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Group 2

Work and Life

To ensure a work-life balance that incorporates justice, the objective is


 Implement fair compensation structures that bridge income inequality gaps within the
organization and advocate for equal opportunities, diversity, and inclusivity in the
workplace to address systemic discrimination and biases.

Objective 2: Foster Stewardship

 To promote stewardship within the context of work-life balance, the objective is to:
Encourage responsible and sustainable resource allocation and consumption, both within the
organization and among employees and establish initiatives that support environmental sustainability,
including reducing carbon footprints and promoting eco-friendly practices among employees.
Objective 3: Drive Societal Transformation

To drive societal transformation through work-life balance, the objective is to:

 Support community engagement programs and volunteering opportunities for employees,

fostering a sense of responsibility towards society. Advocate for work-life balance policies
and practices at a societal level, influencing governmental and industry standards to
prioritize the well-being of employees and their families.
 Promote knowledge-sharing and social responsibility among employees, encouraging them
to be active agents of change in their communities.

 Work-life balance is a state in which an individual

effectively manages their professional and personal
responsibilities, allowing them to lead a fulfilling and
satisfying life. This balance is achieved by allocating time,
energy, and attention to work-related tasks and personal
life activities in a manner that suits individual preferences
and needs.

I. Balancing Work and Life

II. Types of Work-Life Conflict
III. Coping with Job Loss
IV. Guidelines for Termination Meetings with
Work-Life Balance

 Work-life balance refers to the equilibrium or harmony an

individual strives to achieve between their professional
responsibilities and personal life. It involves effectively
managing and allocating time and energy to one's job, career,
and personal pursuits, such as family, leisure, and self-care, to
maintain physical and mental well-being and to prevent burnout
or undue stress.
Who is the focus of Work life Balance?

 Work-life balance is a concern of single earner

mothers and fathers, single and childless employees,
blended families with children from both marriages,
families with shared custody of children, grandparents
raising their children and employees with
responsibility for elder care.
 Everyone who is working is considered to be a focus of
work life balance.
How can companies help their employees
balance work and life?

One way that companies can help employees balance work and life is:

 Having a supportive culture.

Maintaining a healthy work-life balance is a concern for all employees, even those without
families or dependents. Flexibility in when and where work is performed and support services are
valuable for helping employees deal with the stresses and strains related to work and non-work
How can companies help their employees
balance work and life?


Training can play two roles in balancing work and non-work.

First, trainers and managers may be responsible for developing policies and procedures. Second,
trainers may be responsible for developing training programs to teach managers their role in
administering and overseeing the use of work-life policies.
How can companies help their employees
balance work and life?
FMLA (The Family and Medical Leave Act)

 The Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) is a federal law that provides for up to
12weeks of unpaid leave for parents with new infants or newly adopted children. The
FMLA also covers employees who must take a leave of absence from work to care for a
family member who is ill or to deal with a personal illness.
 - Companies are required to provide the employee with health care benefits during their
leave of absence.
What is
Work-Life Conflict?
 Employees often feel that their work and life are out of balance because of conflicts
between the two. FEELING OF FRUSTRATION are only one outcome of work and non-
work conflict.
 Work-life conflict has also been found to be related to increase health risks , decrease
productivity, tardiness, turnover and poor mental health.
 All employees have non-work roles and activities that may conflict with work.
 There are three types of work-family conflict have been identified:

 Time-Based Conflict

 Strain-Based Conflict

 Behavior-Based Conflict
Time-Based Conflict

 Occurs when the demands of work and non-work interfere with each other.

- Jobs that demand late evenings at the office, overtime work, or out of town travel
conflict with family activities and team-sport schedules.
Strain-Based Conflict

 Results from the stress of work and non-work roles.

- A new born child deprived parents of sleep. As a result, it is difficult for them to
concentrate at work.
Behavior-Based Conflict

 Occurs when employee behavior in work roles is not appropriate in their behavior in non-
work roles.

