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good morning, good morning. how are you, fine. thanks and you.

how's it going. pretty good. my name is lena alice. i'm a computer

programmer. i live in l.a.. i'm nick wilson. i'm a freshman at
chicago university. my major is history. goodbye, bye. see you
later. okay, see you. take it easy, you do. hello, mary. hi, john.
how is it going pretty good? how about you busy? i've been working
a lot these days. what do you do, i'm a nurse. that's interesting.
where do you work, i work at the city hospital. do you like your
job. i love it. what do you do, not much these days, i'm looking
for a job. what kind of job are you looking for, i'd like to work
as a computer programmer. well, good luck. thanks. hi, nancy. what
are you doing, i'm sending an email to a friend. do you use email
often every day. how about you? me too, i also surf the net for
news and sports. the internet is great, isn't it? it sure is. hey,
nancy, would you do me a favor. i want to check my email too. no
problem. i'll be finished in about five minutes. thanks. hello,
i'm mike glenn. nice to meet you, mike. my name is sally stewart.
it's a pleasure. where are you from. i'm from atlanta, georgia.
how about you. i'm from vancouver, canada. what are you doing in
the united states, i'm traveling on business. i'm a little nervous
about meeting cynthia tonight, who is cynthia. she is my blind
date. oh, i can see why you might be nervous. yeah, i want to make
a good first impression. any advice, just be yourself and try to
be polite, but how should i start the conversation, what should i
say? ask her about her job and her interests. are you amelia cats.
yes, i am. you must be how johnson, yes, it's a pleasure to meet
you. it's nice to meet you too. i thought larry jones would be
with you. oh yes, larry is running a little late. they'll be here
shortly. i see. shall we have a coffee while we wait. that sounds.
your name, please. my name is linda johnson. and what do you do,
linda. i'm a high school history teacher. that's interesting.
where are you from, i'm from orlando, florida. i see. and why do
you want to start selling ice cream? well, i have spare time this
summer. i'd like to make some extra money. hi, steve. how's it
going, you look nervous. hi, kelly. i'm about to meet dr simmons,
our biology professor. what for. i'm not doing well in that class.
i want to drop it. what's the big deal, i've never done this
before, what should i say, just tell her the truth? i am sure
you're not the first student to drop her class good point. hi, i'm
wendy. i'll be your waitress today. can i get you something to
drink. yes, three coffees please. three. yeah, my friends should
be here any minute. okay, i see three coffees then anything to
eat, nothing to eat, just the coffees, please. okay, three coffees
coming up milk and sugar. i'm not sure. could you bring some on
the side. sure thing. thank you. hello, speedy deliveries. this is
jason speaking. hi, this is margaret from contacts. i have a
question. how long would it take to ship a large box to singapore,
our asian connections have just been improved. now, shipments to
singapore only take three weeks. great. and how much would that
cost. let's see, that would be one hundred twenty dollars per one
hundred pounds. not bad. so if the shipment leaves today, it will
arrive in three weeks. that's right. do you have any brothers or
sisters. i have two brothers and one sister. how many people are
in your family. there are four of us. i'm the middle child. i have
an older sister and a younger brother. there are only three of us,
my father, my mother and me. i'm an only child. which year were
you born in nineteen forty two. when's your birthday on april
twelve. how old is your brother, he's twenty five. so where are
you from, i was born in california, but i live in seattle. can i
ask you about your family. sure. why not? ok, do you have any
brothers or sisters, yeah, i have an older brother and a younger
sister. how old are they, my brother's thirty three and my
sister's twelve i see. and which year were you born. in nineteen
ninety one. how about you. i was born in nineteen ninety one too.
do you have any brothers or sisters. nope, i'm an only child. when
is your birthday march thirty first, when's yours june eleven. you
are three months older than me. hey, linda, how large is your
family. i have a big family. there are seven of us. wow. how many
brothers do you have, two, how large is your family, there are
four of us. do you have a brother or a sister, a brother? he's
younger than i am. do you get along with him? yeah, but sometimes
i wish i was only child. hi, sue. what are you doing. hey david,
i'm making a birthday card. who is it for my sister? when is your
birthday? it's the day after tomorrow. how old is she going to be?
she'll be twelve. how come you never make me a birthday card.
well, when is your birthday on february twenty eighth, okay, i'll
make you a car next year. leslie, do you have any brothers or
sisters, yes, i have three brothers and two sisters. that's a big
family. are you the oldest, well, i'm the oldest girl. how large
is your family? there are five of us. it sounds like you have
brothers or sisters too, right? i have an older sister and a
younger brother. oh, so you're the middle child. yeah, i'm right
in the middle. so tell me a little bit about your family. i have a
big family. there are ten of us. wow. how many brothers and
sisters do you have, i have four brothers and three sisters. how
old are they, four are older and three are younger. i'm the middle
child. interesting. and which year were you born in nineteen
ninety three. how large is your family mill. it's not very big.
there are only four of us. let's see, mom, dad, you and a brother.
