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How Rural Students Dealing their Sundanese Mother Tongue in

Learning English

Thesis Proposal

Submitted as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree

of Sarjana Pendidikan (S.Pd)


Name : Fuzi Fauziyyah

NIM : 2018850114





In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful. Praise is to Allah, Lord of

the world who has blessed the writer in completing this paper. Sholawat and Salam

are given upon our prophet Muhammad SAW, who has guided us the way of truth

and brought us to the real light of life.

From the sincere of the writer’s deepest heart, she realized that if there were

no support and motivation from people around her, she could not finish this paper.

Therefore, she would like to express her gratitude and give her best appreciation to:

1. Mr. Dr. Iswan, M.Si as the dean of the faculty of Education.

2. Mrs. Mutiarani, M.Pd as the chairman of the Department of English


3. Mrs. Lidiyatul Izzah, M.Pd. for her time, guidance, and advice as the


4. A very deep thank is presented to all of the lecturers and staff of the

Department of English Education at University Muhammadiyah Jakarta.

5. Mr. Solahudin, S.Ag, M.Pd as the headmaster of MA Miftahussa’adah, Mr.

Hermanto, M.Pd and Mrs. Nida Ismatunnisa, S.Pd.I as the English

Teachers at MA Miftahussa’adah for their help during the research.

6. The writer’s parents, H. Subandi, S.Pd.I and Nia Andriani, S.Pd.I This

paper is dedicated to them who have given her the big opportunity to

experience the study from elementary until university level and support

throughout her life, their moral support and guidance to her daughter.

7. The writer’s family members, her beloved sisters and brother, Nida

Haniefa, Syahla Sakinah, and Muhammad Rizieq Assunni who always

give their support and moral encouragement in finishing her study.

8. All of her friends in B Class 2018 the Department of English Education at

University of Muhammadiyah Jakarta, especially Ananda Fauziah, Dinda

Rachmadanti Nurhaliza, Erlin Nurul Fitriani, Fika Alfariha and Sri Kinanti

Khairunnisa, for their support and assistance.

9. And of course, the writer’s thanked herself for fighting and not giving up

against all the obstacles that existed during the process of making this


10. And last for other parties that have given helps, supports, and

suggestions in finishing this paper.

Hopefully, this paper can be useful to the readers, particularly to the writer.

Also, the writer realized that this paper is far from being perfect. It is a pleasure for

her to receive constructive criticism and suggestion from anyone who read this


TABLE OF CONTENTS.....................................................................................................................4
CHAPTER I.........................................................................................................................................5
A. Background of Study..............................................................................................6
B. Focus of the Problem...........................................................................................12
C. Limitation of the Problem.....................................................................................12
D. The Objective of the Study..................................................................................12
E. Significance of the Study.....................................................................................13
CHAPTER II......................................................................................................................................13
LITERATURE REVIEW...................................................................................................................13
A. The Review of the Theories................................................................................13
1. Sundanese as a Mother Tongue....................................................................................14
2. Rural Students in Secondary School.............................................................................16
3. Learning English Language.............................................................................................18
B. Theoretical Framework........................................................................................22
CHAPTER III.....................................................................................................................................23
METHODS AND PROCEDURES..................................................................................................23
A. Time and Place...............................................................................................…….23
B. Method of the Study.............................................................................................23
C. Research Design..................................................................................................24
D. Subject of the Study.............................................................................................24
E. Techniques for Collecting the Data....................................................................24
F. Techniques for Analyzing the Data....................................................................26
CHAPTER IV.....................................................................................................................................28
FINDING AND DISCUSSION.........................................................................................................28
a. The functions of using Sundanese in learning English....................................28
b. Students' perspective on the use of Sundanese in learning English.............35
CHAPTER V CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS.................................................................52
A. Conclusion.............................................................................................................52
B. Suggestions...........................................................................................................53


A. Background of Study

Humans are social creatures we cannot live without each other. In our

daily life, we are always in touch with people. We communicate with each

other in this relationship. Without communication we cannot interact with

everyone, learn languages, and even think. Therefore, we need to use a

communication medium when interacting with other people. One of the

communication media used by humans to communicate or interact with other

people is language.

Language is a means of communication that uses symbols of sound

produced by the speech organ to communicate between members of a

community. Language is also a tool of self-expression and served as a tool

to show their identity as well (Rabiah, 2018). It is assumed that language has

many functions. According to Keraf (1970: 3) in Samingan (2016) language is

useful as a medium of expression, communication, integration and social

adaptation or control. The term language is also found in the verse Al-Rym:


‫ت لِّ ْل ٰعلِ ِميْن‬ َ ِ‫اخ ِتاَل فُ اَ ْلسِ َن ِت ُك ْم َواَ ْل َوا ِن ُك ۗ ْم اِنَّ فِيْ ٰذل‬
ٍ ‫ك اَل ٰ ٰي‬ ِ ‫َومِنْ ٰا ٰيتِهٖ َخ ْل ُق الس َّٰم ٰو‬
ِ ْ‫ت َوااْل َر‬
ْ ‫ض َو‬

“And of His signs is the creation of the heavens and the earth, and the

difference of your languages and colours. Lo! herein indeed are portents for

men of knowledge.” (QS. Al-Rym: 22).

This verse shows that Allah created various languages as a sign of

Allah's greatness. Language is one of Allah SWT’s perfection indicators in his

greatness and wisdom. In variety ways of language, individuals can

communicate with each other. Every province has a wide diversity of

languages, tribes, and ethnic groups.

In this modern era, we are required to be able to communicate with

people all over the world. To do so, we need to communicate in a language

that everyone can understand. One of them is English, which is spoken

almost everywhere and has developed into an international language.

According to Samingan (2016), a variety of languages are utilized for local,

national, regional, and international communication, including English.

Learning English as a foreign language is certainly not easy; there are

numerous challenges to overcome, particularly when compared to their

mother tongue. Indonesia is multicultural country in this case, with 1430

spread over its islands. More than 746 regional languages are spoken by

many Indonesians, especially Sundanese (Alawiyyah and Pabriana, 2020).

Sundanese can be found in West Java and other transmigration areas

like as Lampung and Kalimantan. The majority of Sundanese live in West

Java, Indonesia's most populous. Many Sundanese learn English to converse

with people from other countries. The link between the two languages,

particularly English, has an impact on each other. What is definite is that

Sundanese is Indonesia's second most widely spoken language. They study

English because it is also a compulsory subject. Therefore, we will see how

they learn English while also speaking their mother tongue as well as their

second language, namely Indonesian.

Another problem is about pronunciation. Because of the diversity of

ethnic groups, varied dialects, and language systems, Indonesians have a

hard time pronouncing English sound. As Prastari (2012) put it, "ethnicity is

one of the components that can cause language variance”.

For most students who are in the Sundanese area, especially in rural

areas. English is a very scary thing. Sometimes it can make them frustrated,

tense and also lazy in learning it. Therefore there are some teachers who use

their first language or mother tongue in the process of learning English, which

is intended to make them understand more about the material being taught.

Therefore, Gani (2018) states the majority, if not all, Indonesians are

unaware of the significance of English. Learners regard English as simply a

topic that must be studied. Furthermore, speaking English in public or even at

school is seen as narcissistic. This type of situation is common in rural areas.

This is a common stumbling block to learning English, especially for people

from countries where English is not their first language.

Rural students especially Sundanese, are the ones who use their

mother tongue the most in foreign language classes. Apart from their mother

tongue, Sundanese students must use Indonesian when teaching and

learning activities take place. As a result, when learning a foreign language

they use three languages in class, namely Sundanese, Indonesian and

English. This is a quite difficult task because they must indirectly change their

first and second languages to a foreign or target language. In addition, they

also have little opportunity to learn English due to environmental factors that

are accustomed to using their mother tongue in daily activities. As a result,

the use of English should be maximized. It is important to maximize the use

of L2 in the classroom when students have few opportunities to meet and use

L2 outside the classroom.

Apart from being afraid of English, English Foreign Language (EFL)

students will constantly experience difficulties/problems in understanding it

when learning a foreign language. When students first learn it, they frequently

make errors in speaking and writing. Differences between the mother tongue

and foreign languages system, particularly English, are the root of the

problem. According to Samingan (2016), various factors cause difficulty in

learning English, one of which is first language interference.

The use of mother tongue in English class certainly has pro and contra.

Several researchers who have conducted research on this issue state that on

the one side using L1 in English classes is good since it has several positive

effects that can aid language development. The use of L1 in English classes

is discouraged because it may obstruct the acquisition of the target language.

Nonetheless, it is apparent that a student's first language has a significant

impact on their ability to learn second language acquisition (SLA).

There are a variety of reasons why a mother tongue or first language

should be used in an English lesson. First, using L1 with persons who share

the same L1 is more natural. Second, using L1 is easier and more effective

communicatively; third, using L2 can be embarrassing, particularly for timid

learners and those who believe they are not proficient in L2.

Atkison (1987) stated that some of the broad benefits of proper usage

of the mother tongue are easy to imagine. The most important of these is the

prospect that translation procedures will become part of the majority of

learners’ preferred learning strategy in most regions, which should not be


In addition to Atkison, Harmer (2007) in Hakim (2020) also believes

that using one's mother tongue in the classroom is unavoidable and common.

In general, the purpose of using the first language in English lessons is to

bridge the gap that exists between students and teachers during interactions.
For example, a teacher might translate into their first language if they do not

comprehend the instructions given.

Despite its strength, the role of mother tongues in foreign language

teaching and learning has been a topic of debate in the education industry for

many years. To achieve educational goals, many educational institutions and

instructors are making efforts to limit and eliminate the role of mother tongue

in foreign language classes. As a result, the use of the mother tongue in the

classroom when teaching and learning a foreign language should be avoided

because it can hinder the achievement of students' goals of success in

understanding the target language. Cook (2001) states that it is possible to

implement English classes in one of three ways: forbidding the use of the

mother tongue or first language (L1) in the classroom, minimizing the use of

L1 in the classroom, or promoting the use of English in the target language in

the classroom. The reluctance to use the mother language in the classroom

was instituted to help students enhance their skills and achieve the goal of a

communicative English class. It's also about fostering an environment in

which students can use the target language as much as possible during the

learning process. In addition, the role of mother tongue is considered to have

a negative or destructive impact on the learning process.

Since students often transfer features of their first language to the

target language, their first language usually influences their thinking when

learning English. As a result, students are more likely to incorporate the

grammatical characteristics of their first language into the target language.

This can cause some principles or ideas in the target language to be


From some of the pro and contra above, it can be concluded that the

use of a second language in English classes needs to be maximized as much

as possible, by encouraging its use and by using it for classroom

management. However, the use of the first language also has a small but

important role to play in communicating meaning and content.

