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MAS202 | Group 3 | IB1607

Lecturer: Vu Thi Tuyet Mai

Team Members:
Name Roll Number Assigned Job
Lê Thị Hồng Nhung HS163445
Nguyễn Thị Quỳnh HS163448
Nguyễn Hải Anh HS160826
Đặng Quỳnh Trang HS163435
Nguyễn Thanh Hà HS160699
Table of Content
Name Content
Sheet 3 - Traffic Accident

Sheet 4 - 95% CI estimate

Sheet 5 - 2-way ANOVA

Sheet 6 - Regression
1. BẢNG 1:
2. BẢNG 2: 2016 Data: Summary of Motor Vehicle Crashes ›
Public › Publication
2017 Data: Summary of Motor Vehicle Crashes - CrashStats - NHTSA › Public › Publication
2018 Data: Summary of Motor Vehicle Crashes - CrashStats -
NHTSA › Public › Publication
2019 Data: Summary of Motor Vehicle Crashes - CrashStats
-NHTSA › Public › Publication
Country\Year 2016 2017 2018 2019
Ireland 7,955 7,937 8,150
Lithuania 3,941 3,752 3,563
Finland 6,169 5,812 5,542
Bulgaria 10,082 9,362 9,077
Norway 5,674 5,368 5,049
New Zealand 13,108 14,417 15,076
Sweden 18,933 19,914 18,825
Switzerland 21,608 21,643 22,064
Hungary 21,936 22,076 22,632
Australia 40,204 39,205 38,276
Czech Republic 27,692 27,656 28,336
Mexico 14,551 11,831 11,755
Israel 24,191 24,987 23,019
Chile 65,227 63,644 59,442
Portugal 41,668 44,495 44,005
Austria 48,825 47,672 46,934
Poland 43,792 42,297 40,221
France 76,122 76,832 73,135
Spain 142,200 140,992 140,415
Canada 160,754 154,634 151,004
Federation 241,448 234,462 233,067
United Kingdom 190,975 180,177 169,137
Italy 252,458 250,128 245,946
Korea 336,012 327,014 326,818
Germany 399,872 393,492 399,293
China 289,523 273,426 321,726
Japan 622,757 584,544 529,378
United States 3,098,000 2,783,000 2,747,000
2019 2020

8,605 7,000
3,955 3,369
5,224 4,614
9,127 7,584
4,466 4,529
15,101 13,153
17,940 15,558
21,467 20,022
22,198 18,176
37,150 30,456
26,663 23,205
11,545 10,253
22,986 18,226
59,462 43,634
45,977 40,820
45,556 38,074
38,386 28,954
73,734 58,377
141,113 120,260
142,563 130,401

227,858 199,192
162,030 121,820
244,557 161,644
345,061 309,275
387,276 330,269
318,864 250,456
464,990 372,315
2,766,560 2,800,012
Year 2010 2011 2012 2013

Liechtenstein 114 107 109
Luxembourg 1,217 1,341 1,412
Albania 2,069 2,472 2,569
Iceland 1,261 1,217 1,044
Malta 1,079 1,577 1,599
Armenia 2,964 3,681 4,050
Estonia 1,799 1,980 1,794
North Macedonia 6,357 7,025 6,281
Moldova 4,197 3,978 3,951
Azerbaijan 3,796 4,047 4,165
Georgia 8,245 7,164 8,339
Latvia 4,241 4,403 4,356
Denmark 4,408 4,259 3,778
Romania i 34,791 35,509 36,251
Ireland 8,482 7,421 8,105
Lithuania 4,529 4,215 4,253
Finland i 7,945 8,223 7,343
Belarus 8,022 7,534 6,608
Bulgaria 8,854 8,958 8,794
Slovak Republic 8,503 7,382 6,790
Norway 9,338 8,531 8,340
Uzbekistan 13,713 13,389 13,091
New Zealand 14,504 12,960 12,528
Serbia, Republic of
19,982 20,040 19,090
Slovenia 10,454 9,814 9,278
Greece 20,366 18,400 16,628
Kazakhstan 16,675 25,351 20,510
Croatia 18,759 18,483 16,403
Sweden i 23,571 22,679 23,110
Switzerland 24,564 23,562 22,557
Hungary 21,657 20,810 19,584
Australia i 34,008 35,233 35,367
Czech Republic 25,186 26,322 26,257
Mexico 33,241 30,454 29,284
Israel i 29,526 28,643 25,394
Chile i 54,554 55,779 54,746
Portugal i 47,302 42,851 38,823
Austria i 46,410 45,548 51,426
Ukraine i 43,850 43,086 42,650
Belgium 59,872 62,195 57,146
Poland 52,859 53,690 49,369
France 88,453 85,214 79,504
Türkiye i 215,541 241,909 271,829
Spain 122,823 117,687 117,793
Canada 174,319 169,764 168,802
Russian Federation
i 277,202 279,801 286,609
United Kingdom i 217,605 212,710 204,733
Italy 308,834 295,879 270,617
Korea 357,963 346,620 349,957
Germany 374,818 396,374 387,978
China 319,299 299,808 284,324
Japan 901,245 859,304 829,830
United States i 2,272,000 2,249,000 2,396,000
2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

