPA axis w424x. Thus, these data
aureus enterotoxin B suggest that endogenous glucocorti- suggest that if systemic cytokines are not induced, antigens
coids are required for early peripheral T cell depletion may not elicit detectable increases in circulating glucocor-
w174x. These data suggest that glucocorticoids have a po- ticoids.
tential to regulate the late phase response through both Alternatives to the cytokine pathway for circulating
indirect and direct mechanisms. glucocorticoid induction are pathways activated by physi-
cal stress resulting from infections. Viral infections associ-
5.1.4. Pathways aÕailable for releasing endogenous gluco- ated with extreme virus-induced andror immune-induced
corticoid-mediated effects during immune responses to Õi- pathology can inhibit normal physiological functions and
ral infections cause pain. Examples of these conditions would include
Perhaps the first evidence demonstrating the role of influenza virus and cytomegalovirus ŽCMV. which, during
endogenously synthesized steroids in regulating immune extensive infections, either directly or indirectly inhibit
responses to infections was obtained in the cytokine-in- lung or liver and lung functions, respectively.
duced immunopathology associated with bacterial endo- Even if glucocorticoid levels are not elevated during
toxic shock. Long before the pathogenic mechanisms were viral infections, there are pathways by which normal en-
understood, it was known that corticosteroids could inhibit dogenous steroids may become available to regulate im-
lethal actions of endotoxins w156x. It is now known that mune responses. First, induced decreases in CBG function
endotoxin-induced systemic TNF and IL-1 and IL-6 ex- may ‘release’ circulating steroids to immune cells Žsee
pression w46,74,149,446x activates the HPA axis and in- subsection 4.1.. Alternatively, immune cells responding to
d u c e s e le v a te d e n d o g e n o u s c o rtic o s te ro id s antigen stimulation andror cytokines may be induced to
w38,40,44,156,319,464x. As adrenalectomy results in in- express higher numbers of steroid receptors w378x. Antigen
creased sensitivity to the lethal effects of endotoxin, TNF activation of these mechanisms has not yet been systemati-
andror IL-1 w39x, the biological significance of this cas- cally evaluated in vivo.
cade is proven. Thus, under conditions of endotoxic shock,
systemic cytokine expression apparently induces endoge- 5.1.5. Expression and function of endogenous glucocorti-
nous steroid production to regulate cytokine expression coids during infection
and cytokine-mediated immunopathology. A number of experimental murine viral infections are
There are clear pathways in place for elevating steroid being used to characterize the induction of steroids andror
levels during early phase responses to viral infections. steroid functions during infections, including intranasal
Circulating IFNs are present and IFN expression is associ- infections with influenza virus w123,141,200,201,400x and
ated with corticosterone expression in vivo. The Newcastle intraperitoneal infections with LCMV w49,306x. Although
disease virus ŽNDV., although not infectious for mice or these models appear to have parallel phases of the immune
rats, stimulates both IFN expression w179x and cortico- responses to infection w48,51,65,198,280,387x, they differ
sterone production in these animals w124,410x and treat- in the level of pathology and immunopathology associated
ments with the chemical IFN-inducer, polyinosinic- with the infection. Intranasal infections with influenza
polycytidylic acid Žpoly I:C. w310x induce circulating cor- virus induce profound lung pathology and the immune
ticosterone. In addition to the IFNs, IL-1 and TNF are also response appears to contribute to at least a proportion of
expressed at early times post-infection w72,198x ŽOrange, this damage. In contrast, under the intraperitoneal infection
Salazar, Mather and Biron, manuscript in preparation.. As conditions used, LCMV infections are associated with
these cytokines can induce a rise in endogenous glucocorti- minimal pathology. Thus, the two models provide impor-
coids w38,40,44,319,464x, induction of IFN-g, IL-1 or TNF tant information about different pathways of steroid induc-
during early phase immune responses may induce adrenal tion during infections.
steroids which act to shape the phases of the immune Studies with influenza virus A ŽPR8. indicate that circu-
response. lating corticosterone levels can be elevated at early
The mechanisms by which steroids could be induced or w123,201x as well as later times post-infection w141,201x.
become effective during the middle andror late phases are Although not directly examined in this work, the kinetics
less clear. Although it has been suggested that the response of the early steroid elevation appears to coincide with
to antigen includes corticosteroid induction reported early phase cytokine production during influenza
w41,42,124,261,306,424,458x, most of these studies have infections w198,421x. Late elevation correlates with the
108 B.S. McEwen et al.r Brain Research ReÕiews 23 (1997) 79–133

induction of T cell responses w5x. However, as there is sion and the molecular mechanisms by which these effects
extensive lung pathology at these later times, it is impossi- are driven.
ble to distinguish between antigen-driven as opposed to
stress-driven induction of steroids. 5.1.6. Responses to Õiruses in the context of exogenously
To evaluate changes in the absence of profound pathol- added glucocorticoids or stress
ogy, we have recently carried out extensive evaluation of Although the mechanisms are not understood, stress-in-
circulating corticosterone levels in mice infected intraperi- duced increases in susceptibility to a variety of acute
toneally with a non-immunosuppressive isolate of Arm- human virus infections and to reactivation of latent herpes
strong strain LCMV w49,306x Žsee Fig. 13.. In these stud- viruses have been appreciated for some time. Studies
ies, circulating corticosterone levels have been measured at correlating stress with human viral infections have demon-
both peak and nadir of the diurnal cycle. Modest but strated that high-stress examination periods are associated
statistically significant changes in steroid levels are found with increased upper respiratory infections in medical stu-
cresting at earlier times post-infection. The early steroid dents w164x and that psychological stress is associated with
response may be associated with early cytokine expression. increased rates of infection after deliberate exposure to
The circulating corticosterone levels return to baselines at rhinoviruses, respiratory syncytial virus or coronovirus
times coinciding with middle and late phase immune re- w85,86x. The first studies, to examine the consequences of
sponses. To document immune cell responsiveness andror applied stress on viral infections in animal models were
in vivo exposure to glucocorticoids, steroid receptor Type- surveys evaluating the effects of a variety of psychosocial
II availability has also been evaluated. Although the mea- and physical stressors on infections with a panel of differ-
surable changes in steroid levels are modest and early, ent viral infections. These studies demonstrated that re-
there are dramatic drops in available receptor sites for peatedly exposing mice to a shock-avoidance procedures
glucocorticoid binding. These changes are first detected increased susceptibility to infections with herpes simplex
early and maintained throughout late times post-infections. virus ŽHSV. w362x, poliomyelitis virus w230x, Coxsakie B
Taken together with the measurements of corticosterone, virus w231x and polyoma virus w361x and that physical
the receptor studies suggest two exciting possibilities. First, restraint of mice increased susceptibility to HSV w362x.
that through another modification, such as decreases in More recent studies have focused on the effects of
CBG, more of the circulating levels of steroid were avail- external stress on viral infections in three detailed and
able to bind to receptors in responding immune cells. Such different experimental murine models with characterized
a change would predict that: Ž1. the immune cells receive or partially characterized immune responses; intranasal
endogenous steroid signals; and Ž2. endogenous steroids infections with influenza virus w141,200,201,400x, footpad
shape the in vivo immune response. The alternative possi- infections with HSV w55–57,265x and intraperitoneal infec-
bility is that activated immune cells are modified during tions with West Nile virus ŽWNV. w35x. These studies have
the course of infection to modulate their steroid receptors. used restraint w55–57,141,200,201,400x, electric footshock
This down modulation might be a consequence of ‘activa- w265x and cold or isolation w35x as stressors. The stress
tion’ through an unknown alternative pathway such as the protocols decrease certain parameters of the immune re-
recently described heat shock protein pathway w381,399x. sponse to each of these infections Žsee below.. They also
On the other hand, receptor expression may be down decrease resistance to infection as evaluated by increased
regulated in activated cells to reduce sensitivity to circulat- viral replication during HSV w56,265x or WNV infections
ing glucocorticoids. The pathways for reducing available w35x and increased mortality during WNV infection w35x.
steroid receptors are not mutually exclusive. Thus, stress can promote conditions which result in in-
To determine if endogenous adrenal steroids are shap- creased viral replication. The effects of stress on influenza
ing the immune response to LCMV, early NK cell and late viral titers have not been reported. As discussed above,
CTL responses have been evaluated in adrenalectomized disease following intranasal infection with influenza virus
ŽADX. mice or in mice treated with the Type-II receptor is complicated because inflammatory immune responses
antagonist, RU 486. NK cell responses are not measurably contribute to lung pathology. Restraint stress does reduce
altered, however, CTL responses are marginally enhanced the influenza virus-induced inflammatory responses and
when endogenous adrenal steroids are blocked throughout lung consolidation w200,400x. In a strain of mice particu-
the course of infection. Given that steroids may mediate larly sensitive to influenza virus-induced mortality,
CTL enhancing effects early but inhibiting effects late, DBAr2, restraint stress also induces an increase in sur-
optimizing measurement of steroid-mediated effects will vival w400x. Thus, in this model with acute immunopathol-
require the characterization of early vs. late effects. ogy, certain parameters of virus-induced disease are im-
Taken together, these studies in experimental models proved by stress.
provide compelling evidence that endogenous steroids are Stress-induced changes in acute immunological re-
part of normal immune responses to viral infections. A sponses known to mediate anti-viral activity have been
great deal of work remains to be done to the characterize examined during influenza virus and HSV infections. As
the precise effects mediated by endogenous steroid expres- most of the cellular immune response parameters have
B.S. McEwen et al.r Brain Research ReÕiews 23 (1997) 79–133 109