Many researchers have investigated the use of mother tongue in

learning English from different perspective. Hakim in his investigation of the

use of Sundanese in learning English found that the Sundanese language

functions in the process of teaching and learning English, namely for giving

instructions, giving motivation, explaining vocabulary and teaching materials,

showing expressions of anger, disappointment, and happiness. Furthermore,

the reason for using Sundanese in learning English is because they want to

provide a sense of comfort and convenience when communicating and

interacting with both teachers and colleagues, as well as to avoid

misunderstandings of meaning both in ordinary communication and in giving

teaching materials. Students show positive perceptions of the use Sundanese

language in learning English in the classroom.

Furthermore, Hawa (2001) with the title of her research, namely

Student Perceptions of the Use of Mother Language in EFL Classes. This

study seeks to explore the function of mother tongue in the context of higher

education. It also investigated students' perceptions of its use in EFL

classrooms. Based on the results of this study, the following conclusions were

obtained. First, students use their mother tongue in EFL class on several

occasions, and it carries a positive function to support their English

proficiency. Students use it mostly in clarifying and understanding material or

topic instructions, explaining unfamiliar idiomatic vocabulary and phrases, and

explaining differences and similarities in English pronunciation. Also, it is

beneficial to use during group discussions. Second, the findings show

variation in perspective among students based on different proficiency levels.

Students with low and intermediate levels of English proficiency show high

positive acceptance of the use of their mother tongue in English classes

because it helps them learn English. On the other hand, students at the

advanced level showed negative perceptions of its use. They chose to avoid it

because they wanted to improve their skills with maximum exposure to the

target language (i.e., English) in the EFL classroom .

Alshehri (2017) in his study about the use learner’s first language in

EFL classroom reveal that in the study the teacher believed that English

should be used in the classroom as the primary language. The results also

show that teachers use L1 for several functions in EFL classrooms, such as

explaining vocabulary and developing relationships with students. But most of

the students still use their first language when in certain circumstances such

as translating new vocabulary and preparing assignments.

Based on the background, the researcher is interested in conducting a

study to find out the reasons for using Sundanese in English classes, the

function of using Sundanese in learning English, and the effect of using

Sundanese on students' English learning. With this study, it is hoped that we

will find out how rural students overcome Sundanese as their mother tongue

in learning English.

B. Focus of the Problem

Based on the background of the research above, the problems found in

this study are:

a. What are the functions of the use Sundanese in learning English?

b. What are the students' perceptions on the use of Sundanese in

English classroom?

C. Limitation of the Problem

In this study it is focus on observe how rural students with their

Sundanese mother tongue learn English. The decision was taken because

the author is interested in students who are in rural areas who mostly use

their mother tongue in their daily lives, whether it affects learning English and

how they deal with it.

D. The Objective of the Study

Based on the focus of the problems above, objective of the research is

to find out how rural students dealing with their mother tongue, namely

Sundanese, in learning English.

a. To find out the function for using Sundanese in English classroom.

b. To find out the student’s perceptions on the use of Sundanese in

English learning.

E. Significance of the Study

The results of this study are expected to be beneficial both theoretically

and practically elaborated in the following section.

1. Theoretically

The results of this study are expected to support theories related to the

use of mother tongue in learning English, as discussed in chapter 2.

2. Practically

 The results of this study are expected to provide information to

English teachers, especially in guiding students in dealing the use

of their mother tongue in learning English.

 It is also hoped that it can encourage students' awareness to

maximize the use of English and minimize the use of their mother



A. The Review of the Theories

1. Sundanese as a Mother Tongue

It is undeniable that the number of people who speak Sundanese is

quite large in Indonesia. According to Sudaryat (2013: 1-2), Sundanese is

the mother tongue of Sundanese people both in and outside of West Java.

After Javanese, it becomes the second largest regional language that is

still maintained and used by the community.

In reality, defining mother tongue is a difficult task. Buck (2001) in Khati

(2011) argued that mother tongue is always difficult and contentious. The

terms "first language," "mother tongue," "native language," and "primary

language" are all considered to be synonymous. People learn their first

language, or mother tongue, before they learn their other languages as

youngsters. As children, they learn their first language, or mother tongue,

before learning other languages (Pokharel in Khati, 2011).The terms refer

to the language that a person learns as a child because it is spoken in the

family and/or it is the language of the country in which he lives. It means

that a child's first language (L1) is the language that they acquire

spontaneously from their surroundings before learning other languages.

Hakim (2020) stated that the first language is the one that a person

picks up spontaneously from the environment in which he lives from time to

time. In other words, a person's first language is their mother tongue or the

first language they learn. Furthermore, according to Khati (2012), a

person's first language is a language that they have produced since

childhood and can use readily in a variety of situations.

Ali (1995) in Susanti stated that mother tongue is the first language that

humans master since the beginning of their life through interaction with

fellow community members, such as family and the surrounding

community. This shows that the first language is the initial process that

children get in recognizing the sounds and symbols of language.

Haerudin (2018) stated that since the day he or she is born, a child has

the potential to learn languages. The language you hear in everyday life

has a big impact on your ability to learn it. As a result, a child's first

language capabilities are determined by his or her family. Sundanese,

which is taught to children from an early age in the household, becomes

the child's mother tongue.

Haerudin (2018) says that Sundanese language, like other local

languages, is under the protection of the state. The Constitution of 1945,

Chapter IV, Explanation of Article 36, states, “In regions that have their-

own languages which are well-maintained by their people (i.e., Javanese,

Sundanese, Madurese, and so on), the languages will be respected and

well-maintained by the state also. The languages are the part of the live

Indonesian culture“.

Sundanese is known for its variety of languages. The language used in

speaking varies depending on who the person is speaking to. In addition,

when speaking, Sundanese people also see in advance who the other

person is talking to, whether the same age, or this older person with the

aim of respect. This is what causes the Sundanese language to be dubbed

a language that upholds politeness. According to Fauzi (2020) the honorific

system in which the level of politeness of speech is distinguished from that

of the interlocutor is used in Sundanese, one of the world's languages.

Kulsum (2020) stated that in the Sundanese language there is a variety

of languages called Undak Usuk Bahasa or language etiquette used or

chosen based on the circumstances of the speaker, who is invited to speak

and what he is talking about. Undak Usuk Bahasa means the stages or

stages of the Sundanese language. Undak Usuk Bahasa have three levels,

namely lemes/smooth/polite, loma/medium, and garihal/rude. At each

stage, of course, there are rules for its use, namely; first, for the use of

subtle language is to show respect from the person speaking to the person

being spoken to. Use of polite language is used on people who are

considered worthy of respect. There are two kinds of polite language,

namely for yourself and to others. Second, loma/medium language is a

variety of language used by peers or people who are already familiar, in a

relaxed atmosphere. This variety of language is also used when speaking

in front of many people, in scientific writings, news, and articles. And third,

garihal/rude language is the language used by anger, fighting, scolding,

insulting, and also used on animals.

In addition to the level in language use, Sundanese also has various

kinds of dialects such as the Priangan dialect, the Cirebon dialect, the

Banten dialect and many more.

Based on the opinions above, can be concluded that Sundanese is a

regional language originating from West Java which is the mother tongue

of the Sundanese. Sundanese has a variety of languages called undak

usuk bahasa which makes Sundanese a language that upholds politeness.

2. Rural Students in Secondary School

Gomathi (2014) states children raised in cities are exposed to a variety

of modules and have the opportunity to learn English in a variety of ways.

In city schools, children can receive specialized instruction to improve their

listening, speaking, reading, and writing abilities, which are essential for

learning any language, whereas rural pupils have little exposure to English.

In schools, education is solely theoretical and nerdy, and English is only

taught for exam purposes. As a result, even after studying English as a

subject for twelve years, students are hesitant to interact in English. This

also applies to city-raised youngsters; while many of them are fluent in

English, students have more reservations when it comes to communicating

in the language. It's time to start motivating pupils at a young age, right in

their schools, by raising awareness of the value of English. Teachers of

English in remote places must be dedicated and truthful in their approach

to equipping pupils with skills. To establish a favorable environment for

learning and practicing the language, all available resources must be fully


Gani (2018) stated that there are considerable disparities in language

learning outcomes between pupils in rural and urban areas, particularly in

Indonesia. Apart from the teaching method, the learner's factors also play a

role in developing themselves as good or bad language learners, such as

the employment of language learning strategies.

The Indonesian language skills of students in rural areas are still low,

let alone learning to use English as the language of instruction, reading

English textbooks, or communicating in English (Heryadi, Sulfemi, &

Retnowati, 2020) in Susanti. Generally, students at these schools still use

their mother tongue as the language of instruction. Even though the

teacher has designed lessons in Indonesian, in practice, students often use

it in their delivery.

In this study the researchers took samples from tenth grade MA.

Miftahussa'adah with 52 students. For tenth grade of science are 22

students and tenth grade of social are 30 students. The majority of

students in both classes use Sundanese as their mother tongue to

communicate, both inside and outside the classroom. Most of them come

from rural areas, there is only 1 student from urban areas.

Based on the opinions, it can be concluded that rural students are

those who live in rural areas. Generally, there are differences between rural

students and students who live in cities, both in terms of learning methods,

learning strategies, learning facilities and also the social environment.

3. Learning English Language

Keraf (1997:1) in Rabiah (2018) argue that language is a symbol of

sound created by the speech organ that is used to communicate between

members of a community.

Rabiah (2018) defines language is a set of symbols that individuals use

to communicate or express their thoughts and ideas to others. The culture

is impacted or affected by the language used, and vice versa. As a result,

it's safe to say that language and culture are inextricably linked. The

interlocutor can typically deduce the speaker's background from his or her

language. There is a tale that states language reflects the nation.

According to Wikipedia a language is a structured system of

communication used by humans. Languages can be based on speech and

gesture (spoken language), sign, or writing. The structure of language is its

grammar and the free components are its vocabulary.

Harmer (2001) in Rachmawati (2018) states that everyone

understands that language is a tool for individuals to communicate with one

another. Language is a crucial tool for communication. It's impossible to

imagine a culture that doesn't use language. English has become the

lingua franca, despite the fact that it does not have the highest proportion

of native or 'first' language speakers. A lingua franca is a language that is

commonly used for communication between two speakers whose original

languages are different and where one or both speakers are using it as a

'second' language.

Language learning is regarded as the cornerstone of human existence.

Knowing the language can help us to express our opinions, hopes, and

even our dreams (Tavil, 2009) in Jafre (2012).

As the most well-known language in the world, English is used by lots

of people from different countries which have divergent language as well.

Bashiruddin (2018) states English has become the lingua franca for

communication, Business, Education and Opportunity in general. This

language is learnt by pupils, even non pupils all over the world including

Indonesia since it can be both spoken and written form.

According to Wikipedia learning English is when people desire to use

the English language, they learn the language. Language skills and

language systems are frequently discussed in language learning.

Speaking, listening, reading, and writing are examples of language abilities.

Vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation are all part of language systems.

