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The human heart: Application of the golden ratio and angle

Article  in  International Journal of Cardiology · June 2011

DOI: 10.1016/j.ijcard.2011.05.094 · Source: PubMed


47 4,831

7 authors, including:

Michael Y Henein Ying Zhao

Umeå University Hefei University of Technology


Ashraf Khir Karl A Franklin

Durham University Umeå University


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International Journal of Cardiology 150 (2011) 239–242

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International Journal of Cardiology

j o u r n a l h o m e p a g e : w w w. e l s ev i e r. c o m / l o c a t e / i j c a r d


The human heart: Application of the golden ratio and angle

Michael Y. Henein a,⁎ and the Golden Ratio Collaborators: Ying Zhao a,b,1, Rachel Nicoll a,1, Lin Sun b,1,
Ashraf W. Khir c,1, Karl Franklin a,1, Per Lindqvist a,1
Department of Public Health and Clinical Medicine, and Heart Centre, Umea University, Sweden
Ultrasound department, Beijing Anzhen Hospital, Capital Medical University, Beijing, China
Brunel Institute for Bioengineering, Brunel University, Middlesex, UK

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The golden ratio, or golden mean, of 1.618 is a proportion known since antiquity to be the most aesthetically
Received 27 April 2011 pleasing and has been used repeatedly in art and architecture. Both the golden ratio and the allied golden
Accepted 14 May 2011 angle of 137.5° have been found within the proportions and angles of the human body and plants. In the
Available online 23 June 2011
human heart we found many applications of the golden ratio and angle, in addition to those previously
described. In healthy hearts, vertical and transverse dimensions accord with the golden ratio, irrespective of
human heart
different absolute dimensions due to ethnicity. In mild heart failure, the ratio of 1.618 was maintained but in
golden ratio end-stage heart failure the ratio significantly reduced. Similarly, in healthy ventricles mitral annulus
dimensions accorded with the golden ratio, while in dilated cardiomyopathy and mitral regurgitation patients
the ratio had significantly reduced. In healthy patients, both the angles between the mid-luminal axes of the
pulmonary trunk and the ascending aorta continuation and between the outflow tract axis and continuation
of the inflow tract axis of the right ventricle approximate to the golden angle, although in severe pulmonary
hypertension, the angle is significantly increased. Hence the overall cardiac and ventricular dimensions in a
normal heart are consistent with the golden ratio and angle, representing optimum pump structure and
function efficiency, whereas there is significant deviation in the disease state. These findings could have
anatomical, functional and prognostic value as markers of early deviation from normality.
© 2011 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

The golden ratio (also known as the golden mean or divine cumference to the length of the larger arc (i.e. c/a = a/b). The golden
proportion) is so called when on a line consisting of a longer length angle is the angle subtended by the smaller arc (b) and measures
(A) plus a shorter length (B), the proportion (A + B)/A equals A/B. This 137.5°. The golden ratio decimal (0.618) equates to an angle of 222.5°,
was described by Pythagoras as ‘the small is to the large as the large is the reverse of the golden angle, with the sum adding up to 360°. It has
to the whole’. It is expressed as an irrational mathematical constant been found among branches and leaves on plant stems [7].
phi (φ) of approximately 1.618. This proportion is said to be the most We hypothesised that since the golden ratio and angle are so
aesthetically pleasing and many artists and architects have incorpo- deeply rooted in nature, they must have some correspondence in the
rated it into their work [1,2]. The golden ratio was also known to healthy heart structure and function. Accordingly, we studied the
Euclid, known as the father of geometry, and the mathematician heart dimensions and function using 2D or 3D cardiac ultrasound
Fibonacci; in the Fibonacci sequence, where each number is the sum imaging technology at end-diastole, the resting phase of the heart
of the two previous numbers, if the calculation above is applied to any cycle or CT scanning. Individual study data were compared using the
two consecutive numbers, the mean result approximates to1.618 unpaired t test.
[3,4]. The golden ratio has also been found within the proportions of Study 1A: To assess the effect of ethnicity on the left ventricle, the most
the human body, including limbs, facial features, teeth and the DNA important heart pump, we took vertical and transverse cardiac
molecule, and quantum field theory [5–8]. Allied to this is the golden measurements from 30 normal Swedish adults (Fig. 1) and compared
angle, calculated by sectioning the circumference of a circle (c) into these with measurements from 30 healthy matched Chinese. We found
two arcs, such that the ratio of the length of the larger arc (a) to the that Chinese left ventricle dimensions were smaller by 8±1 mm and 5±
length of the smaller arc (b) is the same as the ratio of the full cir- 0.5 mm, compared to Swedes but the golden ratio was maintained at
approximately 1.618. Our findings suggest that it is the dimensions ratio
that is important for healthy functioning and not the absolute dimensions.
⁎ Corresponding author at: Heart Centre and Department of Public Health and Study 1B: To assess whether the ratio of these dimensions differs
Clinical Medicine, Umeå University, Sweden. Tel.: + 46 90 785 0000; fax: + 46 90 137
in heart failure, we tested them in 40 Swedish patients; 20 with
E-mail address: (M.Y. Henein). mild heart failure and 20 with end-stage heart failure. In mild heart
The Golden Ratio Collaborators. failure, the left ventricular ratio was reduced (p b 0.001) but the right

