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Digital Culture in Business and Life

Essay 1. Due oct 2

Topic choices:

Digital reputations can be amplified by the mass media. Discuss by comparing two people of your choice.


Digital reputations can be hijacked by fans and trolls online. Discuss by comparing two people of your choice.

Length: 4 pages (This means at least four pages of writing. Your title page, abstract page and reference list page are
in addition.)

You should:

• Define your person’s reputation (e.g. consider a few key words you feel capture them).
• Explain specific examples (e.g. important videos, tweets, Instagram images, podcast episodes).
• Provide numbers help explain your analysis (views, likes/dislikes, retweets, comments, etc.).
• Cite academic reading (e.g. the textbook and Murthy article on any relevant concepts).
• Analyze the content, e.g. what are fans or trolls saying specifically?... Or which magazines or
networks are redistributing digital media, and how is it re-framing your person?


“Chapter 3. Cultures and Identities,” pp. 47-70.

Dhiraj Murthy, “Celebrities and Branding” – via Canvas.

Essay Guidance
For your own research purposes, it is recommended you familiarize yourself with media resources
(newspaper websites, Netflix, media publications on YouTube, the LIM Marcuse Library resources, etc.)

Formatting in the APA style, including specifically:

• Microsoft Word document
• Double spaced (between lines)
• Size 12 font (Times New Roman)
• Citations must be included throughout your writing (in-text).
• A bibliography is required

Content and Structure

• An introduction and conclusion.
• Include numerous specific examples with detailed descriptions.
• Incorporate terminology and concepts learned from the textbook.
• Quote texts and other sources as appropriate (for example, the class textbook, other
textbooks, articles, reviews, interviews or reports gathered online, DVD materials, etc.)

Essay Submissions
• Submissions are on time and via Canvas – you can do it!
• In these essays you are expected to demonstrate your knowledge of the topic using appropriate
terminology, and with appropriate citations of sources. Remember, comparison between different
media texts can sometimes be useful.

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