only been examined at one or two time points and limited tion that stress-induced glucocorticoids regulate endoge-
cytokine expression data has been obtained, it is difficult nous immune responses, but the characterization of stress-
to discuss these stress-induced immune changes in the induced glucocorticoid effects are still very preliminary.
context of the different phases of the immune response
ŽFig. 13.. Stress reduces leukocyte numbers in lymphoid 5.1.7. Summary of glucocorticoids and immune responses
compartments during acute responses to either virus w55– to Õiral infections
57,141,200,201,265,400x. As changes in lymph node cell Although there are data indicating that stress can alter
and spleen cell yields can result from either a redistribu- susceptibility to infection and that glucocorticoids can be
tion or a proliferation, it is not clear if the stress-induced mediators of the stress-induced effects, the mechanisms by
changes in cell yields are a consequence of only one or which stress-induced glucocorticoid secretion can modify
both of these mechanisms. It is clear that proliferation defense against infection are only beginning to be appreci-
dependent responses are inhibited; stress reduces IL-2 ated. This appreciation is largely the result of a new and
production w200,400x and IL-2 dependent proliferation more thorough understanding of: Ž1. the beneficial as
driven by antigen stimulation in culture w141,400x as well opposed to the detrimental immune responses to viral
as generation of virus-specific CTLs expanded in culture infection; Ž2. the kinetics of the various protective re-
w56,57,265x. Thus, at least part of the stress-mediated sponses during infection; Ž3. the molecular mechanisms
inhibition is a result of inhibited proliferation, but changes regulating protective as opposed to susceptible type im-
in cell trafficking may also be induced. Extensive kinetic mune responses to viruses; and Ž4. the sensitivity of
studies of virus-specific antibody production have been various components of the immune system to steroid sig-
done. These indicate that the kinetics and magnitude of nals. Because of the recent work characterizing glucocorti-
antibody responses are also inhibited by stress w200,265x. coids effects on various immune cells and cytokine regula-
A variety of mediators can contribute to the effects after tors of the immune response, it is possible to propose that
stress. Although it is clear that glucocorticoid elevation can glucocorticoids have the potential to mediate a wide range
be part of a stress response, the mechanisms by which of effects during viral infections, and, depending on re-
stress-induced steroids modulate susceptibility to viral in- sponse kinetics and contexts, that the outcome may be
fection have not been clearly delineated and little is known either defense enhancing or suppressing. Given the identi-
about the role of stress-induced glucocorticoids. We have fication of precise molecular targets for glucocorticoid
used the synthetic glucocorticoid, dexamethasome ŽDEX. effects on immune responses, it should now be possible to
to evaluate the steroid sensitivity of the various compo- definitively establish the role of endogenous glucocorti-
nents of the immune response to LCMV infections w49,306x coids on immune responses and defense against infection.
Žsee Fig. 13.. These studies have demonstrated that early
NK cell responses are relatively insensitive to DEX. In 5.2. Role of glucocorticoids in tumor establishment and
contrast, CTL responses are extremely sensitive to DEX- progression
mediated inhibition. The results are consistent with the
aforementioned studies examining the consequences of 5.2.1. Background
blocked endogenous adrenal steroids. However, there are Numerous studies have suggested that stress can modify
limited studies directly addressing the question of whether cancer development in animal models and that stress can
or not stress-induced endogenous glucocorticoids, by either inhibit or promote neoplastic development w335x.
themselves or in concert with other neuroendocrine factors, However, it is very important to note that multiple models
actually regulate immune responses during infection. As of experimental cancer exist and that each model often
stated above, influenza virus infection is known to elevate emphasizes only a limited aspect of the highly complex
circulating corticosterone w123,141,201x. Although restraint and dynamic process of cancer progression: i.e., initiation,
stress inhibits the histopathology associated with influenza promotion, progression, angiogenesis, tumor invasion,
virus infection of all strains of mice tested, it only in- metastatic spread and the outgrowth of established metas-
creases circulating corticosterone to significantly higher tases w167–169x. Therefore, certain models are more infor-
levels in some strains of infected mice w201x. Thus, other mative than others in reflecting the pathophysiology of
changes may be contributing to the stress-induced modifi- progressive cancer in humans or in reflecting an appropri-
cations. The issue has been directly addressed by evaluat- ate understanding of the role of the immune response in
ing stress changes in HSV-infected mice that have been cancer spread or for being of significance to understanding
ADX w57x. These studies demonstrate that adrenal-depen- the health-modulating effects of stress on disease end-
dent mechanisms are important for the stress-induced sup- points, including cancer progression.
pression of virus-specific CTLs as measured in culture but
not the reduction in lymphoid cell yields. They also re- 5.2.2. Mechanisms of tumor inÕasion and metastatic spread
vealed an adrenal-independent mechanism induced by Progressive steps in malignant neoplastic growth lead to
stress which functioned in synergy with corticosterone to tumor invasion and cancer metastasis Žsee Fig. 14.. Cancer
suppress the lymphadenopathy. Thus, there is some indica- metastases are known to be the predominant cause of
110 B.S. McEwen et al.r Brain Research ReÕiews 23 (1997) 79–133

