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Definition the time of life when one chooses to permanently leave the workforce.

Issues - High unemployment due to many employee want to retired early

- Government decline the age of retirement at the age of 60
- Many employees hope to retire at the age of 60 despite the
government has set the minimum retirement age.

Questions Should the employee retire at 65 instead of 60?

Briefly giving I agree and disagree in both ways

guidelines of my Point 1- Employee’s potential ability should dedicated in contribute the
essay organisation (agree)
Point2- Remain actively the brain function (agree)
Point3- Poor health condition (disagree)
Poin4 - enjoying life in old age(disagree)

Point 1

Point 1 - Company has many employee with great skill

- Employee with potential ability should elect as a supervisor in dedicated
the company

Explanation - Employee with immense knowledge can pass the skill to the younger
generation in working more effectively
- Contributed the company towards their goal successfully

Example - Spending outlets in R&D cost a fortune since the company has an
outstanding employee able to pitch the company
- Save up sizable costing in R&D

Point 2

Point 2 - Scientists point out that regardless of age, everyone should always
practise to remain actively brain functioning.

Explanation - If practise not carrying out they will lost the touch
- Brain like machines, prolonged inactivity, deteriorates the system.
- They face unpleasant consequences like forgetful easily, inactive in
physically reduced the mobility, suffer numerous disease

Point 3

Point 3 - There are circumstances undeniable employee keep working particularly

with poor health condition
Explanation - Employee suffers with numerous disease like heart attack , hypertension,
arteriosclerosis are ought to take care of personal life
- Leading to old age facing high pressure from work also caused some bad
effect on health
- Recently black swan -pandemic COVID -19, vulnerable employee ought to
stay at home taking care of health
- All medical treatment cost sizable of money in curing the diseases

Point 4

Point 4 - Dedication in company for all the lifespan , employee in old age should
enjoying life

Explanation - In this stages it is precious to enjoy life by travelling

- Exploring the cultural, scrumptious food in one roof, believes, or even
learning new language

Example - Travel to Japan the see the real Bon Odori festival


Topic To retirement either 60 or 65 depends on personal prerequisite

Hopes Employee with great skill should stay in company in generating more younger
Employee with bad health are encourage to leaves and take care

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