no, an older sister, jen. how old is jen, she's seventeen and how
old are you, i'm fourteen. hi, ted. what are you doing here, hey
betty. i'm looking for a birthday present. whose birthday is it,
my friend matt. his birthday is on friday, really. my friend mandy
is the same day. great. why don't you shop with me. okay, how old
is matt going to be eighteen, how about mandy. first, i need some
information about your family. okay, what would you like to know
how many people are in your family? there are six of us. alright.
and do you have any brothers or sisters, i have two older brothers
and a younger sister, ok, how old are they. my brothers are twenty
six and twenty eight and my sister sixteen. great. now, how old
are you, i'm twenty. hello is tally pintler. there. this is she
i'm from tim co and we're taking a poll. i see. what are you
asking about. we are collecting information about families. how
large is yours? there are seven of us. we have five children,
great. and how old are your children. what time does class start,
it starts at nine o'clock. what classes are you taking chemistry,
english and math. when does the homework do it's due on monday.
where do you usually study in the library or at home. how often do
you practice. usually twice a week. how long does the exam take.
about ninety minutes. can i borrow a pen, yes, here you go. can
you help me out. sure. what do you need. could you help me with
this question. okay, what's the problem. excuse me, can you help
me out. sure. what do you need. thanks. i'm a new student here and
i can't find my classroom. what class are you looking for? math.
it's in room one o two. where is that. hey, we're in the same
class. we can go together. thanks. oh, i'm lynn. hi, i'm lee. nice
to meet. by the way, how long does math class last. every class
lasts fifty minutes, then we have a ten minute break. are you in
any clubs. i'm on the soccer team and in the school band, oh. i'm
in the band too. um, when do we practice practice starts at three
thirty in the auditorium and less until five. where is the
auditorium, i'll show you later. oh, hey, we'd better get to
class. it starts in five minutes. i can't believe it's the first
day of school again, i know summer went by so quickly. how's your
schedule for this semester, let's see first period is chemistry,
then history, then music. what time do you have, lunch? my lunch
is from eleven o'clock to twelve o'clock. how about you, what are
you taking. i'm taking geometry, physics, english, french and my
lunch is at. what time is your english class? my schedule says it
starts at one o'clock. the teacher is mr brown. ah oh, i've heard
that mister brown gives really difficult test and lots of
homework. you're kidding. i think i'm ready for summer vacation
already. hey, mike, i haven't seen you in a while. how have you
been. oh, hey gina, i've been really busy lately. really. what's
going on, i'm in the orchestra and we have a big concert next
week. you must be practicing hard. how often do you practice, i
have practice every day until eight o'clock, so i don't get home
until almost nine, so that's why you look so tired. yeah, and i
have to wake up at five thirty for swimming practice. wow. so when
do you have time to study. hey, can you help me out? sure. what do
you need. could you help me carry this equipment to the baseball
field, no problem. it looks pretty heavy. and by the way, how's
the baseball team doing, we're doing pretty well this year. we won
our first three games. hey, that's really good. i wish our
basketball team would win for a change. what do you mean, we're
terrible. we've lost every single game this year. okay, we're
here. can you put the bag down on the ground over there, sure.
well, good luck with the game on saturday. thanks, you too. hey,
what are you doing on friday. i don't have any plans yet. what's
up. do you want to go see the new brad pit movie. i saw that two
weeks ago. well, what do you want to see. i heard the new comedy
with queen latifa is pretty good. okay, let's see that. it
probably starts at seven o'clock, so i'll pick you up at six
thirty. good morning, central high school. hi, this is linda
marino. my son jose is a freshman at your school. yes, mrs moreno,
how can i help you this morning? i'm calling to let you know that
my son is sick today so he won't be going to school. oh, i'm very
sorry to hear that. could you please let his teachers know. yes,
who will inform them that jose won't be in class today. also, his
friend emily will pick up his homework assignments for him. okay,
ma'am, i hope your son feels better tomorrow. thank you. tim,
could you come here for a second, yes, mrs phillips. i'd like to
talk to you about your grade in this class. no, i'm not doing very
well, but you haven't done your homework this week and you look
very tired in class. i'm sorry i've been studying late at night,
so i'm a little tired in the morning. you should start getting
more sleep. i want you to concentrate in my class. yes, ma'am,
i'll do my best. jason, can i borrow your eraser? sure, here you
can keep it. thanks. how did you do on the test last week, not so
good. think i failed it. why didn't you study. of course i did. i
studied for about an hour only an hour. you'd better get it
together and work harder the semester ends soon. i know it ends
next month, then summer vacation starts, by the way, did you write
your essay essay. we have an essay, what does it do, are you
kidding is due today. care for some hot chocolate. yes, please. i
love sweet things. would you like some tea. okay, but i prefer
coffee. i'd like steak tonight. i'd rather have chicken. this cake
is my specialty. it's made of flower sugar and chocolate. i love
to cook steamed eggs. i use sesame oil and soy sauce. does this
pie taste okay, it's good. but it's a bit too sweet. how's that
soup. it's spicy. this dinner is super. yes, it's delicious. how
do you like the fries? they're a bit too salty. jennifer, that
dinner was delicious. thank you. can i get you some coffee,
thanks, but i prefer tea, no problem. so the chicken was ok, it
wasn't too salty. no, it was great. i like the sauce. you cooked
it in. how did you make it, i use some sesame oil and a little soy
sauce. oh, i see. here's your tea and some cake for dessert. wow,
this cake is fantastic. what's it made of, it's made of flour.