treatment failure, morbidity and death for patients or ani- tumor spread and metastasis and the importance of tumor
mals with solid malignancies w167x. While the treatment cell heterogeneity, host vasculature, and the immune re-
modalities of chemotherapy, radiotherapy and surgical in- sponses. Significant progress has been made in better
tervention effectively treat approximately 50% of patients understanding the biochemical mechanisms in tumor inva-
who have developed malignant tumors, the majority of sion and metastasis, lymphatic and hematogenous tumor
patients who are refractile to these therapeutic approaches spread, and sequential stages in tumor invasion.
yield to the direct andror indirect effects of established Recent studies have continued to elucidate the biochem-
tumor metastases or to the adverse sequelae associated ical, cellular, and molecular mechanisms that underlie
with these therapeutic approaches. It is recognized that at tumor invasiveness and cancer metastasis Žreviewed in
the time of diagnosis of primary tumors, approximately w167,170x. During tumor invasiveness, malignant cells pen-
50% of patients with solid malignant tumors already have etrate a number of barriers including extracellular matrices
established micrometastases which often with time expand Žsee Fig. 14.. These extracellular matrices include dense,
and contribute to damage to the host organs. Indeed, a over-arching lattices of collagen and elastin embedded
detected metastatic deposit in an organ may indicate the within a network of glycoproteins and proteoglycans. One
presence of additional occult micrometastases. The hetero- specialized extracellular matrix that is penetrated as
geneity of subpopulations of metastatic tumor cells cou- metastatic tumor cells cross tissue boundaries is the base-
pled with their widespread anatomic distribution limits or ment membrane. The basement membrane is composed of
prevents effective chemotherapeutic or even surgical thera- proteoglycans. Basement membranes and interstitial stroma
peutic treatments. Moreover, some of these treatment separate tissue compartments from each other.
modalities can lead to immunosuppression and subsequent Subpopulations of tumor cells leave the primary tumor
mortality arising from infectious disease. It is therefore and interact with extracellular matrices at a number of
quite important to employ tumor models that as much as stages during the metastatic process including: tumor cell
possible mimic these critical aspects of the pathophysiol- entry andror exit from the vasculature; the invasion of
ogy of human malignancy including metastatic spread and muscle and nerve; and during the penetration of epithelial
the outgrowth of established tumor metastases. barriers. During the invasion into or out of blood vessels
In recent years significant insights into the progressive Ži.e., intravasation or extravasation., invasive tumor cells
stages of malignant neoplastic growth, particularly tumor enter through areas that they have degraded in the wall of
invasion and metastatic spread, have arisen from basic a capillary or venule and must cross the perivascular
research dealing with the molecular biology, biochemistry, interstitial stroma prior to the growth of metastatic colonies
cell biology, immunology, and the study of selective ex- in the parenchyma of the organ seeded by the metastatic
perimental therapeutic agents. Insights into the mecha- tumor cells. Aspects of the homing of metastatic tumor
nisms of tumor progression to metastasis have emphasized: cells to target organs is dependent upon the interaction of
biochemical mechanisms of tumor invasion, modes of tumor cell surface molecules with the microvascular en-

Fig. 14. Diagram of cancer invasion and metastasis.

B.S. McEwen et al.r Brain Research ReÕiews 23 (1997) 79–133 111

dothelial cells associated within these organs. Many inves- activation with the cytokine IL-2 that such activated natu-
tigators have documented that multiple steps are involved ral killer ŽA-NK. cells accumulate within established
in the sequence of steps that characterizes metastatic spread. metastases following their adoptive transfer Žreviewed in
The degradation of extracellular matrices by invasive w166,172x..
tumor cells has been shown to take place in several stages. NK cells are a subset of peripheral blood mononuclear
The first step is tumor cell attachment to subendothelial cells which are morphologically large granular lympho-
extracellular matrices by cell-surface receptors which bind cytes. Their surface phenotype is distinct from T or B
to specific matrix components. The second step of matrix lymphocytes. Moreover, NK cells can lyse many tumor
invasion is related to tumor cell protease-mediated degra- cells and virally infected cells in the absence of prior
dation of the matrix. The third step is tumor cell locomo- sensitization. NK cells, which account for 5–15% of circu-
tion into areas of the matrix locally degraded by tumor cell lating blood lymphocytes, can also be found in non-
proteolysis. Continued invasion of the extracellular matrix lymphoid tissue including the intestinal mucosa and the
may take place by repetition of these sequential steps. lung. It is well known that both a number of cytokines and
The process of cancer metastasis is both complex and mononuclear subsets regulate the functions of NK cells.
selective and dependent on the properties of the tumor, Moreover, NK cell activation, proliferation and reactivity
e.g., tumor invasiveness, as well as the properties of the can be modulated by events that take place within local
host, e.g., the immune response and the vasculature of the tissue sites. NK cells can therefore quickly respond to local
tumor and the host w167x. During the process of metastatic stimuli in tissues and function as an important regulatory
spread, tumor cells must overcome or evade systemic and and defensive effector cell type.
locoregional host immune responses Že.g., lymphoid effec- NK cells are recognized as being an important first line
tor cells that can infiltrate, accumulate within and exhibit of defense against hematogenous metastases. In animal
anti-tumor reactivity within tumor metastases.. Moreover, models of tumor metastasis, selective depletion of NK
following the establishment of tumor metastases in distant cells leads to the development of a significantly larger
organs, the tumor cells can undergo neovascularization and number of tumor metastases in the lungs and other organs;
colonial outgrowth which is also under complex and dy- moreover, selective reconstitution with NK cells restored
namic regulation dependent upon the host and tumor. resistance to metastasis w20x. It is also well known that
patients with cancer, including those with large tumor
5.2.3. Role of the immune system in preÕenting metastasis burdens and disseminated tumor metastases, often have
Much evidence exists that the immune response plays low NK activity in their peripheral blood. While it is not
an important role in both the prevention of metastatic always clear if this is a result of malignancy rather than a
spread and as a potential therapeutic approach for the factor contributing to malignancy, studies of familial can-
control of established tumor metastases w166,172x. While a cer have indicated that low NK activity can precede the
detailed survey of the immune response to cancer, includ- development of cancer. Indeed, in patients with cancer,
ing tumor metastases, is beyond the scope of this chapter, low NK cell activity may have prognostic value in predict-
it is noteworthy that some components of the immune ing response to treatment or relapse w388x. Moreover, it has
response have been shown to play important roles in been shown that low levels of NK cell number or activity
protecting against both the onset of tumor metastases as in patients with cancer seems to be associated with an
well as in the therapy of advanced tumors including tumor increased chance for tumor progression.
metastases. Substantial knowledge exists regarding tumor
associated antigens and the role of antibodies and cellular 5.2.4. Stress and tumor progression
immunity in cancer; the characteristics and basic mecha- The role of stress in tumor progression has been exam-
nisms of anti-tumor effector cells; the role of immune ined using a number of tumor models and an almost
effector cells within the tumor microenvironment; tumor- equally varied number of stress paradigms. Stress re-
infiltrating lymphocytes in solid tumors and the localiza- sponses have been examined using: electric shock, re-
tion of effector cells of the immune response into tumor straint, surgery and differential housing. Although there
metastases w166x. In recent years, a significant number of are numerous studies in each of these catagories, we will
preclinical and clinical studies have shown the therapeutic focus on those which correlate stress, tumor progression,
potential of immunomodulation for the immunotherapy of and glucocorticoid levels or immune function. Each of
malignancies. The reader is directed towards a recent these paradigms have given a different perspective on the
summary of immunity and cancer therapy which highlights role of stress on tumor progression. In addition each uses a
major approaches in immune intervention including: tumor different tumor model. However, in evaluating these stud-
vaccines, immunoaugmenting and immunomodulating ies it is important to keep in mind two points. First, the
agents, antibodies, cytokines and adoptive cell transfer most important tumor models are those that deal with the
w305x. One cell type that has been found to play a particu- full array of cancer progression, particularly the establish-
larly important role in the prevention of metastases is the ment and outgrowth of disseminated metastatic cancer.
natural killer ŽNK. cell; it has been found that upon Second, from an immunologic perspective, the meaningful
112 B.S. McEwen et al.r Brain Research ReÕiews 23 (1997) 79–133