113 101 113 105 89

1,297 1,261 1,384 1,235 1,307
2,798 2,617 2,692 2,779 2,611
1,232 1,172 1,324 1,429 1,387
1,582 1,796 1,711 1,852 1,873
4,310 4,776 5,084 4,718 5,458
1,761 1,790 1,792 1,917 1,773
6,682 6,186 6,061 6,136 6,379
3,521 3,404 3,334 3,239 3,293
4,112 3,800 3,159 2,762 2,469
8,559 9,047 9,789 10,532 8,978
4,517 4,815 4,754 4,806 4,954
3,585 3,375 3,334 3,439 3,318
33,325 34,152 38,790 41,475 42,162
7,068 8,271 8,002 7,955 7,937
4,263 4,014 3,836 3,941 3,752
6,939 6,934 6,678 6,169 5,812
5,927 5,611 5,088 4,511 4,209
9,376 9,299 9,679 10,082 9,362
6,562 6,912 7,059 7,216 7,160
7,029 6,438 5,804 5,674 5,368
12,751 12,870 12,782 12,418 12,110
12,187 11,595 12,665 13,108 14,417

19,118 18,529 19,909 21,212 21,717

8,867 8,328 8,830 8,586 8,005
16,054 15,359 14,889 14,649 14,002
32,909 28,527 26,508 25,779 24,342
15,642 14,530 15,372 14,903 14,939
20,522 17,795 19,902 18,933 19,914
21,648 21,764 21,791 21,608 21,643
20,681 20,750 21,543 21,936 22,076
36,322 36,707 38,252 40,204 39,205
25,942 27,046 27,704 27,692 27,656
24,878 21,288 19,285 14,551 11,831
26,364 23,840 24,248 24,191 24,987
61,209 59,505 59,588 65,227 63,644
39,390 39,653 41,549 41,668 44,495
48,499 48,100 47,845 48,825 47,672
42,354 36,448 35,603 37,023 38,109
53,876 53,982 52,593 51,928 49,081
47,416 45,747 42,716 43,792 42,297
73,875 76,432 74,263 76,122 76,832
278,514 288,583 311,951 311,112 307,810
126,400 128,320 136,144 142,200 140,992
166,476 158,398 162,693 160,754 154,634

285,462 278,751 254,311 241,448 234,462

192,693 203,865 195,926 190,975 180,177
261,494 254,528 250,348 252,458 250,128
333,803 342,259 355,021 336,012 327,014
377,481 392,912 396,891 399,872 393,492
272,263 270,405 257,902 289,523 273,426
785,880 715,487 670,140 622,757 584,544
2,346,000 2,371,000 2,478,000 3,098,000 2,783,000
2018 2019 2020

121 103 110

1,254 1,350 1,000
2,291 2,044 1,598
1,289 1,136 1,015
1,870 1,880 1,750
5,900 5,800 4,500
1,899 1,785 1,637
5,993 5,296 5,866
3,397 3,308 2,510
2,433 2,523 2,106
9,506 8,402 7,090
4,946 4,688 4,205
3,458 3,275 3,000
40,576 41,533 39,503
8,150 8,605 7,000
3,563 3,955 3,369
5,542 5,224 4,614
4,229 4,323 4,307
9,077 9,127 7,584
7,175 6,835 5,623
5,049 4,466 4,529
10,720 10,017 8,553
15,076 15,101 13,153