Many people learn English in school, where it is one of the most frequent

courses. Many people also desire to devote some of their free time to

learning English. Some of these folks may not speak English at all, while

others may have studied it in school and desire to improve their skills.
Learning a foreign language is a general expression used to refer to

the appropriation of a language apart from the mother language, and this

learning can be generated in different contexts, including two in particular:

the first one, in which the language is socially dominant, and the second

one, in which the foreign language is not widely used in the students'

immediate social surrounding (Lin, 2008; Saville-Troike, 2006) in Escobar


One of the languages studied in Indonesia is English. In learning

language, the students have to master in English through learning. It is one

of the most important things for human beings since they were born and for

the rest of their life. Moreover, learning has to begin since they were child,

so they will think that learning is an interesting factor for their life. Ironically,

there are still very limited of students who were able to communicate in

English, although they have been studying English for about six years. This

phenomenon is not only just felt right now, but it has happened in the days

preceding the time of some of the people were very enthusiastic to learn

their mother tongue and reject foreign language.

English has demonstrated its value in the world, particularly for

pedagogical pupils. Reading foreign language literature in English allows

pupils to get exposure to international information. In English, there are

over a billion webpages. The majority of that knowledge base can be

accessed simply by learning a foreign language. The most widely used

program on the planet. The most widely used social media platforms. The

gateway with the most resources: “Everything is written in English!” The

same may be said of television and newspapers, as well as international

outlets such as CNN and the BBC. It also provides opportunity to learn and

exchange with people from other countries. Scholarships for study abroad
and student exchange programs are available. Another crucial advantage

is that English can assist you in obtaining high-paying jobs. Employers

would be ecstatic to have candidates who are fluent in English in front of

them, and they will have ideas to bring out your best in relevant

international activities and events (Abbas, 2016 in Susanti (2021).

Learning English, on the other hand, is fraught with challenges. The

majority of people have a limited vocabulary. People who are learning

English vocabulary have a challenge in that they acquire new words but

forget them quickly. Another issue that arises with learning a new language

is the inability to communicate effectively. Many people deal with bad

speaking abilities, whether it's a difficulty with low tension or a lack of

vocabulary or grammar needed to have a meaningful discussion. Being

unable to engage with native English speakers might be a significant

barrier to learning English. The majority of people forget basic grammar

rules, resulting in poor writing abilities. They mispronounce words, misspell

them, and even use improper phrases (Abubakar, 2015).

In addition, there are some problems for foreign language learners; this

may be due to the translation that is needed in general, such as

understanding some things that are not found in the first language. Swan

(2008) in Fitri (2010) states that there are several reasons why the first

language can interfere with the second language: 1) the introduction of new

vocabulary is very crucial, 2) novice learners hesitate to consider and apply

the last vocabulary acquired, and 3) when students Foreign languages

seek to organize speech in an orderly manner or search for unlearned

vocabulary as a whole. Therefore, errors may occur when expressing a

second language because there is not enough time or time to consider the

appropriate structure or word.

Celaya in Romero (2017) states when the learner's first language (L1)

and the foreign language are comparable, the learner's first language (L1)

can influence foreign language learning either by acting as a resource for

the learner to understand how language works (transfer), or by functioning

as an interference. When the first language and the foreign language are

comparable (transfer), it can operate as a source for learners to grasp how

the language works, or it can act as an interference factor when the two

languages are significantly dissimilar (negative transfer).

From some of the arguments above, it can be concluded that learning

English is when people want to master English, they learn the language. To

improve English language skills, it can be done by practicing through a

course or studying at school. And in the learning process, especially for

foreign language students, it is quite difficult due to several factors, one of

which is the use of the first language.

B. Theoretical Framework

As we know that learning English is certainly not easy, especially for

those whose mother tongue or first language is not English. Therefore, in this

study, it will be explained how students overcome their Sundanese mother

tongue in learning English. Then to collect data by observing English learning

activities of 11th-grade students, and also conducting interviews with English

teachers and some students in the school. Furthermore, in analyzing the

research data using an interactive model; the analysis activity consists of

three flows of activities that occur simultaneously, namely data reduction, data

presentation, and drawing conclusions or verification.



A. Time and Place

This research will be conducted in tenth grade of MA. Miftahussa'adah.

The school is going to choose by the researcher because most of the

students speak Sundanese and located in rural areas. This research will

carry out from 31 July 2022 to 3 August 2022.

B. Method of the Study

In this research, the researcher will use qualitative research as the

method of the research. This study aimed at finding out the functions of the

use sundanese in learning English and knowing student’s perception of the

use sundanese in English classroom.

C. Research Design

Compared to quantitative research methods, qualitative methods show

a different approach to academic study. Qualitative approaches include text

and visual data, have specific phases in data analysis, and draw on a variety

of designs despite the processes being identical. Educating readers about

the purpose of qualitative research, mentioning specific designs, thoughtfully

considering the researcher's role in the study, utilizing an ever-expanding

range of sources for data, adhering to specific protocols for data recording,

using the data for multiple steps of analysis, and mentioning approaches for

methodological documentation are all necessary when writing a method

section for a proposal or study for qualitative research (Creswell, 2018).

D. Subject of the Study

The research subjects in this study are tenth-grade students and

English teachers at MA. Miftahussa'adah. Rural students in this study mean

students who are in rural areas, namely students at that school.

E. Techniques for Collecting the Data

This study will use three instruments. There are observations, and

interviews. Required based on research questions.

1. Observation

According to Creswell (2018, p.262) when a researcher makes

field notes about people's behavior and activities at a research site,

this is referred to as a qualitative observation. The researcher captures

activities at the research location in these field notes in an unstructured

or semi-structured manner (using certain prior questions that the

inquirer wishes to know the answers to). The roles that qualitative

observers can play range from complete participant to nonparticipant.

(Creswell, 2018 p.262)

The observation is going to use by researchers to see how

students learn English by using their mother tongue. Observations will

make four times. Researchers will observe all learning processes from

the beginning to the end of learning. In addition to using observation

checklists, researchers will also use field notes to record things that

occur during the teaching and learning process.

2. Interview

According to Creswell (2018, p.263) face-to-face interviews with

participants are conducted by the researcher. These interviews consist

of unstructured, often open-ended inquiries aimed at eliciting the

participants' ideas and opinions.

The interview is going to conduct with English teachers and

some students, using open-ended questions where the participants

can answer questions freely and without restrictions, thus researchers

can dig deeper into information about teachers regarding the reasons

for using the first language in learning English. The teacher will be

asked questions about the method he uses in learning English so that

students can understand the lesson delivered by the teacher. And

whether during the learning process they still use Sundanese or use

Indonesian as a second language in bridging the English learning


F. Techniques for Analyzing the Data

Data analysis in this study will use an interactive model from Miles and

Huberman (1994) which divides the analysis activity into several parts,

namely: data reduction, data display, and drawing conclusions or data

Figure 1. Analysis Interactive Model from Miles & Huberman

(1994: 12)

1. Data Reduction

The size of data must first be organized and minimized or

redesigned in a meaningful way. Data reduction, according to Miles and

Huberman, is the process of choosing, concentrating, simplification,

abstraction, and transformation of the data.

In order to make the data more manageable for research

purposes, the author decided which information from the interview

transcripts and field notes should be highlighted, minimized, or entirely

excluded., or set aside completely for the purposes of the research.

2. Data Display

The second stage of Miles and Huberman's qualitative data analysis

approach is data presentation. This stage offers a dense and organized

data set that allows drawing conclusions.

To facilitate understanding of the data, the author displays the data

that has been reduced. This is presented in the form of observation and

interview tables that have been selected according to and answer the

problem formulation of this research.

3. Conclusion Drawing and Verification

In order to draw conclusions, one must take a step back and study

the meaning of the data being studied as well as its implications for the

research topic. In this stage, the writer interprets the information that has

been presented.

The data should then be examined for consistency and reliability.

The triangulation approach is used by the author to verify data validity.

Triangulation is a strategy for verifying or confirming conclusions utilizing

a variety of sources and modalities of evidence, according to Miles and

Huberman. In order to get reliable results from this study, the author

thoroughly reviews a variety of sources, including documentation,

interview responses, and observational data.



As previously explained, the purposes of this study is to find out the function

of Sundanese in learning English, and students' perceptions of the use of

Sundanese functions in learning English. By using observation and interviews as

research instruments, this study produced the following findings:

a. The functions of using Sundanese in learning English

Data were collected through interview with English teachers and

classroom observation. Below is a display of data collected from the results of

The first function is as a command / instruction. By using Sundanese,

students understand better and immediately do what the teacher tells them to

do. According to Schweers (1999) in the use of mother tongue as part of the

means instruction. And according to Lartec and Belisarios (2014), most pupils

respond actively to the discussion when the mother tongue used as a medium

of instruction.


Guru : Anyone, please get the InFocus (projector) at the office!

Murid : Kumaha pak?

(what sir?)

Guru : pangnyanakeun InFocus di kantor!

(get InFocus at the office!)

Murid : Oh siap pak!

(Oh okay, Sir!)

Data 1 shows the teacher instructs his students to take the projector in

the office. However, they did not understand what the teacher was saying.

Then, the teacher repeated the command using Sundanese language and

the students immediately understood and rushed to take the InFokus



Guru : Now, E please read the text, Coba ayeuna E baca!

(now E read!)

Murid : nu mana pak?

(which one sir?)

Guru : Tah eta nu kadua!

(that's the second one!)

Murid : Oh oke, pak!

(Oh okay, Sir!)

In data 2 of the conversation between the teacher and students above,

it can be seen that the teacher gave an order to one of the students to read

the text. Initially the teacher used English and then immediately translated

it into Sundanese.


Murid 1 : anter urang ka cai!

(accompany me to the toilet!)

Murid 2 : hayu!

(let's go!)

The third data shows that a student asked his friend to accompany him

to the toilet. Therefore, the use of Sundanese language as an instruction is

also used by students with students.

From data 1, 2, 3 we can see that students of MA. Miftahussa'adah

tend to understand better if the teacher uses Sundanese language in giving

instructions. Not only instructions between teachers and students but also

between students and students they use Sundanese as a command.

Second, the use of Sundanese language serves as an explanation.

Like giving an example. By using Sundanese, students understand the

material presented by the teacher better than using English alone. The use

of Sundanese is also because the teacher must explain an example related

to their daily lives and know that Sundanese is also their everyday

language. So, they will understand better. As the result of Manara (2007)

findings, learning a foreign language improves pupils' comprehension of

English. According to the results of his study, it might be ineffective for their

teachers to speak just English because students might misunderstand what

they are saying.


Guru : Jadi ini ceritanya kamu lagi ngajakin jajan temenmu di

kantin, contohnya how about we eat meatballs during

recess? Kumaha lamun ke istirahat urang ngabaso?”

(So, here's the story, you gave a suggestion to your friend

to have a snack in the canteen, for example, how about we

eat meatballs during recess?)

Murid : Oh kitu. Paham pak.

(oh I see. Understood sir)


Guru : hayu urang maen bola sore ieu yuk! berarti bahasa

inggrisna let's play ball this afternoon! contona kos kitu

(let's play ball this afternoon! it means let's play ball in this

afternoon! such an example)

The fourth and fifth data teachers provide explanations of the material

taught in Sundanese so that students better understand the material

presented by the teacher and provide an example that relates to their daily

lives in Sundanese.