- Managers work demand that they be logical, impartial and authoritarian at the same
time, the same managers are expected to be warm, emotional and friendly in their relationship
with their family members and friends.

 Coping with Job Loss is an important career development

issue, because of the increase in the downsizing to deal
with excess staff resulting from corporate restructuring
acquisition and takeovers.

 Job loss is traumatic to older workers. They may find it difficult

because of their age.

Job loss can be traumatic for older workers for several reasons, as
it often represents a significant life change and can have a
profound impact on their financial, emotional, and social well-
being. Here are some of the key reasons why job loss can be
particularly traumatic for older workers.
Here are some of the key reasons why job loss can be particularly traumatic for
older workers

 Financial Impact: Older workers may have more financial responsibilities, such as
mortgage payments, tuition for their children or grandchildren, and retirement savings
goals. Job loss can disrupt their financial stability and make it difficult to meet these

Limited Job Opportunities: Older workers may face challenges finding new
employment opportunities. Age discrimination can be a barrier to reemployment, and
older workers may need to compete with younger job seekers who may have more
up-to-date skills and are willing to work for lower salaries.

 Health Insurance and Benefits: Older workers often rely on employer-provided health
insurance, which can be crucial for their healthcare needs. Losing a job may mean losing
access to these benefits,
Here are some of the key reasons why job loss can be particularly traumatic for
older workers

 Retirement Plans: For many older workers, job loss can disrupt their retirement plans.
They may have been on track to retire in a few years, and a job loss can force them to
rethink their retirement age and financial security.

Skills Obsolescence: Older workers may face challenges in keeping their skills
current, which can impact their employability. The longer someone has been in a
particular job or industry, the more likely it is that their skills may become outdated.

 Fear of Age Discrimination: Older workers may fear that their age will be a disadvantage
when searching for new employment. Age discrimination can be a real issue, and this fear
can add to the stress and trauma of job loss.

 Although losing a job causes grief and denial in employees, once

employees have worked to their emotions they are capable of
carrying on a campaign to find a new job.

 They know that they need to seek alternative employment.


SURVIVORS (employees who remain with the company following a downsizing)

- Some feel sense of gratification because they kept their jobs, yet the
uncertainty about their future remains.

They do not know how safe their current job is nor do they know in what direction
the company is heading. In many cases, survivors are expected to perform the work
of the laid off employees as well as their own.

What should I do?

• Go home. Talk to your family.

• Get your Job loss out in the open. Tell them what happened and tell them
how you feel.
• Talk to them. Open up and you won’t feel alone.
To prepare employees for layoff:

• Advance warning and explanation for the layoff.

• Psychological, financial and career counseling.
• Assessment of skill and job campaign services such as resume writing
assistance and interview training.
• Job banks where job leads are posted and out of town news paper, photos,
books regarding different occupations and geographic area are available.
• Electronic delivery, self directed career management guides and interest

 In conclusion, achieving a healthy work-life balance is

essential for our overall well-being and long-term
success. It is a delicate equilibrium that allows
individuals to excel in their professional lives while also
nurturing their personal and family lives. Balancing
work and life not only promotes mental and physical
health but also enhances productivity, job satisfaction,
and creativity.
 In conclusion, coping with job loss is a challenging and often emotionally tumultuous
experience that can have a profound impact on one's life. However, it is also an
opportunity for personal growth, resilience, and positive transformation. Through the
journey of coping with job loss, individuals can develop valuable skills, such as
adaptability, resilience, and resourcefulness, that can serve them well in the future.
 The coping process typically involves a combination of emotional, practical, and
psychological strategies. It's crucial to allow oneself to grieve the loss and acknowledge
the range of emotions that accompany it, while also seeking support from friends, family,
or professional counselors to help navigate the emotional challenges.

 Ultimately, while job loss can be a deeply distressing experience, it can also be an
opportunity for self-discovery, personal growth, and the pursuit of new and meaningful
career paths.

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