21,198 20,725 17,596

7,779 7,672 5,784
13,849 13,690 11,326
22,541 17,367 19,841
14,306 13,182 10,272
18,825 17,940 15,558
22,064 21,467 20,022
22,632 22,198 18,176
38,276 37,150 30,456
28,336 26,663 23,205
11,755 11,545 10,253
23,019 22,986 18,226
59,442 59,462 43,634
44,005 45,977 40,820
46,934 45,556 38,074
35,203 40,163 35,100
49,357 47,832 37,112
40,221 38,386 28,954
73,135 73,734 58,377
313,746 288,707 231,132
140,415 141,113 120,260
151,004 142,563 130,401

233,067 227,858 199,192

169,137 162,030 121,820
245,946 244,557 161,644
326,818 345,061 309,275
399,293 387,276 330,269
321,726 318,864 250,456
529,378 464,990 372,315
2,747,000 2,766,560 2,800,012
Country 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020
Ireland 7955 7937 815 8605 7000
Lithuania 3941 3752 3563 3955 3369 Anova: Two-Factor Without Rep
Finland 6169 5812 5542 5224 4614
Bulgaria 10082 5368 9077 9127 7584 SUMMARY
Norway 5674 14417 5049 4466 4529 Ireland
New Zealand 13108 19914 15076 15101 13153 Lithuania
Sweden 18933 21643 18825 1794 15558 Finland
Switzerland 21608 22076 22064 21467 20022 Bulgaria
Hungary 21936 39205 22632 22198 18176 Norway
Australia 40204 27656 38276 3715 30456 New Zealand
Czech Republic 27692 11831 28336 26663 23205 Sweden
Mexico 14551 24987 11755 11545 10253 Switzerland
Israel 25191 63644 23019 22986 18226 Hungary
Chile 65227 44495 59442 59462 43634 Australia
Portugal 41668 47672 44005 45977 4082 Czech Republic
Austria 48825 42297 46934 45556 38074 Mexico
Poland 43792 76832 40221 38386 28954 Israel
France 76122 140992 73135 73734 58377 Chile
Spain 142200 154634 140415 141113 12026 Portugal
Canada 160754 154634 151004 142563 130401 Austria
Russian Federation
241448 23462 233067 227858 199192 Poland
United Kingdom 190975 180177 169137 16203 12182 France
Italy 252458 250128 245946 244557 161644 Spain
Korea 336012 327014 326818 345061 309275 Canada
Germany 399872 393492 399293 387276 330269 Russian Federation
China 289523 273426 321726 318864 250456 United Kingdom
Japan 622757 584544 529378 46499 372315 Italy
United States 3E+06 2783000 2747000 2766560 2800012 Korea
Denmark 3439 3318 3458 3275 3000 Germany
Romania 41475 42162 40576 41533 39503 China
United States

Source of Variation

Two-Factor Without Replication

Count Sum Average Variance

5 32312 6462.4 10293793.8
5 18580 3716 63215
5 27361 5472.2 350994.2
5 41238 8247.6 3389683.3
5 34135 6827 18238479.5
5 76352 15270.4 7697216.3
5 76753 15350.6 62080940.3
5 107237 21447.4 708318.8
5 124147 24829.4 67762550.8
5 140307 28061.4 212606609.8
5 117727 23545.4 46801652.3
5 73091 14618.2 36053493.2
5 153066 30613.2 347430694.7
5 272260 54452 95567949.5
5 183404 36680.8 337105910.7
5 221686 44337.2 17939820.7

5 228185 45637 334191149

5 422360 84472 1047253534.5
5 590388 118077.6 3548697879.3
5 739356 147871.2 138725327.7
5 925027 185005.4 8407389879.8
5 568674 113734.8 8318860350.2
5 1154733 230946.6 1510935447.8
5 1644180 328836 176192582.5
5 1910202 382040.4 863611668.3
5 1453995 290799 918782627
5 2155493 431098.6 55327409371.3
5 14194572 2838914.4 21362145276.8
5 16490 3298 33803.5
5 205249 41049.8 1067085.7