The third function is to express emotions or feelings. Like angry,

annoyed, embarrassed, and happy. Students and teachers tend to use

Sundanese language in expressing their feeling or emotion both between

students and students or between teachers and students.

This is in line with the affective domain described by Krathwohl, Bloom, and

Masia in 1973, which includes "how to deal only with emotional objects,
such as feelings, values, rewards, excitement, motivation, and attitudes."

The learners' performance in terms of their affective domain is impacted by

the use of the mother tongue.


Murid 1 : teu bisa ah urang mah teu ngalarti.

(I can't, I don't understand)

Murid 2 : sarua urang ge.

(me too)


Murid 1 : ah pak kesel teu bisa wae.

(ah sir I'm annoyed, can't)

Guru : Teu nanaon nama nage diajar. It’s okay!

(it's okay, the name is also learning)

Data for 6 and 7 students expressed their annoyance with the

Sundanese language because they could not and did not understand the

material being taught, either by fellow students or to the teacher.


Murid : Pak si ieu mau ceunah

(sir, he said he wanted to read)

Guru : sok coba kamu B baca! ulah nyuyuruh batur, kamu

sorangan teu daek maju!

(Try to read it, Budi! Don't tell other people, if you don't

want to read it by yourself)

Murid : Enya pak punteun.

(yes, sir. Sorry)

Data 8 shows students accusing their friends that they want to read the

text on the screen then the teacher instructs B to read it in an annoyed tone

and the teacher asks not to tell anyone else.


Murid 1 : ih da isin bapak

(sir, i'm shy)

Murid 2 : moal sok coba heula!

(no, let's try it first)

The seventh data shows that students express feelings of shame to

their teachers in Sundanese.


Murid 1 : hade euy bisaan maneh

(cool, you can do it)

Murid 2 : euh atuh urang tea

(yes, i am)

Data 9 and 10 students expressed their happy feelings by using

Sundanese language to their friends who praised them and were happy

because they could practice the instructions ordered by the teacher.

Fourth, the use of Sundanese language serves to provide motivation for

teaching and learning activities. By using Sundanese, the motivational

process from teacher to student and from student to student is more

successful, coupled with using Sundanese, the motivational process is

easier to understand and more natural. Benson (2005) asserts that the

usage of the first language enhanced students' affective domain, including

identity, self-confidence, and self-esteem. He emphasized that when

students use their native language in the classroom, their motivation,

initiative, and creativity rise. Children communicate effectively and



Murid 1 : Give applause, emprok barudak!

(give applause!)

Data 11 teachers give rewards by instructing students to give applause to

their friends who have appeared in front of the class using Sundanese

language and adding gestures.


Murid 1 : bapak sieun ah teu tiasa

(sir I'm scared, can't)

Murid 2 : teu nanaon namana ge belajar atuh, anggap we

barudak mah patungnya dak. Nanaon ge nu

ngaranna diajar mah pasti aya salahna heula. Tah nu

ulah mah nu teu daek diajar.

(its okay, this is learning. Let's just say that your friends

are statues. Whatever it is called learning, there must be

something wrong with it first. It can't be those who don't

want to learn)


Murid : Bapak teu tiasaa ih

(Sir, I can't)

Guru : Bisa teu bisa kudu nyoba

(can or can't have to try)

The 10 and 11 data teachers provide motivation in Sundanese

language to their students who do not dare to perform because they

cannot. Finally the student dared to appear.

From the results of the research above, it can be concluded that the

use of Sundanese in learning English serves as an instruction/command,

explanation, expressing emotions and giving motivation. And this is

reinforced by the results of teacher interviews as follows:

1) 1st English teacher: “Surely. Because when using Sundanese

language, it is easier for children to understand, so the material

conveyed is easier for them to handle. In addition, the use of

Sundanese is useful as a command word, providing motivation,

then when the child is upset sometimes they use Sundanese.”

2) 2nd English teacher: “For certain situations, it can be like a word to

give an example of an incident that relates to their daily life. Then,

as a translator of the two languages, namely Indonesian and

English, and to make the atmosphere less tense.”

b. Students' perspective on the use of Sundanese in learning English

According to C. Schweers (1999:7) in it's crucial to understand how

students feel about using their native tongue in foreign language

classrooms. As a result, the author will describe in this section how students

feel about teaching English to students whose first language is Sundanese.

To answer this question, the researcher used interviews as an instrument to

six students were selected because their mother tongue is Sundanese and

also uses Sundanese in their daily life to communicate. This interview is based

on experts who conducted research on this matter beforehand by Haryanto,

Sulistiyo, Khairani, & Wulan in 2016

a) First Student
The use of Sundanese language can make students able to

master English well. Because when the teacher inserts

Sundanese in English learning, it makes students understand

the material presented by the teacher better.

Researcher Apakah penggunaan bahasa sunda di

: dalam kelas bahasa inggris membuat kamu

menguasai bahasa inggris dengan baik?

(Does the use of Sundanese in English

class make you master English well?)

1st student: Kalau untuk saya iya. Karena pas guru

menyisipkan bahasa sunda jadi lebih

paham apa yang disampaikan oleh guru.

(For me, yes. Because when the teacher

inserted Sundanese, I more understood

what the teacher was saying)

Students feel happy when the teacher uses Sundanese as the

language of instruction. He admitted that he did not understand

much English vocabulary so that when the teacher gave him

instructions using English and Indonesian he did not understand

either, when he used Sundanese he immediately understood

what the teacher ordered.

Researcher Apakah kamu suka jika gurumu

: menggunakan bahasa Sunda sebagai

bahasa pengantar?

(Do you like it if your teacher uses

Sundanese as the language of instruction?)

1st student: Saya suka. Karena banyak kata-kata

bahasa Inggris yang saya tidak mengerti.

Jadi kalau gurunya memberi perintah,

kalau pakai bahasa Inggris kurang paham,

kalau diterjemahkan ke bahasa Indo

kurang paham, biasanya kalau pakai

bahasa Sunda langsung paham.

(I like it. Because a lot of English words

that I don't understand. So, if the teacher

gives orders, if you use English, you don't

understand, if you translate it into Indo,

you don't understand, usually if you use

Sundanese, you will immediately


Students do not like it if the teacher only uses English when the

learning and teaching process takes place. Because he did not

understand what the teacher was talking about.

Researcher Kamu senang tidak ketika gurumu

: menggunakan bahasa inggris saja ketika


(Are you happy when your teacher only

uses English when studying?)

1st student: Kurang sih soalnya kalau pakai bahasa

inggris aja gak paham sama apa yang

diomongin. Lebih baik dicampur gitu.

(It's less. Because if use English, I don't

understand what is being said. Better to

mix it up)

However, according to him, the use of Sundanese mother

tongue in learning English should be minimized. Because if use

Sundanese too often in English class, he will master a little

English vocabulary.

Penulis: Menurutmu, apakah penggunaan bahasa

sunda di dalam kelas harus diminimalisir?

(In your opinion, should the use of

Sundanese language in the classroom be


1st student: Iya harus. Karena kalau keseringan pakai

bahasa sunda jadinya kita ga terlalu

banyak menguasai kosa kata bahasa


(Yes, must. Because if we use Sundanese

often, we will not master English

vocabulary much)

b) Second student

The use of Sundanese in English lessons might make students

master English well. He argues that the Sundanese language

becomes a translator. Like when the teacher explained in

English and the students did not understand what was conveyed

by him the teacher explained again in Sundanese and the

students immediately understood it.

Researcher: Apakah penggunaan bahasa sunda di

dalam kelas bahasa inggris membuat

kamu menguasai bahasa inggris dengan


(Does the use of Sundanese in English

class make you master English well?)

2nd student: Bisa jadi sih. Karena ketika gak ngerti

sama apa yang disampaikan oleh guru

kita langsung bertanya kaya apa bu

gimana? Nah gurunya langsung

menjelaskan dengan bahasa Sunda.

Jadi sebagai apa ya kaya penerjemah

gitu lah.

(It could be. Because when we don't

understand what the teacher is saying,

we immediately ask questions like "what

is it, ma'am?" Well, the teacher

immediately explained in Sundanese. So

what is it like to be like a translator?)

Then, the student likes when the teacher uses Sundanese as

the language of instruction. According to him, he will

immediately understand when the teacher explains in

Sundanese rather than in Indonesian. Due to the habit of using

language, it is more comfortable if the teacher uses Sundanese

as an introduction.

Researcher: Apakah kamu suka jika gurumu

menggunakan bahasa Sunda sebagai

bahasa pengantar?

(Do you like it if your teacher uses

Sundanese as the language of


2nd student: Suka sih karena jadi langsung ngerti

waktu dijelasin pakai bahasa sunda.

Terus misalnya guru jelasin pakai

bahasa inggris terus diterjemahin ke

Indo masih kurang paham juga terus

pakai bahasa Sunda biasanya lebih

paham. Karena kan keseharian kita

ngomongnya pakai bahasa Sunda jadi

lebih klop.

(I'm like it because I immediately

understand when explained in

Sundanese. For example, the teacher

explains using English, then translates it

into Indonesian, still doesn't understand,

and continues to use Sundanese, usually

I understands better. Because every day

we talk in Sundanese, so it fits better.

And students do not like it if the teacher only uses English when

studying, he will not understand what the teacher is talking

about so it will be difficult to learn English.

Researcher: Lalu, kamu senang tidak jika gurumu

menggunakan bahasa inggris saja ketika


(Then, are you happy if your teacher only

uses English when studying?)

2nd student: Kurang sih. Karena bakalan gak paham

sama apa yang diomongin terus jadi

susah buat belajar bahasa inggrisnya.

(It's less. Because I will not understand

what is being said, it will be difficult to

learn English)

The use of Sundanese in the English class is balanced.

According to him, teachers must balance the use of Sundanese,

English and Indonesian when teaching and learning activities

take place in order to understand well the lessons delivered.

Researcher: Menurutmu, apakah penggunaan bahasa

sunda di dalam kelas harus diminimalisir?

(In your opinion, should the use of

Sundanese language in the classroom be


2nd student: Seimbang aja deh jangan diilangin juga

maksudnya. Jadi kaya sunda ada bahasa

inggris juga ada. Biar kita paham betul

apa yang disampaikan sama guru.

(Just balance it, don't lose it too. So like

Sundanese, there is also English. Let us

understand exactly what the teacher said)

c) Third student
The use of Sundanese in learning English can make students

master English well. According to him, the use of Indonesian

used by the teacher to clarify the material is still not enough for

him to understand the lesson from the teacher.

Researcher: Menurutmu apakah penggunaan bahasa

sunda di dalam kelas bahasa inggris

membuat kamu menguasai bahasa

inggris dengan baik?

(Do you think that the use of Sundanese

in English class makes you master

English well?)

3rd student: Iya sih soalnya kalau bahasa inggris sama

bahasa indo aja kadang masih kurang

cukup buat mahamin pelajaran dari guru.