models must take into account the need for employment of have in many cases involved the DMBA rat mammary
syngeneic tumor models and therefore immunologically tumor which was induced with 7,12-dimethylbenzanthra-
appropriate for particular host animals. In allogeneic tumor cene by feeding or i.v. injection. Many of these early
models, immune modulation of tumor progression may studies suggested that stress, e.g., mild restraint, could
simply be due to host rejection of the allogeneic tumor. reduce or inhibit tumor growth or weight. A series of
The models described below were conducted in syngeneic subsequent studies suggested that unpredictable stress failed
systems. to promote DMBA-mediated cancer development. Interest-
ingly, dexamethasone treatment after 5 days of DMBA Studies with physical and psychological stressors. administration revealed that glucocorticoid-induced im-
Pioneering studies dealing with the association of stress mune suppression might not be a factor in the DMBA rat
with immune competence and cancer included intriguing mammary tumor model. This study plus a variety of
studies of the enhancement of tumor growth following studies in several carcinogen-induced models with differ-
rotation-induced stress on C3H mice w368x. It was assumed ent modes of stress modulation have been reviewed w335x.
that the stress caused by rotation reduced the immunologi- One view that has emerged is that stress, by alteration
cal competence of the mice and permitted rapid growth of of brain and plasma levels of various neurotransmitters,
the 6C3HED lymphosarcoma. In contrast, the control ani- hormones and neuropeptides, contributes to immunoregula-
mals retained their capacity for restraining tumor growth. tion w396x. Moreover, the regulation is not always negative
It was pointed out in this early study that this type of Žsee Section 4, Table 1. and several studies have suggested
stress-induced decrease in immunological competence was that recovery from stress might be protective for tumor
consistent with diminution of cellular immunity mediated development. Nevertheless, it was not clear, in studies with
by enhanced plasma corticosterone levels. Further studies female Lewis rats receiving mammary adenocarcinoma
indicated that the administration of an exogenous glucocor- cells subcutaneously, whether stress or recovery from it led
ticoid also enhanced tumor growth. Indeed, it was demon- to smaller tumors in restrained rats w425x. In this study,
strated that stress-associated impairment of immunological higher neutrophil and suppressor cell numbers were found
competence may be dependent upon the timing of the in recovered stressed animals and lower NK cell activity
application of stress or of stress simulated by dexametha- among controls at the second time of sampling.
sone administration w368x. It should be noted that dexa-
methasone is especially potent towards the immune system Escapable and inescapable shock. Another rela-
by reason of its inability to bind to CBG and that its tively early study investigated tumor rejection in rats fol-
effects are not representative of endogenous glucocorti- lowing either inescapable or escapable shock w450x. One
coids secreted during moderate stress Žsee subsection 4.1.. day following implantation with a Walker 256 tumor
Thus the mechanism of dexamethasone- and stress-induced preparation, rats were subjected to inescapable, escapable
enhancement of tumor growth may not be identical. or no electric shock. It was found that 27% of the rats that
The effects of stress have also been investigated on received inescapable shock rejected the tumor. In contrast,
tumor growth and metastasis in mice bearing the Lewis 63% of the rats receiving escapable shock and 54% of the
lung carcinoma w161x. Stressors examined included antici- rats that did not receive shock rejected the tumors. This
patory anxiety caused by application of spatial disorienta- study suggested that the lack of control over stressors
tion; early maternal deprivation; behavioral despair; physi- reduces tumor rejection and decreases survival. An addi-
cal restraint and avoidable vs. unavoidable foot-shock in tional study indicated that a form of footshock stress can
conditioned animals. Giraldi and colleagues have claimed lead to suppression of immune functions in rats and de-
notable results with spatial disorientation with resultant crease their resistance to tumor challenge w396x. Interest-
enhanced levels of metastases. In addition, this group has ingly, these effects appeared to be regulated by opioid
reported using various antagonists of neuro-endocrine ef- peptides released as a consequence of stress. Moreover,
fectors that plasma glucocorticoids are not involved they could be mimicked by systemically administered mor-
whereas endorphin may be significant. Moreover, the phine or by smaller morphine doses delivered intracere-
adrenergic system appears to be involved. These findings broventricularly.
have been interpreted to indicate that psychological stres- Several groups have also examined footshock as a
sors may influence tumor metastasis by the host’s antitu- behavioral stress on tumor development Že.g., w447x.. It
mor resistance factors via neuroendocrine mechanisms. was noted that footshock did not affect the development of
Additional studies by Giraldi and colleagues have exam- the P815 mastocytoma in DBAr2j mice. Nevertheless,
ined the effect of stress on antitumor chemotherapy with footshock appeared to block an antitumor effect mediated
the finding that antitumor resistance ‘effectors’ which are by infection with C. parÕum in mice that were group-
susceptible to neural modulation by stress are possibly housed suggesting the need to carefully assess the relation-
distinct from either CTL or NK cells w162x. ship of various psychological variables with successful
As summarized by Newberry and colleagues w335,336x, treatments with immune response modifiers.
studies on the role of stress in chemically induced tumors A number of studies have examined tailshock, stress
B.S. McEwen et al.r Brain Research ReÕiews 23 (1997) 79–133 113

hormones and the ability of the host to clear radiolabeled porating a non-specific immunomodulator, OK-432 as well
tumor cells, which is known to be related to NK cell as laparotomy, OK-432 administered prior to tumor exci-
function w177x. It was reported that 15 min of shock slowed sion and laparotomy led to prevention of enhanced lung
the rate of elimination of NK cell-sensitive target cells, metastases compared to laparotomy alone w440x. Of note,
e.g., YAC-1 cells but not NK-resistant target cells, e.g., OK-432 did not appear to affect the incidence of metasta-
P815 cells. It was also observed that opioid antagonists sis in the absence of laparotomy. Studies with Walker 256
increased the elimination of NK sensitive target cells in tumor cell-mediated pulmonary metastasis was enhanced
shocked animals. In contrast, enhancement of the time of by either surgical stress or stimulation of the midbrain
shock to 60 min abolished the elimination of the NK-sensi- periaqueductal gray ŽPAG. region w403x. It is noteworthy,
tive tumor cells. Administration of restraint for 3 days however, that naloxone, given before such PAG stimula-
preceding shock increased the elimination of NK-sensitive tion, did not act as an antagonist. An additional study
tumor cells. Treatment of ACTH during a 2-day period revealed that laparotomy enhances death from pancreatic
improved the response of the host to these cells. tumors by decreasing latency of primary footpad tumors
and enhances the incidence of tumor metastases w484x. In Housing conditions. A number of studies have this same study, evidence was provided for immunodepres-
examined the role of differential housing on endocrine sion and following surgery, there were indications of im-
mediation of stressor effects on tumor growth Že.g., w374x.. munoenhancement. While C. parÕum had antitumor ef-
It has been shown that differential housing alters the fects for even surgically stressed animals, the pattern was
growth rate of the androgen-responsive Shionogi mouse not consistent with the result being linked to blockade of
mammary SC115 carcinoma. Plasma corticosterone levels stress-mediated events.
were found to be significantly elevated in mice with small More recently it has been recognized that surgical stress
tumors as compared to those of mice with large tumors. can inhibit NK cells effects related to the lysis of tumor
The results of the study suggested that housing conditions cells in patients with solid tumors including sarcomas
can effect plasma levels of steroid hormones which in turn w356x. Moreover, recent studies have indicated that stress
may contribute to differential tumor growth rates. Interest- can facilitate the metastatic process by suppression of
ingly, the isolation of mice has been employed as a model aspects of the immune response w355x.
of stress for the investigation of NK cell activity and
CIRAS 3 fibrosarcoma pulmonary metastasis formation in 5.2.5. Possible mechanisms
C3H mice w208x. It was found that individually housed As noted above, the immune response can play a vari-
mice, regardless of the conditions of vehicle or tumor ety of roles in the destruction of tumors w166,172x. The
conditions, had higher nk cell responses on day 1 com- totality of immune mechanisms, particularly the function
pared to group-housed animals. The data have been inter- of NK cells, may likely play key roles in tumor destruc-
preted to suggest that in response to housing conditions, nk tion. However, circulating hormones and neural input to
cell activity differs in tumor-bearing mice and vehicle immune organs play an important modulatory role in
controls. Moreover, it has been suggested that plasma tumor rejection and spread.
corticosterone does not appear to be a major in vivo Recent studies have examined the role of stress in a
regulator of nk activity in this experimental rodent tumor tumor metastasis system in rats with particular attention on
paradigm. Lastly, this report is of interest, since it suggests the assessment of natural killer cell activity in rats w33,34x.
that housing effects on nk activity and plasma cortico- The role of stress has been investigated in Fischer 344 rats
sterone levels are dependent upon the specific time win- using the MADB106 syngeneic mammary tumor metasta-
dow in which samples are obtained. sis system. Animals exposed to acute stress showed de-
creased NK killing against MADB106 tumor cells in vitro. Surgical stress. Another interesting area exploring When Fischer rats were injected with the MADB106 tu-
the role of stress in tumor development has been surgical mor i.v., they showed a two-fold increase in surface
stress and metastases in several systems including trans- metastases. Ben-Eliyahu and colleagues noted that the time
planted mammary tumors. Evidence for stress-related im- period during which stress increases metastases appears to
munodepression was noted in studies with MRMT-1 cells be the same as that during which the tumor is controlled
in young Sprague–Dawley rats where tumor excision was by NK cells, thus supporting the view that stress can
performed 14 days postinoculation or excision plus laparo- facilitate the metastatic process by inhibition of the NK
tomy or identical groups that did not receive tumors w437x. cell compartment of the immune response w33,34x. This
Tumor formation was enhanced with splenic cells derived study has shown that stress, if applied 1 h before but not
from laparotomized animals versus spleen cells from un- 24 h after tumor injection, can increase metastases. Simi-
stressed or tumor-excised animals. Interestingly, among larly, acute stress was found to increase lung metastases
the tumor-bearing animals followed until death or 80 days when applied 1 h but not 24 h before tumor injection. The
a higher percentage of the laparotomized rats showed stress procedure employed in this study used five succes-
evidence of lung metastases. In comparable studies incor- sive cycles of placing a 45 grkg weight on the tails of rats
114 B.S. McEwen et al.r Brain Research ReÕiews 23 (1997) 79–133

