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Senior Pastor Job Description

This document serves as a guideline for one who is called by God uniquely to shepherd Grace Baptist
Church of Kent.
• Education: Minimum of a Master of Divinity degree or equivalent
• Experience: Lead pastor experience or associate pastor with preaching experience
• A follower of Jesus Christ who:
1. Has a heart’s desire and demonstrated ability to communicate God’s Word.
2. Lives out the Biblical qualifications of an elder in family, church, and community settings.
3. Models servant leadership with the ability to work with others on a team.
4. Is able to equip the saints for ministry.
5. Is aware of our changing culture and engages individuals in a way that remains faithful to
a Biblical worldview.
• This pastor, regarding the ministry of the Word, will:
1. Proclaim the Word of God and serve as a teacher of Scripture with emphasis on expository
2. Spend the necessary time in study and prayer to prepare for weekly worship services,
additional Bible studies, prayer meetings, classes, and training.
3. Demonstrate the ability to share the gospel with unbelievers and equip others to share the
4. Oversee the corporate worship and prayer of the congregation.
5. Be responsible with the elders for ensuring doctrinal integrity.
• This pastor, regarding shepherding care, will:
1. Oversee meeting the spiritual needs of the congregation.
2. Oversee pastoral care to those in personal crisis through visitation, counseling, and prayer.
3. Appropriately and expediently respond to crisis situations which arise in the congregation
and make appropriate professional referrals when necessary.
4. Oversee the ordinances of the Lord’s Supper and Baptism.
5. Be devoted to prayer for the congregation.
• This pastor, regarding administration, will:
1. Manage and evaluate the staff.
2. Serve as head of the elder board.
3. In cooperation with the elders:
a. Provide general oversight regarding leadership for volunteers in the execution of their
responsibilities and their development as leaders.
b. Oversee development of and adherence to church policies and procedures.
c. Coordinate strategic planning and implementation of the church’s vision.

Evaluation: The pastor will be evaluated annually by the other elders. │ Kent, Ohio Church approved 08-21-2016

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