sugar, eggs and dark chocolate, um, it's really sweet. you're a
super cooked jennifer. nick laura, i bought you something really.
what is. here you are. it's a box of chocolates. thanks, abraham.
you know, i have a sweet tooth. you really shouldn't have it's my
pleasure, bob told me about your sweet tooth. it's terrible really
i eat too much sugar here. would you like one, no thanks. i don't
care for sweet things. yeah, these are really delicious. i think
i'll have a tea bone steak. what are you going to have that looks
good, but i'd rather have the flank steak. okay, one tea bone and
one flank. how would you like yours? cut well done is good. i'll
have mine medium. should we get some red wine to drink, i prefer
white wine if that's okay. red wines too sweet. alright, let's get
white. wow, this dish is great. christopher, thanks, isabelle. do
you really like it, you bet what's it made of? there's carrots,
broccoli, asparagus and vinegar and i mixed in some basil and
chopped nuts. it's delicious. can i have the recipe. sure, i'll
write it down for you. it's really simple. how long did you cook
it for only twenty minutes. this is delicious. what's in it. lots
of good stuff. there's noodles and vegetables and soy sauce and
sesame oil. there must be some red peppers too. it's kind of
spicy. yeah, there are do you like spicy food, it's okay if it's
not too spicy. do you want to visit my brother after dinner, i'd
rather go to a movie. we can see your brother another time. all
right. sarah, this is fantastic banana cream pie. thank you. it
was easy to make. would you like the recipe. yes, please, what
ingredients did you use. i used bananas, fresh cream flour and a
touch of honey honey, really. i guess that's what makes it taste
so sweet. yeah honey's the secret ingredient. hey, could i please
have one more piece, wow, you've got quite a sweet tooth tonight.
let's have the pad. see you. i'd rather have the pad tie. okay,
i'll try pad thai. is it spicy, you can get it mild, medium or
hot. i like mine hot and spicy. i like mine mild. okay, then two
patties. do you want ice coffee to drink. no, i prefer ice tea.
all right, we are ready to order. okay, we've got broccoli,
asparagus and vinegar. what else do we need, let me see the recipe
again. oh, yeah, we need a half cup of soy sauce here you go. do
we have any sesame seeds? i think so. if i can find them. yeah,
here they are. great. do we need any more ingredients. well, you
want it mild, medium or spicy. i like it medium. okay, then let's
add a couple of red peppers there in the french. are you ready to
order. yes, i'd like a new york steak medium. well, new york steak
very good and you sir. i'll have a tea bone well done and a chef's
salad. all right, wouldn't you like something to drink, could i
have a glass of red wine, please, certainly. i would like a beer.
what time is it, it's two thirty. could you tell me the time? yes,
it's ten till nine. what time will you meet her at half past six.
what day of the week is it, it's monday. when was your birthday,
it was on the first of the month. what's today's date. it's may
twenty sixth. how long was the meeting, it was two hours. how long
does it take to get there, it takes thirty minutes. what's today's
date. it's august 10th. oh, i forgot to send a birthday card to my
sister when is her birthday, it's on the twelfth. oh, that soon
you should send it today. what time does the post office close
today, i think it closes at noon. what why does it close so early.
probably because it's saturday. oh, yeah. well, it's too late
then, but it's only eleven forty five. i know, but it takes thirty
minutes to get to the post office from here. what time is it, it's
almost five great. it's almost time to go home. why don't we go
get some dinner. i'd love to but i still have some work to finish.
how much longer do you think it'll take probably a few more hours
really? okay then. how about tomorrow. sure, that's fine. i'll be
free any time after four let's meet at five then. hi, terrence.
wow, you look really tired. yeah, i am. i hardly got any sleep
last night. what time did you go to bed around six in the morning
and then i got up at nine. why did you have trouble falling
asleep. no, i had to finish the paper for history class. you wrote
it all last night. yes, it took about five hours to finish it.
well, it's good. you wanted to finish it early, i guess. then i
got up at nine. why did you have trouble falling asleep, no, i had
to finish the paper for history class. you wrote it. i'm going on
a ski trip with some friends. would you like to come to maybe how
long is the trip going to be will be gone for five days, sounds
good. how are you going to get there. we are traveling by bus.
it's a lot cheaper than flying. how long does it take to get
there, it is kind of long. it takes one full day, so we'll need
two days just for traveling. that's right. let me think about it.
which one should we go to? well, it's showing at twelve thirty at
two o'clock and at four fifteen is that it, well, there's also one
at six, but i figure that's too late. why do you think so, because
i have to wake up early tomorrow morning? oh, well, we can go to
the one at four fifteen if you'd like, sure, if you don't mind, of
course. did you go to the meeting yesterday. yes, how about you. i
didn't see you there couldn't make it. did they mention when the
next one is actually it's tomorrow at three p.m. great. are you
going? no, it's not a required meeting and i've got a lot of work
to do. oh, i see. but could you let me know if they mentioned the
christmas party, sure it should be coming up pretty soon, well,
let me know if you find out when it's going to be i'm really
looking forward to. when a spring break this year, i think it's
the second week of march really. would you like to go to
california this time, i'd love to but won't the airline prices be
too expensive? you're right, they probably will be more expensive
during spring break. why don't we drive to virginia beach,
instead, that's a good idea. how long does it take to get there,
usually about three hours. that doesn't sound bad at all. okay.