0167-5273/$ – see front matter © 2011 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
240 M.Y. Henein et al. / International Journal of Cardiology 150 (2011) 239–242

outcome. This downward spiral is known to result in mitral and

tricuspid valve regurgitation and enlargement of the atria [9].
Study 2: We have previously shown that the normal mitral valve
annulus dimensions ratio equates to 1.6 [10]. We then evaluated the
left ventricular inlet length and width (mitral annulus dimensions) in
15 normal individuals and 12 age matched patients with dilated
cardiomyopathy and functional mitral regurgitation. In normals, the
relative mitral annulus circumference length and width proved to
be 6.8 ± 0.8 cm and 4.2 ± 0.8 cm respectively, giving a ratio of 1.62,
compared with the dilated cardiomyopathy patients, whose di-
mensions were 8.3 ± 1.8 cm and 5.8 ± 1.1 cm respectively, giving a
ratio of 1.42 (p b 0.001). This reduced ratio in patients with dilated
left ventricle is consistent with disturbance in mitral valve function
and the development of mitral regurgitation, known for its clinical
complications and poor prognosis [11–13]. Furthermore, others have
shown that the structure and function of the tricuspid and mitral
annuli are not independent of each other but are based around the
Fig. 1. An echocardiographic example of normal 4 chambers of the heart showing golden ratio of 1.618 [14,15]. The same ratio applies to the extent of
measurements of the vertical and transverse cardiac axes. LV, left ventricle and RV, right the amplitude of the longitudinal motion of the tricuspid and mitral
ventricle. annuli, a clinical measure taken to reflect right and left ventricular
function, respectively [16].
ventricular ratio was increased due to the enlarged left ventricle We have also previously demonstrated that the golden ratio is
encroaching on the right ventricular dimensions (p b 0.001); overall seen in normal foetal myocardial function development, where the
the cardiac ratio remained at around 1.64. However, in end-stage heart muscle diastolic function matures at a rate of 1.6 mm/s per week
heart failure, the left ventricular ratio was significantly reduced between 20 and 40 weeks of age [17], while a healthy adult heart
(p b 0.01) and this distorted the cardiac ratio to around 1.4 (p b 0.005), muscle loses velocity of 1.6 cm/s each decade between age 20 and 80
consistent with pathological remodeling resulting in a more spherical years [18], indicating a close relationship between ageing and ven-
shape to the heart. These patients had 50% mortality over the course of tricular myocardial function. Finally, others have shown that the end
36 months' follow up, compared with 100% survival in the mild group product of normal cardiac function, the blood pressure ratio of
(Fig. 2a and b). Consequently, it appears that as long as the cardiac 120/80 mmHg, also approximates to the golden ratio of 1.618 and
ratio is maintained at approximately 1.618, survival is likely but a carries significant prognostic value [19]. Additionally, myocardial
significant deviation from the golden ratio is associated with a poor muscle fibre orientation takes a helical shape, with the coils of each

Fig. 2. Echocardiograms (a) from 2 patients with heart failure, mild (left) and severe (right). Graph showing statistical measurements differences between the two heart failure
groups and normals (error bars represent standard error).
M.Y. Henein et al. / International Journal of Cardiology 150 (2011) 239–242 241

segment of the apical loop being of different lengths and having a Fibonacci numbers and a phi relationship between the T waves on the
harmonic proportion which conforms to the golden ratio [20]. When surface electrocardiogram [9,10].
these myocardial fibres become horizontal or transverse, as is the case Our findings show that the overall cardiac and ventricular di-
in heart failure, they weaken overall ventricular function [21]. mensions in a normal heart are consistent with an approximation of
Study 3A: We assessed the anatomical angle between the right the golden ratio of 1.618 and the golden angle of 137.5°, representing
ventricular inlet axis and outflow tract axis in 16 healthy subjects and optimum pump structure and function efficiency. These findings are
19 patients with severe pulmonary hypertension and right heart not only of philosophical interest but may have a significant anatomical,
failure. We found that the normal angle between the axes is ap- functional and prognostic value. Application of these ratios and angles
proximately 43 ± 3°. The angle between the outflow tract axis and in our daily clinical practice may lead to development of simple and
continuation of the inflow tract axis is therefore 138 ± 4°, which is reliable markers of early deviation from normality, which could be
approximately 137.5°. This angle increased significantly to 160 ± 4° treated before irreversible alteration in cardiac structure and function
(p N 0.001) in right heart failure patients, as the right ventricle became develops.
cylindrical and lost its native shape, reducing the inflow-outflow tract
angle to approximately 20° from 43° (unpublished). Hence it can be
seen that the complex anatomy of the right ventricle, as well as its Acknowledgements
myocardial fibre architecture, support the unique role of this angle in
preserving the peristaltic circulation inside the right ventricle. With Dr. Ying Zhao is partially supported by Umeå University and
severe disease, right ventricular cavity enlargement and remodelling Swedish Heart and Lung Foundation.
combine to produce loss of the normal golden angle, contributing to The authors of this manuscript have certified that they comply
the intractable right ventricular pump decompensation. with the Principles of Ethical Publishing in the International Journal of
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