which were then placed for 3 min in a tank containing colleagues have suggested that the identification of changes
water at 378C w34x. It is noteworthy that enhanced levels of that occur in lymphocyte populations in the lung in re-
ACTH and corticosterone were found in stressed animals. sponse to the infusion of tumor cells may be quite helpful
Moreover, preliminary studies had shown that acute isola- to both describe the immunological events by which
tion stress and intermittent footshock also appeared to metastases are regulated and to describe sequential points
enhance the level of metastases. in time at which stress-induced physiological changes in-
As to possible mediators of the effects of stress on tervene to modulate this outcome. Indeed, B-cells are the
tumor metastasis, the interest in adrenal steroids was cat- most glucocorticoid-sensitive lymphocytes and glucocorti-
alyzed in part by a well known study suggesting that coids affect the distribution of lymphocytes in the body
chronic stress might induce greater pathophysiological w116x. Therefore, it has been suggested by Jay Weiss and
changes in aged rather than young rats, since aged animals colleagues that it is possible that B lymphocytes that
show a delay in termination of their adrenocortical stress contribute to tumor surveillance may be particularly vul-
response and therefore hypersecrete corticosterone in the nerable to stress-induced elevation of glucocorticoids. It is
poststress period; it was found that stress-induced tumor likely that selective studies with adoptive transfer of puri-
growth, associated with the inoculation with fetal rat cells fied populations of effector cells with available methodol-
transformed by a tumor virus, is accelerated in aged rats ogy might be particularly useful in further examining these
w386x. Moreover, simulation of the aged pattern of cortico- issues Že.g., w24,25,166,172x.. Moreover, a detailed investi-
sterone hypersecretion in young rats by steroid administra- gation of the biochemical mechanisms underlying lympho-
tion was also found to accelerate stress-induced tumor cyte cytotoxicity and migration may also ultimately yield
growth. Whereas this remains an attractive mechanism, it insights into these processes w171,255,455x.
is premature to conclude that it is the only mechanism, in In addition to the animal research studies described
light of the parallel and interactive role of other agents above, it is also noteworthy that many recent studies
such as sympathetic innervation and opioids Žsee Section 2 dealing with cancer, stress, neuroendocrinology and psy-
above.. Furthermore, as noted above and in Table 1, choneuroimmunology relevant to cancer have also been
adrenal steroids have facilitative as well as inhibitory studied in patients. The reader is directed to a number of
effects on aspects of immune function. recent reviews that are beyond the scope of this review
Recent studies have examined the effect of adrenalec- w211,277,364,376x.
tomy on B16 melanoma pulmonary tumor metastases and
immune functions in C57BLr6 mice to investigate the role 5.2.6. Summary
of adrenal corticosteroids w254x. Adrenalectomized mice Stress has been shown to affect the progression of a
were injected with 105 B16 melanoma cells on day 0. On variety of tumors, and, in most cases, the effects of stress
day 10 the mice were killed and the number of lung are to exacerbate tumor metastasis. Most studies have
colonies counted. Adrenalectomized animals had a three- utilized relatively acute or short term stressors, and one
to-four fold increase in the number of metastases as com- series of studies has uncovered a critical window during
pared with sham operated animals. Steroid replacement which acute stress can accelerate tumor spread w398x. This
therapy using dexamethasone delivered at 1 mgrh did not study also utilizes syngeneic tumor cells and circumvents
lead to any reduction in tumor metastases in adrenalec- problems associated with some earlier studies that have
tomized animals. However, other doses of glucocorticoids, employed tumor allogeneic tumor cells, for which the body
including the natural glucocorticoid, corticosterone, have may have additional possibilities for tumor rejection via
not yet been attempted. It remains to be demonstrated immune recognition of differences from self.
whether the effects of adrenalectomy are due to the ab- This finding is relevant to human studies that have
sence of adrenal steroid or catecholamines or both and revealed windows of vulnerability with respect to surgery
whether normal levels of adrenal steroids may influence for breast cancer w17,90x. In contrast to short term effects
the ability of tumor cells to colonize target organs andror of stress, only a few investigations have begun to address
the ability of the immune system to mount an effective the long-term consequences of stress and psychosocial
anti-tumor response. A logical inference is that the com- interventions. It has been noted that the timing of surgery
bined ability of catecholamines and glucocorticoids to for operable breast cancer in relation to the phase of the
facilitate immune cell redistribution and to support a de- menstrual cycle might affect the outcome in pre-
layed-type hypersensitivity response may be involved Žsee menopausal women w17,90x. It is also of interest that the
subsection 4.2.3.. effects of psychosocial treatments have been investigated
It has recently been observed that B lymphocytes, ab- on the time of survival for patients with metastatic breast
sent from the lung under normal conditions, rapidly in- cancer w418x. Patients with metastatic breast cancer that
crease in the lung within hours after the introduction of had been randomized to weekly group therapy for one year
MADB106 tumor cells into Fischer rats w357x. This has led lived significantly longer, for an average of approximately
to the hypothesis that infiltration of B cells may be impor- eighteen months, than did controls.
tant for the control of metastases. Dr. Jay Weiss and As to mediators of the effects of stress and psychosocial
B.S. McEwen et al.r Brain Research ReÕiews 23 (1997) 79–133 115

influences on the progression of tumors, the influence of

adrenal steroids and other neuroendocrine and neural mod-
ulators of immunity are being given top priority. Recent
evidence suggests that adrenal steroids not only have
long-term negative influence over tumor progression, but
that they may be involved in the short-run in mobilizing
the immune mechanisms that can fight the metastatic
invasion of a solid tumor into other organs or the ability of
an injected tumor to ‘take’. The demonstrated ability of
adrenal steroids to mediate immune cell redistribution and
to enhance delayed-type hypersensitivity responses may be
While studies to date have emphasized immune andror
neuroendocrine-based mechanisms of the effects of stress
on tumor growth, other areas where an effect can be
envisioned include possible effects on the tumor itself,
through modulations of its invasiveness, motility, and an-
giogenesis. Indeed, when considering the potential direct
effects of stress and neuroendocrine agents on tumors, i.e.,
not operative through the immune response, it is important
to keep in mind the complexity of tumor invasiveness,
described above and represented in Fig. 14, which con-
tributes to tumor progression and metastatic spread
w167,168x. This is an important direction for future re-