let's plan on that. isn't your birthday coming up soon? it sure
is. how do you know your sister told me, when is it exactly the
eighteenth? it's tomorrow i thought so, but i wasn't sure i'm
sorry. i didn't tell you before. don't worry about it. are you
planning anything special, yeah, i'm having a party at my house.
would you like to come. when is it. i have to work until seven
tomorrow it starts at nine. great. i'll see you there. hey, sarah,
you know what my parents are coming into town tomorrow. that's
great. sam. would you like to meet them? we can go to dinner
together. that's a great idea, but i don't think i can make it.
why not? i thought you finished work early on fridays. actually,
this time i have to go to a meeting. well, we can go after your
meeting. wen, is it going to finish. i'm not sure. but i think
it's going to finish really late. oh, well, maybe next time.
excuse me, how do i get to the subway station? go straight for
three blocks. what side of the street is it on. it's on the right
side. where should i turn for the supermarket. turn left at the
intersection. is it far from here to the airport, no, not very.
how far is it to the museum. it's about three kilometers. excuse
me, is the bookstore on second street, no, it's on third strain.
is the middle school on elm street. yes, it's opposite the park.
is the zoo on first street or main, it's on the corner of first
and main. excuse me, could you help me? sure. what can i do for
you, i'm looking for the miners theater. that's on the corner of
fifth and maine. is it far from here, no goes straight down this
road for three blocks. okay, then turn left at the intersection
onto fifth street left at the intersection on to fifth. yes, the
theater will be one block down on the right. go three blocks and
turn left, then one block down. that's right. thank you so much.
you're welcome. does this bus go to seoul station. no, it doesn't.
it goes to chill university. do you know which bus goes to sole
station, the number twelve bus, i think how far is it from here to
the station, it's about two kilometers is the station far from the
airport. not very far about five kilometers. i think i see thanks
for your help your welcome. excuse me, yes. is there a parking lot
near here. yes, there is it's on second avenue. could you give me
directions, please sure turn right at the first intersection. it's
on the left on the left. how far down about a block in its
opposite the park. ok, thanks a lot. no problem. excuse me, how
can i get downtown from here, you could go by bus or by taxi. is
it far from here? yes, a bit far. it's about ten kilometers. how
often do the buses run? do you know, yes, every fifteen minutes.
how long does it take about twenty minutes by bus? where is the
nearest bus stop? it's one block down on bell street. i can't
figure this out. well, it looks like it's on cotton avenue. yes,
but how do we get there from time street? it seems like we should
turn left at pine. yeah and then right onto hodson road. yes, but
hodson doesn't connect with cotton. look, it doesn't seem to be
very far from here. let's go back to high street and ask for
directions. does this bus go to the university. no, it doesn't it
goes downtown. do you know which one goes to the university, i
think it's number twenty eight is the university far from here.
it's about six kilometers. is it on monson street, yeah on the
corner of monson and ninth okay, months and a ninth thank you. no
problem. is there a supermarket near here? yes, there's one on
cottage street. could you give me directions turn left at the
intersection and go straight three blocks. three blocks, yeah,
it's on the right next to the bookstore next to the bookstore next
to the bookstore and opposite the museum. thank you very much.
you're welcome. hi, paul. how was your trip, horrible, i got lost
downtown and missed the meeting. what happened. well, i thought
the convention center was on pine street. oh, no, it's on pike.
yeah, but i found that out too late. didn't you get directions
before you left. yes, but i wrote pine instead of pike, did you
finally find the convention center. yes, but the meeting was over.
hello, this is john speaking. hi, john. this is heidi. i was
wondering if you could do me a favor. sure, heidi, i'd be glad to
i'm looking for a hotel near the boston airport. um the red dot is
a five star hotel. how far is it from the airport. not far at all.
it's practically. where did you go to paris and rome. how was your
trip, it was great. what did you do, mostly sightseeing. have you
ever been to thailand? no, not yet. have you gone there before
once in nineteen ninety six. how was the food a little too spicy.
what did you think of the taj mahal, it was magnificent. what was
bangkok. like, it was noisy and crowded. how was your trip, it was
great. where did you go. i went to singapore for the weekend. that
sounds fun. what did you do? i did a lot of sightseeing. i was the
food, i loved it. i tried something different every night. what
was the weather like. it was really hot. i should have taken more
shorts. what did you think of the city. oh, it's clean and modern.
the beaches are beautiful. have you gone there before, no, this
was my first time. hi. how was your trip to canada? it was
terrific. i really enjoyed it. great. how long were you gone, i
was there for about six months. that's a long time. was the
weather. ok, yes, most of the time, what was the best thing about
your trip? oh, that's difficult to say, but i guess i liked the
rocky mountains the best. how did you spend last weekend? ken. i
went for a drive in the country on sunday. that sounds nice. where
did you go, i drove along the coast to busan. i had a great time.