30 6271591 209053.033333 319251872371

30 5790521 193017.366667 258326747198
30 5775584 192519.466667 251413514172
30 5101323 170044.1 252782064484
30 4969541 165651.366667 259256212479
SS df MS F P-value F crit
38515759278192.1 29 1328129630282 411.7982282905 1.234566E-103 1.565322
38754917002.2656 4 9688729250.57 3.004075392039 0.02120049095 2.44988
374122632222.937 116 3225195105.37

38928636827417.3 149
Ho: the age not affect the traffic accident ( µ1=µ2=µ3=µ4=µ5)
H1: the age affect the traffic accident ( not all of the population mean are equal)

Fstat=14.9106 > Fcrit=3.0069

Reject Ho
there is sufficient evidence the mean of the age affect traffic accident

Ho: there is no affect between the years and the accidents

H1: there is affect between the years and the accidents

Fstat=411.798 > Fcrit=1.565

Reject Ho
there is evidence of interaction between the years and the accidents

the more the time period rises, the trend of traffic accident decreases
Country 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020
Ireland 7955 7937 815 8605 7000
Lithuania 3941 3752 3563 3955 3369
Finland 6169 5812 5542 5224 4614
Bulgaria 10082 5368 9077 9127 7584
Norway 5674 14417 5049 4466 4529
New Zealand 13108 19914 15076 15101 13153
Sweden 18933 21643 18825 1794 15558
Switzerland 21608 22076 22064 21467 20022
Hungary 21936 39205 22632 22198 18176
Australia 40204 27656 38276 3715 30456
Czech Republic 27692 11831 28336 26663 23205
Mexico 14551 24987 11755 11545 10253
Israel 25191 63644 23019 22986 18226
Chile 65227 44495 59442 59462 43634
Portugal 41668 47672 44005 45977 4082
Austria 48825 42297 46934 45556 38074
Poland 43792 76832 40221 38386 28954
France 76122 140992 73135 73734 58377
Spain 142200 154634 140415 141113 12026
Canada 160754 154634 151004 142563 130401
241448 23462 233067 227858 199192
United Kingdom 190975 180177 169137 16203 12182
Italy 252458 250128 245946 244557 161644
Korea 336012 327014 326818 345061 309275
Germany 399872 393492 399293 387276 330269
China 289523 273426 321726 318864 250456
Japan 622757 584544 529378 46499 372315
United States 3098000 2783000 2747000 2766560 2800012
Denmark 3439 3318 3458 3275 3000
Romania 41475 42162 40576 41533 39503
Column1 Column2 Column3

Mean 209053.03333333 Mean 193017.36666667 Mean

Standard Error 103158.75667643 Standard Error 92794.889801487 Standard Error
Median 41571.5 Median 42229.5 Median
Mode #N/A Mode 154634 Mode
Standard Deviation 565023.78035866 Standard Deviation 508258.5436548 Standard Deviation
Sample Variance 319251872370.79 Sample Variance 258326747198.1 Sample Variance
Kurtosis 25.675820701786 Kurtosis 25.292277500651 Kurtosis
Skewness 4.9290916604148 Skewness 4.8821079033077 Skewness
Range 3094561 Range 2779682 Range
Minimum 3439 Minimum 3318 Minimum
Maximum 3098000 Maximum 2783000 Maximum
Sum 6271591 Sum 5790521 Sum
Count 30 Count 30 Count
Confidence Level(95.0%) 210983.34700019 Confidence Level(9 189786.85926044 Confidence Level(95.
Column4 Column5

192519.46667 Mean 170044.1 Mean 165651.4

91544.800357 Standard Error 91793.62 Standard Error 92961.68
40398.5 Median 32524.5 Median 21613.5
#N/A Mode #N/A Mode #N/A
501411.52178 Standard Devia 502774.4 Standard Deviation 509172.1
251413514172 Sample Varian 2.53E+11 Sample Variance 2.59E+11
25.25991038 Kurtosis 26.84663 Kurtosis 27.06667
4.8720324874 Skewness 5.073473 Skewness 5.101471
2746185 Range 2764766 Range 2797012
815 Minimum 1794 Minimum 3000
2747000 Maximum 2766560 Maximum 2800012
5775584 Sum 5101323 Sum 4969541
30 Count 30 Count 30
187230.13927 Confidence Lev 187739 Confidence Level( 190128

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