5.3. Glucocorticoids, autoimmune and inflammatory dis-


5.3.1. Background Fig. 15. Diagram of adrenal steroid containment of inflammatory and
Pharmacologic doses of adrenal steroids and their syn- autoimmune responses. Corticosterone is hypothesized to have a primary
thetic analogs, have been used as potent immunosuppres- suppressive effect on the ongoing inflammatory response. Mediators of
sive and anti-inflammatory agents in the treatment of inflammation, such as the cytokines produced by leukocytes at the site of
inflammation, are hypothesized to stimulate the release of CRH from the
autoimmune disease and in a variety of other clinical
hypothalamus and the release of ACTH from the pituitary. This in turn
situations Žfor a review see w77x.. In addition, it has also stimulates corticosterone secretion, which feeds back to inhibit inflamma-
been hypothesized that glucocorticoids might also be re- tory responses and keeps them under control.
sponsible under physiological conditions, for the suppres-
sion of an ongoing immune response so as to prevent it
from reaching levels of reactivity which might cause dam- disorders: first, is the presence of host immune response
age to self w328x. Strong support for this hypothesis comes genes that carry the potential for contributing to autoimmu-
from studies which show that adrenalectomized rats die nity. Second, is exposure to a proinflammatory or anti-
within 24–48 h after being immunized with horse serum or genic challenge which initiates the cascade of immune
Freund’s Complete Adjuvant ŽFCA., but they can be res- reactions that ultimately result in auto-reactivity. Finally,
cued by corticosterone replacement therapy w121,122x. A there is a deficiency in the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal
number of studies involving animal models of inflamma- ŽHPA. axis such that it is not capable of mounting an
tory disorders and autoimmune disease also lend support appropriate immuno-suppressive corticosterone response in
for this hypothesis w293x. These studies are based on the reaction to an immune challenge. Numerous studies have
premise that there exists a negative feedback loop between elegantly investigated the role played by the HPA axis in
the immune system and the HPA axis, such that pro-in- protecting the host from autoimmune reactions and some
flammatory mediators arising from an ongoing immune of these studies are discussed below.
reaction stimulate the HPA axis w40,260,328,385x which in
turn results in the secretion of corticosterone which sup- 5.3.2. Glucocorticoids and suppression of streptococcal
presses the immune response and prevents it from poten- cell wall-induced arthritis
tially damaging the host. Fig. 15. Sternberg and coworkers have investigated the influ-
Current evidence suggests that three contributing factors ence of the HPA axis on the development of streptococcal
result in susceptibility to inflammatory and autoimmune cell wall ŽSCW.-induced arthritis in female rats belonging
116 B.S. McEwen et al.r Brain Research ReÕiews 23 (1997) 79–133

to the genetically related LewisrN ŽLEWrN. and Fischer

344rN ŽF344rN. strains w426–429x. SCW-induced arthri-
tis is induced by a single intraperitoneal injection of group
A streptococcal cell wall fragments. The symptoms include
a severe, rapid onset, acute arthritis which is followed by a
chronic, erosive phase of the disease. It has been shown
that athymic LEW rats develop the acute phase of the
disease, but fail to develop the chronic phase. This indi-
cates that the chronic phase is thymus-dependent, but the
acute phase is not. The HPA axis is thought to play a
major role in the suppression of the acute phase of the
disease and hence to impede its progression into the Fig. 16. Comparison of susceptibility to EAE of PVG Žsolid square;
chronic phase. ns6. and Lewis Žopen square; ns 5. rats. On day 0 of the experiment,
The F344rN strain is resistant to the development of age- and sex-matched rats of each strain were immunized with guinea pig
myelin basic protein in the hind footpads and were followed for signs of
SCW-induced arthritis whereas the LEWrN strain is sus-
ceptible to this disease. Interestingly, the F344rN strain
mounts a significantly higher corticosterone and adreno-
corticotropin ŽACTH. response than the LEWrN strain
when challenged with a variety of stressors or with inflam-
matory mediators like SCW peptidoglycan polysaccharide develop a paralytic disease 10–12 days after injection. The
or interleukin-1a ŽIL-1a .. Further, F344rN rats treated disease phase lasts for 4–5 days after which it remits
with the glucocorticoid receptor antagonist, RU486, are spontaneously and animals which recover are refractory to
rendered susceptible to SCW-induced arthritis indicating further attempts to induce the disease.
that they do carry the immune response genes with poten- The LEW strain shows the greatest susceptibility to
tial for triggering autoimmunity. Conversely, LEW rats EAE, the PVG strain is resistant Žsee Fig. 16.. A large
treated with pharmacologic doses of dexamethasone, be- increase in serum corticosterone levels is observed in LEW
come completely resistant to the development of SCW-in- rats during the disease phase and this increase persists until
duced arthritis. Moreover, compared to Fischer 344 ŽF344 remission. Adrenalectomy performed before symptoms ap-
rats., adrenal steroid receptors in neural and immune tis- pear prevents spontaneous recovery and results in progres-
sues of Lewis ŽLEW. rats show a significantly lower sion of the disease leading to death. Corticosterone re-
magnitude of activation in response to stress-induced in- placement in adrenalectomized animals results in recovery
creases in plasma corticosterone. Thus, strain differences from the disease. Adrenalectomy performed after recovery
in plasma corticosterone levels are also manifest as signifi- has begun, does not hinder further recovery and permits
cant differences in the extent of activation of cortico- the development of the refractory phase. The PVG strain is
sterone receptors in target tissues. resistant to the disease. Like the F344 strain, PVG rats
In view of the observations described above, it has been have larger adrenals and mount a greater corticosterone
hypothesized that the robust corticosterone response response to stress than LEW rats. Adrenalectomized PVG
mounted by the F344rN strain Žin response to inflamma- rats are rendered susceptible to EAE, but corticosterone
tory mediators released by the SCW-induced immune reac- replacement can rescue adrenalectomized rats from devel-
tion. suppresses the acute inflammatory response and pre- oping the disease. MacKenzie et al. w286x have suggested
vents it from becoming self-reactive. In contrast, the weaker that during the pre-clinical phase of EAE, elevations in
corticosterone response mounted by the LEWrN strain is plasma corticosterone may regulate the lymphoprolifera-
thought to be insufficient to suppress the initiation and tive stage of the disease and that during the clinical phase
progression of an autoimmune response. of the disease, elevations in plasma corticosterone as well
as splenic norepinephrine may regulate other recovery-ori-
ented immune mechanisms w272x.
5.3.3. Glucocorticoids and suppression of experimental Thus, corticosterone is thought to be a major factor in
allergic encephalomyelitis (EAE) the suppression of the initial phase of EAE and for the
Experimental allergic encephalomyelitis ŽEAE. is an- transition to the refractory phase. Resistance to EAE in the
other animal model of an autoimmune disease in which the refractory phase is thought to be dependent on immune
HPA axis is thought to play a suppressive role Žfor a mechanisms independent of regulation by adrenal hor-
review see w293x.. EAE can be induced by immunization of mones, since adrenalectomy after recovery from EAE does
animals with guinea pig myelin basic protein ŽMBP. ho- not hinder the development of the refractory phase once it
mogenized in Freund’s Complete Adjuvant or by adoptive has begun. Moreover, splenocytes from animals in the
transfer of splenocytes from an animal with EAE to a refractory phase respond to MPB in vitro and can transfer
syngeneic recipient w276,373x. Susceptible strains of rats EAE to normal recipient animals w36x.
B.S. McEwen et al.r Brain Research ReÕiews 23 (1997) 79–133 117