how about you, did you do anything special, not really. i just
worked on my term paper. that's too bad. maybe we can do something
together next weekend. transnational airlines may i help you? yes,
i'd like to book a flight to los angeles for the saturday. what
time would you like to leave. could you tell me when the earliest
flight leaves the earliest flight is at seven in the morning? oh,
i see. can i reserve a seat, yes, would you like economy or first
class economy, please. that's really magnificent. isn't it, it
sure is the whole city is yeah, it's gorgeous. have you been here
before. no, how about you once about ten years ago, it's changed
since then. what do you think is the biggest change, the number of
tourists, it's more crowded now, really, it must have been nice
back then. it was it's nice now too. hey, sandy, where have you
been? i was on vacation. i just got back. oh yeah. where did you
go? i went to australia with my family. cool. what did you do,
there all kinds of things we went surfing, we fed kangaroos and we
went to the great barrier reef. what did you think of the reef. it
was absolutely awesome, so beautiful and so many different fish.
hey, lance, have you ever been to thailand, yeah, a couple of
times, what was it like, well, the beaches in the south were clean
and sandy. and the jungles in the north were hot and lush. what
did you think of bangkok? that's a great city. there's lots to do,
but it's crowded. i'd like to go there next summer. should i book
a ticket now? yes, that's probably a good idea. i heard that diane
is going to paris next month. yeah, lucky girl. i wish i could go
with her me too. i'm lucky if i can afford to see a movie. have
you ever been out of the country, nope, have you i went to mexico
one time to cabo san lucas. what was that. like, it was so great
warm sun, sandy beaches. i miss it, man. i never get to go
anywhere. hello, eagle airlines. spencer speaking. yes, i'd like
to book a flight to madrid for the 16th madrid on the 16th, which
flight would you like the earliest one please, that leaves at five
forty five a m, okay. can i reserve a seat first class or economy.
what kind of weather do you like. i like sunny days. what's the
weather. like it's cloudy and cold. let's go for a walk. no, it's
too hot and humid. is it going to rain today? it looks like it.
how's the weather. it's nice and cool. how is the weather going to
be today, it looks like snow. is it going to cool off soon. no,
it's going to stay warm. will it be cold this weekend? yes, it'll
be freezing. what's the weather. like it's still raining dark and
cloudy. did you hear the weather report? yes, they said it won't
clear up until tomorrow. that's too bad. i don't like rainy days
really. why not? i think they're boring. there's nothing to do. so
what kind of weather do you like, warm and sunny, of course.
that's okay, but i hate hot and humid weather me too. that's
almost as bad as rain. so do you want to go out, no, let's just
stay home and watch tv. that's a good way to spend a rainy day.
the weather is so nice today. yeah, there's hardly a cloud in the
sky even though it's sunny, it's really mild too and there's only
a slight breeze. it's been so rainy this week. i'm glad it's
finally cleared up me too. this is perfect weather for going
outside. right, it might not be so bright and clear tomorrow i'd
love to go swimming or just take a walk. it's too bad. we have to
stay inside. oh, well, time to get back to work. are you ready to
go. yes, almost by the way, what's it like outside, it looks
pretty overcast. what's the temperature? i'll check the
thermometer. it says eighty five degrees. i didn't realize it was
that warm. i'd better take off this sweater. we should probably
bring umbrellas to. did the weather report say it was going to
rain. i didn't hear it. it's really cloudy, though. okay, better
safe than sorry. are you looking forward to winter break. of
course, i can't wait to go skiing me too. i hope there's going to
be enough snow. i heard it's supposed to get a lot colder next
week, really. how long is it supposed to last. the weather report
said that it would stay below freezing for a few weeks. that's
good news. there'll definitely be a lot of snow. don't be too
excited. you never know how the weather will turn out. thanks for
coming with me today. of course, i'm glad to be outside for a
change. i really love days like this. me too. i always look
forward to this time of year. it's cool but clear and sunny as
well and i finally get to wear my new sweater. we should do this
again before it gets too cold. yeah, it'll start snowing by next
month probably. i can't stand this weather. what's wrong? it's
great. are you kidding. it's so hot and humid. what's wrong with
that, i love hot weather when it's like this. i don't want to do
anything. not me. i think it's great to go swimming on days like
this. well, i like cool and cloudy days myself. isn't that sort of
boring, no way mild weather makes me comfortable. i like it too,
but hot weather is. wow, it's really snowing outside. i'd better
wear a coat. are you sure you want to go out, well, i don't want
to miss class. but it's snowing so hard. it's practically a
blizzard. i haven't heard anything about class being canceled even
if it's not i think the weather is too bad to drive or even walk.
maybe you're right. i don't want to have an accident. right. and
the temperature supposed to drop even more in the afternoon and i
thought this winter was going to be mild. oh, well, better get
used to snow and ice. the weather's going to be bad this summer.
