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● Please read the Question Paper carefully.
● 15 minutes are allotted for reading the Question Paper.
● Do not write anything on the Question Paper.
● Total number of printed pages:5
● Total number of Questions: 26

Section A:
(MCQ, One Word questions and Very short answer questions )


I The organelle which helps in manufacture of food in plant cell is ___________. 1

a) Vacuole
b) Chloroplast
c) Mitochondria
d) Golgi bodies

II The animals whose numbers are diminishing to a level that they might face extinction are 1
known as -
a) Extinct animals
b) Endemic animals
c) Endangered animals
d) Migratory animals

III Which of the following gas is believed to cause global warming? 1

a) Nitrogen dioxide
b) Sulphur dioxide
c) Carbon dioxide
d) Oxygen

IV Which of the following reacts with cold water vigorously? 1

a) Copper
b) Magnesium
c) Sulphur
d) Sodium

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V Plasmodium a protozoan causes __________. 1
a) Dengue
b) Tuberculosis
c) Common cold
d) Malaria

VI Which of the following statement is not true for fertilizers? 1

a) It is man-made inorganic salt.
b) It is prepared in factories.
c) It provides humus to soil.
d) It is rich in plant nutrients like nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium.

Q2 One Word questions

I Give two examples of organisms having prokaryotic cells. 1

II An area which is strictly reserved for the protection of wildlife is _____________. 1

III The ignition temperature is the temperature below which a substance does not burn even in 1
the presence of supporter of combustion. State true or false.

IV In the reactivity series metals like sodium, potassium and magnesium are placed at the 1
beginning and the metals silver, gold and platinum are placed at the end. Why?

V Why do farmers prefer seed drill for sowing seeds? 1

Q3 Very short answer questions

I Name the most common fire extinguisher used to extinguish fires involving electrical 1
equipments and inflammable materials like petrol.

II What is rapid combustion? 1

III How does the bacterium lactobacillus help in curd formation? 1
IV How are cross linked polymers different from linear polymers? 1
V What is protoplasm? 1

Section B - Short answer questions

Q4 Plastic is used for making a large variety of articles of daily use and these articles are very 2
attractive, light weight and durable. But it is advised to avoid the use of plastic as far as
possible. Why?

Q5 Differentiate between reforestation and deforestation. 2

Q6 What are the principles on which firefighting operations work? 2

Q7 Suggest two methods for conservation of fossil fuels. 2

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Q8 Explain why the following are made up of thermosetting plastics? 2
a) saucepan handles
b) electric switches and plug boards

Q9 Despite favourable climatic conditions, a farmer's crop failed to give good yield. Give the 2
possible reasons for this.

Q10 Give reason for each of the following: - 2

a) Drip irrigation is considered advantageous over other methods of irrigation
b) Leveling of crop field is beneficial.

Q11 Give an account of two important discoveries in the past that proved ‘ microorganisms can 2
be useful to humans'

Q12 Define- 2
a) A Plough b) threshing

Section C - Long answer type questions

Q13 Cells are the basic structural units of living organisms. Explain. 3

Q14 Define the following:- a) Ecosystem b) Species c) Wild life sanctuaries 3

Q15 Anjali and Ram were doing an experiment in which water was to be heated in a beaker. 3
Anjali kept the beaker near the wick in the yellow part of the candle flame. Ram kept the
beaker in the outermost part of the flame. Whose water will get heated in a shorter time and

Q16 a) Why is petroleum called "black gold'? 3

b) Name the constituents of petroleum that is used
i) as a solvent in dry cleaning
ii) for making candles.

Q17 Explain the following by giving examples 3

a) Corrosion
b) Displacement reaction
Q18 Metals are malleable and ductile. They possess some properties which make them useful 3
for a number of purposes example in making coins, jewellery, electrical wires etc. For
different requirements different metals are used. It depends on the nature of metals.
Now give the answer to the following questions:
a) Give two reasons why gold is used in making jewellery?
b) If you have to select the metal among copper, aluminium and silver for the transmission
of electricity which one would you prefer and why?

Q19 Describe an activity to show that thermoplastic is a poor conductor of electricity. 3

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Q20 Nylon is the first fully synthetic fibre, made by man without using any natural raw 3
materials. It's endearing qualities created a public sensation, or nylon mania, when it was
introduced in 1939. Women stockings made from this new fibre were in great demand. But,
unfortunately, most of the nylon production had to be diverted to making parachute during
Second World War (1939-1945). After the war, when production of stockings resumed,
supply did not match the demand. There was a huge black market for this product. Women
had to wait for hours in queues to get a pair. Often there were nylon riots.
a) Name the monomers used in making nylon ?
b) Which property of nylon fibre make it suitable for making
i) Parachutes and rope?

ii) socks or stockings ?

c) Name the fibre which was obtained by chemical treatment of wood pulp?

Q21 Describe the principle on which the following methods of food preservation are based 3
a) canning b) freezing c) dehydration

Q22 What is biodiversity? How is it important for humans? What is the need of conservation of 3

Section D - Competency based questions

Q23 Observe the following figure given below and answer the following questions. 4

a) Does it represent a prokaryotic cell or a eukaryotic cell?

b) Name the organelle in the above figure which. gives shape ,support and protection to the
cell against atmospheric variations.
c) On what factors do shape and size of cell depends?
d) Which one of the following is not a part of nucleus-
i) ribosomes ii) chromosomes iii) nucleolus iv) genes

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Q24 a) Draw a labeled diagram of flame and answer the following questions. 4

b) Which zone shows the complete burning of the wax?

c) Which zone forms the major part of the candle flame and is moderately hot?

d) Which zone gets the maximum air for burning and complete burning of fuel takes

Q25 The substance W is a fossil fuel. It occurs deep below the ground in certain areas of the 4
earth. Another fossil fuel X found trapped above the deposits of W. When W is subjected
to a process called Y, then a number of different products are collected at different
temperature ranges which are put to different uses. A special grade of product Z obtained in
this way is used as aviation fuel in jet aircraft.
a) What are W and X?
b) What is the physical state of W and X?
c) Name the process Y?
d) Name the product Z.

Q26 Identify the elements in the following riddles :- 4

a) I am a non metal. I exist in gaseous diatomic molecular state. I am important for life
whether it is burning of fossils or digestion of food to get energy. I am
b) I am a metal but liquid at room temperature. I expand and measure your temperature on
the scale. I am_______________ .
c) I can react with oxygen in air at room temperature and form a basic oxide ,so I am stored
in kerosene and my symbol is Na . I am ______________.
d) I am a non metal used in the Purple coloured solution and applied on wounds as an

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