5.3.4. EnÕironmental stress-induced suppression of au- and IFN-a Ži.e., a condition which would favor a humoral
toimmunity immune response. was observed in stressed animals rela-
Numerous studies have investigated the effects of envi- tive to controls.
ronmental or psychological stress on autoimmune reac- Antibodies directed against the encephalitogen, MBP,
tions. Levine et al. w275x have demonstrated that the ad- may be involved in the suppression of EAE, since it has
ministration of restraint stress to LEW rats before the been reported that anti-MBP antibodies are first detected at
induction of EAE resulted in a suppression of the inci- the beginning of the refractory phase after plasma cortico-
dence and severity of disease. Administration of restraint sterone levels rise in response to the initial phase of EAE
stress after the induction of EAE did not confer protection. w287x. Further, it has been observed that symptoms in the
However, prolonged restraint stress Ž7 h per day, 5 days. initial phase of the disease are minimal if an animal makes
administered during the remission period protected stressed an anti-peptide antibody response during the early stages
animals from a second episode of EAE which was ob- of EAE. Finally, if Lewis rats are immunized with differ-
served in unstressed controls w275x. The authors hypothe- ent doses of MBP peptide linked to bovine serum albumin
sized that increased corticosterone secretion resulting from ŽBSA., recipients of low doses make fewer anti-peptide
the stress of paralysis suppressed the initial attack of EAE. antibodies and show severe clinical symptoms, the con-
They further hypothesized that a decrease in plasma cor- verse being true for recipients of high doses w293x. It is
ticosterone resulting from remission of the disease in- also possible, that part of the mechanism of suppression
creased susceptibility to a second occurrence of EAE. may involve the generation of anti-idiotypic antibodies
Rogers et al. Ž1980. have shown that exposure of LEW directed against variable regions of autoreactive T cell
rats to a variety of stressors Žexposure to a predator, receptors.
handling and transportation. resulted in a marked suppres- Interestingly, in the case of myasthenia gravis, an au-
sion of the clinical and histological manifestations of toantibody-mediated disease in humans, early investigators
Type-II collagen-induced arthritis w308x. As described be- found that intensive treatment of patients with steroids
low, Griffin et al. have also demonstrated suppression of exacerbated the symptoms. Therefore, the current treat-
EAE by prolonged repeated restraint stress w180x. ment regimen involves a short initial intensive treatment
followed by alternate-day steroid therapy. Improvement is
5.3.5. Glucocorticoid-induced suppression of autoimmune observed 10–15 days after the beginning of therapy w79x. It
and inflammatory reactions — possible mechanisms may be hypothesized that during the initial period of
The inhibitory effects of glucocorticoids on leukocyte steroid treatment, the promotion of an antibody-biased
trafficking into a site of inflammation Ždiscussed earlier. response by steroid treatment might exacerbate the disease
may partially mediate glucocorticoid suppression of au- by stimulating autoantibody production. However, later
toimmune reactions. Furthermore, Mason Ž1991. has hy- during steroid treatment, the production of inhibitory anti-
pothesized that stimulation of the HPA axis by inflamma- bodies or the activation of other immunosuppressive mech-
tory mediators released during the initiation of the EAE anisms might result in suppression of the disease.
autoimmune response results in increased plasma cortico- Furthermore, recent studies indicate that CD8 q T cells
sterone w293x. Increased corticosterone levels shift the bal- are involved in the development of the refractory phase of
ance of the ongoing immune reaction from a TH 1-directed EAE. Koh and coworkers have shown that CD8 y ry
Žcell-mediated. response towards a T H 2-directed Žanti- mice generated from homologous recombination in embry-
body-mediated. response, by promoting the production of onic stem cells, show less mortality but more relapses in
IL-4 and suppressing the production of IL-2 Žas discussed EAE w258x and Jiang et al. Ž1992. have shown that animals
earlier in this review. w105x. Since the pathology associated depleted of CD8 q cells by antibody-mediated clearance
with EAE is thought to be the result of activation of T show spontaneous recovery from the initial onset of EAE,
cells auto-reactive with peptide fragments of myelin basic but they fail to show resistance to further recurrence of the
protein w422x, the net result of this shift from cell-mediated disease w227x. It would be interesting to examine whether
to humoral immunity could be the suppressed EAE. the resistance to EAE mediated by CD8 q suppressor cells
Griffin and coworkers w180x have shown that repetitive could be transferred to naive recipients by adoptive trans-
restraint stress administered to LEW rats before MBP fer of CD8 q suppressor cells from donor animals in the
challenge, resulted in suppression of the clinical and refractory phase. Thus, glucocorticoid hormones may play
histopathologic changes associated with EAE. However, a role in the development of resistance to EAE by inducing
the same stress regimen had no effect on the clinical the formation of anti-encephalitogen antibodies, anti-idio-
course of EAE in rats challenged with MBP peptide typic antibodies and CD8 q suppressor T cells. The mech-
fragment 68–88 ŽMBP 68–88. suggesting that the stress- anisms by which glucocorticoids confer this protective
induced increase in corticosterone could be affecting immunosuppression and the immune factors responsible
mechanisms involved in processing andror presentation of for effectuating suppression need to be further investi-
the encephalitogen. Importantly, a decrease in frequency of gated.
MBP-reactive cells and a decrease in production of IL-2 Wilder et al. Ž1986. have demonstrated an increase in
118 B.S. McEwen et al.r Brain Research ReÕiews 23 (1997) 79–133

expression of class II major histocompatibility antigen ŽIa. eicosanoid metabolites following in vivo administration of
in synovial tissues which parallels the development of glucocorticoids w334,392x. Moreover, several of the cellular
SCW-induced arthritis w470x. This increase is observed in effects of adrenal steroids on inflammation can not be
the susceptible LEW strain, but not in the resistant F344 reproduced by administration of lipocortins alone w213x.
strain w470x. Doeberitz et al. Ž1990. have shown that Taken together, the data indicate that the adrenal steroid
long-term treatment with dexamethasone reduces surface effects on immune and inflammatory responses via
expression, membrane bound protein and mRNA of class I lipocortin remain to be clarified.
major histocompatibility antigen on human epithelial cells
w120x. Since strain differences in the ability to mount a 5.3.6. Summary
corticosterone response to immune challenge are thought Glucocorticoid effects on autoimmune diseases and in-
to be responsible for the strain differences in resistance to flammatory reactions are among the best-studied examples
SCW-induced arthritis, it may be hypothesized that gluco- of the modulatory and beneficial actions of adrenal steroids
corticoids may play a role in preventing the immunostimu- on the responses of the immune system to external and
latory upregulation of Ia expression. internal challenges. Glucocorticoid containment of the pro-
Recent evidence suggests that corticotropin-releasing duction of proinflammatory substances such as arachidonic
hormone ŽCRF. produced in peripheral inflammatory sites acid and CRF constitute mechanisms that are well delin-
might stimulate inflammatory reactions at these sites w236x. eated at the cellular and molecular level. What is less clear
CRF has been shown to stimulate numerous immune func- is the mechanism by which genotype influences the effi-
tions. Stephanou et al. Ž1990. have demonstrated CRF cacy of glucocorticoid containment effects. There is also
mRNA and immunoreactivity in human leukocytes and need for mechanistic studies to uncover the basis of gender
CRF binding sites have also been observed on leukocytes differences that make females more susceptible to autoim-
w404x. Importantly, Karalis et al. Ž1991. have shown that mune and inflammatory disturbances.
administration of antiserum to CRF significantly sup-
presses inflammatory exudate volume and cell concentra- 5.4. Genetic differences in hypothalamo-pituitary-
tion in a model involving carrageenin-induced aseptic in- adrenal-axis responsiÕity — effects on resistance to au-
flammation w236x. Further, the same authors have shown toimmune disease, infection and cancer
that glucocorticoids ŽDexamethasone, 50 mg. inhibit the
production of immune CRF. Thus, it might be hypothe- We have emphasized in this review that the real test of
sized that part of the immunosuppressive actions of gluco- understanding of modulators of immunity is to examine
corticoids may involve suppression of CRF production at how stress and other environmental challenges affect the
sites of inflammation. progression of disease processes, rather than relying on
Glucocorticoids also have other actions with regard to short-term studies of how a manipulation alters some
inflammation, involving the hydrolysis of phospholipids isolated measures of immune function. We have also noted
and the production of proinflammatory substances. Some that there are many instances where stressors and glucocor-
of the anti-inflammatory effects of glucocorticoids may be ticoids actually protect and reduce symptoms. This sug-
due to the inhibition of the production of proinflammatory gests that the make up of an individual — e.g., whether
metabolites elaborated from the cellular second messenger, having high or low glucocorticoid or sympathetic reactiv-
arachidonic acid w147,206x. Adrenal steroids have been ity — may be protective against some diseases while
shown to induce the synthesis of a family of phospholipase making the same individuals more vulnerable to other
inhibitory proteins referred to as lipocortins. Lipocortins disorders. Genotype and early developmental influences
inhibit phopholipases Žespecially phopholipase A 2 . which are very important, both in directly determining suscepti-
are responsible for releasing arachidonic acid from mem- bility to disease and also in determining factors like auto-
brane phospholipids w149,206x. Arachidonic acid is the nomic and neuroendocrine reactivity which also affect
precursor for a variety of inflammatory compounds known disease susceptibility w300x. The following examples show
as eicosanoids including the prostaglandins and leuko- how these multi-dimenional factors interact to ultimately
trienes. These molecules have been demonstrated to influ- affect disease outcome.
ence vascular permeability, smooth muscle contraction, In the case of autoimmune disease, we have seen above
vasodilitation, neutrophil chemotaxis, pain thresholds and ŽSection 5. that strains of animals which show a robust
pyrogenesis, all important components to the classic symp- HPA axis response to environmental stress and immune
toms of inflammation including redness Žrubor., heat challenges are relatively resistant to autoimmune diseases
Žcalor., swelling Žtumor., pain Ždolor. and loss of function even if they carry potentially autoreactive immune re-
Žfunctio laesa.. Lipocortins also reduce lysozyme release sponse genes and even if they have been exposed to
and superoxide Ž0 2 . production w206,291x. Interestingly, antigens capable of inducing an autoimmune reaction.
although adrenal steroids exhibit profound effects on However, one might hypothesize that a robust HPA axis
arachidonic acid metabolism in vitro, several studies have response which confers protection against an autoimmune
failed to demonstrate decreases in the production of disease via immunosuppression, might result in greater
B.S. McEwen et al.r Brain Research ReÕiews 23 (1997) 79–133 119