(Yes, the problem is that sometimes

English and Indonesian are still not

enough to understand the lessons from

the teacher)

Second, student like if the teacher uses Sundanese as the

language of instruction. Because he will immediately understand

what the teacher is talking about if the teacher uses Sundanese


Researcher: Apakah kamu suka jika gurumu

menggunakan bahasa Sunda sebagai

bahasa pengantar?

(Do you like it if your teacher uses

Sundanese as the language of


3rd student: Suka teh. Soalnya langsung paham sama

apa yang diomongin kalau pakai bahasa


(I like. Because I immediately understand

what is being said when the teacher use


Third, students do not like it if the teacher only uses English in

full in teaching and learning activities. In fact, he felt dizzy and

did not understand.

Researcher: Lalu kamu senang tidak jika gurumu

menggunakan bahasa inggris saja ketika


(Then, are you happy if your teacher only

uses English when studying?)

3rd student: Ngga, pusing malah hahaha gak ngerti


(No, I'm dizzy, I don't even know)

Fourth, the use of Sundanese in learning English according to

students may be minimized as long as it is not eliminated in

learning. Because the class atmosphere is more relaxed and

less stressful.

Researcher: Menurutmu, apakah penggunaan bahasa

sunda di dalam kelas harus diminimalisir?

(In your opinion, should the use of

Sundanese language in the classroom be


3rd student: Diminimalisir boleh asal jangan dihilangin

aja. Soalnya kan biar ada santai-

santainya gitu pas belajar kalau pakai

bahasa sunda teh gak tegang-tegang


(It can be minimized as long as it doesn't

just disappear. because so that there is a

relaxed atmosphere, when you study

using Sundanese, you don't get too


d) Fourth student:

First, the use of Sundanese in learning English does not really

make him master English well. Because the use of the

Sundanese language is only used to give instructions and

examples. According to him, he is more comfortable when the

teacher explains in Indonesian.

Researcher: Menurutmu apakah penggunaan bahasa

sunda di dalam kelas bahasa inggris

membuat kamu menguasai bahasa

inggris dengan baik?

(Do you think that the use of Sundanese

in English class makes you master

English well?)

4th student: Ngga terlalu sih. Karena bahasa sunda

kan biasanya dipakai pas ngasih instruksi

aja atau contoh. Karena kalau saya

nyamannya guru nerangin pakai bahasa


(Not too much, really. Because

Sundanese is usually used when giving

instructions or examples. Because if I'm

comfortable the teacher explains using


Second, students do not like it when the teacher uses

Sundanese as the language of instruction in learning because

there are many languages used in the classroom, making it

more difficult for him to learn English even it’s just command.

Researcher: Apakah kamu suka ketika gurumu

menggunakan bahasa sunda sebagai

bahasa pengantar?

(Do you like it when your teacher uses

Sundanese as the language of


4th student: Saya mah kurang senang karena jadi

banyak bahasa yang dipakai di kelas.

Jadi buat belajar bahasa inggris tuh lebih

rumit. Kalau mau Indonesia sama inggris

aja meskipun itu hanya sebagai perintah.

(I am not happy because so many

languages are used in class. So learning

English is more complicated. English and

Indonesian only evet it’s just a command

Students feel happy and tend to be more enthusiastic if the

teacher only uses English when studying because it becomes a

challenge for him and to get used to using English when

answering questions from the teacher.

Researcher: Lalu, kamu senang tidak jika gurumu

menggunakan bahasa inggris saja ketika


(Then are you happy if your teacher only

uses English when studying?)

4th student: Senang lebih ke bersemangat aja karena

jadi tantangan terus biar keterbiasaan

pakai bahasa inggris kalau mau jawab.

(I'm happy, and I'm more excited because

it's a challenge to get used to using

English if I want to answer)

The use of Sundanese in English classes should be minimized

because in order to become a habit of using English as well as

practicing it.

Researcher: Menurutmu, apakah penggunaan bahasa

sunda di dalam kelas harus diminimalisir?

(In your opinion, should the use of

Sundanese language in the classroom be


4th student: Harus sih. Buat jadi keterbiasaan kita

ngomong pakai bahasa inggris sekalian

praktek gitu kan.

(Surely. To make it a habit, we speak in

English as well as practice)

e) Fifth student:

The use of Sundanese in English class is able to make students

master English well because they do not understand if the

teacher only uses English. In addition, if the teacher explains in

Indonesian and then he does not understand what is being

explained, then he can use Sundanese. So that he can

understand the lesson.

Researcher: Menurutmu apakah penggunaan bahasa

sunda di dalam kelas bahasa inggris

membuat kamu menguasai bahasa

inggris dengan baik?

(Do you think that the use of Sundanese

in English class makes you master

English well?)

5th student: Iya. Karena banyak yang gak paham

kalau pakai bahasa inggris aja. Terus

misalnya kalau nerangin pakai Indonesia

terus gak ngerti juga kan bisa pakai

bahasa sunda. Jadi paham deh

maksudnya guru apa.

(Yes. Because I don't understand how to

use English. For example, if teacher

explain using Indonesian and don't

understand, he can also use Sundanese.

So, I know what teacher means)

Students like teachers using Sundanese as the language of

instruction. Instructions from the teacher can be easily

understood even though the teacher does not use gestures.

Then, learning becomes not boring and not rigid.

Researcher: Apakah kamu suka ketika gurumu

menggunakan bahasa sunda sebagai

bahasa pengantar?

(Do you like it when your teacher uses

Sundanese as the language of


5th student: Suka sih. Karena lebih paham perintah

dari guru tuh seperti apa. Dan bikin

belajarnya gak bosen gak kaku gitu.

(I like it. Because I understand what the

teacher's instruction. And it makes

learning not boring and not stiff.)

Students are not happy and even dizzy and do not understand if

the teacher only uses English when studying.

Researcher: Lalu, kamu senang juga tidak jika gurumu

menggunakan bahasa inggris saja ketika

(Then, are you happy if your teacher only

uses English when studying?)

5th student: Ngga yang ada malah puyeng teu ngarti.

(No, even I can't understand.)

The use of Sundanese in learning English must be balanced. In

order to better understand the lessons delivered by the teacher.

Researcher: Menurutmu, apakah penggunaan bahasa

sunda di dalam kelas harus diminimalisir?

(In your opinion, should the use of

Sundanese language in the classroom be


5th student: Seimbang aja. Indo ada sunda ada

inggris ada biar paham hahahaha.

(Just balance. Indonesia, Sundanese,

English are there so can understand


f) Sixth student:

The use of Sundanese in learning English is able to make

students master English well. Because when the teacher only

uses English and Indonesian when explaining sometimes he still

doesn't understand the material presented by the teacher. Then

according to him, it depends on the method from the teacher

because it has an effect on understanding the English material

from the teacher.

Researcher: Apakah penggunaan bahasa Sunda

menjadikan kamu menguasai bahasa

inggris dengan baik?

(Does the use of Sundanese make you

master English well?)

6th student: Hmmmm iya bisa. Karena kalau pakai

indo sama inggris aja kadang masih

belum ngerti. Terus kalau buat menguasai

tergantung dari metode gurunya juga sih,

soalnya berpengaruh terus dari media

sosial soalnya kan kaya kita liat status

orang di facebook gitu kan suka ada yang

pakai bahasa inggris terus ada pilihan

terjemahnya nah dari situ jadi tahu


(Hmmm, yes can. Because if the teacher

use Indonesian and English, sometimes I

still don't understand. Then if I want to

master it, it depends on the teacher's

method, because it has an effect. Then,

from social media, because it's like we

see people's status on Facebook, it's like

someone using English and then there is

a translation option, so you know what it


Student likes when the teacher uses Sundanese as the

language of instruction. Because in order to better understand

the instructions from the teacher and can immediately practice

Researcher: Bagaimana perasaanmu ketika gurumu

menggunakan bahasa sunda sebagai

bahasa pengantar?

(How do you feel when your teacher uses

Sundanese as the language of


6th student: Senang-senang aja sih. Karena kalau

pakai bahasa Sunda jadi lebih ngerti

maksud dari guru the apa the. Jadi kita

bisa langsung mraktekin.

(Happy. Because if teacher use

Sundanese, I will understand more what

the teacher means. So, we can

immediately practice)

Students are not happy if the teacher only uses English when

learning English takes place. because he did not understand

what the teacher explained.

Researcher: Apakah kamu senang jika gurumu

menggunakan bahasa inggris saja?

(Are you happy if your teacher only uses


6th student: Ngga soalnya gak ngerti sama apa yang


(No. because I don't know what's being


The use of Sundanese in learning English must be minimized

because in order to get used to using English.

Researcher: Menurutmu, apakah penggunaan bahasa

sunda di dalam kelas harus diminimalisir?

(In your opinion, should the use of

Sundanese language in the classroom be


6th student: Harus, biar terbiasa.

(Got to get used to it)

From the students' perceptions about the use of Sundanese language

learning English above, the researchers produced four student perceptions.

The first is that the use of Sundanese is able to make students master English

well. Only one student has the view that the use of Sundanese does not make

him able to master English well. Second, students like it when the teacher

uses Sundanese as an introductory language. Only one student was disliked

because he was more comfortable when the teacher used Indonesian as an

introductory language. Third, students do not like it if the teacher only uses

English in learning. One student likes and is excited when the teacher uses

English in learning because leadership can make him more challenged and

get used to learning and using English. The four students stated that the use

of Sundanese language should be minimized in English class. Two students

explained that the use of Sundanese and English must be balanced so that

students better understand the lessons delivered by the teacher.

It can be seen from the results of the data above that it can be

ascertained that the students have a positive perception of the use of

Sundanese mother tongue in the English classroom. The use of Sundanese

as the language of teaching and the combination of Sundanese and English

by the teacher are popular with the students. However, the students agreed

that in order to achieve the learning objectives the use of English should be


A. Conclusion

This study focuses on the function of using Sundanese in learning

English as well as students' perceptions of the use of Sundanese mother

tongue in English classes. This research was conducted in high school and

shows clear evidence that the use of Sundanese can work as an instruction or

command, an explanation, expressing feelings/emotions and a motivator.

Students show a positive perception of the use of Sundanese in English class.

This study provides us with information about the use of mother tongue in the

classroom. From the students we can see that the use of the mother tongue

should not be completely eliminated but can only be minimized, this is to

maintain the comfort of students in learning English. And so that students

better understand well and easily the material taught by the teacher.

B. Suggestions

Based on the results of this study, there are several suggestions that

can be made in the use of mother tongue in foreign language classes. The use

of Sundanese language can be minimized as best as possible in learning

English. However, it should not be omitted because the mother tongue is the

language that students learn from childhood and is their identity. In addition, by

considering the functions and perceptions of students about the use of their

mother tongue in foreign language classes, it can be used as a benchmark to

be wiser in using this mother tongue in English classes.

