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UNIT 1 – 2


A. Complete the sentences with the correct form of verb "To be → am / is / are".
(7 pts. – 0.5 each)

Peter Baker Manchester, but Paul and John .........................from

London. Manchester and London .........................cities in England. Hamburg ..........................a city in
Germany. Sandra school today. Jack and Peter .........................her friends. They the same class. Mr. and Mrs. Baker ........................on a trip to the USA to visit their
cousin Anne. She .........................a nice girl. Peter says: "My grandfather the
hospital. I home with my grandmother." What time It ...............8
o'clock. tired? No, I ...............not.

B. Write sentences about four of your family members (age / professions / where they are from?
/personality trait) Use verb TO BE (Is / Are).
Example: - My mother is a housewife. She is from Ibagué, Tolima. She is 55 years old. She is
(4 pts. – 1 each)

- _________________________________________________________________________________

- _________________________________________________________________________________

- _________________________________________________________________________________

- _________________________________________________________________________________

C. Change the verb into the correct form. (5pts – 0.5 each)

Example: He usually .......goes..........(go) to school.

1. Mr. and Mrs. Smith ................... (watch) TV every night.

2. They ....................(visit) us often.
3. You ..................(play) basketball once a week.
4. Tom ..................(do) the dishes every day.
5. He always ................(tell) us funny stories.
6. She never .................(help) me with that!
7. Martha and Kevin ....................(swim) twice a week.
8. In this club people usually ...................(dance) a lot.
9. Linda ....................(take care) of her sister.
10. John rarely ..................(leave) the country.

D. Write IN, ON, AT, UNTIL, LATE, EARLY, UNTIL (3 pts. – 0.5 each)
- I have English classes ...........on.............. Tuesdays.
- The children like to go to the park..........................the morning.
- I get home .................. 7pm because I work ................... 6pm.
- I finish studying ............. 4pm. In other words, I study ................ 4pm.
- My friends like to go to the movies....................... Saturdays.
- I take classes very ................ – at 5am
- My mom sleeps ............... 4 am. She wakes up very..............

E. Writing – Create a short conversation where you include 6 questions and 6 answers. Make sure to
include questions with the verb to be and the present simple: (6 pts. – 0.5 each)

A: _______________________________
A: _______________________________
A: _______________________________
A: _______________________________
A: _______________________________
A: _______________________________

In Session Task – Presentation (PPT):
- Remember to make a PPT only with images and few words (complete sentences are not accepted).
- The presentation must last from 7 to 10 minutes.
- During the presentation, speak naturally not by memory.
- Be ready to have a short conversation with the teacher in charge after you finish the presentation.

SLIDE 1 = Utiliza tres imágenes de personas (familiares o personajes famosos) y preséntalas utilizando el verbo be
– Unidad 1 (6 oraciones por cada uno).
SLIDE 2 = Describe 6 profesiones con sus respectivas actividades utilizando el Present Simple (2 oraciones por
cada uno)

SLIDE 3 = Describe tu rutina diaria

*Las instrucciones están dadas en español para evitar confusiones.

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