susceptibility to infectious diseases and cancer which re- level of the neuroendocrine system may be able to com-
quire a strong and active immune response for their elimi- pensate for the immune defect and confer protection upon
nation. The significantly lower corticosterone response to susceptible individuals.
stress and immune challenge observed in LEW rats com-
pared to F344 rats and the significantly lower activation of
adrenal steroid receptors seen in immune tissues of LEW 6. Conclusions
rats, may contribute to the increased susceptibility of the
LEW strain to autoimmune diseases. However, these con- 6.1. A new Õiew of adrenal steroid effects on immune
ditions might also serve to protect this strain from diseases function
like viral or bacterial infections and cancer which require
an active immune response for their elimination. In con- In this article, we have summarized many aspects of
trast, the substantially higher levels of corticosterone glucocorticoid actions on the immune response; and we
Žwhich result in greater activation of adrenal steroid recep- have emphasized the physiological role that adrenal steroids
tors in immune tissues. of F344 rats may protect them play as modulators of the immune system, in contrast to
from autoimmune diseases, but may also be responsible for the more traditional view of glucocorticoids as immuno-
the reported susceptibility of this strain to diseases like suppressors.
cancer. First, it is clear that the endogenous glucocorticoids
In the case of infectious disease, a similar example is have far more limited access to adrenal steroid receptors in
seen in differences between BALBrc andC57BL6 mice in immune tissues than synthetic glucocorticoids and that the
their ability to resist infection with Leishmania major. The actions of synthetic glucocorticoids such as dexamethasone
BALBrc strain is susceptible to infection whereas the and prednisone give a distorted picture of the role of these
C57BL6 strain is resistant w195x. Compared to C57BL6 steroids in immune function. There appear to be protective
mice, BALBrc mice show a more robust corticosterone mechanisms, such as corticosteroid binding globulin, that
response to stress w293x. It has been hypothesized that the buffer organs such as the spleen and thymus from too
stronger corticosterone response induced by infection in much of the endogenous glucocorticoids. This protective
BALBrc mice results in a bias towards a T H 2-directed, mechanism does not work in the case of synthetic gluco-
humoral immune response which results in susceptibility corticoids such as dexamethasone.
to infection. In contrast, the lower corticosterone response Second, two types of receptors for adrenal steroids are
of C57BL6 mice favors a TH 1-directed, cell-mediated found in immune cells. Although there is yet no clear-cut
response which confers resistance to the parasite w293x. role for Type-I receptors, which are present in low levels
Importantly, administration of anti-IL-4 antibody to L. and not in all immune cell types, some recent evidence
major-infected BALBrc mice confers resistance to further points to a role for these receptors in the trafficking of
infection suggesting that IL-4 may participate in the sup- immune cells between blood and various organs. Type-II
pression of cell-mediated immune responses w377x. receptors show a widespread distribution in the immune
Thus, because of the important role of glucocorticoids system and are expressed in different levels in different
in regulating the class of the immune response and the immune cells, being very high in immature thymus lym-
differential involvement of cellular and humoral immunity phocytes, at an intermediate level in mature T and B cells
in the resistance to various pathogens, intrinsic differences and at very low level in neutrophils. It also appears likely
in the ability of the HPA axis to respond to stressful that adrenal steroid receptor expression changes as a func-
stimuli and immunologic challenge may translate into dif- tion of immune cell activation and maturation and that the
ferences in the ability to resist autoimmune or infectious functions that are regulated by the receptors change with
diseases and cancer. These differences are clearly observed the functional state of the immune cells.
as species or strain differences, but they may also con- Third, there are many immune processes that are regu-
tribute significantly to individual differences within strains lated by adrenal steroids. Cytokine production is regulated
in relative susceptibility or resistance to disease. Such in such a way that adrenal steroids can influence the class
individual differences are especially relevant for exten- of the immune response by enhancing humoral immunity
sively outbred populations like those of humans. It may be and suppressing cellular immunity. Yet, the presence of
hypothesized that individuals who show a low HPA axis elevated glucocorticoids very early in an acquired immune
responsivity may be relatively susceptible to autoimmune response does have an overall suppressive effect. More-
diseases, but resistant to infectious diseases and cancer. over, glucocorticoids participate as agents promoting cell
Similarly, individuals who show a high HPA axis respon- death in immature thymocytes, but they can also block the
sivity may be relatively resistant to autoimmune diseases, apoptosis stimulated by T cell receptor activation. Perhaps
but susceptible to infectious diseases and cancer. Thus, the most under-appreciated aspect of adrenal steroid ac-
while genetic factors acting at the level of the immune tion, however, is the trafficking of immune cells between
system may render an individual susceptible to a certain the blood and various immune compartments and other
disease, genetic andror environmental factors acting at the organs of the body. It is very important to adequately test
120 B.S. McEwen et al.r Brain Research ReÕiews 23 (1997) 79–133

the hypothesis that adrenal steroid elevations help cells of the coordinated response to pathogens is not necessarily
the immune system to go ‘to their battle stations’ during an well represented by assessment of how the sympathetic
infection or spread of cancer cells. Moreover, the mecha- nervous system affects specific elements of the immune
nism for trafficking, possibly involving the hormonally cascade, but rather the entire course of a disease must be
regulated expression and activity of cell adhesion molecules investigated in some detail.
and other factors, requires careful studies not only of We have noted that glucocorticoids alter the production
immune cells themselves but also of the blood vessels and actions of other modulators of immune function such
through which they must pass to leave the blood stream as corticotrophin releasing factor ŽCRF. and IL-1. These
and enter tissues and organs. Further studies of the mecha- agents, acting in brain, appear to be involved in stress-in-
nism for glucocorticoid involvement in enhancing the de- duced changes in immune responses, such as suppression
layed-type hypersensitivity response under physiological of NK activity. IL-1 effects appear to operate through CRF
conditions of stress should provide an excellent system for and ultimately through the sympathetic nervous system
recognizing the role of adrenal steroids in relation to other and HPA axis. Other modulators include a variety of
modulators. peptide neuromodulators and hormonesendogenous opoid
Fourth, studies of the effects of acute and chronic stress peptides and we have noted that these may act directly on
on immune function and on the disease outcomes influ- immune cells or indirectly through CNS mechanisms.
enced by the immune system have not led to any single Clearly, much more must be done to characterize these
conclusion about whether stress is ‘good’ or ‘bad’. Cer- effects and tie them together with the other modulatory
tainly, this is not surprising given that glucocorticoids are systems.
only one of many modulators of immune function and that
the glucocorticoids themselves have different effects on
immune system function depending upon dose, type of Acknowledgements
steroid and where in the immune system the effects are
being measured: e.g., spleen or circulating lymphocyte. In This work was supported by the John D. and Catherine
fact, more studies are required to better characterize the T. MacArthur Foundation Health Program and the Health
consequences of long-term stress on the immune system and Behavior Network ŽJudith Rodin, Chair, and Grace
and to define effects of ‘allostatic load’ w297x Žwear and Castellazzo, Administrator..
tear produced by chronic elevation of adaptive response
systems. on immune function.
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