Finally, due to the limitations of this study, further investigation is needed

to explore the use of Sundanese mother tongue in English learning. Future

similar studies with larger populations or different groups of students will be

useful to provide a better understanding of the use of mother tongues in

English classes. In addition, this study shows that classroom activities are also

an important component in English language acquisition. This issue, however,

was not discussed specifically in this study. Therefore, further research is

needed on certain approaches or methods that can help in the problem of

using the mother tongue in learning English.


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Appendix 1

Catatan Lapangan Observasi

Seting : Kelas 11 IPA

Observer : Fuzi Fauziyyah

Peran :Mengamati subjek penelitian (siswa kelas 11 IPA MA


Tanggal : 2 Agustus 2022

Durasi : 120 menit

10.30-10.35 : Guru masuk membuka kelas kemudian menyapa siswa dengan bahasa
Indonesia. Lalu, guru memerintahkan siswa dengan bahasa inggris
untuk mengambil proyektor di kantor “anyone please get the
InFocus at the office!”. Salah seorang siswa menjawab “kumaha
pak?” ia tidak paham dengan apa yang dibacarakan oleh guru. Lalu
guru tersebut mengulang kembali instruksinya dengan bahasa sunda
“pangnyandakeun InFokus di kantor!”. Siswa tersebut paham dan
bergegas pergi ke kantor “oh, siap pak!”.

10.35-10.40 : Guru mengabsen siswa satu persatu dan salah satu siswa menjawab
ketika ditanya yang tidak masuk siswa menjawab “teu aya pak
sakit”. Siswa yang hadir hanya 17 orang dari 25 siswa.
10.40 – 10.45 Guru menyiapkan alat pembelajaran yaitu infokus dan laptop
10.45 – 10.50 Guru memulai kegiatan belajar dengan menampilkan slide
powerpoint materi “suggestion and offer” kemudian menjelaskan
bahwa hari ini siswa akan belajar bagaimana memberikan dan
menawarkan saran. Guru memberi contoh “tah contona mun kamu
misalna mere saran ka si eta misalna kumaha mun ges istirahat
urang ka kantin? Terus ku temen kamu di jawab hayu ah ek
meuli naon emang? Nah contona kos kitu” Guru bertanya pada
murid “ngarti teu dak?” murid menjawab “ngarti pak”

10.50 – 10.58 Guru menjelaskan pengertian dari suggestion dan offer. Lalu
meminta siswa untuk mengikuti setelah dibacakan oleh guru tentang
ungkapan-ungkapan suggestion. Terlihat beberapa siswa mengikuti
dengan suara lantang namun ada siswa yang hanya diam saja tidak
mengikuti. Kebanyakan siswa belum mengetahui cara membacanya
lalu dibenarkan oleh guru.
10.58 – 11.10 Guru meminta satu persatu siswa untuk membaca dengan keras
ungkapan-ungkapan suggestion. “now, E please read the teks, coba
ayeuna E baca!” “nu mana pak?” ucap siswa itu. Gurupun
menjawab “Tah eta nu ka dua”. Pronunciation beberapa siswa
masih kurang bagus seperti pengucapan “first” menjadi “pes” namun
kemudian dikoreksi oleh guru.
11.10-11.20 Guru menjelaskan materi selanjutnya yaitu tentang ungkapan offer.
Guru menjelaskan tentang pengertian dari offer dan contohnya. Lalu
meminta siswa untuk mengikuti setelah dibacakan oleh guru. Disini
hampir semua siswa mengikuti ucapan guru dengan suara lantang.
Kebanyakan siswa belum mengetahui cara membacanya lalu
dibenarkan oleh guru. Lalu ada 2 orang siswa yang meminta ijin
untuk pergi ke toilet dan mengajak temannya “hayu anter urang ka
cai” “hayu!” “pak, ijin bade ka jaman dulu”, “sok, mangga” ucap
11.20-11.25 Guru meminta siswa untuk bermain peran. 3 orang siswa diminta
untuk maju kedepan. Mereka maju ke depan awalnya malu-malu dan
takut “era ih” (malu ih) ucap salah satu siswa pada temannya. “ih
da isin bapak” (bapak malu) namun setelah di beri support oleh guru
mereka berani “teu nanaon namana ge belajar atuh, anggap we
barudak mah patungnya dak. Nanaon ge nu ngaranna diajar
mah pasti aya salahna heula tah nu ulah mah nu teu daek diajar”
(Gapapa namanya juga belajar, anggap aja temen-temen kamu
patung. Yang namanya belajar pasti ada kesalahan wajar. Yang gak
boleh tuh gak mau belajar)
11.25-11.50 Guru menjelaskan situasi untuk bermain peran. “jadi ini ceritanya
kamu lagi ngajakin jajan temenmu di kantin, contohnya how about
we eat meatballs during recess? Kumaha ke lamun istirahat urang
ngabaso!” 3 orang siswa bermain peran dan guru memberikan
reward setelah selesai seperti “Give applause, emprok barudak”
“hade euy bisaan maneh” “eh atuh urang tea”. Dan role play
tersebut berlanjut hingga 3 kelompok.

11.50 – 11.55 Guru menanyakan kembali materi yang sudah dipelajari. Dan siswa
menjawab dengan kompak. Guru menanyakan apakah ada pertanyaan
atau tidak. Beberapa siswa menjawab dengan bahasa Indonesia “ngga
ada pak” ada juga 1 orang siswa yang menggunakan bahasa sunda
“henteu pak” (tidak pak).
11.55-11.58 Guru memberitahukan materi untuk pertemuan selanjutnya dan
mengumumkan bahwa minggu depan akan bermain kuis dan
meminta siswa mempelajari lagi materi yang telah diajarkan.

11.58-12.01 Guru menutup pembelajaran dan siswa memberikan salam kepada

guru. Setelah selesai pelajaran mereka terlihat bertanya kepada guru
“bapak ih kumaha atuh aku mah gak punya hp lagi ruksak”
(bapak gimana dong aku gak punya hp lagi rusak) , guru menjawab
“minjem we atuh ke temennya sakali ewang” (minjem aja ke
temennya gantian aja satu orang satu orang)
Catatan Lapangan Observasi

Seting : Kelas 11 IPA

Observer : Fuzi Fauziyyah

Peran :Mengamati subjek penelitian (siswa kelas 11 IPS MA


Tanggal : 3 Agustus 2022

Durasi : 120 menit

07.30 – 07.35 : Guru masuk membuka kelas kemudian menyapa siswa dengan bahasa

07.35 – 07.40 : Guru mengabsen siswa satu persatu. Hanya 21 siswa yang hadir dari
27 siswa,
07.40 – 07.45 : Guru menyiapkan alat pembelajaran yaitu infokus dan laptop.
07.45 – 07.50 Guru memulai kegiatan belajar dengan menampilkan slide
powerpoint materi “suggestion and offer” kemudian menjelaskan
bahwa hari ini siswa akan belajar bagaimana memberikan dan
menawarkan saran.

07.50 – 07.58 Guru menjelaskan pengertian dari suggestion dan offer. Lalu
meminta siswa untuk mengikuti setelah dibacakan oleh guru tentang
ungkapan-ungkapan suggestion. Terlihat beberapa siswa mengikuti
dengan suara lantang namun ada siswa yang hanya diam saja tidak
mengikuti. “Teu bisa ah urang mah teu ngalarti” ucapnya, “sarua
urang ge” ucap temannya. Kebanyakan siswa belum mengetahui
cara membacanya lalu dibenarkan oleh guru.
07.58 – 08.10 Guru meminta satu persatu siswa untuk membaca dengan keras
ungkapan-ungkapan suggestion. Lalu ada seorang siswa yang berkata
“pak si ieu mau ceunah” (bapak ini dia mau katanya) lalu gurupun
menjawab “sok coba kahareup kamu B baca
, ulah nyuyuruh batur, kamu sorangan teu daek maju” (jangan
nyuruh orang lain, kalau kamu sendiri gak mau maju). Ada beberapa
siswa yang pronunciationnya masih kurang bagus seperti pengucapan
“could” menjadi “kod” lalu dibenarkan oleh guru. Namun
pengucapannya terus salah dan dia berkata “ah pak kesel teu bisa
wae”. Lalu memberi motivasi “teu nanaon nama nage diajar, it’s
08.10 – 08.20 Guru menjelaskan materi selanjutnya yaitu tentang ungkapan offer.
Guru menjelaskan tentang pengertian dari offer dan contohnya. Lalu
meminta siswa untuk mengikuti setelah dibacakan oleh guru. Disini
hampir semua siswa mengikuti ucapan guru dengan suara lantang.
Kebanyakan siswa belum mengetahui cara membacanya lalu
dibenarka oleh guru.
08.20 – 08.25 Guru meminta siswa untuk bermain peran. 3 orang siswa diminta
untuk maju kedepan. Mereka maju ke depan awalnya malu-malu dan
takut “bapak teu tiasa ih”, ucap salah satu siswa kepada guru. Lalu
guru memberi dorongan seperti “Bisa teu bisa kudu nyoba”.

08.25 – 08.50 Guru menjelaskan situasi untuk bermain peran. 3 orang siswa
bermain peran dan guru memberikan reward setelah selesai seperti
“Give applause!, emprok barudak” sambil menepukan tangan. Lalu
mereka bertepuk tangan. Ada seorang siswa berkata pada temannya
yang sudah tampil “bisaan euy maneh gagah keren lah!” temannya
menjawab “atuh urang tea”. Dan role play tersebut berlanjut hingga
3 kelompok.

08.50 – 08.55 Guru menanyakan kembali materi yang sudah dipelajari. Dan siswa
menjawab dengan kompak. Guru menanyakan apakah ada pertanyaan
atau tidak. Beberapa siswa menjawab dengan bahasa Indonesia “ngga
ada pak” ada juga 1 orang siswa yang menggunakan bahasa sunda
“henteu pak” (tidak pak).
08.55 – 08.58 Guru memberitahukan materi untuk pertemuan selanjutnya dan
mengumumkan bahwa minggu depan akan bermain kuis dan
meminta siswa mempelajari lagi materi yang telah diajarkan.

08.58 – 09.01 Guru menutup pembelajaran dan siswa memberikan salam kepada

Appendix 2
Transkrip interview siswa
Penulis : Apakah bahasa pertama yang kamu pelajari sejak kecil?

Partisipan 1 : Bahasa Sunda.

Penulis : Apakah kamu menggunakan bahasa sunda untuk

berkomunikasi dengan orang lain di kehidupan kamu


Partisipan 1 : Iya, kalau di rumah mah biasanya pakai bahasa sunda.

Ngobrol sama tetangga juga pakai bahasa sunda.

Penulis : Ketika di sekolah kamu menggunakan bahasa apa untuk

berkomunikasi dengan gurumu dan teman-temanmu?

Partisipan 1 : Kalau di sekolah sama guru kebanyakan pakai bahasa

sunda kecuali ketika lagi belajar pakai bahasa sunda

sama indonesia. Kalau sama temen-temen tuh baru

pakai bahasa sunda aja.

Penulis : Apakah saat pelajaran bahasa inggris kamu dan gurumu

menggunakan bahasa sunda juga?