why what's it going to be, like. first of all. it's going to be
much hotter than usual. that doesn't sound very good. yes. and
there's also going to be a lot of rain really that's going to make
it really humid. won't it right, and it's probably going to last
until october. that sounds almost as bad as last year. it might
even stay above a hundred degrees for a. looks like i'd better fix
my air conditioner. it's freezing today. i know it must be below
zero outside and it's so overcast. nothing but great clouds. yeah,
it seems like it's been this way for weeks. it would be nice if it
would snow, but there's been nothing so far. well, what about
today, i don't know. i didn't hear the weather report. what do you
do in your free time, i enjoy playing golf. what do you like to
do? i like reading and hiking. what kinds of movies do you like. i
like action movies the most. how often do you go dancing once or
twice a month. how many times have you visited canada three times.
can you play tennis. yes, but i'm not very good. are you good at
skiing, no, i'm terrible. how well can you play guitar. i can play
pretty well. it's such a beautiful day today. yes, i am glad we
have some free time to enjoy it. have you ever come out here
before. sure, i come to the link a lot really how often usually
twice a month if i have time. wow, you must really like boating.
it's right. i enjoyed very much. it's so relaxing. i agree.
actually, this is my first time to go boating here. what you mean.
you've never come here before. no, never. i think i've only gone
voting three times in my life. well, i hope, you know how to swim.
don't worry. i'm an excellent swimmer good, then you can save me
if i fall in here. joking, right, you must be a great swimmer too.
the truth is i am just a beginner. what do you usually do in your
spare time, keith? oh, i probably read more than anything else.
what sorts of things do you like to read all kinds. but i really
like novels. who's your favorite novelist, i think hemingway is
the best. i like him too. which of his books have you read. i've
read a farewell to arms and for whom the bell tolls, they're
great. hi, jack. it's been a while. what are you up to, not much.
what have you been doing, nothing special. do you have any plans
for the holidays, yeah, but it's a secret. come on. tell me, where
are you going to go for your vacation. okay. okay, i might go to
england. my sister lives. there really how exciting. hey, ben,
what happened, i was looking for you all afternoon. oh, sorry, i
must have been at the pool really. i didn't know you were swimming
these days. yeah, i'm swimming three times a week and really like
it are you going tomorrow too, no, i don't have any plans. well,
why don't we play tennis? i really need to practice. sure, that
sounds fine. robert, what do you like to do in your spare time. i
like reading and listening to music. how about you? i don't really
like books. i like more active hobbies really. like what i love to
go roller skating, play volleyball and go hiking. oh, and i love
to swim. you sure are active. do you ever go skiing, no, i enjoyed
jogging and dancing though. what about movies, i rarely watch
movies. i definitely prefer going outdoors. what kind of movies do
you like. most kinds really? i enjoy horror movies, romances and
comedies. i like romances too. are they your favorite, yeah, i
guess so. don't you like science fiction movies? i think they're a
little boring actually. do you like them, i'm a big fan. i like
anything with action. do you have any hobbies to him. well, i like
photography and i also enjoy playing computer games. do you
exercise or do any sports, i'm not crazy about most sports, but i
do like to go bowling sometimes really me too. why don't we go
bowling together, all right, actually, i'm going this weekend with
my friend. is it ok if i join you. of course, how about meeting me
here on saturday at three sounds good. i'll see you then. what do
you feel like doing this weekend, how about going to the river
park. hey, that's a good idea. we haven't been there in a while.
yeah, if the weather's nice, we can hike or ride our bikes on the
trail. i'll bring some food so we can have a picnic now you're.
then again, what if it rains? well, if it rains, i guess we can go
to the new art museum. that sounds boring. why don't we go to
karaoke instead in the afternoon. how was your trip to hawaii? it
was wonderful. i had a great time. what was the weather, like, it
was sunny most of the time, but it rained occasionally. what did
you do while you were there a lot? i spent one week sightseeing in
honolulu and the volcanoes national park volcanoes. you're a
pretty adventurous. did you go to the beach too. of course i went
surfing every day. i also went hiking and rented a motorbike. do
you think you'll ever go there again, sure. i hope i can see all
of the island some day. what's your favorite sport. i really like
tennis. do you like to play football. yes, it's a lot of fun. what
do you do for exercise? i usually go jogging. are you good at
taekwondo. no, i've never tried. are you good at basketball. yes,
i'm really good at it. how good are you at biking? i am pretty
good. how often do you run about three times a week. do you
exercise much. no, i hardly ever go outside. wow, jim, you look
really tired. yeah, i've been exercising a lot these days, really,
when did you start just a few weeks ago? i'm still not used to it.
what exactly are you doing. i joined a wrestling club. i didn't
know you liked wrestling actually. i like it a lot. it's a lot
more fun than other sports i've done. are you good at it, no, i'm
really terrible. i always lose. well, you've just started after
all. how often do you practice. i try to go three times a week.
that's a lot. i can see why you're tired. why don't you try it
too? you might enjoy it. oh no, i hate fighting sports. i'd much
rather play tennis. maybe i should try that next. what's your
favorite sport, trevor, i'd have to save fishing. fishing isn't
that sort of boring, not to me. i think it's peaceful and
relaxing. i guess you don't like active sports very much. well,
actually i like watching them just not playing them. i see.