Partisipan 1 : Pakai sih tapi seringnya pakai bahasa Indonesia. Paling

kalau ngomong bahasa sundanya mah waktu lagi ngasih

contoh, terus buat kata perintah kaya “neng punteun

pangnyandakeun spidol!” (Neng tolong ambilin spidol!),

kadang juga kalau apa namanya nanyain pelajaran

misalnya “anak-anak ayeuna pelajaran naon?” (anak-anak

sekarang pelajaran apa?) kaya gitu doang sih.

Penulis : Menurut kamu sendiri, apakah bahasa sunda menjadi

salah satu masalah dalam mempelajari bahasa inggris?

Partisipan 1 : Ngga, kalau menurut aku mah ngga jadi masalah gak ada

pengaruhnya dari bahasa sunda. Karna apa ya beda aja

we gitu bahasa sunda bahasa sunda, bahasa inggris

bahasa inggris. Paling ya susahnya mah karena belajar

bahasa baru kan jadi pasti susah

Penulis : Apa sih kesulitan yang kamu hadapi dalam belajar bahasa


Partisipan 1 : Kesulitannya dalam kosa kata sih. Belum terlalu banyak

menguasai kosa katanya. Terus sama pengucapannya.

Penulis : Apakah penggunaan bahasa sunda di dalam kelas

bahasa inggris membuat kamu menguasai bahasa inggris

dengan baik?

Partisipan 1 : Kalau untuk saya iya. Karena pas guru menyisipkan

bahasa sunda jadi lebih paham apa yang disampaikan

oleh guru.

Penulis : Apakah kamu suka ketika gurumu menggunakan bahasa

sunda sebagai kata pengantar?

Partisipan 1 : Saya suka. Karena banyak kata-kata bahasa Inggris

yang saya tidak mengerti. Jadi kalau gurunya memberi

perintah, kalau pakai bahasa Inggris kurang paham,

kalau diterjemahkan ke bahasa Indo kurang paham,

biasanya kalau pakai bahasa Sunda langsung paham.

Penulis : Kamu senang tidak ketika gurumu menggunakan bahasa

inggris saja ketika belajar?

Partisipan 1: Kurang sih soalnya kalau pakai bahasa inggris aja gak
paham sama apa yang diomongin. Lebih baik dicampur


Penulis : Menurutmu, apakah penggunaan bahasa sunda di dalam

kelas harus diminimalisir?

Partisipan 1 : Iya harus the. Karena kalau keseringan pakai bahasa

sunda jadinya kita ga terlalu banyak menguasai kosa kata

bahasa inggris.
Penulis : Sejak kecil bahasa apa yang kamu pelajari?

Partisipan 2 : Bahasa sunda.

Penulis : Apakah dalam keseharianmu kamu menggunakan bahasa

sunda untuk berkomunikasi?

Partisipan 2 : Iya. Kalau di rumah pakai bahasa sunda. Sama tetangga

terus temen-temen nongkrong juga pakai sunda.

Penulis : Di sekolah kamu menggunakan bahasa sunda juga tidak

untuk berkomunikasi

Partisipan 2 : Di campur antara bahasa sunda sama indo. Kebanyakan

pake nya sunda kalau sama temen-temen kalau sama

guru bahasa indonesia.

Penulis : Apakah saat pelajaran bahasa inggris kamu dan gurumu

menggunakan bahasa sunda juga?

Partisipan 2 : Dicampur antara indo, sunda, inggris. tapi kebanyakan

Indonesia. Paling kalao pake bahasa sunda pas guru

nyuruh aja sama kaya ngasih contoh yang berkaitan sama

kehidupan kita sehari-hari. Terus sama kalau kita nanya

nah dijawabnya pakai bahasa sunda. Kalau pas nerangin

materi pakai bahasa Indonesia.

Penulis : Menurut kamu sendiri, apakah bahasa sunda menjadi

salah satu masalah dalam mempelajari bahasa inggris?

Partisipan 2 : Ngga terlalu jadi masalah sih. Tapi mungkin karena

keseringan pake sunda gitu jadi kalo ngomong inggris the

suka balelol. (belibet).

Penulis : Lalu apa yang menjadi kesulitan kamu dalam belajar

bahasa inggris?

Partisipan 2 : Pengucapan terus kosa kata. Banyak yang gak tau kosa

kata bahasa inggrisnya jadi susah buat ngerti materi atau

yang disampein sama guru. Sama takut bikin salah takut

diketawain sama temen-temen jadinya diem aja ga berani

ngomong kalo disuruh speaking.

Penulis : Apakah penggunaan bahasa sunda di dalam kelas bahasa

inggris membuat kamu menguasai bahasa inggris dengan


Partisipan 2 : Bisa jadi sih. Karena ketika gak ngerti sama apa yang

disampaikan oleh guru kita langsung bertanya kaya apa bu

gimana? Nah gurunya langsung menjelaskan dengan

bahasa sunda. Jadi sebagai apa ya kaya penerjemah gitu


Penulis : Apakah kamu senang ketika gurumu menggunakan

bahasa sunda sebagai kata pengantar?

Partisipan 2 : Suka sih karena jadi langsung ngerti waktu dijelasin pakai

bahasa sunda. Terus misalnya guru jelasin pakai bahasa

inggris terus diterjemahin ke Indo masih kurang paham

juga terus pakai bahasa Sunda biasanya lebih paham.

Karena kan keseharian kita ngomongnya pakai bahasa

Sunda jadi lebih klop.

Penulis : Lalu kamu senang tidak jika gurumu menggunakan

bahasa inggris saja ketika belajar?

Partisipan 2: Kurang sih. Karena bakalan gak paham sama apa yang

diomongin terus jadi susah buat belajar bahasa inggrisnya.

Penulis : Menurutmu, apakah penggunaan bahasa sunda di dalam

kelas harus diminimalisir?

Partisipan 2 : Seimbang aja deh jangan diilangin juga maksudnya. Jadi

kaya sunda ada bahasa inggris juga ada. Biar kita paham

betul apa yang disampaikan sama guru,

Penulis : Sejak kecil bahasa apa yang kamu pelajari?

Partisipan 3 : Bahasa sunda.

Penulis : Apakah dalam keseharianmu kamu menggunakan

bahasa sunda untuk berkomunikasi?

Partisipan 3 : Iya pakai bahasa sunda. Sama mama bapak terus sama

tetangga kalau ngobrol.

Penulis : Di sekolah kamu menggunakan bahasa sunda juga tidak

untuk berkomunikasi

Partisipan 3 : Ngga sih dicampur sunda sama indo. Kalau ke temen-

temen waktu ngobrol, becanda gitu pake sunda kalau

sama guru mah pakai indo soalnya sunda aku mah kasar

teh jadi takut gak sopan.

Penulis : Apakah saat pelajaran bahasa inggris kamu dan gurumu

menggunakan bahasa sunda juga?

Partisipan 3 : Campuran. Pas pelajaran bahasa inggris mah pake indo

guru ngejelasinnya. Paling pake bahasa sunda pas guru

ngasih tahu contoh, nyuruh, atau kaya misalnya buat


Penulis : Menurut kamu sendiri, apakah bahasa sunda menjadi

salah satu masalah dalam mempelajari bahasa inggris?

Partisipan 3 : Ngga kalau menurut aku mah ga berpengaruh. Soalnya

temen-temen yang lain yang pakai bahasa sunda juga

ada aja yang bisa mah yang rajin gitu belajarnya.

Penulis : Lalu apa yang menjadi kesulitan kamu dalam belajar

bahasa inggris?

Partisipan 3 : Pengucapannya terus kosa kata. Banyak yang gak tau.

Penulis : Menurutmu apakah penggunaan bahasa sunda di dalam

kelas bahasa inggris membuat kamu menguasai bahasa

inggris dengan baik?

Partisipan 3 : Iya sih soalnya kalau bahasa inggris sama bahasa indo

aja kadang masih kurang cukup buat mahamin pelajaran

dari guru.

Penulis : Apakah kamu suka jika gurumu menggunakan bahasa

sunda sebagai kata pengantar?

Partisipan 3 : Suka teh. Soalnya langsung paham sama apa yang

diomongin kalau pakai bahasa sunda.

Penulis : Lalu kamu senang tidak jika gurumu menggunakan

bahasa inggris saja ketika belajar?

Partisipan 3 : Ngga, pusing malah hahaha gak ngerti teh.

Penulis : Menurutmu, apakah penggunaan bahasa sunda di dalam

kelas harus diminimalisir?

Partisipan 3 : Diminimalisir boleh asal jangan dihilangin aja. Soalnya

kan biar ada santai-santainya gitu pas belajar kalau pakai

bahasa sunda the ga tegang-tegang amat.

Penulis : Sejak kecil bahasa apa yang kamu pelajari?

Partisipan 4 : Bahasa sunda.

Penulis : Apakah dalam keseharianmu kamu menggunakan

bahasa sunda untuk berkomunikasi?

Partisipan 4 : : Iya. Sehari-hari aku pakai bahasa sunda buat ngobrol

sama orang.

Penulis : Di sekolah kamu menggunakan bahasa sunda juga tidak

untuk berkomunikasi

Partisipan 4 : Ngga di sekolah mah dicampur Indonesia.

Penulis : Apakah saat pelajaran bahasa inggris kamu dan gurumu

menggunakan bahasa sunda juga?

Partisipan 4 : Kadang-kadang paling dipakai buat kata instruksi aja atau

kaya ngasih contoh gitu. Ketika pelajaran bahasa Inggris

guru biasanya sering pakai bahasa Indonesia buat


Penulis : Menurut kamu sendiri, apakah bahasa sunda menjadi

salah satu masalah dalam mempelajari bahasa inggris?

Partisipan 4 : Ngga ga jadi masalah kalau dari bahasa sunda mah.

Soalnya kan kalau belajar bahasa baru mah awal-awal

pasti rada sulit tapi lama kelamaan jadi biasa.dc

Penulis : Lalu apa yang menjadi kesulitan kamu dalam belajar

bahasa inggris?

Partisipan 4 : Pengucapan kadang suka susah buat ngucapin kata

yang aneh.

Penulis : Menurutmu apakah penggunaan bahasa sunda di dalam

kelas bahasa inggris membuat kamu menguasai bahasa

inggris dengan baik?

Partisipan 4 : Ngga terlalu sih. Karena bahasa sunda kan biasanya

dipakai pas ngasih instruksi aja atau contoh. Karena

kalau saya nyamannya guru nerangin pakai bahasa


Penulis : Bagaimana perasaanmu ketika gurumu menggunakan

bahasa sunda sebagai kata pengantar?

Partisipan 4 : Saya mah kurang senang karena jadi banyak bahasa

yang dipakai di kelas. Jadi buat belajar bahasa inggris tuh

lebih rumit. Kalau mau Indonesia sama inggris aja

meskipun itu hanya sebagai perintah.

Penulis : Lalu kamu senang jika gurumu menggunakan bahasa

inggris saja ketika belajar?