anyway, are you good at fishing, sure. i usually catch at least
five fish. what do you do with them, eat them, of course. why
don't we do something this weekend. what do you suggest. let's go
see a soccer game. i don't like soccer very much. there's not
enough action. well, do you know if there are any other games
there's a baseball game in the park every saturday night. um,
baseball's, okay, actually i love baseball. i used to watch it
once a month. at least i'm glad you like something, but let's go
then. you look pretty healthy, cat. do you do any sports, i've
practiced taekwondo for a few years. i had no idea. so you like
martial arts, not really. i just like taekwondo because it's fun
and say. how often do you practice these days. i'm practicing four
times a week. wow, that sounds like hard work. why do you train so
much. there's a tournament coming soon and i want to do as well as
i can. you must be really good by now. i guess so. i got second
place in the last tournament anyway. that's great. just don't kick
me. how do you like this game, it's okay. it's not that exciting
to me though. why not? don't you like tennis? i like to play it,
but watching isn't that interesting then what sports do you like
to watch. basketball is really exciting, really. can you play it
too well, i can but i'm really terrible. why don't we play
sometime. the truth is i'm much better at tennis. you look like
you're in good shape. thanks, i try to stay active. what do you do
for exercise? usually lift weights every monday and thursday
afternoon. do you do aerobics too, sure on tuesday and thursday
mornings. what's your favorite sport. probably racket ball, but i
don't get to play very often. do you like any sports, badminton is
fun and i like to go bowling too bowling. how often do you go just
twice a month? usually do you like bowling too? it's really boring
to me, but i do like badminton. why do you think bowling is
boring. i like hitting a ball, but i don't like rolling one. i
see. well, how about tennis. no, it's too hard. i really just like
badminton. okay, let's go play it done. what sport are you best at
that would probably be fencing. i had no idea. when did you start,
my parents started me in a fencing class when i was ten, you must
have practiced a lot. well, i had to my coach was really strict.
how often did you practice six days a week, my coach wanted me to
go to the olympics. why didn't you you must have been good enough,
maybe i was but the truth is i didn't enjoy it very. are you
ready. of course, you're definitely going to lose this time. why
do you think that i'm still much better than you. but i've been
practicing a lot two hours a day. it doesn't matter how much you
practice. i'm still better. i'm sure you're going to miss every
swing. it doesn't matter how hard you hit the ball, i can still
run faster. well, the court's open now, let's find out. you look
pale, are you ok. no, i have a bad stomach ache. do you feel well,
yes, i'm fine. how's your flu. it's gone. i feel much better. what
do you do when you have a cold drink, lots of water and get plenty
of rest. i really want to lose weight. you should eat less and
exercise more. my skin is so dry and itchy. did you try putting on
some lotion. my legs are killing me. do you want to sit down for a
while. three, i'm so sick of this toothache. you'd better see a
dentist. hey tyrone, your nose is already are you okay, i have bad
allergies. they've been bothered me all week. i'm sorry to hear
that. what are your symptoms, thy nose is really ruddy and i've
got a terrible headache that won't go away. that sounds pretty
bad. did you take any medicine i did, but it has it helped
actually it seems like it's getting worse. you'd better go see a
doctor. i don't know. maybe it'll get better sued even if it's
nothing serious, you should still have it checked out. you're
probably right, right. can you recommend the doctor, mine is
pretty good. i can give you his number. thanks. do i need to make
an appointment. of course, just call the office and a nurse will
set it up for you. i guess i need to do that as soon as possible.
i hope you feel better soon. hi, robert. how's your cold. oh, hi,
karen. it's better. but now i've got this cough. i'm sorry to hear
that. have you had it long. okay. yeah, it's lasted for two weeks.
i'm really sick of it. are you taking anything, just some regular
cough medicine, but it doesn't help much. my throat is still
really sore. why don't you try drinking hot water with honey, it
works pretty well for me. i've never heard that. i'll try it and
see what happens and. i'm sure you'll be better soon. may i help
you. yes, i think i've got the flu. what are your symptoms. well,
i'm really sore. have a lot of congestion and a high fever. i'm
not coughing or sneezing though. you need some extra strength.
flew medicine. how much should i take two tablets. every six hours
is enough. you shouldn't take more than that. should i do anything
else, get plenty of rest and drink a lot of fluids if your flu
doesn't clear up in a week, you'd better see a doctor. thanks for
your. why don't you tell me what's wrong. my stomach is killing
me. is there anything else i have really bad indigestion too, it's
awful. um, when did it start early this morning after i got up,
it's gotten worse since then. did you eat or drink anything
unusual last night. well, it was my birthday, so i ate a lot of
cake and other stuff. that's probably the reason. overeating
usually causes those symptoms, but it's never made me feel this
bad before i understand. it's just a sign that you're getting
older. how are you feeling, miss richardson? not so good, i've had
an upset stomach since this afternoon. what did you have for
lunch, just a salad. did you notice anything wrong with the food,
well, the salad did taste kind of funny. i see let me give you
some antacids. let me know if you feel better after taking them.
thanks. doctor, recently i don't see things as well as i used to.
what do you mean during the day. i can see just fine, but at night
i have trouble seeing signs when i'm driving. when was the last
time you had an eye exam about a year ago? why don't you come in
next week. i'd like to have a look at your eyes. do you think
something seriously. i doubt it. you probably just need glasses.
ok, i see. is there anything else i should do. well, try not to
drive too much at night. i'm trying to live healthier these days.
do you have any suggestions, well, i read that you should eat
vegetables and fruit with every meal, every meal. that's a lot
some days. i don't eat any fruit at all. you'd better start then
the sooner the better. okay, any other ideas keep active, you
should exercise for at least thirty minutes. but i don't have time
to go to the gym. you don't have to why not walk instead of
driving or taking a taxi if the place you're going isn't too far
now that sounds like something i could do and don't skip
breakfast. it's the most important meal of the day. wow, you sure
know a lot about staying healthy. honey, how did the appointment
for the doctor go, ok, i guess. did he find out anything besides
your sore throat, yeah, he told me that my glands were swollen.
did you tell him that you had a hard time swallowing. yes, he did
a test to find out whether or not it's a viral infection. does
that mean you need to see him again, i will have to go back on
wednesday. this is such a long flight. i'm really starting to feel
uncomfortable. have you had a chance to stand up and walk around.
no, it's not easy to get up when you're in the middle seat. that's
true, but you should get up anyway, stretching your legs will help
a lot. you're probably right. even a little movement would help.
it'll definitely help the circulation in your legs. okay, i'll go
walk for a little while. i just hope we land soon. what skills do
you have. i can design web pages. would you spell your last name
please. it's m i l l e r. why did you apply to this company. i'd
like to work in a fast growing company. how do you like it here,
it's great. everybody's really friendly. how long have you been
working here. i just started last week. what made you decide to
move here. i wanted to live somewhere warm. are you going to
finish on time. no, we're behind schedule. can i have time off
next week. i'm sorry, but we are too busy right now. how long is
it going to take you. at least two or three hours. what's your
name. my name is samuel geta. can you spell your last name for me,
it's g e t t a you're applying for a position in our i.t.
department. what kinds of skills do you have. i'm trained to set
up and maintain computer networks. why do you want to work for us,
i'd like an opportunity to work for a large company. are you
willing to travel, yes, ma'am, when can you start. i can start in
two weeks after i give notice at my current job, okay will contact
you next week mr getta. thank you for your time. thanks. can you
tell me about yourself? yes, my name is liz williams. i'm twenty
three years old. i graduated from indiana university last year. my
major was music and i specialized in piano. i received the first
prize at a major music contest in indiana two years ago. that's
very impressive. do you have any teaching experience? yes, i've
been a private piano teacher for three years. when can you start?
i can start any time. you are new here, aren't you? yes, i just
started last month. so how do you like it here so far. it's great.
everybody's pretty friendly and i like having a flexible schedule.
what did you do before you started here, i was working in a
printing shop. what made you decide to change jobs. i had to
commute an hour every day, so i wanted something closer to home.
so how long does it take to get to work? now it's only five
minutes by motorbike. excuse me, miss yang. oh, hi, paul. do you
have a moment, sure, come on in, sit down. what is it? would it be
possible for me to take a couple of days off next month. is
everything ok? oh, yes, it's just that my sister's getting married
and i have to go out of town for the wedding. will you be able to
get all your work done? it's going to be a busy month. yes, ma'am,
i'll get everything finished on time. ok, that should be no
problem. just remember to fill out the leave request form. thanks,
miss yang. hey, jenny, how do you like your new job, i like it. i
guess the works interesting and i like my coworkers, you don't
sound very excited about it. well, the thing i don't like is the
office. why what's the matter fifteen of us work in one room. so
it's very noisy and there's no privacy really. don't you have a
private cubicle. no, we don't even have our own desks. we sit
right next to each other. wow. do you have any personal space at
all, no, it's really crowded. i only have a small place for my
computer and telephone. how's the project coming along, tony?
we're a little behind schedule, miss yang. what's the problem. two
of my people have been home sick all week and that's no good. the
deadline is monday. can you finish on time, i don't think we can
get it done by then. can i have an extension, how much more time
are you going to. i need another twenty four hours. this is a
really important project. i'm depending on you, tony. i won't let
you down, miss yang. i hope not. you're skating on thin eyes this
time. what are you doing now, mister wilson. i work for bell
systems as a programmer. i see. how long have you been working
there, i've been there about five years. do you like your job, oh
yes. i like it a lot then why do you want to move to a new
company, my wife and i are having a baby. so i'd like to increase
my income. miss moore, can you tell me about your education, i
graduated from the university of chicago in nineteen ninety six.
what did you major in computer science. are you currently
employed. yes, i've been a graphic designer at moon communications
since two thousand five and why are you interested in working at
our company. i'm very interested in photography and travel and
working for your magazine would allow me to pursue both of those
interests. well, let me tell you some things you'll need to know
if you're hired. hey martin, how did your job interview go, i'm
not sure. but i don't think i got the job. that's too bad. what
happened, i don't have enough experience with cooking. well, maybe
they have another position available. they also need a delivery
driver, but i can't drive. maybe you can do customer service. i
could but they need somebody who can work every day. don't worry
about it. i'm sure you'll find something soon. i sure hope so. i
.am tired of not having any money

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