Partisipan 4 : Senang lebih ke bersemangat aja karena jadi tantangan

terus biar keterbiasaan pakai bahasa inggris kalau mau


Penulis : Menurutmu, apakah penggunaan bahasa sunda di dalam

kelas harus diminimalisir?

Partisipan 4 : Harus sih. Buat jadi keterbiasaan kita ngomong pakai

bahasa inggris sekalian praktek gitu kan.

Penulis : Sejak kecil bahasa apa yang kamu pelajari?

Partisipan 5 : Bahasa sunda.

Penulis : Apakah dalam keseharianmu kamu menggunakan

bahasa sunda untuk berkomunikasi?

Partisipan 5 : Iya. Pake bahasa sunda.

Penulis : Di sekolah kamu menggunakan bahasa sunda juga tidak

untuk berkomunikasi

Partisipan 5 : Pas sekolah campur sama indo terus sunda.

Penulis : Apakah saat pelajaran bahasa inggris kamu dan gurumu

gurumu menggunakan bahasa sunda juga?

Partisipan 5 Ngga the pakai bahasa indonesia. Paling dikit sundanya

mah kaya buat nyuruh siswa gitu.

Penulis : Menurut kamu sendiri, apakah bahasa sunda menjadi

salah satu masalah dalam mempelajari bahasa inggris?

Partisipan 5 Bisa jadi sih. Karena kaya keseringan pakai sunda terus

belum indo jadi kaya banyak bahasa yang dipakai. Terus

pas belajar bahasa inggris jadi syok.

Penulis : Lalu apa yang menjadi kesulitan kamu dalam belajar

bahasa inggris?

Partisipan 5 Kosa katanya banyak ga ngerti.

Penulis : Menurutmu apakah penggunaan bahasa sunda di dalam

kelas bahasa inggris membuat kamu menguasai bahasa

inggris dengan baik?

Partisipan 5 Iya. Karena banyak yang ga paham kalau pakai bahasa

inggris aja. Terus misalnya kalau nerangin pakai

Indonesia terus gak ngerti juga kan bisa pakai bahasa

sunda. Jadi paham deh maksudnya guru apa.

Penulis : Bagaimana perasaanmu ketika gurumu menggunakan

bahasa sunda sebagai kata pengantar?

Partisipan 5 Suka sih. Karena lebih paham perintah dari guru tuh

seperti apa. Dan bikin belajarnya gak bosen gak kaku


Penulis : Lalu kamu senang juga tidak jika gurumu menggunakan

bahasa inggris saja ketika belajar?

Partisipan 5 : Ngga yang ada malah puyeng teu ngarti.

Penulis : Menurutmu, apakah penggunaan bahasa sunda di dalam

kelas harus diminimalisir?

Partisipan 5 Seimbang aja. Indo ada sunda ada inggris ada biar

paham hahahaha.

Penulis : Sejak kecil bahasa apa yang kamu pelajari?

Partisipan 6 : Bahasa sunda.

Penulis : Apakah dalam keseharianmu kamu menggunakan

bahasa sunda untuk berkomunikasi?

Partisipan 6 : Iya.

Penulis : Di sekolah kamu menggunakan bahasa sunda juga tidak

untuk berkomunikasi

Partisipan 6 Di campur kadang indo atau sunda.

Penulis : Apakah saat pelajaran bahasa inggris kamu dan gurumu

gurumu menggunakan bahasa sunda juga?

Partisipan 6 : Iya kadang-kadang. Kaya eee ada materi yang gak

dimengerti terus pakai bahasa sunda. Terus kaya


Penulis: Menurut kamu sendiri, apakah bahasa sunda menjadi

salah satu masalah dalam mempelajari bahasa inggris?

Partisipan 6 Hmm tidak.

Penulis : Lalu apa yang menjadi kesulitan kamu dalam belajar

bahasa inggris?

Partisipan 6 Pengucapan terus kosa kata. Terus sama penulisan.

Penulis : Menurutmu apakah penggunaan bahasa sunda

menjadikan kamu menguasa bahasa inggris dengan


Partisipan 6 Hmmmm iya bisa. Karena kalau pakai indo sama inggris

aja kadang masih belum ngerti. Terus kalau buat

menguasai tergantung dari metode gurunya juga sih

soalnya berpengaruh terus dari media sosial soalnya kan

kaya kita liat status orang di facebook gitu kan suka ada

yang pakai bahasa inggris terus ada pilihan terjemahnya

nah dari situ jadi tahu artinya.

Penulis : Bagaimana perasaanmu ketika gurumu menggunakan

bahasa sunda sebagai kata pengantar?

Partisipan 6 Senang-senang aja sih. Karena kalau pakai bahasa

Sunda jadi lebih ngerti maksud dari guru the apa the. Jadi

kita bisa langsung mraktekin.

Penulis : Lalu apakah kamu senang jika gurumu menggunakan

bahasa inggris saja?

Partisipan 6 : Ngga soalnya gak ngerti sama apa yang dijelasin.

Penulis : Menurutmu, apakah penggunaan bahasa sunda di dalam

kelas harus diminimalisir?

Partisipan 6 : Harus biar terbiasa.

Appendix 3

Transkrip Interview Guru

Penulis : Apakah Anda menggunakan bahasa Sunda atau

bahasa Indonesia atau bahkan bahasa Inggris

penuh saat mengajar di kelas?

Partisipan 1 : Combination, kalo misalkan materi nya mudah full

English, kalo misalkan kompleksitas materinya sulit

pasti kombinasi antara indo, sunda dan inggris.

Penulis : Menurut anda, apakah penggunaan bahasa sunda

berpengaruh terhadap prestasi belajar bahasa

inggris siswa?

Partisipan 1 : Yes surely, karenakan pengaruh lingkungan.

Kemudian ketika pakai bahasa sunda otomatis

tingkat berfikir anak menurun.

Penulis : Apakah penggunaan bahasa Sunda mempengaruhi

pengucapan bahasa Inggris mereka?

Partisipan 1 : Yaaa, tapi tidak begitu signifikan. Standart saja

Penulis : Apakah penggunaan bahasa Sunda bermanfaat

dalam pembelajaran di kelas?

Partisipan 1 : Surely. Karena ketika pakai bahasa sunda kan lebih

mudah dipahami oleh anak jadi materil yang

disampaikan lebih mudah ditangkah oleh mereka.

Selain itu juga penggunaan bahasa sunda

bermanfaat sebagai kata perintah, memberikan

motivasi, lalu ketika si anak kesal kadang mereka

menggunakan bahasa sunda.

Penulis : Metode apa yang Anda gunakan saat mengajar

bahasa Inggris di kelas?

Partisipan 1 : Discussion, presentasi sama demontrasion.

Penulis : Menurut Anda, apakah siswa yang menggunakan

bahasa ibunya lebih mengalami kesulitan dalam

belajar bahasa Inggris?

Partisipan 1 : Jadi ada kesusahan ada kemudahan. Karena ketika

pakai bahasa ibunya missal bahasa sunda otomatis

bahasa inggris jadi bahasa asing atau bahasa baru.

Tapi, karena menjadi pembiasan Alhamdulillah tidak

terlalu sulit. Tidak menjadi kesulitan yang sangat

signifikan. Justru menjembatani antara siswa dan


Penulis : Menurut anda apakah siswa pedesaan dengan

bahasa ibu mereka lebih mengalami kesulitan dalam

belajar bahasa inggris?

Partisipan 1: Iya lebih sulit dikarenakan tadi lingkungannya ya,

terus fasilitas di sekolah kurang, terus kan anak-

anak kaya asing banget gitu sama bahasa inggris.

Dan tidak semua siswa punya handphone, sinyal di

kampung masing-masing juga banyak kok yang gak

ada sinyal. Jadi mereka belajarnya susah. Belum

lagi kaya suka dikatain sama orang-orang sombong

banget ngomongnya pake inggris, jadinya ke siswa

down gitu.

Penulis : Menurut Anda, haruskah penggunaan bahasa ibu

diminimalkan di kelas bahasa Inggris?

Partisipan 1 : Yes, surely.

Penulis : Apakah Anda menggunakan bahasa Sunda atau

bahasa Indonesia atau bahkan bahasa Inggris

penuh saat mengajar di kelas?

Partisipan 2 : Kalau untuk bahasa pengantar dicampur antara

bahasa sunda bahasa Indonesia dan bahasa

inggris. lebih ke melihat siswa paham tidak ya apa

maksud saya kalau misalnya mereka menggunakan

bahasa inggris tidak paham saya pakai Indonesia

kalau tidak paham juga pakai bahasa sunda.

Penulis : Menurut anda, apakah penggunaan bahasa sunda

berpengaruh terhadap prestasi belajar bahasa

inggris siswa?

Partisipan 2 : Kalau untuk sekarang belum keliatan sih ya soalnya

bapak baru ngajar disini tahun ajaran yang

sekarang. Tapi sepertinya tidak ada hubungannya

sama sekali.

Penulis : Apakah penggunaan bahasa Sunda mempengaruhi

pengucapan bahasa Inggris mereka?

Partisipan 2 : Ngga ya karena pronunciation bahasa sunda dan

bahasa inggris berbeda jadi tidak berpengaruh.

Penulis : Apakah penggunaan bahasa Sunda di dalam kelas

membantu penyampaian materi/informasi kepada


Partisipan 2 : Untuk situasi tertentu bisa seperti kata buat

mencontohkan suatu kejadian yang relate sama

kehidupan mereka sehari-hari. Terus tadi sebagai

penerjemah dari kedua bahasa yaitu indo dan

inggris terus agar membuat suasana tidak terlalu


Penulis : Metode apa yang Anda gunakan saat mengajar

bahasa Inggris di kelas?

Partisipan 2 : Ada dua ya, yang pertama drilling yang kedua role

Penulis : Menurut Anda, apakah siswa yang menggunakan

bahasa ibunya lebih mengalami kesulitan dalam

belajar bahasa Inggris??

Partisipan 2 : Ya sebagian besar dari mereka yang bahasa ibunya

bahasa sunda kesulitan dalam memahami materi

bahasa inggris. Karena mungkin pengaruh


Penulis : Menurut bapak apakah siswa pedesaan dengan

bahasa ibu mereka lebih mengalami kesulitan dalam

belajar bahasa inggris?

Partisipan 2 : Ya menurut saya sulit. Karena udah bahasa ibunya

bahasa sunda terus di pedesaan kan biasanya ga

semua punya hp terus sekolah juga fasilitasnya

belum memadai. Jadi untuk belajar bahasa inggris

kaya sangat sulit bagi mereka.

Penulis : Menurut Anda, haruskah penggunaan bahasa ibu

diminimalkan di kelas bahasa Inggris?

Partisipan 2 : Untuk bahasa ibu harus diminimalisir ya kalau bisa

bahasa inggris dan Indonesia saja. Atau bahkan full

Appendix 4

11 IPA MA. Miftahussa’adah

11 IPS MA. Miftahussa’adah
Interview with Students
Interview with English Teachers

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